ELEVATOR SPEECH RUBRIC ELEVATOR SPEECH RUBRIC ______/5 --- Pace and Time-Do not exceed 60 seconds; do not rush, but say enough to cover 30-60 seconds worth of information ______/5---- Delivery Vocal Quality- Appropriate inflection, tone and volume. ______/10----Delivery Diction and Grammar-Speak Clearly, proper pronunciation, and correct grammar. ______/5 --- Delivery Gestures and Mannerisms-Use natural gestures and avoid distracting mannerisms (fidgeting, hair twirling, hands folded, etc). ______/5 ---- Delivery Eye Contact- Appropriate eye contact with the audience ______/5 -----Delivery Poise-Appear confident and in control. ______/15 ----- Speech Content – Speech Content Follows Elevator Speech Format Total______/50 NOTES: