Uploaded by Lorenzo Mffdfggf

Steal My Lines

Steal My Lines
I love your look, so I had to come over and find out if you’re as cool as your look suggests
You look like trouble in the most adorable way
You look so New York (obviously could work for any iconic city depending on her look)
Hey, you looked bored over here, so I thought I’d come over and amuse… myself ;)
Sorry, I saw you looking at me, so I had to come over and say hi.
Did you really just do that?! (if she does something worth teasing on near you)
You and I are not going to get along
I think you might be the girl my mother warned me about
Part of me loves you and part of me hates you
Do you know what I love about you… absolutely nothing ;)... just kidding etc etc.
(For two or more girls) You seem (positive and nice characteristics)... you, (pause) … you’re
(insert more negative but charged characteristic… “trouble” “devious” etc)
Please stop being so cute, it’s distracting
Please tell me you’re not one of those (insert type) people
Hmm… that’s actually pretty cool. Now I’m intrigued; tell me more.
You’re not so bad to talk to… are you also (insert trait/characteristic you like in a girl)
What am I going to find out about you in about an hour that’s going to totally convince me you’re
a bad idea?
You’re cute, but what have you got going for you besides your looks that will keep me intrigued
If you were me, would you date you?
Wow, I can’t believe I just met you, it feels like so much longer...
I’m really enjoying this, but I don’t think we should make the sex tonight.
Where did you even come from? I wasn’t planning on meeting anyone tonight
Tell me something about you that would surprise me
I don’t normally tell this to someone I just met but (personal story)
Please don’t fall in love with me… I’m bad news ;)
It was nice talking to you, what’s your #?
Can I trust you? Okay, in that case we can hang out for a while longer I guess…
You can come in, but I have to get up early in the morning, so it’s just for a little bit
I’m actually going the same way… I’ll split a cab/uber with you if you promise to behave on the
Sounds good, what does your schedule look like this week?
Hmm… so if we wanted to continue this, how would we do that?
*Note… seeding the close properly matters much more than the final line you close with, but I
still thought I’d include some typical lines*