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Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience- Nathaniel P. Damayo- BSED Science2

Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience
Name: Nathaniel P. Damayo
Course & Year: BSED Science 2
Date: 11/22/21
Enumerate and discuss/describe the following.
A. 8 M’s of teaching/instruction (16 points.)
1. Milieu: The learning environment- The Learning environment is an important factor
for teaching because in the learning environment, teachers and instructors are able to
provide the learners the stimulation that they need to grow or to uplift themselves. In
the learning environment, students are actively engaging to doing activities that
would make them function efficiently and make them excited to gain more
knowledge and experiences.
2. Matter: The content of learning- Matter: The content of learning means teaching the
students the lesson for them to master it. This also means focusing on helping the
students to achieve the objectives of every lessons a teacher discusses. The teacher
should not move on to another lesson if the students don’t achieve an average or
higher proficiency in it.
3. Method “The teaching-learning strategy- The teaching-learning strategy are the
techniques, ways or method a teacher implements and give tasks and activities to their
student, ensuring that the instructional objectives are successfully achieved. The
efficiency of the teacher’s teaching-learning strategy can be seen if a good learning
outcome is attained by their students.
4. Material: The resource of learning- Aside from the learning environment, the material
or the resources of learning is also one of the factors that can bring stimulation and
excitement to the students. Materials should be tangible for it will represent an object
that is relevant to the real world and thus, it should be witnessed and learned by the
students for them to gain more experiences and knowledge that are connected to
5. Media: Communication in teaching and learning- This addressed the communication
of teacher-to-learners and it has two purpose which is to successfully convey the
lesson to the students and to create a community in the classroom where healthy
socialization between teachers and students are present.
6. Motivation: Arousing and sustaining Interest- This pertains to the motivation or
interest of the students in learning. This is very important because this is the main
factor that drives students to learn more about a certain subject or topic. Without this
being present in a learner’s educational life, he/she can’t possibly obtain more
knowledge in every topic and discussions a teacher conveys.
7. Mastery: The be-all and end-all of learning- This means living what you’ve learned.
Mastery is about making your knowledge lifelong and permanent meaning, in every
lesson and in every knowledge that a student acquires there should have been an
internalization mixed in the process where the knowledge never dies and will
continue to exist in a learner’s action. This means converting the learning into a habit
and applying it wisely in one’s life
8. Measurement: Getting evidence of learning- Measurement is the last stage of 8 M’s
of teaching. This involves the gathering of evidence whether or not the students get
all of the learning objectives. This is also concerned with measuring the learning
outcomes through various types of tests like observation.
B. Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience (24 Points.)
1. Direct-purposeful experiences- Direct-purposeful experience are the first-hand
experiences of an individual that becomes the foundation of their learning. This also
means that a person learns by doing things on his/her own. By this a person discovers and
learn base on what they do, see, and touch. The learning is efficient and easy if multiple
senses are used in the process.
2. Contrived experiences- In contrives experience, only a model or a representation of
reality are used in learning. This makes the learning easy and accessible at all times.
Though the representations are not so realistic, it still leaves a huge impact into the
learning and development of a person.
3. Dramatized experiences- The dramatized experiences are like the upgraded contrived
experiences. In this, representation of reality is also the main source of learning and the
only difference here is that the learners can interact with the representative objects and
this enables the learners to be more familiar with the concept portrayed by mock-up
4. Demonstrations- In this stage, all forms of media like images, drawings, and films are
used to facilitate the learning of the students. The contents of this media are informational
meaning, it would provide the learners the idea of how things should be done and many
5. Field trips- Field trips are educational trips made to teach the learners the knowledge that
are not only limited to classrooms. In this stage the learning is done and experience in
different settings.
6. Exhibits- Exhibits are also a representation just like the first and second stage and the
learning is only done by experiencing through seeing. In this stage the representations are
presented in an abstract form and the learners perceives this representation based on the
relevance of it toward their lives.
7. Motion Pictures- Motion pictures deliver learning to an individual through devices like
television and films. With motion pictures, learning is made accessible especially now
that devices that offers these experiences are found almost everywhere.
8. Still pictures- Still picture are the same with motion picture, the only difference in here is
that picture are not in motion but regardless it still deliver learning to people and it is also
common to be found nowadays.
9. Audio/ Recordings/ Photos- In this stage the knowledge is supplied to the learners
through captured picture and recordings like audio and video recording. The learners in
this stage can find these medias to be abstract since its only captured and they are seeing
it in the perspective of the one who records.
10. Pictures/ Visual symbols- This stage involves picture and visual symbols meaning,
charts, graphs, levels, and the likes are common to be seen. This stage is second to be the
most abstract in the perspectives of learners because the said examples can vary in
meaning based on the side of the perceiver/learner.
11. Text/ Verbal symbols- This stage is the most abstract in the side of the learners because it
does not involve visual representations just like the all others. In this stage the learners
are learning base on words or even deeper subjects that does not involve pictures and
images like idea, formulas, theories, and etc. that’s why the meaning that the learners will
get on this stage will mostly based on their previous encounter with these certain text or
verbal symbols.