ANALYSIS OF RATES 2006 WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTENTS Sl. No. DESCRIPTION Page No. (I) Earth Work 1 (ii) Special Item for Irrigation Work 11 (iii) Concrete 43 (iv) R.C.C. Work 49 (v) Reinforced Brick Work 69 (vi) Masonry Brick Work 71 (vii) Masonry Stone Work 75 (viii) Flooring 84 (ix) Painting 93 (x) Plastering 102 (xi) Roofing 115 (xii) Wood Work 132 (xiii) Road Work 140 (xiv) Site Clearance 195 (xv) Pile Foundation 209 (xvi) Dismantling 214 (xvii) Iron Work 224 (xviii) Well Sinking 228 (xix) Other Building Items. 235 (xx) Bridge Works 258 I EARTH WORK Sl. No. Quantity required Description Unit 1 2 3 4 1(a) Earth work in oridinary soil within 50m, initial lead and 1.5m, initial lift including rought dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge per 100 cum. i) Labour Man Mulia 16 nos Each 16 nos Each Female Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 5 6 7 55.00 55.00 Or Say (b) Earth work in ordinary soil in embankments, roads, etc. wtihin 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per specification approved by the department along with proper compaction with P.R.R. including hire and running charges of P.R.R. (Measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill). per 100 cum i) rate as per item (a) Out turn of PRR Earth work compaction considered 708.00 cum per day ordinarily 880.00 880.00 176.00 35.20 1971.20 1971.20 / 100 cum 1971.20 Hire and running charges of PRR as per mechanical wings comes to Rs 269.00 / Hr For 708 cum Rs 269.00 x 8 = 2152.00 ii) For 100 cum = 2152.00x100/708 = 303.95 iii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (ii) Total (i + ii+ iii) - - Or Say 303.95 30.40 2305.55 2305.60 / 100cum Or Say 1971.20 271.99 2243.20 / 100 cum 2243.20 /100 Cum - ( c ) Earth work in ordinary soil in embankments, roads, etc. wtihin 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per specification approved by the department including proper compaction with H.R.R. (section measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill). per 100 cum. i) Rate as per item no 1 (a) ii) Compaction by HRR as per item No 9 (a) Total (i+ii) -1- Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 ( d) Earth work in ordinary soil in embankments, roads, etc. maximum laboratory dry density not less than 1.44Gm/1.52Gm/1.65Gm per cubic centimeter in road embankments respectively upto 3m/more than 3m high and top 0.5m below sub-grade level within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift from approved borrow pits away from the toe of the final section of the road embankment bottom of the pit not being cut by an imaginary line having a slope 1:4 projected from the edge of the final section of the bank including rough dressing and breaking clods maximum 5cm. to 7cm and laying in layers each layer not exceeding 23cm in depth upto required level including removal of roots, shrubs, bushes and all foreign debris from the earth and benching the old embankment, sectioning and cambering the earth work and coveyance of all material. T & P articles required for the work complete in all respect as per specification of work and direction of the Engineer-in-charge and to be measured on section measurement after compaction under O.M.C. conditon (100cum) including cost of controlled compaction with P.R.R. watering upto O.M.C. and confirming to approved specification including hire and running charges of PRR. i) rate as per item 1 (a) Out turn for controlled specification of and PRR as per NH standard =425 cum /day ii) Hire and running charges of PRR and cost of labour for compaction at OMC as per item no 9(b)I 3 Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 1971.20 - Total(i+ii) Unit Or Say 2(a) Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil within 50m. Initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. i) Labour Man Mulia 21.5 nos Each Woman Mulia 21.5 nos Each ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 55.00 55.00 Or Say -2- 2422.60 4393.80 / 100 cum 4393.80 / 100 cum 1182.50 1182.50 236.50 47.30 2648.80 2648.80 / 100 cum Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 ( b) Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil in embankment, roads etc. within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per specification approved by the Department alongwith proper compaction with P.R.R. including hire and running charges of P.R.R. (section measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill) i) Rate as per item no 2(a) ii) compaction by PRR as per item no 9(b)ii Total(i+ii) 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Or Say 2648.80 334.40 2983.20 2983.20 / 100 cum Or Say 2648.80 271.99 2920.79 2920.80 / 100 cum ( c) Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil in embankment, roads etc. within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per specification approved by the Department alongwith proper compaction with H.R.R. (section measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill) i) Rate as per item no 2(a) ii) compaction by PRR as per item no 9(a) Total(i+ii) ( d) Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil in embankment, roads etc. maximum laboratory dry density not less than 1.44Gm/1.52Gm/1.65Gm per cubic centimeter in road embankment respectively upto 3m./more than 3m. high and top 0.5m below sub-grade level within 50m. initial lead and 1.5m initial lift from approved borrow pit 5m. away from the toe of final section of the road embankment bottom of the pit not being cut by an imaginary line having a slope 1:4 projected from the edge of the final section of the bank including rough dressing and breaking clods maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers each layer not exceeding 23cm in depth upto requireed level inlcuding removal of roots, shrubs, bushes and all foreign debris from the earth and benching the old embankment, sectioning and cambering the earth work, cost and conveyance of all materials. T & P articles etc required for the work complete in all respect as per specification of work and direction of the Engineer-in-charge and to be measured on section measurement after compaction under O.M.C. condition (100 cum) including cost of controlled compaction with P.R.R. watering upto O.M.C. and confirming to approved specification including hire and i) Rate as per item no 2(a) -3- 2648.80 Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 ii) cost of labour charges for compaction for OMC and hire and running charges of PRR as per item no 9(b) I Total(i+ii) 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Or Say 3 2422.60 5071.40 5071.40 / 100 cum Earth work in stoney earth and gravels mixed with stone and boulder not exceeding 0.014cum in volume within 50m. Initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layer not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per specification approved by the department i) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 33.53 nos Each 33.53 nos Each - 55.00 55.00 Or Say 4 1844.15 1844.15 368.83 73.77 4130.90 4130.90 / 100 cum Earth work in slushy soil (in water upto 0.6m depth requiring the aid of pans and vessels) within 50m. Initial lead and 1.5m initial lift as per the direction and specification of the Deparment. i) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) - 21 nos Each 23 nos Each - 55.00 55.00 Or Say Cutting in disintegrated rock not requiring blasting to be removed by pick axes and crow bars and depositing materials within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing as per direction and specification of the department including stacking the useful materials separately as ordered. i) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 1155.00 1265.00 242.00 48.40 2710.40 2710.40 / 100 cum 5 55 nos Each 54 nos Each - 55.00 55.00 Or Say -4- 3025.00 2970.00 599.50 119.90 6714.40 6714.40 / 100 cum Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 6 Blasting hard and compacted sheet rock excluding sand 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 85.00 55.00 75.00 65.00 85.00 110.00 150.00 130.00 80.60 55.56 11.11 622.27 219.88 /1 cum 219.90 / 1 cum stone measured in solid including jumping holes cost of explosive fuse, detonator, etc and stacking the blasted i) ii) iii) iv) debris clear of work within 50m lead. Date for 2.83 cum Labour Blaster Man Mulia Stone cutter Sangi mulia cost of explosive fuse, detonator L.S. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i+ii) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (i+ii) Total (i + ii+ iii+iv) For 1 cum = 622.27/2.83 =Rs. 219.88 1 2 2 2 - no nos nos nos Each Each Each Each - - Or Say 7 Extra lead of 25m or part there of over the initial lead of 50m for earth work in all kinds of embankment and road works and ordinary earth work in general. a) 50m to 75m i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) - 3 nos Each - 55.00 Total= Or Say b) 75m to 100m i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) - 3.5 nos Each - 55.00 Or Say c) 100m to 125m i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) - 4 nos Each - 55.00 Or Say d) 125m to 150m i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) - 4.5 nos Each - 55.00 Or Say e) 150m to 175m -5- 165.00 16.50 3.30 184.80 /100 cum 184.80 /100 cum 192.50 19.25 3.85 215.60 /100 cum 215.60 /100 cum 220.00 22.00 4.40 246.40 /100 cum 246.40 /100 cum 247.50 24.75 4.95 277.20 /100 cum 277.20 /100 cum Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 3 - Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 55.00 275.00 27.50 5.50 308.00 /100 cum 308.00 /100 cum 5 nos Each - Or Say 8 Extra lift of 1.5m or part there of over the initial lift of 1.5m in all kinds of embankments and road works and ordinary earth work in general. 1st Extra lift of 1.5m (upto 7.5m) i) Labour Man Mulia 4.1 nos Each ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 55.00 Or Say (a) Ramming or rolling eath work with light H.R.R. in embankment in layers not exceeding 0.3m Data for 28.31 cum i) Labour Man Mulia 0.75 nos Each woman mulia 0.5 nos Each ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries and T & P etc.on ( i) Total (i + ii+ iii) For 100 cum = Rs.77.00 X 100/28.31 = Rs. 272.02 225.50 22.55 4.51 252.56 /100 cum 252.60 /100 cum 9 9 55.00 55.00 - Or Say (b) (i) Compacting and watering upto O.M.C. rolling earth work with P.R.R. in embankment in layers not exceeding 0.23m by power road roller including hire and running charges of the roller (measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill under O.M.C. condition) 1. Hire and running charges of P.R.R. Rs. 269.00/hr (considering a roller will compact 425 cum/day) (Rs269.00 X 8 X 100) / 425 for 100 cum 2. Cost of watering with an av. Lead of 5km by truck (considering carrying water 20Nos. Of maxphalt drums in each trip) 5 trips of water required for 390cum of earth 506.35 5 × 100 390 For 100 cum of earth 1.28 -6- 41.25 27.50 6.88 1.38 77.00 271.99 /100 cum 272.00 /100 cum 1.28 trips trip 775.00 992.00 Sl. No. 1 Quantity required Description 2 3. Labour charges for sprinkling water, labour required for 390 cum 50 Nos. Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 3 50 × 100 390 For 100 cum of earth Man mulia Overhead Charges 10 % Total 12.80 - Each - 12.8 nos 55.00 Or Say 9 704.00 220.24 2422.59 /100 cum 2422.60 /100 cum (b) (ii) for ordinary compaction by P.R.R. per day (Ordinary compaction by P.R.R.) 708 cum 269.00×8×100 708 So for 100cum 303.95 Overhead Charges @10% Total 30.40 334.35 334.40 /100 cum Say 10 Fine dressing of earth work in ordinary or hard soil in road formaton according to the direction of the department including cutting or filling earth upto 0.15m depth of surface. i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 1 no Each - 55.00 Or Say 55.00 5.50 1.10 61.60 /100 sqm 61.60 /100 Sqm 11 Triangular or square section of 0.15m trench cutting for alignment and demarcation purpose of dug belling 10cm to 15cm (Data for 304.80 R.M.) i) Labour Man Mulia Female mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) For 1 RM = Rs308.00/304.80 = Rs 1.01 - 3 nos Each 2 nos Each - 55.00 55.00 - 165.00 110.00 27.50 5.50 308.00 Say Rs1.00 per 1RM 12 Puddle filling of good clay including initial lead 50m and 1.5m initial lift -7- Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 3 i) Labour Man Mulia for digging stiff clay and sand if required 15 female mulia for carrying 15 Man mulia for weathering pulversing, etc 15 Female mulia for weathering, pulversing etc. 10 laying 20 female mulia for carrying and for trodding 18 ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) nos nos nos nos nos nos Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Each Each Each Each Each Each - 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 Or Say 825.00 825.00 825.00 550.00 1100.00 990.00 511.50 102.30 5728.80 /100 cum 5728.80 /100 cum 13 Sectioning and cambering earth work in road formation to proper specification approved by the department i) Labour Female mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 0.75 no - Each - 55.00 Or Say 14 Filling in foundation and plinth with excavated materials including watering and ramming as directed by the Engineer-in-charge for 100 cum 15 Filling in foundatin and plinth with sand watered and rammed (Labour only) i) Labour Man Mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 41.25 4.13 0.83 46.20 /100 cum 46.20 /100 cum 2/3 rate of respective item of work 12.36 nos Each - 55.00 Or Say 679.80 67.98 13.60 761.38 /100 cum 761.40 /100 cum 16 Fine dressing and turfing with initial lead of 50m and 1.5m initial lift as per direction of Engineer-in-charge i) Labour Female mulia for dressing 0.4 no Man mulia for cutting turf 1 no Female mulia for carrying 0.8 no Man mulia for placing turfing in posting and ramming with thapies 0.74 no ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) Each Each Each 55.00 55.00 55.00 Each - 55.00 Or Say 17 Extra lead of 50m or part there of over the initial lead of 50m turfing -8- 22.00 55.00 44.00 40.70 16.17 3.23 181.10 /100 Sqm 181.10 /100 Sqm Sl. No. Quantity required Description 1 2 i) Labour Man mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 3 0.95 no - Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Each - 55.00 Or Say 18 Extra lift of 1.5m or part thereof overinitial lift of 1.5m for turfing i) Labour Man mulia 0.42 no ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) Each - 55.00 Or Say 52.25 5.23 1.05 58.52 /100 Sqm 58.50 /100 Sqm 23.10 2.31 0.46 25.87 /100 Sqm 25.90 /100 Sqm 19 Excavation of founation in hard rock (granite) removed by chiselling including dressing and levelling the bed not exceeding 1.5m in depth and depositing the soil within initial lead of 50m and as per specification approved by the Department i) Labour Man mulia ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) - 5.68 nos Each - 55.00 Or Say 20 Excavation of founation in laterite rock or any hard rock (other than granite or disintigrated rock) removed by chiselling including dressing and levelling the bed not exceeding 1.5m in depth and depositing the soil within initial lead of 50m and as per specification approved by the Department i) Labour Man mulia 3.74 nos Each ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) 55.00 Or Say 21 Shoring and shuttering foundation trenches, pits etc. with close wooden planks or sheets shuttering etc. excluding cost of planks and sheets (labour only) i) Labour Carpenter (2nd class) 0.5 no ii) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (i) iii) 2% Sundries & T & P etc. on (i) Total (i + ii+ iii) Each - 75.00 Or Say -9- 312.40 31.24 6.25 349.89 /1 cum 349.90 /1 cum 205.70 20.57 4.11 230.38 /1 cum 230.40 /1 cum 37.50 3.75 0.75 42.00 /Sqm 42.00 /Sqm Sl. No. Quantity required Description Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 22 Earth work in open well excavation with lead upto 50m for 100cum . a) 1st depth of 1.5m initial rateof foundation same nature of soil b) 2nd depth of 1.5m –1½ times initial rate + 1½ times lift c) 3rd depth of 1.5m –2 times initial rate + 2½ times lift d) 4th depth of 1.5m –2½ times initial rate + 3½ times liftt e) 5th depth of 1.5m –3 times initial rate + 4½ times lift f) 6th depth of 1.5m –3½ times initial rate + 5½ times lift g) 7th depth of 1.5m –4 times initial rate + 6½ times lift h)8th depth of 1.5m –4½ times initial rate + 7½ times lift (and so on for further depth) Notes : (i) Oridinary soil - light black cotton, sandy earth, sandy loam, dry silt, fragile, red earth, soft earth, and soft moorum. (ii) Hard soil - Hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton,hard red earth, shales, moorum, ordinary gravels. (iii) Stoney earth- earth mixed with gravel and boulders not exceeding 0.014 cum in volume (iv) Slushy soil - A soil having the characteristics of liquid mud with negligible bearing capacity which can be removed with the aid of pans and vessels only. (v) For excavation of foundation including dressing and levelling the bed and depositing the soil with initial lea of 50m and initial lift of 1.5m add 20 percent extra over the respectiv rates of earth work in excavation (vi) Dewatering during excavation to be paid as per actuals. (vii) The rate for extra lead and lift for blasted stone work will be double of the respective rates of leads and lifts for earth work. (viii) In the event of any difference in opinion regarding classification of soil the decision of the Engineer-in-charge (E.E.) is final and binding. (ix) 10 per cent excess on the above rates will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises. -10- II. SPECIAL ITEMS FOR IRRIGATION WORKS 1. Excavation of any approved type of soil in approved borrow area by mechanical means loading into and transportation by mechanical means and unloading the soil within initial lead of 1km on properly prepared and scientifically approved surface including spreading and levelling the earth in 22.5 cm layers to make ready for watering and compaction with sheep foot rollers and dozers but excluding watering and compaction in dams and dykes for all heights including construction, maintenance, watering and lighting of haul road and borrow area etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-incharge. (measurement of the fill to be taken on the finished compacted section under OMC condition.) Per 1 cum (A) Excavation by Mechanical means : ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- --Considering Hitachi Excavator of the following specification : Capacity of bucket = Cycle time for one bucket excavation = Bucket fill factor = Overall efficiency = Considering effective working of 50 min./ hour Production per hour (loose earth) = (50 x 60 x 0.91 x 0.9 x 0.83)/16 = 0.91 cum 16.00 sec 0.90 83.00 % 127.46 cum Hire charge excluding supervision charge per hour = Cost of mechanical excavation per 1 cum = (B) Trasportation cost : ---------------------------------------------Capacity of Tipper (loose soil) = Taking 80% carrying capacity, the capacity of Tipper = Lead = 1717.64 Rs13.48 5.70 cum 4.56 cum 1.00 km a) Loading time = (Body capacity/Excavator output per min) = 2.15 min b) Loaded haul @ 25km/hr = 2.40 min c) Empty haul @ 25km/hr = 2.40 min d) Spotting, turning and unloading time = 1.40 min ------------Total cycle time = 8.35 min Say 8.00 min Quantity to be carried per hour = (50 / 8.00 x 4.56) = Hire charge of TATA Tipper excluding supervision charge/hr : Depriciation of tyres & tubes :(6 x 6000 )/(2 x 2000) = 28.50 cum Rs498.31 Rs9.00 -------------------- -11- Hire charge of Tipper per hour = Rs507.31 Cost of transportation of loose earth within initial lead of 1km = (507.31/28.50) = Rs17.80 Add construction & maintenance of haul roads (L.S.)= Add for spreading earth (L.S.)= Rs1.50 Rs4.00 ----------------Rs36.78 Total prime cost = Add overhead charges (10% of prime cost) = Total = Rs3.68 ----------------Rs40.46 For an average soil 120 cum of loose earth when compacted to 95% Proctor density under O.M.C. condition will measure 100 cum. So rate per 1 cum of compacted earth = Rs.40.46X120/100 Or say 2. Rs48.55 Rs48.60 /cum Watering earthwork upto OMC condition and compaction by sheepfoot rollers and dozer in layers not exceeding 22.5 cm to 95% dry density including hire and running charges of all the machineries complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill under OMC condition.) A. Machines used B. Out turn - Dozer and two pairs of sheepfoot rollers of total weight 20 tonnes 100 cum of earthwork per working hour of machine Hire charge of Dozer(D-80/A-12) excluding supervision charge per hour = Hire charge of sheepfoot roller excluding supervision charge per hour = Rs2,141.79 Total hire charge = Hence cost for 100 cum of compacted earth = Add towords watering (3 % of cost of compaction)= Rs77.86 ----------------Rs2,219.64 Rs2,219.64 Rs67.00 ----------------Rs2,286.64 Prime cost per 1 cum of watering and compaction = 2286.64/100 = Overhead charges 10% = Or say 3. Fine dressing and turfing the slopes of the dam or dyke with compact Dub grass with initial lifts and lead and as per the direction of the Engineer-incharge. Unit - 1 sqm. A) Fine dressing of earthwork : -12- Rs22.87 Rs2.29 ----------------Rs25.16 /cum Rs25.20 /cum Male Worker 0.01 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs0.55 B) Cutting Turf : Male Worker 0.01 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs0.55 C) Male worker required to place turf and ramming with thapies 0.007 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs0.41 D) Watering Charges L.S. Rs0.30 ----------------Rs1.81 (A+B+C) i) Overhead charges @ 10% (A+B+C) = ii) Sundries and T&P @ 2% on labour charge= Rs0.18 Rs0.04 Rs2.03 Rs2.00 /Sqm. Or Say 4. Supplying and spreading sand of approved specification on compacted surfaces of earth dam or dykes for filter blanket and other horizontal filter zone to proper thickness including surface dressing within initial lead complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A. Cost of Sand 1.00 cum @ Rs29.00 Rs29.00 B. Labour charges Dressing surface Considering sand to be laid in layers of 0.2m, Spreading area /cum = 1/ 0.2 = Male Worker 0.20 m 5.00 sqm 0.05 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs2.75 0.40 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs22.00 Spreading within 50m lead from stacks Male Worker (A+B )= Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B) = Or Say 5. Supplying and spreading 20mm down graded chips satisfying filter criteria in horizontal filter zones and filter blankets to proper thickness including surface dressing within an initial lead complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Cost of Chips -13- Rs53.75 Rs5.38 ----------------Rs59.13 /cum. Rs59.10 /cum. 20mm to 10mm 10mm to 6mm 0.50 cum 0.50 cum @ @ Rs638.00 Rs671.00 Rs319.00 Rs335.50 ----------------Rs654.50 0.50 nos. @ Rs55.00 (A+B )= Rs27.50 ----------------Rs682.00 Or Say Rs68.20 ----------------Rs750.20 /cum. Rs750.20 /cum. B. Labour charges Labour for spreading & levelling Male Worker Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B) = 6. Supplying and spreading 40mm to 20mm size granite metal filter in horizontal filter zones and filter blankets including levelling etc complete within initial lead as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Cost of Metal 40mm 20mm B. Labour charges 0.50 cum 0.50 cum @ @ Rs464.00 638.00 Rs232.00 319.00 Male Worker 0.55 nos. @ Rs55.00 (A+B )= Rs30.25 ----------------Rs581.25 Or Say Rs58.13 ----------------Rs639.38 /cum. Rs639.40 /cum. Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B) = 7. Supplying and spreading sand of approved specification for filter in rock toe riprap and filter drains in earth dam and dyke to proper slope and level within an initial lead as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Cost of sand 1.00 cum @ Rs29.00 Rs29.00 Rs55.00 Rs1.82 B. Labour charges Considering thickness of filter as 0.3m Spreading area per cum = 1 / 0.3 = Male Worker 0.033 nos. -14- 3.33 sqm @ Filling & levelling Male Worker 0.50 nos. @ Rs55.00 (A+B )= Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B) = Or Say 8. Rs27.50 ----------------Rs29.32 Rs58.32 Rs5.83 ----------------Rs64.15 /cum. Rs64.20 /cum. Supplying and spreading granite chips of size 20mm down graded in filter in rock toe riprap and filter drains in earth dam or dyke to proper slope and level within initial lead as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transo\portation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Cost of Chips 20mm to 10mm 10mm to 6mm 0.50 cum 0.50 cum @ @ Rs638.00 Rs671.00 Rs319.00 Rs335.50 ----------------Rs654.50 0.625 nos. @ Rs55.00 (A+B )= Rs34.38 ----------------Rs688.88 Or Say Rs68.89 ----------------Rs757.77 /cum. Rs757.80 /cum. B. Labour charges Labour for site conveyance & filling Male Worker Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B)= 9. Supplying and spreading 40mm to 20mm size granite metal in filter in rock toe riprap and filter drains in earth dam or dyke to proper slope and level within initial lead as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Cost of metal 40mm 20mm 0.50 cum 0.50 cum B. Labour charges -15- @ @ Rs464.00 Rs638.00 Rs232.00 Rs319.00 Male Worker 0.69 nos. @ Rs55.00 (A+B )= Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B)= 10. Or Say Supplying and filling sand of approved specification in vertical chimny to proper line & level using removable sheet metal separators upto designed height of filter chimny within initial lead lead as directed by the Engineer-incharge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Rs37.79 ----------------588.79 Rs58.88 Rs647.67 /cum. Rs647.70 /cum. Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Cost of sand 1.00 cum @ Rs29.00 Male Worker 0.55 nos. Add for depriciation charges of metal separators @ Rs55.00 L.S. Rs29.00 B. Labour charges for raising & spreading (A+B )= Rs30.25 Rs1.00 ----------------Rs60.25 Or Say Rs6.03 ----------------Rs66.28 /cum. Rs66.30 /cum. Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B)= 11. Providing dry rubble rock toe with blasted and quarried granite boulders of sizes 30cm and above with all leads and lifts including dumping with packing interstices properly and surface packing to proper line and level complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. ( No deduction to be made towords voids in finished section.) (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Blasted R R stone 1.00 cum @ Rs148.00 Rs148.00 B. Labour charges for lifting & laying etc. i) Stone packer 0.20 nos. ii)Male Worker 0.35 nos. iii)Hammer Man 0.10 nos. @ @ @ Rs65.00 Rs55.00 Rs65.00 (A+B )= Rs13.00 Rs19.25 Rs6.50 ----------------Rs186.75 Or Say Rs18.68 ----------------Rs205.43 /cum. Rs205.40 /cum. Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B)= -16- 12. Providing stone riprap to the slopes of earthdam and dyke with quarried and blasted granite stone boulders of size 0.30m and above including dumping on slopes filling interstices with small stones & wedges and packing surface to proper line and levels including fixing wave breakers complete with all leads & lifts complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (No deduction towords voids in finished section.) (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - 1 cum. A.Materials Blasted R R stone 1.00 cum @ Rs148.00 Rs148.00 0.32 nos. 0.45 nos. 0.10 nos. @ @ @ Rs65.00 Rs55.00 Rs65.00 (A+B )= Rs20.80 Rs24.75 Rs6.50 ----------------Rs200.05 Or Say Rs20.01 ----------------Rs220.06 Rs220.10 /cum. B. Labour charges i) Stone packer ii)Male Worker iii)Hammer Man Overhead charges @ 10% on (A+B)= 13. Excavation in all kinds of soil including moorum, stoney earth, gravel etc. excepting all kinds of rock & boulders exceeding 0.014cum in volume for dam base stripping, cut-off trenches, outfall drains and stripping in borrow areas including rough dressing and dumping the excavated materials away from work site manually within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge including stacking of useful materials as directed. Per 1 cum. A) Labour Charge Male Worker Female Worker 0.237 nos. 0.237 nos. @ @ Rs55.00 Rs55.00 Prime cost = B) Other Charges i) Overhead charges @10% of prime cost= Rs2.61 Or Say 14. Excavation of foundation in Disintegrated rock not requiring blasting to be removed by pick axes and crow bars and depositing excavated materials manually within 50m. initial lead and 1.5m. initial lift including stacking useful materials separately as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Per 1 cum. A) Labour Charge -17- Rs13.04 Rs13.04 Rs26.08 Rs28.69 /cum Rs28.70 /cum Male Worker Female Worker 0.55 nos. 0.54 nos. @ @ Rs55.00 Rs55.00 Prime cost = B) Other Charges i) Overhead charges @10% of prime cost= Rs6.00 Or Say 15. Rs30.25 Rs29.70 Rs59.95 Rs65.95 /cum Rs66.00 /cum Excavation of foundation in hard rock of all toughness and boulders above 0.03 cum in volume within 50 m. initial lead and 1.5 m. initial lift including rough dressing as per specification of the department including stacking useful stones and disposal of muck manually as directed by the Engineer-incharge. Per 1 cum. A) Drilling and blasting charge : (a) Compressor Charges Hire charge of 400 cfm compressor per hour = Rs.766.35 3 Jack hammer can be operated at a time and outturn of jack hammer = 5 holes drilling. Blasted Rock out turn per 1.0 m hole is 1.00 cum. Total out turn of blasted rock/hr= ( 3 x 5 x 1.00 ) Hire charge of compressor per cum = 15.00 cum. Rs.51.09 (b) Jack hammer charges Hire charge of jack hammer per hour = Out turn per hour =(5 x 1.0)= Hire charge of jack hammer per cum = Rs.7.93 5.00 cum. Rs.1.59 (c) Consumables Rs.1,650.00 Cost of drill rod 2'6" (c1)= Cost of drill rod 5'0" (c2)= Rs.2,450.00 Avg. cost of drill rod (c3)=(c1+c2)/2 Rs.2,050.00 Life of one drill rod = 150.00 r.m. Cost of drill rod per cum (c3 /(150 x 1.0)) = Cost of air line per cum (L.S.) = (d) Labour Charges Driller 3 nos. @ 75.00 Male Worker 4 nos. @ 55.00 Blaster 1 no. @ 85.00 Add for hidden cost of labour @10% of direct labour charges = /day = /day = /day = Rs.13.67 Rs.5.00 Rs.225.00 Rs.220.00 Rs.85.00 Rs.53.00 -------------------Rs.583.00 Labour charges for drilling/cum taking 7hrs/shift = (e) Explosives (Data for 2.4 m hole) 2/7th kg of Gelatine @ 1 no. of Electric Detonator = Lead wire (L.S.) = Ammonium Nitrate 0.8 kg @ 75.00 12.00 /kg = /no. 25.00 /kg = -18- Rs.5.55 Rs.21.43 Rs.12.00 Rs.5.00 Rs.20.00 -------------------- Total on explosives = Cost of explosive per cum =(cost of explosive/(2.4 x 1.0))= Rs.58.43 Rs.24.35 DRILLING AND BLASTING COST (Q1) = ADD FOR SECONDARY BLASTING (Q2) = 20% OF Q1 = B) Labour charge Hammer man Male Worker 0.10 nos. 0.50 nos. Rs.101.25 Rs.20.25 Rs.121.50 @ @ Rs65.00 Rs55.00 (A + B) = Rs6.50 Rs27.50 Rs155.50 Or Say Rs15.55 Rs171.05 /cum Rs171.10 /cum Overhead charges @ 10% of (A+B) 16. Excavation, loading, unloading and carriage by mechanical means of all kinds of soil, including stoney earth, gravel and moorum etc interspread with boulders upto 1/2 cum size with all lifts and delifts including trimming of slopes and bed to design section and depositing the the excavated materials away from work site as per the specification and as directed by the Engineerin-charge within an initial lead of 1km from the place of excavation complete. Per 1 cum. (A) Excavation by Mechanical means Considering Hitachi Excavator of the following specification : Capacity of bucket = Cycle time for one bucket excavation = Bucket fill factor = Overall efficiency = 0.91 cum 16.00 sec 0.90 83.00 % Taking effective working per hr = 50 min, Production per hour (loose earth) = (50 x 60 x 0.91 x 0.9 x 0.83)/16 = 127.46 cum Considering a swell factor of 0.86 for all kinds of soil, Quantity of land excavation per hour = 109.62 cum Hire charge of excavator excluding supervision charges = 1717.64 Cost of excavtion per 1 cum = 1717.64/109.62 = Rs15.67 (B) Trasportation cost Capacity of Tipper (loose soil) = 5.70 cum Taking 80% carrying capacity, the capacity of Tipper = Lead = 4.56 cum 1.00 km a) Loading time = (Body capacity/Excavator output per min) = 2.15 min -19- b) Loaded haul @ 20km/hr = c) Empty haul @ 20km/hr = d) Spotting, turning and unloading time = Total cycle time = 3.00 min 3.00 min 1.40 min 9.55 min Quantity to be carried per hour = 23.88 cum Considering a swell factor of 0.86 for all kinds of soil, Quantity of land excavation per hour = 20.54 cum Hire charge of Tipper excluding supervision charge / hr = Depriciation of tyres & tubes :(6 x 9500/4000) Hire charge of Tipper per hour = Rs498.31 Rs14.25 Rs512.56 Cost of transportation of all kinds of soil within initial lead of 1km = (512.56/20.54) = Total of excavation and transportation = 15.67+24.95 = Add for trimming of slope and bed manually Rs24.95 L.S. (A + B) = Rs40.62 Rs1.00 Rs41.62 Total = Or Say Rs4.16 Rs45.78 /cum Rs45.80 /cum Overhead charges @ 10% of (A+B) 17. Excavation, loading and carriage by mechanical means in D.I. rock, laterite and soft rock not requiring blasting interspread with boulders upto 1/2 cum size with all lifts and delifts including trimming of slopes and bed to design section and depositing the excavated materials away from work site as per the specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge within an initial lead of 1km from the place of excavation complete. Per 1 cum. A. Excavation by Mechanical means Capacity of excavator for excavation of loose earth = 127.46 cum Considering a swell factor of 0.715 for D.I. rock, Quantity of soil excavation per hour = Hire charge of excavator excluding supervision charges = 91.13 cum 1717.64 Cost of excavation per 1 cum = 1717.64/91.13 = Rs18.85 B. Trasportation cost Capacity of Tipper (loose soil) = Taking 80% carrying capacity, the capacity of Tipper = Lead = 5.70 cum 4.56 cum 1.00 km -20- a) Loading time = (Body capacity/Excavator output per min) = 2.15 min b) Loaded haul @ 20km/hr = 3.00 min c) Empty haul @ 20km/hr = 3.00 min d) Spotting, turning and unloading time = 2.23 min Total cycle time = 10.38 min Quantity to be carried per hour = 21.97 cum Considering a swell factor of 0.715 for D.I. rock Quantity of soil excavation per hour = 15.71 cum Hire charge of Tipper per hour = (As per Item No.16) Rs512.56 Cost of transportation of D.I. rock earth within initial lead of 1km = (512.56/15.71) = Total of excavation and transportation = 18.85+32.63 = Add for trimming of slope and bed manually = Rs32.63 L.S. (A + B) = Rs51.48 Rs2.00 Rs53.48 Total = Or Say Rs5.35 Rs58.83 /cum Rs58.80 /cum Overhead charges @ 10% of (A+B) 18. Excavation of hard rock of all toughness in canal and cutoff trench of earth dam and other deep cutting sections by mechanical drilling and appropriate blasting with all lifts and delifts, loading into and transportation by transport vehicle within 1 km of initial lead and depositing the excavated materials neatly in specified dump yard as directed by Engineer-in-charge and trimming of bed and slope to the design finished section by manually, if necessary complete. (Recovery of useful materials of all sizes will normally be 0.7 cum per cum of excavation measured in dump condition. In case of change of recovery due to rock condition, percentage is to be fixed by Chief Engineer-incharge). Per 1 cum. Operations involved : i) Rock is to be blasted continuously. ii) The blasted materials is to be heaped. iii) The heaped rock are to be loaded on Tipper by excavator. iv) The loaded materials is to be carried within a lead of 1 km. v) Trimming of bed and slope. A. Cost of Drilling and blasting per 1 cum = (As per Item of Hard Rock) B. Loading by excavator /cum= 1717.64/72 = (Taking outturn in rock as 72 cum/hr) -21- Rs101.25 Rs23.86 C. Trasportation by Tipper Capacity of Tipper (loose soil) = Taking 80% carrying capacity, the capacity of Tipper = Lead = 1.00km a) Loading time = (Body capacity/Excavator output per min) = 3.80 min b) Loaded haul @ 20km/hr = 3.00 min c) Empty haul @ 20km/hr = 3.00 min d) Spotting, turning and unloading time = 1.40 min Total cycle time = 11.20 min 5.70 cum 4.56 cum Quantity to be carried per hour = Considering a swell factor of 0.715 Quantity carried per hour = 20.36 cum 14.56 cum Hire charge of Tipper per hour = (As per Item No.16) Cost of transportation within initial lead of 1km = Rs512.56 (512.56/14.56) = Rs35.20 D. Hire charge of Dozer per hour (excluding supervision charge) Rs2,141.79 Cost of spreading by Dozer = 2141.79/120 = (A+B+C+D)= Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C+D)= Total = Or Say 19. Rs17.85 Rs178.16 Rs17.82 Rs195.98 /cum Rs196.00 /cum Preparation of bed of foundation by wedging and barring in hard rock including removal of loose rock complete and disposal of muck by mechanical means within initial lead & lift as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Per 1 cum. A. Labour Charge Stone Cutter Hammer man Male Worker 1.00 nos. 1.00 nos. 2.00 nos. @ @ @ Rs75.00 Rs65.00 Rs55.00 (A) = i) Overhead charges @10% of (A)= Rs25.00 Or Say 20. Rs75.00 Rs65.00 Rs110.00 Rs250.00 Clearance of slush and muck from foundation pit by manual means including removal of debris within 50 m. initial lead and initial lift of 1.5m as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Per 1 cum. -22- Rs275.00 /cum Rs275.00 /cum A. Labour Charge Male Worker Female Worker 0.22 nos. 0.44 nos. @ @ Rs55.00 Rs55.00 (A) = i) Overhead charges @10% of (A)= Rs3.63 Or Say 21. Rs12.10 Rs24.20 Rs36.30 Rs39.93 /cum Rs39.90 /cum Preparation of foundation bed in hard rock requiring chieselling, hammering and tampering; wire brushing and air & water jetting etc including hire charges of all equipments and T & P etc. complete for dams, barrages and power house etc. over rock foundation as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Per 1 sqm. A. Chipping Stone Cutter Male Worker 0.20 nos. 0.10 nos. @ @ Rs75.00 Rs55.00 Rs15.00 Rs5.50 B. Brushing and removal of debris Female Worker 0.10 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs5.50 @ Rs324.79 L.S. Rs16.24 Rs1.00 L.S. Rs65.00 Rs65.00 (A + B + C) = Rs1.50 Rs0.65 Rs0.65 Rs46.04 Or Say Rs4.60 Rs50.64 /sqm Rs50.60 /sqm C. Air and Water jetting in three operations i) Air compressor / one point supply charges 0.05 hr. ii) Water charges iii) Air hose, water hose & fittings and jet point charges iv) Jet operator 0.01 nos. v) Helper 0.01 nos. @ @ Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C)= 22. Fixing 25 mm. dia anchor bars in foundation rock including drilling 35 mm. dia holes, fixing wedged anchor and grouting with cement mortar 1:4 complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge excluding cost of M.S. rods for dams, barrages and power house structures including pull testing of 30% of anchors. (Depth of hole only to be measured for payment purpose). Per 1 r.m. A. Drilling Hole i) 400cfm Compressor with crew ii) Jack Hammer iii) Labour for drilling holes - 0.145 hr. 0.435 hr. Driller Male Worker 0.07 nos. 0.07 nos. -23- @ @ Rs766.35 Rs7.93 Rs111.12 Rs3.45 @ @ Rs75.00 Rs55.00 Rs5.25 Rs3.85 iv) Cost of drill rod 1/150 nos. @ Rs2,050.00 Rs13.67 Fitter Special Male Worker ii) Fixing anchors into holes - 0.10 nos. 0.10 nos. @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs8.50 Rs5.50 Hammer man Male Worker iii) Cost of wedge iv) Grouting with cement mortar including materials and labours Add for pull testing 0.05 nos. 0.05 nos. @ @ Rs65.00 Rs55.00 L.S. Rs3.25 Rs2.75 Rs2.50 L.S. L.S. (A+B) = Rs6.00 Rs2.50 Rs168.34 Or Say Rs16.83 Rs185.17 /1R.M. Rs185.20 /1R.M. B. Making wedged anchors and fixing i) Cutting & splitting upto 10 cm. - Overhead charges @10% of (A+B)= 23. Random rubble stone masonry in dams, barrages and weirs etc. with cement mortar 1:3 with quarried stone boulders of approved quality including providing all materials, machineries and labour etc complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge including construction of necessary ramps, cat ways etc. for all lifts and delifts upto 10m of dam from average N.S.L. of block. (Cost of transportation to be added) For 1 cum A. Materials: i) Rubble stones including bond stones, spalls and wedges 1cum 1.00 cum ii) Sand of approved quality 0.45 cu 0.45 cum iii)Cement 2.15 qtl iv) Water cost (not allowed if supply mains provided by department) v) Admixtures (if used add extra) @ @ @ Rs122.90 Rs29.00 Rs354.00 L.S. L.S. Total = Rs122.90 Rs13.05 Rs761.10 Rs2.50 Rs0.00 Rs899.55 B. Labour charges for feeding mixer, carrying materials from stock piles, laying masonry, curing etc. including cleaning. Labour charges for 7.86 cum of masonry constructed per day with the following labour for +/- 10m lift. Mason Special Mason Ordinary Hammer man Sangi mulia Male Worker Female worker 1.00 1.00 0.50 5.00 5.00 9.00 nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. nos. For lift/delift upto 20m add 20 % extra on labour = -24- @ @ @ @ @ @ Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs65.00 Rs65.00 Rs55.00 Rs55.00 Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs32.50 Rs325.00 Rs275.00 Rs495.00 Rs1,287.50 Rs257.50 Rs1,545.00 Quantity done in cum = 7.86 Rate/cum = Rs196.56 C. Hire charge of mixer A 10/7 concrete mixer can produce Mortar @4cum/hour For 0.45 cum time = 1/4 x 0.45 = Hire charges @ 0.1125 hr. Rs126.96 /hr = Rs14.28 D. Cost of providing Ramps & Scaffolding and catways etc. @ 10 % cost of materials (A) (A+B+C+D)= Rs89.96 Rs1,200.35 Or Say Rs120.04 Rs1,320.39 /cum Rs1,320.40 /cum Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C+D)= 24. Random rubble stone masonry in dams, barrages and weirs etc. with cement mortar 1:4 with quarried stone boulders of approved quality including providing all materials, machineries and labour etc complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge including construction of necessary ramps, catways etc. for all lifts and delifts upto 10m of dam from average N.S.L. of block. (Cost of transportation to be added) For 1 cum A. Materials: i) Rubble stones including bond stones, spalls and wedges 1.00 cum ii) Sand of approved quality 0.45 cum iii) Cement 1.60 qtl iv) Water cost (not allowed if supply mains provided by department) v) Admixtures (if used add extra) @ @ @ Rs122.90 Rs29.00 Rs354.00 L.S. L.S. Total = Rs122.90 Rs13.05 Rs566.40 Rs2.50 Rs0.00 Rs704.85 C. Labour charges for feeding mixer, carrying materials from stock piles, laying masonry, curing etc. including cleaning. (As per Item R.R.stone Masonry with C:M 1:3) Rs196.56 D. Hire charge of mixer (As per Item R.R.stone Masonry with C:M 1:3) Rs14.28 E. Cost of providing Ramps & Scaffolding and catways etc. @ 10 % cost of materials (A) (A+B+C+D)= Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C+D)= -25- Rs70.49 Rs986.18 Rs98.62 Rs1,084.80 /cum Or Say 25. Rs1,084.80 /cum Cement concrete M10 grade with crushed granite coarse aggregate of size 40mm down graded mixed in batching and mixing plant including cost of all materials, machineries and labour for materials up to mixing yard and transportation of mixed concrete within initial lead of 1km by mechanical means and laying in dams, barrages, power house and pen stock with all lifts/delifts upto 1.5m height above average ground level as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation of materials to be added) For 1 cum A. Materials i) Cost of 40mm down graded aggregate for 0.93 cum : 40 mm down graded metal will contain 40mm 50.00% 20mm 25.00% 10mm 25.00% Rate/cum =(464x0.50+638x0.25+671x0.25)= Rate for 0.93 cum 0.93 cum ii) Sand iii) Cement iv) Admixtures (to be added if used) v) Water cost (to be added if supply mains not provided by the department) 0.37 cum 2.07 qtl @ @ @ Rs464.00 Rs638.00 Rs671.00 @ Rs559.25 @ @ Rs29.00 Rs354.00 L.S. L.S. Total = Rs232.00 Rs159.50 Rs167.75 Rs559.25 Rs520.10 Rs10.73 Rs732.78 Rs0.00 Rs2.50 Rs1,266.11 B. Labour charges i) Feeding batching plant : Male Worker 0.20 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs11.00 ii) Placement and laying : Mason Special Male/Female worker 0.05 nos. 0.67 nos. @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs4.25 Rs36.85 iii) Cleaning surface and green cutting and curing : Jet Operator 0.10 nos. Female worker 0.20 nos. @ @ Rs65.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs6.50 Rs11.00 Rs69.60 C. Hire charge of machineries i) Hire charge of transport vehicle : (Conveyance of Green concrete from batching plant to work site) Transportation up to 1km by Tipper One Tipper can carry 1.8 cum per trip, which is manufactured by Batching Plant in two batches of 3 minutes each i.e. in 6 minutes. Loading time 6.0 min -26- Loaded haul (@ 20 kmph) Empty haul (@ 30 kmph) Unloading, turning, dumping etc. Total cycle time = 3.0 min 2.0 min 3.3 min 14.30 min No. of trips / hr considering time = (50/14.30) 50.00 min effective 3.50 trips Quantity of concrete transported considering 80% efficiency = 5.04 cum Use rate of Tiper / hr without P.O.L. = Cost of P.O.L. & lubricants a) Diesel b) Lubricant @20% of Diesel 221.47 2.00 lt @ Rs34.00 Hire charge of Tipper / cum = Rs68.00 Rs13.60 303.07 Rs60.13 ii) Hire charge of Batching and Mixing Plant : Out turn per hour = Hire charge of Batching Plant/hr = 15.00 cum 468.70 Hire charge of Batching Plant / cum = Rs31.25 iii) Hire charge of compressor for washing, cleaning and green cutting : Hire charge of 400cfm compressor/hr = 766.35 Compressor can supply air to 3 points and time for cleaning in 3 phases is considered to be 0.03 hr each for 1 cum of concrete. Hire charge of Compressor / cum = Rs22.99 iv) Hire charge of vibrator : Considering working conditions, one vibrator can consolidate 5.04 cum concrete in 1 hr. Use rate of Vibrator / hr = Hire charge of Vibrator / cum = 94.90 Total = (A + B + C ) = Rs1,468.91 Or Say Rs146.89 Rs1,615.80 /cum Rs1,615.80 /cum Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C) -27- Rs18.83 Rs133.20 26. Cement concrete M15 grade with crushed granite coarse aggregate of size 40mm down graded mixed in batching and mixing plant including cost of all materials, machineries and labour and transportation of mixed concrete within initial lead of 1km by mechanical means and laying in dams, barrages, power house and pen stock with all lifts/delifts upto 1.5m height above average ground level as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Cost of transportation of materials to be added) Unit - Per 1 cum A. Materials i) Cost aggregates 40mm 20mm 10mm ii) Sand iii) Cement iv) Admixtures (to be added if used) v) Water cost (to be added if supply mains not provided by the department) 0.54 0.27 0.09 0.45 2.70 cum cum cum cum qtl @ @ @ @ @ Rs464.00 Rs638.00 Rs671.00 Rs29.00 Rs354.00 L.S. L.S. Total = Rs250.56 Rs172.26 Rs60.39 Rs13.05 Rs955.80 Rs0.00 Rs2.50 Rs1,454.56 B. Labour charges Same as per M10 concrete Rs69.60 C. Hire charge of machineries : Same as per M10 concrete (A + B + C ) = Rs133.20 Rs1,657.36 Or Say Rs165.74 Rs1,823.10 /cum Rs1,823.10 /cum Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C)= 27. Cement concrete M15 grade with crushed granite coarse aggregate of size 20mm and down graded mixed in batching and mixing plant including cost of all materials, machineries and labour and transportation of mixed concrete within initial lead of 1km by mechanical means and laying in dams, barrages, power house and pen stock with all lifts/delifts upto 1.5m height above average ground level in respective blocks as per direction of Engineer-incharge. (Cost of transportation to be added) Unit - Per 1 cum A. Materials i) Cost of 20mm down graded aggregate 20 mm down graded metal will contain 20mm 10mm ii) Sand iii) Cement 0.54 @ 0.36 @ 0.45 cum 2.88 qtl -28- @ @ Rs638.00 Rs671.00 Rs344.52 Rs241.56 Rs29.00 Rs13.05 Rs354.00 Rs1,019.52 iv) Admixtures (to be added if used) v) Water cost (to be added if supply mains not provided by the department) L.S. L.S. Total = Rs0.00 Rs2.50 Rs1,621.15 B. Labour charges for feeding materials, laying cleaning and curing etc. : Same as per M10 concrete Rs69.60 C. Hire charge of machineries : Same as per M10 concrete (A + B + C ) = Rs133.20 Rs1,823.95 Or Say Rs182.40 Rs2,006.35 /cum Rs2,006.40 /cum Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C)= 28. Cement concrete M20 grade with crushed granite coarse aggregate of size 20mm and down graded mixed in batching and mixing plant including cost of all materials, machineries and labour and transportation of mixed concrete within initial lead of 1km by mechanical means and laying in dams, barrages, power house and pen stock with all lifts/delifts upto 1.5m height above average ground level in respective blocks as per direction of Engineer-incharge. Unit - Per 1 cum A. Materials i) Cost of 20mm down graded aggregate 20mm 0.54 cum 10mm 0.36 cum ii) Sand 0.45 cum iii) Cement 3.47 qtl iv) Admixtures (to be added if used) v) Water cost (to be added if supply mains not provided by the department) @ @ @ @ Rs638.00 Rs344.52 Rs671.00 Rs241.56 Rs29.00 Rs13.05 Rs354.00 Rs1,228.38 L.S. Rs0.00 L.S. Total = B. Labour charges : Same as per M10 concrete Rs69.60 C. Hire charge of machineries : Same as per M10 concrete (A + B + C ) = Rs133.20 Rs2,032.81 Or Say Rs203.28 Rs2,236.09 /cum Rs2,236.10 /cum Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C+D) 29. Rs2.50 Rs1,830.01 Providing porous cement concrete pipes of size 0.69m x 0.69m cross section with 23cm dia holes with porous concrete 1:3.5 proportion with 20mm downgraded coarse aggregate within initial lead and lift/ delift of 20m from average N.S.L. of dam block including supply of all materials, shuttering charges, labour charges including positioning in dam with curing complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. -29- Unit - 1 r.m. Volume of porous concrete/m = (0.69² - (pi/4) x 0.23²) = 0.435 cum. A. Materials i) Cost of 20mm down graded aggregate 0.435 cum 20 mm down graded metal will contain 20mm to 10mm (60%) 10mm to 6mm (40%) Rate/cum = (638x0.60+671.00x0.400= Rate for 0.435 cum ii) Cement iii) Water cost (to be added if supply mains not provided by the department) 60% @ 40% @ Rs638.00 Rs671.00 0.435 cum @ Rs651.20 Rs651.20 Rs283.27 1.76 qtl @ Rs354.00 Rs623.04 L.S. Total = Rs2.50 Rs908.81 B. Labour charges i) Washing of aggregate : Female Worker 0.15 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs8.25 ii) Feeding Mixer : Male/Female Worker 0.15 nos. @ Rs55.00 Rs8.25 iii) Shuttering : Fitter/Carpenter Male Worker 0.04 nos. 0.04 nos. @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs3.40 Rs2.20 iv) Laying concrete, finishing, curing : Mason Special Male/Female Worker 0.05 nos. 0.25 nos. @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs4.25 Rs13.75 @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs4.25 Rs41.25 Rs85.60 v) Conveyance of precast block to placement spot and aligning & fixing : Mason Special 0.05 nos. Male/Female Worker 0.75 nos. C. Shuttering Charges One steel centring box and one M.S. pipe 23cm dia can be used for 60 times and salvage value will be 20% only. The porous blocks shall be cast in 0.5m high pieces. For one shutter of 0.5m height a) M.S. angle 50x50x6mm thick 7.6m @ 4.5 kg/m = b) M.S. plate 2.3mm thick (4x0.65x0.5) = 1.3 sqm @ 18 kg/sqm = 34.20 kg 23.40 kg 57.60 kg -30- Cost of 57.60 kg Manufacturing cost with incidentals for 57.60 kg @ Rs30.64 Rs1,764.86 @ Cost of 23cm dia M.S. pipe of 0.5m = Cost of one shutter = Rs5.00 L.S. Cost of 2 sets = Deduct scrap value (20%) = Rs200.00 Rs2,252.86 (-) Cost /use for block of 1m height = 3604.58/60 = D. Hire charge of mixer for Rs4,505.72 Rs901.14 Rs3,604.58 Rs60.08 0.176 hr Hire charge of mixer /hr = Rs126.96 Hire charge of mixer /r.m. = 126.96 x 0.176= Rs22.34 (A + B + C + D) = Rs1,076.83 Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C+D) Or Say 30. Rs288.00 Rs107.68 Rs1,184.51 /r.m. Rs1,184.50 /r.m. Flush pointing to stone masonry in cement mortar 1:3 including racking out joints 5mm deep, cleaning, pressing cement mortar finishing and curing including cost of materials, labour, scaffolding with initial lead and lift upto 10m etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Unit - 1 sqm A. Materials i) Cement ii) Sand B. Labour charges Mason Special Male Worker Female Worker 0.043 qtl 0.009 cum @ @ Rs354.00 Rs29.00 Total = Rs15.22 Rs0.26 Rs15.48 0.11 nos. 0.10 nos. 0.30 nos. @ @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs9.35 Rs5.50 Rs16.50 Rs31.35 C. Scaffolding Charges 3 % of Labour charges (C) = Rs0.94 (A + B + C ) = Rs47.77 Or Say Rs4.78 Rs52.55 /sqm Rs52.60 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C) 31. Rule pointing to stone masonry in cement mortar 1:3 including racking out joints 5mm deep, cleaning, pressing cement mortar finishing and curing including cost of materials, labour, scaffolding with initial lead and lift up to 10m etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. -31- Unit - 1 sqm A. Materials i) Cement ii) Sand 0.0516 qtl 0.011 cum @ @ Rs354.00 Rs29.00 Total = Rs18.27 Rs0.32 Rs18.59 0.172 nos. 0.10 nos. 0.30 nos. @ @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs14.62 Rs5.50 Rs16.50 Rs36.62 B. Labour charges Mason Special Male Worker Female Worker C. Scaffolding Charges 3 % of Labour charges (C) = Rs1.10 (A + B + C ) = Rs56.31 Or Say Rs5.63 Rs61.94 /sqm Rs61.90 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C) 32. 