M3nnoYlr' AddlDte Gen of 5(b) & PlanninsltMP !.-: H;fi' [.:Hil Tele:20863044 ; n ch e]re ra t'-s B ra ilo ot ssP (ArmY) i"iffi;il :'^'):i'Ii^ t cround Floor __ r,..p VV II ILI IV ,rr nL/. pufam, West Block'lll' Kn ttew Oeff''r-110066 1 t f (OR0) 2656/GenlT-1 /MP-s ilec zozt lDlS,' ND-C^ Dr. Raieev Chavan' nts (office rs) ^-A,rn' r Controlle rincipal P PCDAO Golibar Maidan Pune411 001 ;iili#;1cou 04 Dec 2a21' PS0/PM/2016-17 dt uo Do f"tt*' Please refer to vour orricers is a ,--^^ r.,}00 rel 5?ee retired oJ-balance respect in details of ,n?, rutt", uliui'illont"lrlthu 1:*.1'u r, ; X ,r;.;";";-; wercome *""ru,*.'i;*'i;;,;;;iu"a.uio-*'v"*-bo f#]$?"1,,il":,$mvru;,,*ff Bi};;fiTI#"#1[:Ti'?xt8x[i'MPRS(o)) rhs 3 ;:ffi#t1"1[: ;i':3f::o'T.if&i:il":id,ffif#,1rlf l,ffi *:r}rui ir&i:il :;xx, r;ffi*;["i[i b,ffi ;Tir Iq ii{ offce required ol copv or bte atonswith topv rir'ov bt"' lsii do",**n[**:i:l*j:i;:::.:;::'';,:31'^$;;^V ::'';':y *:::':; fl t "[#f ;il;60 4. L!,{{l i"r their furthei nece1sary anron' For information & nu"ft"faction please' ''^ "l:*** '. \ l\ \."''.( ($unrreet Abrol) Cot Col MP 5 Enclq : As above' QoPv to:- CGDA ] PCDA (P) i AG/PS Coord J ons ror infJ Please' --mffi {rpr*ll trTi'l 4 iU t rrrr&&, tq3{ ['1, roA$, principal Controller o{ * f3 '-^ { } r'l )rmi{ul ndc i'/ La /\{q* r-*) ---*' - uffil{mTrr'Oovommsnl ol lndla .qrt""q,/iiinhtry ) Olo Pdnclptt Conttollsr ot D.faflc. Accountt tOtltcornl d$qn tqn,/ Gollbr r lt!ildrn gri.rruno Accounts (Officers) ot Drlonco rnqhrawrdsrrfiqft{rc(ififrrrft - a{l 00, PCDAO };\fffi r'2t')ot. 8dff+l Date Psc/PM/2016-r? This letter is with Court verdict dateel 04/ viclc M0D, Ntr,v Delhi No' 2. In this context it is renc:e to the knplt;ment*rtion of [{on'ble Supreme restated l2OL2 whereas thc lmplementation order (6)20 12-D(Pay/ Servicesf dated 27 I L2' 12A1'2' statecl that as per r.he instruction issued vide ihid wirh eflect tiom 0 LlOll1986 without deduc:ting the l*tter, paY has to be refi paid by the rank pay" Also it hnd en instructed thar interest shall be *::[*U* petirioners to tl-re resPeinC nts iit 6'i./r: per &nntrrn from 0110112006' vetl'rsns Arrears havc b*en Paid by Oflice of I'CDI(O), Pune to 52330 [b no" 5,7'1,20, "*"""ii"g 3. Payment in resipect 4,qt4l-. could not he mail*,; bi*ihis of 5299 retired offi;crs 't i..., the of Deta.ils Derails/Bank $"qprecl Clffice due to non a.v'ai1a lity ol" Cnntact the'S*Yr. over nt would resull in heilrY burden Oflir:ers *nd delay iu pll : ,): exchequer". 4. i $ince 0flic* of DA{P), Allahabai.i is maintaining sI'tte recr:rcls Binde'.o' ii" including DescriPtive Roll of the Pcnsioners, cither with the IlP0 details like: the snft cr:PY lbrmat, wn ting communit:r.tlion aclclress and oiher traced out l:y 'i'he Officc of PCDA{P), Allaha'ba<i b1r contaet n()' ca.Jl *asilY i1 .. referring their dorument pressing hard for mahing enrly to avoid furt'her pttYment of balanr:rl Ran Pay arrears to thc, beneliciary and viz' a*crual of interest, it i rr:questcci tl:at clt:tails of the Retired officers please bn prr:videtl fi'om lhc elciclress, Ivlobile Nr:, *ma ici, tlank Details et(: may 5. As HQ Office, C( )A, New Delhi $tir{ I ret.: o2o - 2s4o 11 *{r$e/Mobile:?2$0s7 0flicial i* {0) 0!0 - xs333?7? {n} knq'/rax i 020 - 1643 1 3 344s {'{61 email : pcdaosecttpune.dad@hub,nic.in : wvrw"pcdaopun*.gov,in ^2- Data Base/rer:ords held in for initiating favourablc acti 6. A favourahle rePlY list o[ retirecl officers is being enchrsed end Please at thc eariiest' regard at r"tr oflicr:' A in this Your be highly d immediate action in this regard will solicitecl 6ncl aPPreciated Pl ase. lVith Yours {d' {Dr. Rqieev Chavan) Mobile 7290072313 Ehri Rajiv Ranjan, IDAS PCDA(Pension) O/0 PCDA(Pension) DrauPadi Ohat Allahabad-z1 I014