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IT Productivity Platform Upgrade Assignment

Assignment 2 /50
Your company still uses lotus notes like its 1999. Your manager asks your opinion on this and you think
that maybe it is time to upgrade and move to an entirely different platform for office productivity. You
are currently on Windows 10 and have some WINDOWS servers in the building.
You are to select one of the three following solutions (Or suggest your own piece of software that does
the same thing. Up to you) for your organizations that include the following features:
Solution Options
Office 365
Google Workspace (formerly G-Suite)
Spreadsheets, word processing
Document sharing, and shared editing.
High/global availability. (available all the time, no matter where you are.)
System requirements
Cloud options?
Feature set meets requirements
Justify your selection in your own words, referencing features from the product site, pricing, experience,
potential additional costs or risks, and any other deciding factors that you may have.
Deliverable: Stylized PROPOSAL document in word or PDF format, as described below. The document
style should be reusable almost as a standard. The breakdown should be an Introduction, purpose,
Results, Selection justification, and a 10 term glossary.
Introduction: Who is this document intended for? Make up departments, What is it you are writing?
Purpose: Why are you investigating this? Yes, it is the assignment, but pretend you are actually in an IT
department and some VP has tasked you with it. “Our current systems no longer meet our
requirements” and some paragraphs like that.
Results: Are what you found in your investigation. What is the price, what are the features? Limitations?
Usability? List and highlight this here, without necessarily making a specific recommendation. This
should be properly written with sentences, paragraphs, and proper grammar. This should NOT be
screenshots and lists.
Selection Justification: THIS is your recommendation and why you chose it.
Glossary: like a dictionary for specific technical words USED IN YOUR DOCUMENT like “Cloud
computing” or “Word Processing”
Purpose of investigation
Results of findings (price comparisons, feature comparisons etc…)
Software selection justification (minimum 2 paragraphs, 4 sentences each)
Glossary (10 technical words/terms)