Uploaded by Ella M

Cell Membrane Review Sheet: Structure & Transport

Cell Membranes
Name: Ella
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AUTHORIZED AID: You may discuss questions with classmates or other knowledgeable persons before
composing your OWN answer or you may use a source and cite it appropriately.
Review the following links and use them to answer the questions that follow. If these links don’t
immediately open for you, then copy and paste the URL into your browser.
Cell Membranes
Membrane Interactive Video
Review the following videos and use them to answer the questions that follow:
How Diffusion Works
How Facilitated Diffusion Works
How Osmosis Works
Phagocytosis & Lysosomes
Use the Biology Online Dictionary to help you answer the following questions. Again, you may need to
paste the URL into your browser. Type each of the blue underlined words below into the dictionary
search field to help you understand the content.
1. Why is the cell membrane called a phospholipids bilayer? because it is 2 layers made up of
phopholipids Fluid Mosaic model? because the fluid mosaic model is a model of the membrane
2. What 3 parts is the phospholipid bilayer made of? What is the purpose of each?
a. proteins purpose: transporting substances across cell membrane
b. 'head' purpose: to protect the sensitive parts inside
c. 'tail' purpose: transport
3. Knowing that hydro means water, philic means loving, and phobic means hating, which part of the
phospholipid is hydrophilic? headWhich part is hydrophobic? tail
a. If all cells are in water and all cells have cytoplasm (mainly composed of water), explain why
the membrane must be composed of two layers of phospholipids. the head is only on one end
of the phospholipid and the tail is on the other so if there was only one layer than the tail
would be exposed to water. there needs to be two layers of phospholipids because the heads
have to face outward on both ends because they are not hydrophobic
4. Define Passive Transport: when substances move down their concentration gradients
5. Define diffusion a type of Passive transport: substance moving from a higher concentration to a lower
6. What three factors affect the movement of molecules by diffusion?
a. temperature
b. size of molecules
c. blockage
7. What is equilibrium (use isotonic in your answer)? equilibrium is the state of molecules being fairly
equal on both sides of the cell. an isostonic solution is an example of equilibrium
8. Define Facilitated Diffusion a type of Passive transport: the transport of substances across a membrane
from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration with the help of a transport
a. Is energy required for facilitated diffusion? no explain substances move along the direction of
their concentration gradient
b. Are proteins required? yes explain they are required for transport in the phospholipid bilayer
c. Do molecules move with or against the concentration gradient? with
d. Look at the different types of proteins: channel, antiport, symport.
9. Define Osmosis a type of Passive transport: osmosis is a type of diffusion where water molecules moves
from a higher concentration to a lower concentration over a membrane
a. Knowing the definitions of hypertonic and hypotonic, which way will water move from
hypertonic to hypotonic or hypotonic to hypertonic? hypertonic - hypotonic
10. Define Active transport: when substances move against a concentration gradient
a. Why is it necessary? esstional in many biological processes
b. Is energy required? yes
c. Is a protein? yes
d. Do molecules move with or against the concentration gradient? against
11. Define vesicle mediated transport: A cellular transport process in which transported substances are
moved in membrane-bounded vesicles
a. What is endocytosis? the cell membrane forms a pocket around the target particle
b. Give an example of endocytosis. engulfing a bacteria
c. What is exocytosis? the cell membrane expells a target particle using a pocket
d. Give an example of exocytosis. secretion of enzymes or other substances
12. What is homeostasis? the ability to maintain a internal temperature with an ever changing external
13. What are some examples of how an organism might maintain homeostasis? human ternal body
14. How would the phospholipid bilayer be involved in maintaining homeostasis? it transports things in
and out of the cell so it probaly repells somethings of a higher temperature
15. What are some (at least three) specific types of molecules that are transported across the cell
a. water
b. carbon dioxide
c. oxygen
16. How are these (at least three) molecules important for maintaining homeostasis in an organism?
a. water takes a long time to heat up and cool down
b. gas exchange- lungs eliminating CO2
c. gas exchange- oxygen needed for cellular respiration