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Atmospheric Corrections in Laser Satellite Observations

the Goldstone--Haystack base, the universal time and X component of pole motion per day of
measurement were obtained with a l-msec and 0.3-m error, respectively.
L. I. Matveenko
et al., Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Radiofizika, 8, No. 4 (1965).
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et al., Usp. Fiz. Nauk, 117, No. 2 (1975).
M. A. Kolosov
et al., Radiowave Propagation in Space Communication [in Russian], Zvyaz',
Moscow (1969).
J. D. Kraus, Radio Astronomy, McGraw-Hill (1966).
Yu. N. Pariiskii and A. A. Stotskii, Izv. Gos. Astron. Observ., 188 (1972).
V. A. Alekseev
et al., Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Radiofiz., 19, No. ii (1976).
L. W. Schaper
et al., Proc. IEEE, 58 (1969).
A. E. E. Rogers, Radio Sci., 5, No. i0 (1970).
B. N. Lipatov and A. S. Sizov, Abstracts of Reports. Eleventh All-Union Radio Astronomy
Conf. [in Russian], Akad. Nauk ArmSSR, Erevan (1978).
L. A. Vainshtein and'V. D. Zubakov, Extraction of Signals in a Random Interference Background [in Russian], Soy. Radio, Moscow (1960).
M. Heght and A. Guide, Proc. IEEE, 57, No. 7 (1969).
J. J. Shapiro et al., Science, 186, No. 4167 (1974).
K. N. Kochanov, S.A. Maksimtsev, E. N. Polyakova,
A. D. Chistyakov, and L. S. Yunoshev
UDC 519.21:551i535:539.1.074
A model of the vertical distribution of atmosphere parameters to calculate corrections
in measured laser distances to artificial earth satellite (AES) is constructed from the results of radiosonde measurements performed regularly by aerological observatories in the area
of rangefinder dislocations.
The correction to the distance for the light velocity is a spherically layered atmosphere is
! | / l _ s t n , z,(l§
T(h) " 1--0,182 p---~| dh,
where h m is the upper boundary of the atmosphere above which the refractive index is taken
equal to one, a% is the dispersion coefficient, z is the zenith distance at which the AES is
observed, h is the running altitude of the beam, R is the radius of the earth (for h = 0),
P(h), T(h), e(h) is the air pressure, temperature, and humidity at the altitude h.
For the case of aerological measurements, the correction is evaluated by integration over
the layers whose boundaries correspond to the sounding levels.
The temperature and humidity
within a layer are represented by linear functions of the geopotential altitude.
The pressure in a layer with the constant temperature gradient ~m [i] is
P(H)=Po{I+[~u(H--Ho)]]To} -O'~4162a/~M
and in an isothermal layer is
p(H)=Po, lO--O.O14s'~[(~-Ho)trol .
Sounding the atmosphere is performed to 31 km altitudes (P = lO s Pa). Because of breakdowns in the radiosonde or in the reception, this level sometimes turns out to be lower.
difference of the air refractive index from one becomes negligibly small (for an accuracy of
correction calculation 0.001 m) for altitudes greater than 85 km. After the elevation reached
by the sounding, the temperature and pressure distribution corresponding to the standard atmosphere according to [I], is used.
Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. I, pp. 28-29, January,
9 1984 Plenum Publishing Corporation
A program for calculating atmospheric corrections because of laser location of AES is
compiled in FORTRAN according to the model described. Corrections were computed to the resuits of 91 laser measurement sessions, 22 in winter, 43 in spring, 13 in summer, and 13 in
autumn, according to radiosonde data of the atmosphere for a nearby time (1:00-2:00 A.M.)
and place (30 km).
Corrections are obtained for vertical tracks (AES observation at the zenith). Differences are calculated between the corrections according to sounding data and the value (ADst =
2.3445 m) computed from the standard atmosphere.
The maximal values of the differences are:
in winter, from +0.087 to --0.032, in spring, from + 0.042 to --0.043, in summer, from +0.012
t o - 0 . 0 4 0 , in autumn, from +0.030 to --0.032 m. The mean (systematic value per year) value
of the difference is 0.008 m, and the rms deviation is 0.026 m.
A statistical analysis of the differences disclosed a dependence of the value of the correction on the atmospheric pressure at the locator with a correlation coefficient of 0.979.
Deviations of values of the correction AD* computed from the formula
AO'~.~ADst(Pmcas IPst),
where Pst and Pmeas are the standard and measured values of the atmospheric pressure at the
locator, from the values obtained from the radiosonde measurement data for the upper sounding
boundary is not less than 16 km, and does not emerge outside the limits between +8.71 and
--1.38 mm.
An experiment indicated that the air pressure at this point contains the most confident
information about the mean integral density of the air column above the site [2]. Therefore,
in working with second-generation lasers (measurement error on the order of 0.i m) it is sufficient to obtain atmospheric corrections from the standard atmosphere model with the measured
air pressure near the locator taken into account.
It is useful to compile tables to calculate the atmospheric corrections to laser measurements and to publish them jointly with tables of astronomical refraction.
GOST 4401-81. Standard Atmosphere. Parameters [in Russian].
Yu. Saastomoinen, Utilization of Artificial Satellites for Goedesy, edited by S. Henriksen, A. Mancini, and B. Chawitz [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1975).
UDC 389.21:551
L. S. Yunoshev
Taking account of the results of meteorological sounding of the atmosphere in calculating the angle of refraction of optical radiation from extra-atmospheric sources is fraught
with a number of complications [I]. Firstly, this is the calculation and interpolation of
gradients of the light refraction coefficient (refraction vector) at a running point of the
beam, and secondly, the solution of the total integral of refraction.
The problem can be simplified substantially if the angle of side refraction and the vertical component of the correction to the value of the angle obtained by the standard model of
the atmosphere or by refraction tables are evaluated for each specific observation instead of
solving the total refraction integral.
Besides standardizing the calculation procedures, the approach under consideration will
permit simplification of the refraction vector interpolation problem in the region of space
enclosed by the aerological sections.
Indeed, since the principal regular part of the change
in the refraction vector (98% by the estimate in [2]) is taken into account by the standard
model of the atmosphere, then relatively small deviations from it can be represented as linear
functions in intervals between sounding points.
Physically this means that the influence of
earth's gravitational field on the formation of the optical properties of the atmosphere is
taken into account by the principal term, while the synoptic features and the influence of the
Translated from Izmeritel"naya Tekhnika, No. i, pp. 29-30, January, 1984.
9 1984 Plenum Publishing Corporation