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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers

IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for
Power Transformers
IEEE Power & Energy Society
Sponsored by the
Transformers Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997
IEEE Std C57.148™-2011
3 January 2012
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Authorized licensed use limited to: ABB Power Grids. Downloaded on March 02,2021 at 12:21:42 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C57.148™-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for
Power Transformers
Transformers Committee
of the
IEEE Power & Energy Society
Approved 10 September 2011
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Approved 15 January 2013
American National Standards Institute
Authorized licensed use limited to: ABB Power Grids. Downloaded on March 02,2021 at 12:21:42 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Requirements for the design and construction of control cabinets on power transformers.
Keywords: cabinet, circuit, component, construction, control cabinet, controls, current transformer,
design, IEEE C57.148, layout, manufacture
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright © 2012 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 3 January 2012. Printed in the United States of America.
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IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
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ISBN 978-0-7381-6805-0
ISBN 978-0-7381-6806-7
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.148-2011, IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers.
This standard is intended to provide requirements for the design and manufacture of control cabinets for
Class I and Class II power transformers. The standard also contains options to cover the various types of
components that could be provided, the various types of cooling classes that may be employed, and the
various site-specific or user-specified requirements that may exist for the transformer.
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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, with guidance from the Power Transformers Subcommittee,
the Control Cabinets of Power Transformers Working Group had the following membership:
Joe Watson, Chair
Steven Schappell, Vice Chair
David Aho
Jerry Allen
Gregory Anderson
Stephen Antosz
Javier Arteaga
Donald Ayers
Peter Balma
Ron Barker
Thomas Bassett
Barry Beaster
Stephen Beckman
Oscar Bello
Enrique Betancourt
Carlos Bittner
Gene Blackburn
Dennis Blake
Daniel Blaydon
William Boettger
Joseph Cheung
Donald Chu
Craig Colopy
Dan de la Cruz
William Darovny
Ronald Daubert
Dieter Dohnal
James Bruce Fairris
Jeffrey Fleeman
Jean-Philippe Gagnon
Eduardo Garcia
Andreas Garnitschnig
Saurabh Ghosh
Harry Gianakouros
Eduardo Gomez-Hennig
James Graham
Jorge Guerra
Everett Hager, Jr.
Wayne Hansen
Thomas Harbaugh
Robert Hartgrove
Gary Hartman
Gary Hoffman
Timothy Huff
Catherine Hurley
Murray Joyner
David Keithly
Stanley Kostyal
Krzysztof Kulasek
Michael Lau
Thomas Lundquist
Michael Martin
John Matthews
Joseph Melanson
Jerry Murphy
Ryan Musgrove
Steve Northrup
Bipin Patel
Sanjay Patel
Paulette Powell
John Progar
Martin Rave
Randolph Rensi
Marnie Roussell
Subhas Sarkar
Dinesh Sankarakurup
Steven Schroeder
Ewald Schweiger
Dilipkumar Shah
Devki Sharma
Hemchandra Shertukde
Manuel Silvestre
H. Jin Sim
Joao Sousa
Andrew Steineman
Craig Stiegemeier
Raman Subramanian
Craig Swinderman
Mark Teetsel
Malcolm Thaden
Roger Verdolin
Jane Ann Verner
David Wallach
Ronald Wiefling
Frank Wolfe
Jennifer Yu
Kipp Yule
Peter Zhao
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
Satish Aggarwal
Steven Alexanderson
Stephen Antosz
Stan Arnot
Donald Ayers
Peter Balma
David Bassett
Barry Beaster
W. J. Bill Bergman
Wallace Binder
Thomas Blackburn
Daniel Blaydon
William Boettger
Steven Brockschink
Chris Brooks
Suresh Channarasappa
Jerry Corkran
John Crouse
William Darovny
Gary Donner
Michael Dood
Randall Dotson
Fred Elliott
Gary Engmann
James Fairris
Rabiz Foda
Bruce Forsyth
Marcel Fortin
Saurabh Ghosh
Jalal Gohari
Edwin Goodwin
James Graham
William Griesacker
Charles Grose
Randall Groves
Bal Gupta
Ajit Gwal
J. Harlow
David Harris
Robert Hartgrove
Steven Hensley
Lee Herron
Gary Heuston
Gary Hoffman
Philip Hopkinson
David Horvath
Laszlo Kadar
John Kay
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Ryan Musgrove
K. R. M. Nair
Anthony Napikoski
Bradley Nelson
Michael S. Newman
Joe Nims
Gary Nissen
Mohamed Omran
Bansi Patel
Paul Pillitteri
Alvaro Portillo
Bertrand Poulin
Lewis Powell
Iulian Profir
Jean-Christophe Riboud
John Rossetti
Marnie Roussell
M. Sachdev
Dinesh Sankarakurup
Bartien Sayogo
Hamidreza Sharifnia
Gael Kennedy
Sheldon Kennedy
Yuri Khersonsky
Morteza Khodaie
J. Koepfinger
Neil Kranich
Jim Kulchisky
Saumen Kundu
John Lackey
Chung-Yiu Lam
Hua Liu
Albert Livshitz
Thomas Lundquist
Greg Luri
J. Dennis Marlow
John W. Matthews
Joseph Melanson
Daleep Mohla
Georges Montillet
Kimberly Mosley
Jerry Murphy
Devki Sharma
Stephen Shull
Gil Shultz
James Smith
Jerry Smith
Zareh Soghomonian
Gary Stoedter
John Tengdin
David Tepen
Malcolm Thaden
John Toth
Joe Uchiyama
John Vergis
Jane Verner
Keith Wallace
David Wallach
Barry Ward
Joe Watson
Kenneth White
Kipp Yule
Matthew Zeedyk
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 10 September 2011, it had the following
Richard H. Hulett, Chair
John Kulick, Vice Chair
Robert M. Grow, Past Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Masayuki Ariyoshi
William Bartley
Ted Burse
Clint Chaplin
Wael Diab
Jean-Philippe Faure
Alexander Gelman
Paul Houzé
Jim Hughes
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
David J. Law
Thomas Lee
Hung Ling
Oleg Logvinov
Ted Olsen
Gary Robinson
Jon Walter Rosdahl
Sam Sciacca
Mike Seavey
Curtis Siller
Phil Winston
Howard L. Wolfman
Don Wright
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Satish Aggarwal, NRC Representative
Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Michael Janezic, NIST Representative
Francesca Drago
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
Erin Spiewak
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations .................................................................................................. 2
3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 3
4. Cabinet-ordering specifications.................................................................................................................. 4
5. Standard cabinet construction..................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Cabinet-housing criteria....................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 Cabinet dimensions.............................................................................................................................. 4
5.4 Cabinet construction materials............................................................................................................. 5
5.5 Compartment styles and welding......................................................................................................... 5
5.6 Rain sheds............................................................................................................................................ 6
5.7 Fixed back and side panels .................................................................................................................. 6
5.8 Swing panels........................................................................................................................................ 6
5.9 Doors, hardware, and gaskets .............................................................................................................. 6
5.10 Ventilation and drains........................................................................................................................ 7
5.11 Location of conduit entry points........................................................................................................ 7
5.12 Bottom plate for cable entrance ......................................................................................................... 7
5.13 Grounding of panels and doors.......................................................................................................... 7
5.14 Finish coatings................................................................................................................................... 8
5.15 External cabinet grounding and grounding terminals ........................................................................ 8
5.16 General cabinet layout ....................................................................................................................... 8
5.17 Internal ground connections and ground bus ..................................................................................... 9
5.18 Lights and ac power outlet................................................................................................................. 9
5.19 Wiring................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.20 Circuit protection............................................................................................................................. 10
5.21 Contactors........................................................................................................................................ 11
5.22 Heaters............................................................................................................................................. 11
5.23 AC power and cooling control circuits ............................................................................................ 11
6. Numbering and labeling system ............................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Device numbers ................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Current transformer numbering ......................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Terminal block, device, and terminal labels ...................................................................................... 13
6.4 Current transformer circuit terminal block, terminal, test switch, and secondary wiring numbers ... 13
6.5 Control, alarm, and trip-circuit terminal blocks and terminal numbers ............................................. 14
6.6 Wire markers ..................................................................................................................................... 15
6.7 Wiring diagrams ................................................................................................................................ 16
7. Cabinet construction options .................................................................................................................... 16
7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 16
7.2 Option B: Sheet metal thickness........................................................................................................ 16
7.3 Option C: AC power and dc relay voltages ....................................................................................... 16
7.4 Option D: Terminals, terminal blocks, wire raceways, and wire bundling........................................ 17
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7.5 Option E: Cooling control switches................................................................................................... 19
7.6 Option F: Annunciator....................................................................................................................... 20
7.7 Option G: Automatic transfer switch................................................................................................. 20
7.8 Option H: Dead-front cabinet design................................................................................................. 21
7.9 Option I: Visible air gap .................................................................................................................... 21
Annex A (normative) Figures....................................................................................................................... 23
Annex B (informative) Forms ...................................................................................................................... 34
B.1 Sample ordering form ....................................................................................................................... 34
B.2 Annunciator table and checklist ........................................................................................................ 36
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Authorized licensed use limited to: ABB Power Grids. Downloaded on March 02,2021 at 12:21:42 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for
Power Transformers
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This standard is not intended to ensure safety, security, health, or environmental
protection. Implementers of the standard are responsible for determining appropriate safety, security,
environmental, and health practices or regulatory requirements.
