Uploaded by Kim Silverman

1st Grade Calendar Math Lesson Plan

Name: __Kim Silverman_______
Date: _____3/14/2022______
Grade Level/Subject
Grade 1 / morning meeting
1.A.1 Subject Matter
Big Idea: List the
broad concept/topic or
theory to be
1.A.1 Subject Matter
I.A.3: Well-Structured
A. Essential Questions
B. Desired Results –
List/Label the
to be achieved in this
C. Knowledge and
1.) The Base Ten numeration system - The base-ten numeration system is a
scheme for recording numbers using digits 0-9, groups of ten, and place value.
2.) Equivalence - Any number, measure, numerical expression, algebraic
expression, or equation can be represented in an infinite number of ways that
have the same value.
3.) Basic Facts and algorithms - Basic facts and algorithms for operations with
rational numbers use notions of equivalence to transform calculations into
simpler ones.
4.) Data Representation - Data can be represented visually using tables, charts,
and graphs. The type of data determines the best choice of visual representation.
Essential Questions:
● How do I know which mathematical operations relate to each other?
● How do I know where to begin when solving a problem?
● How does explaining my strategy help me understand a problem’s solution
● 1.OA.B.3 ~ Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship
between addition and subtraction.
● 1.OA.C.6 ~ Add and subtract within 20. Add and subtract within 20,
demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use mental
strategies such as counting on; making 10.
● 1.NBT.B.2.~ Understand place value.
● 1.NBT.C.4 ~ Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add
and subtract.
● 1.NBT.C.5 ~ Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than
the number, without having to count;
explain the reasoning used. Identify arithmetic patterns of 10 more and 10 less
than using strategies
based on place value.
● 1.MD.D.5 ~ Work with money
Knowledge and skills: Students will know and be able to
● Students will understand the relationships among the operations and properties
that promote computational fluency.
● The student will be able to problem-solve and understand the process, know
why the process was appropriate, and can support it with reasons and evidence.
Merrimack College Lesson Plan Format – Revised 6-20-19
● Students will understand there can be different strategies to solve a problem and
get the same result.
● Students will be able to explore a growing pattern and recognize, analyze and
predict a pattern.
● Students will be able to count with one-to-one correspondence
● Students will be able to interpret organized data
● Students will know the days of the week, months, and year in order
1.A.1 Subject Matter
2.A.3: Meeting
Diverse Needs
Language Objective
Include plans to support
comprehension for
English language
WIDA Standards
● Students will be able to describe that a two-digit number represents amounts of
tens and ones using vocabulary: bundles, tens, ones, place value, zero by giving
an example of the strategy used.
1.B.2: Adjustment to
How will the learning
be measured?
Formative Assessment
Traditional Assessment
2.B.1: Safe Learning
Resources for this
Include Technology
2.B.1: Safe Learning
● 40 minutes are allotted for this lesson
● 10 mins allotted for the daily practice of math addition fluency (using the
Number Roll activity, students will be paired for this.)
Formative assessment will be done during class discussions of strategies used
on solving math problems, place value, flashcards, and 10 more and 10 less.
● Number Roll activity (the daily practice of addition fluency 0-10) SMART
Number Roll Assessment
● Additional wiggle breaks will be given to aid students who need to move
Projector and video for wiggle break
Boom Chicka Rock by John Archambault
Dice + paper for Number Roll daily practice.
Merrimack College Lesson Plan Format – Revised 6-20-19
Time allocated for this
2.B.1: Safe Learning CLASSROOM LAYOUT:
● Desks are grouped in a jigsaw design which will help students who struggle and
peers are able to help their classmates.
● There are shape number lines to follow to our meeting rug
management or layout
● Seating at the meeting rug is done with flexible seating
considerations needed
for this lesson
● PAWS Stickers (Students who demonstrate first grade expected behavior or
students who struggle more in class are allowed and demonstrate they are trying
their best will earn a sticker towards points for a class reward after attaining 50
points — this helps motivate them, whereas students who are high-performers
are motivated simply from receiving more points.)
Attention grabbers such as (Mac and Cheese/everybody freeze)
Learning Plan
II.A.3: Meeting
Diverse Needs
● Transition students
Students will be transitioned over to the rug, by calling them by their desk
groupings, (if you sit in the first row for calendar, if you sit in the second, row,
● Greet students.
(If students appear to be in the blue or yellow zone try to bring them into the
green zone. For example, ask them to tell you one good thing that has happened
to them that morning or over the weekend.)
2.E.1: High
Step by step planBeginning
Transitions between
Lesson Segments
Consideration of Use of
WHERETO as a guide
Evidence of
accommodations and/or
(504, IEP, ELL, etc
Remind students of no “interrupting chickens” or being a “blurt bus stop.”
