WASTE-TO-ENERGY LEB TURNING TODAY’S WASTE TO MUCH NEEDED ENERGY BY RICARDO YAACOUB SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AT LEBANESE CANADIAN UNIVERSITY DR NAHED TAHA RIZK, DEAN OF FACULTY JUNE 24TH, 2019 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB WASTE AS A RESOURCE Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. In an ever-growing world of countless economies, infrastructure, industrial plants, and most importantly human beings, the need of resources increases exponentially to satisfy the needs of the billions. As we are all taught in Economics 101, resources are scarce. Economics is justly the management of resources. Today’s world relies mostly on coal, natural gas, and fuel to power up the globe. These non-renewable resources will one day be fully exhausted. Many countries have already started using renewable resources as substitutes for generating energy. One such way is the waste to energy process. It is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. Most waste to energy processes are through combustion. This process happens in specialized plants. According to the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) there are 431 waste to energy plants in Europe (as of 2005) and 89 in the United States (as of 2004). Modern waste-to-energy plants are very different from the trash incinerators that were commonly used until a few decades ago. Unlike modern ones, those plants usually did not remove hazardous or recyclable materials before burning. These incinerators endangered the health of the plant workers and the nearby residents, and most of them did not generate electricity. Waste-to-energy generation is being increasingly looked at as a potential energy diversification strategy, especially by Sweden, which has been a leader in waste-to-energy production over the past 20 years. The typical range of net electrical energy that can be produced is about 500 to 600 kWh of electricity per ton of waste incinerated. Thus, the incineration of about 2,200 tons per day of waste will produce about 1200 MWh of electrical energy. 1 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Importance of Waste to Energy Plant in Lebanon Lebanon has been in a garbage crisis since 2015. The waste crisis began when a huge landfill site closed and government authorities failed to implement a contingency plan in time to replace it; dumping and burning waste on the streets became widespread. The campaign group Human Rights Watch calls it "a national health crisis". But it’s also forced environmental organizations to find surprising and much-needed solutions in the face of slow political change – and they’re proving that a country that’s only the size of Connecticut might be one of Earth’s best playgrounds for environmental innovation. The traditionally centralized waste management system in the country has very little sorting capabilities, meaning that the money isn’t in recycling, it’s in generating lots of waste, they argue. In a list of 180 countries, the 2017 Corruptions Perceptions Index, produced by the NGO Transparency International, ranked Lebanon as the 143rd "least corrupt nation" out of 175 countries – in other words, there are only 32 countries where corruption is worse. According to its website: “Lebanon’s confessional power-sharing arrangement” – that’s the delicate governmental balance it’s forged between the country’s many sects – “fuels patronage networks which undermines further the country’s governance system.” When the rubbish crisis first started, it stimulated a civil movement; protestors rallied outside the Lebanese government and declared “You Stink!” Gradually this evolved into initiatives like Beirut Madinati, a new political party, and the Waste Management Coalition which is currently campaigning against the government’s proposals to purchase incinerators. The issue with incinerators is that it doesn’t suit our type of waste. Around 70% of our waste is organic. It’s too wet to be processed in incineration. Secondly – as with most waste management methods – incineration also requires strict sorting at source. So another proposal is to build a modern waste to energy plant to battle the garbage crisis, and also tackle another epidemic in Lebanon, energy. Similarly to the garbage crisis, our country also suffers from one of the poorest electricity supply in the world. A waste to energy plant will most definitely be a make-or-break. For a country with no natural resources such as oil and natural gas, the electricity supply depends on purchasing these resources at enormous costs. A waste to energy plant uses the abundant waste in our country and turns them to much needed energy and electricity. 2 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB INTRODUCTION Most waste-to-energy plants burn municipal solid waste, but some burn industrial waste or hazardous waste. A modern, properly run waste-to-energy plant sorts material before burning it and can co-exist with recycling. The only items that are burned are not recyclable, and are not hazardous. Waste-to-energy plants are similar in their design and equipment with other steam-electric power plants, particularly biomass plants. First, the waste is brought to the facility. Then, the waste is sorted to remove recyclable and hazardous materials. The waste is then stored until it is time for burning. Then the plant combusts the waste directly because it is a mature, efficient technology. The waste can be added to the boiler continuously or in batches, depending on the design of the plant. In terms of volume, waste-to-energy plants incinerate 80 to 90 percent of waste. Sometimes, the residue ash is clean enough to be used for some purposes such as raw materials for use in manufacturing cinder blocks or for road construction. In addition, the metals that may be burned are collected from the bottom of the furnace and sold to foundries. Some waste-toenergy plants convert salt water to potable fresh water as a by-product of cooling processes. The method of incineration to convert municipal solid waste (MSW) is a relatively old method of waste to energy generation. Incineration generally entails burning waste (residual MSW, commercial, industrial) to boil water which powers steam generators that generate electric energy and heat to be used in homes, businesses, institutions and industries. One problem associated is the potential for pollutants to enter the atmosphere with the flue gases from the boiler. These pollutants can be acidic and in the 1980s were reported to cause environmental degradation by turning rain into acid rain. Modern incinerators incorporate carefully engineered primary and secondary burn chambers, and controlled burners designed to burn completely with the lowest possible emissions. Fig 1. Waste Management Hierarchy 3 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Overall goal Waste management that is sustainable in the long term, with the most extensive recovery of materials and energy possible and the least possible landfill. Vision Waste-to Energy LEB contributes to creating the world’s most sustainable region, for the present and future generations alike. Core values Customer satisfaction through quality and service. Waste-to-Energy LEB handles industrial and commercial waste, as well as combustible household waste from municipalities and areas in and around Beirut. Waste-to-Energy LEB considers waste to be a resource that should, as far as possible, be reused and recycled. Waste-to-Energy LEB applies an eco-cycle perspective and the operations are based on know-how and expertise, and combine several methods in order to treat each type of waste in the most environment-friendly and sustainable way possible. Waste is a resource and should, as far as possible, be reused and recycled. Waste-toEnergy LEB strongly encourages waste sorting at the source. The waste is either reused, recycled into new materials or energy or biologically treated. Only a very small fraction is landfilled. Located on the outskirts of Beirut, Waste-to-Energy LEB enjoys a strategic location that is a center point for all regions. It has an easy access from the north, south, and east sides of the Mount Lebanon governate. Waste-to-Energy LEB is responsible for the waste from the region’s households being dealt with, recycled and treated optimally. Waste-to-Energy LEB also handles waste from companies as well as other regions. Our core operation and our training and information initiatives make Waste-to-Energy LEB a strong player on the market, contributing to a more sustainable society. 4 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Business development is the department at Waste-to-Energy LEB that acts as a support and management function for the company’s operations within the area of the environment. The Environmental management unit is responsible for the company’s environmental coordination and operations systems. This means that the unit develops and maintains procedures and resources with the aim of supporting the operational business in respect of environmental management, environmental coordination and risk analyses. This responsibility includes investigations, analyses and monitoring laws, as well as coordination of the company’s handling of referrals. Fig 2. Waste to Energy Plant Diagram 5 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Board of Directors Marketing Department Finance Department Environmental Management Department Human Resources and Training Department Business Development Department Factory Operations Unit Logistics Department Research and Development Unit Fig 3. Organizational Chart 6 Truck and Pickup Unit Storage Facility WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Fig 4. Diagram showing different environmental controls during waste treatment process. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES Waste-to-Energy LEB encompasses a number of environmental considerations that range from emission controls to the potential generation of greenhouse gas offset credits. Potential air emission issues from waste to energy plants include the discharge of a range of contaminants including dioxins and furans, heavy metals, particulates, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The adoption of standard operating procedures and modern air pollution control equipment effectively controls each of the contaminants listed above, ensuring that the most stringent emissions standards can be achieved (EESI 2009). Operation of Waste-to-Energy LEB facility can result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions. One significant area of potential reductions is in avoided emissions associated with landfilling of waste. Landfilling of MSW results in the creation and emission of methane as the waste gradually decomposes. Up to 1.6 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions may be emitted from each kg of waste landfilled, where there are no landfill gas recovery 7 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB systems in place .On this basis, a Waste-to-Energy LEB facility could result in the reduction of over 30,000 tons of emissions per year through avoided methane emissions at the landfill. The actual emission reductions would be somewhat less as a result of the combustion of non-biodegradable material (ie. plastics). Additional greenhouse gas emission reductions may result from the displacement of fossil-fuel generated electricity emissions. Targeting The main target for Waste-to-Energy LEB is the Lebanese Government, industrial, and individual customers. The company aims to develop long term agreements with the government to be the go-to solution for the garbage crisis in the country, as well as being a contributor for the improvement of the energy sector. Municipalities, industrial companies, and households are also our customers. Waste-to-Energy LEB is providing a solution for the garbage problem related to the above mentioned targets, and in return also providing electricity from a clean source. 8 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Place As mentioned above, the location of the plant on the outskirts of Beirut plays a pivotal role for accessibility. Logistically, garbage trucks can easily arrive to the plant to dump their loads, thus gaining time in the process of waste to energy. Correct placement is a vital activity that is focused on reaching the right target audience at the right time. Our location provides service for Beirut and Mount Lebanon. Price The price set by our finance department reflects a very competitive price in comparison with local garbage disposal and collection companies. Our pricing strategy focuses at first on revenue maximization in order to gain the largest market share possible, and to reduce costs for the long term future. Since the service being 9 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB provided is the first of its kind in the country, and also provides solutions for the garbage and electricity crisis, consumers will all be willing to use our service. Promotion Since Waste-to-Energy LEB will be the first of its kind in the country and in the region, many news stations, radio stations, newspapers, and TV shows will cover the processes and operation of the company. Waste-to-Energy LEB will gain nationwide exposure and regional marketing as well. The Marketing department will be responsible for handling all advertising and also building and maintaining relationships with our customers. After establishing full operational level in Lebanon, the advertising gained will help promote the expansion of the company to nearby countries. People Since Waste-to-Energy LEB is a first of its kind in the region, expert knowledge and management is needed for the startup of operations. European countries have adopted the waste to energy business and have many experienced engineers and scientists that will benefit our company. The top managers in the Environmental unit and Business Development unit will be formed of foreign managers. As for their teams, Lebanon has no shortage of skilled labor. The human resources and training department will be responsible for the recruitment of employees to different units of the company, and also have the task of organizing training seminars for employees. Process The company’s operation is to collect garbage from designated locations and drop them in the garbage pit at the plant. The garbage are processed, then taken into the combustion chamber. The waste is burned, releasing heat, which turns water into steam in a boiler. The high-pressure steam turns the blades of a turbine generator to produce electricity. An air pollution control system removes pollutants from the combustion gas before it is released through a smoke stack. Ash is collected from the boiler and the air pollution control system. A truck load of 2000 pounds of trash will turn into 300 pounds of ash, an 85% reduction in the amount of trash. 