25mm thick (average) cement plaster in contraction joints in masonry dams in cement mortar 1:3 including surface preparation by racking out joints etc.and curing including cost of materials, labour, scaffolding with initial lead and lift up to 10m etc.complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Unit - 1 sqm A. Materials i) Cement ii) Sand B. Labour charges Mason Special Male Worker Female Worker 0.145 qtl 0.026 cum @ @ Rs354.00 Rs29.00 Total = Rs51.33 Rs0.75 Rs52.08 0.18 nos. 0.15 nos. 0.11 nos. @ @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs15.30 Rs8.25 Rs6.05 Rs29.60 C. Scaffolding Charges 3 % of Labour charges (C) = Rs0.89 (A + B + C ) = Rs82.57 Or Say Rs8.26 Rs90.83 /sqm Rs90.80 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C) -32- 33. Providing contraction joints of masonry and concete dams by installation of two lines of Z-type copper sealing strips of 16 S.W.G (1.63mm thick) excluding cost of copper strips, G.I. pipes of 20mm dia, fabrication, filling with asphalt of approved grade complete, excluding cost of copper sheet as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. ( Any plastering or shuttering required for groove or notch to be paid separately.) Unit - 1 r.m. A. Materials i) Copper sheet 1.63mm thick 0.6m wide 2nos.x0.6x1.0x(1.63x8900)/1000 = (Weight of copper 8900 kg/cum) Brazing charges of copper strips at ends 17.41 kg 0.24 m @ Rs50.00 Rs12.00 3.72 kg 2.00 m @ @ Rs28.58 Rs55.00 L.S. Total = Rs106.32 Rs110.00 Rs120.00 Rs348.32 1.00 nos. 3.00 nos. @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs85.00 Rs165.00 Rs250.00 (A + B ) = Rs598.32 Or Say Rs59.83 Rs658.15 /r.m. Rs658.20 /r.m. ii) 10mm dia M.S. rods for fixing copper strips (2x4nos.x0.75mx0.62) iii) Cost of 20mm diaG.I.Pipes 2m. iv) Cost of Asphalt B. Labour charges Fitter Special Male Worker Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) = 34. Providing contraction joint in the dam including fixing one line of Z-type copper sealing strip of 16 SWG (1.63 mm thick) and one line of P.V.C. water stop of approved design including fixing 20 mm dia G.I. pipes for heating and filling with asphalt of approved grade but excluding cost of copper strip and P.V.C. strip but including cost of all other materials complete including jointing sheets with bredzing/araldite etc. as directed by the Engineer-in- Charge (Any plastering or shuttering required for groove or notch to be paid separately). Unit - 1 r.m. A. Materials i) Copper sheet 1.63mm thick 0.6mm wide 1 meter - 8.705 K.G ii) P.V.C. water stop - 1 mtr iii) Brazing copper sheet 0.60 mtr @ Rs50.00 Rs30.00 3.72 kg 2.00 mtr @ @ Rs28.58 Rs55.00 L.S. Rs106.32 Rs110.00 Rs120.00 Rs366.32 iv) 10mm dia MS rods for fixing strips v) 20mm dia G.I pipe vi) Cost of Asphalt -33- B. Labour Charges i) Fitter Special ii) Male worker 0.80 nos 2.00 nos @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 (A + B ) = Rs544.32 Or Say Rs54.43 Rs598.75 Rs599.00 /1r.m. Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) = 35. Rs68.00 Rs110.00 Rs178.00 Providing P.V.C. water stop for drainage gallery as per approved design including fixing in proper allignment and joining with araldite etc. excluding cost of P.V.C water stop as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Unit 1 R.M. A. Materials i) Cost of P.V.C. water stop - 1 mtr. ii) 10mm dia MS rods for supporting in position 2x2x0.75 = 3m @ 0.62 K.G/m = 1.86 kg B. Labour Charges i) Fitter Special 0.25 nos ii) Male worker 0.50 nos Rs0.00 @ 1.86 28.58 @ @ Rs85.00 Rs55.00 (A + B ) = Rs21.25 Rs27.50 Rs48.75 Rs101.91 Or Say Rs10.19 Rs112.10 Rs112.10 /R.M. Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) = 36. Rs53.16 Providing rigid shuttering with the box type steel shuttering plates with keys for intermediate construction joints in rafts of weirs, barrages and dam blocks including cost of all materials, labour, T. & P. etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge including removal of forms. Unit- 1 cum of concrete / 1 sqm of shuttering It is assumed that the concrete shall be laid in 0.5m layers in confined areas of 15m x 10m. Considering two vertical faces of the confined area require intermediate shuttering and two other faces is already available, Area of shuttering =(15.00+10.00)x0.5 = Zig zag faces = 25 x 0.15 x 0.5 = Volume of concrete = (15.00x10.00x0.5)= A. Materials a) Cost of shuttering boxes :Boxes of 1.00mx0.5mx0.5m having three faces shall be used with 50x50x6mm angles and 2.5mm plates. M.S. Angles 50x50x6mm -34- 12.50 1.88 14.38 sqm 75.00 cum 8.0m @ 4.5 kg/m = M.S. plate 2.5mm thick 1 sqm @ 19.62 kg/sqm 36.00 kg 19.62 kg 55.62 kg = Structural Steel 55.62 kg Fabrication charges for 55.62 kg Fixing keys 25mm dia rod, 0.3m @ 3.85 kg/m = 1.16 kg Support Angle 50x50x6mm 1.0m @ 4.5 kg/m = 4.50 kg @ @ Rs30.64 Rs1,704.20 Rs2.70 Rs150.17 Rs1,854.37 @ Rs15.00 Rs17.40 @ Rs30.64 Rs137.88 Fixing bolts and nuts 2nos. 16mm dia 5cm bolts L.S. Deduct scrap value after uses @ 20% = Considering 70 uses, cost per use = 1610.12/70 = For 25 nos. of shutters & fixtures = 23.00x25 = Rs575.00 Rs75.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs75.00 Rs220.00 Rs295.00 (A+B)= Rs870.00 B. Labour charges for fixing, removal etc. Fitter 1.00 nos. Male Worker 4.00 nos. @ @ Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) Rs23.00 Rs87.00 Rs957.00 1. Volume of Concrete = Rate per cum of concrete = 75.00 cum 957.00 / 75 = 2. Area of Shuttering = Rate per sqm = 37. Rs3.00 Rs2,012.65 Rs402.53 Rs1,610.12 Or Say Rs12.76 Rs12.80 /cum 14.38 sqm 957.00 / 14.38 = Or Say Rs66.57 Rs66.60 /sqm Providing formwork for concrete with F1 finish for upstream faces of dam, spillway, glacis of barrages, unexposed surfaces of foundation, block joints etc.with steel shutters rigidly fixed and removal of forms and making good to the surfaces where necessary complete with all labour, materials and T & P complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Unit 1 sqm A. Materials I) Cost of steel shuttering plates and channels : It is assumed that 1m x 1m size steel shuttering plates manufactured by using 2.15 mm thick plates and 50 x 50 x 6mm angles shall be used with 100 x 50 x 6mm channels. a) Cost of shutter plates : -35- M.S. Angles 50x50x6mm 8.0m @ 4.5 kg/m = M.S. plate 2.15mm thick 1 sqm @ 16.89 kg/sqm 36.00 kg 16.89 kg 52.89 kg = Structural Steel 52.89 kg Fabrication charges 52.89 kg 52.89 kg @ @ Rs30.64 Rs1,620.55 Rs2.70 Rs142.80 Rs1,763.35 Rs88.17 Rs1,851.52 18.00 kg @ Rs30.64 Miscellaeous & unforeseen @ 5% = b) Cost of channel 100x50x6mm 2.0m @ 9.0 kg/m = Deduct scrap value of shutter & channel after use @ 20% of cost i.e.(52.89+18.00)x30.64x0.20 = (-) Rs434.41 Rs1,968.63 Considering shutter & channel to be used 40 times for F1 finish cost per use = Area covered = 1.0 x 1.1 = Rs551.52 Rs2,403.04 1968.63/40 = Rs49.22 1.10 sqm Cost per 1 sqm = Rs44.75 II) Cost of tie rods and anchors : 12 mm tie 1.5+0.15 = 1.65 m @ 0.89 kg/m = 1.47 kg @ Cost of gas electrode, nut bolt, oil etc. = L.S. B. Labour Charges One gang consisting of 1 Fitter (special), one Fitter, 5 male workers and one welder can fix and align 10 nos. of shutters in one day having formed area of 10 x 1.1 = Fitter Special Fitter Male Worker Welder For Dismatling : Male Worker Rs28.58 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 Rs42.01 Rs10.00 Rs96.76 11.00 sqm nos. nos. nos. nos. @ @ @ @ Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs55.00 Rs75.00 Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs275.00 Rs75.00 3.00 nos. @ Rs55.00 Total = Rs165.00 Rs675.00 Labour cost/sqm = 675.00/11.00 = Add for Hoisting and Scaffolding @ 20% of labour = Rs61.36 Rs12.27 Rs73.63 (A+B)= Rs170.39 Or Say Rs17.04 Rs187.43 Rs187.40 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) -36- 38. Providing formwork for concrete with F2 finish for all permanently exposed surfaces not prominently exposed to public view such as in galleries, adits, bridges, retaining walls, open spillways etc. with steel shutters or plywood shutters including supply of rigid tie and supports with all labour, materials and T & P complete including finishing complete as directed by the Engineer-incharge (abrupt surface irregularities over 5mm and gradual over 10mm measured with 1.5m template is not permitted). Unit 1 sqm A. Materials Assuming use of steel shuttering plates of 1m x 1m with channel supports I) Cost of steel shutter 1m x 1m size with 50 x 50 x 6mm angles and 3.15mm plates: a) Cost of shutter plates : Weight of M.S. Angles 8.0m @ 4.5 kg/m = Weight of M.S. plate 1 sqm @ 24.75 kg/sqm = 36.00 kg Structural Steel Fabrication charges 24.75 60.75 60.75 60.75 kg kg kg kg @ @ Rs30.64 Rs1,861.38 Rs2.70 Rs164.03 Rs2,025.41 b) Cost of channel 150x75x6mm 2.0m @ 14.15 kg/m = 28.30 kg @ Rs30.64 Deduct scrap value of shutter & channel after use @ 20% of cost i.e.(60.75+28.30)x30.64x0.20 = (-) Rs545.70 Rs2,346.82 Considering shutter & channel to be used 35 times for F2 finish cost per use = Area covered = 1.0 x 1.15 = Rs867.11 Rs2,892.52 2346.82/35 = Rs67.05 1.15 sqm Cost per 1 sqm = Rs58.30 II) Cost of tie rods and anchors : (Same As F1 finish) Rs42.01 Cost of gas electrode, nut bolt, oil etc. = L.S. Rs10.00 Rs110.31 B. Labour Charges Data for fixing 10 shutters : Fitter Special Fitter Male Worker Welder For Dismatling : Male Worker Area of shuttering = 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 nos. nos. nos. nos. @ @ @ @ Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs55.00 Rs75.00 Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs330.00 Rs75.00 3.00 nos. @ Rs55.00 Total = Rs165.00 Rs730.00 10 x 1.15 = Labour per 1 sqm = -37- 11.50 sqm Rs63.48 Add for Hoisting and Scaffolding @ 20% of labour = Rs12.70 Rs76.18 Rs1.00 Rs77.18 Add for finishing tie holes and exposed metals etc. = L.S. = (A+B)= Rs187.49 Or Say Rs18.75 Rs206.24 Rs206.20 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B)= 39. Providing formwork for concrete with F2 finish for all permannetly exposed surfaces not prominently exposed to public view such as in bucket, ogee, pier noses and other curved surfaces with steel shuttering plates including supply of rigid ties and supports with all labour, materials and T & P including finishing complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(abrupt surface irregularities over 5mm and gradual over 10mm measured with 1.5m templete is not permitted). Unit 1 sqm A. Materials Assuming use of steel shuttering plates of 1m x 1m with channel supports, I) Cost of structural steel for 1m x 1m size with 50 x 50 x 6mm angles and 3.15mm plates : a) Cost of shutter plates : Weight of M.S. Angles 8.0m @ 4.5 kg/m = Weight of M.S. plate 1 sqm @ 24.75 kg/sqm = 36.00 kg 24.75 kg 60.75 kg Structural Steel 60.75 kg Fabrication charges for curved plates @ 60.75 kg @ Rs2.70 Rs164.03 Rs2,025.41 b) Cost of channel 150x75x6mm 2.0m @ 14.15 kg/m = Bending & drilling holes 28.30 kg 28.30 kg @ @ Rs30.64 Rs2.50 Rs867.11 Rs70.75 Rs2,963.27 Deduct scrap value of shutter & channel after use @ 20% of cost i.e.(60.75+28.30)x30.64x0.20 = Rs30.64 Rs1,861.38 (-) Net Cost Considering shutter & channel to be used 30 times for F2 finish cost per use = Area covered = 1.0 x 1.15 = -38- Rs545.70 Rs2,417.57 2417.57/30 = Rs80.59 1.15 sqm Cost per 1 sqm = Rs70.08 II) Cost of tie rods and anchors : (Same As F1 finish) Rs42.01 Cost of gas electrode, nut bolt, oil etc. = L.S. Rs10.00 Rs122.09 B. Labour Charges Same as item F2 finish Rs77.18 (A+B)= Rs199.27 Or Say Rs19.93 Rs219.20 Rs219.20 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) 40. Providing Blockouts in concrete for fixing embedded parts in gate grooves and other embedments for dams and barrages etc. with wooden planks with cost of all materials labour charges, T & P etc complete including fixing anchor rods complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(Cost of anchor bars to be paid separately) Unit 1 Considering a block out of 0.6m x 0.4m x 12m long as representative one. Area of shuttering = 2 x 0.4 x 12 = 1 x 0.6 x 12 = 9.60 sqm 7.20 sqm 16.80 sqm Total A. Materials i) Non sal planks 19 mm thick 2 x 0.45 x 12 x 0.019 = ii)Non sal scantling 1 x 0.56 x 12 x 0.019 = 2 x 13 x 0.45 x 0.032 x .025 = 1 x 13 x 0.56 x 0.032 x .025 = 2 x 13 x 0.50 x 0.032 x .032 = 0.205 Add wastage 10 % Cost = 0.397 cum iii) Cost of nails @ 2 % iv) Cost of M.S.rod suppports 12mm dia 2 x 13 x 0.3 = @ 0.89 kg/m = Cost = 6.940 kg v) Welding & fixing charges @ 15 % of rod cost B. Labour charge i) Carpenter special ii) Male Worker iii)Black smith special 4.00 nos. 5.00 nos. 1.00 nos. C.Add for staging @ 20% of labour charge -39- @ 0.128 0.009 0.006 0.013 0.361 cum 0.036 0.397 cum Rs14,548.00 Rs5,775.56 Rs115.51 7.80 m 6.94 kg @ @ @ @ 28.58 Rs198.35 Rs29.75 Rs6,119.17 Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Rs85.00 Total = Rs340.00 Rs275.00 Rs85.00 Rs700.00 140.00 (A+B+C)= Rs6,959.17 Or Say Rs695.92 Rs7,655.09 Rs455.66 Rs455.70 /sqm Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C) Rate/sqm = Rs.7655.09/16.80 = 41. Supplying,Manufacturing & Fixing Embedded parts in concrete including anchoring and Placing in specified positions including supply of all materials, Labour, T&P etc. for manufacturing embedded parts as per design and fixing in position in proper alignment by welding rigidly to reinforcement as direted by Engineer-in-charge. Unit 1 quintal a) Manufacturing embedded parts Data for one embedded parts of 0.15m x 0.1m x 12mm thick plate and 20mm dia anchor 2 nos each of length 0.4m cranked & welded. A. Materials i) 12mm thick M.S. plate 1 x 0.15 x 0.1 = @ 94.2 kg/sqm = Add wastage 3 % 0.015 1.413 0.042 1.455 Cost = 1.455 kg ii) 20mm dia R.T.S. rod 2 x 0.4 = @ 2.46 kg/m = Add wastage 3 % Cost = 2.03 kg 3.485 kg iii) Fabricaton charge for (1.455+2.0 @ 30.64 sqm kg kg kg Rs44.58 0.80 m 1.97 kg 0.06 kg -------------------2.03 @ 28.58 Rs57.99 @ Rs2.70 Total Rs9.41 Rs111.98 Rate per quintal = Rs.111.98x100/3.485 = Rs3,213.20 Prime cost/qntl = Overhead charges @10% Rs3,213.20 Rs321.32 Rs3,534.52 Rs3,534.50 /qntl Or Say b) Alignment and fixing in position Considering 24 nos.of Embeded parts weighing 24 x 3.485 = = Labour charge i)Fitter for alignment ii) Welder 1.00 nos. 1.00 nos. -40- @ @ 83.64 kg 0.8364 qntl Rs85.00 Rs75.00 Rs85.00 Rs75.00 ii) Male Worker 3.00 nos. Consumable, Supports & Machinery i) Electrodes 24.00 nos. ii) Support rods 12 mm dia 2 x 24 x 0.25 = 12.00 @ 0.89 kg/m = 10.68 Cost = 10.680 kg iii) Welding transformer charges 6 hours 6.00 hrs @ Rs55.00 Total = Rs165.00 Rs325.00 @ Rs4.30 Rs103.20 m kg @ 28.58 Rs305.23 @ Rs79.47 Rs476.79 Prime Cost = Rs1,210.22 Overhead charges @10% Rs121.02 Rs1,331.24 Rate/sqm = Rs.1331.24/0.8364 = Rs1,591.63 Rs1,591.60 /qntl Or Say Rate for supplying & fixing embedded parts complete = = Rs.3534.50 + 1591.60 = 42. Rs5,126.10 /qntl Manufacturing 400mm dia vent pipes from 3.15mm thick M.S. plates and embeding the same in concrete or masonry in dam including necessary supporting arrangement before embedment complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Unit 1 mtr. A. Materials i) Cost of M.S. plate = 3.14 x 0.4 x 1.0 = 3.15mm thick plate @ 24.73 kg/cum = Cost = 31.160 kg ii) Manufacturing Cost iii) Cost of fixtures and suppports and welding materials at site 31.160 kg @ 1.26 kg 31.16 kg Rs30.64 Rs954.74 @ Rs4.00 L.S. B. Labour charge i) Welder ii) Fitter iii)Male worker 0.25 nos. 0.25 nos. 0.50 nos. @ @ @ Rs75.00 Rs75.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs10.00 Rs1,089.38 Rs18.75 Rs18.75 Rs27.50 Rs65.00 (A+B)= Rs1,154.38 Or Say Rs115.44 Rs1,269.82 Rs1,269.80 /1r.m. Overhead charges @10% of (A+B) -41- Rs124.64 43. Providing and laying cement concrete of grade M15 with 20mm.down graded granite coarse aggregate for concrete lining to the bed and slopes of canal with sleeper beams, keys pannels including supply of all materials, labour and machineries compacting with space vibrator or manually and finishing the concrete surface including trimming and dressing of canal bed and slopes including cutting trenches for sleeper beam, keys and drainage etc.including watering and compaction of slopes and bed with hand rammers to proper profile and supplying and laying polythene film of 100 micron complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Unit 1 cum A. Materials (i) Coarse Aggregate 20mm 10mm (ii) Sand (iii) Cement 0.54 0.36 0.45 2.88 cum cum cum qntl @ @ @ @ Rs638.00 Rs344.52 Rs671.00 Rs241.56 Rs29.00 Rs13.05 Rs354.00 Rs1,019.52 Total = Rs1,618.65 B. Labour charges i) Mate ii) Mason iii)Male worker 0.06 nos. 0.10 nos. 1.33 nos. @ @ @ Rs65.00 Rs85.00 Rs55.00 Total = Rs3.73 Rs8.50 Rs73.33 Rs85.56 C. Hire charges of machineries Concrete mixture Generator 0.40 hrs 0.40 hrs @ @ 161.27 386.48 Rs64.51 Rs154.59 Rs219.10 Rs1,923.31 (A + B + C ) = D.Formwork @ 4% of (A+B+C) Rs76.93 E. Labour charges for trimming (Assume 10sqm of triming for 1 cum of lining) Male worker 0.20 Nos Cost of polythene film 100 micron 10.00 sqm @ Rs55.00 Rs11.00 @ Rs1.50 Rs15.00 Rs26.00 Overhead charges @10% of (A+B+C+D+E)= Total = Or say Rs202.62 Rs2,254.86 /cum Rs2,254.90 /cum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -42- III. CONCRETE Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 1 Grinding lime mortar (Labour only)per 1 cum Pair of bullocks or buffaloes with plough man a. labour Man mulia Women mulia b. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a) c. 2% Sundries & T & P on item (a) etc. Total = (a+b+c)= 0.71 pair 2.12 nos - Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 pair each - 85.00 55.00 Say Concrete with broken stones in lime mortar (1:2) with 4cm size metal per 1 Cum a. Materials Hand broken granite stone 4cm size Lime (ghooting)unslaked Sand (screened & washed) T&P (as in item 1) b. Labour Mason second class Man mulia Women mulia c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 60.35 116.60 17.70 3.54 198.19 198.20 / cum 2 0.96 0.18 0.36 0.36 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum 356.00 1720.00 29.00 176.95 0.18 1.8 1.4 no nos nos each each each 75.00 55.00 55.00 Say Cement concrete (1:3:6)with 4cm size hard granite metal per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite stone 4cm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement 341.76 309.60 10.44 63.70 13.50 99.00 77.00 91.50 1006.50 1006.50 / cum 3 b. Labour Labour same as per item no 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = 0.96 0.48 0.16 2.29 cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal 356.00 29.00 341.76 13.92 341.00 780.89 189.50 0.70 no each 55.00 Say Cement concrete (1:4:8)with 4cm size hard granite metal per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite stone 4cm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement 38.50 136.46 1501.03 1501.00 / cum 4 b. Labour Labour same as per item no 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water 0.96 0.48 0.12 1.72 cum cum cum quintal cum cum cum quintal 356.00 29.00 341.76 13.92 341.00 586.52 189.50 0.70 -43- no each 55.00 38.50 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say Cement concrete (1:5:10)with 4cm size hard granite metal per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite stone 4cm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 117.02 1287.22 1287.20 / cum 5 b. Labour Labour same as per item 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = 0.96 0.48 0.096 1.38 cum cum cum quintal cum cum cum quintal 356.00 29.00 341.76 13.92 341.00 470.58 189.50 0.70 no each 55.00 Say Cement concrete (1:6:12)with 4cm size hard granite metal per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite stone 4cm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement 38.50 105.43 1159.69 1159.70 / cum 6 0.96 0.48 0.08 1.15 b. Labour Labour same as per item 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal 356.00 29.00 341.76 13.92 341.00 392.15 189.50 0.70 no each 55.00 Say Cement concrete (1:2:4)with 12mm size hard broken granite chips per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite chips 12mm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement 38.50 97.58 1073.41 1073.40 / cum 7 0.90 0.45 0.225 3.23 b. Labour Labour same as per item 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water Mason 2nd class c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal 494.00 29.00 444.60 13.05 341.00 1101.43 189.50 1.40 0.50 nos no each each 55.00 75.00 Say -44- 77.00 37.50 186.31 2049.39 2049.40 / cum Sl. Description No. 1 2 8 Cement concrete (1:2 1/2:5)with 12mm size hard broken granite chips per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite chips 12mm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement b. Labour Labour same as per item 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water Mason 2nd class c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = Quantity required 3 0.90 0.45 0.18 2.58 Unit 4 cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 494.00 29.00 444.60 13.05 341.00 879.78 Remarks 7 189.50 1.40 0.50 nos no each each 55.00 75.00 Say Cement concrete (1:3:6)with 12mm size hard broken granite chips per 1cum a. Materials Hand broken granite chips 12mm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement 77.00 37.50 164.14 1805.57 1805.60 / cum 9 0.90 0.45 0.15 2.15 b. Labour Labour same as per item 2 Man mulia for mixing stone, sand and cement and getting water Mason 2nd class c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) = cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal 494.00 29.00 444.60 13.05 341.00 733.15 189.50 1.40 0.50 nos no each each 55.00 75.00 Say 77.00 37.50 149.48 1644.28 1644.30 / cum 10 Grouting approns and revetment 23cm deep with cement concrete (1:4:8) with 2.5cm broken granite metal per 1sqm. a. Cement concrete (1:4:8) excluding 10 % OHC (Item No-4) b. Add difference in cost of hand broken granite stone metal 4 cm to 2.5 cm (Rs. 385.00 - Rs. 356.00)=Rs.29.00 c. Extra Labour Mason (special) Man Mulia Women mulia d Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b+c) Total = (a+b+c+d) = 0.03 cum cum 1170.20 35.11 0.03 cum cum 29.00 0.87 0.05 0.11 0.11 each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 no no no Say -45- 4.25 6.05 6.05 5.23 57.56 57.60 / sqm Sl. Description No. 1 2 11 Grouting approns and revetment 15cm deep with cement concrete (1:4:8) with 2.5cm broken Quantity required 3 Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 granite metal per 1sqm. Take 2/3rd rate of item No. 10 Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 Total= Say 38.40 38.40 38.40 / sqm 12 Grouting approns and revetment 23cm deep with concrete broken stone in lime mortar (1:2) with 2.5cm broken granite metal per 1sqm. a. Lime concrete (rate as per item 2 excluding 10 % OHC ) b. Add different in cost of metal 4 cm to 2.5cm (Rs. 385.00 - Rs. 356.00)=Rs.29.00 c. Extra labour Mason (special) Man Mulia Women mulia d Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b+c) Total = (a+b+c+d) = 0.038 cum cum 915.00 34.77 0.038 cum cum 29.00 1.10 each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 0.05 0.11 0.11 no no no Say 4.25 6.05 6.05 5.22 57.44 57.40 / sqm Total= Say 38.27 38.27 38.30 / sqm 13 Grouting approns and revetment 15cm deep with concrete broken stone in lime mortar (1:2) with 2.5cm broken granite metal per 1sqm. Rate 2/3rd of item No. 12 14 Cement plum concrete (1:2:4) with 4cm size hard granite metal with 15% plum stones (granite) per 1cum. a. Rate as per cement concrete 1:4:8 (vide item No.4 excluding 10 % OHC ) b. Add extra cost of cement for 1:2:4 proportion c. Deduct-15% cost from the rate towards plums d. Add for cost of plums (Not less than 0.0025 e. Extra labour for hoisting or lowering the stones and placing in position f. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b-c+d+e) Total = (a+b-c+d+e+f)= 1.00 cum cum 0.12 cum cum 1.72 quintal quintal 1170.20 1170.20 341.00 586.52 -263.51 22.20 0.15 cum cum 148.00 0.08 each 55.00 no Say -46- 4.40 151.98 1671.79 1671.80 / cum Sl. Description No. 1 2 15 Cement plum concrete (1:3:6) with 4cm size hard granite metal with 15% plum stones (granite) per 1cum. a. Rate as per cement concrete 1:3:6 with 4cm metal rate as per item 3 excluding 10 % OHC b. Deduct-15% cost from the rate towards plums c. Add extra cost of plums and labour for placing (as in item 14) d. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a-b+c) Total = (a-b+c+d) Quantity required 3 1.00 cum Unit 4 cum Rate Rs. P 5 1364.57 Total Say 16 Cement plum concrete (1:4:8) with 4cm size hard granite metal with 15% plum stones granite per 1cum. a. Rate of concrete item 4 excluding 10 % OHC b. Deduct-15% cost from the rate towards plums c. Add extra cost of plums and labour for placing (as in item 14) I d. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a-b+c) Total = (a-b+c+d) 1.00 cum 1170.20 Total Say Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 1364.57 -204.69 26.60 118.65 1305.13 1305.10 / cum 1170.20 -175.53 26.60 102.13 1123.40 1123.40 / cum 17 2.5 cm thick grading concrete (1:2:2) on roof slab with 6mm size hard granite chips. On new work per 1 sqm. a. Materials. 4.7 mm size hard granite chips sand (screened & washed). Cement 0.0169 0.0169 0.0085 0.1208 b. Labour Mason (special) Man Mulia man mulia for mixing chips,sand and cement c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c) 0.10 0.33 0.03 cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal no no no each each each 424.00 29.00 7.17 0.49 341.00 41.19 85.00 55.00 55.00 Total= Say -47- 8.50 18.15 1.65 7.71 84.86 84.90 / sqm Sl. Description No. 1 2 18 4 cm thick grading concrete (1:2:4) on roof slab Quantity required 3 Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 with 12mm & down grade size black hard granite chips for old work. Per 1 Sqm a. Materials. Hand broken granite chips 12mm size 4.7 mm size Sand (screened & washed). Cement 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.009 0.1287 b. Labour Mason (special) Man Mulia Man mulia for mixing chips,sand and cement c. Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total = (a+b+c)= 0.165 0.528 0.48 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum quintal quintal no no no each each each 494.00 424.00 29.00 8.89 7.63 0.52 341.00 43.89 85.00 55.00 55.00 Total= Say 14.03 29.04 26.40 13.04 143.44 143.40 / sqm Note : (i) If more than 15% of plums are used in cement concrete similar analysis based on the respective percentage of plums is to be worked out: (ii) If variation of size and nature of metal or stone is involved due to change in specification of items, the difference of cost of such metal or stone should be taken in to consideration and rate arrived at (iii) If stone lime is used in the work add difference in cost of lime to the respective items of works (iv) The rates have been arrived using hand broken metal & chips and if crusher broken metal & chips are used, the difference in cost should be added to arrive at the finished rates (v) For C.C. work in 1st floor and subsequent upper floor add 15% extra labour over and above the rates from the next lower floor. (vi) For cement concrete work below ground level beyond 1.5m and upto 4.5m depth add 15per cent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials. (vii) For cement concrete work below ground level beyond 4.5m and upto 7.5m depth add 20% extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials. (viii) 10% excess on the above rates will be allowed in the works being executed inside jail premises -48- IV R.C.C WORK Quantity Sl. Description Unit required No. 1 2 3 4 1 Cement concrete (1:2:4) with 12mm size Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 5 6 7 broken hard granite chips for R.C.C. works including hoisting and laying per 1 cum (To be used for minor repair work only) a) cement concrete with 12mm size hard broken granite chips (rate as per item7 of concrete) b) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a) Total (a+b) 1.00 cum cum Say 1863.08 186.31 2049.39 2049.40 / cum 2 Cement concrete (1:11/2:3) with 12mm size broken hard granite chips for R.C.C. works including hoisting and lying per 1cum (To be used for minor repair work only) a) Materials Hand broken granite chips 12mm size Sand (screened & washed) Cement b) Labour Mason 2nd class Man Mulia Women mulia Man mulia for mixing stone, sand cement and getting water c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 0.90 0.45 0.30 4.29 and cum cum cum cum cum cum qntl. quintal 494.00 29.00 444.60 13.05 341.00 1462.89 0.68 no 1.8 nos 1.4 nos each each each 75.00 55.00 55.00 51.00 99.00 77.00 1.4 nos each 55.00 77.00 Say 3 222.45 2446.99 2447.00 / cum R.C.C. work of M-15 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusherbroken) stone chips including hoisting and laying Data for 1 cum a) Material 20mm size chips 10mm size chips coarse sand (screened and washed Cement b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Man Mulia c) Machinery Concrete mixer Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b+c) Total (a+b+c+d) 0.54 0.36 0.45 2.80 cum cum cum cum cum cum qntl. quintal 638.00 671.00 29.00 341.00 344.52 241.56 13.05 954.80 3.90 7.50 73.15 0.06 no 0.10 no 1.33 nos each each each 65.00 75.00 55.00 0.40 hour 0.40 hour hour hour 161.00 240.00 Say -49- 64.40 96.00 179.89 1978.77 1978.80 / cum Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 R.C.C. work of M-20 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusherbroken) stone chips including hoisting and laying Data for 15 cum a) Material 20 mm size chips 10mm size chips coarse sand (screened and washed) Cement b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Man Mulia c) Machinery Concrete mixer(cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b+c) Cost of 15 cum = (a+b+c+d) = Rate per cum=(a+b+c+d)/15 Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 638.00 671.00 5167.80 3623.40 8.10 cum 5.40 cum cum cum 6.75 cum cum 29.00 195.75 5.21 MT MT 3,410.00 17766.10 0.86 no 1.50 nos 20.00 nos each each each 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 6.00 hour 6.00 hour hour hour 161.00 240.00 Say 5 R.C.C. work of M-25 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusherbroken) stone chips including hoisting and laying Data for 15 cum a) Material 20 mm size chips 10mm size chips coarse sand (screened and washed) Cement b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Man Mulia c) Machinery Concrete mixer(cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b+c) Cost of 15 cum =(a+b+c+d)= Rate per cum=(a+b+c+d)/15 8.10 5.40 6.75 6.05 966.00 1440.00 3042.75 33470.20 2231.35 2231.30 / cum cum cum cum MT cum cum cum MT 638.00 671.00 29.00 3,410.00 5167.80 3623.40 195.75 20630.50 0.86 no 1.50 nos 20.00 nos each each each 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 6.00 hour 6.00 hour hour hour 161.00 240.00 Say Say -50- 966.00 1440.00 3329.19 36621.04 / cum 2441.40 2441.40 / cum Sl. Description No. 1 2 6 R.C.C. work of M-30 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusherbroken) stone chips including hoisting and laying Data for 15 cum a) Material 20 mm size chips 10mm size chips coarse sand (screened and washed) Cement b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Man Mulia c) Machinery Concrete mixer(cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b+c) Cost of 15 cum =a+b+c+d= Rate per cum=(a+b+c+d)/15 Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 8.10 5.40 6.75 6.10 cum cum cum MT cum cum cum MT 638.00 671.00 29.00 3,410.00 5167.80 3623.40 195.75 20801.00 0.86 1.50 20.00 no nos nos each each each 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 6.00 hour 6.00 hour hour hour 161.00 240.00 Say Say 7 R.C.C. work of M-35 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusherbroken) stone chips including hoisting and laying Data for 15 cum a) Material 20 mm size chips 10mm size chips coarse sand (screened and washed) Cement b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Man Mulia c) Machinery Concrete mixer(cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead Charges 10 % (a+b+c) Cost of 15 cum =a+b+c+d= Rate per cum=(a+b+c+d)/15 966.00 1440.00 3346.24 36808.59 2453.91 2453.90 / cum 8.10 5.40 6.75 6.33 cum cum cum MT cum cum cum MT 638.00 671.00 29.00 3,410.00 5167.80 3623.40 195.75 21585.30 0.86 1.50 20.00 no nos nos each each each 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 6.00 hour 6.00 hour hour hour 161.00 240.00 Say Say -51- 966.00 1440.00 3424.67 37671.32 / cum 2511.42 2511.40 / cum Sl. Description No. 1 2 8 R.C.C. work of M-40 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusherbroken) stone chips including hoisting and laying Using concrete mixer. Unit = 1 cum Taking output = 15 cum a) Material Cement Coarse sand 20 mm Aggregate 10 mm Aggregate Admixture @ 0.4 per cent of cement b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Mulia unskilled c) Machinery Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead Charges 10 % (a+b+c) Cost of 15 cum =a+b+c+d= Rate per cum=(a+b+c+d)/15 Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 6.45 MT 6.75 cum 8.10 cum 5.40 cum 25.80 kg MT cum cum cum kg 3410.00 29.00 638.00 671.00 40.00 21994.50 195.75 5167.80 3623.40 1032.00 0.96 2.00 22.00 no nos nos each each each 65.00 75.00 55.00 62.40 150.00 1210.00 6.00 hour 6.00 hour hour hour 161.00 240.00 Say Say 966.00 1440.00 3584.19 39426.04 / cum 2628.40 2628.40 / cum 9 (A) Supplying ,fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification. Unit - 1 MT Taking Output = 1 MT a) Material HYSD bars including 5 percent overlaps and wastage Binding wire b) Labour Labour for cutting ,bending, shifting to site, tying and placing in position Mate Blacksmith (special) Man mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per MT Rate per 1 Quintal 1.05 MT MT 28,817.00 30257.85 8.00 kg kg 39.00 312.00 0.44 no 3.00 nos 8.00 nos each each each 65.00 85.00 55.00 28.60 255.00 440.00 3129.35 34422.80 34422.80 3442.28 3442.30 Say Rs. Say B) Extra for welding higher diameter rods each cm -52- 5.00 Sl. Description No. 1 2 10 Rigid and smooth centering and shuttering for R.C.C. works including false works and dismantling them after casting including cost Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 of materials complete in ground floor i) R.C.C. floor and roof slabs, landings, balconies, projecting sun shades and chajjas upt 4.3m height Details for 9 sqm. a) Materials Non sal wood scantling planks 38mm 120mm dia sal bullah Carriage of wood Total Considering 10 times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour Carpenter (second class) semi-skilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 Sqm = (a+b+c)/9 = 0.112 0.34 56.00 1.142 cum cum Mtr. cum cum cum Mtr. cum 14,548.00 14,548.00 69.00 72.00 1052.19 2.75 nos 2.75 nos each each 75.00 65.00 Say ii)(a) For each additional height of 0.3m over initial height of 4.3m in ground floor and extra upto a height of 5.5m (b) For each additional height of 0.3m add extra over 5.5m 1629.38 4946.32 3864.00 82.22 10521.92 206.25 178.75 143.72 1580.91 175.66 175.70 / sqm 1sqm 5.00 1sqm 8.00 iii) R.C.C. stairs excluding landing but including railing details for 5 Sqm a) Materials Non sal wood 38mm thick planks Non sal wood scantling 120mm dia non sal bullah Carriage of wood Total Considering 10times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/5 = 0.228 0.039 6.5 0.35 cum cum Mtr cum cum cum 1Mtr cum 14,548.00 14,548.00 52.00 72.00 3316.94 567.37 338.00 25.20 4247.51 424.75 2.75 nos 2.75 nos each each 75.00 65.00 Say -53- 206.25 178.75 80.98 890.73 178.15 178.10 / sqm Sl. No. 1 Description 2 iv) R.C.C. foundation , plinth band and Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 footings bases of columns mass concrete precast slabs etc details for 10 Sqm a) Materials 25mm thick non sal planks Non-sal bullah 80mm dia for strutting Carriage of wood Total Considering 10times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm =(a+b+c)/10= 0.267 cum 12.60 mtr 0.3284 cum cum mtr cum 14,548.00 33.00 72.00 432.38 0.50 no 0.50 no each each 75.00 65.00 Say v) R.C.C. beams, column, grider and bressmer, etc. Data for 4.2sqm a) Materials 38mm thick non sal planks 120mm dia sal bullah 80mm dia sal bullah for bracing Carriage of wood Total Considering 10 times use of the materials, for b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/4.20 = 0.218 15.20 8.00 0.456 cum mtr mtr cum 2.75 nos 2.75 nos cum mtr mtr cum 14,548.00 69.00 69.00 72.00 each each 75.00 65.00 Total Say vi) R.C.C. Lintels Data for 7.8 sqm a) Materials 38mm thick non sal planks 120mm dia non sal bullah Carriage of wood Total Considering 10times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/7.80 = 3884.32 415.80 23.64 4323.76 0.413 cum 21 mtr 0.689 cum cum mtr cum 14,548.00 52.00 72.00 37.50 32.50 50.24 552.62 55.26 55.30 / sqm 3171.46 1048.80 552.00 32.83 4805.09 480.51 206.25 178.75 86.55 952.06 226.68 226.70 / sqm 6008.32 1092.00 49.61 7149.93 714.99 1.25 nos 1.25 nos each each 75.00 65.00 Say -54- 93.75 81.25 89.00 978.99 125.51 125.50 / sqm Sl. No. 1 Description 2 vii) R.C.C. walls and fins including attached pillasters Data for 23.90 sqm a) Materials 38mm thick non sal planks Non sal wood scantling 120mm dia non sal bullah Carriage of wood Considering 10times use of the materials, for b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/23.90 = Quantity required 3 0.954 0.269 100.8 2.461 cum cum cum cum 13.5 nos 13.5 nos Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 cum cum cum cum 14548.00 14548.00 52.00 72.00 Total each each 75.00 65.00 Total Say viii) Double stage centering and shuttering for roof slabs Balconies and projections above 3.60mand upto 7.20m heights Data for 9.30 sqm a) Materials 38mm thick non sal planks planks 120mm dia sal bullah 80mm non sal bullah Non-sal wood scanting 25mm Carriage of wood 0.7068 112.00 24.38 0.2438 2.339 cum mtr mtr cum cum cum mtr mtr cum cum 14548.00 69.00 33.00 14548.00 72.00 Total Considering 10 times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/9.30 = 13878.79 3913.41 5241.60 177.19 23210.99 2321.10 1012.50 877.50 421.11 4632.21 193.82 193.80 / sqm 10282.53 7728.00 804.54 3546.80 168.41 22530.28 2253.03 6.05 nos 6.05 nos each each 75.00 65.00 Total Say 453.75 393.25 310.00 3410.03 366.67 366.70 / sqm ix) Tripple stage centering and shuttering for roof slabs balconies and projection above 7.20m and upto 10.80m heights Data for 9.30 sqm a) Materials 38mm thick non sal planks 120mm dia sal bullah 80mm non sal bullah Non-sal wood scanting 25mm Carriage of wood 1.0602 168.00 36.57 0.3657 3.5086 cum mtr mtr cum cum cum mtr mtr cum cum 14548.00 69.00 33.00 14548.00 72.00 Total Considering 10times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia 15423.79 11592.00 1206.81 5320.20 252.62 33795.42 3379.54 10 nos 10 nos -55- each each 75.00 65.00 750.00 650.00 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/9.30 = Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P 4 5 Total Say x) Centering and shuttering for shell roof 1) upto 5.50m height Details for 9.30sqm a) Materials Non-sal wood 38mm Planks 120mm dia sal bullah 80mm dia non sal bullah Non-sal wood scanting 25mm Carriage of wood Considering 10times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/9.3 = 0.353 110 15.23 0.2258 1.8987 cum cum mtr cum cum cum cum mtr cum cum 14548.00 69.00 33.00 14548.00 72.00 Total 4.12 4.12 nos nos each each 75.00 65.00 Total 4.80 mtr 0.054 cum mtr cum 69.00 72.00 Total Considering 10times use of the materials, for use once b Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm =(a+b+c)/9.30 = Remarks 6 7 477.95 5257.50 565.32 565.30 / sqm 5135.44 7590.00 502.59 3284.94 136.71 16649.68 1664.97 Say 2) For each additional height of 0.30m over 5.50m and upto 7.5m height Details for 9.30sqm a Materials 120mm dia sal bullah Carriage of wood Amount Rs. P 309.00 267.80 224.18 2465.95 265.16 265.20 / sqm 331.20 3.89 335.09 33.51 0.225 0.225 no no each each 75.00 65.00 Total Say -56- 16.88 14.63 6.50 71.52 7.69 7.70 / sqm Sl. No. 1 Quantity required 2 3 xi) Centering and shuttering for slope roof upto 3.60m hDetails i ht for 9.30sqm Description a) Materials Non-sal wood scanting 38mm 120mm dia sal bullah 80mm non sal bullah Non-sal wood scanting 25mm Carriage of wood 0.394 73.17 14.02 0.0701 1.3612 cum mtr mtr cum cum Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 cum mtr mtr cum cum 14548.00 69.00 33.00 14548.00 72.00 Total Considering 10 times use of the materials, for use once b) Labour carpenter (second class) semiskilled mulia c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate for 1sqm = (a+b+c)/9.30 = 5731.91 5048.73 462.66 1019.81 98.01 12361.12 1236.11 3.43 3.43 nos nos each each 75.00 65.00 Say xii) R.C.C. Work in slab for culverts and Bridges upto 8M span. a) Upto 4M height Rate as per item 10(i) Add 20% extra for the strong Posts and bracing 257.25 222.95 171.63 1887.94 203.00 203.00 / sqm 175.70 Total Say b) Above 4m and upto 8m height rate as calculated in item(a) Add 25% extra for the strong Posts and bracing 35.14 210.84 210.80 / sqm 210.80 Say 52.70 263.50 263.50 / sqm Say 263.50 105.40 368.90 368.90 / sqm Say 226.70 56.68 283.38 283.40 / sqm Total c) Above 8m and upto 13m height Rate as calculated above Add 40% extra for strong posts or bracings Total (xiii) a) R.C.C. beams for bridges upto 15m span and height upto 5m Rate for the beams as per item 10(v) Add 25% extra for strong posts Total -57- Sl. No. 1 Description 2 b) R.C.C. beams for bridges upto 15m span and height above 5m and upto 8m Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Rate as calculated in item (a) Add 20% extra for strong posts Say 283.40 56.68 340.08 340.10 / sqm Say 340.10 85.03 425.13 425.10 / sqm Say 283.40 141.70 425.10 425.10 / sqm Say 425.10 85.02 510.12 510.10 / sqm Say 510.10 51.01 561.11 561.10 / sqm Say 210.80 63.24 274.04 274.00 / sqm Say 274.00 68.50 342.50 342.50 / sqm Say 342.50 137.00 479.50 479.50 / sqm Total c) R.C.C. beams for bridges upto 15m span and height above 8m and upto 13m Rate as calculated in item (b) Add 25% extra for strong posts Total (xiv) a) R.C.C. beams for bridges above 15m span upto 5m height Rate as calculated in item xiii(a) Add 50% extra for strong posts Total b) R.C.C. beam for bridge above 15m span above 5m height and upto 8m height Rate as calculated in item (a) Add 20% extra for strong posts Total c) R.C.C. beam for bridge above 15m span above 8m height and upto 13m height Rate as calculated in item (b) Add 10% extra for strong posts Total xv)a) R.C.C. slabs for culverts and bridge above 8m span and upto5m height Rate as calculated in item xii (a) Add 30% extra for strong posts Total b) R.C.C. slabs for culverts and bridge above 8m span and above 5m height and upto 8m. Rate as calculated in item (a) Add 25% extra for strong posts Total c) R.C.C. slabs for culverts and bridge above 8m span and above 8m height upto 13m.height Rate as calculated in item (b) Add 40% extra for strong posts Total -58- Sl. Description No. 1 2 11 Rigid and smooth centering and shuttering at all heights of trough and road slab of aqueduct bridges, deck slab and soffit slabs using required nos of pylons for vertical supports of scaffolding centering and shuttering with joists, N.G. rails and channels and shutering plates including welding, bolting,cost, conveyance , royalty and all other taxes of all materials and cost of scaffolding gangway etc. including cost of conveyance of dismantling and disposing debris clear of work site complete to receive reinforcement grills and concrete as per requirement as directed by Engineer-inCharge 1 Cost of one pylon A. Angle 65×65×6mm 4×1.50×6.00m (vertical member) 2×4.00×0.7-5.60 (cross member) Total 1.60m @ 5.8kg/meter = 67.28kg 67.28kg or 0.06728M ton 25mm M.S. Rod 4.00×4=16.00m@3.85Kg/Meter 61.60 kg or 0.0616 Mton Weilding charges 4×260mm= 1040mm 4×6×50 = 1200mm 2240mm or 224cm @ Rs 5.00/cm Market rate Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 0.06728 MT MT 30640.00 2061.46 0.0616 MT MT 28580.00 1760.53 224.00 cm cm 5.00 1120.00 Total Hire charges of one pylon for single use considering one pylon can be used 36 times 4941.99 137.28 4941.99/36 Cost of materials (Rate as per actual) From bottom slabs and side beam (for one span) a) ISMB 250 on top of pylon 2 rows 2×6.00 = 12.00m @ 37.30kg/meter ISMB300 on 9 rows2 Nos. in each row 18×5.5 = 99m @ 44.2kg/m a) 4.823 M.ton @ Rs. 30770.00/M.Ton b) Channel 125 × 65mm Side shuttering 20 × 2.52 = 50.40m. Inside shuttering 20 × 1.885 = 37.70m Total 88.1 m @ 13.1 kg/m 447.6 kg 4.823 MT or MT 4375.8 4823.4 kg 4.823 Mton 30770.00 148403.71 1.154 MT MT 30770.00 -59- 35508.58 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 c) M.S.Plate (i) Botton slab = 66 (ii) side = 98 Total 164 nos Quantity required 3 164 nos Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 nos 1500 Total B. Top slab in 2nd operation a) Bottom as per 1A (a) shuttering plates as per item 1A© ( i) 66No 148403.71 66 nos nos 1500 99000.00 247403.71 Total b) Top ISMB 250= 5 × 4.7 = 23.5Mtr. @ 37.30kg/ 876.55Kg or 0.87655 M.Ton @ 30770.00/M.Ton 246000.00 429912.29 0.87655 MT MT 30770.00 26971.44 4.86 MT 54 nos MT nos 28580.00 1500.00 Total 138898.80 81000.00 494273.95 12 nos 16 nos each each 85.00 75.00 1020.00 1200.00 12 nos each 75.00 900.00 200 cm cm 5.00 Total (a) 1000.00 4120.00 4.83 MT MT 1639.00 7916.37 skilled mulia5 Nos. × 2 days = 10days @ Rs. 75.00 10 nos each 75.00 750.00 Mulia 5 Nos. × 2 days = 10days @ Rs. 55.00 10 nos each 55.00 Total (b) 550.00 9216.37 c) N.G. Rails 81No. X 6.00 = 486M @ 10kg/M d) Top plates 54 Nos. Labour charges for one span (Bottom slab & beam) 2 Labour charges for fixing pylon including welding for keeping rigid a) for errection (as per observation) Highly skilled mulias 6 No. × 2days = 12days skilled mulia 8 No. × 2days = 16days conveying staking at site skilled mulia 6 No. × 2days = 12days Welding MS Rods on both sides 2 Nos. in each side 2×4×25cm = 200cm @ Rs. 5.00/cm (Market rate) b) Hoisting joists and placing in position 4.83 ton (as per item no 1 of Iron Works) Carrying from store to site -60- Sl. No. 1 Description 2 c) Hoisting and laying shuttering plates Sangi mulia for carying from stock yard to site 10Nos. For taking to Top 10 Nos. For laying 10Nos. Welding side shuttering plates to keep rigidly 2×2×11×5 = 220cm Quantity required 3 10 nos 10 nos 10 nos Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 each each each 65.00 65.00 65.00 Total 650.00 650.00 650.00 1950.00 220 cm cm 5.00 Total (c) 1100.00 3050.00 98.56 sqm sqm 35.00 3449.60 560 cm cm 5.00 Total (d) Total (a+b+c+d) 2800.00 6249.60 22635.97 Greasing the plates 10 mulias for 1day= 10Nos.