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Social Media & IS: Lecture Implication - Chapter 10

Implication Ch10
Lecture and Reading Implication
Course: IS455-102
Date: 3/20/2022
1. Implication for Week#_10_
a. Implication(s) of the Lecture and readings for this course
In chapter 10, I read about social media and IS. Social media
is a web application that supports creating and sharing content
generated by a user. The social media information systems is
about supporting content that is created and shared by a user.
It appears to be an essential tool since 90% of the people trust
peer suggestion via social media, and 94% of all firms with a
marketing department use social media. The social media process
is controlled by different participants such as Facebook, Twitter,
Qzone, and users. Some of the social media process objectives are
to communicate, share, support, entertain, etc. Also, the
platforms are time and cost-saving. Organizations that use social
media platforms are trying to establish a trust to engage with
their customers and build a stronger client base. Examples of
social media platforms include Instagram, Google+, Pinterest,
LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc. Through these social media platforms,
businesses can connect with a larger customer base, proving to be
beneficial. Many businesses have and are currently making millions
through social media platforms.
The major components of a social media IS are hardware,
software, data, procedures, and people. Social media activities are
aided by social media IS to know what clients are looking for to
determine their needs. Another thing it aids in is determining
the impact and reactions of the user-generated content, which is
always helpful. The analysis and feedback allow them to generate
effective and efficient ways to build better engagement and
trust between the business and targeted customers. By reading
chapter 10, I learned how social media IS supports the various
social media platforms and how that benefits different firms.
Also, it was interesting to learn how businesses manage the risks
of social media. Also, I was unaware of the risks of social media,
but Chapter 10 helped me understand that.
b. A paragraph on two topics that were that you consider important and
One of the first topics I consider important is, "What is social media, and
why is it important to business?". This topic helped me understand the basics of
social media and its importance to different kinds of businesses. Even though this
was a basic topic, I believe it was essential to understand the overall chapter.
Another important topic is, "How can social media IS support business
processes?". This topic was necessary to understand social media, IS, and how
both are supporting business processes. One of the things I learned from both
important topics is how businesses effectively use social media for their day-today operations. I didn't know much about social media IS, but the chapter helped
me understand that better.
c. Topic(s) that were confusing - (pick 1 or 2 of them).
The topic that I found confusing is "How Do Social Media IS Support
Social Media Activities?". There is a very brief description of how social media
information systems support the various social media activities. Social media can
do much more than just create and share, but businesses utilize other aspects.
Also, it would have been better if the images in this topic included more
explanation. I believe more aspects and a detailed description of this topic would
be great. The topic can be found on Chapter 10, pages 338 – 341.