Invoice LOGO TO: Contact Name 123-456-7890 Their Business Name Address Line One Their City, ST 12345 F RO M: Your Business 123-456-7890 Address Line One Your City, ST 12345 I NVOI C E DAT E 08/20/2019 PAY M E NT D U E 9/20/2019 PO NU M B E R 98786124 I NVOI C E NU M B E R 78310971 IT EM D ESCRIP TIO N QT Y U NI T COS T TOTA L 1 Brand Identity for Client Company: Initial 50% Deposit 1 $10,000 $10,000 2 Expense: Agency Travel. See expense report and receipt copies attached to this document 1 $3,287 $3,287 PAY ME NT TER MS S U BTOTA L $13,287 • • • • S A LE S TAX $0.00 A M OU NT PA I D -$0.00 TOTA L D U E $13,287 Please remit payment within 30 days. Receive a 2% discount if the invoice is paid within 10 days of receipt. Payable by check, cash, or ETF/ACH transfers. Contact us for details. Unpaid balances will incur a finance fee each month after the due date. NOT E We’re excited to embark on this journey together! Let us know if you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer. SI G NE D YOU R N A M E H E RE YOU R T I T LE BUSINESS NAME W W W.YO U R W E BS I T E .CO M 123-456-7890