PROJECT NAME BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT Payment Solutions & MSC [PROJECT NAME] Business Requirements Document 1 PROJECT NAME BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT DOCUMENT INFORMATION AND APPROVALS UTORS VERSION HISTORY Version # Date Revised By Reason for change 1.0 MM/DD/YYYY Nam e Reason This document has been approved as the official Business Requirements Document for <project name>, and accurately reflects the current understanding of business requirements. Following approval of this document, requirement changes will be governed by the project’s change management process, including impact analysis, appropriate reviews and approvals. DOCUMENT APPROVALS Approver Nam e Project Role Signature/Electronic Approval 2 Date PROJECT NAME BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Document Purpose ................................................................................................................ 2. Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................ 3. Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................. 4. Project Overview..................................................................................................................... 4.1 Vision ........................................................................................................................................ 4.2 Objective ................................................................................................................................... 4.3 Need/Purpos e............................................................................................................................ 4.3 Project Dependencies ................................................................................................................ 5. Project Scope .......................................................................................................................... 5.1 Inclusions .................................................................................................................................. 5.2 Exclusions ................................................................................................................................. 5.3 Impact ....................................................................................................................................... 5.4 Key Assumptions and Constraints ............................................................................................... 6. Project Costs/Sources of Funding..................................................................................... 7. Risk Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 8. Gap Analysis............................................................................................................................ 5.1 Current State ............................................................................................................................. 5.2 Future State............................................................................................................................... 5.3 Identified Gaps ........................................................................................................................... 9. Delivery Timeline/Key Dates................................................................................................ 10. Functional Requirements ................................................................................................... 11. Non-Functional Requirements.......................................................................................... 12. Planning and Implementation ........................................................................................... 13. Post Implementation Follow-Up ....................................................................................... 14. Use Cases............................................................................................................................... 15. Appendix................................................................................................................................. 3 PROJECT NAME BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 1. DOCUMENT PURPOSE This document defines the high level requirements of <enter name of business line, internal organization, stakeholders> for this project. It will be used as the basis for the following activities: Creating solution designs Developing test plans, test scripts, and test cases Determining project completion Assessing project success 2. STAKEHOLDERS Name Business Unit Role <Identify all stakeholders and resources involved in gathering requirements> 3. GLOSSARY OF T ERMS Term/Acronym Definition <Identify any terms and acronyms used w ithin this document> 4. PROJECT OVERVIEW 4.1 Vision <This information can be taken from the Project Charter. This section should paraphrase the project vision and include a short jargon-free statement stating what the project is intended to deliver> 4.2 Objective <This describes the objective of the project, and might include describing how the future organisation will look and feel, how it will conduct business be developed and what impact it will have on the business> 4.3 Need/Purpose <Describe the inputs to the products. (These are documents which feed into this requirement specification, for example strategy documents which drove this project’s creation> 4.4 Project Dependencies <List any related known projects that relate in whole or in part, or has a dependency on this project> 4 PROJECT NAME BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 5. PROJECT SCOPE 5.1 Inclusions <State areas which are explicitly included in the scope of this requirements document> 5.2 Exclusions <State areas which are explicitly excluded from the scope of this document (e.g. requirements which will be addressed in a later phase)> 5.3 Impact <State/describe the impact that the proposed changes will have on the business area(s)> 5.4 Key Assumptions and Constraints # Assumptions List any assumptions the requirements are based on # Constraints List any constraints the requirements are based on 6. PROJECT COST/SOURCES OF FUNDING <Record a summary of cost estimates and various sources of funding that will be used to support the project> 7. RISK ANALYSIS <State any risk that could affect the success or failure of a project> 8. GAP ANALYSIS 6.1 Current State <Provide a detailed description of the As-Is Environment> 6.2 Future State < Provide a detailed description of the To-Be Environment> 5 PROJECT NAME BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 6.3 Identified Gaps <Identify Process Gaps Between the “As Is” Environment and the “To Be” Environment> 9. DELIVERY T IMELINE/KEY DATES <Create the timeline of activities to be carried out during the project life cycle> 10. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS <Capture and specify intended behaviour of the system being developed/upgraded> 11. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS <Capture and specify criteria that judge the operation of a system e.g. security, reliability, performance etc.> 12. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION <List and describe high level plans for deploying the solution into production e.g. testing, conversion, training, rollout> 13. POST IMPLEMENTATION FOLLOW-UP <Follow-up and provide a briefing on the success of the project. Determine whether any further enhancements or changes are needed to ensure success of the project > 14. USE CASES <Create and document scenarios to be tested in order to achieve project objectives if applicable> 15. APPENDIX <Can consist of business process diagrams, procedures and workflows, and any other documentation/information relevant to the project > 6