@ Rs.55.00 per each 10 nos each 55.00 550.00 Cost of white grease 10 kg. 10 kg kg 100.00 1000.00 24185.97 d) Side shuttering and fixing with wielding etc. Outside 2×11.2×2.52 = 56.45sqm Inside 2×11.2 × 1.88 = 42.11Sqm Total =98.56 sqm 98.56sqm Weilding to keep rigid outside 2×40×4cm=320cm. 2×30×4cm.=240cm. Total =560 cm 25% overhead charges on labour as per O.C.C. 4571.49 [24185.97(1000.00+1100.00+2800.00+1000.00)]x1/4 28757.46 I) Hire charges of pylon 40Nos. 40 nos no 137.28 Cost of material taking 36 time use = 429912.29/36 Total Rate per Sqm. = 46190.67/154.56 For top in second operation a) Laying ISMB N.G. Rails Total Carrying to top 7 Sangi mulia for 1 day 876.55 4860 5736.55 5.73655 7 -61- kg kg kg MT nos kg kg kg MT each 1639.00 65.00 Total(a) 5491.20 11942.01 46190.67 298.85 9402.21 455.00 9857.21 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 b) Laying shuttering plates including carriage Sangi mulia 15Nos. For taking to top Sangi mulia 15Nos. each c) Weilding side - 2×11×5 = 110cm. @ Rs. 5.00/cm. Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 15 nos 15 nos 15 nos each each each 65.00 65.00 65.00 Total(b) 975.00 975.00 975.00 2925.00 110 cm cm 5.00 550.00 6 nos each 85.00 510.00 8 nos each 75.00 Total (d) 600.00 1110.00 12 nos each 75.00 900.00 8 nos each 75.00 600.00 8 nos each 75.00 600.00 20 nos each 55.00 1100.00 8 nos 16 nos each each 75.00 55.00 600.00 880.00 20 nos 20 nos each each 75.00 55.00 Total(e) Total (a+b+c+d+e) 1500.00 1100.00 7280.00 21722.21 d) Laying pylon including carrying and taking to top by rope etc. Highly skilled mulia 6Nos. for one day Skilled mulia 8Nos. For one day=8Nos.@Rs.75.00 pereach e) Removing materials Top pylon Skilled mulia 6Nos. for 2days = 12Nos. @ 75.00 / day Top joist and NG. Rails skilled mulias 4Nos. For 2days= Top shuttering plates skilled mulia 4Nos. For 2days = Mulias 10Nos. for 2days = 20Nos. @ 55.00 / day Bottom slab plates Skilled mulia 4Nos. for 2days = 8Nos. Mulias 8Nos. for 2days = 16Nos. Bottom joists and Pylon and side shuttering plates Skilled mulia 10Nos. for 2days = 20Nos. Mulias 10Nos. for 2days = 20Nos. Add overhead charges as per OCC 25% on labour items =(21722.21-550.00) x 1/4 5293.05 Total f) Hire charges of pylon 55Nos. @ Rs. 137.28 per each g) Hire charge of departmental materials ISMB, channel,NG Rails Shuttering plates (items 11B) using 36 times = 494273.95/36 55 nos each 27015.26 137.28 7550.40 13729.83 Total 48295.49 Say 1341.54 94486.16 441.73 441.70 / sqm Taking 36 times of use Rate per Sqm. = 48295.49/36 Total cost = 46190.67+48295.49 Rate per Sqm. = 94486.16/213.9 -62- Sl. Description No. 1 2 12 Hoisting and placing in position of steel girder trusses, centering and shuttering with steel shutter N.G. rails wooden shuttering plates, welding etc, complete for R.C.C. work in Well/ Grider of bridge including cost, conveyance, royalty of all materials and dismantling them after casting and disposing of the useful materials away from site complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in -charge. {Hoisting materials, steel shutter plates, N.G. Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 rails etc, are to be supplied by department for which no hire charges will be recovered} {Labour rates are inclusive of paid holiday}. Rate per Sqm. A Cost of staging including labour a) Excavation of anchor pits for derricks after refilling the pits after the refilling anchorage including watering for settlement. 12Nos. of labour for 1 pit for 5Nos. of pit = 60 Nos. labour for 2 days b) Cost of 10Nos. Of sleepers of size and carriage (0.22×0.80×3)=0.528Cum. Outturn 10 pits (5pits in each side) Excavation 10×3.00×3.00×3.50=315 Cum 120 nos each 55.00 6600.00 0.528 cum cum 25934.00 13693.15 each 85.00 340.00 Refilling after compaction the same =315 Cum. Labour for making and providing erecting of deriks Labour I. 2 Nos. of Riggers (Highly skilled for 2 days at the rate ii. 15 Nos. of skilled labour for 2 days at the rate of Rs. 72.50 iii. Cost of wooden deriks at the rate of Rs. 1500 for 2 dericks iv. Cost of 2 paid pipes dericks at the rate of 1200 4 nos 30 nos each 75.00 2250.00 2 nos each 1500.00 3000.00 2 nos each 1200.00 2400.00 28,283.15 -63- Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Total for 6 Nos. of span Rs. For one span = Quantity required 3 28,283.15 6 Unit Rate Rs. P 4 5 Amount Rs. P 6 28,283.15 4713.86 = i Labour charges for launching & placing trusses and N.G. Rails about 150 quintals. 2 No. of Rigger at the rate of Rs. 85.00 per each for 2 days 4 nos each 85.00 340.00 ii High skilled labour 25nos of launching of 2 Nos. trusses for 2 days at the rate of 85.00 iii Placing of N.G. rails over trusses for one day skilled labour engaged 15 nos 50 nos each 85.00 4250.00 15 nos each 75.00 1125.00 iv. Labour charges for delaunching trusses and N.G. rails for 2 days total 15 nos of skilled labour Total 2 Nos. of high skilled labour at the rate of 30 nos each 75.00 2250.00 2 nos each 85.00 170.00 20 nos each 75.00 1500.00 Carriage of N.G. rails and shifting of subsequent spans 20Nos. Skilled labour for a day Welding of N.G. rails about 500 joints for 3 days Welder 3 nos. for 3 days at the rate of Rs. 85.00/each/day 6 Nos. for 3 days at the rate of Rs. 65.00/each/day 9 nos each 85.00 765.00 18 nos each 65.00 1170.00 Welding rods 15 Pkts at the rate of Rs.300/per Pkt 15 pkt pkt 300.00 4500.00 18 hour hour 60.00 1080.00 500.00 22,363.86 Diesel welding machine for 6 hr/day=18 hours at the of Manila rope etc. for one span Total for 164.50sqm For 1Sqm. B Cost of centering and shuttering for one span a) Cost and carriage of sal wood (10cm×7.5cm) scantling b) Cost and carriage of sal wood planks 2.29cum @ 25,698/cum @ Rs. 69.00 135.95 1.403 cum cum 25934.00 36385.40 2.29 cum 450 mtr. cum mtr 25698.00 69.00 Total 58848.42 31050.00 126283.82 The set will be utilised for 3 times For one time 42094.61 -64- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 d) Cost bolts, nuts, nuts, washers, 20kg @ 49.00 Butt washer 10kg, @ Rs. 49.00/kg Nails e) Cost of welding rods 8 pkts Hours per day for 4 days 8 hr @ 60.00per hrs g) Cost putty Quantity required 3 20 10 40 8 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Kg Kg Kg pkt Kg Kg Kg pkt 49.00 49.00 37.00 300.00 980.00 490.00 1480.00 2400.00 8 hour hour 60.00 480.00 250.00 48174.61 -1500 46,674.61 283.74 75.00 65.00 1050.00 910.00 1960.00 653.30 Deduct cost of damage (wood) Total C for 1 sqm Labour charges for 35.60sqm (i) Carpenter(2nd class) 2 Nos. for7days (ii) Helper to carpenter 2 Nos. for 7 days 14 nos 14 nos each each Total for one use b) Labour charges of centering and shuttering (i) Welder(special) 2 Nos. @ 85.00 each day for 5 days 10 nos each 85.00 850.00 (ii) Helper to welder 2 Nos. @ 65.00 each day for 5 days 10 nos each 65.00 650.00 (iii) Carpenter(2nd class) 12.86 Nos. @ 75.00 each day for 7 days 90.02 nos each 75.00 6751.50 210 nos each 55.00 11550.00 20454.80 124.35 (iv) Labour 30Nos. @55.00 each day for 7 days For 164.50sqm , Cost = Rs. 20454.80 for 1 sqm Total Abstract of cost A. Cost of staging including labour B. Cost of centering and shuttering C. Labour charges Add 25% extra Total Say Rate per 1sqm. -65- 135.95 283.74 124.35 544.03 136.01 680.04 680.00 / Sqm Sl. Description No. 1 2 13 Rigid & smooth centering and shuttering for Quantity required 3 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 R.C.C. work in pergola including false work and dismantling them after casting including cost of materials complete in ground floor. Details for 9sqm a) Materials 120mm dia Sal bullah Non-sal wood scanting Non-sal wood planks 38mm thick Carriage of wood 56.00 0.112 0.34 1.142 mtr cum cum cum mtr cum cum cum 69.00 14548.00 14548.00 72.00 Total= 3864.00 1629.38 4946.32 82.22 10521.92 Total= 1052.20 5950.13 29.45 Considering 10 times use of materials =10521.92/10 Non-Sal wood planks 25mm thick Cost of wood Carriage of wood b) Labour Carpenter (2nd class) Sangi Mulia c) Overhead charges 10 % on a+b Total a+b+c+d Rate per 1sqm. = Rs. 8243.16/9 = 0.409 cum 0.409 cum cum cum 14548.00 72.00 3.3 nos 3.3 nos each each 75.00 65.00 247.50 214.50 749.38 8243.16 915.90 / Sqm 0.5 no Each 55.00 27.50 2.75 0.55 30.80 3.10 / Sqm 14 Closed deep chipping and cleaning to R.C.C. surface for receiving cement plaster per 1 Data for 10 sqm a) Labour Man mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% sundries and Nalls etc. on (a) Total Rate for 1 Sqm = Rs. 30.8/10 = 15 Rigid and smooth Steel centering and shuttering at all heights of bridge work such as well curb, well steining, well cap, pier and abutment shaft, pier and abutment cap, wing wall, tie beam, road kerb and dirt wall using required nos of vertical and horizontal supports of scaffolding with joists, N.G. rails and channels and steel shutering plates including welding, bolting,cost, conveyance , royalty and all other taxes of all materials and cost of scaffolding gangway etc. including cost of conveyance of dismantling and disposing debris clear of work site complete to receive reinforcement grills and concrete as per requirement as directed by Engineer-in-Charge -66- Sl. No. 1 Description Quantity required 3 2 Per 1Sqm a) Material Cost of Steel shuttering plate 1.524m x M.S Angle of size 50mm x 50mm x6mm 3 x 1.524m = 4.572m 5 x 0.914m = 4.570m Total = 9.142m Weight of Angle = 9.142m @ 4.5kg/mtr = 41.139kg M.S Plate 4mm thick = 1.524m x 0.914m = 1.393sqm Weight of Plate = 1.393sqm @ 31.40kg/sqm =43.740kg Total weight of 1 plate 84.879 = 41.139kg + 43.740kg = 84.879kg Cost of fabrication Labour for fabrication Cost of welding rod for fabrication 84.879 1.00 Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Remarks 4 5 6 7 Kg Kg 30.64 2600.69 Kg pkt. Kg Packet 2.708 300.00 229.85 300.00 3130.54 Cost of steel shuttering plate per 1sqm = 2247.34 3130.54/1.393 Considering 36times use of materials, rate for use once Rs.2100.66/36 Cost of nut and bolt @2kg/sqm for 1sqm @ 62.43 Rs.49.00/kg Considering 4times use of materials, rate for use once 2 x 49.00 / 4 Cost of sal bullah 150mm to 200mm dia up to 24.50 5.50m long Requirement = 12m /sqm @Rs.76.00/mtr = Rs.912.00 Considering 10times use of materials, rate for use once Rs.912.00/10 Total of a b) Labour Data for 4.20sqm Carpenter 2nd class Semiskilled mulia 91.20 178.13 2.75 2.75 nos nos each each 75.00 65.00 Total of b = Rate per sqm = 385.00/4.20 Total (a + b) = Rs.178.13 + Rs.91.67 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on a+b Rate per sqm = (a+b+c) Say -67- 206.25 178.75 385.00 91.67 269.79 26.98 296.77 296.80 / Sqm Quantity Sl. Rate Amount Description Unit Remarks Rs. P Rs. P required No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note : (i) For centering and shuttering for R.C.C. work (in floor and Roof slab, Landings, Balconies, Projection, Sunshades, Chajja, Stairs, Plinth band, Footing and base of columns, Precast slab, Beams and columns, Lintels, R.C.C. walls and Fins) in first floor ad subsequent upper floors add 20 percent extra to the rates of respective centering and shuttering items over and above the rates from the next lower floor. (ii) For R.C.C. work in 1st floor or any additional floor add 15 per cent extra labour over and above the rate of next lower floor for lifting of concrete etc. (iii) For reinforcement work in 1st floor or any additional floor add 5 percent extra labour over and above the rate of next lower floor. (iv) The rates of R.C.C. items (except item No.3,4 ,5,6,7&8) have been arrived using hand broken chips and if crusher broken chipsl are used the difference in cost should be added to arrive at the finished rates. (v) For R.C.C. and reinforcement works below ground level beyond 1.5m and upto 4.5m depth add 15 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials. (vi) For R.C.C. and reinforcement works below ground level beyond 4.5m and upto 7.5m depth add 20 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials (vii) For centering and shuttering work below ground level beyond 1.5m and upto 7.5m depth add 20 per cent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials (viii) For R.C.C. work in shell roof add 25 per cent extra labour overand above the rate for lifting and laying concrete. (ix) For R.C.C. work in slope roof add 10 per cent extra labour (on labour calculated for the floor) over and above the rates of the floor for lifting and laying concrete. (x) For R.C.C. work in pergola add 10 percent extra labour over and above the rate of next lower floor for lifting and laying concrete (xi) The under reamed diameter in pile foundation has been assumed as 2.5 times the stem diameter. (xii) In case of Steel Reinforcement work reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any , separately for different diameter as actually used in work,excluding overlaps.from the length so measured , the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in tonnes on the basis of IS: 1732,wastage ,overlaps,couplings,welded joints,spacer bars ,chairs ,stays , hangers and annealed steel wire or other methods for binding and placing shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rates for reinforcement. (xiii) 10 per cent excess on the above rates will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises -68- V. REINFORCED BRICK WORK Quantity Sl. Description Unit required No. 1 2 3 4 1 Reinforced brick work in roof slab and lintels using Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 1:2:4 cement concrete with 4.7 mm size hard granite chips in joint excluding cost of reinforcement bending and binding, centering and shuttering per 1cum a) Materials Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 254 nos 1000 Nos 2192.00 556.77 0.35 cum cum 1863.08 652.08 0.38 cum cum 70.00 -26.60 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent cement concrete 1:2:4 with 0.35cum 12mm hard granite chips for 25mm average joint (rate as per item 7 of concrete excluding 10 % OHC ) Deduct difference between cost of 4.7 mm and 12mm chips (Rs. 494.00-Rs.424.00 = Rs. 70.00) b) Labour same as item No.1 of 25cm K.B. brick work in cement mortar 1:3 Add extra labour involved for R.B. works Mason special Man mulia c) 271.30 0.35 no 0.35 no each each 85.00 55.00 Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total= (a+b+c)= Total Say Reinforced brick work in in cement mortar 1:3 excluding cost of M.S. rods centering and shuttering (per 1cum)material 25cm × 12cm × 8cm size K.B. bricks having crushing strength not less than 75kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 % a) Materials Sand Cement b) Labour Same as item No.1 of 25cm K.B. brick masnory in cement mortar1:3. Add-Extra labour involved for R.B. work 29.75 19.25 150.25 1652.80 1652.80 / cum 2 Mason special Man mulia c) 254 nos 1000 Nos 2192.00 556.77 0.35 cum 1.70 qntl. cum quintal 29.00 341.00 10.15 579.70 271.30 0.35 no 0.35 no each each 85.00 55.00 Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total= (a+b+c)= Say 3 Centering and shuttering for R.B. Works (Same as Item No. 7(i) of R.C.C.) -69- 1sqm 29.75 19.25 146.69 1613.61 1613.60 / cum 175.70 Quantity Sl. Rate Amount Description Unit Remarks required No. Rs. P Rs. P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note (i) For R.B. work in 1st floor and subsequent floor, add 15% extra labour over and above the rates of the next lower floor (ii) For centering and shuttering for R.B. work in 1st floorand subsequent upper floor, add 20 per cent extra to the rates of centering & shuttering over & above the rates in the next lower floor (iii) Rates for concrete items have been arrived on the assumption that hand broken chips have been utilised. If crushere broken chips are to be utilised, necessary addition to the rates may be effected. (iv) For brick masonry work below ground level and beyond 1.5m and upto 4.5m depth add 15 per cent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective item for lowering the materials. (v) For brick masonry work below ground level and beyond 4.5m and upto 7.5m depth add 20 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective item for lowering the materials. (vi) 10 per cent excess on the above rates will be allowed for the work being executed in side jail premises. -70- VI. MASONRY BRICK WORK WITH 25CM BRICKS Quantity Sl. Rate Description Unit required No. Rs. P 1 2 3 4 5 1 Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ± 8 percent in cement mortar (1:3) in foundation and plinth per cum. a) Material K.B. Brick 25cm × 12cm x 8cm 350 nos 1000 Nos 2192.00 Sharp sand (screened and washed) 0.28 cum cum 29.00 Cement 0.093 cum cum 1.33 qtl quintal 341.00 b) Labour Mason special 0.35 no each 85.00 Mason 2nd class 1.05 nos each 75.00 Man mulia 1.41 nos each 55.00 Women mulia 1.41 nos Each 55.00 Preparing mortar and getting water etc. 0.14 no each 55.00 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Say 2 a) Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent in cement mortar (1:4) in foundation and plinth per cum. Material K.B. Brick 25cm × 12cm x 8cm Sharp sand (screened and washed) Cement 350 nos 1000 Nos 0.28 cum 0.07 cum 1 qtl. cum cum quintal -71- 350 nos 1000 Nos 0.28 cum 0.047 cum 0.672 qtl. cum cum quintal 7 453.53 29.75 78.75 77.55 77.55 7.70 150.02 1650.17 1650.20 / cum 767.20 29.00 8.12 341.00 341.00 Say Remarks 767.20 8.12 2192.00 b) Labour labour same as per item 1 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 3 Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation and plinth per cum. a) Material K.B. Brick 25cm × 12cm x 8cm Sharp sand (Screened and Washed) Cement Amount Rs. P 6 271.30 138.76 1526.38 1526.40 / cum 2192.00 767.20 29.00 8.12 341.00 229.15 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour labour same as per item 1 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say 4 Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent in cement mortar (1:8) in foundation and plinth per cum. a) Material K.B. Brick 25cm × 12cm x 8cm Sharp sand (screened and washed) Cement b) Labour labour same as per item 1 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 350 0.28 0.035 0.501 nos 1000 Nos cum cum cum cum qtl. quintal 1000 cum cum quintal 767.20 8.12 341.00 170.84 767.20 8.12 341.00 114.58 271.30 116.12 1277.32 1277.30 / cum 6 Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent in clay in foundation and plinth per cum. a) Material K.B. Brick 25cm × 12cm x 8cm Clay mortar as per S/R Item No.20 in rate of material b) Labour Mason 2nd class Man mulia women mulia -72- 2192.00 767.20 cum 37.00 11.84 each each each 75.00 55.00 55.00 78.75 57.75 57.75 350 nos 1000 Nos 0.32 cum 1.05 nos 1.05 nos 1.05 nos 7 271.30 121.75 1339.21 1339.20 / cum 2192.00 29.00 Say Remarks 271.30 127.58 1403.35 1403.30 / cum 2192.00 29.00 Say 5 Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent in cement mortar (1:12) in foundation and plinth per cum. a) Material K.B. Brick 25cm × 12cm x 8cm 350 nos Sharp sand (screened and 0.28 cum washed) 0.0235 cum Cement 0.336 qtl. b) Labour labour same as per item 1 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Amount Rs. P 6 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say 7 Brick work with K.B. bricks 25cm x 12cm x 8cm having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 with dimensional tolerance ±8 percent in lime mortar (1:2) in foundation and plinth per cum. a) Material K. B. Bricks Ghooting lime(unslaked) Sharp sand (screened and washed b) Labour Labour same as item No.1 Grinding lime mortar vide no 1 of Conc.excluding 10 % OHC and 2% T&P c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 350 nos 1000 Nos 0.15 cum cum 0.3 cum cum 2192.00 1720.00 29.00 0.3 cum cum 176.95 61 nos 1000 Nos 0.286 qtl. quintal 0.08 cum 1cum 40.50 12.10 17.60 each each each 75.00 55.00 55.00 3.50 sqm 1sqm 3.86 Man mulia for cutting Green things and brush wood Man mulia for cutting Bullahs to required size spliting the bamboos fixing the bullah in the pits after excavating and typing twigs etc. Women mulia for applying mud plaster on both sides -73- mtr. 100Nos. 135.83 1494.11 1494.10 / cum 133.71 97.53 2.32 0.54 no 0.22 no 0.32 no 1.31 mtr. 0.54 no 53.09 2192.00 341.00 29.00 Say 9 Wattle and dub walling including 12mm Mud plaster on both sides per 1sqm a) Material Non-sal bullah 75mm mean dia Belangi bamboo 2.51cm to 7.7cm & 4m to 6m b) Labour 767.20 258.00 8.70 271.30 Say 8 Honey comb masonry with 25cm ×12cm ×8cm size Kiln burnt bricks having crushing strength not less than 75 kg/cm2 in cement mortrar (1:4) and plastered with 16mm, thick cement mortar (1:6) including white washing 2 coats Per 1 sqm a) Material Kiln burnt bricks as specified Cement 0.02 cum Sharp sand (screened and washed) b) Labour Mason 2nd class Man mulia Women mulia White washing 2 coats with shell lime excluding 10% OHC and 2% T&P c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 97.33 1070.62 1070.60 / cum 13.51 31.73 348.99 349.00 / sqm 33.00 1700.00 43.23 9.18 6.05 0.11 no each 55.00 0.16 no each 55.00 0.11 no each 55.00 8.80 6.05 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say 10 Mud walling per 1cum clay mortar (paddle, clay mixed with sand in suitable proportion) a) Labour Man Mulia Women mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10 % on (a) c) 2% sundries& T&P Total (a+b+c) = 1.00 cum cum 37.00 1.41 nos 0.71 no each each 55.00 55.00 Say Notes (i) For brick masonry in superstructure add extra to wards extra labour and scaffolding to the rate in foundation and……….. (ii) For brick arch masonry work not exceeding 1.5m. Span add extra for scaffolding and centering to the rate for brick work in superstrucutre. ……….. (iii) For brick masonry in well steining add extra towards extra labour for scaffolding and lowering materials to the rate in foundation and plinth. ……….. (iv) For brick masonry in item for first floor and subsequent higher floors add 15 percent extra labour over and above the rates of next lower floor. (v) For honey comb brick masonry in first floor and subsequent higher floors add 15 percent extra labour over and above the rates of next lower floor. (vi) For brick masonry with different quality of bricks add or subtract the difference in cost of bricks from respective items of rates. (vii) For brick masonry with 23cm.×11cm.×8cm. Size brick 400 nos. of bricks are required for one cum. of masonry. Labour and material components remain the same in that for respective items of brick masonry with 25cm.×12cm.×8cm. size bricks. (viii) For brick masonry work below ground level beyond 1.5m. and upto 4.5m. depth add 15 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the material. (ix) For brick masonry work below ground level beyond 4.5 m. and upto 7.5m. depth add 20 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the material. (x) 10 percent excess on the above rates will be allowed in works being executed inside jail premises. -74- Unit Rate cum 33.00 cum 66.20 cum 46.20 Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 7.33 80.64 80.60 / sqm 37.00 77.55 39.05 15.36 3.07 172.03 172.00 / cum VII. MASONRY STONE WORK Quantity Sl. Description Unit required No. 3 1 2 4 1 Random rubble H.G. stone Masonry in lime mortar (1:2) in foundation and plinth. Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough granite stone quarried 1 cum 1cum. including bond stones. Lime (Ghooting) unslaked 0.17 cum 1cum. Sand (screened &washed) 0.24 cum 1cum. Grinding lime mortar (vide item No 1 of concrete excluding O.H.C ) 0.34 cum 1cum. b) Labour Mason special 0.35 Nos Each Mason 2nd class 1.41 Nos Each Man Mulia 1.41 Nos Each Woman Mulia 1.41 Nos Each c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Say Rs. 877.90 2 Random rubble H.G. stone Masonry in cement mortar (1:5) in foundation and plinth. Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite quarried 1 cum 1cum. including bond stones. Sand (screened &washed) 0.34 cum 1cum. cement 0.068cum 0.9724 Qntl 1Qntl b) Labour Man Mulia for mixing mortar 0.35 Nos Each Labour as per item No.1 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Say Rs. 879.20 3 Random rubble H.G. stone Masonry in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation and plinth. Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite quarried 1 cum 1cum. including bond stones. Sand (screened &washed) 0.34 cum 1cum. cement 0.057 cum 0.8151 Qntl 1Qntl b) Labour Man Mulia for mixing mortar 0.35 Nos Each Labour as per item No.1 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Say Rs. 820.20 -75- Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 148.00 148.00 1720.00 29.00 292.40 6.96 176.95 60.16 85.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 29.75 105.75 77.55 77.55 79.81 877.94 / cum 148.00 148.00 29.00 341.00 9.86 331.59 55.00 19.25 290.60 79.93 879.23 / cum 148.00 148.00 29.00 341.00 9.86 277.95 55.00 19.25 290.60 74.57 820.23 / cum Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 Random rubble H.G. stone Masonry in cement mortar (1:8) in foundation and plinth. Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite quarried including bond stones. Sand (screened &washed) cement 0.0425cum b) Labour Man Mulia for mixing mortar Labour as per item No.1 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 148.00 148.00 0.34 cum 0.6078 Qntl 1cum. 1Qntl 29.00 341.00 9.86 207.26 0.35 Nos Each 55.00 19.25 290.60 67.50 742.47 742.50 Total / cum 1 cum 1cum. 148.00 148.00 0.34 cum 1.2156 Qntl 1cum. 1Qntl 29.00 341.00 9.86 414.52 0.35 Nos Each 55.00 19.25 290.60 88.22 970.45 970.50 Total / cum 1 cum 1cum. 148.00 148.00 0.12 cum 0.24 cum 0.24 cum 1cum. 1cum. 1cum. 1720.00 29.00 176.95 206.40 6.96 42.47 1.41 Nos Each 10.00 290.60 14.10 2.47 Nos Each 85.00 Say Rs. -76- Amount Rs. P 6 1cum. Say Rs. 6 Coursed rubble hard Granite stone masonry (first class) in lime mortar (1:2) in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum a) Material Rough stone granite including Bond stone Lime (Ghooting) unslaked Sand (screened &washed) Grinding lime mortar b) Labour Labour as per item No.1excluding O.H.C Add difference in cost of Sangi and Man mulia Add. Extra mason special.. c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 4 Rate Rs. P 5 1 cum Say Rs. 5 Random rubble H.G. stone Masonry in cement mortar (1:4) in foundation and plinth. Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite quarried including bond stones. Sand (screened &washed) cement 0.085cum b) Labour Man Mulia for mixing mortar Labour as per item No.1 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 1010.30 / cum 209.95 91.85 1010.33 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 7 Coursed rubble hard Granite stone masonry (first class) in cement mortar (1:5) in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite including Bond stone Sand (screened &washed) cement 0.048cum b) Labour Labour as per item No.6 Man mulia for mixing sand and cement in small quantities and gettering water c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 1 cum 1cum. 148.00 148.00 0.24 cum 0.6864 Qntl 1cum. 1Qntl 29.00 341.00 6.96 234.06 0.25 Nos Each 55.00 514.65 13.75 91.74 1009.16 Say Rs. 8 Coursed rubble hard Granite stone masonry (first class) in cement mortar (1.4) in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Rate as per item No.7 b) Add, extra cost of cement with 10% OHC Total (a+b) 0.1716 Qntl Say Rs. 9 Coursed rubble hard Granite stone masonry (first class) in cement mortar (1.6) in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite including Bond stone Sand (screened &washed) cement 0.04cum b) Labour Labour as per item No.6 Man mulia for mixing sand and cement in small quantities and gettering water c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 1009.20 1qntl 1073.60 / cum 375.10 1009.20 64.37 1073.57 / cum 1 cum 1cum. 148.00 148.00 0.24 cum 0.572 Qntl 1cum. 1Qntl 29.00 341.00 6.96 195.05 0.25 Nos Each 55.00 514.65 13.75 87.84 966.25 Say Rs. 10 Coursed rubble hard Granite stone masonry (first class) in cement mortar (1.8) in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite including Bond stone Sand (screened &washed) cement 0.03cum -77- 966.30 / cum 1 cum 1cum. 148.00 148.00 0.24 cum 0.429 Qntl 1cum. 1Qntl 29.00 341.00 6.96 146.29 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Labour as per item No.6 Man mulia for mixing sand and cement in small quantities and geting water c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 0.25 Nos Say Rs. 11 Random rubble hard granite stone masonry in clay or sand or gravel grouted in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite including Bond stone Puddle clay or sand earth or gravel grouted including watering b) Labour Mason 2nd class Man mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Each 55.00 Total 912.60 / cum Amount Rs. P 6 514.65 13.75 82.96 912.61 1cum. 148.00 148.00 0.24 cum 1cum. 37.00 8.88 1.41 Nos 1.06 Nos 1.41 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 105.75 58.30 77.55 39.85 438.33 1 cum 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.35 Nos Nos Nos Nos Say Rs. -78- 4 Rate Rs. P 5 1 cum Say Rs. 12 Dry stone masonry or rough stone dry masonary for guard walls and retaining walls with hard granite stones Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite including Bond stone b) Labour Mason 2nd class Semiskilled mulia Man mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 438.30 / cum 1cum. 148.00 148.00 Each Each Each Each 75.00 65.00 55.00 55.00 39.00 33.80 28.60 19.25 26.87 295.52 295.50 / cum Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 13 Rough stone dry packing in approns and revetments with hard granite stones (15cm to 30cm) Per 1 cum. a) Material Rough stone granite including spalls for filling and wedging b) Labour Mason special stone packer Woman Mulia male mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 1 cum 0.17 0.35 0.52 0.52 Nos Nos Nos Nos Say Rs. Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 1cum. 148.00 148.00 Each Each Each Each 85.00 65.00 55.00 55.00 14.45 22.75 28.60 28.60 24.24 266.64 266.60 / cum 14 Removing old revetment and approns and repacking with old stones Per 1 cum. a) Rate as per item No.13 Deduct Cost of H.G. stone including 10% O.H.C 266.64 b) Add for dis-mantling Man mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (b) Total (a+b+c) 0.35 Nos 1 No Say Rs. 15 Rough stones dry packing in approns and revetment with hard granite stone 30cm and above size Per 1 cum. a) Rate as per item No.13 b) Man mulia extra for carryng heavy stones c) Overhead charges @ 10%on (b) Total (a+b+c) Each Each 185.50 (-) 162.80 103.84 55.00 55.00 19.25 55.00 7.43 185.52 / cum 266.60 0.35 Nos Say Rs. -79- Each 287.80 55.00 Total / cum 19.25 1.93 287.78 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 16 Laterite stone masonry in cement mortar (1:8) in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Materials Rough dressed laterite stone Sand (screened &washed) cement 0.03cum b) Labour stone dresser or cutter, Sangi mulia Mason ( special ) Mason 2nd class Man mulia Man mulia for preparing mortar and curring etc c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 1 cum 0.24 cum 0.429 Qntl 2.12 1.41 0.175 1.05 1.05 0.16 Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Say Rs. 17 Laterite stone masonry in cement mortar (1 : 6) in foundationand plinth Per 1 cum. a) Rate as per item No.16 b) Add difference in cost including 10% O.H.C of cement (0.572 - 0.429)Qntl=0.143 Qntl Total (a+b) 0.143 Qntl Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 1cum. 1cum. 1 qntl 372.00 29.00 341.00 372.00 6.96 146.29 Each Each Each Each Each Each 85.00 65.00 85.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 180.20 91.65 14.88 78.75 57.75 8.80 Total 1053.00 / cum 1qntl 375.10 95.73 1053.00 1053.00 53.64 1106.64 Say Rs. 18 Laterite stone masonry in cement mortar (1:4) in foundationand plinth Per 1 cum. a) Rate as per item No.16 b) Add difference in cost including 10% O.H.C of cement (0.858 - 0.428)Qntl=0.43 Qntl Total (a+b) 1106.60 / cum 1053.00 0.43 Qntl Say Rs. 19 Laterite stone masonry in cement mortar (1 : 12) in foundationand plinth Per 1 cum. a) Rate as per item No.16 b) Deduct cost including 10% O.H.C for less cement (0.429-0.2868=0.1422Qntl) Total (a-b) 1qntl 375.10 Total 1214.30 / cum 161.29 1214.29 1053.00 -0.142 Qntl Say Rs. -80- 1qntl 375.10 Total 999.70 / cum -53.34 999.66 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 20 Laterite stone masonry in lime mortar (1:2) in foundationand plinth Per 1 cum. Rate as per item No.16 Deduct cost including 10% O.H.C cement as per item 16 Add-Cost of lime including 10% O.H.C (Ghooting unslaked) Total -0.429 0.12 cum Say Rs. 21 Laterite stone masonry in clay in foundation and plinth Per 1 cum. a) Material clay mortar for masonry work Rough dressed laterite stone b) Labour stone dresser, sangi mulia Mason, 2nd class Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 0.24 cum 1 cum 2.12 1.41 1.05 1.05 Nos Nos Nos Nos Say Rs. 22 Laterite block edge packing Per 1 cum. a) (Labour only) stone packer Semiskilled mulia Man mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% sundries and T.&P. etc on (a). Total (a+b+c) 0.71 Nos 0.71 Nos 0.71 Nos Say Rs. 23 Laterite block packing flat (Labour only) Per 1 cum. a) (Labour only) stone packer Semiskilled mulia Man mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% sundries and T.&P. etc on (a). Total (a+b+c) 0.35 Nos 0.71 Nos 0.35 Nos Say Rs. -81- Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 1qntl 375.10 1cum. 1926.40 1123.30 Amount Rs. P 6 1053.00 -160.92 231.17 1123.25 / cum 1cum. 1cum. 37.00 372.00 8.88 372.00 each each each each 85.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 180.20 91.65 78.75 57.75 78.92 868.15 868.20 each each each 147.10 each each each 98.70 Total / cum 65.00 65.00 55.00 46.15 46.15 39.05 13.14 2.63 147.11 / cum 65.00 65.00 55.00 / cum 22.75 46.15 19.25 8.82 1.76 98.73 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 24 Collecting scattered rubbles and stacking within 50m lead Per 1 cum. a) Labour Man mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% sundries and T.&P. etc on (a). 0.53 Nos Say Rs. 25 Gravel backing to revetments Per 1 cum. a) Material Gravel (moorum) b) Labour Man mulia for working up with water to plastic state Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 4 each 32.70 55.00 Total / cum Amount Rs. P 6 29.15 2.92 0.58 32.65 1cum. 45.00 45.00 0.71 Nos each 55.00 39.05 0.35 Nos each 55.00 19.25 10.33 113.63 113.60 / cum 1 cum 1cum. 311.00 311.00 0.88 Nos each 55.00 48.40 Say Rs. Total 395.30 / cum Note Unit 1 For stone masonry in super structure add extra labour for scaffolding to the rate in foundation and plinth ……………… cum 2 For stone masonry in well steining add extra towards extra labour and scaffolding etc. to the rate in foundation and plinth … cum 3 For dry stone masonry or rough stonedry masonry for well steining add extra towards labour and scaffolding etc to the rate of dry stone masonry for retaining walls (Item 12) ……………… cum 4 Where stone other than granite are used deduct the difference between the cost of stones from the respective items -82- Rate Rs. P 5 1 cum Say Rs. 26 Metal spall backing in the rear of wall steining or weep holes of abutments and for deep drains, per 1cum a) Material Hand broken granite metal 5cm size b) Labour Man mulia for lowering the materials and packing in the rear of the steining c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 35.94 395.34 Rate 41.90 71.70 58.50 Remarks 7 Quantity Sl. Rate Amount Description Unit Remarks required No. Rs. P Rs. P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 When crusher broken metals and chips are used, the difference in cost between hand broken and crusher broken materials in respective items are to be added. 6 For stone masonry work below ground level beyond 1.5m and upto 4.5m depth add 15 percent extra labour over and above and above the rates of the respective item for lowering the materials 7 For stone masonary work below ground level beyond 4.5m and upto 7.5m depth and 20percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials. 8 10 per cent on the above rate will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises. -83- Sl. Description No. 1 2 1 10cm moorum flooring (Gravel) per 1 Sqm. a) Material Gravel b) Labour Man mulia Women mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) VIII. FLOORING Quantity required 3 Amount Rs. P 6 cum 45.00 6.75 0.11 Nos 0.05 Nos Each Each 55.00 55.00 6.05 2.75 1.56 17.11 17.10 Total / Sqm 0.023 cum 1cum 494.00 11.36 0.012 cum 0.0858 Qntl 1cum 1qntl 29.00 341.00 0.35 29.26 0.03 Nos Each 55.00 1.65 0.13 Nos 0.22 Nos 0.11 Nos Each Each Each 85.00 55.00 55.00 11.05 12.10 6.05 7.18 79.00 Say Rs. 3 2.5cm thick artificial stone flooring (1:2:4) with washed gravel including punning Per 1sqm a) Rate as per item No.2 ….. b) Deduct-The difference of -0.023 rate for hard granite chips and washed gravel 543.0-93.50 =449.50 including OHC Total (a-b) Say Rs. 4 2.5cm artificial stone flooring with cement concrete (1:3:5) using 12mm size hand broken granite chips including punning per 1 Sqm. a) Material Hand broken granite chips 0.023 12mm size screened sand (screened and washed ) 0.0138 cement 0.0046cum 0.0658 -84- 4 Rate Rs. P 5 0.15 cum Say Rs. 2 2.5cm artificial stone flooring with cement concrete (1:2:4) including punning using 12 mm size hand broken granites chips. a) Material Hand broken granite Chips (12mm, screened) sand (Screened and washed) Cement ( 0.006 cum) b) Labour Man mulia for mixingchips cement and sand in small quantity and watering Mason special Women mulia Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 79.00 cum Total / Sqm ….. ….. cum 449.50 79.00 -10.34 68.66 68.70 / Sqm cum 1cum 494.00 11.36 cum Qntl 1cum 1qntl 29.00 341.00 0.40 22.44 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Labour as per item No.2 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 30.85 6.51 71.56 Say Rs. 5 2.5cm artificial stone flooring with cement concrete (1:3:6) using 12mm size hand broken granite chips including punning per 1 sqm a) Rate as per item No.2 b) Deduct-Difference in quantity of cement due to less proportion (0.006 cum - 0.0038cum) 0.0022 cum or, 0.031 Qntl. incl. OHC Total (a-b) -0.031 Qntl 71.60 1qntl / Sqm 375.10 79.00 -11.63 67.37 Say Rs. 6 2.5cm artificial stone flooring with cement concrete (1:3:6) with washed gravel including punning per 1 sqm a) Rate as per item No.3 including OHC b) Deduct-Difference in quantity of cement due to less proportion including OHC Total (a-b) -0.031 Qntl 67.40 1qntl / Sqm 375.10 68.70 -11.63 57.07 Say Rs. 7 Flooring with 10cm. thick concrete broken stone, hard granite in lime mortar and renderd smooth with 9kgs of portland cement per 1 sqm a) Material Concrete broken stone in lime mortar (1:2) as per item No.2 of concrete incl. OHC cement 0.0005cum b) Labour Manson, special Women mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) -85- / Sqm 0.10 cum 1cum 1006.50 100.65 0.0072 Qntl 1qntl 341.00 2.46 0.03 Nos 0.08 Nos each each 85.00 55.00 2.55 4.40 0.94 111.00 Say Rs. 8 Flooring with dry stone, jelly 10cm sand grouted and finished the top with 12mm thick cement plaster (1:3) including punning per 1 sqm a) Material Hand broken metal other than Granite broken to 4cm size Gravel (washed) for grouting 57.10 111.00 / Sqm 0.10 cum 1cum 199.00 19.90 0.03 cum 1cum 85.00 2.55 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Man mulia for ramming laying gravel or sand for grouting women mulia for watering and ramming plastering with cement mortar (1:3) 12mm, thick (As per item No.3 of plastering including OHC ) c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 0.11 Nos each 55.00 6.05 0.22 Nos each 55.00 12.10 1sq 46.10 4.06 90.76 Say Rs. 9 10cm thick dry brick khoa well watered & rammed to receive A.S.flooring Per 1 sqm. a) Material K.B.brick khoa 4cm size b) Labour Mason 2nd class Man mulia for ramming women mulia for watering c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 1cum 239.00 33.46 0.05 Nos 0.16 Nos 0.22 Nos each each each 75.00 55.00 55.00 3.75 8.80 12.10 5.81 63.92 0.14 cum Say Rs. 11 Brick on edge flooring over one brick flat set in cement mortal (1:8) per 1 sqm a) Material 1st class kiln burnt bricks of size (25cm ×12cm×8cm) Having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 sand (Screened and washed) cement 0.0071 cum b) Labour Take 0.19 times of labour of item No. 1 of brick masonry =0.19X271.30 = Man mulia for mixing sand and cement c) Overhead charges @ 10% (a+b) Total (a+b+c) / Sqm 0.14 cum Say Rs. 10 10cm dry epidorite metal or any other hard metal of 4cm size well watered and rammed per 1 sqm a) Labour as per item No.9 b) Add. Cost of hard metal c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 90.80 80 nos 63.90 1cum 57.80 / Sqm 199.00 24.65 27.86 5.25 57.76 / Sqm 1000 2192.00 175.36 0.06 cum 0.1015 Qntl cum 1qntl 29.00 341.00 1.74 34.61 0.07 Nos each 55.00 51.55 3.85 26.71 293.82 Say Rs. -86- 293.80 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 12 35mm thick marble chips flooring of dark, light of medium shade rubbed and polished to granolithic finish under layer 25mm thick C.C (1:2:4) with 12m size black hard granitechips and top layer 10mm thick with marble chips of 4 to 7 mm nominal size laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3 cement :1 marblepowder by weight) in prop.4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix :7 marble chips by volume.) Per 1 sqm Details of cost for 10sqm with a) Material ordinary cement. Bottom layer 12mm size chips sand (Screened & washed) Cement Top Layer Marble chips 4 mm. to 7mm size Cement Marble powder Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Amount Rs. P 6 0.23 cum 0.12 cum 0.754 Qntl 1cum 1cum 1Qntl 494.00 29.00 341.00 Total 113.62 3.48 257.11 374.21 1.4 Qntl 0.578 Qntl 0.1927 Qntl 1Qntl 1Qntl 1Qntl 458.00 341.00 309.00 Total 641.20 197.10 59.54 897.84 2.3 each 85.00 195.50 4.65 each 55.00 255.75 10.8 each 65.00 702.00 b) Labour Mason special Bottom layer Manson, special(toplayer) Mulia (Bottom layer)3.3Nos. Mulia (top layer)=1.35 Nos Semi-skilled mulia or rubbing (top layer) c) Overhead charges @ 10% (a+b) Total (a+b+c) 1.3 1 242.53 2667.83 Rate per 1 Sqm = 2667.83 10 Say Rs. Add for wax polishing Total -87- = 266.80 8.50 275.30 266.78 / Sqm / Sqm / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 13 31mm thick marble chips flooring of dark, light of medium shade rubbed and polished to graolithic finish under layer 25mm thick C.C (1:2:4) with 6m size black hard granitechips and top layer 10mm thick with marble chips of 4 to 7 mm nominal size laid in cement marble powdermix 3:1 (3 cement :1 marblepowder by weight) in prop.4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips by volume) Per 1 sqm (Data for 10Sqm) With ordinary cement a) Bottoml layer )same as Item No.-12 b) Top Layer Marble chips Cement marble powder c) Labour sameas item No.12 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Total (a+b+c+d) Quantity required 3 Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 374.21 0.872 Qntl 0.405 Qntl 0.135 Qntl 1qntl 1Qntl 1Qntl 458.00 341.00 309.00 399.38 138.11 41.72 1153.25 210.67 2317.34 Rate per 1 Sqm = 2317.34 = 231.73 / Sqm 10 Say Rs. 231.70 / Sqm Wax polishing 8.50 Say Rs. 240.20 / Sqm 14 18mm thick marble chips skirting to dados with dark light or medium shade rubbed and polished to granolithic finish with under layer 12mm. Thick cement plaster (1:3) and top layer 6mm thick with marble chips of 4to 7mm nominal size said in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3cement :1 marble powder by weight) in prop 4:7 (4 cement marble powder. Mix : 7 marble chips in volume) per 1sqm (Data for 10sqm) with ordinary cement a) Bottom layer cement 0.715 Qntl 1qtn 341.00 243.82 sand (Screened & washed) b) Top Layer same as item No.13 c) Labour Mason special (top layer)1.1No 0.15 cum 1cum 29.00 4.35 579.21 2.5 Nos each 85.00 212.50 2.55 Nos each 55.00 140.25 Mason special (Bottom layer)1.4 Mulia (Bottom layer)1.2Nos. -88- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Quantity required 3 Description 2 Mulia (top layer)=1.35 Nos Semi-skilled mulia or rubbing d) Overhead charges @ 10% (a+b+c) Total (a+b+c+d) 10.8 Nos Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 each 65.00 Total = Rate per 1 Sqm = 2070.34 10 Say Rs. Wax polishing Total Rs. 15 Labour charges for fixing glass/ aluminium strips in joints of marble chips floor per 1 metre (Details for 10M) a) Labour Mason (2nd class) Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 5% sundries, including T & P Total (a+b) Rate per 1 m = 0.25 Nos 0.25 Nos 37.38 10 Say Rs. 16 Fixing tiles in floors treads or steps and landing on 25mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:1 (1cement : 1sand) jointed with neat cement slury mixed with pigment to match the shades of the tiles including rubbing and polishing complete excluding cost of precast tiles per 1 sqm (Data for 10sqm) a) Material Cement 0.13cum 1.857 sand (Screened & washed) 0.13 cement for slurry at the rate of 4.4 kg/sqm 0.44 Cement for grouting 0.44 b) Labour Mason, special 2.16 Semi-skilled mulia or rubbing 5.5 Mulia 2.16 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 1756.69 10 Say 175.70 Wax polishing = 8.50 184.20 -89- = Amount Rs. P 6 702.00 188.21 2070.34 207.03 / Sqm 207.00 / Sqm 8.50 215.50 / Sqm each each 75.00 55.00 18.75 13.75 3.25 1.63 37.38 3.74 / RM = 3.70 / RM Qntl cum 1qntl 1cum 341.00 29.00 633.24 3.77 Qntl Qntl 1qntl 1qtn 341.00 341.00 150.04 150.04 Nos Nos Nos each each each 85.00 65.00 55.00 183.60 357.50 118.80 159.70 1756.69 = 175.67 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 17 Fixing tiles in dados skirting and risers of steps on 12mm thick cement plaster (1:3) jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigments to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing and polishing complete excluding cost of precast tiles. per 1 sqm (Details for 10sqm) a) Material a) Using oridinary cement UNDER LAYER Sand (screened & washed) 0.15 cum cement 0.715 Qntl cement for slury 0.66 Qntl b) Labour Mason (special) 3.25 Nos Mulia 3.25 Nos Semi-skilled mulia for rubbing 7.6 Nos c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 1564.45 = 10 Say 156.40 Wax polishing = 8.50 164.90 18 Extra labour for laying tile flooring on stair treads not exceeding 30cm. in width including cost of forming, nosing etc. per 1 sqm (Details for 10sqm) a) Labour Mason (special) 0.3 Nos Helper (semi-skilled mulia) 0.3 Nos Mulia 0.3 Nos b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) 5% Sundries, T&P., Total (a+b) Rate per 1 Sqm = 70.73 10 Say Rs. 19 Extra labour for making chequers of approved pattern on cement concrete, flooring steps, landing pavement or overplastered surface per 1 sqm (Data for 10sqm) a) Labour Mason (2nd class) Semi-skilled mulia 0.36 Nos 0.36 Nos -90- Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Amount Rs. P 6 1cum 1qntl. 1qntl. 29.00 341.00 341.00 4.35 243.82 225.06 each each each 85.00 55.00 65.00 276.25 178.75 494.00 142.22 1564.45 156.44 / Sqm each each each = 85.00 65.00 55.00 25.50 19.50 16.50 6.15 3.08 70.73 7.07 / Sqm 7.10 / Sqm each each 75.00 65.00 27.00 23.40 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, etc. Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1sqm = Quantity required 3 56.45 10 Say Rs. 20 2.5 cm. Damp proof course with C.C. (1:2:4) using 12mm. Size hard broken granite Chips per1 Sqm. a) Material Hand broken granite chips 12mm. Size Sand (Screened & washed) Cement b) Labour Man Mulia Mason special Man Mulia for mixing chips,sand and cement c) Overhead charges @ 10% (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 5.04 1.01 56.45 5.64 / Sqm 5.60 / Sqm 0.023 cum 1cum. 494.00 11.36 0.012 cum 0.0754 Qntl 1cum. 1Qntl. 29.00 341.00 0.35 25.71 0.33 Nos 0.103 Nos each each 55.00 85.00 18.15 8.76 0.03 Nos each 55.00 1.65 6.60 72.58 72.60 / Sqm 0.23 cum 0.12 cum 0.754 Qntl 1cum 1cum. 1Qntl. 494.00 29.00 341.00 113.62 3.48 257.11 0.357 Qntl 0.075 cum 0.114 Qntl 1Qntl. 1cum. 1Qntl. 341.00 29.00 341.00 121.74 2.18 38.87 kg 1kg. 83.00 66.40 2.7 Nos 8.56 Nos 1.62 Nos each each each 85.00 65.00 55.00 229.50 556.40 89.10 0.8 -91- 4 = Say Rs. 21 32mm. thick red oxide flooring, under layer of 25mm. thick C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm. Size granite chips and top layer of 6mm. Thick plaster cement red oxide mix, using 3.5kg. Of red oxide per 50kg. of cement 1:3 finished with a floating coat of cement and oxide mix of same proportion: Per 1 Sqm ( Data for 10 Sqm.) a) Material chips 0.23 Cum. Sand (Screened & washed ) Cement 6mm. Colour topping Cement Sand (Screened & washed ) Cement for floating coat Red oxide (3.5kg. Per 50kgs. Of cement) 11.40×3.5 50 b) Labour Mason special Semi-skilled mulia helper Mulia Rate Rs. P 5 Unit Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 c) Overhead charges @ 10% (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 1626.24 10 Say Rs. Note 1) Rate have been arrived on hand broken chips and if crusher broken chips used the difference in cost of materials to be added to arrive at finished rate. 2) For flooring work in 1st floor or any additional floor add 5 percent extra labour over & above the rate of next lower floor. 3) For repair item of flooring in 1st. Floor or any additional floor add 2 percent extra labour over & above the rate of next lower floor. 4) For stone cladding to outer walls of 1st floor and subsequent higher floors add 10 percent extra labour over and above the next lower floor. 5) In case of stone cladding to outer walls & glazed tile fixing on walls provision of semi-skilled mulia for rubbing & wax polishing as in analysis will not be considered. 6) Fixing tiles in item No. 16,17 and 18 includes marble, kota, khandalite, granite, kodapa, dholpuri stone, chequered tiles, glazed tiles and terrazzo tiles etc. 7) For flooring work below ground level beyond 1.5m. And upto 4.5m. Depth add 5% extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowering the materials. 8) For flooring work below ground level beyond 4.5m. And upto 7.5m. Depth add 7% extra labour over and above the rate of the respective items for lowering the materials. 9) 10% on the above rates will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises. -92- Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 = Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 147.84 1626.24 162.62 / Sqm 162.60 / Sqm Sl. Description No. 1 2 1 Priming 1 coat with any appproved Primer (Labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter Special Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. IX. PAINTING Quantity required 3 Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 0.5 Nos 0.5 Nos each each 85.00 55.00 78.4 9.3 8.43 = 0.75 Nos 0.75 Nos 0.07 Nos each each each 8.40 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 63.75 41.25 3.85 10.89 2.18 121.92 121.92 9.3 = Say Rs 3 Painting two coats with approved paint on new wood work (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter Special Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 42.50 27.50 7.00 1.40 78.40 Say Rs 2 Painting 1 coat with any appproved paint on new wood work (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter Special Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Rs. P 6 1.25 Nos 1 No 0.1 Nos each each each 13.11 13.10 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 106.25 55.00 5.50 16.68 3.34 186.77 186.77 9.3 = Say Rs -93- 20.08 20.10 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 Painting 1 coat with approved paint on old wood work (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Labour as per item 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 108.85 10.89 2.18 121.92 121.92 9.3 = 13.11 Say Rs 5 Painting two coats with approved paint on old wood work (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Labour as per item 3 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 13.10 / Sqm 166.75 16.68 3.34 186.77 186.77 9.3 = 20.08 Say Rs 6 Coaltaring 1 coat (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Man Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 1 No 61.6 9.3 20.10 / Sqm each = 55.00 Total 6.62 Say Rs 7 Coaltarring 2 coats (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Man Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Rs. P 6 1.5 Nos 92.4 9.3 Say Rs -94- 6.60 / Sqm each = 55.00 5.50 1.10 61.60 55.00 9.94 9.90 / Sqm 82.50 8.25 1.65 92.40 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 8 Wood oiling 1 coat with a tinge of paint (Labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 1 No 0.07 Nos Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 each each 55.00 55.00 65.92 9.3 = 1.75 Nos 0.1 Nos each each 7.09 7.10 / Sqm 55.00 55.00 96.25 5.50 10.18 2.04 113.97 113.97 9.3 = 12.25 Say Rs 10 French polishing to wood work 1 coat (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 55.00 3.85 5.89 1.18 65.92 Say Rs 9 Wood oiling 2 coats with a tinge of paint (Labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Rs. P 6 0.63 Nos 0.75 Nos 0.07 Nos each each each 12.30 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 53.55 41.25 3.85 9.87 1.97 110.49 110.49 9.3 = Say Rs -95- 11.88 11.90 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 11 French polishing to wood work 2 coats (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 1 No 1 No 0.1 No Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 162.96 9.3 = 0.25 Nos 0.25 Nos 0.07 Nos 17.52 17.50 / Sqm each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 21.25 13.75 3.85 3.89 0.78 43.52 43.52 9.3 = Say Rs 13 Varnishing two coats to wood work (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 85.00 55.00 5.50 14.55 2.91 162.96 Say Rs 12 Varnishing one coat to wood work (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Rs. P 6 0.5 Nos 0.5 Nos 0.1 Nos each each each 4.68 4.70 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 42.50 27.50 5.50 7.55 1.51 84.56 84.56 9.3 = Say Rs -96- 9.09 / sqm 9.10 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 14 One coat of priming for bridges including scaffolding above 4.60m. to any height (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Semi-skilled Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes T&P etc. on (a) Scaffolding L.S. Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 0.68 Nos 0.68 Nos 0.07 Nos Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 each each each 85.00 65.00 55.00 57.80 44.20 3.85 10.59 2.12 2.20 120.76 120.76 9.3 = Say Rs 15 Painting one coat over old girder and built up girders of bridges including scaffolding above 4.60m. to any height (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Semi-skilled Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes, putty etc. on (a) Scaffolding L.S. Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Rs. P 6 1 No 1 No 0.07 No each each each 12.98 13.00 / Sqm 85.00 65.00 55.00 85.00 65.00 3.85 15.39 3.08 3.27 175.59 175.59 9.3 = Say Rs 16 Painting second coat over old girder and built up girders of bridges including scaffolding above 4.60m. to any height (labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Semi-skilled Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. 0.75 Nos 0.75 Nos 0.1 Nos -97- each each each 18.88 18.90 / Sqm 85.00 65.00 55.00 63.75 48.75 5.50 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 132.16 9.3 Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 = 14.21 Say Rs 17 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of approved shade on old work one coat to give an even shade exculding cost of paint. Per 1 Sqm. Data for 10 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 0.15 Nos 0.15 Nos 0.07 Nos 14.20 / Sqm each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 12.75 8.25 3.85 2.49 0.50 27.84 27.84 10 = 2.78 Say Rs 18 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of approved shade on new work two coat to give an even shade exculding cost of paint. Per 1 Sqm. Data for 10 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, brushes T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 11.80 2.36 132.16 0.22 Nos 0.22 Nos 0.1 Nos 2.80 / Sqm each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 18.70 12.10 5.50 3.63 0.73 40.66 40.66 10 = Say Rs 19 Wall painting 1 coat with plastic emulsion paint of approved shade on old work to give an even shade exculding cost of paint. Per 1 Sqm. Data for 10 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. 0.36 Nos 0.36 Nos 0.07 Nos -98- each each each 4.07 4.10 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 30.60 19.80 3.85 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries, T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 60.765 10 Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 = 6.08 Say Rs 20 Wall painting 2 coats with plastic emulsion paint of approved shade on new work to give an even shade exculding cost of paint (For 10 Sqm.) Painter (special) a) Labour Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries and T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 6.10 / Sqm 0.54 Nos each 85.00 45.90 0.54 Nos 0.10 Nos each each 55.00 55.00 29.70 5.50 8.11 1.62 90.83 90.83 10 = 9.08 Say Rs 21 Distempering one coat to walls with distemper of approved shade on old work to give an even shade exculding cost of distemper. Per 1 Sqm. Data for 10 Sqm. a) Labour Painter (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries and T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 5.43 1.09 60.77 0.33 Nos 0.33 Nos 0.07 Nos 9.10 / Sqm each each each 85.00 55.00 55.00 28.05 18.15 3.85 5.01 1.00 56.06 56.06 10 = Say Rs 22 Distempering two coats to walls with distemper of approved shade on new work to give an even shade exculding cost of distemper. Per 1 Sqm. Data for 10 Sqm. a) Labour Painter or polisher (special) Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. 0.52 Nos 0.52 Nos 0.1 Nos -99- each each each 5.61 5.60 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 44.20 28.60 5.50 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries and T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. Quantity required 3 Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 87.70 10 = 8.77 Say Rs 23 Finishing plastered surfaces of walls with plaster of paris & marking smooth to receive painting.(labour only) Per 1 Sqm. Data for 10 Sqm. a) Labour Painter 2nd class Man Mulia Man Mulia for preparation of surface. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries and T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 Sqm. 0.5 Nos 0.5 Nos 0.07 Nos 77.12 10 each each each = 8.80 / Sqm 75.00 55.00 55.00 b) c) d) e) 7.70 / Sqm Paints should be used as follows per 10M2 Primer 1 coatWood Steel Plastered surface 0.75lt. 0.54lt. 0.84lt. 1coat 2coats 0.75lt. 1.25lts 1coat 2coats 1.80lt. 2.80lt. 1coat 2coats 1.66kg. 2.50kg. 1coat 2coats 0.75lt. 1.25lt. Painting wood and iron works Coaltaring Distemper- Plastic paint -100- 37.50 27.50 3.85 6.89 1.38 77.12 Total 7.71 Say Rs NOTE A) For painting of shutter including choukathsa) Batten and pannel - Take 2 1/4 times the opening b) Glazed -Take 1 1/2 times the opening c) 2/3 pannelled and 1/3 glazed - Take 2 times the opening d) 1/3 pannelled and 2/3 glazed - Take 1 3/4 times the opening e) 1/3 pannelled and glazed 2/3 venetian - Take 2 3/4 times the opening f) For window grating - Take 1/2 times the openings g) Venetian and rolling shutters - Takes 3 times the openings. B) a) Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 7.83 1.57 87.70 Sl. No. 1 f) Cement paint Description 2 Quantity required 3 1coat 2coats Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 1.66kg. 2.50kg. 1 For inside painting in each subsequent floor above ground level add 3 percent extra labour over and above the rates of ground floor. 2 For outside painting add 5 percent extra on labour for scaffolding over and above the rates of next lower floor. 3 For repair item of painting add 2 percent extra labour to the respectives items. 4 10 percent excess on the above rates will be allowed in the works being executed inside jail premises. -101- Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 X. PLASTERING Quantity Sl. Description required No. 3 1 2 1 12mm. thick lime plaster (1:2) on brick work per 1 Sqm a) Materials Lime (Ghooting unslaked) including punning. Sand (Screened and washed) b) Labour Grinding lime mortar as per item No. 1 of concrete excluding 10% OHC . Mason 2 nd class Man Mulia Women Mulia c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Unit 4 0.008 cum 0.016 cum 1 cum 1 cum 1720.00 29.00 0.016 0.14 0.05 0.05 1 cum Each Each Each 176.95 75.00 55.00 55.00 cum Nos Nos Nos Say Rs 2 20mm, thick lime plaster (1:2) for stone work per 1 Sqm. a) Materials Lime (Ghooting unslaked) including punning Sand (Screened and washed) Grinding lime mortar as per item No. 1 of concrete excluding 10% OHC . b) Labour Mason (2nd class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 12mm. thick cement plaster (1:3) on brick work per 1 Sqm a) Materials Sand (Screened and washed) Cement Man mulia for mixing sand and cement in small quantities and Watering b) Labour 13.76 0.46 2.83 10.50 2.75 2.75 3.31 36.36 36.40 / Sqm 1 cum 1720.00 18.92 0.022 cum 1 cum 29.00 0.64 0.022 cum 1 cum 176.95 3.89 0.16 Nos 0.11 Nos 0.11 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 0.015 cum 0.0715 Qntl 0.02 Nos 1 cum 1Qntl Each Labour as per lime plaser on brick works as per items (I) c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Say Rs -102- Amount Rs. P 6 0.011 cum Say Rs 3 Rate Rs. P 5 12.00 6.05 6.05 4.76 52.31 52.30 / Sqm 29.00 341.00 55.00 0.44 24.38 1.10 16.00 4.19 46.11 46.10 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 12mm. thick cement plaster (1:6) for brick work per 1 Sqm a) Materials Sand (Screened and washed) Cement 0.0025 cum b) Labour Labour as per item No3 c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Quantity required 3 0.015 cum 0.0358 Qntl …. Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 1cum 1Qntl …… Say Rs 5 12mm. Thick cement plaser (1:8) for brick work per 1 Sqm. a) Rate as per item No.4 b) Deduct - Difference in cost of cement including OHC (0.0225-0.0019) = 0.0006cum or 0.0086Qntl Total(a-b) … 12mm thick cement plaster (1 : 4) over brick work with cement punning for skirting per 1 Sqm. a) Materials Sand(Screened and washed) Cement 0.0045 cum b) Labour Manson 2nd Class Man Mulia Women Mulia Man Mulia for mixing Sand & Cement c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) -0.0086 1qntl 0.015 cum 0.0644 Qntl 0.15 0.04 0.05 0.02 Nos Nos Nos Nos 12mm thick cement plaster (1:4) over brick work including cement punning and bitumen painting over top of wall per 1 Sqm. a) Rate as per item No.6 1Sqm b) Add for bitumen painting one coat 1Sqm Total(a+b) 20mm. thick cement plaster (1:6) for stone work per 1 Sqm. a) Materials Sand ( Screened and washed ) Cement 0.004 cum -103- 0.021 cum 0.057 Qntl 375.10 -3.23 29.47 29.50 / Sqm 1cum 1Qntl 29.00 341.00 0.44 21.96 Each Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 11.25 2.20 2.75 1.10 …. … …. …. Say Rs 8 17.10 2.97 32.72 32.70 / Sqm 32.70 Say Rs 7 0.44 12.21 .. … Say Rs 6 29.00 341.00 Amount Rs. P 6 1 cum 1Qntl 3.97 43.66 43.70 / Sqm 43.70 6.60 50.30 50.30 / Sqm 29.00 341.00 0.61 19.44 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Man mulia for mixing sand and cement in small quantities and watering Labour as per lime plaster on stone work (Vide item 2 ) c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Quantity required 3 0.02 Nos Unit 4 Each 20 mm. thick cement plaster ( 1 : 8) for stone work per 1Sqm. a) Rate as per item No. 8 b) Deduct - difference in cost of cement including OHC Total(a-b) 11 Lime flush pointing to brick masonry (1:1 1/2) per 1 Sqm a) Materials Lime (ghooting unslacked) Sand ( Screened and washed) Grinding lime mortar as per item No. 1 of concrete excluding 10% OHC and 2% T&P. b) Labour Mason (2nd class) Man Mulia Women Mulia c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) -0.0143 Qntl 1 qntl 1.10 24.10 4.52 49.77 49.80 / Sqm 375.10 -5.36 44.44 44.40 / Sqm 0.006 cum 0.006 cum 1 cum 1 cum 1720.00 29.00 10.32 0.17 0.009 cum 1 cum 176.95 1.59 0.11 Nos 0.05 Nos 0.11 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 0.0045 0.006 1cum 1 cum 1720.00 29.00 7.74 0.17 0.009 1 cum 176.95 1.59 Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 0.13 Nos 0.05 Nos 0.11 Nos 8.25 2.75 6.05 2.91 Total = 32.05 Say Rs 32.10 / Sqm Say Rs -104- Amount Rs. P 6 49.80 Say Rs 10 Lime flush pointing to stone masonary (1 : 1.5) Per 1 Sqm a) Materials Lime ( Ghooting unslaked) Sand (screened & washed) Grinding lime mortar as per item No. 1 of concrete excluding 10% OHC and 2% T&P. b) Labour Mason ( 2 nd class) Man Mulia Women Mulia c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 55.00 ….. …. Say Rs 9 Rate Rs. P 5 9.75 2.75 6.05 2.81 30.86 30.90 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 12 Cement flush pointing to stone masonry (1 :3) per 1 Sqm. a) Materials Sand ( screened & washed) Cement 0.003 cum b) Labour Man mulia for mixing cement and sand in small quantities and watering. labour as per lime flush pointing to stone masonry (vide item 10) c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Quantity required 3 Unit 4 1cum 1qntl 29.00 341.00 0.26 14.66 0.009 Nos Each 55.00 0.50 Cement flush pointing to brick masonry ( 1 : 3) per1 Sqm a) Materials Sand ( Screed and washed) 0.006 Cement 0.002 cum 0.0286 b) Labour Man Mulia for mixing cement and sand in small quantities and getting water for mixing 0.006 Nos Labour as per lime flush pointing to brick masonry (Vide item 11) …. c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 0.018 0.043 ……… 29.00 341.00 0.17 9.75 Each 55.00 0.33 ……… ………. 1cum 1qntl 16 mm thick cement plaster (1:8) over brick or stone masonry per 1Sqm a) Materials Sand (Screened and washed) Cement b) Labour Labour as per item No. 14 c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 0.018 0.0329 1cum 1qntl Say Rs -105- 18.55 2.88 31.69 31.70 / Sqm 29.00 341.00 0.52 14.66 ………… ……… Say Rs 15 17.05 3.25 35.72 35.70 / Sqm 1cum 1qntl Say Rs 14 16 mm. thick cement plaster (1 :6) over brick or stone masonry per 1Sqm. a) Materials Sand (screened and washed) Cement 0.003 cum b) Labour Labour as per item No. 8 c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Amount Rs. P 6 0.009 0.043 Say Rs 13 Rate Rs. P 5 25.20 4.04 44.42 44.40 / Sqm 29.00 341.00 0.52 11.22 25.20 3.69 40.63 40.60 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 16 12mm. thick cement plaster (1:4) over brick work per 1 Sqm. a) Materials Sand (Screened and washed) 0.015 Cement 0.0038 cum 0.0543 b) Labour Labour as per cement plaster (1:6) for brick work in item No.4 ………. c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 17 20mm. thick cemet plaster (1:4) per 1Sqm a) Materials Sand (Screened and washed) Cement b) Labour Labour as per 20 mm, thick cement plaster (1:6) vide Item.No.8 c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 0.021 0.0744 Unit 4 1cum 1qntl 12mm. thick sand and mud plaster er 1 Sqm a) Labour Manson (2nd Class) Woman mulia Man mulia for preparation of mortar and watering b) Overhead charges @10% on (a) c) 10% preparation of mud and cowdung including cost of mud, sand and cowdung Total(a+b+c) 0.108 Nos 0.04 Nos 0.012 Nos 0.44 18.52 17.10 3.61 Total = 39.66 Say Rs 39.70 / Sqm 1cum 1qntl Each Each Each Say Rs -106- 29.00 341.00 Amount Rs. P 6 ……… …………. Say Rs 18 Rate Rs. P 5 29.00 341.00 0.61 25.37 25.20 5.12 56.30 56.30 / Sqm 75.00 55.00 55.00 8.10 2.20 0.66 1.10 1.10 13.15 13.20 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 19 Cement flush pointing to tile celiing (1:3) size of tiles 30 cm ×15cm. Per 1Sqm. a) Materials Cement Sand (Screened and washed) b) Labour Manson (Special) Women mulia Man Mulia for preparation of mortar and watering c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) d) Add - Extra for scaffolding Total(a+b+c+d) Quantity required 3 0.0257 0.0055 Unit 4 341.00 29.00 8.76 0.16 0.057 Nos 0.081 Nos Each Each 85.00 55.00 4.85 4.46 0.012 Nos Each 55.00 Cement rule pointing including racking out joints (1 :3) over brick work per 1Sqm. a) Materials Cement 0.0018 cum 0.02574 Sand (Screened and washed) 0.0055 b) Labour Manson (Special) 0.054 Nos Mason (2nd class) 0.108 Nos Woman mulia 0.162 Nos Man mulia for Preparation of morter and watering etc 0.012 Nos c) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Cement rule pointing (1:3) including racking out joints over brick work per 1Sqm(Labour only) a) Labour Manson (Special) Woman mulia man mulia for Preparation of mortar and watering b) Overhead charges @10% on (a) c) 2% sundries including watering for curing racking out joints, tools and plants etc. Total(a+b+c) 0.108 Nos 0.18 Nos 0.012 Nos 341.00 29.00 8.78 0.16 Each Each Each 85.00 75.00 55.00 4.59 8.10 8.91 Each 55.00 Each Each Each Say Rs -107- 0.66 1.89 0.64 21.41 21.40 / Sqm 1qntl 1cum Say Rs 21 Amount Rs. P 6 1qntl 1cum Say Rs 20 Rate Rs. P 5 0.66 3.12 34.32 34.30 / Sqm 85.00 55.00 55.00 9.18 9.90 0.66 1.97 0.39 22.11 22.10 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 22 Pebble dashed plaster with black hard granite chips 12mm. Size & 12mm. Thick cement plaster (1:4) per 1 sqm …… a) Rate of 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) as per item No 16 excluding OHC b) Hard black granite chips 12 mm size hand broken 0.0091 c) Labour Manson (Special) 0.155 Nos Man Mulia 0.135 Nos d) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b+c) Total(a+b+c+d) Unit 4 36.05 1 cum 494.00 Each Each 85.00 55.00 0.0152 13.18 7.43 6.11 67.26 67.30 / Sqm 0.081 Nos 0.108 Nos 1 cum 85.00 Each Each 85.00 55.00 Say Rs Lime rule pointing over brick work with the admixture of surki per 1Sqm. a) Materials Ghooting lime unslacked Surki ( C. B Brick) b) Labour Manson (Special) Woman Mulia 0.0024 0.0035 Man Mulia for Preparation of mortar and watering c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 2.5 cum. thick surki beaten plaster ( 1:2) per 1 Sqm a) Materials Ghooting lime unskacked Surki screened clampburnt -108- 36.05 1.29 6.89 5.94 5.02 55.19 55.20 / Sqm 1 cum 1 cum 1720.00 301.00 4.13 1.05 0.162 Nos 0.162 Nos Each Each 85.00 55.00 13.77 8.91 0.014 Nos Each 55.00 Say Rs 25 4.50 Rusticated (gravel planted) plaster with cement plaster 12mm. thick (1:4) and washed gravel per 1 Sqm. a) Rate for 12 mm. thick cement plaster (1 :4) as per item No. 16 excluding OHC b) Cost of washed gravel c) Labour Manson (Special) Man Mulia d) Overhead charges @10% on (a+b+c) Total(a+b+c+d) 24 Amount Rs. P 6 ….. Say Rs 23 Rate Rs. P 5 0.0122 0.0244 1 cum 1 cum 0.77 2.86 31.49 31.50 / Sqm 1720.00 301.00 20.98 7.34 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Manson (2nd class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 0.162 Nos 0.108 Nos 0.216 Nos Unit 4 Each Each Each Say Rs 26 6 mm thick cement plaster (1 : 4) finished smooth per 1 Sqm. Sand ( Screened & Washed). a) Materials Cement 0.0019 cum b) Labour Labour as per cement plaster (1 : 6) for brick work items No 4. c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 12.15 5.94 11.88 5.83 64.13 64.10 / Sqm 29.00 0.22 0.0271 1 Qtl 341.00 9.24 0.0075 0.0372 1 cum 1Qntl 17.10 2.66 29.21 29.20 / Sqm 29.00 341.00 0.22 12.69 17.10 0.05 Nos Each 0.018 0.053 0.18 0.11 0.11 0.02 Nos Nos Nos Nos 55.00 2.75 3.28 36.03 36.00 / Sqm 1Cum 1 Quintal 29.00 341.00 Each Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 Say Rs -109- 75.00 55.00 55.00 1 cum Say Rs 28 16 mm thick cement plaster (1:6) over brick or stone masonary including punning . Per 1 Sqm. a) Materials Sand ( screened & washed) Cement b) Labour Mason ( 2nd class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia man mulia for mixing sand & cement c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Amount Rs. P 6 0.0075 Say Rs 27 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) to R CC surfaces finished smooth including closed deep chiping and slury treatment. Per 1 Sqm a) Materials Sand(Screened & Washed) Cement 0.0026 cum b) Labour Labour as per cement plaster (1 : 6) for brick work items No 4. Labour for closed deep chipping & cleaning Man Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Rate Rs. P 5 0.52 18.07 13.50 6.05 6.05 1.10 4.53 49.82 49.80 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 29 Cement punning per Sqm. a) Materials Cement 0.0008 cum b) Labour Mason (Special) Woman mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 0.0114 0.027 Nos 0.027 Nos Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 1Qntl 341.00 3.89 Each Each 85.00 55.00 2.30 1.49 0.77 8.43 Say Rs 30 White washing 1 coat with shell lime Per 1 Sqm. Data for 93Sqm. a) Materials Shell lime unslacked b) Labour Painter (2nd class) Man Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 31 a) b) c) 32 a) b) c) 11.8 0.75 Nos 0.5 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 260.87 93 Say Rs. White washing 1 coat with stone lime, per 1Sqm, Data for 93 Sqm Materials Stone lime (unslaked) 0.021 Labour Labour as per white washing with shell lime item 30 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Rate per 1 Sqm = 126.78 93 Say Rs. White washing two coats with Shell lime per 1 Sqm Data for 93 Sqm. Materials Shell lime ( unslaked) 18.66 Labour painter (2nd class) 1 Nos Man Mulia 0.75 Nos Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Rate per 1 Sqm = 394.71 93 Say Rs. -110- Amount Rs. P 6 8.40 / Sqm 1kg 13.00 153.40 Each Each 75.00 55.00 56.25 27.50 23.72 260.87 = 2.81 / Sqm 2.80 / Sqm 1 cum 1500.00 31.50 83.75 11.53 126.78 = 1.36 / Sqm 1.40 / Sqm 1kg 13.00 242.58 Each Each 75.00 55.00 75.00 41.25 35.88 394.71 = 4.24 / Sqm 4.20 / Sqm Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Quantity required 3 Description 2 33 White washing 2 coat with stone lime per 1Sqm Data for 93 Sqm. a) Materials Stone lime unslaked 0.032 b) Labour Labour as per white washing two coats with shell lime item 32 … c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Rate per 1 Sqm = 180.68 93 Say Rs. 34 White washing 3 coats with shell lime per 1Sqm Data for 93 Sqm a) Materials Shell lime unslaked b) Labour Painter (2nd class) Man mulia c) Overhead charges 10% on (a+b) 23.32 1.5 Nos 1 Nos Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 1 cum …… = 116.25 16.43 180.68 1.94 / Sqm 1kg 13.00 303.16 Each Each 75.00 55.00 112.50 55.00 47.07 Total = Rate per 1 Sqm = 517.73 93 Say Rs. White washing 3 coats with stone lime per 1Sqm Data for 93 Sqm a) Materials Stone lime unslaked b) Labour Labour as per white washing 3 coats with shell lime (item 34) c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 0.0425 … Rate per 1 Sqm = 254.38 93 Say Rs. -111- 48.00 1.90 / Sqm Total(a+b+c) 35 1500.00 Amount Rs. P 6 = 517.73 5.57 / Sqm 5.60 / Sqm 1 cum 1500.00 …… = 63.75 167.50 23.13 254.38 2.74 / Sqm 2.70 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 36 Colour washing 1 coat with Shell lime and colouring materials per 1 Sqm. Data for 93 Sqm a) Rate for white washing one coat with shell lime (vide item No. 30) .. b) Add for extra labour and colouring materials. …. Total(a+b) Rate per 1 Sqm = 278.87 93 Say Rs. 37 Colour washing one coat with stone lime and colouring materials per 1 Sqm Data for 93 Sqm. a) Rate for white washing one coat with shell lime (vide item No. 31) b) Add for extra labour and colouring materials. Total(a+b) …. Rate per 1 Sqm = 144.78 93 Say Rs. 38 Colour washing two coats with shell lime and colouring mateials per 1 Sqm Data for 93 Sqm. a) Rate for white washing two coats with shell lime ( vide item No. 32) b) Add for extra labour and colouring materials Total(a+b) … Rate per 1 Sqm = 419.71 93 Say Rs. 39 Colour washing two coats with Stone lime and colouring materials per 1Sqm. Data for 93 Sqm. a) Rate for white washing 2 coat with stone lime (vide item NO.33) b) Add for extra labour and colouring materials. Total(a+b) … Rate per 1 Sqm = 210.68 93 Say Rs. -112- Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 … .. …… = Amount Rs. P 6 260.87 18.00 278.87 3.00 / Sqm 3.00 / Sqm ….. …. = 126.78 18.00 144.78 1.56 / Sqm 1.60 / Sqm …… = 394.71 25.00 419.71 4.51 / Sqm 4.50 / Sqm …. …. = 180.68 30.00 210.68 2.27 / Sqm 2.30 / Sqm Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 40 Cement washing 1 coat per 1 Sqm Data for 93 Sqm a) Materials Cement 0.07 cum b) Labour Labour as per white washing one coat (item No.31) Extra labour for mixing cement for aplication c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) 1.001 0.5 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 497.85 93 Say Rs. 42 a) b) c) 4 1Qntl … 41 Cement washing two coats per 1 Sqm Data for 93 Sqm a) Materials Cement 0.105 cum b) Labour Labour as per white washing two coat (item No 32) Extra labour for mixing cement for application ( Man Mulia) c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total(a+b+c) Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 341.00 341.34 …. …. Each 55.00 83.75 27.50 45.26 497.85 = 1.5015 1Qntl Rate per 1 Sqm = 744.33 93 Say Rs. Mud and cowdung leaping per 1Sqm Data for 9.3 Sqm Labour Woman mulia 0.33 Nos Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) 2% sundries, gum indigo and brushes on (a) Total(a+b+c) = -113- 341.00 512.01 116.25 Each 43 Plastering inside the well steining (labour only) per 1 Sqm. Data for scaffolding lowering material , etc a) Labour Mason (Special) Man Mulia Woman mulia 5.35 / Sqm 5.40 / Sqm 0.88 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = Amount Rs. P 6 20.33 9.3 Say Rs. 0.5 0.5 1 55.00 48.40 67.67 744.33 8.00 / Sqm 8.00 / Sqm Each = 55.00 18.15 1.82 0.36 20.33 2.19 / Sqm 2.20 / Sqm Nos Nos Nos Each Each Each 85.00 55.00 55.00 42.50 27.50 55.00 Remarks 7 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% sundries, gum indigo and brushes on (a) Total(a+b+c) … … Rate Rs. P 4 5 …. …. …… Total Unit Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 12.50 2.50 140.00 Rate for Sqm= 15.05 Say Rs. 15.10 / Sqm Note (I) For inside cement or lime plaster or pointing in each subsequent floor above ground floor add 3 percent extra labour over and above the rates of next lower floor. (ii) For inside white washing, colour washing, and cement washing in each subsequent floor above ground floor add 3 percent extra labour over and above the rates to next lower floors. (iii) For repair items of white washing and colour washing inside add 2 percent extra labour to the respective items of next lower floor. (iv) For repair items of plastering add 2 percent extra labour to the resepctive items of next lower floor. (v) For out side cement plaster, white washing, colour washing and cement washing add 5 percent extra labour for scaffolding etc. over and above the rates of next lower floor. (vi) for plastering, pointing, cement washing, white washing and colour washing works below ground level beyond 1.5m and uto 4.5m depth add 5 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the resepctive item for lowering the materilas. (vii) for plastering , pointing, cement washing, white washing and colour washing works below ground level beyond 4.5m and upto 7.5m depth and 7 percent extra labour over and above the rates of the respective items for lowring the materials. (viii) 10 percent excess on the above rates will be allowed in the works being executed inside jail premises. -114- XI ROOFING Quantity Sl. Description required No. 3 1 2 1 20cm to 25cm. Single Nuria tiles roofing with cement mortar (1:6) borders 23cm×5cm at 1.8 meters intervals complete per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Nuria tiles 20cm to 25 cm long 1000 Nos Cement 0.0372 cum 0.530 qtl Sand(Screened and Washed) 0.19 cum b) Labour Gharami or Thacher 2 Nos Mason (Second class) for forming cement mortar border 0.25 Nos Woman Mulia 0.50 Nos c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 974.04 = 9.3 Say Rs. 2 25cm to 30cm.long Single Nuria tiles roofing with cement mortar(1:6) borders 23cm×5cm at 1.80 meters intervals complete per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Nuria tiles 25cm to 30 cm b) Labour Labour and other materials as per item NO.1 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 3 20cm to 25cm. Long double Nuria tiles roofing with cement mortar(1:6) borders 23cm×5cm at 1.80 meters intervals complete per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Nuria tiles 20cm to 25 cm Cost of cement and sand mortar as in Item No.1 b) Labour Gharami or Thatches Labour as per item No.1above (except Gharami) -115- Unit 4 1000 qtl cum 523.00 341.00 29.00 523.00 180.73 5.51 Each 65.00 130.00 Each Each 75.00 55.00 18.75 27.50 88.55 974.04 - 104.74 / Sqm 104.70 / Sqm 800 Nos 1000 - 968.10 = 9.3 Say Rs. 2000 Nos Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 647.00 517.60 362.49 88.01 968.10 - 104.10 / Sqm 104.10 / Sqm 1000 523.00 1046.00 186.24 3 Nos Each 65.00 195.00 46.25 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = - Unit 4 - Rate per 1 Sqm = 1620.84 = 9.3 Say Rs. 4 25cm to 30cm. Long double Nuria tiles roofing cement mortar (1:6)borders 23cm×5cm at 1.8 meters intervals complete per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Nuria tiles 25cm to 30 cm long b) Labour Labour and other materials as per item NO.3 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 5 a) b) c) 6 a) -116- 174.28 / Sqm 174.30 / Sqm 1600 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 1608.96 9.3 Say Rs. Roofing with pan tiles with cement mortar(1:6) border 23cm×5cm at 1.80 meter intervals, complete per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. Materials Pan tiles 2400 Cement 0 .0372 0.530 Sand(Screened and Washed) 0.19 Labour Mason (special) 1.25 Man Mulia 1 Woman Mulia 3.5 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1193.27 9.3 Say Rs. Roofing with an flat and pan tiles and cement mortar (1:6)borders 23cm ×5cm at 1.80 meters intervals, complete per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. Materials Pan tiles 2400 Flat tiles 14cm×14 cm×1cm 500 Unslacked shell lime for white washing underneath the flat tiles 2 Cement 0.105 1.50 Sand(Screened and Washed) 0.30 1000 - = Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 147.35 1620.84 647.00 Total = 1035.20 427.49 146.27 1608.96 173.01 / Sqm 173.00 / Sqm Nos 1000 qtl Cum Nos Each Nos Each Nos Each = 227.00 341.00 29.00 544.80 180.73 5.51 85.00 55.00 55.00 106.25 55.00 192.50 108.48 1193.27 128.31 / Sqm 128.30 / Sqm Nos Nos 1000 1000 227.00 222.00 544.80 111.00 kg qtl Cum 13.00 341.00 29.00 26.00 511.50 8.70 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Mason (special) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 2 1 5 Unit 4 Nos Nos Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 1872.20 = 9.3 Say Rs. 7 Roofing with pan tiles over existing G.C.I. Sheet or A.C. sheet per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Pan tiles b) Labour Mason (special) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 9 Shifting pan tiles (labour only) per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) labour Mason (2nd class) Woman Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) 201.30 / Sqm 1800 Nos 1000 227.00 408.60 1 Nos 1 Nos 3 Nos Each Each Each 85.00 55.00 55.00 85.00 55.00 165.00 71.36 784.96 784.96 = 9.3 Say Rs. 84.40 / Sqm 84.40 / Sqm 0.530 0.19 0.25 Nos 0.50 Nos 255.74 = 9.3 Say Rs. - 170.00 55.00 275.00 170.20 1872.20 201.31 / Sqm qtl Cum 341.00 29.00 180.73 5.51 Each Each 75.00 55.00 18.75 27.50 23.25 255.74 27.50 / Sqm 27.50 / Sqm 1 Nos 1 Nos -117- 85.00 55.00 55.00 Total = 8 Forming Cement mortar(1:6) border, 23cm×5cm at 1.80 metres invervals per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Cement 0.0372 cum Sand(Screened and Washed) b) Labour Mason (2nd class) Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 Each Each - 75.00 55.00 - 75.00 55.00 13.00 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. Total (a+b+c) = - Rate per 1 Sqm = 10 Roofing or re-tiling with old flat & pan tiles over G.C.I or asbestos sheets on repers (labour only) per 1 Data for 9.3 sqm. a) labour Mason (Special) Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 11 Re-roofing with old flat & pan tiles including cost of cement mortar(1: 6) borders per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Cement 0.063 cum Sand(Screened and Washed) b) Labour Mason (Special) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 12 Renewing eaves of nuria tile roof with old tiles set in cement mortar(1:6) per 1 metre Data for 30.48 metre a) Materials Cement 0.0372 cum Sand(Screened and Washed) b) Labour Mason (2nd Class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia -118- Unit 4 - 145.60 = 9.3 Say Rs. 15.66 / Sqm 15.70 / Sqm 1 Nos 1 Nos 2 Nos - Each Each Each - 280.00 = 9.3 Say Rs. 0.911 0.19 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 2.60 145.60 85.00 55.00 55.00 - 30.11 / Sqm 30.10 / Sqm qtl cum 1.75 Nos 1 Nos 4.5 Nos - Each Each Each - 844.15 = 9.3 Say Rs. 85.00 55.00 110.00 25.00 5.00 280.00 341.00 29.00 310.65 5.51 85.00 55.00 55.00 148.75 55.00 247.50 76.74 844.15 - 90.77 / Sqm 90.80 / Sqm 0.530 0.19 qtl Cum qtl Cum 341.00 29.00 180.73 5.51 3 2 2 Nos Nos Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 225.00 110.00 110.00 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 metre = 13 Renewing eaves of nuria tile roof with new tiles, 20cm to 25cm long set in cement mortar(1:6) per 1 metre Data for 30.48 metre a) Materials Nuria tiles 20cm to 25 cm b) Labour Labour, materials as per item 12 above c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 metre = 14 Renewing eaves of nuria tile roof with new tiles, 25cm to 30cm long set in cement mortar(1:6) per 1 metre Data for 30.48 metres a) Materials Nuria tiles 25cm to 30 cm long b) Labour Labour, materials as per item 12 above c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 meter = 15 Renewing mortar band with new nuria tiles 25cm to 30 cm long set in cement mortar(1:6) per 1 meter Data for 30.48 meter. a) Materials Nuria tiles 25cm to 30cm long cement 0.01 cum Sand(Screened and Washed) b) Labour Mason (2nd Class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia -119- Unit 4 694.36 = 30.48 Say Rs. 22.78 / RM 22.80 / RM 500 1000 - 982.01 = 30.48 Say Rs. 400 Nos Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 63.12 694.36 523.00 261.50 631.24 89.27 982.01 - 32.22 / RM 32.20 / RM 1000 647.00 258.80 631.24 89.00 979.04 979.04 = 30.48 Say Rs. 32.12 / m 32.10 / m 275 Nos 0.14 0.08 1000 qtl Cum 647.00 341.00 29.00 177.93 48.76 2.32 2 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 150.00 110.00 110.00 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 meter = 658.91 = 30.48 Say Rs. Unit 4 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 59.90 658.91 21.62 / m 21.60 / m 16 Renewing ridges of Nuria tiles roofs with new ridge tiles set in mud mortar and top pointed with cement mortar(1:6) per 1 meter Data for 30.48 meter. a) Materials Ridge tiles 250 Nos 1000 741.00 Cement 0 .028 cum 0.40040 qtl 341.00 Sand(Screened and Washed) 0.057 Cum 29.00 b) Labour labour as per item 12 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 m = 17 25cm to 30 cm long single layer of Nuria tile roofing over a layer of 30 cm ×30cm ×2.50cm of flat tiles per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Nuria tiles Flat tiles b) Labour Mason (2nd Class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 18 25cm to 30 cm long double Nuria tile over a layer of (30 cm ×30cm ×2.50cm) flat tiles per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Nuria tiles Flat tiles b) Labour Mason (2nd Class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia -120- 845.28 = 30.48 Say Rs. 185.25 136.54 1.65 445.00 76.84 845.28 27.73 / m 27.70 / m 800 Nos 105 Nos 1000 1000 647.00 1210.00 517.60 127.05 0.75 Nos 1 Nos 2 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 56.25 55.00 110.00 86.59 952.49 952.49 = 9.3 Say Rs. 102.42 / Sqm 102.40 / Sqm 1600 Nos 105 Nos 1000 1000 647.00 1210.00 1035.20 127.05 1 Nos 3 Nos 3 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 75.00 165.00 165.00 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 19 a) b) c) Unit 4 Rate per 1 Sqm = 1723.98 = 185.37 9.3 Say Rs. 185.40 Shifting or relaying Nuria tiles in single Nuria tiles roof (labour only) per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. Labour Gharami 1 Nos Each Man Mulia 0.5 Nos Each Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) 2% Sundries T & P etc on (a). Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 103.60 = 9.3 Say Rs. Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 156.73 1723.98 / Sqm / Sqm 65.00 55.00 - 65.00 27.50 9.25 1.85 103.60 11.14 / Sqm 11.10 / Sqm 20 Shifting or relaying Nuria tiles in double Nuria tils roof (labour only) per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Gharami Man Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc on (a). Total (a+b+c) = 2 Nos 0.75 Nos - Rate per 1 Sqm = 21 8 cm beaten lime terracing for roof with hard stone other than granite broken to 2.5cm per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Hardstone other than granite broken to 2.5 cm size Lime(Ghooting unslaked) including 0.014 cum for lime mortar Surkhi(C.B.Brick) b) Labour Mason (Special) Man Mulia Woman Mulia for beating and watering for 3 weeks c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = - 191.80 = 9.3 Say Rs. 65.00 55.00 - 130.00 41.25 17.13 3.43 191.80 20.62 / Sqm 20.60 / Sqm 0.79 Cum 217.00 171.43 0.23 0.21 Cum Cum 1720.00 301.00 395.60 63.21 Each Each 85.00 55.00 85.00 137.50 55.00 550.00 140.27 1543.01 1 Nos 2.5 Nos 10 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 1543.01 = 9.3 -121- Each Each Each - - 165.92 / Sqm Sl. No. 1 Quantity required 3 Say Rs. Description 2 22 8 cm beaten lime terracing for roof with washed gravel per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Screen washed gravel (12 mm to 20 mm) material as per item no 21(a) b) Labour 0.79 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 4 5 6 7 165.90 / Sqm Unit Cum 85.00 Labour as per item no 21(b) c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 67.15 630.24 772.50 146.99 1616.88 Rate per 1 Sqm = 1616.88 = 9.3 Say Rs. 173.86 / Sqm 173.90 / Sqm 23 10 cm beaten lime terracing for roof with hard broken stone other than granite broken to 2.5cm per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Hardstone other ( g than granite ) broken g to 2 cm size lime mortar Surkhi(C.B.Brick) b) Labour Mason (Special) Man Mulia Woman Mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 1.05 0.30 0.28 1 No 3 Nos 12 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 1911.94 = 9.3 Say Rs. -122- Cum Cum Cum 217.00 1720.00 301.00 227.85 516.00 84.28 Each Each Each 85.00 55.00 55.00 85.00 165.00 660.00 173.81 1911.94 205.59 / Sqm 205.60 / Sqm Sl. Description No. 1 2 24 10 cm beaten lime terracing for roof with washed gravel per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Rate with hard broken stone as in item 23 b) Deduct-Difference in cost of hard broken stone and washed gravel (217.00-65.00) Total (a-b) = Quantity required 3 Woman Mulia for beating and watering for 3 weeks c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 26 a) b) 27 a) -1.05 Cum 152.00 Total = -159.60 1752.34 188.42 / Sqm 188.40 / Sqm 1.27 0.37 0.35 Cum Cum Cum 217.00 1720.00 301.00 275.59 636.40 105.35 1.50 Nos 4 Nos Each Each 85.00 55.00 127.50 220.00 15 Nos Each 55.00 825.00 218.98 2408.82 Rate per 1 Sqm = 2408.82 = 9.3 Say Rs. 13 cm beaten lime terracing for roof with washed gravel per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. Rate with hard broken stone as in item 25 Deduct-Difference in cost of hard broken stone and washed gravel (217.00-65.00) -1.27 Total (a-b) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 2215.78 = 9.3 Say Rs. 8 cm thick beaten terrace in lime with brick khoa and ghooting lime per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. Materials 4cm brick khoa (1st class)C.B.Brick 0.71 Ghooting lime unslaked 0.212 Surkhi 0.212 -123- 4 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 1911.94 Rate per 1 Sqm = 1752.34 = 9.3 Say Rs. 25 13 cm beaten lime terracing for roof with hard stone other than granite broken to 2.5cm per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Materials Hardstone other ( g than granite ) broken g to 1 cm size lime mortar Surkhi b) Labour Mason (Special) Man Mulia Unit 259.01 / Sqm 259.00 / Sqm 2408.82 Cum 152.00 Total = 238.26 / Sqm -193.04 2215.78 238.30 / Sqm Cum Cum Cum 172.00 1720.00 301.00 122.12 364.64 63.81 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Labour as per item 21 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Unit 4 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 Total = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1455.38 = 9.3 Say Rs. 28 10 cm thick beaten lime terrace in lime with brick khoa and ghooting lime per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Material 4cm brick khoa (C.B.Brick) Ghooting lime (unslaked) Surkhi ( CB Brick ) b) Labour Labour as per item 25 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 0.962 0.218 0.283 Rate per 1 Sqm = 1977.92 = 9.3 Say Rs. 29 13 cm average thick beaten terrace with brick khoa and ghooting lime per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 Sqm a) Material Material 4 cm brick khoa 1.19 Ghooting lime (Unslaked) 0.354 Surkhi 0.354 b) Labour Labour as per item no 25 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 2301.88 = 9.3 Say Rs. -124- 772.50 132.31 1455.38 156.49 / Sqm 156.50 / Sqm cum cum cum 172.00 1720.00 301.00 165.46 374.96 85.18 1172.50 179.81 1977.92 212.68 / Sqm 212.70 / Sqm Cum Cum Cum 172.00 1720.00 301.00 204.68 608.88 106.55 1172.50 209.26 2301.88 247.51 / Sqm 247.50 / Sqm Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 30 Laying two layers of earthern tiles 2.5 cm thick 30cm ×30 cm and 30 cm ×15 cm with 2.50 cm cement mortar(1: 6)in between to receive terracing per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Material Tiles 30cm×30 cm×2.5cm 105 Nos Tiles 30cm×15 cm×2.5cm 210 Nos cement 0.114 cum 1.630 Sand (screened and washed) 0.362 b) Labour Labour Mason (2nd class) 2 Nos Man mulia 2 Nos Woman Mulia for carring materials 4 Nos c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1522.87 = 9.3 Say Rs. 31 Picking out old lime terracing on roof and clearing the debris for laying half terracing per 1 sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2 % sundries and T&P etc on (a) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 4 1000 1000 qtl Cum 1210.00 1005.00 341.00 29.00 127.05 211.05 555.83 10.50 Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 150.00 110.00 220.00 138.44 1522.87 163.70 / Sqm Each Each 226.88 = 9.3 Say Rs. 55.00 55.00 82.50 123.75 20.63 4.13 226.88 24.40 / Sqm 24.40 / Sqm Nos Nos Nos Each Each Each - = Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 163.75 / Sqm 1.5 Nos 2.25 Nos 32 Labour for fixing G.C.I. Sheet in roof drilling hole in wind ties including fixing of ridges valleys wind ties etc. excluding cost of fitting per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Labour Carpenter (Secial) 0.5 Fitter(Secial) 1 Man Mulia 2 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2 % sundries and T&P etc on (a) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 266.00 9.3 Say Rs. -125- Unit 85.00 85.00 55.00 Total = 28.60 / Sqm 28.60 / Sqm 42.50 85.00 110.00 23.75 4.75 266.00 Quantity Sl. Rate Amount Description Unit Remarks required No. Rs. P Rs. P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 33 Labour for fixing big six or trafford A.C. Sheet in roof including fixing of ridges wind ties etc. complete but excluding cost of fitting including drilling holes in wind ties per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Labour Carpenter (Secial) 1 Nos Each 85.00 85.00 Man Mulia 3 Nos Each 55.00 165.