Uploaded by Ryuji Channeru


This subject covers elementary semiconductors theory; diode circuits analysis and applications;
transistor biasing; small-signal analysis; large signal analysis; differential amplifiers; transistor amplifiers.
1. Discuss the elementary semiconductors theory.
2. Analyze and solve various types of clipper and clamper circuits and other application of diode.
3. Design a simple DC power supply and solve effective, average and ripple voltage of the output signal.
4. Interpret and describe the operating region of an amplifier circuit using BJT or FET.
Week 1
Module 1: Class Orientation Review of Course Syllabus, Checking of COR, Levelling of Expectations,
Classroom regulations and grading system. Module 2: History of Electronics Current Events and History
of electronics. Fundamentals of vacuum tubes and other devices – Fleming valve, triodes, tetrodes,
pentodes, gas tubes, microwave tubes.
Week 2
Module 3: Introduction to Semiconductors
Semiconductor physics, doping, covalent bonding, differentiate intrinsic vs. extrinsic semiconductor and
n-type and p-type material.
Week 3
Module 4:
Diode Parameters Diode biasing. Diode Parameters: Bulk resistance, junction resistance, dynamic
resistance, forward voltage, forward current, reverse saturation current, reverse breakdown voltage,
reverse dc resistance, power derating factor.
Week 4
Module 5: Diode Applications
Clipper and clamping circuit and output waveforms. Voltage multiplier: doubler, tripler, quadrupler.
Week 5
Module 6: Special Purpose Diode
Zener diode, Voltage regulation: using zener diode, point contact diode, schottky diode, varactor diode,
tunnel diode, back diode, PIN diode, light emitting diode, lazer diode, photodiode. Tunnel diode, back
diode, PIN diode, light emitting diode, lazer diode, photodiode.
Week 6
Module 7: The Power Supply
Diode rectifiers: Halfwave, fullwave, bridge type.
Week 7
Midterm Examination
Week 8
Module 8: Introduction to Transistors
Brief history of transistor. BJT and FET. Regions and construction of BJT. Alpha and Beta. BJT current
configurations: Common base, common collector, common emitter
Week 9
Module 9:BJT DC Biasing
Fixed bias, self bias: emitter stabilized, collector stabilized, voltage divider bias, signal bias. The active,
saturation, cutoff region. Load line and Q-point.
Week 10
Module 10: BJT Small Signal Analysis
H-parameter and R-parameter.
Module 11: Field Effect Transistor
Introduction of FET. FET construction.
Types of FET: P-channel, N- channel. Operation of FET: Pinch-off region, ohmic region, breakdown
Week 11
Module 12: FET DC Biasing
Fixed bias, source bias, self bias, voltage divider bias circuits.
Module 13: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
JFET, IGFET, D-MOSFET: n-channel p-channel, E-MOSFET: n-channel, p-channel, LD MOSFET, VMOSFET
Week 12
Module 14: OP – AMP
Module 8 – Operational Amplifier 1
-Intro to op-amp
-Practical op-amp
-Op-amp specification
-Inverting and Non-inverting Operational Amplifiers
Week 13