See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A Linearizing Digitizer for Wheatstone Bridge Based Signal Conditioning of Resistive Sensors Article in IEEE Sensors Journal · January 2017 DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2653227 CITATIONS READS 32 4,814 3 authors: Ponnalagu R N Boby George BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Indian Institute of Technology Madras 30 PUBLICATIONS 184 CITATIONS 202 PUBLICATIONS 1,991 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Jagadeesh Varadarajan Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Madras 153 PUBLICATIONS 1,727 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Development of interfacing circuits for sensors View project Indigenization of non contact type conductivity measurement system View project All content following this page was uploaded by Ponnalagu R N on 12 October 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 1696 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 17, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 2017 A Linearizing Digitizer for Wheatstone Bridge Based Signal Conditioning of Resistive Sensors Ponnalagu Ramanathan Nagarajan, Boby George, Member, IEEE, and Varadarajan Jagadeesh Kumar, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— Output of a typical Wheatstone bridge, when it is connected to measure from a single or a dual resistive element, possesses non-linear characteristic. This paper presents a novel signal conditioning scheme, which provides a linear-digital output directly from the resistive sensor(s) that are connected in such bridge configurations. In the present scheme, the input stage of a dual-slope analog-to-digital converter (DSADC) is suitably augmented to incorporate the quarter-bridge and (or) half-bridge containing the resistive sensor as an integral part of the DSADC. A combination of the current mode excitation and wisely selected integration and de-integration operations of the DSADC enable to achieve linearization in the digitization process itself, leading to an overall reduction in the complexity level and number of blocks used keeping the high accuracy unaltered. A detailed analysis has been conducted to quantify the effect of various sources of errors in the output of the DSADC. The details are presented in the paper. The proposed method not only provides a linear digital output but also drastically reduces the effect on the output due to the lead wires that connect the Wheatstone bridge and the DSADC. Thus, the proposed scheme is well suited for the situations where the sensor(s) is (are) remotely located at a distance. Simulation studies as well as results from a prototype developed and tested establish the practicality of the proposed scheme. The inherent non-linearity of the Wheatstone bridge is reduced by nearly two orders of magnitude. Index Terms— Resistive sensor, Wheatstone bridge, digitizer, quarter-bridge, half-bridge, linearization, dual-slope ADC. I. I NTRODUCTION U SE of a Wheatstone bridge to obtain an output as a function of the parameter being sensed by a resistive sensor is quite popular [1]. Push-pull type resistive sensors in Wheatstone bridge form (either half-bridge or full-bridge) provide an output that is linear with respect to the change in the value of the resistive sensor [1], [2]. For interfacing single element resistive sensors, the quarter-bridge configuration shown in Fig. 1(a) is widely used. The half-bridge configuration shown in Fig. 1(b) is useful, when two sensing elements of same type are employed to achieve higher sensitivity [3]. Inspite of the fact that such configurations result in appreciable nonlinearity in the output, due to number of advantages, such arrangements are well accepted for signal conditioning of the resistive sensors such as Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), resistive gas sensors, strain gauges, piezoresistive sensors, Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs), Giant Manuscript received October 12, 2016; accepted January 11, 2017. Date of publication January 16, 2017; date of current version February 17, 2017. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr. Pantelis Georgiou. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2653227 Fig. 1. Wheatstone bridge configurations with inherent non-linear ouput characterisctic: (a) quarter-bridge and (b) half-bridge. Magneto Resistance (GMR) sensors, pressure sensors and flow meters [3]–[6]. In general, the resistance Rx of a linear resistive sensor shown in Fig. 1(a) and 1(b), can be represented as Rx = R0 (1 ± kx), where k is the transformation constant of the sensor, x is the quantity being sensed and R0 is the nominal resistance of the sensing element (value of Rx when the input x = 0). When the resistors in the other branches of the bridge are set equal to R0 , the output Vo B of the bridge is: kx VB (1) Vo B = k B 1 + kx 2 In (1), V B is the excitation for the bridge and k B is the bridge constant (k B = 4; quarter-bridge and k B = 2; half-bridge) Equation (1) clearly shows that the bridge output Vo B will be a non-linear function of the measurand [3]–[6], and the transfer function of these bridge configurations will be a hyperbolic function [7]. The non-linearity is small when the percentage change in the resistive element is very small (kx <<1), but becomes considerable as kx