Begin calendar
(Child’s name,) can you tell me what the date is today?
What will be next in our pattern?
Do you think it will be a big bear or a little bear? How do you know?
What do you notice about the number of small bears?
How many small bears will we see before we get to another Big Bear?
Can you share your strategy?
(This is a growing pattern. We add one little bear each time but the big bears
the same!)
● Tally Mark
1. Add a tally mark to the yellow sheet. Write the number of days in
2. Students count by 5’s (today they will count by 5’s to 75) by either
hopping on one foot, jumping in place, or crisscrossing.
● Place value
Merrimack College Lesson Plan Format – Revised 6-20-19
1. Add a sticker to the next box in the ten frame.
2. Write how many groups (bundles) one’s, tens, and hundreds we have
(How many groups of 10 do we have in the 10’s place, in the one’s place?)
3. Have the student write the value for the One’s, ten’s and hundred’s
(What is the value of the one’s, what is the value of the ten’s, what is the value
of the hundred’s? How do you know?)
4. Student solves the number sentence s/he wrote out and writes it on the orange
sticky note to add to our number line.
5. Do we know how many groups of 10’s we have all together? Let’s turn and talk.
(there are 11 groups of 10)
6. Who can explain their strategy?
● Ten more / ten less
1. The Student will answer what ten more is and what ten less is using the
number of the day (which is how many days we have been in school thus
2. The Student will discuss the strategy they used to get their answer.
● Money
1. Have the banker add a coin to the pocket chart and count how much money we
now have, and write it on the card.
2. Ask students, “What is the value of a penny, a nickel, a dime, and a quarter?”
3. “What are 2 ways to make 10 cents?”
4. What coins would I use to make 25 cents? (turn and talk)
● Flashcards (math smart goal daily practice)
1. Using flashcards of addition problems from zero to 9 students will solve
problems. To get them moving I will have them think and when they know the
answer put their thumbs up. Once all students have their thumbs up I will, for
example, have them then stand, then lift one foot, put their hand on their head,
and as a group give me the answer.
Literacy component
Read the book, Boom Chicka Rock by John Archambault
Using the clock model the times that were in the book.
Ask students to answer questions about what time it is.
● Transition to seats and follow up activity
1. The assistant teacher of the day will choose the wiggle break.
2. After wiggle break students will practice addition math fluency using the
Number Roll Assessment
activity Number Roll.
4.A.1: Reflective
Summarize the
effectiveness of the
Challenges, discoveries, changes to be made in the future:
● Was the objective met for this lesson? What evidence do you have?
Yes, it was, students were able to explain their strategies for problems solved.
Merrimack College Lesson Plan Format – Revised 6-20-19
lesson using these
questions. Attach
student work when
● Were all students actively engaged with the lesson? If not, how could the lesson
be modified to engage all students?
Yes they were, they enjoyed the movement activities and wiggle breaks.
● Was the lesson plan easy to follow or does it need to be modified?
Yes, the lesson was easy to follow, modifications for a substitute should be
added so the substitute can teach the lesson fluently
● Was the material/technology sufficient?
Yes, it was.
● Would I use this lesson again? Why or why not?
Yes, I would use this lesson again, the students enjoyed the lesson and being
able to move and refocus when needed.
● Would I recommend this lesson to others? If so, are there special considerations
to be made for using it?
I would recommend this lesson to others, however, if there are students with visual
or hearing disabilities modifications will have to be made.
Diverse Learners Checklist 1.B.2: Adjustment to Practice; 2.A.3: Meeting Diverse Needs, 2.E.1: High
Diverse Learners
Learner Factors: Differentiation, Modifications, and Accommodations: (What will you do to allow
students with different abilities, learning styles, 504, IEP, etc. to succeed during the lesson? Check off all that
◻ Adjust Grouping Formats
◻ Extend Time of Selected Work
◻ Give More Frequent Breaks
◻ Oral, Pointing, Signed
◻ Reread Directions
◻ Handout Hard Copy of Board
◻ Give Additional Examples
◻ Write Homework List
◻ Give Daily Progress Report
◻ Use of Brail or Large Print
◻ Give Student Copy of Directions
◻ Provide an Alternate Reading
◻ Use Assistive Devices to Respond
◻ Post visual picture or schedule
◻ Give Verbal Reminders
◻ Use of Interpreter
◻ Give Verbal Cues to Emphasize
Main Ideas
◻ Use Page Markers
◻ Word Processor/Computer
◻ Seating Near Advanced Students
◻ Use Graphic Organizer
◻ Increase the Number of Review
◻ Pair Students
Level for a Reading
Merrimack College Lesson Plan Format – Revised 6-20-19
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