Uploaded by florubi1991

Writing PUC

The proliferation of betting shops in your city is getting out of hand. A new betting shop has
opened up in your neighbourhood near your children’s school. You decide to write an
epetition on E-change.org addressed to your city council against the opening of these shops.
Try to be persuasive in order to collect as many signatures as possible. Include the following
information: Description of the current situation Reasons against the opening of betting shops
Your request to the city council and signature petition
Negocio beneficio para los dueños
Numero de casas de apuestas se ha duplicado en apenas un año
Negocio legal no es lo mismo que sano
Influenciar a los niños
No es apropiado cerca de una escuela
Crea malos hábitos de vida
Enseña que el dinero es un juego
Es adictivo
apoyo de ciudadanos para pedir que se prohíba la apertura cerca de colegiios,
isnsitutos, universidad, parques infantiles
que se pongan en el lugar d ellos apdres
Dear members of our city council,
Yesterday it was officially announced that a betting shop will open near my children’s school.
Therefore, it is with the deepest concern that I write to beg you to ban the opening of this new
Surely this kind of business brings huge benefits to their owners, prove of it is the fact that the
number of betting shops in our city has doubled in less than a year. Nonetheless, is this a good
influence for our children?
What betting shops bring is only bad life habits and addictions that could lead to gambling. As
parents, you may well understand how difficult it is to teach children that money is not a
game. To have an establishment that delivers exactly the opposite idea near their school
destroys all our efforts.
Together we can protect our children! Let us spread the word so that as many people as
possible sign this petition.
Thank you taking it into consideration.
A worried citizen