increases [5], [6]. For example, if the full-scale change in Rx is 1 % of the nominal value, then the worst case non-linearity error introduced in the output is 0.5 % of the full-scale [3], [5]. The nonlinearity can rise to 8 %, depending on the range of operation. Various linearization techniques have been reported to obtain a final linear output, from the bridge [3], [8], [9]. However, all these methods provide an analog output. Current Mode Wheatstone Bridge (CMWB) based on duality concept is reported [10]. CMWB uses only two resistive elements instead of four in a Wheatstone bridge. CMWB employs current conveyor circuits and requires a constant reference current source [11]–[13], leading to a complex configuration. Change in the value of the resistive sensing elements, connected in Wheatstone bridge, can be converted into quasi digital signals like frequency, time period or pulse width. But these types of converter circuits are mostly reported for push-pull type 1558-1748 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. NAGARAJAN et al.: LINEARIZING DIGITIZER FOR WHEATSTONE BRIDGE BASED SIGNAL CONDITIONING OF RESISTIVE SENSORS Fig. 2. 1697 Block diagram of the linearizing digitizer for single resistive sensor R x , connected in a Wheatstone bridge. half-bridge and full-bridge sensors [14]–[16]. A linear resistance to frequency converter, based on a relaxation oscillator has been developed and reported for single element in [17]. A similar, but low power converter reported in [18] does not take care of the inherent non-linearity of the bridge. Most of the present day instrumentation systems are of digital type and hence it would be advantageous to obtain a linear direct digital output from the resistive sensor element(s) connected in the bridge form. Some of the methods proposed earlier for quarter-bridge configurations use an internal comparator and counter of a microcontroller and requires three charging and discharging periods [19], [20]. A direct digital converter has been presented in [21], but it is suitable only for resistive sensors connected in full-bridge configuration. A linearizing digitizer has been reported in [22], for obtaining a linear digital output from two sensing elements that follow a polynomial characteristic. The output of the sensors needs to be push-pull in nature to apply the scheme in [22]. This approach [22] is not useful in the case of quarter-bridge as these criteria are not satisfied. In applications such as measurement of temperature, the sensor may be located far from the measurement unit and the lead resistance of the wires will introduce appreciable errors in the measurement [3]. The associated error will be large when long lead wires are used especially with low valued resistive sensors such as RTD-Pt100. Some of the existing three wire and four wire connection methods allow compensation for the lead resistances, but require additional leads and are effective only when the additional supply and return leads have equal resistance values [23]. Lead wire compensation methods presented earlier require additional diodes connected in parallel to the sensor and hence the overall accuracy achievable is limited [24], [25]. Moreover, these methods provide only an analog output voltage. To interface such a sensor to a digital instrumentation unit, an analog to digital converter is essential. We now propose a new, simple, dual-slope technique based linearizing digitizer that accepts resistive sensor element(s) connected in a quarter-bridge or half-bridge form and provides a linear digital output directly proportional to the quantity being sensed, for the full range of the measurand. In the new scheme presented the Wheatstone bridge is driven by a constant current and the inputs to the integrator of the dual-slope arrangement during the integration and de-integration of the conversion process are wisely selected by suitable switching arrangements in such a way that the final output obtained is linearly proportional to the measurand. The method possesses all the advantages of the dual slope conversion technique such as accuracy, resolution and immunity to power frequency interference. Apart from these desirable characteristics, the proposed scheme also provides the advantage of a bridge based measurement, namely, the output can be temperature compensated. Additionally the output of the proposed digitizer is insensitive to lead wire resistances that connect the bridge and the digitizer. II. T HE P ROPOSED L INEARIZING D IGITIZER The block schematic shown in Fig. 2 represents the proposed linearizing digitizer suitable for Wheatstone bridge with single resistive sensor. The sensor Rx is connected between the nodes s and q of the Wheatstone bridge. The resistance values of R1, R2 and R3 in the other three arms of the bridge are selected to be equal to R0 . If temperature compensation is required, then resistors R1, R2 and R3 must have the same temperature coefficient of Rx and mounted such that they are exposed to the same temperature as Rx . In the proposed linearizing digitizer, the bridge is introduced in the feedback path of opamp OA1 by connecting node p of the bridge to the inverting input terminal and node q to the output terminal of OA1 . Since the inverting input terminal of OA1 is at virtual ground, the voltage Vp at node p will be at ground potential. The current I flowing through the bridge will be I = V R /Rin , where VR is a dc reference voltage. I , splits into branch currents i 1 and i 2 as indicated in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, the linearizing digitizer consists of an integrator formed by the opamp OA2 , resistor R I and capacitor C I , a comparator OC and a Control and Logic Unit (CLU). 1698 Fig. 3. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 17, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 2017 Waveforms at cardinal points of the linearizing digitizer for +kx. As in a conventional dual slope converter, here too the CLU has an in-built timer-counter unit. The timer-counter can be N-digit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) type if the output required is intended for human interface or can be an n-bit binary counter if the digitizer is to be interfaced to a digital system directly. The input to the integrator is derived from an INstrumentation Amplifier (INA) possessing a gain G. The input of the INA is selected appropriately using three Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) switches S1 , S2 and S3 through the control signals v s1 , v s2 and v s3 by the CLU. As in a typical dual slope technique, here too, to initiate a conversion, the digitizer has to invoke an auto-zero phase to set the output to zero [26]. A. The Auto-Zero Phase In the auto-zero phase, the CLU checks the status of the comparator output, v c . If v c is high (indicating a positive voltage at the output of integrator), the three switches S1 , S2 and S3 are set to position ‘1’. For this condition the output v 0 = Gv R1 , where G is the gain of the INA and v R1 is the drop across R1 . A current i c = −Gv R1 /RI will flow into the integrating capacitor C I . Hence capacitor C I will lose charge and the output of the integrator will reduce and reach zero as indicated by the ‘dashed’ line in Fig. 3. At this juncture (as soon as v oi reaches zero) the output v c of the comparator will flip from ‘high’ to ‘low’ as shown in Fig. 3. On the other hand, if v c is ‘low’ at the start, the CLU sets all the switches (S1 , S2 and S3 ) in position ‘0’. For this condition the output of INA will be negative, injecting a current i c = +Gv R1 /R I into C I . Once again C I will discharge and the output v oi of the integrator will gradually rise and reach zero as indicated by the dotted line in Fig. 3. Once again, when v oi reaches zero, the output of the comparator v c will flip from ‘low’ to ‘high’. In either case, the flipping (high to low or low to high) of the output of the comparator indicates to the CLU, the end of auto-zero phase and the CLU initiates a conversion as detailed next. The flow chart of Fig. 4 clearly illustrates the logic of auto-zero phase. B. The Conversion Phase The conversion phase consists of a preset integration period T1 followed by a measured de-integration period T2 . Fig. 4. Flow chart of the control logic of the linearizing digitizer. At the start of T1 , the CLU sets the switches S1 and S3 to be in position ‘1’ and S2 to be in position ‘0’. In this condition, as in Fig. 2, the voltages at the nodes s and r (v s and v r ) are applied to the inverting and non-inverting input terminals of the INA, respectively. Since node p is at virtual ground, the signals v s and v r are: v s = −i 1 R1 = −i 1 R0 vr = −i 2 R 2 = −i 2 R0 (2) (3) By using the current division rule, i 1 and i 2 can be derived as: R2 + R3 2I i1 = I (4) = R + R2 + R3 + R x (4 + kx) 1 R1 + R x I (2 + kx) (5) i2 = I = R1 + R2 + R3 + R x (4 + kx) Substituting the values of i 1 and i 2 from (4) and (5) into (2) and (3), we get: 2I R0 (4 + kx) I R0 (2 + kx) vr = − (4 + kx) vs = − (6) (7) Thus, during the first integration period, the output v o is: v o = G (vr − v s ) = −G I R0 kx . (4 + kx) (8) R0 kx This output v o of the INA sends a current i c = G R II(4+kx) into capacitor C I . The capacitor C I gets charged and hence the output v oi of the integrator will rise as shown in Fig. 3. NAGARAJAN et al.: LINEARIZING DIGITIZER FOR WHEATSTONE BRIDGE BASED SIGNAL CONDITIONING OF RESISTIVE SENSORS The output v oi of the integrator at the end of the preset integration time T1 will be: v oi |T1 = 1 I R0 kx T1 G R I C I (4 + kx) (9) At the end of T1 , the CLU resets the timer. If kx is positive, v oi will be positive at the end of the first period of integration and the output of the comparator v c will be ‘high’. Sensing v c to be ‘high’, the CLU sets all the switches in position ‘1’ and starts the timer, for measuring the de-integration period T2 . For this condition the output v o of INA will be: 2I R0 vo = G v p − vs = G . (10) (4 + kx) 2I R0 A current i c = −G (4+kx)R will flow into the capacitor CI and I gradually discharge it. The integrator output will ramp-down and reach zero after a time period T2 as shown in Fig. 3. Once the integrator output reaches zero, the output v c of the comparator will flip from ‘high’ to ‘low’ signalling the end of the second ‘de-integration’. The CLU stops the timer and takes the timer value as T2 and sends it as the final digital output. Since the charge acquired during T1 is discharged during T2 we have: 1 I R0 kx 1 2I R0 G G (11) T1 = T2 . R I C I (4 + kx) R I C I (4 + kx) Rearranging (11), we get: kT1 x. (12) 2 Generally T1 is set in terms of N1 cycles of the clock given to the counter with a period Tc as N1 Tc and the de-integration period is measured as N2 Tc . In such a case, (12) gets modified as k N1 Tc N2 Tc = x. (13) 2 Resulting in: k N1 N2 = x. (14) 2 T2 = If we make kN1 /2 a constant, then the count N2 will directly indicate x. If x is negative, then v oi will be negative at the end of the first period of integration and the output of the comparator v c will be ‘low’. Sensing v c to be ‘low’, the CLU sets all the three switches to position ‘0’, during the de-integration. For this condition, the output v o of INA will be v o = G v s − v p = 2I R0 2I R0 −G (4+kx) and a current i c = G (4+kx)R will flow into I the capacitor CI and gradually discharge it. The integrator output will now ramp-up and reach zero. Once the integrator output reaches zero, the output v c of the comparator will flip from ‘low’ to ‘high’, once again signalling the end of the ‘de-integration’. Equations (11) to (14) are still valid and the the input x with a constant of proporcount N2 will indicate tionality k N1 2 . The polarity of x is easily determined from the state of v c at the end of the first integration period T1 . If v c is ‘high’ at the end of T1 then x is positive and if v c is ‘low’ at the end of T1 then polarity of x is negative. 1699 The flowchart shown in Fig. 4, illustrates the conversion logic of the proposed linearizing digitizer. It is easily seen that at the end of a conversion, the output of the integrator is zero and hence the next conversion can be initiated without invoking the ‘auto-zero phase’. Thus when continuous conversion is performed, the auto-zero phase is invoked only once at the start. C. Half-Bridge With Two Sensing Elements Another widely used bridge configuration that possesses significant non-linearity is the half-bridge with both sensors having same polarity (i. e., not differential). This is clearly seen from (1). In the converter shown in Fig. 2, by keeping the existing sensor, if R2 is replaced by another sensor element Rx = R0 (1 ± kx) as shown in Fig. 1(b) and other resistors are set as R1 = R3 = R0 , it gives a half-bridge as mentioned above. Now, if the converter presented is operated as explained earlier, it will provide a linear digital output proportional to the measurand x, directly. Unlike the quarter-bridge, in this half-bridge configuration, the currents i 1 = i 2 = I /2. The switches S1 , S2 and S3 are kept in the same positions during integration and de-integration periods as mentioned in the single active sensor case. The equations (6), (7) and (8) get modified as i 1 = i 2 = I /2 and the integrator output voltage v oi at the end of T1 can be as expressed as in (15). The change in integrator voltage during T2 follows (16). 1 I R0 kx T1 G (15) v oi |T1 = RI C I 2 1 I R0 T2 G (16) v oi |T2 = RI C I 2 By applying the charge balancing, as in the case of the quarter-bridge, the new duration T2 and the corresponding count N2 for the half-bridge configuration can be obtained as in (17) and (18), respectively. T2 = kx T1 (17) N2 = kx N1 (18) On comparing equations (14) and (18) with (1), it is clear that the output obtained is linearly varying with respect to the input/measurand. Also, as expected it has double the sensitivity compared to the single element scheme. The operation of the DSADC is explained assuming that all the components used are ideal. However, in a practical implementation, errors will be introduced in the output due to the nonideal characteristics of practical circuit components. Various sources of errors and their effect in the final output that may arise due to the nonideal charatceristics of practical components are discussed next. III. S OURCES OF E RRORS AND T HEIR E FFECTS This section lists and analyses the parameters of the measurement circuit and the bridge that would affect the performance of the linearizing digitizer. The parameters include: offset voltages and bias currents of the opamps, INA and comparator, ON resistance of the switches, delay of the comparator and switches, uncertainty in reference voltage and mismatch in the values of the resistors in the bridge. 1700 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 17, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 2017 A. Effect of the Offset Voltages of Opamps, INA and Comparator Let us consider that VO S1, VO S A , VO S2 are the input offset voltages of OA1 , INA and OA2 , respectively. In the presence of VOS1 , the current I flowing into the bridge will get modified from V R Rin to (V R ± VO S1 ) Rin . Since I is present in both sides of (11), the effect will get cancelled, as long as VO S1 does not change within a conversion cycle. The input offset voltage VO S A of the INA affects its output v o . Hence v o during T1 and T2 will get modified as in (19) and (20), in order. v o = G (Vr − Vs ± VO S A ) v o = G V p − Vs ± VO S A (19) (20) Due to this change in v o and presence of VO S2, the integrator output v oi during integration and de-integration will get changed, which will modify the ideal output count N2 from N2 = (N1 /2) kx to as stated in (21). VO S2 − GVO S A k2x 2 N1 ∼ N2 = kx + 4 + 3kx + 2 G I Ro 2 (21) Thus the input offset voltage of INA and offset voltage of OA2 introduces an offset and a gain error in the output count. This error also has a non-linear term. When VO SA and VO S2 are considered as 25 μV and 150 μV (typical values of offset voltages of INA IC AD 624 and OP07), along with G = 3, I = 2.5 mA and R0 = 100 , a worst-case full-scale error of 0.05 % results in the calculated output. This can be further reduced by increasing G or I . When an input offset voltage VOSC is present in the comparator, the comparator will change its state when v oi crosses VOSC , instead of zero voltage. This will not introduce any error in the measured time period T2 as all the zero crossing detections will occur at VOSC instead of zero, either in the auto-zero phase or in the conversion phase. B. Effect of the Bias Current of Opamps and INA Let I B1+ , I BA+ and I B2+ , be the input bias currents of the non-inverting inputs and I B1− , I B A− and I B2− be the input bias currents of the inverting inputs of the OA1 , INA and OA2 respectively. I B1− will slightly modify the current I , but similar to VO S1, I B1− will not affect the output of the linearizing digitizer. Due to the presence of bias currents I BA+ and I B A− , the output v o of INA will not be affected during T1 if I B A+ = I B A− . During T2 , due to the bias currents I B A+ and I B A− , the voltage v o gets modified as in (22). vo = G R0 2I + I B A− kx − I B A+ (4 + kx) (22) I B2− of integrator OA2 will also affect the output of the digitizer. Equation (23) gives the expression for the count N2 considering the presence of the bias currents. Equation (23) is derived assuming that I B A+ = I B A− . Here too the bias currents introduce an error in gain, an offset and a non-linear term in the output. In the prototype, when a bias current of 15 nA is present for I B A− and I B A+ and 7 nA is present for I B2− , respectively, the resulting worst-case full-scale error calculated is 0.6 %. ⎡ ⎤ I B A+ B2− R I kx 1 + 3 IG + I Ro 2I ⎥ N1 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ k 2 x 2 I B A− I R B2− I (23) N2 ≈ ⎥ ⎢+ 2 + I G I Ro ⎦ 2 ⎣ I B2− R I +4 G I Ro C. Effect Due to the on Resistance of the Switches While deriving (11) it was assumed that the switches are ideal. However, these switches will possess finite ON and leakage resistances. Since these switches feed into the input terminals of an instrumentation amplifier the effect of these parameters on the output will be negligible. D. Effect of the Switch and Comparator Delays While deriving (11) we assumed that the comparator flips instantaneously when its input reaches zero and the switches will also instantaneously change its state as soon as its control (v S1 or v S2 or v S3 ) flips. However, a practical comparator and a switch will have ‘propagation delay’ in changing the states. By properly selecting the comparator and the switches, these delays can be made insignificant compared to period Tc of the clock. For example, the comparator used in the prototype has a delay time of 200 ns, similarly, the switch has a delay of about 190 ns, negligible compared to the period Tc of the clock which is 4 μs. E. Effect of Varitaion in DC Reference Voltage The proposed linearizing digitizer uses a dc reference voltage VR to generate the current, I = V R Rin . This current flows through the bridge, during T1 and T2 . As can be seen in (11), the current I appears on both sides of the equal sign and hence gets cancelled. This is valid as long as VR is stable during one conversion cycle (T1 + T2 ). The worst case error occurs when the reference voltage is V R ± V R during T1 and V R ∓ V R during T2 . Then the current I changes to I ± I during T1 and I ∓I during T2 . With this, (11) becomes (24). 2 (I ∓ I ) R0 G (I ± I ) R0 Gkx T1 = T2 . (24) (4 + kx) R I C I (4 + kx) R I C I kx Rearranging (24), we get T2 = II ±I ∓I 2 T1 . and hence: N2 = 2V R kx N1 1 ± . 2 VR (25) By using a precision reference as V R , the case worst error in the count N2 , namely, ±kx N1 V R V R count can be made negligible. However, most precision dc references are affected by a change in the operating temperature. For example, the dc reference voltage source LM385Z-2.5 has ppm level variation in normal operation. But a 10 °C temperature variation between the integration and de-integration periods result in the reference voltage change (V R ) of 1 mV leading to a worst case error of 0.04 % in the output. NAGARAJAN et al.: LINEARIZING DIGITIZER FOR WHEATSTONE BRIDGE BASED SIGNAL CONDITIONING OF RESISTIVE SENSORS 1701 showed that the lead resistance has absolutely no effect on the performance of the linearizing digitizer, except that there is a slight increase in the output voltage of OA1 . In practice, all the lead wires may not have equal resistance, so slight mismatches were introduced in the RLead values of the five wires and the simulation was repeated. The worst-case error remained negligible. Thus, the study concludes that the lead resistance and variation in its value (say with temperature) will not affect the output of the scheme. V. E XPERIMENTAL S ET-U P AND R ESULTS Fig. 5. Remotely located bridge: RLead represents the resistance of the wire. Nodes b and c can be shorted at the digitizer side and a single wire can be used to connect to p. Same logic is applied to nodes f and g. F. Effect Due to the Mismatch Between the Resistances of Bridge Equations (6) and (7) were derived based on the assumption that R1 = R2 = R3 = R0 . However, in practice there may be mismatch in the values of these resistors. Typically we can represent R1 , R2 and R3 as R1 = α R0 , R2 = β R0 and R3 =γ R0 , respectively. Under such a condition, the output count N2 can be expressed as in (26). N2 = kx N1 β − αγ β + α (β + γ ) α (β + γ ) (26) Thus, due to the mismatch, there will be a gain error and offset as seen in (26). In the prototype developed, matched precision resistors having tolerance of 0.05 % were used to realize R1 , R2 and R3 . The resulting gain error and offset are 0.05 % and 0.05 %. IV. S IMULATION S TUDIES The operation and functionality of the proposed linearizing digitizer was first verified by simulating the circuit using LTspice, a SPICE based simulation tool from Linear Technology Inc. In the simulation, the switch control logic was generated using logic gates. An opamp having characteristics equivalent to OP07 was chosen for realizing (in LTSpice) all the opamps of the circuit shown in Fig. 2. For the comparator, an opamp model closely matching to the performance of LM311 was selected. In the circuit simulated, R0 , R1 , R2 and R3 were set as 100 each. Then, the sensor resistance was varied in steps of 10 from 100 to 200 and the time T2 taken for the de-integration for each case was recorded. From the results obtained from simulation study, the worst-case error observed in the output was found to be negligible. In order to test the effect of the lead resistance of the wires in the output, a simulation study was performed by introducing lead resistances of value 50 between the bridge nodes and measurement unit as shown in Fig. 5. When all the arms of the bridge contain resistors having equal temperature coefficient of resistance and are exposed to the same temperature, automatic temperature compensation can be obtained. Thus, the connection as in Fig. 5 is preferred, whenever large variation in the operating temperature is expected. The results To test the efficacy of the proposed linearizing digitizer, a prototype of the digitizer, shown in Fig. 2, has been developed and tested in the laboratory. A. Prototype of the Digitizer The dc reference voltage of 2.5 V was derived from a dc reference voltage diode LM385Z-2.5. The INA was realized using three low offset voltage opamp ICs OP07. OA1 and OA2 were also realized using OP07. IC LM311 was chosen as the comparator. IC MAX4602 was used to implement the switches. The input resistance Rin was selected as 1.0 k, RI was chosen as 100 k and a 100 nF polypropylene type capacitor was used for CI . The control and logic unit was implemented using an Arduino micro-controller [27]. For this, a suitable program was developed, based on the flowchart shown in Fig. 4, and embedded into the Arduino Uno board. The internal timer-counter unit of the Arduino board was used to set the time period T1 and to measure T2 . The prototype digitizer developed has been tested in three stages. In Test 1, the prototype was interfaced with a resistance box that emulates the sensor. In Test 2, studies were conducted to quantify the effect of the lead wire resistance on the output of the prototype unit. Then, in Test 3, a prototype displacement sensor, based on a potentiometric transduction mechanism, has been developed in the laboratory and interfaced with the prototype digitizer and tested. The details of these three tests are presented next. B. Test 1: Digitizer Interfacted to an Emulated Sensor In order to characterize the prototype digitizer, it was interfaced with a standard variable resistance box and tested. A precision decade resistance box (resolution of 1 , accuracy of ± 0.01 %) manufactured by Otto Wolff, Berlin, Germany, was used to emulate the sensor resistance Rx . The nominal resistance R0 was set as 100 . Three precision resistors, each of value 100 having a tolerance of 0.05 % served as R1, R2 and R3 of the bridge. In the test, Rx was varied in steps of 10 from 100 to 200 (100 , 110 , 120 ... 200 ) so as to simulate a variation of kx in the range of 0 to 1, in steps of 0.1. For each value of Rx set, using the resistance box, the output count N2 of the digitizer was noted. The results obtained are plotted in Fig. 6a. For the range of kx tested, the output voltage Vo B was calculated as per the conventional method given by (1), taking V B = 2.5 V. Fig. 6a also shows the values of Vo B obtained corresponding to each kx. Using regression analysis, best linear fit was obtained for N2 and Vo B . 1702 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 17, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 2017 Fig. 8. Experimental setup of the prototype linearizing digitizer. A zoom-in view of the potentiometer - Vernier Caliper arrangement is shown inset (top right). Fig. 6. (a) Experimental results obtained from the emulation study. (b) Error characteristic obtained from the emulation study, for the conventional and proposed schemes. Fig. 7. Output of the integrator and comparator of the prototype digitizer. for kx = 1. The same are indicated in Fig. 6a. The deviation from best fit was obtained for each value of N2 and Vo B and the resultant nonlinearity error as percentage was calculated and plotted in Fig. 6b. The results show that the worst-case non-linearity was < ± 0.14 % for the proposed digitizer, while it was 7.6 % for the conventional method. A snapshot of the oscilloscope displaying the integrator and comparator outputs for kx = 1 was taken and is shown in Fig. 7. From this study, it is clearly seen that the output obtained from the proposed scheme is linear, while the conventional method suffers from large non-linearity. C. Test 2: Study on Effect of the Lead Resistance The effect of lead resistance on the performance of the digitizer was studied by introducing five resistors of value ∼ = 50 (RLead ) between the bridge and the digitizer Fig. 9. (a) Experimental results obtained from the prototype linearizing digitizer integrated with a resistive displacement sensor. (b) Error characteristic of the conventional method and output of the prototype linearizing digitizer integrated with a resistive displacement sensor. as shown in Fig. 5. These resistors emulate the lead resistance RLead of long wires. The measurement process was repeated for the same kx values tested earlier and the output counts N2 were noted. The counts obtained with and without the presence of lead resistance were same, as expected. D. Test 3: Results Obtained From the Digitizer Interfaced to a Resistive Displacement Sensor In this study, first, a simple resistive displacement sensor was developed using a linear slide wire type potentiometer (1 k) manufactured by Bourns, Inc. In order to get a reference value for the displacement, a digital Vernier caliper, from NAGARAJAN et al.: LINEARIZING DIGITIZER FOR WHEATSTONE BRIDGE BASED SIGNAL CONDITIONING OF RESISTIVE SENSORS 1703 TABLE I A C OMPARISON S TUDY Sparkfun Electronics, having a range of 0 mm to 150 mm and a resolution of 0.01 mm was employed. The sliding contact of the potentiometer was firmly attached to the depth measuring blade of the Vernier caliper. Thus, by adjusting the thumb screw of the caliper, the sliding contact of the potentiometer can be set for different values of displacement. A photograph of the prototype digitizer integrated with the displacement sensor described above is shown in Fig. 8. The nominal value of the sensor R0 is selected as 1 k. Hence R1, R2 and R3 are also selected as 1 k resistances. In the sensor arm of the bridge, a series combination of a 1 k potentiometer and a fixed 1 k resistor is used. The series combination realizes a sensor whose resistance is Rx = 1000 (1 + kx) , with kx varying from 0 to 1 as the potentiometer resistance varies from 0 to 1000 . Since the potentiometer had a full scale travel of 44 mm, using the vernier calliper, the sliding contact of the potentiometer was moved in steps of 4.4 mm from 0 mm to 44 mm. This movement corresponds to a kx variation from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1. The equivalent variation in sensor resistance was 0 to 1000 in steps of 100 . For each position of the sliding contact, the output count provided by the digitizer was noted. The results obtained are plotted as a function of kx as shown in Fig. 9a. Here too, linear regression analysis was applied to the data and the best-fit line was obtained and plotted in Fig. 9a. Once again the nonlinearity error was computed from the deviations of the measured data from the best fit line and plotted in Fig. 9b. The worst case nonlinearity error of measuring the displacement of the potentiometer sliding contact is found to be 0.09 %. It is seen that the error obtained with a practical displacement sensor is lower than that obtained for an emulated sensor shown in Fig. 6b. The reason is while the nominal value of the sensor resistance was selected as 100 in emulation study, here the nominal value of the sensor resistance is 1000 , an order of magnitude higher. As can be seen in the error analysis [vide equations (17) and (19)], the error is inversely proportional to R0 . Thus increasing R0 for the displacement 1704 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 17, NO. 6, MARCH 15, 2017 sensors to 10 times that of the sensor used for the emulation study resulted in reduced errors. The test results show that the non-linearity in the output of the conventional Wheatstone bridge is automatically reduced by a significant amount (more than a factor of 50 for the prototype) by using the proposed linearizing digitizer. There are plenty of resistive sensors available in the market that undergoes wide change in their value of resistance as a function of the measurand. Some examples are (a) Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) whose resistance change from 18.5 to 390.5 for a temperature change of −200 °C to + 850 °C [28]. (b) Typical GMR sensors have 10 % to 20 % change in their sensing resistance depending on the value of the magnetic field being sensed [29]. (c) Potentiometer type displacement sensor, Novotechnik TR100 is another example [30]. (d) Some of the resistance based air quality sensors have one or more decades of change in resistance as a function of the measurand [31], [32]. For such sensors, the quarter-bridge is not recommended as its output is linear only for very small change in the resistance value (kx << 1). The proposed digitizer is an ideal choice as it can be interfaced with a quarter-bridge and a linear digital output can be obtained even for a wide range of change in the resistance of the sensor. VI. D ISCUSSION The performance of the proposed linearizing digitizer is compared on various parameters like % non- linearity error, range of resistance variation, effect of lead resistance, circuit complexity, type of the output, etc. with other reported works attempting to provide linear output from single element sensors connected in non-linear bridge configurations. The