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) 25.00 c) 2 % sundries and T&P etc on (a) 5.00 Total (a+b+c) = Total = 280.00 Rate per 1 Sqm = 280.00 = 9.3 Say Rs. 34 Labour for fixing and fitting Asbestos sheet ridges or valleys (double) per 1 RM Data for 30.48 RM a) Labour Carpenter (Special) 0.5 Carpenter (2nd Class) 1.5 Fitter(1st Class) 3 Man Mulia 4 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2 % sundries and T&P etc on (a) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 RM = 705.60 30.48 Say Rs. 35 Labour for fixing corrugated iron sheets in walling including cost of nuts and bolts etc. but excluding cost of sheets per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 sqm a) Rate as per item for fixing corrugated sheet in roof (item NO.32) b) Add for cost of bolts and nuts c) Deduct-for cost of fixing ridges Total (a+b-c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = -126- 30.11 / Sqm 30.10 / Sqm Nos Nos Nos Nos Each Each Each Each - = 85.00 75.00 85.00 55.00 Total = 23.15 / RM 23.10 / RM (-) 296.00 = 9.3 Say Rs. 42.50 112.50 255.00 220.00 63.00 12.60 705.60 31.83 / Sqm 31.80 / Sqm 266.00 40.00 10.00 296.00 Sl. Description No. 1 2 36 Fixing asbestos sheets in walls excluding cost of A.C. sheet but including cost of bolts and nuts (labour only) per 1 sqm. Data for 9.30 sqm a) Rate as per item No.33) b) Add for cost of bolts and nuts c) Deduct-for cost less labour and scaffolding Total (a+b-c) = Quantity required 3 Rate per 1 Sqm = 308.00 = 9.3 Say Rs. 37 New bamboo frames made of 2.5cm to 4cm dia bamboo for nuria tile roofing for single and double layers per 1 Sqm. Data for 9.30 Sqm a) 2.5cm to 4cm dia 1st class bamboos= …292.61…….. R.M. (4.15 meters each av ) or say 70 Nos b) 5cm long french reapers nails c) Man Mulia d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Total (a+b+c+d) = 38 a) b) c) 4 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 (-) 70 Nos 1.36 1.5 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 1459.59 = 9.3 Say Rs. Non-sal wood reapers fixed on rafters with reaper nails at 10cm centres including coaltaring the top of the reapers for receiving pan tiled roof per 1 Sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. Material Non Sal wood reapers 5cm × 2.5cm 99.06m or 0.1238 cum 0.1238 5cm long french reapers nails 1.36 Labour Carpenter (2nd class) 0.88 Nos women mulia 1 Nos Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1464.86 = 9.3 Say Rs. -127- Unit 280.00 40.00 12.00 308.00 33.12 / Sqm 33.10 / Sqm 100 kg Each 1700.00 40.00 55.00 1190.00 54.40 82.50 132.69 1459.59 156.95 / Sqm 156.90 / Sqm Cum kg 9340.00 40.00 1156.29 54.40 Each Each 75.00 55.00 66.00 55.00 133.17 1464.86 157.51 / Sqm 157.50 / Sqm Sl. Description No. 1 2 39 Non-sal wood reapers fixed on rafters with reaper nails at 15cm centres including coaltaring the top of the reapers for receiving flat and pan tiled roof per 1 Sqm Data for 9.3 sqm. a) Material Non Sal wood reapers 5cm × 2.5cm 68.60m or 5cm long french reapers nails b) Labour Carpenter (2nd class) women mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Quantity required 3 0.085 1 0.75 Nos 1 Nos Rate per 1 Sqm = 1039.67 = 9.3 Say Rs. 40 Best thatched roofing 22.5cm in two layers 7.5cm bottom layer and 15cm top layers including split bamboo jaffry on top per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Bundle of thatch 30 cm girth 2.5cm to 4cm dia bamboos for jaffry on top and bottom of thatch layers b) Labour Man mulia Thatcher of Gharami c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = -128- 4 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 Cum kg 9340.00 40.00 793.90 40.00 Each Each 75.00 55.00 56.25 55.00 94.52 1039.67 111.79 / Sqm 111.80 / Sqm 350 100 208.00 728.00 18 100 1700.00 306.00 Each Each 55.00 65.00 110.00 97.50 124.15 1365.65 2 Nos 1.5 Nos Total = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1365.65 = 9.3 Say Rs. 41 Split bamboo jaffry fitted and fixed on thatched roof per 1sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material 2.5cm to dia bamboo b) Labour Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Unit 146.84 / Sqm 146.80 / Sqm 8 Nos 100 1700.00 136.00 0.5 Nos Each 55.00 27.50 16.35 179.85 179.85 = 9.3 Say Rs. 19.34 / Sqm 19.30 / Sqm Sl. No. 1 Quantity required 3 Description 2 42 Best thached roofing 15cm thick including split bamboo jaffry on top per 1 sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Bundles of thatch 30cm girth 2.5cm to dia bamboo of jaffry on top and bottom of the thatchelayers b) Labour Thatcher or Gharami Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 43 Best thatched roofing 7.5cm thick including split bamboo jaffry on top per 1sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Bundles of thatch 30cm girth 2.5cm to dia bamboo of jaffry on top and bottom of the thatchelayers b) Labour Thatcher or Gharami Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 44 First class strong bamboo framing for 23cm apart 22.5 thick thatching per 1sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material 7cm to 10cm dia bamboo 1st class Belangi bamboo b) Labour carpenter 2nd class Thatcher or Gharami Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 4 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 230 Nos 100 208.00 478.40 15 Nos 100 1700.00 255.00 1 Nos 1.5 Nos Each Each 65.00 55.00 65.00 82.50 88.09 968.99 968.99 = 9.3 Say Rs. 104.19 / Sqm 104.20 / Sqm 115 Nos 100 208.00 239.20 12 Nos 100 1700.00 204.00 0.75 Nos 1 Nos Each Each 65.00 55.00 48.75 55.00 54.70 601.65 601.65 = 9.3 Say Rs. 64.69 / Sqm 64.70 / Sqm 36.58 mtr. 20 Nos 6 100 100.00 1700.00 609.67 340.00 0.5 Nos 0.75 Nos 1 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 65.00 55.00 37.50 48.75 55.00 109.09 1200.01 Rate per 1 Sqm = 1200.01 = 9.3 Say Rs. -129- Unit 129.03 / Sqm 129.00 / Sqm Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 45 Bamboo mat over bamboo frame fitted and fixed per 1sqm Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Bamboo mat including laps 9.75 Belangi bamboo 2.51 cm to 4 cm dia and above 5 mtr. L 5 b) Labour Thatcher or Gharami 0.5 No Man mulia 0.5 No c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1071.13 = 9.3 Say Rs. 46 Roofing with 2 layers of flat tiles 30cm×15cm×2.5cm set in cement mortar (1:3) with 2.5cm. Thick cement mortar (1:6) in between and top cement grouted (Cuttack pattern) including cost of cement per 1Sqm. Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Flat tiles 30cm × 15cm × 2.50cm Sand (screened & washed) cement Unit 4 -130- Sqm 100 85.00 1700.00 828.75 85.00 Each Each 65.00 55.00 32.50 27.50 97.38 1071.13 115.17 / Sqm 115.20 / Sqm 410 Nos 0.26 0.047 cum 0.6721 b) Labour Manson special 1.25 Man mulia 1.5 women mulia 6 Man mulia for mixing sand and cement 1 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1344.78 9.3 Say Rs. 47 15cm thick thatch with old and new straw thatching including top jaffery after removal of old thatch as per necessity per 1sqm Data for 9.3 sqm a) Rate as per item No.42 b) Deduct cost of thatch 115 ( 230 - 115 ) = 115 bundles Total (a-b) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 729.79 9.3 Say Rs. 48 2nd class country bamboo framing for 1.5cm thatching Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Country bamboo 7cm to 10cm dia 20.12 Belangi bamboos 15 Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 5 6 7 Nos Nos Nos Nos = 1000 Cum 1005.00 29.00 412.05 7.54 Qntl 341.00 229.19 Each Each Each Each 85.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 106.25 82.50 330.00 55.00 122.25 1344.78 144.60 / Sqm 144.60 / Sqm - 100 208.00 968.99 239.20 729.79 = 78.47 / Sqm 78.50 / Sqm Nos Nos 6 100 60.00 1700.00 201.20 255.00 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Coir rope b) Labour Carpenter 2nd class Gharami or thatcher Man mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 49 Bamboo mat ceiling inclusive of bamboo frame fitting fixing etc. complete per 1sqm Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material Bamboo mat including over lapping Half split belangi bamboos 2.5cm to 4cm dia for battens 3 metres long each 5cm long french reaper nails b) Labour carpenter 2nd class Man mulia Women mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Quantity required 3 1.87 0.5 Nos 0.5 Nos 1 Nos 690.75 = 9.3 Say Rs. 10.22 Each Each Each 75.00 65.00 55.00 37.50 32.50 55.00 62.80 690.75 74.27 / Sqm 74.30 / Sqm Sqm 85.00 868.70 8 Nos 0.11 100 kg 1700.00 40.00 136.00 4.40 0.25 Nos 1.5 Nos 1 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 18.75 82.50 55.00 116.54 1281.89 Rate per 1 Sqm = 1281.89 = 9.3 Say Rs. 50 6mm thick A.C. sheet flat ceiling fitted and fixed complete excluding cost of A.C.sheets but including batttens 5cm ×3cm×1cm Per 1sqm Data for 9.3 sqm a) Material 50mm × 30mm ×10mm Sal wooden strips including framing and beading the edges 4 cm nail 200 Nos 5cm long wood screws b) Labour Carpenter 2nd class Man mulia Women mulia c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = Rate Amount Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 4 5 6 7 kg 25.00 46.75 Unit 137.84 / Sqm 137.80 / Sqm 1.06 1.135 100 Nos Sqm kg 100 135.00 36.00 63.00 143.10 40.86 63.00 1 Nos 2 Nos 2 Nos Each Each Each 75.00 55.00 55.00 75.00 110.00 110.00 54.20 596.16 596.16 = 9.3 Say Rs. 64.10 / Sqm 64.10 / Sqm Notes : 1 10 per cent excess on the above rates will be allowed for the work being executed inside jail premises. -131- XII. WOOD WORK Quantity Sl. Description required No. 3 1 2 1 Dressed seasoned sal wood work framed and fixed (wrought and put up) in burgahs, rafters and posts per 1cum Data for 0.028 cum. a) Material Sal wood scantling sawn (Rate based on forest corporation rates) b) Labour Carpenter 2nd class Man mulia c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 cum = Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 0.028 Cum Cum 25934.00 726.15 0.33 Nos 0.33 Nos Each Each 75.00 55.00 24.75 18.15 76.91 845.96 845.96 = 0.028 Say Rs. 30212.76 / cum 30212.80 / cum 2 Dressed seasoned sal wood work framed and fixed (wrought and put up) in trusses, purlines, frames of doors, windows, ventilabours and beams per 1cum Data for 0.028 cum. a) Material Sal wood scantling sawn (Rate based on forest corporation rates) Carpenter special b) Labour Man mulia c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 cum = 0.028 Cum 28378.00 794.58 0.5 Nos Each 85.00 42.50 0.5 Nos Each 55.00 27.50 82.21 946.79 946.79 = 0.028 Say Rs. 33814.01 / cum 33814.00 / cum 3 32mm piasal wood or local Teak wood panelled shutters moulded panels with all labour, iron fittings, and wooden hinged cleats etc fitted and fixed complete in all respect. But excluding the cost of iron fittings Per 1Sqm Data for a doors 1.07m x 2.13m a) Material Area of shutters 0.94 × 2.0m = 1.88sqm Piasal wood planks for shutters or Wooden hinged cleats 2.08 sqm 0.06656 Cum 2 Nos -132- Cum Each 40414.00 12.50 2689.96 25.00 Quantity Sl. Description required No. 1 2 3 b) Labour Labour for making shutters 1.88 Sqm (I) Carpenter Special 2 Nos 85.00/each = 170.00 (ii) Helper 2 Nos. 65.00/each = 130.00 (170.00+130.00 = 300.00) Labour for fixing shutters Carpenter 2nd class 1 Nos Man mulia 1 Nos c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 3749.85 = 1.88 Say Rs. 4 32mm thick piasal wood or local teak wood fully glazed shutters complete with iron fitting and wooden hinged cleats etc., fitted and fixed in position including all labour, but excluding the cost of glass panes and iron fittings Per 1Sqm Data for a door 1.08m × 2.15 sqm. a) Material Area of shutters 0.94 × 2.0m = 1.88sqm Piasal wood planks for shutters Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Sqm Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 300.00 564.00 75.00 55.00 75.00 55.00 340.90 3749.85 - Each Each Total = 1994.60 / Sqm 1994.60 / Sqm 1.42 0.04544 Cum 40414.00 1836.41 1.88 Sqm 249.70 469.44 2 Nos Each 12.50 25.00 1 Nos 1 Nos Each Each 75.00 55.00 75.00 55.00 246.08 2706.93 b) Labour Labour for making shutters (I) Carpenter special 1.5Nos at the rate of 85.00/each = 127.50 (ii) Helper 1.88 Nos. at the rate of 65.00 = 122.20 Wooden hinged cleats Labour for fixing shutters Carpenter 2nd class Man mulia c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 2706.93 = 1.88 Say Rs. -133- 1439.86 / Sqm 1439.90 / Sqm Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 5 25mm thick piasal wood or local teak wood ledged, braced and planked 25 mm thick ledges and braces and 25mm thick ledges and braces and 25mm thick plank shutters completed with iron fittings. Wooden hinged cleates etc. fixd in position including all labour charges but excluding the cost of iron fittings. Per 1Sqm Data for a doors 0.90m × 1.95 sqm. a) Material Area of shutters 0.79 × 1.89m = 1.49sqm Piasal wood planks for shutters Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 2.16 sqm 0.054 Cum 40414.00 2182.36 1.49 Sqm 194.85 290.33 2 Nos Each 12.50 25.00 0.5 Nos 0.5 Nos Each Each 75.00 55.00 37.50 27.50 256.27 2818.95 b) Labour Labour for making shutters (I) Carpenter special 1 Nos at the rate of 85.00/each = 85.00 (ii) Helper 1.69 Nos. at the rate of 65.00/each 85.00+109.85=194.85 Wooden hinged cleats Labour for fixing shutters Carpenter 2nd class Man mulia c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 2818.95 = 1.49 Say Rs. 1891.91 / Sqm 1891.90 / Sqm 6 25mm thick piasal wood or local teak wood false pannel shutters complete with iron fittings and wooden hinged cleats, etc. fixed in position including all labour charges, but excluding the cost of fittings Per 1Sqm Data for 1.07m × 2.13 sqm. a) Material Area 0.94 × 2.00m = 1.88sqm Piasal wood planks for shutters Wooden hinged cleats Labour for making shutters b) Labour (I) Carpenter special 1 No.@ Rs85.00/ (ii) Helper 1.71 Nos. @ Rs.65.00/ Labour for fixing shutters as per item No.3 2.08 sqm 0.052 2 Nos Cum Each 40414.00 12.50 2101.53 25.00 1.88 Sqm 196.15 368.76 Each = Each = - -134- 85.00 111.15 196.15 - - 130.00 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Rate per 1 Sqm = 2887.82 = 1.88 Say Rs. Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 262.53 2887.82 1536.07 / Sqm 1536.10 / Sqm 7 19mm thick piasal wood or local teak wood ledged, braced and planked 19 mm thick ledges and braces and 19mm thick plank shutters completed with iron fittings. Wooden hinged cleates etc.fitted and fixd in position including all labour charges but excluding the coot of iron fittings per 1sqm Data for 0.90m × 1.95 m. a) Material Area of 0.79 × 1.89m = 1.49sqm Piasal wood planks for shutters Wooden hinged cleats b) Labour Labour for making shutters as per item No.5 Labour for fixing shutters as per item No.5 c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = 1.85 sqm 0.03515 2 Nos - - 40414.00 12.50 Total = Rate per 1 Sqm = 1980.97 = 1.49 Say Rs. 8 38mm thick piasal pannel shutter 38mm style and 22mm to 25 mm. thick pannel plank complete with iron fitting and wooden hinged cleats etc. fitted and fixed in position for doors and windows including all labour charges, but excluding the cost of iron fittings Per 1 sqm a) Rate as per item No.3 b) Add-for excess quantity of wood c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (b) Total (a+b+c) = Cum Each 0.00664 Rate per 1 Sqm = 9 25mm thick piasal pannel shutter 25mm style & 12 mm. thick pannel plank complete with iron fitting and wooden hinged cleates etc. including all labour charges, but excluding the cost of iron fittings per 1sqm a) Rate as per item No. 3 b) Deduct-less cost of wood including OHC 0.00775 Total (a-b) = Rate per 1 Sqm = -135- 1420.55 25.00 290.33 65.00 180.09 1980.97 1329.51 / Sqm 1329.50 / Sqm Cum 40414.00 1994.60 268.35 26.83 2289.78 2289.80 / Sqm Cum 45263.68 1643.80 / Sqm 1994.60 350.79 1643.81 Sl. No. 1 Quantity required 3 Description 2 10 25mm thick piasal fully glazed shutter 25mm style complete with iron fittings and wooden hinged cleats, etc. fitted and fixed in position for doors and windows including all labour charges, but excluding the cost of glass panes and iron fittings per 1sqm rate a) Rate as per item No. 4 b) Deduct-less cost of wood including OHC 0.00529 Total (a-b) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 11 38mm thick piasal fully glazed shutter 38mm style complete with iron fittings and wooden higned cleats, etc. fitted and fixed in position for doors and windows including all labour charges, but excluding the cost of glass panes and iron fittings per 1sqm a) Rate as per item No. 4 Add-for excess quantity of wood including b) OHC Total (a+b) = …… 38mm thick sal wood planks fitted and fixed for shelves Per 1 sqm a) Material Sal planks b) Labour Carpenter 2nd class Man Mulia Total (a+b) = 4 0.00453 Rate Rs. P 5 Cum 45263.68 Total = 1200.50 / Sqm ….. Rate per 1 Sqm = 12 Unit ……. Cum Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 1439.90 239.44 1200.46 1439.90 45263.68 205.04 1644.94 1644.90 / Sqm 0.038 Cum 25698.00 976.52 0.75 1 each each 75.00 55.00 56.25 55.00 1087.77 Rate per 1 Sqm = 13 2.5cm thick sal wood frame and 19mm thick planked door shutters complete with iron fitting and wooden hinged cleats etc, but excluding the cost of iron fittings. Per 1 sqm Data for a door 1.20m × 1.95m a) Material Area of shuttes 1.08m × 1.89m = 2.04sqm Sal wood planks for shutters 2.04sqm 0.051 -136- 1087.80 / Sqm Cum 25698.00 1310.60 Quantity required 3 Sl. Description No. 1 2 b) Labour Labour for making shutters 2.04 (I) Carpenter (second class) =1.48Nos Rs. 75.00/each (ii) Helper 1.65 Nos.@ 65.00/each Rs 111.00 107.25 218.25 2 Nos Wooden hinged cleats Labour for fixing shutters as per item No.5 c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 2030.41 = 2.04 Say Rs. 14 Dressed sal wood works in beams above 15cm size and above 5m length per 1cum Data for 0.0283cum a) Seasoned sal wood 0.0283 b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc.on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 cum = 15 Sal wood work squared and rough dressed fitted and fixed complete per 1cum Data for 0.0283cum a) seasoned sal wood b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc.on 899.87 = 0.0283 Say Rs. 0.0283 Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Sqm 218.25 445.23 12.50 25.00 65.00 184.58 2030.41 Each 995.30 / Sqm 995.30 / Sqm Cum 28340.00 802.02 16.04 81.81 899.87 31797.48 / cum 31797.50 / cum Cum 25934.00 733.93 14.68 74.86 823.47 c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 cum = Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 823.47 = 0.0283 Say Rs. -137- 29097.95 / cum 29097.90 / cum Sl. Description No. 1 2 16 10cm dia sal bullah upto 5.50m long fitted and fixed complete per 1R.M. Data for 0.3048cum a) seasoned sal bullah b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc. on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 RM = 17 15cm to 20cm dia sal bullah fitted and fixed complete per 1R.M. Data for 0.3048 RM a) seasoned sal bullah b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc.on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b)) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 RM = 18 Sal bullah above 200mm and upto 250mm mean dia dia upto 2.75m long fitted and fixed complete per 1cum a) seasoned sal bullah b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc. on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 cum = Say Rs. 19 Sal bullah above 200mm and upto 250mm mean dia above 2.75 m & upto 4.75m long fitted and fixed complete per 1cum. a) seasoned sal bullah b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc. on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 cum = Say Rs. 20 75mm to 100mm mean dia nonsal bullah fitted and fixed complete per 1R.M. Datafor 0.3048m a) Non-sal bullah b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc.on ) c) (Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Quantity required 3 Unit 4 0.3048 23.60 = 0.3048 Say Rs. 0.3048 25.99 = 0.3048 Say Rs. 1 7296.37 7296.40 1 8172.65 8172.60 0.3048 RM Rate Rs. P 5 69.00 21.03 0.42 2.15 23.60 77.42 / RM 77.40 / RM 1RM 76.00 23.16 0.46 2.36 25.99 85.27 / RM 85.30 / RM Cum 6503.00 6503.00 130.06 663.31 7296.37 7284.00 7284.00 145.68 742.97 8172.65 (33+41)/2 11.28 / cum / cum Cum / cum / cum 1 RM 0.23 1.15 12.65 Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 RM = Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 12.65 = 0.3048 Say Rs. -138- 41.51 / RM 41.50 / RM Sl. Description No. 1 2 21 Non-sal bullah 125mm mean dia fitted and fixed complete per 1R.M. Datafor 0.3048m a) Non-sal bullah b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc.on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 RM = 22 Non-sal bullah 150mm to 200mm mean dia fitted and fixed complete per 1R.M. Data for 0.3048 m a) Non-sal bullah of above size b) 2% sawing, shapping, fitting & fixing etc. on c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 RM = Quantity required 3 0.3048 17.78 = 0.3048 Say Rs. 0.3048 21.89 = 0.3048 Say Rs. Unit 4 1 RM Rate Rs. P 5 52.00 Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 15.85 0.32 1.62 17.78 58.34 / RM 58.30 / RM 1 RM 64.00 19.51 0.39 1.99 21.89 71.81 / RM 71.80 / RM 23 Labour for fitting and fixing expanded metal or wiremesh for windows etc. including sal wood beading with cost of nails, screws, beads, etc. complete, but excluding cost of expanded metal or wire mesh. Per 1sqm Details for 1.54sqm a) Material sal wood plank cost of nails & screws b) Labour carpenter 2nd class skilled mulia c) Overhead charges@ 10% on (a) Total (a+b+c) = Rate per 1 Sqm = 0.0065 0.33 Nos 0.25 Nos 242.04 = 1.54 Say Rs. Cum 25698.00 167.04 12.00 Each Each 75.00 65.00 24.75 16.25 22.00 242.04 157.17 / Sqm 157.20 / Sqm Note 1 When 1/3 pannelled and 2/3 glazed or vice versa shutter is specified, the proportionate rate of the respective items should be worked out and the rate for the shutter arrived. 2 Diameter of bullahs to be measured above 2m high from the bottom. 3 The standard fittings for Doors and windows should be as per the I.S.I. specification 4 10 per cent excess on the above rates will be allowed for the work being executed inside jail premises. -139- XIII ROAD WORK Unit Quantity Sl. Description No. 1 2 1 Picking up hard stone metal surface to a depth of 5 cm. including screening useful materials and removing rubbish and replacing usable road metal to camber Unit = 100 Sqm. Taking output = 9.3 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each 0.500 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 9.3 Say 2 Scarifying old graveled surface before consolidation of new gravel Unit = 100 Sqm. Taking output = 9.3 sqm a) Labour Woman Mulia each 0.070 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 9.3 Say 3 Sectioning old gravelled surface to proper camber Unit = 100 Sqm. Taking output = 9.3 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia each 0.100 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 9.3 Say -140- Cost Rs. P 6 27.50 27.50 2.75 0.55 30.80 331.18 331.20 3.85 3.85 0.39 0.08 4.32 46.45 46.50 5.50 5.50 0.55 0.11 6.16 66.24 66.20 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 Flank dressing to proper camber Unit = 100 Sqm. Taking output = 9.3 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each 0.120 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2%.on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 9.3 Say 5 Labour for spreading metal to proper camber and consolidation with H.R.R. including watering and turf edging but excluding cost and conveyance of metal and filler materials Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia for removing from stacks spreading metal to proper camber turf edging and rolling. Women Mullia for conveying metal from stacks and watering and turfing. 6.60 6.60 0.66 0.13 7.39 79.46 79.50 each 3.000 55.00 165.00 each 2.000 55.00 110.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c) / 2.83 Say 6 Cost Rs. P 6 275.00 27.50 5.50 308.00 108.83 108.80 Labour for admixing sand and moorum etc. complete including cost of all labours and hire charges of T & P materials required for work as per specification and direction of Engineer-in- Charge but excluding cost and conveyance of sand and moorum Unit = Cum Taking output = 1 cum a) Labour Man Mulia for mixing sand and moorum each 0.250 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Rate per 1Cum = a+b+c Say -141- 13.75 13.75 1.38 0.28 15.41 15.40 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 7 Labour for spreading moorum and consolidation with HRR including watering but excluding cost and conveyance of moorum Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia for removing from stacks spreading and rolling. Women Mulia for watering & conveyance etc. 8 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each 1.500 55.00 82.50 each 1.500 55.00 82.50 165.00 16.50 3.30 184.80 65.30 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c) / 2.83 Labour for laying sub-base in layers not exceeding 100mm watering and compacting to the required density in O.M.C with PRR but excluding cost and conveyance of sub base materials Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia for removing from stacks spreading and rolling. Women Mulia for watering & conveyance, etc. Cost Rs. P 6 each 1.000 55.00 55.00 each 1.500 55.00 82.50 137.50 b) Machinery Add hire and running charges of PRR for consolidation considering 425Cum of out turn with PRR per day (8 hours) = 2.83 x 8 x 269.00 /425 hour 0.05327 269.00 c) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b) d) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c+d Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d) / 2.83 Say -142- 14.33 14.33 15.18 3.04 170.05 60.09 60.10 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 9 Labour for spreading metal and packing the voids with small stones and hand packing the same to proper camber including conveying spreading of filler materials and filling the interstices by spreading the same over the surface, watering and consolidation with PRR including hire and running charges of PRR complete but excluding cost and conveyance of metal and filler materials (To be used for minor repair works Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man mulia for removing from stacks spreading metal to proper camber & turf edging Women Mulia b) Machinery Add hire and running charges of PRR for consolidation considering 42 Cum of out turn with PRR per day (8 hours) = 2.83 x 8 x 269.00 /42 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each 1.000 55.00 55.00 each 3.000 55.00 165.00 220.00 hour 0.539048 269.00 145.00 c) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b) d) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c+d Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d) / 2.83 Say Cost Rs. P 6 145.00 36.50 7.30 408.80 144.45 144.50 Note To be used for minor repair works only 10 Labour for soling road surface with soling stones including filling the interstices with earth and rolling with hand road roller but excluding cost and conveyance of soling stones. Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Stone packer Man mulia Woman Mulia each each each -143- 0.500 0.500 2.500 65.00 55.00 55.00 32.50 27.50 137.50 197.50 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c) / 2.83 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 19.75 3.95 221.20 78.16 78.20 11 Labour for spreading metal for patch or pot hole repairs and consolidation with H.R.R. or rammers, crusher screening/ gravelling and sand binding, etc. complete but excluding cost and conveyance of metal, crusher screening/moorum and sand Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia for picking the portion for patch repairs, removing metal from stacks and spreading and rolling or ramming (1 + ½ + ¼ + 1½) Women Mulia for conveying materials watering, gravelling and sand binding. each 3.250 55.00 178.75 each 3.500 55.00 192.50 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c) / 2.83 Say 12 Blinding road surface with gravel 6mm thick (labour only) Unit = 100 Sqm Taking output = 93 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia each 0.250 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 93 Say 13 Binding road surface with sand 6mm thick (labour only) Unit = 100 Sqm Taking output = 93 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia each -144- 0.300 55.00 371.25 37.13 7.43 415.81 146.93 146.90 13.75 13.75 1.38 0.28 15.41 16.57 16.60 16.50 16.50 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 93 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say 14 Earth topping on metalled surface 12mm thick (labour only) Unit = 100 Sqm Taking output = 93 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia each 0.500 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.3 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm = (a+b+c) x 100 / 93 Say Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 1.65 0.33 18.48 19.87 19.90 27.50 27.50 2.75 0.55 30.80 33.12 33.10 15 Conveyance of hand road roller Unit = Per ton per km. Taking output = 1 ton per km. a) Labour Man Mulia each 0.310 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Rate Per ton per km.= a+b+c 16 Removing soling of old road surface and stacking the available good and useful stones within 50 meters clear of the work site Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man mulia Woman Mulia 17.05 17.05 1.71 0.34 19.10 each each 0.500 1.500 55.00 55.00 27.50 82.50 110.00 11.00 2.20 123.20 43.53 43.50 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c) / 2.83 Say -145- Sl. Description No. 1 2 17 Cleaning the existing granular base surface including removal of binding materials and other foreign materials with wire brushes and small picks, sweeping with brooms or soft brushes and finally dusting with old gunny bags and/or compressed air to receive bituminous Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Mulia Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each 250.000 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c) / 5889 Say 18 Cleaning the existing black topped surface with removal of foreign materials with brooms or soft brushes and finally dusting with old gunny bags and/or compressed air to receive bituminous Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Mulia each 60.000 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c) / 5889 Say 19 Labour for applying primer coat / tack Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Mulia Semi skilled Mulia each each 100.000 20.000 55.00 65.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c) / 5889 Say -146- Cost Rs. P 6 13750.00 13750.00 1375.00 275.00 15400.00 2.62 2.60 3300.00 3300.00 330.00 66.00 3696.00 0.63 0.60 5500.00 1300.00 6800.00 680.00 136.00 7616.00 1.29 1.30 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 20 Labour for surface dressing with 12Kg. penetration grade of bitumen and 0.15 cum of 19mm nominal size chips per 10 sqm and rolling with PRR including hire and running charges of PRR but excluding cost and conveyance of chips d bibe used for minor repair works (To Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Man mulia spreading chips etc. Semi-Skilled mulias for heating and applying road tar Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each 300.000 50.000 55.00 65.00 Cost Rs. P 6 16500.00 3250.00 19750.00 b) Materials Fuel for heating tar @ 2.30 quintals per 1.016 metric tonne Tar required = 12 x 5889 10 =70.67 Qntl. Or 7.067M.T Fuel required = 2.30 x 7.067 1.016 =16.00 Qntl. Or 1.60 M.T MT 1.600 3200.00 5120.00 5120.00 c) Machinery Hie and running charges of PRR. hour 80.000 269.00 d) Overhead Charges @ 10% on e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c+d+e) / 5889 Say Note To be used for minor repair works only 21 Labour for laying 20mm thick premix carpet using 0.27cum of 13.2mm to 5.6mm size crushed stone chipping and 14.60kg. penetration grade of bitumen for 10sqm including hand packing to proper camber and consolidation with PRR including hire and running charges of PRR, hot mix plant, bitumen boilers and all other T & P articles but excluding cost and conveyance of chips and bitumen complete as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm -147- 21520.00 21520.00 4639.00 927.80 51956.80 8.82 8.80 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 a) Labour Semi Skilled Mulia =94 Nos. 0.27 x 80 Nos. 0.23 (Reducing 50 percent due to use of Hot Mix Plant). Mulia for mixing and spreading carpet @ 7Nos. for 0.23cum per 92.90sqm =521Nos. = 0.27 x 7 x 5889 0.23 x 92.90 Man Mulia = 521 - 94 = 427 b) Materials Fuel for heating tar @ 305kg per 1.02MT Tar required = 14.60 x 5889 =8.60MT 10 x 1000 Fuel required = 305 x 8.60 =2.57MT 1.02 X 1000 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each 47.000 65.00 3055.00 each 427.000 55.00 23485.00 26540.00 MT 2.570 3200.00 8224.00 8224.00 c) Machinery Time for heating 0.027 x 5889 =14.9 hours 10.612 Hie and running charges of H.M Plant 8-10TPH Hie and running charges of bitumen boiler 5 Nos. Hire and running charges of PRR considering 535sqm of out turn with PRR per day (8 hours) = 5889 x 2152.00 / 535 hour 14.900 1025.00 15272.50 hour 5x 14.90 74.00 5513.00 hour 88.05981 269.00 23688.09 44473.59 7923.76 d) Overhead Charges @ 10% on e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c+d+e) / 5889 Say -148- 1584.75 88746.10 15.07 15.10 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 22 Labour for laying 6mm thick precoated seal coat Type-B using 0.06 cum of 6.7mm size chips as per sieve analysis and 6.8Kg of bitumen per 10sqm.including hire and running charges of PRR, hot mix plant, tar boiler and all other T&P articles but excluding cost and conveyance of chips and bitumen Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Semi Skilled Mulia =18 Nos. 0.06 x 80 Nos. 0.27 (Reducing 50 percent due to use of Hot Mix Plant). Mulia for mixing and spreading chips @ 5Nos. Per 92.90sqm = 317Nos. = 5 x 5889 92.90 Man Mulia = 317 - 18 = 299 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each 9.000 65.00 585.00 each 299.000 55.00 16445.00 17030.00 MT 1.200 3200.00 3840.00 b) Materials Fuel for heating tar @ 305kg per 1.02MT Tar required = 6.80 x 5889 10 x 1000 =4.00MT Fuel required = 305 x 4.00 1.02 X 1000 =1.20MT 3840.00 c) Machinery Time required x 5889 =3.30 hours 0.006 10.612 Hie and running charges of H.M Plant 8-10TPH Hie and running charges of bitumen boiler 5 Nos. Hire and running charges of PRR considering 535sqm of out turn with PRR per day (8 hours) = 5889 x 2152.00 / 929 hour 3.300 1025.00 3382.50 hour 5 x 3.30 74.00 1221.00 hour 50.71259 269.00 13641.69 d)Overhead Charges@10% on (a+b+c) 18245.19 3911.52 e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c+d+e) / 5889 782.30 43809.01 7.44 -149- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 3 4 each each each 1.000 0.250 3.000 23 Spreading and consolidation 10 Cm thick laterite road metal (labour only) Unit = Cum Taking output = 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia for watering Man Mulia for rolling with HRR Rate Rs. P 5 Say 55.00 55.00 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 2.83 Cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c) / 2.83 Say Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 7.40 55.00 13.75 165.00 233.75 23.38 4.68 261.81 92.51 92.50 24 Picking laterite stone metal surface to 3cm depth and removing rubbish. Unit = 100 Sqm Taking output = 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia each 0.250 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a) Cost per 9.30 Sqm = a+b+c Rate per 100 Sqm=(a+b+c)x 00 / 9.30 25 K.B. Bricks 25cm size having crushing strength between 75Kgs. to 99Kgs. per cm2 pitching on end including filling the interstices with sand or sandy soil. Unit = Sqm Taking output = 9.30 sqm a) Materials K.B. Bricks ( 99Kg / Cm2) 13.75 13.75 1.38 0.28 15.41 165.70 1000 920.000 2192.00 2016.64 2016.64 b) Labour Mason 2nd class. Man Mulia Woman Mulia each 0.500 75.00 37.50 each each 3.000 2.000 55.00 55.00 165.00 110.00 312.50 232.91 2562.05 275.49 275.50 c) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost per 9.30 sqm = a+b+c Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c) / 9.3 Say -150- Sl. Description No. 1 2 26 K.B. Bricks 25cm. size having crushing strength between 75Kgs. to 99Kgs. per cm2 pitching on edge including filling the interstices with sand or sandy soil. Unit = Sqm Taking output = 9.30 sqm a) Materials K.B. Bricks ( 99Kg / Cm2) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 1000 460.000 2192.00 Cost Rs. P 6 1008.32 1008.32 b) Labour Mason 2nd class. Man Mulia Woman Mulia each 0.250 75.00 18.75 each each 1.000 2.000 55.00 55.00 55.00 110.00 183.75 119.21 c) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost per 9.30 sqm = a+b+c Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c) / 9.3 1311.28 141.00 27 Labour for scraping cleaning the road surface applying tack coat using 3.0Kg of bitumen for 10 Sqm and laying 75mm thick built up spray grouting in two layers 37.5mm thick each layer using 0.45cum of 25mm to 40mm size hard granite metal and 12.00Kg penetration grade of bitumen for 10 Sqm in each layer with 0.12cum of 12mm size hard granite chips as key stone for 10 Sqm spreading over and laying including heating pouring and spreading over and spreading bitumen metal and chips and rolling with PRR including hire and running charges of PRR and all other machineries but excluding cost and conveyance of bitumen, metal and chips complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-inCharge Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Man mulia for cleaning the surface Man mulia required for spreading metal and chips Semi Skilled mulia for applying tack coat and spreading bitumen each each 190.000 2040.000 55.00 55.00 10450.00 112200.00 each 90.000 65.00 5850.00 128500.00 -151- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 b) Materials Maxphalt required at 27Kg per 10.00 sqm 3 4 5889 x 27 = 15.90MT 10x1000 Fuel required 15,90x 0.305 MT 1.02 =4.75MT Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 4.75 MT 4.750 3200.00 15200.00 15200.00 c) Machinery Hie and running charges of PRR considering outturn of roller as 200 Sqm / day, hence days required Hire charges of Tar boilers day 29.445 2152.00 63365.64 day 29.445 592.00 17431.44 80797.08 22449.71 d) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Sqm= (a+b+c+d+e) / 5889 28 Labour for scraping cleaning the road surface applying tack coat using 3.0Kg of bitumen for 10 Sqm and laying 37,5mm thick built up spray grouting in one layer using 0.45cum of 25mm to 40mm size hard granite metal and 12.00Kg penetration grade of bitumen for 10 Sqm with 0.12cum of 12mm size hard granite chips as key stone for 10 Sqm spreading over and laying including heating pouring and spreading over and spreading bitumen metal and chips and rolling with PRR including hire and running charges of PRR and all other machineries but excluding cost and conveyance of bitumen, metal and chips complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-inCharge To be used for minor repair works only Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Man mulia for cleaning the above surface each Man mulia required for spreading metal each and chips Semi Skilled mulia for applying tack coat each and spreading bitumen 4489.94 251436.73 42.70 190.000 1140.000 55.00 55.00 10450.00 62700.00 50.000 65.00 3250.00 76400.00 -152- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 b) Materials Maxphalt required at 15Kg per 10.00 sqm 5889 x 15 = 8.83MT 10x1000 Fuel required 8,83x 0.305 MT =3.88MT 1.02 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 MT 2.640 3200.00 Cost Rs. P 6 8448.00 8448.00 c) Machinery Hie and running charges of PRR considering outturn of roller as 300 Sqm / day, hence days required Hire charges of Tar boilers day 19.630 2152.00 42243.76 day 19.630 592.00 11620.96 53864.72 13871.27 d) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Sqm= (a+b+c+d+e) / 5889 Say 2774.25 155358.25 26.38 26.40 Note To be used for minor repair works only 29 Rolling and compacting to sub grade or formation loosening by cutting ordinary earth for 0.15 Mtr. depth including watering and rolling by PRR as per specification and direction of Engineer-in Charge Unit = Cum Data for 100sqm x 0.15m= 15 Cum Rate of earth work vide Item No. 1(a) Compaction at OMC with P.R.R. for 15 cum @ Rs.2422.60 per 100 cum vide item 9 b (i) of Earth Work 100 Cum 15.000 1971.20 295.68 100 Cum 15.000 2422.60 363.39 Rate per Cum = 659.07 / 15 = Say Note Analysis of rates has been made taking ordinary earth. In case of hard soil or gravelly soil and stoney earth and gravels mixed with stone and boulder -153- 659.07 43.94 43.90 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 30 Supplying and fixing 15cm dia 1.00m long guard posts of RCC (1:2:4) using 7.5Kg of steel for each guard post with 12mm size black hard granite stone chips including cost of all reinforcement and materials centering shuttering and watering carrying etc complete. Unit = No. Data for 1No. For one guard post Cost of RCC (1:2:4) with 12mm size chips (as per A/R item No. 1 of RCC = Rs.2179.80 / cum) Qnty = 22/7 x (0.15)2 x 1.00 = 0.018cum 4 For one guard post steel required 3.5Kg or 0.035Qntl Steel reinforcement (As per A/R Item No.8a of RCC) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 cum 0.018 2049.40 36.89 qntl. 0.035 3442.30 120.48 Rate per 1 No. Say Cost Rs. P 6 157.37 157.40 31 Labour for laying sub-base in layers not exceeding 225mm watering and compacting to the required density in O.M.C with Vibratory Roller but excluding cost and conveyance of sub base materials Unit = Cum Taking output = 300cum a) Labour Mate Skilled Mulia Mulia unskilled each each each 0.480 2.000 10.000 65.00 75.00 55.00 b) Machinery Motor grader 110HP @ 50cum per hour Tractor - Rotavator Vibratory roller 8-10 tonne capacity Water tanker 6KL capacity hour hour hour hour 6.000 12.000 6.000 3.000 1545.00 242.00 994.00 506.00 c) Materials Cost of water KL 18.000 10.00 -154- 31.20 150.00 550.00 731.20 9270.00 2904.00 5964.00 1518.00 19656.00 180.00 180.00 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 d) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 300 Cum = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Cum = (a+b+c+d)/300 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 2056.72 411.34 23035.26 76.78 76.80 32 Labour for laying 20mm thick premix carpet using 0.23cum of 13.2mm to 5.6mm size crushed stone chipping and 12.70kg. penetration grade of bitumen for 9.29sqm including hire and running charges of PRR etc. complete but excluding cost and conveyance of Unit = Sqm Taking output = 5889 sqm a) Labour Mulia for mixing and spreading carpet @ 7Nos. For 92.90sqm = 444Nos. = 7 x 5889 92.90 Semi Skilled Mulia for handling hot Man Mulia = 444 - 44 = 400 each each 44.000 400.000 65.00 55.00 2860.00 22000.00 24860.00 MT 2.420 3200.00 7744.00 b) Materials Fuel for heating tar @ 305kg per 1.016MT Tar required = 12.70 x 5889 9.29 x 1000 Fuel required = 305 x 8.05 1.016 X 1000 =8.05MT =2.42MT 7744.00 c) Machinery Hire and running charges of PRR considering 535sqm of out turn with PRR per day (8 hours) day 11.000 2152.00 23672.00 23672.00 5627.60 d) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) e) Sundries, T & P @ 2% on (a+b+c) Cost per 5889 Sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per Sqm = (a+b+c+d+e) / 5889 1125.52 63029.12 10.70 -155- Sl. Description No. 1 2 33 Scarifying the existing granular road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of scarified material within all lifts and leads upto 1000 metres. Unit = sqm Taking output = 100 sqm a) Labour Mate Mazdoor unskilled including loading and unloading Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each 0.200 5.000 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 13.00 275.00 288.00 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 1.670 231.00 c)Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 100 sqm = a+b+c Rate per sqm = (a+b+c) / 100 Say Note In case material is to be reused at site, transportation cost catered above for disposal shall be deleted. 34 Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of scarified material with in all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres. Unit = sqm Taking output = 100 sqm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Tractor with ripper attachment @ 60 cum per hour Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Tipper 5.5 cum capacity, 4 trips per hour. 385.77 385.77 67.38 741.15 7.41 7.40 each each 0.010 0.250 65.00 55.00 0.65 13.75 14.40 hour 0.080 249.00 19.92 hour 0.200 520.00 104.00 hour 0.230 506.00 116.38 240.30 25.47 280.17 2.80 c)Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 100 sqm = a+b+c Rate per sqm = (a+b+c)/100 -156- Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 35 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site by mechanical means within a lead of 5kms, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-2 & Clause 305 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works(4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 100 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each 0.040 1.000 65.00 55.00 Machinery Hydraulic Excavator1 cum bucket hour 1.670 840.00 capacity @ 60 cum per hour Tipper 10 tonne capacity tonne.k 160 x 5(L) 2.00 Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Dozer 80 HP for spreading @ 200 cum per hour Motor grader for grading @ 100 cum per hour Water tanker 6 KL capacity Vibratory roller 8 -10 tonnes @ 100 cum per hour Cost Rs. P 6 2.60 55.00 57.60 1402.80 1600.00 160.00 hour 0.500 1592.00 796.00 hour 1.000 772.50 772.50 hour hour 4.000 1.000 506.00 994.00 2024.00 994.00 7749.30 c) Material Cost of water Compensation for earth taken from private land KL cum 24.000 100.000 10.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 240.00 804.69 d)Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 100 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/100 Say Note Compensation for earth will vary from place to place and will have to be assessed realistically as per particular ground situation. In case earth is available from Govt. land, compensation for earth will not be required. The position is required to be clearly stated in the cost -157- 8851.59 88.52 88.50 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 36 Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 mm below the sub-grade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 for sub-grade construction & Clause 305 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision). Unit = cum Taking output = 600 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Tractor with ripper attachment Motor grader for grading @ 100 cum per hour Water tanker 6 KL capacity Vibratory roller 8-10 tonne @ 80 cum/hour Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each 0.120 3.000 65.00 55.00 7.80 165.00 172.80 hour hour 9.000 6.000 249.00 772.50 2241.00 4635.00 hour hour 4.000 7.500 506.00 994.00 2024.00 7455.00 16355.00 c) Material Cost of water KL 24.000 10.00 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 600 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d) / 600 Say 37 240.00 240.00 1676.78 18444.58 30.74 30.70 Loosening, leveling and Compacting original ground supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm, mixed with water at OMC and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in table 300-2 for embankment construction construction & Clause 305 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 600 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled each each -158- 0.080 2.000 65.00 55.00 5.20 110.00 115.20 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description b) c) 2 Machinery Tractor with ripper attachment Vibratory road roller 8-10 tonne capacity Water tanker 6 KL capacity Material Cost of water Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour hour 6.000 7.500 249.00 994.00 1494.00 7455.00 hour 4.000 506.00 2024.00 10973.00 KL 24.000 10.00 240.00 240.00 1132.82 d)Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 600 cum = (a+b+c+d) Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d) / 600 Say 38 Construction of aggregate sub surface drain 300 mm x 450 mm with aggregates conforming to table 300-4, excavated material to be utilised in roadway & Clause 309 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision). Unit = metre Taking output = 10 metres a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for excavation and back filling with aggregates each each 0.060 1.500 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 12461.02 20.77 20.80 3.90 82.50 86.40 b) Material (Type-B) Crushed stone as per table 300-4 cum 1.350 509.00 c)Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 10 metres = a+b+c Rate per metre = (a+b+c) / 10 Say -159- 687.15 687.15 77.36 850.91 85.09 85.10 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 39 Construction of granular sub-base by providing Close graded Granular subbase Grading-III material as per table 400-1, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per Clause 401 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each each 0.480 2.000 10.000 65.00 75.00 55.00 31.20 150.00 550.00 731.20 hour 6.000 1545.00 9270.00 hour hour hour 6.000 12.000 3.000 994.00 242.00 506.00 5964.00 2904.00 1518.00 19656.00 Material 9.5 mm to 4.75 mm @ 35 per cent 4.75 mm to 2.36 mm @ 12.5 per cent cum cum 134.400 48.000 490.00 424.00 65856.00 20352.00 2.36 mm below @ 52.5 per cent Cost of water cum KL 201.600 18.000 50.00 10.00 10080.00 180.00 96468.00 11685.52 Unit = cum Taking output = 300 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia skilled Mulia unskilled b) c) Machinery Motor Grader 110 HP @ 50 cum per hour Vibratory roller 8 -10 tonne capacity Tractor - Rotavator Water tanker 6 KL capacity d)Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 300 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/300 Say -160- Cost Rs. P 6 128540.72 428.47 428.50 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 40 Making 50 mm x 50 mm furrows, 25mm/ 50mm deep, 45 degree to the center line of the road and at one metre interval in the existing thin bituminous wearing coarse including sweeping and disposal of excavated material within 1000 metres lead Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each 0.080 2.000 65.00 55.00 5.20 110.00 115.20 hour 0.200 231.00 46.20 46.20 16.14 177.54 0.85 0.90 Unit = sqm Taking output = 30 m x 7 m = 210 sqm (i)25mm deep furrow cutting a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Tractor-trolley c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 210 sqm= a+b+c Rate per sqm =(a+b+c)/210 Say (ii)50mm deep furrow cutting a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Tractor-trolley each each 0.160 4.000 65.00 55.00 10.40 220.00 230.40 hour 0.400 231.00 92.40 92.40 32.28 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 210 sqm= a+b+c Rate per sqm =(a+b+c)/210 Say -161- 355.08 1.69 1.70 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 laying, spreading and 41 Providing, compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density as per Clause 404 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 360 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia skilled Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Smooth 3 wheeled steel roller @ 30cum/hour Water tanker 6 KL capacity c) Material (i)Grading-I (A) Using moorum or gravel Grading-I 90 mm to 45 mm @ 1.21cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 100 mm Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel for grading-I @ 0.30 cum per 10 sqm Cost of water Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 each each each 10.080 2.000 250.000 65.00 75.00 55.00 655.20 150.00 13750.00 14555.20 hour 12.000 269.00 3228.00 hour 24.000 506.00 12144.00 15372.00 cum 435.600 380.00 165528.00 cum 108.000 45.00 4860.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 171828.00 20175.52 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/360 Say -162- 221930.72 616.47 616.50 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 (B) Using Type-A 13.2mm Stone Screening Grading-I 90 mm to 45 mm @ 1.21cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 100 mm Type A 13.2 mm for grading-I @ 0.27 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.08cum per 10 sqm for grading I material Cost of water Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 cum 435.600 380.00 165528.00 cum 97.200 379.00 36838.80 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 205246.80 23517.40 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say (C) Using stone screened dust Grading-I 90 mm to 45 mm @ 1.21cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 100 mm Stone screened dust for grading-I @ 0.27 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.08cum per 10 sqm for grading I material Cost of water cum 435.600 380.00 165528.00 cum 97.200 50.00 4860.00 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 173268.00 20319.52 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say (ii)Grading-II (A) Using moorum or gravel Grading-II 63 mm to 45 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel for grading II @ 0.22 cum per 10 sqm Cost of water 258691.40 718.59 718.60 223514.72 620.87 620.90 cum 435.600 427.00 186001.20 cum 105.590 45.00 4751.55 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 192192.75 22212.00 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 244331.95 678.70 -163- Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 (B) Using Type-A 13.2mm Stone Screening Grading-II 63 mm to 45 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Type A 13.2 mm for grading-II @ 0.12 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.06cum per 10 sqm for grading II material Cost of water Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 cum 435.600 427.00 186001.20 cum 57.600 379.00 21830.40 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 210711.60 24063.88 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say (C) Using Type-B 11.2mm Stone Screening Grading-II 63 mm to 45 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Type B 11.2 mm for grading-II @ 0.20 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.06cum per 10 sqm for grading II material Cost of water cum 435.600 427.00 186001.20 cum 96.010 237.00 22754.37 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 211635.57 24156.28 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say (D) Using stone screened dust Grading-II 63 mm to 45 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Stone screened dust for grading-II @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.06cum per 10 sqm for grading II material Cost of water 264702.68 735.29 735.30 265719.05 738.11 738.10 cum 435.600 427.00 186001.20 cum 96.010 50.00 4800.50 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 193681.70 22360.89 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say -164- 245969.79 683.25 683.30 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit 2 3 (iii)Grading-III (A) Using crushable type such as moorum or gravel Grading-III 53 mm to 22.4 mm cum @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Crushable type such as Moorum or cum Gravel for grading III @ 0.22 cum per 10 sqm Cost of water KL Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 435.600 465.00 202554.00 105.590 45.00 4751.55 144.000 10.00 1440.00 208745.55 23867.28 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say (B) Using Type-B 11.2mm Stone Screening Grading-III 53 mm to 22.4 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Type B 11.2 mm for grading-III @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.06cum per 10 sqm for grading III material Cost of water cum 435.600 465.00 202554.00 cum 86.400 237.00 20476.80 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 225910.80 25583.80 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say (C) Using stone screened dust Grading-III 53 mm to 22.4 mm @ 0.91 cum per 10 sqm for compacted thickness of 75 mm Stone screened dust for grading-III @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm Binding Material @ 0.06cum per 10 sqm for grading III material Cost of water 262540.03 729.28 729.30 281421.80 781.73 781.70 cum 435.600 465.00 202554.00 cum 86.400 50.00 4320.00 cum 28.800 50.00 1440.00 KL 144.000 10.00 1440.00 209754.00 23968.12 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 360 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/360 Say -165- 263649.32 732.36 732.40 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 Note 1, ( Anyone of the aggregate grading, screening and binding material may be used as per design) 2, In case of filler as moorum or gravel, blinding material is not required. laying, spreading and 42 Providing, compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant, carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in subbase/base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density as per Clause 406 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 225 cum (495 tonnes) a) Labour Mate Mulia skilled Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Wet mix plant of 75 tonne hourly capacity Electric generating set 125 KVA Front end loader 1 cum capacity Paver finisher Mechanical 100TPH Vibratory roller 8 - 10 tonne (6.00 x 0.65*) or Smooth 3 wheeled steel roller 8-10 tonnes Water tanker 6 KL capacity Tipper Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each each 0.480 2.000 10.000 65.00 75.00 55.00 31.20 150.00 550.00 731.20 hour 6.600 1036.00 6837.60 hour hour hour hour 6.000 6.000 6.000 3.900 823.00 520.00 739.00 994.00 4938.00 3120.00 4434.00 3876.60 hour 7.800 506.00 2.00 1518.00 990.00 hour 3.000 tonne.k 495x1(L) m Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Cost Rs. P 6 99.00 25813.20 -166- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description c) Unit Quantity 2 Material ( Table 400-11) 45 mm to 22.4 mm@ 30 per cent 22.4 mm to 2.36 mm @ 40 per cent 2.36 mm to 75 micron@ 30 per cent 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 cum cum cum 89.100 118.800 89.100 490.00 565.00 50.00 43659.00 67122.00 4455.00 Cost of water KL 18.000 10.00 180.00 115416.00 14196.04 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 225 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/225 Say Note 1. Though vibratory roller is required only for 3 hours as per norms, the same is required to be available at site for 6 hours to match with other machines. The usage rates of vibratory roller have been multiplied with a factor of 0.65 2. As three wheeled smooth steel rollers are commonly in use, the same has been provided as an alternative which can be used if the thickness of individual layer does not exceed 100 mm. 43 Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means as per Clause 502 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision). Unit = sqm Taking output = 3500 sqm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm per hour Air compressor 250 cfm Emulsion pressure distributor @ 1750 sqm per hour Water tanker 6 KL capacity @ 1 trip per hour Cost Rs. P 6 156156.44 694.03 694.00 each each 0.080 2.000 65.00 55.00 5.20 110.00 115.20 hour 2.800 230.00 644.00 hour hour 2.800 2.000 206.00 516.00 576.80 1032.00 hour 1.000 506.00 506.00 2758.80 -167- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description c) 2 Material Slow setting Bitumen emulsion @ 0.6 kg per sqm Cost of water Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 tonne 2.100 15929.94 33452.87 KL 6.000 10.00 60.00 33512.87 3638.69 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 3500 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/3500 Say Note Bitumen primer has been provided @ 0.60 kg per sqm as per clause 502.8. Payment shall be made with adjustment, plus or minus, for the variation between this quantity and the actual quantity approved by the Engineer after the preliminary trials referred to Clause No.502,4,3 44 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom as per Clause 503 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = sqm Taking output = 3500 sqm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm per hour Air compressor 250 cfm Emulsion pressure distributor @ 1750 sqm per hour Cost Rs. P 6 40025.56 11.44 11.40 each each 0.080 2.000 65.00 55.00 5.20 110.00 115.20 hour 2.800 230.00 644.00 hour hour 2.800 2.000 206.00 516.00 576.80 1032.00 2252.80 c) Material Rapid setting Bitumen emulsion @ 0.2 kg per sqm tonne 0.700 15769.53 11038.67 11038.67 1340.67 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 3500 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/3500 Say -168- 14747.34 4.21 4.20 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 Note 1. Bitumen emulsion has been provided @ 0.20 kg per sqm as per clause 503.8. Payment shall be made with adjustment, plus or minus, for the variation between this quantity and actual quantity approved by the Engineer after preliminary trials referred to in Clause No.503,4,3 2. An output of 3500 sqm has been considered in case of prime coat and tack coat which can be covered by bituminous courses on the same day. and laying bituminous 45 Providing macadam with hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per Clause 504 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each 0.760 14.000 65.00 55.00 49.40 770.00 each 5.000 75.00 375.00 Unit = cum Taking output = 205 cum (450 tonnes) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled working with HMP, mechanical broom, paver, roller, asphalt cutter and assistance for setting out lines, levels and layout of t Skilled ti Mulia for checking line & levels 1194.40 b) Machinery Batch mix HMP 100-120 TPH @ 75 tonne per hour actual output Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor control @ 75 cum per hour Generator 250 KVA Front end loader 1 cum bucket Tipper 10 tonne capacity hour 6.000 11167.00 67002.00 hour 6.000 1725.00 10350.00 hour 6.000 1125.00 hour 6.000 520.00 tonne.k 450x1(L) 2.00 m 6750.00 3120.00 900.00 -169- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes for initial break down rolling (6.00 X 0.65* = 3.90 hours) Vibratory roller 8 tonnes for intermediate rolling.(6.00 X 0.65* = Finish rolling with 6-8 tonnes smooth wheeled tandem roller. (6.00 X 0.65* = 3.90 hours) 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 90.00 hour 3.900 269.00 1049.10 hour 3.900 994.00 3876.60 hour 3.900 738.00 2878.20 96015.90 c) Material (A) *Grading I ( 40 mm nominal size ) (i) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 3.1 per cent of mix Weight of mix = 205 x 2.2 = 450 tonne ii) Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 13.95 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 - 13.95 = 436.05 tonnes Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum Volume of aggregate = 290.7 cum 37.5 - 25 mm @ 15 per cent 25 - 10 mm @ 45 per cent 10 - 5 mm @ 25 per cent 5 mm and below @ 15 per cent tonne 13.950 21791.08 303985.57 cum cum cum cum 43.605 130.815 72.675 43.605 464.00 638.00 547.50 237.00 20232.72 83459.97 39789.56 10334.39 457802.20 55501.25 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 205 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/205 Say (B) Grading II (19 mm nominal size) (i) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 3.3 per cent of mix Weight of mix = 205 x 2.2 = 450 tonne ii) Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 14.85 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 - 14.85 = 435.15 tonnes Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum tonne -170- 14.850 21791.08 610513.75 2978.12 2978.10 323597.54 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Volume of aggregate = 290.1 cum 25 - 10 mm @ 40 per cent 10 - 5 mm @ 40 per cent 5 mm and below @ 20 per cent Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 cum cum cum 116.040 116.040 58.020 638.00 547.50 237.00 74033.52 63531.90 13750.74 474913.70 57212.40 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 205 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/205 Say * Any one of the alternative may be adopted as per approved design Note *1. Although the rollers are required only for 3 hours as per norms of output, but the same have to be available at site for six hours as the hot mix plant and paver will take six hours for mixing and paving the output of 450 tonnes considered in this analysis. To cater for the idle period of this rollers, their usage rates have been multiplied by a factor of 0.65. 2.Quantity of Bitumen has been taken for analysis purpose. The actual quantity will depend upon job mix formula. 3. Labour for traffic control, watch and ward and other miscellaneous duties at site including sundries have been included in administrative overheads of 4. BM is to be laid over freshly laid tack coat otherwise provision of Mechanical broom and 2 mazdoors for the same shall be included which has been deleted as provided in the cost of tack coat. 46 Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen, transporting the hot mix to work site, l;aying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per Clause 507 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum -171- 629336.40 3069.93 3069.90 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Taking output = 195 cum (450 tonnes) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled working with HMP, mechanical broom, paver, roller, asphalt cutter and assistance for setting out lines, levels and layout of construction Mulia Skilled for checking line & levels Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each 0.760 14.000 65.00 55.00 49.40 770.00 each 5.000 75.00 375.00 1194.40 b) Machinery Batch mix HMP 100-120TPH @ 75 tonne per hour Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor control @ 75 cum per hour Generator 250 KVA Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Tipper 10 tonne capacity Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes for initial break down rolling. (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) Vibratory roller 8 tonnes for intermediate rolling (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) Finish rolling with 6-8 tonnes smooth wheeled tandem roller (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) hour 6.000 11167.00 67002.00 hour 6.000 1725.00 10350.00 hour hour 6.000 6.000 1125.00 520.00 6750.00 3120.00 2.00 900.00 tonne.k 450x1(L) m 90.00 hour 3.900 269.00 1049.10 hour 3.900 994.00 3876.60 hour 3.900 738.00 2878.20 96015.90 c) Materials (A) Grading - I (40 mm Nominal Size) (i)60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 4 per cent of weight of mix Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 18.00 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 -18.00 = 432.00 tonnes tonne -172- 18.000 21791.08 392239.44 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum Volume of aggregate = 288.00 cum 37.5 - 25 mm @ 22 per cent 25 - 10 mm @ 13 per cent 10 -4.75 mm @ 19 per cent 4.75 mm and below @ 44 per cent Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of aggregates. Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 cum cum cum cum cum 63.360 37.440 54.720 126.720 5.760 464.00 638.00 547.50 237.00 50.00 29399.04 23886.72 29959.20 30032.64 288.00 505805.04 60301.53 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 195 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/195 Say (B) Grading - II (25 mm Nominal Size) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 4.5 per cent of weight of mix Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 20.25 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 - 20.25 = 429.75 tonnes Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum Volume of aggregate = 286.50 cum 25 - 10 mm @ 30 per cent 10 - 5 mm @ 28 per cent 5 mm and below @ 40 per cent Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of aggregates. 663316.87 3401.62 3401.60 tonne 20.250 21791.08 441269.37 cum cum cum cum 85.950 80.220 114.600 5.730 638.00 547.50 237.00 50.00 54836.10 43920.45 27160.20 286.50 567472.62 66468.29 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 195 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/195 Say * Any one of the alternative may be adopted as per approved design -173- 731151.21 3749.49 3749.50 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 Note *1. Although the rollers are required only for 3 hours as per norms of output, but the same have to be available at site for six hours as the hot mix plant and paver will take six hours for mixing and paving the output of 450 tonnes considered in this analysis. To cater for the idle period of this rollers, their usage rates have been multiplied by a factor of 0.65. 2.Quantity of Bitumen has been taken for analysis purpose. The actual quantity will depend upon job mix formula. Unit Quantity 3 4 3. Labour for traffic control, watch and ward and other miscellaneous duties at site including sundries have been included in administrative overheads of the contractor. 4. DBM is to be laid over freshly laid tack coat otherwise provision of Mechanical broom and 2 mazdoors for the same shall be included which has been deleted as provided in the cost of tack coat. 5. The individual density for each size of aggregates to be used for construction I.e. 37.5-25 mm, 25-10 mm etc. should be found in the laboratory and accordingly the quantities should be ammended for use in field. The average density of 1.5 tonne/cum is only a reference density in this Data Book, 6. The individual percentage of aggregates should be calculated from the total weight of dry aggregates i.e.. excluding the weight of bitumen. The weight of filler will also be 2 per cent by weight of dry aggregates. -174- Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 47 Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete with batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheelede, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per Clause 508 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each 0.760 14.000 65.00 55.00 49.40 770.00 each 5.000 75.00 375.00 Unit = cum Taking output = 195 cum (450 tonnes) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled working with HMP, mechanical broom, paver, roller, asphalt cutter and assistance for i Skilled li forlchecking l d line l & f Mulia l b) l 1194.40 Machinery Batch mix HMP 100-120TPH hour 6.000 11167.00 @ 75 tonne per hour Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor hour 6.000 1725.00 control @ 75 cum per hour Generator 250 KVA hour 6.000 1125.00 Front end loader 1 cum bucket hour 6.000 520.00 Tipper 10 tonne capacity tonne.k 450x1(L) 2.00 Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes hour 3.900 269.00 for initial break down rolling. (6.00 X 0.65* = 3.90) Vibratory roller 8 tonnes for hour 3.900 994.00 intermediate rolling (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) Finish rolling with 6-8 tonnes smooth hour 3.900 738.00 wheeled tandem roller. (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) 67002.00 10350.00 6750.00 3120.00 900.00 90.00 1049.10 3876.60 2878.20 96015.90 -175- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 c) Material (A) Grading I: 13 mm (Nominal Size) i) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 4.5 per cent of weight of mix ii) Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 20.25 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 - 20.25 = 429.75 tonnes Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 Volume of aggregate = 286.5 cum 13.2 - 10 mm @ 20 per cent 10 - 5 mm @ 38 per cent 5 mm and below @ 40 per cent Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of aggregates. Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 tonne 20.250 21791.08 441269.37 cum cum cum cum 57.300 108.870 114.600 5.730 642.00 547.50 237.00 50.00 36786.60 59606.33 27160.20 286.50 565109.00 66231.93 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 195 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/195 Say (B) Grading II: 10 mm (Nominal Size) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @5 per cent of weight of mix weight of mix = 450 tonne Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 22.5 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 - 22.50 = 427.50 tonnes Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum Volume of aggregate = 285 cum 9.5 - 4.75 mm @ 57 per cent 4.75 and below @ 41 per cent Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of aggregates. 728551.22 3736.16 3736.20 tonne 22.500 21791.08 490299.30 cum cum cum 162.450 116.850 5.700 547.50 237.00 50.00 88941.38 27693.45 285.00 607219.13 70442.94 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 195 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/195 *Any one of the alternative may be adopted as per approved design 774872.37 3973.70 -176- Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 Note *1. Although the rollers are required only for 3 hours as per norms of output, but the same have to be available at site for six hours as the hot mix plant and paver will take six hours for mixing and paving the output of 450 tonnes considered in this analysis. To cater for the idle period of this rollers, their usage rates have been multiplied by a factor of 0.65. 2.Quantity of Bitumen has been taken for analysis purpose. The actual quantity will depend upon job mix formula. 3. Labour for traffic control, watch and ward and other miscellaneous duties at site including sundries have been included in administrative overheads of 4. SDBC is to be laid over freshly laid tack coat otherwise provision of Mechanical broom and 2 mazdoors for the same shall be included which has been deleted as provided in the cost of tack coat. 5. The quantity of Bitumen to be adjusted as per job mix formula. 48 Providing and laying bituminous concrete with batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheelede, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per Clause 509 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 191 cum (450 tonnes) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled working with HMP, mechanical broom, paver, roller, asphalt cutter and assistance for Mulia Skilled for checking line & levels Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each 0.760 14.000 65.00 55.00 49.40 770.00 each 5.000 75.00 375.00 1194.40 -177- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description b) 2 Machinery Batch mix HMP 100-120TPH @ 75 tonne per hour Paver finisher hydrostatic with sensor control @ 75 cum per hour Generator 250 KVA Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Tipper 10 tonne capacity Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes for initial break down rolling. (6.00 X 0.65* = 3.90) Vibratory roller 8 tonnes for intermediate rolling (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) Finish rolling with 6-8 tonnes smooth wheeled tandem roller. (6.00 x 0.65* = 3.90) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour 6.000 11167.00 67002.00 hour 6.000 1725.00 10350.00 hour hour 6.000 6.000 1125.00 520.00 6750.00 3120.00 2.00 900.00 tonne.k 450x1(L) m Cost Rs. P 6 90.00 hour 3.900 269.00 1049.10 hour 3.900 994.00 3876.60 hour 3.900 738.00 2878.20 96015.90 c) Material i) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 5 per cent of weight of mix ii) Aggregate Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of bitumen = 22.5 tonnes Weight of aggregate = 450.00 - 22.50 = 427.50 tonnes Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 ton/cum Volume of aggregate = 285 cum (A) * Grading - I (19 mm Nominal Size) 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen 20 - 10 mm @ 35 per cent 10 - 5 mm @ 23 per cent 5 mm and below @ 40 per cent Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of aggregates. tonne cum cum cum cum 22.500 99.750 65.550 114.000 5.700 21791.08 640.00 547.50 237.00 50.00 490299.30 63840.00 35888.63 27018.00 285.00 617330.93 71454.12 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 191cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/191 Say -178- 785995.35 4115.16 4115.20 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 (B) Grading - II (13 mm Nominal Size) 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen 13.2 - 10 mm @ 30 per cent 10 - 5 mm @ 25 per cent 5 mm and below @ 43 per cent Filler @ 2 per cent of weight of aggregates. Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 tonne cum cum cum cum 22.500 85.500 71.250 122.550 5.700 21791.08 642.00 547.50 237.00 50.00 490299.30 54891.00 39009.38 29044.35 285.00 613529.03 71073.93 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 191 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/191 Say *Any one of the alternative may be adopted as per approved design Note *1. Although the rollers are required only for 3 hours as per norms of output, but the same have to be available at site for six hours as the hot mix plant and paver will take six hours for mixing and paving the output of 450 tonnes considered in this analysis. To cater for the idle period of this rollers, their usage rates have been multiplied by a factor of 0.65. 2.Quantity of Bitumen has been taken for analysis purpose. The actual quantity will depend upon job mix formula. 3. Labour for traffic control, watch and ward and other miscellaneous duties at site including sundries have been included in administrative overheads of th t tot be laid over freshly laid tack 4. BC is coat otherwise provision of Mechanical broom and 2 mazdoors for the same shall be included which has been deleted as provided in the cost of tack coat. 5. The individual density for each size of aggregates to be used for construction i.e. 37.5-25 mm, 25-10 mm etc. should be found in the laboratory and accordingly the quantities should be ammended for use in field. The average density of 1.5 tonne/cum is only a reference density in this Data Book. -179- 781813.26 4093.26 4093.30 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 6. The individual percentage of aggregates should be calculated from the total weight of dry aggregates i.e.. excluding the weight of bitumen. The weight of filler will also be 2 per cent by weight of dry aggregates. 49 Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in single coat using crushed stone aggregates of specified size on a layer of bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen laid on prepared surface and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller as per Clause 510 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = sqm Taking output = 9000 sqm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled Mulia skilled b) Machinery Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm per hour Air compressor 250 cfm Hydraulic self propelled chip spreader @ 1500 sqm per hour Tipper 10 tonne capacity for carriage of stone chips from stockpile on road side to chip spreader Front end loader 1 cum bucket Bitumen pressure distributor Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne weight Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 each each each 0.440 9.000 2.000 65.00 55.00 75.00 28.60 495.00 150.00 673.60 hour 7.200 230.00 1656.00 hour hour 7.200 6.000 206.00 1700.00 1483.20 10200.00 hour 6.000 506.00 3036.00 hour hour hour 6.000 6.000 6.000 520.00 692.00 269.00 3120.00 4152.00 1614.00 25261.20 c) Material (i) Case -I:-19 mm nominal size chipping 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen Bitumen @ 1.20 kg per sqm Crushed stone chipping,19 mm nominal size @ 0.015 cum per sqm tonne 10.800 21791.08 235343.66 cum 135.000 638.00 86130.00 321473.66 -180- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 9000 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/9000 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say (ii) Case - II:13 mm nominal size chipping 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen Bitumen @ 1.00 kg per sqm Crushed stone chipping,13 mm nominal size @ 0.01 cum per sqm Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 34740.85 382149.31 42.46 42.50 tonne 9.000 21791.08 196119.72 cum 90.000 642.00 57780.00 253899.72 27983.45 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 9000 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/9000 Note 1.Where the proposed aggregate fails to pass the stripping test, an approved adhesion agent may be added to the binder as per clause 510.2.4. Alternatively, chips may be pre-coated as per clause 510.2.5 307817.97 34.20 2.Input for the second coat, where required, will be the same as per the Ist coat mentioned above 50 Providing, laying and rolling of open graded premix surfacing of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates with batch type hot mix plant and using 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen to required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, finished to required level and grades as per Clause 511 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = sqm Taking output = 10250 sqm (205 cum = 450tonne) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled working with HMP, road sweeper, paver and roller Mulia Skilled for checking line & each each 0.760 14.000 65.00 55.00 49.40 770.00 each 5.000 75.00 375.00 1194.40 -181- Sl. No. 1 b) Description Unit Quantity 2 Machinery i) Batch type HMP 100-120 TPH @ 75 tonne per hour ii) Electric Generator Set 250 KVA iii) Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity iv) Tipper 10 tonne capacity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour 6.000 11167.00 67002.00 hour hour 6.000 6.000 1125.00 520.00 6750.00 3120.00 2.00 900.00 Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading v) Paver finisher Mechanical 100TPH iv) Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes weight tonne.k 450x1(L) m Cost Rs. P 6 90.00 hour 6.000 739.00 4434.00 hour 6.000 269.00 1614.00 83910.00 c) Material 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen Bitumen @ 14.60 kg per 10 sqm Crushed stone chipping,13.2 mm to 5.6 mm @ 0.27 cum per 10 sqm 13.2mm nominal size @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm 11.2mm nominal size @ 0.09 cum per 10 sqm tonne 14.965 21791.08 326103.51 cum 184.500 640.00 118080.00 cum 92.250 663.00 61161.75 505345.26 59044.97 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 10250 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/10250 Say Note Premix sand seal coat of 'B' type is proposed to be provided over the open graded premix carpet immediately on the same day. As the same HMP and other machines will be used for laying of premix sand seal coat, out of 6 effective working hours, 4.00 hours may be utilised for laying of premix carpet and balance 2.00 hours for the purpose of seal coat. In case type-A seal coat is proposed, HMP can be worked out for six hours for the premix carpet as type-A seal coat does not require the use of HMP. -182- 649494.63 63.37 63.40 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 51 Providing, laying and rolling of closegraded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness composed of specified size of stone aggregates using 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen to the required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity and finishing to required level and grade as per Clause 512 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = sqm Taking output = 10250 sqm (205 cum) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled working with HMP, road sweeper, paver and roller Mulia Skilled for checking line & b) Machinery i) Batch type HMP 100-120 TPH @ 75 tonne per hour ii) Electric Generator Set 250 KVA iii) Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity iv) Tipper 10 tonne capacity Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading v) Paver finisher Mechanical 100TPH iv) Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonnes weight Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each 0.760 14.000 65.00 55.00 49.40 770.00 each 5.000 75.00 375.00 1194.40 hour 6.000 11167.00 67002.00 hour hour 6.000 6.000 1125.00 520.00 6750.00 3120.00 2.00 900.00 tonne.k 450x1(L) m Cost Rs. P 6 90.00 hour hour 6.000 6.000 739.00 269.00 4434.00 1614.00 83910.00 c) Material (I) Type-A(11.2mm to 0.09mm nominal size) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 22 kg per 10 sqm Stone crushed aggregates 11.2 mm to 0.09mm @ 0.27 cum per 10 sqm tonne 22.550 21791.08 491388.85 cum 276.750 457.00 126474.75 617863.60 -183- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 10250 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/10250 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say (ii) Type-B(13,2mm to 0,09mm nominal size) 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 19 kg per 10 sqm Stone crushed aggregates 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm @ 0.27 cum per 10 sqm 19.475 21791.08 424381.28 cum 276.750 543.50 150413.63 574794.91 65989.93 Say b) Machinery Hydraulic self propelled chip spreader Tipper 5.5 cum capacity Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Bitumen pressure distributor @ 1750 sqm per hour Smooth wheeled roller 8 -10 tonne weight 773264.80 75.44 75.40 tonne d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 10250 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/10250 * Any one of the alternative may be adopted 52 Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using Type-A seal coat with 0.09cum of 6.7mm size chips and 9.80kg. of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen for 10sqm as per Clause No. 513 of MoSRT&H specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = sqm Taking output = 10250 sqm (92.25 cum) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 70296.80 725889.24 70.82 70.80 each each 0.240 6.000 65.00 55.00 15.60 330.00 345.60 hour 6.000 1700.00 10200.00 hour hour 6.000 6.000 506.00 520.00 3036.00 3120.00 hour 6.000 692.00 4152.00 hour 6.000 269.00 1614.00 22122.00 -184- Sl. No. 1 Description c) 2 Material 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 9.80 kg per 10 sqm Crushed stone chipping of 6.7 mm size defined as 100 per cent passing 11.2 mm sieve and retained on 2.36 mm sieve applied @ 0.09 cum per 10 Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 tonne 10.045 21791.08 218891.40 cum 92.250 424.00 39114.00 258005.40 28047.30 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 10250 sqm = a+b+c+d+e Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d+e)/10250 Note Since seal coat is provided immediately over the bituminous layers, mechanical broom for clearing has not been catered. 53 Providing and laying 6mm thick precoated seal coat Type-B using 0.06cum of 6.7mm size chips and 6.80kg.of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen for 10sqm with 100-120 TPH HMP by transporting the Hot Mix to work site laying with a Mechanical Paver Finisher to the required grade, level and alignment as per Clause No. 513 of MoSRT&H specifications for Road & id = sqmk (4 h ii ) Unit Taking output = 7858 sqm (47.16 cum = 104tonne) a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Batch type HMP 100-120 TPH @ 75 tonne per hour Electric Generator Set 250 KVA Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Tipper 10 tonne capacity Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Paver finisher Mechanical 100TPH Smooth wheeled 8-10 tonnes capacity 308520.30 30.10 each each 0.160 4.000 65.00 55.00 hour 2.000 11167.00 22334.00 hour hour 2.000 2.000 1125.00 520.00 2250.00 1040.00 2.00 208.00 tonne.k 104x1(L) m 10.40 220.00 230.40 20.80 hour hour -185- 2.000 2.000 739.00 269.00 1478.00 538.00 27868.80 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description c) 2 Material 60/70 penetration grade of Bitumen @ 6.80 kg per 10 sqm Crushed stone chipping of 6.7 mm size defined as passing 11.2 mm sieve and retained on 2.36 mm sieve applied @ 0.06 cum per 10 sqm Unit Quantity 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Rs. P 6 3 tonne 5.343 21791.08 116429.74 cum 47.150 490.00 23103.50 139533.24 16763.24 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 7858 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/7858 Say Note Since seal coat is required to be provided over the premix carpet on the same day, out of the 6 working hours of the HMP, 4.00 hours are proposed to be utilised for the premix carpet and the balance 2.00 hours for the seal coat. Hence 2.00 hours have been considered for this case. This may be linked to rate analysis worked out under Clause 511. 54 Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing course with paving grade bitumen meeting the requirements given in table 500-29, prepared by using mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after cleaning the surface, including providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated fine grained hard stone chipping of 13.2mm nominal size @ 0.005cum per 10sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10cm center to center in both directions, pressed into surface when the temperature of surfaces is not less than 100 degree centigrade, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface all complete as per Clause 515 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = sqm Taking output = 35.00 sqm (0.87 cum ) assuming a density of 2.3 tonnes/cum.-2 tonnes -186- 184395.68 23.47 23.50 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each each 0.44 10.00 1.00 65.00 55.00 75.00 28.60 550.00 75.00 653.60 hour 0.06 230.00 13.80 hour hour hour hour 0.06 6.00 6.00 1.00 206.00 1442.00 128.00 231.00 12.36 8652.00 768.00 231.00 a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled Mulia skilled b) Machinery Mechanical broom @ 1250 sqm per hour Air compressor 250 cfm Mastic cooker 1 tonne capacity Bitumen boiler 1500 litres capacity Tractor for towing and positioning of mastic cooker and bitumen boiler Cost Rs. P 6 9677.16 c) Material Base mastic (without coarse aggregates) = 60 per cent Coarse aggregate (6.3mm to 13.2 mm) = 40 per cent . Proportion of material required for mastic asphalt with coarse aggregates (based on mix design done by CRRI for a specific case) I) Bitumen 30/40 penetration grade @ 10.2 per cent by weight of mix. 2 x 10.2/100 = 0.204 ii) Fine aggregate passing 2.36mm and retained on 0.075mm sieve @ 31.9 per cent by weight of mix = 2 x 31.9/100 = 0.638 tonnes = 0.638/1.625 = 0.39 iii) Lime stone dust filler with calcium content not less than 80 per cent by weight @ 17.92 per cent by weight of mix = 2 x 17.92/100 = 0.36 iv) Coarse aggregates 6.3 mm to 13.2 mm @ 40 per cent by weight of mix = 2 x 40/100 = 0.8 MT = 0.8/1.456 = 0.55 v) Pre-coated stone chips of 13.2 mm nominal size for skid resistance = 35 x 0.005/10 = 0.018 vi) Bitumen for coating of chips @ 2 per cent by weight = 0.018 x 1.456 x 2/100 = 0.0005 MT = 0.5kg tonne 0.204 23160.72 cum 0.390 50.00 tonne 0.360 9000.00 3240.00 cum 0.550 671.00 369.05 cum 0.018 1000.00 18.00 kg 0.500 21.79 4724.79 19.50 10.90 8382.23 -187- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 35.00 sqm = a+b+c+d Rate per sqm = (a+b+c+d)/35 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 1871.30 20584.29 588.12 588.10 Note 1.The rates for 50 mm & 40 mm thick layers may be worked out on pro-rata basis. 2.Where tack coat is required to be provided before laying mastic asphalt, the same is required to be measured and paid separately. 3.The quantities of binder, filler and aggregates are for estimating purpose. Exact quantities shall be as per mix design. 4.This rate analysis is based on design made by CRRI for a specific case and is meant for estimating purposes only. Actual design is required to be done for each case. 55 Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per Table 600.1, cement content not to be less than 150kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver and compacting with vibratory roller, finishing and curing as per Clause 601 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 450 cum (990 tonne) a) Labour Mate Mulia skilled Mulia unskilled each each each -188- 1.12 6.00 22.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 72.80 450.00 1210.00 1732.80 Sl. No. 1 Description b) 2 Machinery Front end loader 1 cum bucket Cement concrete batch mix plant @ 75 cum per hour Electric generator 100 KVA Paver finisher Mechanical @75cum/hour Vibratory roller 8-10 t capacity Water tanker 6 KL capacity Tipper Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour hour 6.00 6.00 520.00 2760.00 3120.00 16560.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 450.00 1846.00 2700.00 11076.00 994.00 506.00 2.00 7952.00 4048.00 1980.00 hour 8.00 hour 8.00 tonne.k 990x1(L) m Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Cost Rs. P 6 198.00 47634.00 c) Material Crushed stone coarse aggregate of 25 mm and 12.5 mm nominal sizes graded as per table 600-1 @ 0.90 cum/cum of concrete conforming to clause 602.2.4. Coarse Sand as per IS: 383 @ 0.45 cum/cum of concrete Cement @ 150 kg/cum of concrete Cost of water cum 405.00 650.50 263452.50 cum 203.00 29.00 5887.00 tonne KL 67.50 48.00 3410.00 10.00 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 450 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/450 Say Note Quantity provided for aggregate is for estimating purpose. Exact quantity shall be as per mix design. -189- 230175.00 480.00 499994.50 54936.13 604297.43 1342.88 1342.90 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 56 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing and as per Clause 602 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 1050 cum (2415 tonne) a) Labour Mate Mulia skilled Mulia unskilled Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 each each each 2.00 15.00 35.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 -190- Cost Rs. P 6 130.00 1125.00 1925.00 3180.00 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description b) 2 Machinery Road Sweeper @ 1250 sqm per hour Front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Cement concrete batch mix plant @ 175 cum per hour (effective ) generator 250 KVA Electric Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour 2.80 230.00 644.00 hour 18.00 520.00 9360.00 hour 6.00 5160.00 30960.00 1125.00 16188.00 506.00 2.00 6750.00 97128.00 18216.00 4830.00 hour 6.00 Slip form paver with electronic sensor hour 6.00 Water tanker6 KL capacity hour 36.00 Transit truck agitator 5 cum capacity. tonne.k 2415x1(L) m Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Concrete joint cutting machine . hour 12.00 Texturing machine . hour 12.00 c) Material Crushed stone coarse aggregates of 25mm and 12.5mm nominal size @ 0.90 cum/cum of concrete conforming to clause 602.2.4. . Sand as per IS: 383 and conforming to clause 602.2.4 @ 0.45 cum/cum of concrete Cement 43 grade @ 400 kg/cum of concrete 32 mm mild steel dowel bars of grade S 240 16 mm deformed steel tie bars of grade S 415 Separation Membrane of impermeable plastic sheeting 125 micron thick Pre moulded Joint filler 25 mm thick for expansion joint. Joint sealant Sealant primer Plastic sheath,1.25 mm thick for dowel bars Curing compound Cost Rs. P 6 483.00 300.00 250.00 3600.00 3000.00 174971.00 cum 945.00 650.50 614722.50 cum 473.00 29.00 13717.00 tonne 414.00 3410.00 1411740.00 tonne 9.45 27587.50 260701.88 tonne 1.17 27587.50 32277.38 sqm 3675.00 3.00 11025.00 sqm 16.33 962.00 15709.46 kg kg sqm 875.00 116.67 46.67 50.00 30.00 200.00 43750.00 3500.10 9334.00 liter 1850.00 40.00 74000.00 -191- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Super plastisizer admixture IS marked as per 9103-1999 @ 0.5 per cent by weight of cement Cost of water Unit Quantity 3 kg 4 2070.00 Rate Rs. P 5 40.00 KL 216.00 10.00 Add 1 per cent of material for cost of miscellaneous materials like tarpauline, Hessian cloth, metal cap, cotton / compressible sponge and cradle for dowel bars, work bridges for men to approach concrete surface without walking over it, cutting blades and bites, minor equipments like scabbling machine, threads, ropes, guidewires and any other unforeseen items Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 82800.00 2160.00 2575437.31 25754.37 2601191.68 277934.27 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 1050cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/1050 3057276.95 2911.69 Say 2911.70 Note The quantities for cement, coarse aggregate and fine aggregates are for estimating only .The exact quantities will be as per mix design. 57 Construction of rolled cement concrete base course with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS:383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm with minimum, aggregate cement ratio 15:1 and minimum cement content of 200 kg/cum, aggregate gradation to be as per Table 600.4 after blending, mixing in batching plant at optimum moisture content, transporting to site, laying with a paver, compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the designed flexural strength, finishing and curing as per Clause 603 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) Unit = cum Taking output = 450 cum (990 tonne) a) Labour Mate Mulia skilled Mulia unskilled each each each -192- 1.20 7.00 23.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 78.00 525.00 1265.00 1868.00 Sl. No. 1 Description b) 2 Machinery Front end loader 1 cum bucket i concrete batch mix plant Cement @ 75 cum per hour Electric generator 100 KVA Paver with electronic sensor @ 75 cum/hr. Vibratory roller 8-10 t capacity Water tanker with 5 km lead 6 KL capacity Tipper Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour 6.00 520.00 3120.00 hour 6.00 2760.00 16560.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 450.00 1846.00 2700.00 11076.00 hour hour 8.00 8.00 994.00 200.00 7952.00 1600.00 2.00 1980.00 tonne.k 990x1(L) m Add 10 per cent of cost of carriage to cover cost of loading and unloading Cost Rs. P 6 198.00 45186.00 c) Material Crushed stone coarse aggregates of 25mm and 12.5mm nominal size @ 0.90 cum/cum of concrete conforming to clause 602.2.3. Sand as per IS: 383 and conforming to clause 602.2.3 @ 0.45 cum/cum of concrete Cement @ 200 kg/cum of concrete Cost of water cum 405.00 650.50 263452.50 cum 203.00 29.00 5887.00 tonne KL 90.00 48.00 3410.00 10.00 d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 450cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/450 306900.00 480.00 576719.50 62377.35 686150.85 1524.78 1524.80 Say Note The quantities for cement, coarse aggregate and fine aggregates are for estimating only .The exact quantities will be as per mix design. NOTES:1) 10% excess on the above rates will be allowed for the work being executed in side the Jail premises. 2) Generally Bitumen Emulsion @ 6Kg/10Sqm is to be used in Primer Coat. However, the quantity may be increased as specified in the Contract or as determined by site trials carried out as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge depending upon the porosity. 3) In case of tack coat, bitumen emulsion / bitumen @ 0.2Kg / Sqm in case of normal bituminous surface, @ 0.3Kg / Sqm in case of granular base treated with primer and @ 0.4Kg/Sqm in case of granular base (not primed) is to be used -193- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity Rate Cost Remarks Rs. P Rs. P 2 3 4 5 6 7 4) In case of WMM with Wet Mix Plant, BM, DBM, SDBC, BC, open graded PMC, close graded premix surfacing and Seal Coat with Hot Mix plant, carriage of plant mixed materials from plant site to work site (L) has been calculated as 1Km. distance. This is to be ascertained as per the actual requirement. For example, the distance from quarry to work site is 20Kms, then the lead from quarry to plant may be considered as 5Kms. and from plant to work site (L) as 15Kms. If it is 65 Kms., then the lead from quarry to plant may be considered as 5Kms. and from plant to work site (L) as 60Kms. But in any case, (L) should not exceed more than 60Kms. If the distance from quarry site to work site is 85 Kms., then the lead from quarry to plant may be considered as 25Kms. and from plant to work site (L) as 60Kms 5) The rates provided for sub-base and metalling is for compacted Cum 6) For 1 Cum of compacted granular sub-base, 1.28 Cum of loose quantity will be taken into consideration 7) In case of Built up spray grouting, no extra payment towards cleaning the surface and applying tack coat is to be made as the same has been included in the concerned item. 8) In case of Primer Coat / Tack Coat to be done by mechanical means, cleaning item is not to be provided separately as the same has been included in the said items. -194- XIV SITE CLEARANCE Sl. Description No. 1 2 1 Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps, roots, stacking of serviceable material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres and earth filling in the depression/pit. Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.024 0.600 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 Unit = Each (i) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for cutting trees including cutting, refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking of serviceable materials within 1000 metres lead by manual means. 1.56 33.00 34.56 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.100 231.00 23.10 23.10 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for each tree = a+b+c 5.77 63.43 Say (ii) 63.40 Girth from 600 mm to 900 mm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for cutting trees including cutting, refilling, compaction of backfilling, and stacking of serviceable materials within 1000 metres lead by manual means day day 0.036 0.900 65.00 55.00 2.34 49.50 51.84 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley c) hour 0.300 231.00 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for each tree = a+b+c Say (iii) 69.30 69.30 12.11 133.25 133.30 Girth from 900 mm to 1800 mm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for cutting trees including cutting, refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking of serviceable materials within 1000 metres day day 0.080 2.000 65.00 55.00 5.20 110.00 115.20 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley c) hour 0.400 231.00 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) 228.36 Rate for each tree = a+b+c Say (iv) 92.40 92.40 20.76 228.40 Girth above 1800 mm a) Labour Mate day -195- 0.160 65.00 10.40 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 Mulia unskilled for cutting trees including cutting, refilling, compaction of backfilling and stacking of serviceable materials within 1000 metres 3 day 4 4.000 Rate Rs. P 5 55.00 Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 220.00 230.40 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley c) 2 hour 0.600 231.00 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for each tree = a+b+c Clearing grass and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 metres outside the periphery of the area . Unit = Hectare Taking output = 1 Hectare a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled 138.60 138.60 36.90 405.90 day day 2.000 50.000 65.00 55.00 130.00 2750.00 2880.00 3 (i) b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per Hectare = a+b+c Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 metres including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness. Unit = Hectare Taking output = 1 Hectare In area of light jungle a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Machinery Tractor-trolley 288.00 3168.00 day day 6.000 150.000 65.00 55.00 390.00 8250.00 8640.00 hour 1.000 231.00 231.00 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) 887.10 Rate per Hectare = a+b+c (ii) 9758.10 In area of thorny jungle a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 8.000 200.000 65.00 55.00 520.00 11000.00 11520.00 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 2.000 231.00 462.00 462.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) 1198.20 Rate per Hectare = a+b+c 13180.20 -196- Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 Dismantling of Lime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10 and below including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling and loading b) c) Machinery Tractor-trolley Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.040 1.000 65.00 55.00 2.60 55.00 57.60 hour 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 12.00 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c+d 131.97 105.57 Rate per Cum = (a+b+c)/1.25 Say 5 Cost Rs. P 6 105.60 Dismantling of Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M20 including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling and loading day day 0.050 1.250 65.00 55.00 3.25 68.75 72.00 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 62.37 13.44 147.81 118.25 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per Cum = (a+b+c)/1.25 Say 6 62.37 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Blacksmith 2nd class Mazdoor for dismantling, loading and unloading day day day 0.150 0.250 3.500 65.00 75.00 55.00 118.30 9.75 18.75 192.50 221.00 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c -197- 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 28.34 311.71 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Rate per Cum = (a+b+c)/1.25 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Say 7 Dismantling Brick / Tile work in lime mortar including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading day day 0.020 0.500 65.00 55.00 Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 249.37 249.40 1.30 27.50 28.80 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Say 8 62.37 62.37 9.12 100.29 80.23 80.20 Dismantling Brick / Tile work in cement mortar including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading day day 0.030 0.750 65.00 55.00 1.95 41.25 43.20 b) 9 Machinery Tractor-trolley c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Dismantling Brick / Tile work in mud mortar including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling and loading b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 10.56 116.13 92.90 day day 0.016 0.400 65.00 55.00 1.04 22.00 23.04 hour 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 8.54 93.95 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Say -198- 75.16 75.20 Sl. Description No. 1 2 10 Dismantling Dry brick pitching or brick soling including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for Dismantling, loading and unloading Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.014 0.350 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 0.91 19.25 20.16 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Say 11 Dismantling Rubble stone masonry in lime mortar including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. b) Machinery Tractor-trolley day day 0.024 0.600 65.00 55.00 hour 0.270 231.00 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) c) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c 12 62.37 62.37 8.25 90.78 72.63 72.60 Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Dismantling Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. 1.56 33.00 34.56 62.37 62.37 9.69 106.62 85.30 day day 0.030 0.750 65.00 55.00 1.95 41.25 43.20 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 -199- 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 10.56 116.13 92.90 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 13 Dismantling Rubble Stone Masonry in mud mortar including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.020 0.500 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 1.30 27.50 28.80 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 9.12 100.29 80.23 Say 14 Dismantling Dry rubble masonry including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. day day 0.018 0.450 65.00 55.00 80.20 1.17 24.75 25.92 b) 15 Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 62.37 62.37 8.83 97.12 77.70 day day 0.016 0.400 65.00 55.00 1.04 22.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Dismantling stone pitching/ dry stone spalls including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. 23.04 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Say -200- 62.37 62.37 8.54 93.95 75.16 75.20 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 16 Dismantling boulders laid in wire crates including opening of crates and stacking dismantled materials including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.020 0.500 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 1.30 27.50 28.80 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Say 17 62.37 62.37 9.12 100.29 80.23 80.20 Dismantling Wood Work wrought framed and fixed in frames of trusses upto a height of 5 m above plinth level including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1.25 cum a) Labour Mate Carpenter 2nd class Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. day day day 0.060 0.500 1.000 65.00 75.00 55.00 3.90 37.50 55.00 96.40 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.270 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 1.25 cum = a+b+c Rate per cum = (a+b+c)/ 1.25 Say 18 62.37 62.37 15.88 174.65 139.72 139.70 Dismantling Steel Work in all types of sections upto a height of 5 m above plinth level including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres excluding cutting of rivet but including dismembering Unit = tonne Taking output = 1 tonne a) Labour Mate Blacksmith 2nd class Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading day day day 0.140 1.000 2.500 65.00 75.00 55.00 9.10 75.00 137.50 221.60 -201- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Unit Quantity 2 Add 2.5 per cent of cost of labour for gas cutting, ropes, pulleys etc. 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Cost Remarks Rs. P 6 7 5.54 227.14 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.170 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per tonne = a+b+c Say 19 39.27 39.27 26.64 293.05 293.10 Dismantling Steel Work in all types of sections upto a height of 5 m above plinth level including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres but excluding cutting of rivet and excluding dismembering Unit = tonne Taking output = 1 tonne a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading Blacksmith 2nd class day day 0.100 2.000 65.00 55.00 6.50 110.00 day 0.500 75.00 37.50 154.00 3.85 hour 0.170 231.00 Add 2.5 per cent of cost of labour for gas cutting, ropes, pulleys etc. b) Machinery Tractor-trolley 157.85 39.27 39.27 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) 19.71 Rate per tonne = a+b+c Say 20 Extra over item No.18 and 19 for cutting rivets. Unit = each Taking output = 10 rivets a) Labour Mate Blacksmith 2nd class Mulia unskilled day day day 0.010 0.130 0.130 65.00 75.00 55.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Cost for 10 rivets = a+b Rate for each rivet = ( a+b)/10 Say 21 216.83 216.80 Scraping of Bricks dismantled from Brick Work in lime or cement mortar including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = numbers Taking output = 1000 numbers a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 0.140 3.500 65.00 55.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per1000 Nos = a+b Say -202- 0.65 9.75 7.15 17.55 1.76 19.31 1.93 1.90 9.10 192.50 201.60 20.16 221.76 221.80 Sl. Description No. 1 2 22 Scraping of Bricks dismantled from Brick Work in mud mortar including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = numbers Taking output = 1000 numbers a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled 23 24 Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.050 1.250 65.00 55.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per1000 Nos = a+b Scraping of Stone from dismantled Stone Masonry in lime or cement mortar including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled 3.25 68.75 72.00 7.20 79.20 day day 0.056 1.400 65.00 55.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per cum = a+b Scraping of Stone from dismantled Stone Masonry in mud mortar including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = cum Taking output = 1 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled 3.64 77.00 80.64 8.06 88.70 day day 0.012 0.300 65.00 55.00 0.78 16.50 17.28 1.73 19.01 19.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per cum = a+b Say 25 Scarping Plaster in Lime or Cement Mortar from Brick/ Stone Masonry including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres Unit = sqm Taking output = 100 sqm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for scarping and loading b) Machinery Tractor-trolley day day 0.160 4.000 65.00 55.00 10.40 220.00 230.40 hour 0.320 231.00 73.92 73.92 30.43 334.75 3.35 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 100 sqm = a+b+c Rate per sqm = (a+b+c)/100 Say -203- Cost Rs. P 6 3.40 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 26 Removing all type of Hume Pipes and Stacking within a lead of 1000 metres including Earthwork and Dismantling of Masonry Works including T&P, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres (I) Unit = metre Taking output = 1 metre Up to 600 mm dia a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.021 0.520 65.00 55.00 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per metre = a+b Say (ii) Above 600 mm to 900 mm dia a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 0.028 0.700 65.00 55.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per metre = a+b Say (iii) Above 900 mm a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 0.048 1.200 65.00 55.00 b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) Rate per metre = a+b Say Cost Rs. P 6 1.37 28.60 29.97 3.00 32.97 33.00 1.82 38.50 40.32 4.03 44.35 44.40 3.12 66.00 69.12 6.91 76.03 76.00 Note 1. The excavation of earth, dismantling of stone masonry work in head walls and protection works is not included which is to be measured and paid separately. 27 2. Credit for retrieved stone from masonry work may be taken as per actual availability. Dismantling of Bituminous courses of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately Unit = cum Taking output = 1 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading day day 0.060 1.500 65.00 55.00 3.90 82.50 86.40 b) 28 Machinery Tractor-trolley hour c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per cum = a+b+c Dismantling of Granular courses of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately Unit = cum Taking output = 1 cum -204- 0.380 231.00 87.78 87.78 17.42 191.60 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description a) 2 Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for dismantling, loading and unloading. Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.040 1.000 65.00 55.00 Cost Rs. P 6 2.60 55.00 57.60 b) Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.330 231.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per cum = a+b+c Say 29 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately Unit = cum Taking output = 1 cum a) Labour Mate Mulia Semi skilled for operating pneumatic tools Mulia unskilled as helpers including loading and unloading 76.23 76.23 13.38 147.21 147.20 day day 0.040 0.500 65.00 65.00 2.60 32.50 day 0.500 55.00 27.50 62.60 b) Machinery Air compressor 250 cfm with two leads for pneumatic cutters/ hammers @ 1 cum per hour hour 1.000 206.00 206.00 Tractor-trolley Joint Cutting Machine with 2-3 blades hour hour 0.400 1.000 231.00 300.00 92.40 300.00 598.40 66.10 727.10 day day 0.006 0.150 65.00 55.00 0.39 8.25 8.64 hour 0.050 231.00 11.55 11.55 2.02 22.21 22.20 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per cum = a+b+c Note The above analysis is for removal of complete pavement. In case full depth repair work is required to be done after dismantling, provision of a concrete cutting and sawing machine may be added for 0.25 hours. 30 Dismantling guard rails by manual means and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable materials and unserviceable materials separately. Unit = running metre Taking output = 1 metre a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled including loading and unloading b) Machinery Tractor-trolley c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per metre = a+b+c Say 31 Dismantling kerb stone by manual means and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metre Unit = running metre -205- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Taking output = 10 metre a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled including loading and unloading b) Machinery Tractor-trolley Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.006 0.150 65.00 55.00 0.39 8.25 8.64 hour 0.200 231.00 46.20 46.20 5.48 60.32 6.03 6.00 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 10 m = a+b+c Rate per metre = (a+b+c)/10 Say 32 Dismantling kerb stone channel by manual means and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metre Unit = running metre Taking output = 10 metre a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled including loading and unloading b) Machinery Tractor-trolley day day 0.009 0.225 65.00 55.00 0.59 12.38 12.97 hour 0.300 231.00 69.30 69.30 8.23 90.50 9.05 9.10 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 10 m = a+b+c Rate per metre = (a+b+c)/10 Say 33 (I) Dismantling of kilometre stone including cutting of earth, foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m and back filling of pit. Unit = Each Taking output = one KM stone 5th KM stone Quantity of cement concrete = 0.392 cum a) b) c) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 0.030 0.750 65.00 55.00 1.95 41.25 43.20 Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.150 231.00 34.65 34.65 7.79 85.64 85.60 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for one 5th KM stone = a+b+c Say (ii) Ordinary KM Stone Quantity of cement concrete = 0.269 cum a) b) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 0.020 0.500 65.00 55.00 1.30 27.50 28.80 Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.100 231.00 23.10 23.10 5.19 57.09 57.10 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for one ordinary KM stone = a+b+c Say (iii) Cost Rs. P 6 Hectometre Stone Quantity of cement concrete = 0.048 cum -206- Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 a) b) Description Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 2 Labour Mate Mulia unskilled day day 0.004 0.100 65.00 55.00 0.26 5.50 5.76 Machinery Tractor-trolley hour 0.020 231.00 4.62 4.62 1.04 11.42 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for one Hectometre stone = a+b+c Say 34 Dismantling of barbed wire fencing/ wire mesh fencing including posts, foundation concrete, back filling of pit by manual means including disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable material and unserviceable material separately. Unit = running metre Taking output = 30 metres a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled including loading and unloading Blacksmith 2nd class b) c) Machinery Tractor-trolley 0.150 3.000 0.750 65.00 55.00 75.00 9.75 165.00 56.25 231.00 hour 0.150 231.00 34.65 34.65 26.57 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Say Dismantling of CI water pipe line 600 mm dia including disposal with all lifts and lead upto 1000 metres and stacking of serviceable material and unserviceable material separately under supervision of concerned department Unit = running metre Taking output = 10 metres a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled Plumber 2nd class b) Machinery Truck 10 tonne capacity Light Crane 3 tonne capacity 11.40 day day day Cost for 30 metres = a+b+c Rate per metre = (a+b+c)/30 35 Cost Rs. P 6 292.22 9.74 9.70 day day day 0.090 2.000 0.250 65.00 55.00 75.00 5.85 110.00 18.75 134.60 hour hour 0.250 0.500 506.00 230.00 126.50 115.00 241.50 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 30 metres = a+b+c Rate per metre = (a+b+c)/10 Say Note The rate analysis does not include any excavation in earth or dismantling of masonry works which are to be measured and paid separately. 36 Removal of cement concrete pipe of sewer gutter 1500 mm dia under the supervision of concerned department including disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres and stacking of serviceable and unserviceable material separately but excluding earth excavation and dismantling of masonry works. Unit = running metre -207- 37.61 413.71 41.37 41.40 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description 2 Taking output = 10 metres a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) c) Machinery Crane 5 tonne capacity Truck flat body 10 tonne Unit Quantity 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.100 2.500 65.00 55.00 6.50 137.50 144.00 hour hour 0.300 1.000 230.00 506.00 69.00 506.00 575.00 71.90 Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 10 metres = a+b+c Rate per metre = (a+b+c)/10 Say Note The rate analysis does not include any excavation in earth or dismantling of masonry works which are to be measured and paid separately. 37 Removal of telephone / Electric poles including excavation and dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the supervision of concerned department, disposal with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 metres and stacking the serviceable and unserviceable material separately Unit = each Taking output = 30 Nos a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled Electrician/Lineman 2nd class b) Machinery Tractor-trolley 0.480 10.000 2.000 65.00 55.00 75.00 31.20 550.00 150.00 731.20 hour 1.500 231.00 346.50 346.50 107.77 1185.47 39.52 39.50 Say -208- 790.90 79.09 79.10 day day day c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 30 poles = a+b+c Rate per pole = (a+b+c)/30 Note: 1, For dismantling works, pre-measurement should be recorded before commencement of the work 2, 10% excess on the above rate will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises, Cost Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 XV PILE FOUNDATION Quantity Description Sl. Unit required No. 2 3 1 4 1 Single under reamed pile foundation with RCC M20 using 12mm size black hard granite (Crusher broken) stone chips including cost of boring but excluding cost of M.S./Tor steel and labour charges for cutting, bending and binding of steel. Single under ream pile a) 375 mm dia and 6.0 metre long Per 1 pile Excavation of bore hole (assuming two pits can be constructed per day) Boring Mistry(Special) 2 Nos Each 150 winch operator 0.5 Nos Each Hire & running charges of 1/2 Day per day Tripod Bentonite power 2.5 Bag eachBag Overhead Charges 10% on material, labour & machinaries. Rate Rs. P 5 80.00 110.00 450.00 160.00 55.00 225.00 103.00 257.50 69.75 Total R.C.C. M20 Volume of concrete = 3.14 d 2 x L + 4.13 d3 4 Amount Rs. P 6 767.25 = = 3.14x (.375)2 x 6 + 4.13(.375) 3 4 = 0.66 + 0.22 = 0.88 Cum 0.88 cum 1 Cum 2231.30 1963.54 0.284 qntl. 1 qntl 341.00 96.84 (Rate as per 4 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra cement Say Rs. Total 2827.60 2827.64 (i) For each additional depth of 0.5m beyond initial depth of 6.0 m add extra to the rate Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole - Take 6% of item 1(a) R.C.C.M20 (Rate same as item No.4 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement (ii) For each less depth of 0.5m from the initial depth of 6.0m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item NO.1(a) (i) 0.055 cum 0.0178 cum - -209- 1 cum 1 qntl 2231.30 341 46.04 122.72 6.07 say Rs. Total 174.83 174.80 / Each - - 174.80 Remarks 7 Description Quantity Sl. Rate Unit required No. Rs. P 2 1 3 4 5 b) 300mm dia and 6.0m long Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- Take 90% of the rate in item No.1(a) R.C.C. M20 Volume of concrete = 3.14 d 2 x L + 4.13 d3 4 = 3.14x (0.30)2 x 6 + 4.13(0.30) 3 4 = 0.424 + 0.111 = (Rate same as item No.1 of R.C.C.) Add-Cost of 10% extra) cement 690.53 0.535 Cum 0.535 cum 1 cum 0.17288 qntl. 1 qntl 2231.30 1193.75 341 58.95 Total = 1943.22 Say Rs. 1943.20 / Each (i) For each additional depth of 0.5m beyond initial depth of 6.0m add extra to the rate. Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- Take 6% of the rate in item 1(a) R.C.C.M20 (Rate same as item No.1 of R.C.C.) 0.035 cum Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement 0.0113 qntl. 46.04 1 cum 1 qntl Say Rs. (ii) For each less depth of 0.5m from the initial depth of 6.0m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No. 1b (i) Amount Rs. P 6 - 2231.30 341 Total = 127.98 128.00 / Each - 128.00 c) 250mm dia and 6.0m long Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- Take 83% of the rate in item 1(a) R.C.C.M20 Volume of concrete = 3.14x (0.25) 2 x 6 + 4.13(0.25) 3 4 = 0.294 + 0.065 = (Rate same as item No.1 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement 0.359 cum 0.1159 qntl. 636.82 0.359 Cum 1 cum 1qntl Say Rs. -210- 78.10 3.85 2231.30 341 801.04 39.52 Total = 1477.38 1477.40 / Each Remarks 7 Description Quantity Sl. required No. 2 1 3 (i) For each additional depth of 0.5m beyond initial depth of 6.0m add extra to the rate. Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- Take 6% of the rate in item 1(a) R.C.C.M20 (Rate same as item No.4 of R.C.C.) 0.0245 cum Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement 0.0079 qntl. Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 46.035 1 cum 1 qntl Say Rs. 2231.30 341 54.67 2.69 Total 103.40 103.40 / Each (ii) For each less depth of 0.5m from the initial depth of 6.0m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No. 1(c)(i) 2 Double under reamed pile foundation with R.C.C. M20 using 12mm size black hard granite (crusher broken)stone chips including cost of boreholes but excluding cost of M.S. rod/Tor steel and labour chrages for cutting, bending and binding of steel. a) 375 mm dia and 6.0 m long Per 1 pile Excavation of bore holecost sam as item no. 1(a) Add- 25% extra for double under ream2 3 Volume of concrete = 3.14x (.375) x 6 + 8.26(.375) = (Rate same as item No.4 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra cement 4 0.66 + 0.44 = 1.1 cum 0.3553 qntl. 103.40 767.25 191.81 1.10 Cum 2231.30 2454.43 341 121.16 Total 3534.65 Say Rs. 3534.60 / Each 1 cum 1 qntl (i) For each additional depth of 0.5m beyond initial depth of 60m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No.1a(i) - - - 174.80 / Each (ii) For each less depth of 0.5m from the initial depth of 6.0m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No.1a(ii) - - 174.80 / Each - b) 300mm dia and 6.0m long Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- Take 90% of the rate in item 2(a) R.C.C.M20 Volume of concrete = 3.14x (0.30)2 x 6 + 8.26(0.3) 3 = 4 0.424 + 0.223 = -211- 863.16 0.65 Cum Sl. No. 1 Description Quantity required 3 0.647 cum 0.209 qntl. 2 (Rate same as item No.4 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement Rate Rs. P 5 2231.30 341 Unit 4 1 cum 1 qntl Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 1443.65 71.27 Say Rs. Total = 2378.08 2378.10 / Each (i) For each additional depth of 0.5m beyond initial depth of 6.0m add extra to the rates Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No.1b(i) - - - 128.00 / Each (ii) For each less depth of 0.5m from the initial depth of 6.0m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No.1b(ii) - - 128.00 / Each c) - 250mm dia and 6.0m long Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- Take 83% of the rate in item 2(a) R.C.C. M20 Volume of concrete = 3.14x (0.25)2 x 6 + 8.26(0.25) 3 4 = 0.294 + 0.129 = (Rate same as item No.4 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement 0.423 cum 0.1366 qntl. 796.02 0.423 Cum 1 cum 1 qntl 2231.30 943.84 341 46.58 Total = 1786.44 Say Rs. 1786.40 / Each (i) For each additional depth of 0.5m beyond initial depth of 6.0m add extra to the rates Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No.1c(i) - - - 103.40 / Each (ii) For each less depth of 0.5m from the initial depth of 6.0m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item No.1c(ii) - - 103.40 / Each - -212- Description Quantity Sl. Rate Unit required No. Rs. P 2 1 3 4 5 d) 450mm dia and 6.0m long Per 1 Pile Excavation of bore hole- cost same as item No. 2(a) Add 55% extra R.C.C. M20 Volume of concrete = 3.14x (0.45)2 x 6 + 8.26(0.45) 3 4 = 0.954 + 0.752 = (Rate same as item No.4 of R.C.C.) Add- Cost of 10% extra) cement 1.706 cum 0.551 qntl. (ii) For each less depth of from the initial depth of 6 m deduct from the rate Per 1 Pile Rate same as item d(.I) Remarks 7 959.06 527.48 1.706 Cum 1 cum 1 qntl Say Rs. (i) For each additional depth of 0.5 m beyond initial depth of 6.0 m add extra to the rate. Per 1 Pile Excavation of the bore hole - Take 5% of item (a) RCC M20 Rate as per item No. 4 of R.C.C. Add-cost of 10% extra cement Amount Rs. P 6 2231.30 341 3806.60 187.89 Total = 5481.04 /Each 5481.00 / Each 74.33 0.0795 cum 0.0257 qntl 1 cum 1 qntl 2231.30 341 Total Or Say 177.39 8.76 260.48 260.50 260.50 /Each Note : (I) Rate of RCC items have been arrived on crusher broken chips. If hand broken chips are to be used, the difference in cost is to be subtracted to arrive at the finished rate. (ii) 10 percent excess on the above rates will be allowed for the works being executed inside the jail premises. -213- XVI. DISMANTLING Sl. Description Quantity Unit No. required 1 2 4 3 1 Dismantling brick or stone masonry in clay under 3m. height including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 cum Data for 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia 1.25 Nos Each Woman Mulia 3.50 Nos Each b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 292.61 = 103.39 2.83 Say Rs. 103.40 2 Dismantling brick or stone masonry in clay above 3m. height including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 cum Data for 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 1.50 Nos 3.50 Nos 308.00 2.83 Say Rs. 3 Dismantling brick or stone masonry in lime or cement mortar under 3m. height including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 cum Data for 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = = 55.00 55.00 - Each Each --- Amount Rs. P 6 68.75 192.50 26.13 5.23 292.61 / cum / cum 55.00 55.00 82.50 192.50 27.50 5.50 308.00 108.83 / cum 108.80 / cum 4.00 Nos 4.50 Nos 523.60 2.83 Say Rs. Rate Rs. P 5 = -214- Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 185.02 / cum 185.00 / cum 220.00 247.50 46.75 9.35 523.60 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 4 Dismantling brick or stone masonry in lime or cement mortar above 3m. height including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead Quantity required 3 per 1 cum Data for 2.83 cum a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = = = 55.00 55.00 Amount Rs. P 6 247.50 247.50 49.50 9.90 554.40 195.90 / cum Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 27.50 96.25 12.38 2.48 138.61 14.90 / sqm 14.90 / sqm 0.30 No 0.25 No 33.89 9.30 Say Rs. Each Each --- Rate Rs. P 5 195.90 / cum 0.50 No 1.75 Nos 138.61 9.30 Say Rs. 6 Dismantling roof timbers of thatched roof including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 Sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 4 4.50 Nos 4.50 Nos 554.40 2.83 Say Rs. 5 Removing thatched roof including tying of useful thatches to small bundles and stacking them carefully for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 Sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = Unit = -215- Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 3.64 / sqm 3.60 / sqm 16.50 13.75 3.03 0.61 33.89 Remarks 7 Sl. Description Quantity No. required 1 2 3 7 Dismantling pan or single Nuria or Mangalore tileroofing (Tiles only) including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia 1.00 No Woman Mulia 1.75 Nos b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 169.41 = 9.30 Say Rs. 8 Dismantling double Nuria tileroofing (Tiles only) including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 1.25 Nos 3.00 Nos 261.81 9.30 Say Rs. 9 Dismantling flat & pan tiled roofing (Tiles only) including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = = Unit Rate Rs. P 5 4 Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 55.00 96.25 15.13 3.03 169.41 18.22 / sqm 18.20 / sqm Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 68.75 165.00 23.38 4.68 261.81 28.15 / sqm 28.20 / sqm 1.25 Nos 4.00 Nos Each Each 55.00 55.00 -- 323.41 9.30 Say Rs. Amount Rs. P 6 = -216- 34.77 / sqm 34.80 / sqm 68.75 220.00 28.88 5.78 323.41 Remarks 7 Sl. Description Quantity No. required 1 2 3 10 Dismantling reepers under tiled roof (pan, flat or nuria tiles) after careful removal of nails including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m. Lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Carenter(2nd Class) 0.33 No Man Mulia 1.25 Nos b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 104.72 = 9.30 Say Rs. 11 Dismantling and removing lime concrete flooring 7.5 cm to 10 cm thick including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Carenter(2nd Class) Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 0.75 No 2.00 Nos 169.41 9.30 Say Rs. 12 Dismantling and removing 2.5 cm. thick artificial stone flooring including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = = 4 Each Each --- Rate Rs. P 5 75.00 55.00 Amount Rs. P 6 24.75 68.75 9.35 1.87 104.72 11.26 / sqm 11.30 / sqm Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 41.25 110.00 15.13 3.03 169.41 18.22 / sqm 18.20 / sqm 0.75 Nos 1.25 Nos 123.20 9.30 Say Rs. Unit = -217- Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 13.25 / sqm 13.20 / sqm 41.25 68.75 11.00 2.20 123.20 Remarks 7 Sl. Description Quantity No. required 1 2 3 13 Removing old lime or cement plaster from walls including raking out joints 12 mm deep and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia 1.00 No b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 61.60 = 9.30 Say Rs. 14 Dismantling flag stone flooring including stacking the useful stones for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 0.50 Nos 1.00 No 92.40 9.30 Say Rs. 15 Dismantling terraced roof (Madras or Orissa) including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = = 4 Each --- Rate Rs. P 5 55.00 Amount Rs. P 6 55.00 5.50 1.10 61.60 6.62 / sqm 6.60 / sqm Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 27.50 55.00 8.25 1.65 92.40 9.94 / sqm 9.90 / sqm 2.35 Nos 4.00 Nos 391.17 9.30 Say Rs. Unit = 16 Dismantling G.C.I. or A.C. sheet roofing after carefully removing the bolts and nuts including stacking of he materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead -218- Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 42.06 / sqm 42.10 / sqm 129.25 220.00 34.93 6.99 391.17 Remarks 7 Sl. Description Quantity No. required 1 2 3 per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Fitter (2nd Class) 0.25 Nos Man Mulia 0.50 Nos Woman Mulia 1.00 No b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Kerosine Oil, Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Unit 4 Each Each Each --- Rate Rs. P 5 75.00 55.00 55.00 Amount Rs. P 6 18.75 27.50 55.00 10.13 2.03 113.41 Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 113.41 9.30 Say Rs. 17 Dismantling wrought and framed timber in roof frame work of floors after careful removal of nail, bolts etc. and stacking of the materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 cum Data for 0.0283 sqm a) Labour Carpenter (2nd class) Man Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = = 12.20 / sqm 0.03 Nos 0.04 Nos 4.99 0.0283 Say Rs. 12.19 / sqm = 18 Dismantling and removing doors, windows and ventilators including removal of frame, hinges, fastening and stacking the same for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Consider a door of (1.22 M×2.13 M=2.60sqm) a) Labour Carpenter (2nd class) 0.50 Nos Man Mulia 0.60 Nos Woman Mulia 1.00 No b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) -219- Each Each --- 75.00 55.00 2.25 2.20 0.45 0.09 4.99 176.33 / cum 176.30 / cum Each 75.00 Each 55.00 Each 55.00 --Total = 37.50 33.00 55.00 12.55 2.51 140.56 Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 Quantity required 2 3 Rate per 1 sqm = 140.56 = 2.60 Say Rs. 19 Dismantling dry or grouted rough stone revetments of approns or retaining walls and stacking the stones for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 cum Data for 2.83 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 1.00 No 3.50 Nos 277.20 2.83 Say Rs. 20 Dismantling and removing 2.5 cm thick grading concrete from roof slab cleaning the surface lowering and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia Woman Mulia for lifting the debries b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = Rate Rs. P 4 5 54.06 / sqm Amount Rs. P 6 54.10 / sqm Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 55.00 192.50 24.75 4.95 277.20 97.95 / cum 98.00 / cum 0.75 Nos 1.25 Nos 0.25 Nos 138.61 9.30 Say Rs. 21 Removing old grading plaster from roof slab, cleaning the surface, lowering and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia = Unit = 1.40 Nos -220- Each 55.00 Each 55.00 Each 55.00 --Total = 14.90 / sqm 41.25 68.75 13.75 12.38 2.48 138.61 14.90 / sqm Each 55.00 77.00 Remarks 7 Sl. Description Quantity No. required 1 2 3 Woman Mulia 0.15 Nos b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 95.49 = 9.30 Say Rs. 22 Removing old tarfelt from roof slab, cleaning the surface, lowering and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 1.75 Nos 107.81 9.30 Say Rs. 23 Dismantling and removing cement concrete including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 cum a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) = 1.50 Nos 0.10 Nos Unit Rate Rs. P 4 5 Each 55.00 --Total = 10.27 / sqm 10.30 / sqm Each --- 1.50 Nos 1.50 Nos 96.25 9.63 1.93 107.81 11.60 / sqm Each Each --- Each Each --Say Rs. -221- 55.00 11.59 / sqm Say Rs. 24 Dismantling and removing R.C.C. columns beams slab staircase landing lintels including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 cum a) Labour Semiskilled Mulia Man Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Amount Rs. P 6 8.25 8.53 1.71 95.49 55.00 55.00 82.50 5.50 8.80 1.76 98.56 98.60 / cum 65.00 55.00 97.50 82.50 18.00 3.60 201.60 201.60 / cum Remarks 7 Sl. Description No. 1 2 25 Dismantling and removing R.C.C. Chajja, Shelves, fins and parapet including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead Quantity required 3 per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = = = 55.00 Amount Rs. P 6 192.50 19.25 3.85 215.60 23.18 / sqm Each Each --- 55.00 55.00 46.75 77.00 12.38 2.48 138.61 14.90 / sqm 14.90 / sqm 1.10 Nos 67.76 9.30 Say Rs. Each --- Rate Rs. P 5 23.20 / sqm 0.85 Nos 1.40 Nos 138.61 9.30 Say Rs. 27 Dismantling and removing marbel chips dados & skirting from walls including rackingout joints 12mm. Deepstacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 4 3.50 Nos 215.60 9.30 Say Rs. 26 Dismantling and removing marble chips flooring including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia Woman Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = Unit = -222- Each --- 55.00 7.29 / sqm 7.30 / sqm 60.50 6.05 1.21 67.76 Remarks 7 Sl. Description Quantity No. required 1 2 3 28 Dismantling and removing old tiled flooring including removing the base coarse and stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia 1.00 No Woman Mulia 1.50 Nos b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 154.00 = 9.30 Say Rs. 29 Dismantling and removing old tiled cladding from walls including racking out joints 12mm deep stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead per 1 sqm Data for 9.30 sqm a) Labour Man Mulia b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on(a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 sqm = 1.30 Nos 80.08 9.30 Say Rs. = Unit 4 Each Each --- Rate Rs. P 5 55.00 55.00 Amount Rs. P 6 55.00 82.50 13.75 2.75 154.00 16.56 / sqm 16.60 / sqm Each --- 55.00 71.50 7.15 1.43 80.08 8.61 / sqm 8.60 / sqm Note : 1 For dismantling work in 1st floor or any additional floor add 5% extra labour over & above the rate of next lower floor for lowering the dismantled materials. 2 10% excess on the above rate will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises. -223- Remarks 7 XVII. IRON WORK Quantity Description Sl. Unit required No. 2 3 1 4 1 Hoisting joists and trusses and placing in position (labour only) Per 1 Qntl. Data for 0.508 Qntl. a) Labour Sangi Mulia for conveying joist from outside to the buildings. 0.25 no Each Sangi Mulia for lifting joists up to top of the walls with ropes, etc.. 0.75 no Each Man Mulia for placing joists in position 0.17 no Each b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Scaffolding ropes, Sundries, T&P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 Qntl. = 83.28 = 163.94 0.508 Say Rs. 163.90 2 Iron work wrought and put up in window grating including drilling holes in choukathas (labour only) per 1 Qntl. Data for 0.508 Qntl. a) Labour Carpenter (2nd Class) 0.75 no Each Semi-skilled mulia 0.75 no Each b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 117.60 = 231.50 0.508 Say Rs. 231.50 3 Iron work wrought and put up in trusses and record racks(labour only) per 1 Qntl. Data for 0.508 Qntl. a) Labour Black smith (2nd Class) 1.25 nos Each Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each Helper 1.00 no Each Man Mulia 2.50 nos Each b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 415.81 = 818.52 0.508 Say Rs. 818.50 -224- Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 65.00 16.25 65.00 55.00 - 48.75 9.35 7.44 1.49 83.28 / Qntl / Qntl 75.00 65.00 - 56.25 48.75 10.50 2.10 117.60 / Qntl / Qntl 75.00 75.00 65.00 55.00 / Qntl / Qntl 93.75 75.00 65.00 137.50 37.13 7.43 415.81 Description Quantity Sl. Rate Unit required No. Rs. P 2 1 3 4 5 4 Iron work wrought and put up in grated doors, windows and cage latrines (labour only) per 1 Qntl. Data for 0.508 Qntl. a) Labour Black smith (Special) 0.75 no Each 85.00 Black smith (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 Filter (Special) 1.00 no Each 85.00 Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 Helper to Black smith 1.00 no Each 65.00 Man Mulia 3.25 nos Each 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 607.60 = 1196.06 / Qntl 0.508 Say Rs. 1196.10 / Qntl 5 Iron work wrought and put up in bolts of over 15 cm in length (labour only) per 1 Qntl. Data for 0.508 Qntl. a) Labour Black smith (Special) 1.00 nos Each 85.00 Black smith (2nd Class) 1.50 nos Each 75.00 Fitter (Special) 1.00 no Each 85.00 Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 Helper to Black smith 2.00 nos Each 65.00 Man Mulia 3.00 nos Each 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) -Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 730.80 = 1438.58 / Qntl 0.508 Say Rs. 1438.60 / Qntl 6 Iron work wrought and put up in bolts less than 15 cm in length (labour only) per 1 Qntl. Data for 0.508 Qntl. a) Labour Black smith (Special) 1.00 no Each 85.00 Black smith (2nd Class) 1.80 nos Each 75.00 Fitter (Special) 1.25 nos Each 85.00 Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 Hamer Man 2.00 nos Each 65.00 Man Mulia 3.00 nos Each 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 779.81 = 1535.06 / Qntl 0.508 Say Rs. 1535.10 / Qntl -225- Amount Remarks Rs. P 6 7 63.75 75.00 85.00 75.00 65.00 178.75 54.25 10.85 607.60 85.00 112.50 85.00 75.00 130.00 165.00 65.25 13.05 730.80 85.00 135.00 106.25 75.00 130.00 165.00 69.63 13.93 779.81 Description Quantity Sl. Rate Amount Unit Remarks required No. Rs. P Rs. P 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 Drilling holes 6mm to 12mm dia in iron flats, angles, tees etc. of 6mm to 10mm thick with hand drill(labour only) Per each Data for 36 Nos. of holes a) Labour Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 75.00 Man Mulia 1.00 no Each 55.00 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) 13.00 c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) 2.60 Total (a+b+c) Total= 145.60 Rate per 1 cum = 145.60 = 4.04 / each 36.00 Say Rs. 4.00 / each 8 Drilling holes 12mm to 25mm dia in iron flats, angles, tees etc. of 6mm to 10mm thick with hand drill(labour only) Per each Data for 27 Nos. of holes a) Labour Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 Man Mulia 1.00 no Each 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 cum = 145.60 = 5.39 / each 27.00 Say Rs. 5.40 / each 75.00 55.00 13.00 2.60 145.60 9 Drilling holes 6mm to 12mm dia in iron flats, angles, tees etc. above 10mm thick & upto 16mm thick with hand drill(labour only) Per each Data for 27 Nos. of holes a) Labour Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 75.00 Man Mulia 1.00 no Each 55.00 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) 13.00 c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) 2.60 Total (a+b+c) 145.60 Rate per 1 cum = 145.60 = 5.39 / each 27.00 Say Rs. 5.40 / each -226- Description Quantity Sl. Rate Amount Unit Remarks required No. Rs. P Rs. P 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 Drilling holes 12mm to 25mm dia in iron flats, angles, tees etc. above 10mm thick & upto 16mm thick with hand drill(labour only) Per each Data for 18 Nos. of holes a) Labour Fitter (2nd Class) 1.00 no Each 75.00 75.00 Man Mulia 1.00 no Each 55.00 55.00 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) 13.00 c) 2% Sundries T & P etc.on (a) 2.60 Total (a+b+c) 145.60 Rate per 1 No. = 145.60 = 8.09 / each 18.00 Say Rs. 8.10 / each Note : 1 10% excess on the above rate will be allowed for the works being executed inside jail premises. -227- XVIII. WELL SINKING Description Sl. Quantity Unit No. required 2 1 3 4 1 Sinking 90 Cm dia well in ordinary soil including Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 supply of earthen rings depth not exceeding 4.55m including filling sides with puddle clay per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M a) Labour Well sinker Man Mulia Filling the space with stiff clay & watering Earthen ring over 90 cm. Dia Earthen ring over 10.05 m b) Overhead Charges @10% on (a) Total (a+b) = Rate per 1 M (278.27 / 0.3048) = 2 3 Sinking 90 Cm dia well in ordinary soil including supply of earthen rings depth from 4.80m to 9.10 m deep. per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.1 Add extra labour Total= Rate per 1 M (298.95 / 0.3048) = Sinking 90 Cm dia well in ordinary soil including supply of earthen rings depth from 9.90m to 13.70 m deep. per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.1 Add extra labour Total= Rate per 1 M (314.11 / 0.3048) = 0.5 1 2.5 2.50% - Each Each -Each Each -- - Sinking 90 Cm dia well in hard soil not exceeding 4.55m deep. per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.1 Add extra labour Total= Rate per 1 M -228- Say 32.50 55.00 10.47 75.00 80.00 25.30 278.27 912.95 912.90 / RM Say 278.27 20.68 298.95 980.80 980.80 / RM 30.00 32.00 -- - -- 278.27 35.84 314.11 1030.53 1030.50 / RM - -- 298.95 / 0.3048 = Say 278.27 20.68 298.95 980.80 Say 4 65.00 55.00 980.80 / RM Description Sl. Quantity No. required 2 1 3 5 Sinking 90 Cm dia well in hard soil including supply of earthen ring depth from 4.80m to 9.10m deep. per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.4 Add extra labour Total= Rate per 1 M 327.25 6 Sinking 90 Cm dia well in hard soil including supply of earthen ring depth from 9.90m to 13.70m deep. per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.3 Add extra labour Total= Rate per 1 M Sinking masonry well 1.50 M dia in ordinary soil upto 4.55M deep (Labour only) per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M a) Labour Well sinker(Open well) Man Mulia to dig trenches b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 M Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 -- / 0.3048 = Say - -- 342.41 / 0.3048 = Say 0.5 2.5 - Each Each --- 190.40 / 0.3048 = Say Amount Rs. P 6 298.95 28.30 327.25 1073.65 1073.60 / RM 314.11 28.30 342.41 1123.38 1123.40 / RM 7 8 Sinking 1.50 M dia masonry well in hard soil upto 4.55m deep (Labour). per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.7 Add extra labour for hard soil Total= Rate per 1 M -229- - -- 211.61 / 0.3048 = Say 65.00 55.00 32.50 137.50 17.00 3.40 190.40 624.67 624.70 / RM 190.40 21.21 211.61 694.26 694.30 / RM Remarks 7 Description Sl. Quantity No. required 2 1 3 9 Sinking masonry well 1.50 M dia in ordinary soil from 4.80M to 9.10 m (Labour only) per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M a) Labour Well sinker 0.75 Man Mulia to dig trenches and remove earth 3.5 b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 M 270.20 10 Sinking masonry well 1.50 M dia in hard soil from 4.80m to 9.10m deep (Labour only). per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.9 Add extra labour for hard soil Total= Rate per 1 M 11 Sinking masonry well 1.50 M dia in ordinary soil from 9.90M to 13.70 m (Labour only) per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M a) Labour Well sinker Man Mulia to dig and remove earth b) Overhead Charges @ 10% on (a) c) 2% Sundries T & P etc. on (a) Total (a+b+c)= Rate per 1 M 12 Sinking masonry well 1.50 M dia in hard soil from 9.90m to 13.70m deep (Labour only). per 1 Metre Data for 0.3048 M Rate as per item No.11 Add extra labour for hard soil Total= Rate per 1 M -230- Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Each Each --/ 0.3048 = Say - -- 300.39 / 0.3048 = Say 1 4.75 - Each Each --- 365.40 / 0.3048 = Say - --- 403.14 / 0.3048 = Say Amount Rs. P 6 65.00 55.00 48.75 192.50 24.13 4.83 270.20 886.48 886.50 / RM 270.20 30.19 300.39 985.53 985.50 / RM 65.00 55.00 65.00 261.25 32.63 6.53 365.40 1198.82 1198.80 / RM 365.40 37.74 403.14 1322.64 1322.60 / RM Remarks 7 Description Sl. Quantity No. required 2 1 3 13 Construction of 6m. Dia R.C.C. well sinking in soft rock to lines levels and plumb by scooping out from inside and below the steining including cost of hire and running charges of tools and plants and supplying & working of pumps bailing out of water and removal of all material and obstacle from inside the well by divers etc. including precuation against shifting and tilting disposal of the soil with all leads and lift etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in charges (Labour only ) Per 1 meter Soft Rock Rate Rs. P 5 Unit 4 Amount Rs. P 6 0.52M. Depth Sinker Special Helper Unskilled labour 48 18 72 Nos Nos Nos Sinker Special Helper Unskilled labour 72 27 108 Nos Nos Nos Sinker Special Helper Unskilled labour 48 18 72 Nos Nos Nos 168 63 252 168 63 252 Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 1.11M. Depth 0.500M. Depth Total for 2.13 M depth Sinker Special ( 48+72+48 ) = Helper ( 18+27+18 ) = Unskilled labour ( 72+108+72 ) = Sinker Special Helper Unskilled labour 2.13 M depth Amount For 1.00 M average 47460.00 / 2.13 170.00 80.00 55.00 = Say Machineries Air compressor 8 hour per day 6days×8=48 hours @Rs.206/h Diesel 6×40=240 ltrs, @Rs.34/lit Mobil 6×1=6litrs@Rs.90/litr Jack hammer6×8=48 Hour @Rs15/litrs/hour Ropes, Sundries, Tools & Plants 6×30.00 48 240 6 48 hour lit lit hour 206.00 34.00 90.00 15.00 Total -231- 28560.00 5040.00 13860.00 47460.00 22281.69 22281.70 9888.00 8160.00 540.00 720.00 180.00 19488.00 Remarks 7 Sl. No. 1 Description Quantity required 3 2 Air compressor 8 hour per day 9×8=72 hours @Rs.206/hour Diesel 9×40=360 ltrs, @Rs.34/lit Mobil 9×1=9litrs@Rs.90/litr Jack hammer9×8=72 Hour @Rs15/litrs/hour Ropes, Sundries, Tools & Plants 9×30.00 72 360 9 72 4 Rate Rs. P 5 hour lit lit hour 206.00 34.00 90.00 15.00 Unit Total Air compressor 8 hour per day 6×8=48 hours @Rs.206/h Diesel 6×40=240 ltrs, @Rs.34/lit Mobil 6×1=6litrs@Rs.90/litr Jack hammer6×8=48 Hour @Rs15/litrs/hour Ropes, Sundries, Tools & Plants 6×30.00 48 240 6 48 hour lit lit hour 206.00 34.00 90.00 15.00 Total 0.52M Depth 1.11M Depth 0.50 M depth 2.13 M depth 2.13M depth of sinking amounts 1 m ave = 68208 / 2.13 Total = or say Amount Rs. P 6 Remarks 7 14832.00 12240.00 810.00 1080.00 270.00 29232.00 9888.00 8160.00 540.00 720.00 180.00 19488.00 19488.00 29232.00 19488.00 68208.00 68208.00 32022.54 32022.50 Labour Machineries Total 22281.70 32022.50 54304.20 14 Construction of 6m. Dia R.C.C. well sinking in hard rock to lines levels and lumb by scooping out from inside and below the steining including cost of hire and running charges of tools and plants and supplying & working of pumps bailing out of water and removal of all material and obstacle from inside the well by divers etc. including precuation against shifting and tilting disposal of the soil with all leads and lift etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in charges (Labour only ) Per 1 Metre Sinker Special 8×7= Helper 3×7= Labour 12×7= 56 21 84 Nos Nos Nos for 0.40m depth Sinker Special 8×8= Helper 3×8= Labour 12×8= 64 24 96 Nos Nos Nos for 0.36m depth Sinker Special 8×5= Helper 3×5= Labour 12×5= 40 15 60 Total Nos Nos Nos for 0.27m depth 1.03 m -232- Sl. No. 1 Description 2 for total 1.03 M. sinking for 1.00 M. depth sinking Quantity required 3 ABSTRACT Sinker Special 160 Heler 60 Labour 240 Unit 4 Nos Nos Nos Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 170.00 80.00 55.00 Total 27200.00 4800.00 13200.00 45200.00 56 280 7 56 hr lit lit hr Or Say 43883.50 206.00 34.00 90.00 15.00 11536.00 9520.00 630.00 840.00 280.00 22806.00 2100.00 24906.00 Total Explosive 10 holes /day @30×7×10 Total = Well 0.36 M. depth Air compressor 8 hour per day 8×7 days=64 hours @206.00/h Diesel 8×40=320 ltrs, @Rs.34.00/lit Mobil 8×1=8litrs@Rs.90/litr Jack hammer8×8=64 Hour @Rs15/litrs/hour Ropes, Sundries, Tools & lant 8×40.00 64 320 8 64 hr lit lit hr 206.00 34.00 90.00 15.00 Total Explosive 10 holes /day @30×8×10 Total = Well 0.27 M. depth Air compressor 8 hour per day 8×5 days=40 hours @206.00/h Diesel 5×40=200 ltrs, @Rs.34.00/lit Mobil 5×1=5litrs@Rs.90/litr Jack hammer8×8=64 Hour @Rs15/litrs/hour Ropes, Sundries, Tools & lant 5×40.00 Explosive 10 holes /day @30×5×10 40 200 5 64 hr lit lit hr 206.00 34.00 90.00 15.00 Total = -233- 7 45200.00 43883.50 45200.00 / 1.03 = Machineries Well 0.40 M. depth Air compressor 8 hour per day 8×7 days=56 hours @206.00/h Diesel 7×40=280 ltrs, @Rs.34.00/lit Mobil 7×1=7litrs@Rs.90/litr Jack hammer7×8=56 Hour @Rs15/litrs/hour Ropes, Sundries, Tools & lant 7×40.00 Remarks 13184.00 10880.00 720.00 960.00 320.00 26064.00 2400.00 28464.00 8240.00 6800.00 450.00 960.00 200.00 1500.00 18150.00 / RM Sl. No. 1 Description Quantity Unit required 3 4 ABSTRACT 2 Well 0.40 M. depth Well 0.36 M. depth Well 0.27 M. depth For 1.03 M. sinking Hence 1.00 M. sinking or say total cost = Labour Machienries -234- Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 = = = = = 24906.00 28464.00 18150.00 71520.00 69436.89 69436.90 43883.50 69436.90 113320.40 = = Total = Remarks 7 / RM XIX.OTHER BUILDING ITEMS. SI No Description 1 Supplying, fitting and fixing vetrifed tile in floors of size 600mm x 600mm of approved make with application of polymer modified cement based water resistant adhesive bed of required thickness of 10mm and filling joints with epoxy grout of approved qualiy including cost of all materials, labour T&P etc required for the work. Data for 10 Sqm Material Cost of tile Cost of polymer modified adhessive. Epoxy Grout b) Labour Mason Spl S.S Mulia Mulia c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm Quantity required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P a) 10.00 Sqm Each Sqm 805.00 90.00 Kg. Each Kg. 20.00 L.S 2.16 Nos. Each 5.50 Nos. Each 2.16 Nos. Each 11915.97 10 -235- Or say 85.00 65.00 55.00 Rs. 8050.00 1800.00 322.80 183.60 357.50 118.80 1083.27 11915.97 1191.60 1191.60 SI No Description 2 Finishing wall surface of walls with Acrylic wall putty (Water based ) of approved make and finished smooth and even surface to receive painting including cost of scaffolding staging charges with cost of all materials taxes, labour T&P etc complete. Data for 10 Sqm Material Synthetic putty Painter 2nd class b) Labour Mulia Mulia for preparation of surface c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm Quantity required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P a) 8.00 Kg. 0.50 Nos. 0.50 Nos. 0.07 Nos. 521.72 10 -236- Each Kg. Each Each Each Or say 50.68 75.00 405.44 37.50 55.00 55.00 27.50 3.85 47.43 521.72 52.17 52.20 Rs. SI No Description 3 Providing fitting and fixing of false ceilling with Aluminium anodised T Section No. 3215 with 2'-0" center to center, L section No. 1705 upto 15 micron on 4 walls to be fixed by means of steel screw and P.V.C plug and the Aluminium grid 2'-0"x2'-0" suspended from ceiling etc complete Quantity required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Data for 14'-6" x 14'-6" = 210.25Sft or 19.53 Sqm a) Materials Aluminium anodised T Section No. 3215 Perimeter Angle Section No. 1705 P.V.C rawl plug 9" connecting hooks with nuts and washer G I wire 12mm thick Prelaminated Novapan board including westage 65mm PVC Plug Screws 50 mm x 8mm Hire charges of drills machine b) Labour Carpenter 1st class Mulia c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm 22.66 3.62 42 42 Kg. Each Kg. 190.00 Kg. Each Kg. 190.00 Nos. Each 7.00 Nos. Each 5.50 4305.40 687.80 294.00 231.00 2.00 Kg. Each Kg. 40.00 21.48 Sqm Each Sqm 543.00 80.00 11663.64 50 Nos. 50 Nos. 1.5 day Each Each Each 0.60 0.63 100.00 30.00 31.50 150.00 28 Nos. 28 Nos. Each Each 85.00 55.00 2380.00 1540.00 2139.33 23532.67 1204.95 1205.00 23532.67 19.53 -237- Or say Rs. SI No Description 4 Providing and laying water proofs with polymeric bituminous membrane (Plastic felt) of 2.25Kg/Sqm and 1.5mm thickness consisting of layers having center core of 20 microns thermoplastic high molecular high density polyethylene H.M.H.D.P.E. film of grade 2504 including priming the surface with bituminous primer @ 0.3 Kg/Sqm providing a coat of hot blown bitumen of 1.32 kg / Sqm, applying and laying plastic felt membrane with 10 c.m overlap adhered to blown bitumen of 85/25 or 90/15 grade and covered with a layer of hot blown bitumen @ 1.2Kg/Sqm etc complete. Materials Bitumen Fire wood Const. of 1.5 mm plastic felt b) Labour Semi skilled labour High skilled labour Skilled labour c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm Quantity required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P a) 5 2.7 Kg. Each Kg. 0.015 Qntl Each Qntl 1 Sqm Each Sqm 20.00 320.00 72.00 54.00 4.80 72.00 0.025 Nos. Each 0.10 Nos. Each 0.028 Sqm Each Sqm 65.00 85.00 75.00 Or say 1.63 8.50 2.10 14.30 157.33 157.30 2.7 Kg. Each Kg. 20.00 0.015 Qntl Each Qntl 320.00 1 Sqm Each Sqm 84.00 54.00 4.80 84.00 Providing and laying water proofs with polymeric bituminous membrane (Plastic felt) of 2.25Kg/Sqm and 2mm thickness consisting of layers having center core of 20 microns thermoplastic high molecular high density polyethylene H.M.H.D.P.E. film of grade 2504 including priming the surface with bituminous primer @ 0.3 Kg/Sqm providing a coat of hot blown bitumen of 1.32 kg / Sqm, applying and laying plastic felt membrane with 10 c.m overlap adhered to blown bitumen of 85/25 or 90/15 grade and covered with a layer of hot blown bitumen @ 1.2Kg/Sqm etc complete. Materials Bitumen Fire wood Const. of 2 mm plastic felt b) Labour Semi skilled labour High skilled labour Skilled labour c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm a) 0.025 Nos. Each 0.10 Nos. Each 0.028 Sqm Each Sqm Or say -238- 65.00 85.00 75.00 Rs. 1.63 8.50 2.10 15.50 170.53 170.50 SI No Description 6 Providing fitting and fixing up partition walling OEL aluminum anodized section No.9210 and 9207 as single groove and double groove respectively as horizontal and vertical member and OEL section 4660 as Tapered clip for fixing up 12mm thick pre laminated board (Nova pan Make) and jointing angle No. 1855 etc. Data for 6'-10" x 7'-6" = 51.22Sft or 4.76 a) Quantity required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Sqm Materials Al. Section No 9210 8.74 m @ 1.377Kg/M = 12.03 Al. Section No 9207 4.37 m @ 1.424Kg/M = 6.22 Tappered Clip Sec. No 9207 34.94m@0.169Kg/M=5.90 Al. angle Sec. No 1855 4.88m@0.518Kg/M= 2.53 26.68 Kg U Rubber beads 34.94 M 12mm thick Novapan prelaminated bead 4.76 Sqm Westage 10% 0.48 Sqm Each Kg. 190.00 Each Mtr 22.00 5.24 Sqm Each Sqm PVC Rawl plug 3"Screws Screws 50 mm x 8mm Hire charges of drills machine b) Labour Carpenter 1st class Mulia c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm -239- 2845.32 7.00 70.00 20.00 9.45 200.00 Each Each Each Each 2.00 0.63 100.00 17 Nos. 17 Nos. Each Each 85.00 65.00 Or say 768.68 543.00 10 Nos. 10 Nos. 15 Nos. 2 day 12685.92 4.76 5069.20 Rs. 1445.00 1105.00 1153.27 12685.92 2665.11 2665.10 SI No 7 a) Quantity required Description Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Supplying, fitting, fixing up window (sliding type) made up aluminum Section 151-154, 151-155, as windows frame section No. 151155, 151-153 and 151-167 as shutter frame with 5mm thick black glass as panel fitted with rubber beading including locking arrangement including all fitting including cost of materials all taxes labour, T&P etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-incharge. Data for 4'-0" x 4'-0" = 16 Sft or 1.49 Sqm Materials Al. Section No 151-154 2.44 m @ 0.875Kg/M = 2.13 Top & Bottom Sec.No 151-155 2.44 m @ 0.765Kg/M = 1.87 Inter Lock Sec.No 151-153 Al. Section No 151-152 2.44 m @ 0.492Kg/M = 2.44 m @ 0.465Kg/M = 1.2 1.13 H. Section No 151-167 2.44 m @ 0.587Kg/M = 1.43 7.76 Kg 0.77 Kg 8.53 Kg Westage 10% Al. Screws of different sizes Each Kg 8.53 Kg 8 Nos. Each LS U rubber beading 9.75 Mtr PVC plug 5mm thick black glass 1.493 Westage 10% 0.15 1.64 Sqm Al. wheel runner Handle with lock Hire charges of drills machine b) Labour Carpenter 1st class Mulia c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm 1.64 8 2 1 4024.12 1.49 -240- 1620.70 1.50 12.00 30.00 7.00 68.25 456.00 25.00 40.00 100.00 747.84 200.00 80.00 100.00 85.00 65.00 453.05 346.45 365.83 4024.12 2700.75 2700.80 Each Mtr Sqm Each Sqm Nos. Each Nos. Each day Each 5.33 Nos. 5.33 Nos. 190.00 Each Each Or say Rs. Quantity required SI No Description 8 Supplying fitting, fixing fully glazed aluminum framed openable windows using 15 micron anodized OEL aluminum section 2082 as out section, 9139 as mullion section, 4124 as a shutter section frame with tapered clip of section 4125, aluminum angle , rubber beading, friction stay and handle etc. with 5mm black glass. Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Data for 6'-0" x 4'-0" = 24 Sft or 2.23 Sqm a) Materials Outer Al. Section No 2082 Mullion Sec.No 9139 6.09 m @ 0.594Kg/M = 3.62 2.44 m @ 0.890Kg/M = 2.17 Shutter Sec.No 4124 7.31 m @ 0.520Kg/M = Tappered clip Al. Sec. No 4125 10.97 m @ 0.197Kg/M = 3.80 2.16 Al. angle Section No 1855 0.47 0.91 m @ 0.518Kg/M = 12.22 Kg 1.22 Kg 13.44 Kg Westage 10% U rubber beading Each Kg 13.44 Kg 10.97 Mtr Each Mtr 190.00 2553.60 7.00 76.79 Handle 2 Nos. Each 40.00 80.00 Friction stay 4 Nos. Each 122.00 488.00 456.00 7.00 1117.20 105.00 50.00 100.00 5mm thick black glass 2.23 Westage 10% 0.22 2.45 Sqm PVC Rawl plug Al. Screws of diff. Sizes Hire charges of drills machine b) Labour Carpenter 1st class Mulia c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm 2.45 Sqm Each Sqm 15 Nos. Each LS 1 day Each 8 Nos. 8 Nos. 6347.65 2.23 -241- Each Each Or say 100.00 85.00 65.00 Rs. 680.00 520.00 577.06 6347.65 2846.48 2846.50 Quantity required SI No Description 9 Providing fitting, fixing of Al. door with OEL anodized Al. door section of 9202 as vertical member, 9201 as top member and 9200 as bottom and middle member and 12mm thick pre-laminated board fixed on door frame by means of tapered clip No. 4660 and the frame to be completed by means of jointing angle No. 1855 including all cost of labour, T&P , hire charges of drilling machine, labour charges etc. complete. Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Data for 3'-6" x 6'-8" = 23.31 Sft or 2.16 Sqm a) Materials Al. Section No 9202 4.06 m @ 1.202Kg/M = 4.88 Al. Section No 9201 1.07 m @ 1.299Kg/M = 1.39 Al. Section No 9200 Al. Section No 4660 2.13 m @ 1.974Kg/M = 16.65 m @ 0.169Kg/M = 4.20 2.81 Al. Ang. Sec. No 1855 2.44 m @ 0.518Kg/M = 1.26 14.54 Kg 1.45 Kg 15.99 Kg Westage 10% 15.99 Kg 12mm thick Prelaminated Novapan Board 2.16 Westage 10% 0.22 2.38 Sqm 4" Anodised Al. Hinges U rubber beading Door Stopper Handle 6 Level mortice lock Automatic door closure Hire charges of drilling machine Aluminium Screws adhesive b) Labour High skilled labour Semi skilled labour c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm 2.38 4 18.29 1 2 1 1 1.5 LS Sqm Each Sqm Nos. Each Mtr Each Mtr day Each Nos. Each Nos. Each Nos. Each Day Each 6.22 Nos. 6.22 Nos. 7582.82 2.16 -242- Each Kg Each Each Or say 190.00 3038.10 543.00 38.00 7.00 25.00 62.50 400.00 600.00 100.00 1292.34 152.00 128.03 25.00 125.00 400.00 600.00 150.00 50.00 85.00 65.00 528.70 404.30 689.35 7582.82 3510.56 3510.60 Rs. SI No Quantity required Description Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P 10 Providing fitting, fixing of Al. door with OEL anodized Al. door section of 9202 as vertical member, 9201 as top member and 9200 as bottom and middle member and 6mm plain glass in top portion with 12mm thick pre-laminated board in bottom portion fixed on door frame by means of tapered clip No. 4660 and the frame to be completed by means of jointing angle No. 1855 including all cost of labour, T&P, hire charges of drilling machine, labour charges etc. complete. Data for 3'-0" x 6'-6" = 19.50 Sft or 1.81 Sqm a) Materials Al. Section No 9202 3.96 m @ 1.202Kg/M = 4.76 Al. Section No 9201 0.91 m @ 1.299Kg/M = 1.18 Al. Section No 9200 Al. Section No 4660 1.83 m @ 1.974Kg/M = 15.24 m @ 0.169Kg/M = 3.61 2.57 Al. Ang. Sec. No 1855 2.44 m @ 0.518Kg/M = 1.26 13.38 Kg 1.34 Kg 14.72 Kg Westage 10% 14.72 Kg Each Kg 190.00 2796.80 12mm thick Prelaminated Novapan Board 1x3'-6"x3'-0" = 10.50 Westage 10% 1.05 11.55 Sft or 1.07 6mm black glass 1x3'-0"x3'-0" 9.00 Westage 10% 0.90 9.90 Sft or 0.92 4" Al. Hinges. U rubber beading Door Stopper Handle 6 Level mortice lock Automatic door closure Hire charges of drilling machine Aluminium Screws adaessive b) Labour High skilled labour Semi skilled labour c) O.H.C @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per Sqm 1.07 Sft Each Sft 543.00 581.01 0.92 4 18.29 1 2 1 1 1.5 LS Sft Nos. Mtr day Nos. Nos. Nos. Day Each Sft Each Each Mtr Each Each Each Each Each 577.00 38.00 7.00 25.00 62.50 400.00 600.00 100.00 530.84 152.00 128.03 25.00 125.00 400.00 600.00 150.00 50.00 Each Each 85.00 65.00 528.70 404.30 647.17 7118.85 3933.07 3933.10 6.22 Nos. 6.22 Nos. 7118.85 1.81 -243- Or say Rs. SI No Description Quantity required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P 11 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Stainless steel of 304 grade in hand railing using 50mm dia of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C and stainless square pipe bracing of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm in 3 rows in stair case as per approved design and specification, buffing, polishing etc with cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the complete in all respect. Data for 3.26 Rmt. a) Materials Railing- 50mm outer dia of 2mm thick 3.26 rmt. @ 3.50kg/mtr. 11.41 Kg Each Kg 240.24 2741.14 6.12 Kg Each Kg 256.62 1570.51 Stainless steel square pipe bracing of size 32mmx32mmx2mm in 3 rows (3x3.26m = 9.78mtr. @ 1.70kg/mtr. 16.63 Kg Each Kg 256.62 4267.59 Fabrication 34.16 Kg Each Kg 10.00 341.60 Balustrade of size 32mmx32mmx2mm (4x0.90m = 3.60mtr. @ 1.70kg/mtr. Buffing, polishing etc. 2% b) Labour High skilled labour Semi skilled labour c) Over head charges @ 10% on (a+b) Total (a+b+c) Rate per 1 Rmt. 171.58 0.89 Nos. 0.89 Nos. 10148.51 3.26 -244- Each Each Or say 85.00 65.00 Rs. 75.65 57.85 922.59 10148.51 3113.04 3113.00 12. Specification for Double shutter Sliding window Typical drawing Providing and fixing of Sliding windows of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS-513 of 0.6 mm thick “D” quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ with total coated thickness of 0.55 mm .Slide guide section should be made of 0.5 mm stainless steel of 430 grade. with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns thick and finished paint with polyster paint (Black /Pearl white/ Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the Sections for external frame bottom and top should be of 79 x 45 mm. external frame sides should be of 69 x 24 mm, guide for top and bottom should be of 69 x 26 mm (Stainless Steel). Section for shutter should be of 26 x 30 mm, Sash bar should be of 23 x 57mm.Accessories / gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturer’s supply and specification like gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets for internal and external are to be made of glass filled nylon. The sections are to be cut to length , joined and assembled by means of corner bracket and frames are fixed to the concrete/masonry walls by means of self expanding screws and glass to be used of 5 mm reflective with all taxes complete. -245- Sl Description Quantity Required Unit Rate Rs. P Amount Rs. P Data for 2.32 Sqm. Material A 1 2 3 4 5 Profile Outer frames(side/top) Po-255 Outer frames(bottom) Po-256 Sliding shutter Po-254 Sliding track(SS) Po-257 Sash bar at shutter Po-107 4.575 1.525 9.15 3.05 1.525 mtr mtr mtr mtr mtr 154.22 102.82 123.7 401.62 205.63 705.55 156.80 1131.86 1224.94 313.59 3532.74 1 2 2 10 nos nos nos nos 198.75 242.19 13.16 19.74 198.75 484.38 26.32 197.40 total B 1 2 3 4 Accessories Sliding outer frame assembly/pc Sliding shutter/pc Sash bar Wall fixing with polymide anchor at every 600mm c/c. of outer frame total C D 906.85 Gasket For shutter 9.15 mtr Glass cost of 5mm reflective glass 2.32 Smtr 37.22 340.56 784.31 1819.60 Total (A+B+C+D) E 6599.75 Labour Labour for fixing of 2.32Smtr. High skilled Semi skilled 2.49 2.49 no. no. 85.00 65.00 211.65 161.85 10% 373.50 6973.25 697.33 Total labour (E) F G Total (A+B+C+D+E) Over head charges @ 10% on(F) Total(F+G) Rate / sqmtr = 7670.58/2.32 Rate per sqm Total Rs. Say -246- 7670.58 3306.28 3306.30 Remark 13. Partly fixed partly top hung and louvered window Typical drawing Providing and fixing of Partly fixed, partly top hung and partly louvered windows of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS513 of 0.6 mm thick “D” quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns and finished paint with polyster paint (Black /Pearl white/ Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the sizes of outer frame being of 46x52 mm and with all vertical and horizontal mullions are of 46x70 mm and fixed beadings are of 18x25 mm. Section for internal top and bottom frames in the louvered areas should be 18 x 40 mm.Top hung shutter should be of 46 x 46 mm. Accessories / gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturer’s supply and specification like handle being made of high grade aluminium powder coated and with nylon receiver and gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets are to be made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. The mullion caps and louvered-clips should be of glass filled nylon. The sections are to be cut to length ,mitre joined with corner bracket and frames are fixed to the concrete/masonry walls by means of self expanding screws and glass to be used of 5 mm reflective with all taxes complete. -247- Sl A 1 2 3 4 5 Description Quantity Required Data for 2.32 Sqm. Material Profile Outer frames Po-527 Intermediate mullion Po-528 Shutter Frame Po-153 Fixed beading Po-179 Louvered horizantal(top/bottom)Po193A Unit Rate Rs. Amount Rs. P P 6.100 2.135 2.745 6.407 mtr mtr mtr mtr 244.19 273.10 202.42 101.21 1489.56 583.07 555.64 648.45 1.22 mtr 102.82 125.44 3402.16 4 1 2 1 12 nos no nos no nos 30.27 264.56 39.49 77.66 19.74 121.08 264.56 78.98 77.66 236.88 10 nos 19.74 197.40 976.56 mtrs mtrs 28.95 37.22 79.47 238.47 317.94 total B 1 2 3 4 5 6 Accessories Outer frame corner Top hung shutter/pc Fixed mullion Fixed glazing Louvered blade Wall fixing with polymide anchor at every 600mm c/c of outer frame total C 1 2 Gasket For shutter For beading 2.745 6.407 total Total (A+B+C) D 4696.66 Glass cost of 5mm reflective glass 2.32 Smtr 784.31 6516.26 Total (A+B+C+D) E Labour Labour for fixing for 2.32Smtr. High skilled Semi skilled 2.49 2.49 no. no, 85.00 65.00 211.65 161.85 10% 373.50 6889.76 688.98 Total labour (E) F G Total (A+B+C+D+E) Over head charges @ 10% on (F) Total(F+G) Rate / sqmtr = 7578.74/2.32 = Rate per sqm 1819.60 Rs. Say -248- 7578.74 3266.70 3266.70 Remark 14. Fixed Glazing with part top hung Typical drawing Providing and fixing of Fixed Glazing with part Top hung of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS-513 of 0.6 mm thick “D” quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns and finished paint with polyster paint (Black /Pearl white/ Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the sizes of outer frame being of 46x52 mm and with all vertical and horizontal mullions are of 46x70 mm and fixed beadings are of 18x25 mm. Top hung shutter should be of 46 x 46 mm. Accessories / gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturer’s supply and specification like handle being made of high grade aluminium powder coated and with nylon receiver and gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets are to be made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. The mullion caps and louvered-clips should be of glass filled nylon. The sections are to be cut to length ,mitre joined with corner bracket and frames are fixed to the concrete/masonry walls by means of self expanding screws and glass to be used of 5 mm reflective with all taxes complete. -249- Sl Description A 1 2 3 4 5 Quantity Required Data for 8.37 Sqm. Material Profile Outer frames Po-527 Intermediate mullion Po-528 Shutter Frame Po-153 Fixed beading Po-179 33x57 Box section Unit Rate Rs. Amount Rs. P P Rate/Unit 11.5 14.6 7.3 33.5 6.1 mtr mtr mtr mtr mtr 244.19 273.1 202.42 101.21 244.19 2808.18 3987.26 1477.67 3390.54 1489.56 13153.21 4 2 11 10 18 nos nos nos nos nos 30.27 264.56 39.49 77.66 19.74 121.08 529.12 434.39 776.60 355.32 total B 1 2 3 4 6 Accessories Outer frame corner Top hung shutter/pc Fixed mullion Fixed glazing Wall fixing with polymide anchor at every 600mm c/c. of outer frame total C 1 2 Gasket For shutter Po-153 For beading Po-179 2216.51 7.32 33.55 mtr mtr 28.95 37.22 211.91 1248.73 1460.64 16830.36 784.31 6564.67 23395.03 85.00 65.00 763.30 583.70 total Total(A+B+C) D E Glass cost of 5mm reflective glass Total (A+B+C+D) Labour Labour for fixing for 8.37Smtr. High skilled Semi skilled 8.37 Smtr 8.98 8.98 no. no. Total labour charge F Total(A+B+C+D+E) G Over head charges @ 10% on ( F ) Total(F+G) Rate / sqmtr =27216.23/8.37 = Rate per sqm 1347.00 24742.03 10% Rs. Say -250- 2474.20 27216.23 3251.64 3251.60 Remark 15. Fixed Ventilators. Typical drawing Providing and fixing of Fixed Ventilators of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS-513 of 0.6 mm thick “D” quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns and finished paint with polyster paint (Black /Pearl white/ Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the sizes of outer frame being of 46x52 mm and with all vertical and horizontal mullions are of 46x70 mm and fixed beadings are of 18x25 mm. Accessories / gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturer’s supply and specification like handle being made of high grade aluminium powder coated and with nylon receiver and gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets are to be made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. The mullion caps and louvered-clips should be of glass filled nylon. The sections are to be cut to length ,mitre joined with corner bracket and frames are fixed to the concrete/masonry walls by means of self expanding screws and glass to be used of 5 mm reflective with all taxes complete. -251- Sl Description A 1 2 4 Quantity Required Unit Data for 1.40 Sqm. Material Profile Outer frames Po-527 Intermediate mullion Po-528 Fixed beading Po-179 Rate Rs. P 5.1 1.5 8.2 mtr mtr mtr 244.19 273.10 101.21 1245.37 409.65 829.92 2484.94 4 2 3 5 nos nos nos nos 30.27 39.49 77.66 19.74 121.08 78.98 232.98 98.70 total B 1 3 4 6 Accessories Outer frame corner Fixed mullion Fixed glazing Wall fixing with polymide anchor at every 600mm c/c. of outer frame total C 2 531.74 Gasket For beading Po-179 8.2 mtr 37.22 total Total(A+B+C) D Glass cost of 5mm reflective glass 1.4 Smtr 784.31 Labour Labour for fixing for 1.4Smtr. High skilled Semi skilled 1.18 1.18 no. no. 85.00 65.00 Total (A+B+C+D+E) Over head charges @ 10% on (F) Total(F+G) Rate / sqmtr = 5056.60/1.4 = Rate per sqm 1098.03 4419.91 Total labour (E) F G 305.20 305.20 3321.88 Total (A+B+C+D) E Amount Rs. P 10% Rs. Say -252- 100.30 76.70 177.00 4596.91 459.69 5056.60 3611.86 3611.90 Remark 16. Side hung Door. Typical drawing Providing and fixing of Side hung Door of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS-513 of 0.6 mm thick “D” quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns and finished paint with polyster paint (Black /Pearl white/ Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the sizes of outer frame being of 46x52 mm and shutter being of 46 x 46 mm and lock rail and bottom rail should be of 23 x 130mm. Accessories / gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturer’s supply and specification like handle and lock of approved quality. Hinges made up of 2.5mm thick. Gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets are to be made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. The sections are to be cut to length ,mitre joined with corner bracket and frames are fixed to the concrete/masonry walls by means of self expanding screws and board to be of 9mm pre-laminated with all taxes complete. -253- Sl Description A 1 4 5 Quantity Required Data for 1.74 Sqm. Material Profile Outer frames Po-527 Sashbar Po-101 Shutter Frame Po-153 Unit Rate Rs. P 5.339 1.525 6.102 mtr mtr mtr 244.19 379.13 202.42 1303.73 578.17 1235.17 3117.07 2 1 1 2 7 nos nos nos nos nos 30.27 302.74 272.46 13.16 19.74 60.54 302.74 272.46 26.32 138.18 total B 1 2 3 4 6 Accessories Outer frame corner Side hung door/pc Door lock/pc Sashbar/pc Wall fixing with polymide anchor at every 600mm c/c. of outer frame total C 1 2 Gasket For Sashbar Po- 101 For shutter Po-153 800.24 1.525 6.102 mtr mtr 82.72 28.95 total E 4220.11 Board Cost of 9mm Prelaminated board Total (A+B+C+D) Labour Labour for fixing for 1.74Smtr. High skilled Semi skilled 1.74 Smtr 479 833.46 5053.57 1.87 1.87 No. No. 85 65 158.95 121.55 Total labour (E) F G 126.15 176.65 302.80 Total (A+B+C) D Amount Rs. P Total (A+B+C+D+E) Over head charges @ 10% on (F) 280.50 5334.07 533.41 Total (F+G) Rate per sqm = 5867.48/ 1.74 = Rate per sqm 5867.48 3372.11 3372.10 Say -254- Rs. Remark 17. swing Door. Typical drawing Providing and fixing of Swing Door of approved make to be fabricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS-513 of 0.6 mm thick “D” quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ with paint specification being with primer of 5-7 microns and finished paint with polyster paint (Black /Pearl white/ Chocolate Brown) of 12-16 microns alongwith the alkyd backer at the back of 5-7 microns and the sizes of outer frame being of 33 x 57 mm and shutter being of 46 x 52 mm and 46 x 46 mm and lock rail should be of 23 x 130mm. Accessories / gaskets are to be used as per the manufacturer’s supply and specification like handle, lock and floor spring of approved quality. Gasket will be made of EPDM. All corner brackets are to be made of CRCA with zinc phosphating. The sections are to be cut to length ,mitre joined with corner bracket and frames are fixed to the concrete/masonry walls by means of self expanding screws and glass to be used of 6 mm clear with all taxes complete. -255- Sl Description A 1 2 3 4 5 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C 1 2 3 Data for 4.18 Sqm. Material Profile Outer frames Po-527 Shutter Frame Po-153 33 x 57 Box section Fixed beading Po-179 Sash Bar Po-101 3* Quantity Required Unit Rate Rs. P 12.2 12.2 8.5 7.9 3.0 mtr mtr mtr mtr mtr 244.19 202.42 247.40 101.21 379.13 2979.12 2469.52 2102.90 799.56 1137.39 9488.49 2 2 2 4 8 nos nos nos nos nos 30.27 151.37 272.46 13.16 19.74 60.54 302.74 544.92 52.64 157.92 1 nos 77.66 77.66 2 nos. 2250 4500.00 5696.42 mtr mtr mtr 82.72 28.95 37.22 248.16 347.40 294.04 889.60 total Accessories Outer frame corner Swing Door shutter/pc Door lock/pc Sashbar/pc Wall fixing with polymide anchor at every 600mm c/c. of outer frame Fixed glazing Cost of floor Spring (Godrej Make) with all taxes Gasket For Sashbar Po- 101 For shutter Po-153 Fixed beading Po-179 3.0 12.0 7.9 total Total (A+B+C) D E 16074.51 Glass cost of 6mm Clear glass Total (A+B+C+D) 4.18 Smtr 4.48 4.48 no. no. 455.00 1901.90 17976.41 85 65 380.80 291.20 Labour High skilled Semi skilled Total labour (E) F G Amount Rs. P Total (A+B+C+D+E) Over head charges @ 10% on (F) 672.00 18648.41 1864.94 Total (F+G) Rate / sqm = 20513.35/4.18 = Rate per sqm 20513.35 4907.50 4907.50 Say -256- Rs. Remark Note : (i) If any item is not available in Analysis of Rate the analysis of Data Book will be refered with 10 % overhead charges and omitting contractor’s profit. (ii) Sinking of well of other diameter will be proportionately increased as per dredged volume. -257- XXII. Bridge Work Description 1 A Unit Plain Cement Concrete in Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. PCC Grade M15 Unit = cum Taking output = 15 cum a) Material Cement Coarse sand 40 mm Aggregate 20 mm Aggregate 10 mm Aggregate b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd Class Mulia unskilled c) Machinery Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 15 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/15 Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs MT cum cum cum cum 4.13 6.75 8.10 4.05 1.35 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 14083.30 195.75 3758.40 2583.90 905.85 day day day 0.86 1.50 20.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 161.00 240.00 MT cum cum cum cum 5.16 6.75 5.40 5.40 2.70 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 17595.60 195.75 2505.60 3445.20 1811.70 day day day 0.86 1.50 20.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 161.00 240.00 Remarks 966.00 1440.00 2520.16 27721.76 1848.12 say 1848.10 / cum Note Needle Vibrator is an item of minor T & P which is already included in overhead charges. Hence not added in rate analysis of cement concrete works. B PCC Grade M20 Unit : cum Taking output = 15 cum a) Material Cement Coarse sand 40 mm Aggregate 20 mm Aggregate 10 mm Aggregate b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd Class Mulia unskilled c) Machinery Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 15 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/15 say -258- 966.00 1440.00 2922.83 32151.08 2143.41 2143.40 / cum Description C Unit PCC Grade M25 Case I:- Using Concrete Mixer Unit = cum Taking output = 15 cum a) Material Cement Coarse sand 40 mm Aggregate 20 mm Aggregate 10 mm Aggregate b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd Class Mulia unskilled c) Machinery Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 15 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = ( a+b+c+d )/15 Quantity Rate Rs MT cum cum cum cum 5.99 6.75 5.40 5.40 2.70 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 20425.90 195.75 2505.60 3445.20 1811.70 day day day 0.86 1.50 20.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 161.00 240.00 say Case II:- With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump Unit : cum Taking Output = 120 cum a) Material Cement MT Coarse sand cum 40 mm Aggregate cum 20 mm Aggregate cum 10 mm Aggregate cum b) Labour Mate day Mason 2nd Class day Mulia unskilled day c) Machinery Batching Plant @ 20 cum/hour hour Generator 100 KVA hour Loader 1 cum capacity hour Transit Mixer 4 cum capacity for lead upto 1km. hour Lead beyond 1 km, L - lead in km t - km Concrete Pump hour d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) cost of 120 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/120 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 163509.50 1566.00 20044.80 27561.60 14493.60 0.84 3.00 18.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 54.60 225.00 990.00 1440.00 450.00 520.00 600.00 8640.00 2700.00 3120.00 9000.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 300L 6.00 165.00 Remarks 966.00 1440.00 3205.86 35264.41 2350.96 2351.00 / cum 47.95 54.00 43.20 43.20 21.60 say -259- Cost Rs 990.00 25289.51 278184.61 2318.21 2318.20 / cum Description D Unit PCC Grade M30 Case I:- Using Concrete Mixer Unit = cum Taking output = 15 cum a) Material Cement Coarse sand 40 mm Aggregate 20 mm Aggregate 10 mm Aggregate b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Mulia unskilled c) Machinery Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) cost of 15 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum (a+b+c+d )/15 Quantity Rate Rs MT cum cum cum cum 6.08 6.75 5.40 5.40 2.70 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 20732.80 195.75 2505.60 3445.20 1811.70 day day day 0.86 1.50 20.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 161.00 240.00 say Case II:-Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump Unit : cum Taking Output = 120 cum a) Material Cement MT Coarse sand cum 40 mm Aggregate cum 20 mm Aggregate cum 10 mm Aggregate cum b) Labour Mate day Mason 2nd class day Mulia unskilled day c) Machinery Batching Plant @ 20 cum/hour hour Generator 100 KVA hour Loader 1 cum capacity hour Transit Mixer 4 cum capacity for lead upto 1km. hour Lead beyond 1 km, L - lead in km t - km Concrete Pump hour d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) cost of 120 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum (a+b+c+d )/120 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 165726.00 1566.00 20044.80 27561.60 14493.60 0.84 3.00 18.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 54.60 225.00 990.00 1440.00 450.00 520.00 600.00 8640.00 2700.00 3120.00 9000.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 300L 6.00 165.00 Remarks 966.00 1440.00 3236.55 35602.00 2373.47 2373.50 / cum 48.60 54.00 43.20 43.20 21.60 say -260- Cost Rs 990.00 25511.16 280622.76 2338.52 2338.50 / cum 2 A Description Unit Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs WELL FOUNDATION Providing and Constructing Temporary Island 16 m diameter for Construction of Well Foundation for 8m dia. Well. Assuming depth of water 1.0 m and height of island to be 1.25 m. Unit = 1 No Taking output = 1 No. a) Material Earth (compacted) Sand bags b) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for filling sand bags, stitching and placing c) Machinery Crane with grab 1 cum capacity Consumables @ 2.5 per cent of (c) above d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Rate per No. (a+b+c) cum each 251.20 750.00 45.45 4.55 11417.04 3412.50 day day 0.40 15.00 65.00 55.00 26.00 825.00 hour 20.00 550.00 metre 190.00 33.00 6270.00 day day 5.60 18.00 65.00 55.00 364.00 990.00 day day 12.00 110.00 55.00 55.00 660.00 6050.00 hour 50.00 550.00 27500.00 4560.88 11000.00 275.00 2668.05 29623.59 say 29623.60 Note It is assumed that earth will be available within the working space of crane with grab bucket. B Assuming depth of water 4.0 m and height of island 4.5 m. Unit = 1No Taking output = 1 No a) Material Earth (compacted) cum 904.32 45.45 41101.34 Sand bags each 6000.00 4.55 27300.00 Wooden ballies 8" Dia and 9 m long (95 Nos including metre 950.00 76.00 72200.00 wastage of 1 m) Wooden ballies 2" Dia for bracing Labour Mate Mazdoor for piling 8" dia ballies for piling 8" dia ballies Mulia unskilled for bracing with 2" dia ballies Mulia unskilled for filling sand bags, stitching and placing c) Machinery Crane with grab 1 cum capacity Consumables and other arrangements for piling ballies @ 2.5 per cent of (a+b+c). d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Rate per No. (a+b+c+d) b) 18243.53 205239.76 say 205239.80 Note For other well diameters rate can be worked out on the basis of cross-sectional area of well. The diameter of the island shall be in the conformity with clause 1203.2 of MoRTH specifications. -261- Remarks Description Unit C. Providing and constructing one span service road to reach island location from one pier location to another pier location Assuming span length 30 m, width of service road 10m and depth of water 1m Unit = 1 meter Taking output = 30 metre a) Material Earth Sand bags b) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for filling sand bags, stitching and placing c) Machinery Front end Loader 1 cum capacity Tipper 5.5 cum capacity d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 30 m (a+b+c+d) Rate per m (a+b+c+d)/30 3 Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs cum each 450.00 300.00 10.00 4.55 4500.00 1365.00 day day 0.24 6.00 65.00 55.00 15.60 330.00 hour hour 27.00 28.00 520.00 506.00 say 14040.00 14168.00 3441.86 37860.46 1262.02 1262.00 Providing and Laying Cutting Edge of Mild Steel weighing 40 kg per metre for Well Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification. Unit = 1 MT Taking output = 1 MT a) Material Structural steel in plates, angles, etc including 5 per cent wastage Nuts & bolts b) Labour (for cutting, bending, making holes, joining, welding and erecting in position) Mate Fitter 2nd class Blacksmith Special Welder Special Mulia unskilled Electrodes, cutting gas and other consumables @ 10 per cent of cost of (a) above c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per MT (a+b+c) MT 1.05 28817.00 30257.85 Kg 20.00 49.00 980.00 day day day day day 1.32 5.50 5.50 5.50 16.50 65.00 75.00 85.00 85.00 55.00 85.80 412.50 467.50 467.50 907.50 3123.79 say -262- 3357.87 40060.30 40060.30 Remarks Description 4 Unit Cost Rs Providing Steel Liner 10 mm thick for Curbs and 6 mm thick for Steining of Wells including Fabricating and Setting out as per Detailed Drawing. Unit = 1 MT Taking output = 1 MT a) Material i) Structural steel including 5 per cent wastage b) Labour Mate Fitter 2nd class Blacksmith Special Welder Special Mulia unskilled Electrodes, cutting gas and other consumables @ 5 per cent on cost (a) above. c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate for per MT (a+b+c) 5 Quantity Rate Rs Levelling Course for Pile cap Providing and laying of PCC M15 levelling course 100mm thick below the pile cap. Unit = cum Taking output = 15 cum a) Material Cement Coarse sand 40 mm aggregate 20 mm Aggregate 10 mm Aggregate b) Labour Mate Mason 2nd class Mulia unskilled c) Machinery Concrete mixer (cap. 0.40/0.28 cum) Generator 33 KVA d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Cost for 15 cum = a+b+c+d Rate per cum (a+b+c+d)/15 MT 1.05 28580.00 30009.00 day day day day day 1.24 6.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 85.00 55.00 80.60 450.00 425.00 425.00 550.00 1500.45 say 3193.96 36634.01 36634.00 MT cum cum cum cum 4.13 6.75 8.10 4.05 1.35 3410.00 29.00 464.00 638.00 671.00 14083.30 195.75 3758.40 2583.90 905.85 day day day 0.86 1.50 20.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 55.90 112.50 1100.00 hour hour 6.00 6.00 161.00 240.00 966.00 1440.00 2520.16 27721.76 1848.12 1848.10 say Note: 1) 10 percent excess on the above rates will be allowed in the works being executed inside jail premises. -263- Remarks Sl. Description No. 1 2 6 Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) Unit = 1 cum Taking output = 1 cum a) Materials Cement Sand b) Labour Mate Mazdoor Total Material and Labour = (a+b) 7 Quantity required Unit 3 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 MT cum 0.51 1.05 3410.00 29.00 1739.10 30.45 day day 0.04 0.90 65.00 55.00 say 2.60 49.50 1821.65 1821.70 31.50 60.00 1890.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 300.00 60.00 0.05 1821.70 91.09 0.03 0.50 0.25 65.00 75.00 55.00 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical Unit = Metre Taking output = 30 Metre a) Material AC pipe 100 mm dia. (including wastage metre @ 5 per cent ) Assuming weep holes of 30 Nos of average length one metre is taken for the purpose of estimating. MS clamp each. collar for AC pipe (average) taking 10% of each. above pipe rate Cement mortar 1:3 (Rate as in Item 2 of cum Foundation) b) Labour Mate day Mason 2nd class day Mulia unskilled day c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 30 Metres = a+b+c Rate per Metre (a+b+c)/30 1.95 37.50 13.75 239.43 2633.72 87.79 say 87.80 1. In case of stone masonry, the size of the weep hole shall be 150 mm x 80 mm or circular 2. For structure in stone masonry, the weep holes shall be deemed to be included in the item of stone masonry work and shall not be paid separately. -264- Remarks 7 Sl. Quantity Description required No. 3 1 2 8 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall complete as per drawing and Technical Specification Unit = cum Taking output = 10 cum A Granular material a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled b) Material Granular material c) Machinery Plate compactor/power rammer Water Tanker d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 day day 0.28 7.00 65.00 55.00 18.20 385.00 cum 12.00 45.00 540.00 hour hour 2.50 0.05 100.00 506.00 250.00 25.30 121.85 Cost for 10 cum of granular backfill = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/10 B Sandy material a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for filling, watering, ramming etc. b) Material Sand c) Machinery Plate compactor/power rammer Water Tanker d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) 1340.35 say 134.04 134.00 day day 0.28 7.00 65.00 55.00 18.20 385.00 cum 12.00 25.00 300.00 hour hour 2.50 0.06 100.00 506.00 250.00 30.36 98.36 Cost for 10 cum of sandy backfill = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/10 say -265- Amount Rs. P 6 1081.92 108.19 108.20 Remarks 7 Sl. Quantity Description required No. 3 1 2 9 Providing and laying of Filter media with stone crushed Unit 4 Rate Rs. P 5 Amount Rs. P 6 aggregates of 45 mm size satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment , wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical Specification. Unit = cum Taking output = 10 cum. a) Labour Mate Mulia unskilled for filling, watering, ramming etc. Mulia skilled b) Material Filter media of stone aggregate conforming to clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications. c) Machinery Water Tanker of 6 KL capacity d) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b+c) day day 0.32 7.00 65.00 55.00 20.80 385.00 day 1.00 75.00 75.00 cum 12.00 445.00 5340.00 hour 0.06 506.00 30.36 585.12 cost for 10 cum of Fiter Media = a+b+c+d Rate per cum = (a+b+c+d)/10 say -266- 6436.28 643.63 643.60 Remarks 7 10 Description Construction of precast RCC railing of M30 Grade, aggregate size not exceeding 12 mm, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings and technical specifications. Unit Quantity cum 4.092 Rate Rs Cost Rs Unit = 1 RM Taking output = 2 x 24 m span = 48 m a) Material Cement concreteM30 Grade Refer relevant item of RCC in Item- 6, excluding formwork i.e. per cum basic cost (a+b+c) No. of vertical posts = (12 + 2)2 = 28 Nos., External area of vertical post 0.25x0.275 = 0.069sqm, Concrete in Vertical posts = 0.069 x 28 = 1.932 cum, Hand rail in 3 tiers = 3 x 24 = 72 m, External area = 0.170 x 0.175 = 0.03 sqm, Concrete in hand rails = 0.03 x 72 = 2.16 cum, Total Concrete = 1.932 + 2.16 = 4.092 cum. (Refer MoRTH SD / 202). 2230.82 Add 5 per cent of above cost for form work for casting in casting yard. HYSD bar reinforcement Rate as per item No 9(A) of RCC. Refer MoRTH SD / 202. Add 5 per cent of (a) for handling and fixing of precast panels in position b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) 456.43 tonne 0.87 31293.45 3665.38 say -267- 27068.83 1832.69 Rate for 48 m (a+b+c) Rate per metre (a+b+c)/48 Note 1.Quantities of material have been adopted from standard plans of MoRTH vide drawing no. SD/202. 2.48 m length is the total linear length adding both sides of 24 m span. 9128.53 42151.85 878.16 878.20 Remarks 11 Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings and technical specifications. Unit = 1 RM Taking output = 2 x 24 m span = 48 m. a) Material Cement concreteM30 Grade Refer relevant item of RCC in Item- 6 , excluding formwork i.e. per cum basic cost (a+b+c) No. of vertical posts = (12 + 2)2 = 28 Nos., External area of vertical post 0.25x0.275 = 0.069sqm, Concrete in vehicle posts = 0.069 x 28 = 1.932 cum, Hand rail in 3 tiers = 3 x 24 = 72 m, External area = 0.170 x 0.175 = 0.03 sqm, Concrete in hand rails = 0.03 x 72 = 2.16 cum, Total Concrete = 1.932 + 2.16 = 4.092 cum. (Refer MoRTH SD / 202). Add 12 per cent of above cost for form work. HYSD bar reinforcement Rate as per item No- 2 refer MoRTH SD / 202. b) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a) cum 4.092 2230.82 1095.42 tonne 0.87 31293.45 say -268- 27068.83 3729.28 Rate for 48 m (a+b+c) Rate per metre (a+b+c)/48 Note 1. Quantities of material have been adopted from standard plans of MoRTH vide drawing no. SD/202. 2. 48 m length is the total linear length adding both sides of 24 m span. 9128.53 41022.06 854.63 854.60 12 Painting on concrete surface Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement paint to unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust, oil, grease, efflorescence and applying paint @ of 1 litre for 2 sqm. Unit = sqm Taking output = 10 sqm a) Labour Mate Painter special Mazdoor (Skilled) b) Material Water based paint of approved quality for cement concrete surface c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Cost for 10 sqm (a+b+c+d) Rate per sqm (a+b+c+d)/10 13 Providing, fitting and fixing Angle Iron Expansion joints with M.S Angle of size 75mm x 75mm x 6mm and 6mm thick M.S plate and 12mm dia HYSD bars Unit = 1 RM Taking output = 1 m a) Material i) M.S Angle 75mm x 75mm x 6mm 2 x 1.00m=2.00m@8.90kg per mtr= 17.80kg ii) M.S Plate 6mm thick 1x1.00mx0.150m=0.150sqm @47.10kg /sqm=7.065kg iii) HYSD Bars 12mm dia 7nos @ 15cm C/C of 0.65m long 2x7x0.65m =9.10m @0.89kg /mtr = 8.099kg iv) Cost of welding rod 1/2 packet required for fabrication v) Cost of 12mm dia bolt b) Labour Labour for fabriaction Labour for fixing and transportation to site and painting of exposed iron with anti corrosive paints day day day 0.01 0.25 0.25 65.00 85.00 75.00 0.65 21.25 18.75 Litres 5.00 50.00 250.00 29.07 say 319.72 31.97 32.00 kg 17.80 30.64 545.39 kg 7.065 30.64 216.47 kg 8.099 28.817 233.39 pkt. 0.50 300.00 150.00 nos 4.00 15.00 60.00 kg 32.964 2.708 89.27 100.00 L.S. 139.45 c) Overhead charges @ 10% on (a+b) Rate per metre = a+b+c say -269- 1533.97 1534.00