CO- CURRICULUM (MPU 3412) Course Introduction & Information (2 Credit Hours) YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE Course objectives ❖This course objective is to: ➢ Expose the students to the knowledge and skills of the game ➢ Create environment of togetherness among students on common activity ➢ To develop sense of competitiveness among the students ➢ To introduce and guide students to through a variety of activities that help to ➢ develop basic cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills, including team work ➢ and leadership abilities. ➢ To teach social skills and good human relations. YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE Learning Outcomes ❖ At the end of the course, students should be able to: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Describe what the game is Identify important skills areas to excel Apply the skills and strategies in competition Apply the disciplinary aspect during learning sessions Undertake activities and perform functions that require cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills together with team work and leadership abilities. ▪ Understand the rules, techniques and strategies involved in physical and team activities ▪ Express social skills and good human relations YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE Contact hours ❖Lecture, Practical and Tutorial Session Day of the Week Time 2 hours Monday 9:00 am – 11:00 am YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE Assessment Group Activities Continuous Assessment Report Total 40% 30% 30% 100% YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE IDEAS FOR mini- project (Choose any One) ❖ Digital Magazine ➢ Creating your own magazine of 10 pages including the two cover page and content page ➢ Using free available software to create the magazine ➢ Use unique ideas for magazine content. ❖ Book/ Novel Club ➢ Read a book per week and summarize it ➢ At the end of the course write a short report on the books you have read. ❖ Vlog ➢ Creating your own video log – around 3 videos ➢ Using free available software to create the videos ➢ Use unique content to create the video. ❖ Blog ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Creating your own blog Using free available software to create blog Use unique content to create the blog. Write a short report on your blog ❖ Art club ➢ ➢ ➢ Choice any art of interest (example sketching/drawing or cooking etc..) Use a diary to keep weekly record of the work Write a short report. YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE IDEAS FOR mini- project (Choose any One) ❖ Event • Arrange any event (CSR events, Completion) • Use a diary to keep weekly record of the work including the role of each members. • Write a short report. YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE MUST’S LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ❖Student’s contact email ➢ Send to lecturer’s email for record ➢ Notice & announcements YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE