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Pharmacology Review Notes: Key Concepts

Pharmacology Review
Understand pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and
pharmacotherapeutics (Chapter 1)
Pharmacodynamics: the movement of drugs throughout the body; how
drugs affect the body (receptors binding)
Pharmacokinetic: How the body affects the drugs; Absorption,
Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion.
Pharmacotherapeutics: The use of drugs to diagnose, prevent or treat
disease, or prevent pregnancy
Properties of an ideal drug (Chapter 1)
Effective, Safe, and Selective - Main properties
- Reversible, predictable, low cost, no drug-drug interactions, simple generic name, easy
administration, chemically stable.
- No drug is really ideal
6 rights of drug administration (Chapter 2)
Right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, right time, right documentation.
Routes of administration and benefits of each (Chapter 4)
Barrier: Epithelial lining of GI tract, capillary wall
Pattern: Slow and variable (solubility, coating, pH, emptying time, food,
concurrent medications
- Advantages: Easy, convenient, cheap, ideal for self-medication, reversible –>
safer than parenteral routes
- Disadvantages: Variability, inactivation of some drugs due to gastric acid and
enz., possible nausea and vomiting, patient adherence.
- Barrier: None
- Pattern: Complete and instant
- Advantages: Rapid onset → ideal for emergencies, precise control over levels,
permits the use of large fluids, ideal for irritant drugs.
- Disadvantage: high cost, invasive, irreversible, not ideal for self-administered,
risk of fluid overload, infection, and embolism.
- Barrier: Capillary wall
- Pattern: Rapid with water-soluble drugs, slow with poorly soluble drugs. Also
depends on blood flow.
- Advantages: permits use of poorly soluble drugs, permits the use of depot
Disadvantage: possible discomfort, inconvenience, potential for injury.
**Depot preparation: allow the medication to be absorbed slowly over an extended time
- reduce the number of injections needed for long-term treatment. Ex: penicillin G.
- Same absorption properties, advantages, and disadvantages as IM.
Other routes:
- Topical, transdermal, inhaled, rectal, vaginal, sublingual, direct injection (joints,
heart, nerves, etc)
Enteral, parenteral (Chapter 4)
Enteral: Via GI tract (Oral route)
Parenteral: Literal meaning is ‘outside of GI tract’ (all the injections)
Absorption, metabolism, distribution, and excretion – what happens to a drug if liver or
kidney disorders (Chapter 4)
Absorption: the movement of a drug from its site of administration into the blood.
- Factors that affect it: Rate of dissolution, Surface area, Blood flow, Lipid
solubility, pH partition. Rum Sounds Bad Like Poop
Distribution: drug movement from the blood to the interstitial space and into the cells.
- Factors: circulation, the ability of the drug to exit the vascular system (membrane
permeability, plasma protein binding)
Metabolism: AKA biotransformation, the enzymatic alteration of drug structure.
- Cytochrome P450 - a key component of the hepatic microsomal enzyme system.
- Therapeutic consequences of drug metabolism (AIDAID)
- Accelerated renal drug excretion
- Depending on the lipid solubility of the drug; metabolizing it can
change from lipid-soluble to nonsoluble → increases renal
- Drug inactivation
- Can change from pharmaceutically active to inactive forms.
- Increased therapeutic action
- Metabolism can increase the effect of some drugs. Ex: codeine to
- Activation of prodrugs
- Pharmaceutically inactive when administer but comes active with
metabolism. Ex: fosphenytoin to phenytoin.
- Increased or decrease toxicity
- Factors: Age, induction of drug-metabolizing enzyme, first-pass effect, nutritional
status, competition among drugs.
Excretion: the removal of drugs from the body; mostly through renal excretion.
- Renal Excretion has 3 processes:
1. Glomerular Filtration: moves drugs from blood to the tubular urine. If
drugs are bound to albumin, they are too large to go into
tubular urine → no filtration.
2. Passive Tubular Reabsorption: Moves
drugs from the lumen back into the blood via concentration
gradient. At this point, drug concentration in blood < drug
concentration in the lumen. Works better for lipid-soluble
3. Active Tubular Reabsorption: Active
pumps that pump drugs from blood to the tubular urine.
P-glycoprotein can pump a variety of drugs into the urine.
Factors that affect excretion: pH-dependent ionization,
competition for active pumps, age.
First-pass effect (Chapter 4)
- Refers to the rapid hepatic inactivation of certain
oral drugs; can be inactivated/completely metabolized on its
first pass through the liver → NO therapeutic effect.
These drugs are best to give parenterally instead to bypass the liver.
Pharmacodynamic interactions (Chapter 5)
Dose-Response relationships
- Relationship between the size of an administered dose and the intensity of the
response produced. ↑Dose = ↑Response.
Three phases: (1) dose too low for effect (2) bigger dose corresponding to bigger
response. (3) Bigger doses are unable to elicit a bigger response.
Efficacy vs Potency
Efficacy compares the level of therapeutic effect between two drugs at the same
- Potency compares which drug gets to therapeutic level at the smaller dose.
Drug-Receptor interactions
- Drugs - chemicals that produce effects by interacting with other chemicals
- Receptors - special chemicals in the body that most drugs interact to produce
- Receptors mimic or block the action of endogenous regulatory molecules and
increase or decrease the rate of physiological activity normally controlled by that
- EXAMPLE: norepinephrine in the heart = ups cardiac output (CO)
- Simple occupancy theory
- (1) response level is proportional to the number of occupied receptors
- (2) reaches the max level when ALL receptors are occupied.
- Cannot explain why two drugs have different potency and maximal
- Modified occupancy theory
- Look at the affinity and intrinsic factor
Potency (Chapter 5)
Higher potency means that the drug can be given in smaller doses; does not mean that the
drug with higher potency is more effective.
Does not associated with maximal efficacy.
ED50 and LD 50 (Chapter 5)
ED50: The dose that gives a predefined therapeutic effect in 50% of the population. This
dose is usually considered a standard dose and is used for the initial treatment dose.
- LD50: The dose that is lethal in 50% of the population.
Receptor binding (Chapter 5)
Usually is reversible
When binding to a receptor, it MIMICS or BLOCKS the action of endogenous regulatory
molecules. Cannot give cells new functions.
Drugs produce their therapeutic effects by helping the body use its preexisting
4 main receptor families
- Cell membrane-embedded enzymes (ex insulin; binding active enz, response in
- Ligand-gated ion channels (in milliseconds ex: ACTH or GABA which keeps
body systems in check)
- G protein-coupled receptor systems (cascade reactions)
Transcription factors (found in cells-usually affect DNA, delay responses; hours
to days)
*** Fastest to slowest: Ligand-gated ion channels, cell membrane embedded enzymes, G
protein cascade, transcription factors.**
Agonist, antagonist, partials (Chapter 5)
Agonist: Activate the receptors; have high affinity and intrinsic activity. Can make the
processes faster OR slower.
- Ex: Dobutamine mimics norepinephrine at cardiac receptors.
- Continuous exposure to agonist can cause down-regulation (desensitized)
Antagonist (competitive): Block the endogenous from binding to the receptors. Have the
same affinity as the endogenous molecules but no intrinsic activity.
- Ex: beta-blockers used for patients with high BP.
- Noncompetitive: irreversibly bind to the receptor → fewer available receptors →
decrease effects of endogenous regulators. The impact is not permanent since
receptors get replaced.
- Continuous exposure to antagonist can cause hypersensitivity.
Partial agonist: agonists that have moderate intrinsic activity, so it doesn’t activate the
receptor as much. Can act as either agonists or antagonists.
Pharmacologic classification
Based on the medication's chemical structure or therapeutic use.
Therapeutic range – narrow; therapeutic index (Chapter 4)
The therapeutic range is the dose between MEC and toxic levels.
The ratio of drugs’s LD50 to its ED50
A narrow therapeutic index indicates the drug is not as safe and would require
monitoring of concentration in plasma.
The effect of albumin levels (Chapter 5)
The normal albumin level is 3.5 mg/L
Reversible binding with the drugs
Drugs bound to albumin cannot leave the vascular system since they are too large to fit
through the pores → may increase drug concentration in plasma.
Albumin also carry the drug to the destination → affects distribution
Generic names vs brand names (Chapter 3)
- Generic names: Also know as nonproprietary name; assigned by US council. Each drug
only have one generic name.
- Brand names: Assigned by manufacturers; can be confusing with similar OTC
**Both generic and brand name should have the exact same active ingredients**
MEC (Minimum Effective Concentration)
The minimum dose for the drug to have a therapeutic effect.
Half-life (Chapter 4)
The time required for the amount of drug in the body to decrease by 50%; determines the
dosing interval.
Food-Drug interactions
○ Drug absorption
● Decreased rate, the extent of absorption (occasionally) – milk and tetracycline,
fiber and digoxin
○ Increased absorption -High-calorie meal and saquinavir (HIV and AIDs med),
without food, not enough is absorbed.
○ Drug metabolism
● The grapefruit juice effect (not occurring with other citrus fruits or juices) –
● Inhibits the metabolism of certain drugs (inhibiting CYP3A4)
● Raises the drugs blood levels (increases in felodipine…lovastatin (chol),
cyclosporine, midazolam, and so on)
○ Food can affect drug toxicity
● Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
(MAOIs) and tyramine-containing
foods (aged products)
● Theophylline and caffeine
● Potassium-sparing diuretics and salt
beverages (water retention)
● Aluminum containing antacids and
citrus beverages
○ Drug action
● Warfarin and foods rich in vitamin k (works against)
● Timing of drug administration - some drugs are better tolerated on an empty
stomach, others should be taken with food, esp for nausea
● Drug supplement interactions → conventional drugs can interact with herbal
○ Just as likely as prescription meds
● Reliable info about drug-herb interactions is lacking
● Ex ST john's wort inducing drug-metabolizing enz and reducing the blood levels
of many drugs
Plateau levels (Chapter 4)
Occurs when the drug concentration in plasma reaches its peak level, occurs after 4
Nonrenal routes of elimination (Chapter 4)
Breast milk: lipid-soluble drugs have more access to breast milk.
Bile: drugs that are in bile can either be reabsorbed back to portal blood (via
enterohepatic recirculation) or go to the small intestine and be excreted in feces.
Lungs: Drugs like volatile anesthetics can be excreted through the lungs, some are also
excreted through sweats and saliva.
Potentiation (Chapter 6)
- One drug may increase the therapeutic effect of the other drug when taken together.
- Considered as ‘potentiative’ effect
- May be beneficial or detrimental
- These two have the same therapeutic effect but different mechanisms
- Acts on the same receptors?**
Interpatient variability (Chapter 5)
The dose required top produce a therapeutic response varies between patient;
usually start with ED50 dose (approximation)
If initial dose does not work, can adjust based on patient’s need.
Patient education
Make sure they know: drug name and therapeutic category, dosage size, dosing schedule,
route and technique of administration, expected thera response & when it will develop,
and nondrug measures to enhance thera responses, duration of treatment, method of
storage, symptoms of major adverse effects and how to help, drug-drug and food-drug
interactions (ex phenelzine and amphetamines and figs!), and whom to contact in an
Drugs and the blood-brain barrier
Blood brain barrier refers to the presence of tight junction between the cells that compose
capillary walls in CNS → Drugs then have to pass through the CNS capillary instead of
staying between them.
P-glycoprotein increase drug expose from cells of brain capillaries into the blood →
decrease drug exposure to brain.
Angioedema (Chapter 7)
One of the allergic/hypersensitive reactions to a drug.
Fluid build-up in blood vessels.
***Additional things to know from the slides
Chapter 4
- Enterohepatic Recirculation - Repeating cycle in which drug is transported from the
liver into the duodenum (via bile duct) then back to the liver via portal blood.
- For drugs that underwent glucuronidation.
- Glucuronidation - a process that converts lipophilic to hydrophilic.
- Induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes
- Increases its own metabolize rate or other drugs that are used concurrently
- Result: have to increase dosage for therapeutic effect.
- pH-dependent ionization
- Acidic drugs accumulate/ionize on the alkaline side
- Basic drugs accumulate/ionize on the acidic side
**Ionized drugs can no longer cross the plasma membrane.
- Loading dose: the initial large dose to get it to a therapeutic level.
Chapter 5
- Affinity - the strength of thee attractions
- Intrinsic - Ability of the drug to activate a receptor upon binding it
Chapter 6
- Drug-Drug interactions:
- May significantly affect the outcome of therapy
- Four mechanisms:
- Direct chemical/physical interaction
- Cannot combine drugs in the same container prior to establishing
- Pharmacokinetic interaction
- Whichever causes alterations to the ADME process. Ex: altered the P45enzymes in the metabolism step (inhibition or induction)
- Alterations of P-glycoproteins (acts in intestinal epithelium, placenta,
blood-brain barrier, liver, kidney tubules)
- Pharmacodynamic interaction
- Same receptor: almost always inhibitory
- At separate sites: potentiative or inhibitory
- Combined toxicity
- Drug with overlapping toxicities should not be used concurrently
- Ex: isoniazid and rifampin
- P-glycoproteins
- Enzymes that pumps drugs out of cell
Acts at sites of intestinal epithelium, placenta, blood-brain barrier, liver, and
kidney tubules.
Chapter 7
- Adverse Drug Reactions
- Any noxious, unintended, and undesired effect that occurs at normal drug dose.
- Side effects
- A nearly unavoiable secondary drug effect produced at therapeutic dose
- Idiosyncrasy effect
- An uncommon drug response resulting from a genetic predisposition.
- Iatrogenic disease
- Disease produced by drugs; drug-induced disease.
- Signs of live rinjury: jaundice, dark urine, light-colored stools, nauseea, vomiting,
malaise, abdominal discoomfort, and loss of appetite.
- REMS and iPLEDGE - plans to make surre that women who are pregnant or plan to be
pregnant do not have access to isotretinoin drugs.