10 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Product/Service The service provided by Waste-to-Energy LEB is the first of its kind in Lebanon. The collection of trash and turning them into electricity will not only be useful, but also convenient and innovative. The value of the service sky rockets in a country like ours, which is facing seemingly unsolvable issues of garbage and electricity. Quality of service will be ensured by the experienced foreign engineers and scientists working at the plant. Fig 5. Waste-to-Energy LEB Design 11 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Financial Plan The most challenging obstacle facing the creation of the plant is financing. The typical plant with capacity of 400GWh energy production annually costs about 420 million dollars to build. Waste-to-energy plants may have a significant cost advantage over traditional power options, as the waste-to-energy operator may receive revenue for receiving waste as an alternative to the cost of disposing of waste in a landfill, typically referred to as a "tipping fee" per ton basis, versus having to pay for the cost of fuel, whereas fuel cost can account for as much as 45 percent of the cost to produce electricity in a coal-powered plant. Lebanon currently has a maximum electricity-generation capacity of 15.3 billion KHW far less than consumption of 16.4 billion KHW. Waste to Energy LEB would fill the gap between maximum capacity and consumption. The funding needed to build the plant will be acquired from foreign countries in aid programs such as USAid and from the European Union. As mentioned above, the capital investment required to build the facility was estimated at US$420 million, and the operating costs at US$22 million per year. The WTE plant will export to the grid 0.64 MWh of electricity per ton of waste incinerated, that is, 400 GWh of electricity per year. This electricity generation will translate into approximately US$66 million revenues per year for the plant. The next most important revenue source for the plant will be the gate fee, which currently is US$130/ton, being charged by the garbage collecting company currently in Lebanon. Other revenue sources for the WTE plant could be sale of metals recovered, and carbon credits. The plant can charge a significantly lower gate fee of US$60/ton to encourage business. An inflow of 2000 tons of waste per day generate a gate fee of US$120,000, which translates to US$43,800,000 in revenues per year. The revenue from producing 1 GWh is equivalent to US$60,000, US$24,000,000 per year. A loan of US$430,000,000 from the government with a rate of 5%, for 20 years will result in one yearly payment of approximately US$34,505,000. Thus, the plant should have to process a minimum of 1,485 tons of waste per day in order to achieve breakeven. The daily waste produced in Lebanon amounts to approximately 5,590 tons, of which 70 % is produced in Beirut and Mount Lebanon. The loan amount represents the complete cost of building the plant, which is US$420 million, and the remaining US$10 million will be used to purchase garbage trucks and rehabilitate the surrounding infrastructure to facilitate access to the plant. 12 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Revenue from gate fee**(taking into consideration 2000 tons processed daily) Year Operating Costs* (including salaries, maintenance, Total Loan and Annual Repayment equipment) Cost 2020 34,505,000 22,000,000 56,505,000 43,800,000 24,000,000 11,295,000 2021 34,505,000 22,330,000 56,835,000 44,019,000 24,240,000 11,424,000 2022 34,505,000 22,664,950 57,169,950 44,239,095 24,482,400 11,551,545 2023 34,505,000 23,004,924 57,509,924 44,460,290 24,727,224 11,677,590 2024 34,505,000 23,349,998 57,854,998 44,682,592 24,974,496 11,802,090 2025 34,505,000 23,700,248 58,205,248 44,906,005 25,224,241 11,924,998 2026 34,505,000 24,055,752 58,560,752 45,130,535 25,476,484 12,046,267 2027 34,505,000 24,416,588 58,921,588 45,356,188 25,731,248 12,165,848 2028 34,505,000 24,782,837 59,287,837 45,582,969 25,988,561 12,283,693 2029 34,505,000 25,154,579 59,659,579 45,810,883 26,248,447 12,399,750 2030 34,505,000 25,531,898 60,036,898 46,039,938 26,510,931 12,513,971 2031 34,505,000 25,914,877 60,419,877 46,270,137 26,776,040 12,626,301 2032 34,505,000 26,303,600 60,808,600 46,501,488 27,043,801 12,736,689 2033 34,505,000 26,698,154 61,203,154 46,733,996 27,314,239 12,845,081 2034 34,505,000 27,098,626 61,603,626 46,967,666 27,587,381 12,951,421 2035 34,505,000 27,505,105 62,010,105 47,202,504 27,863,255 13,055,653 2036 34,505,000 27,917,682 62,422,682 47,438,516 28,141,887 13,157,722 2037 34,505,000 28,336,447 62,841,447 47,675,709 28,423,306 13,257,568 2038 34,505,000 28,761,494 63,266,494 47,914,088 28,707,539 13,355,133 2039 34,505,000 29,192,916 63,697,916 48,153,658 28,994,615 13,450,356 2040 34,505,000 29,630,810 64,135,810 48,394,426 29,284,561 13,543,177 *Operating costs increase by 1.5% yearly +**Gate fee increases by 0.5% yearly ***Revenue from electricity generation increases by 1% yearly Fig.6 Table showing yearly Income Statement and Net Profit 13 Revenue from production of Profit electricity (before *** tax) WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses Regular waste collection and establishment of recycling centers. Lack of collaboration among waste to energy stakeholders. Lack of integrated waste-to-energy value chain. Low experience in the field High research capacity and flexibility. Globally recognized research institutions. Company stakeholders see technical colleges and universities as a source of specialists. Lack of specialized waste-to-energy education and knowledge. Local research institutions and private companies are new to the subject. Government supports waste recycling and regeneration, including production and use for waste-to-energy. Low management of waste dumping and inefficient food waste sorting. Development of waste-to-energy plants and recycling go hand in hand to divert waste from landfilling. Clearly, the strengths outshine the weaknesses. The lack of specialized knowledge and collaboration can be solved by outsourcing such experience. Many European countries have adopted waste to energy for decades, the experience that they obtained can prove to be very valuable to building the first such plant in Lebanon. The strengths that this project boasts are very beneficial for a resource-depleted country. The benefits provided can be the solution for two of the most devastating issues in Lebanon, garbage and electricity. 14 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB Opportunities Threats Good investments in research in waste-toenergy. Current lack of stable policy framework and elaborate national strategy on waste treatment. Open up new job opportunities to local. Waste management and treatment infrastructure is dependent on people sorting their waste. It takes time to change people’s habits. Opening of the market could develop new foreign trade and business opportunities. Government corruption can negatively affect the efficiency of the plant Since waste to energy is a new concept in Lebanon and the Middle East, it will attract many investors as such projects can be very profitable. Many job opportunities will be created as well. New research fields in universities and research centers will become available. The attraction of new investors, local and foreign, will develop new trade lines and business opportunities. Regarding the threats of the waste to energy project, big responsibilities lie on the government’s shoulders. New frameworks and strategies must be developed. The people, who have been used to random waste disposal should become aware of the new waste to energy plan and change their habits to embrace new sorting and recycling plans, all to their own benefit. Unfortunately, corruption still plagues our country. Serious efforts and strict actions must be deployed to avoid contaminating the waste to energy project by needless corruption. 15 WASTE TO ENERGY LEB CONCLUSION Building a waste to energy plant in Lebanon would help the country advance in sustainable waste management. For decades, garbage has been viewed as a crisis and many governments or social parties never provided a clear and long lasting solution. With the presence of Waste to Energy LEB, the garbage crisis that has plagued the country for years can now be solved and turned into an advantage. The waste to energy plant will provide electricity to cover Lebanon’s shortage of electricity supply. The waste to energy plant will export to the grid 0.64 MWh of electricity per ton of waste incinerated, that is, 400 GWh of electricity per year. This electricity generation will translate into approximately US$66 million revenues per year for the plant. The next most important revenue source for the plant will be the gate fee, which currently is US$130/ton, being charged by the garbage collecting company currently in Lebanon. The plant will charge a US$60/ton gate fee to attract and encourage the country to benefit from the plant. The plant financing is the biggest challenge of building the waste to energy plant in Lebanon. It will depend largely on securing a loan from the government, or if possible a loan from the IMF or World Bank, especially with the availability of funds from Cedar Conference in Paris in April 2018. Public opposition is a challenge that most countries face when introducing waste to energy for the first time. Therefore, introducing a public education campaign during the earliest stages of the project is of outmost importance. In conclusion, Waste to Energy LEB is a recipe for success. Despite some financial difficulties to start up, the opportunity is up for the taking. All other factors show huge promise for the achieving unprecedented success for the project. Lebanon will be on the verge of economic, social, and international victory, with Waste to Energy LEB putting Lebanon on the map of innovation and success. 16