details are given in Table I. In most of the methods reported either analog or quasi-digital outputs are obtained, which further requires an ADC or a suitable interface to convert into a digital output. A direct digital output proportional to the resistance is obtained in [20], but the process is time consuming involving 3 charging and 3 discharging operations. The accuracy of the scheme is not satisfactory especially in the presence of lead wire resistance [20]. Output of the methods presented in [7]–[9], [17], [18] and [33] suffer from lead wire resistance and its variation due to temperature. A basic idea of using current driven Wheatstone bridge and its variants are discussed in [10]–[13]. If designed with care, such as matched resistors, it is expected to work with single and two resistance elements. Experimental studies are required to verify the performance in detail. The scheme proposed in [21] can provide a linear characteristic only for resistive sensors that are connected in a full-bridge form. The output will be highly non-linear if it is used to interface a wide range resistive sensor connected in a quarter-bridge. The circuit in [21] is slightly complex as it uses a modified INA. Also, the scheme in [21] requires special compensation circuit to keep the effect of lead wire resistance in the output low. Using the technique proposed in this paper a linear output is obtained from the half and quarter-bridge, even if it is remotely located, without using any additional hardware or compensation. In the proposed scheme, the linearization automatically occurs during the digitization process and hence the overall number of blocks required is much lower compared to the conventional method involving individual units for signal conditioning, digitization and linearization in a sequence. These features make the linearizing digitizer as one of the best interfacing scheme for remotely located sensors such as RTDs. The update rate for the prototype linearizing digitizer developed is about 3 conversions per second, for a system clock frequency of 250 kHz and the effective number of bits obtained from the digitizer is 14.9. VII. C ONCLUSION Even though the bridge-based signal conditioning of resistive sensors is in use for several decades, there exists no simple and effective linearization scheme that can provide a digital output, directly, from a bridge configuration that has a non-linear output characteristic. A linearizing direct digital converter suitable for resistive sensors, when connected in a quarter-bridge or half-bridge configuration is proposed in this paper. As the title indicates, the scheme presented here not only digitizes the measurand, but also linearize the output of the Wheatstone bridge which otherwise possesses a significant inherent nonlinearity. The output of the digitizer is independent of the bridge lead resistance, thus, it is well suited for resistive sensors that are remotely located from the converter. As the analog-to-digital conversion employed is based on dual-slope technique, the proposed scheme will have all the advantages and limitations of a dual-slope ADC. A prototype of the proposed system has been built and tested. All the possible sources of errors have been identified and the resulting error from each source has been analysed and quantified. The results from the error analysis, simulation and experimental studies established practicality of the scheme. R EFERENCES [1] E. O. Doebelin, Measurement Systems-Application and Design, 5th ed. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 2004. [2] R. P. Areny and J. G. Webster, Sensors and Signal Conditioning, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley, 2000. [3] W. Kester, Practical Design Techniques for Sensor Signal Conditioning, Analog Devices, Inc., Norwood, MA, USA, 1999. 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He received the M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Institute of Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal Processing, Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, from 2007 to 2010. He joined the Faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, in 2010, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His areas of interests include measurements, sensors, and instrumentation. Varadarajan Jagadeesh Kumar (M’96–SM’11) received the B.E. degree in electronics and communication engineering from the College of Engineering, Guindy, in 1978, the M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, in 1980 and 1986, respectively. He was with the King’s College London in 1988, the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, in 1996, the University of Braunschweig in 1998, and the University of Aachen in 1999, 2007, 2011, and 2013. He is currently a Professor of Electrical Engineering with IIT Madras, where he heads the Central Electronics Center and serves as the Dean Academic. He has guided seven Ph.D. scholars and 11 M.S. (Research) scholars and has published over 50 journal articles (mostly in IEEE Journals) and presented over 90 papers at International Conferences. He holds six patents. His areas of interests are measurements, instrumentation, biomedical engineering, and signal processing. He received the Young Scientist Award from the Department of Science and Technology in 1988 and the DAAD Fellowship Award in 1997.