This IEEE document is made available for use subject to important notices and legal disclaimers.
These notices and disclaimers appear in all publications containing this document and may
be found under the heading “Important Notice” or “Important Notices and Disclaimers
Concerning IEEE Documents.” They can also be obtained on request from IEEE or viewed at
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard will provide minimum and optional function, layout, and construction requirements for standard
control cabinet designs. It will also include a coding system for specifying standard control cabinets with the
required options. This standard will apply to Class 1 and Class 2 power transformers and will not apply to
distribution or padmount design transformers.
1.2 Purpose
This document will provide users and manufacturers with a set of standard designs that can be easily specified.
The document should greatly reduce the engineering time required by manufacturers to create and by users to
review control cabinet designs.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must be
understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
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IEEE Std C57.148-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
ANSI/ASME B1.1, Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form).1
ANSI Z55.1, Gray Finishes for Industrial Apparatus and Equipment (R1973).2
DIN EN 50022, Specification for low voltage switchgear and control-gear for industrial use. Mounting
rails. Top hat rails 35 mm wide for snap-on mounting of equipment.
IEC Publication 60529, Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures.3
IEEE Std C37.2™, IEEE Standard for Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers, Acronyms, and
Contact Designations.4, 5
IEEE Std C57.12.00™, IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
Power, and Regulating Transformers.
IEEE Std C57.12.10™, IEEE Standard Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Power Transformers.
ISO 262, ISO General purpose metric screw threads ― Selected sizes for screws, bolts, and nuts.6
NEMA 250, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).7
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® (NEC®).8
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.9
control cabinet: The primary cabinet(s) on a Class I or Class II transformer that contains the control panels
for relay, metering, alarms, cooling controls, auxiliary power, and related circuits for user connection to the
related systems in the substation.
control cabinet designer: The engineer or designer responsible for designing the layout and circuitry in
the control cabinet.
DIN rail: A standard 35-mm-wide metal rail used to mount terminals, circuit breakers, and other types of
devices (as specified in DIN EN 50022).
ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, http://www.asme.org/.
ANSI Z55.1 (R1973) has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from the Sales Department, American National Standards
Institute, http://www.ansi.org/.
This IEC publication is available from http://standards.ieee.org/store.
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IEEE publications are available at http://standards.ieee.org/.
ISO/IEC publications are available at http://www.iso.org/ or http://www.ansi.org/.
This NEMA publication is available at http://shop.ieee.org/.
National Electrical Safety Code and NESC are both registered trademarks and service marks of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
The IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions is available at http://shop.ieee.org/.
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IEEE Std C57.148-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP): A compound used for wire and cable insulation and jackets.
ground fault interrupter (GFI): A device commonly used for protection of personnel or some circuits by fast
tripping for differential current in the neutral and phase wires of a circuit.
machine tool wire: A flexible, stranded wire with a polyvinylchloride (PVC) insulation and jacket compound.
manufacturer: The organization that constructs or supplies the device or equipment.
piano hinge: A long hinge with one continuous pin, attached along the full available lengths of a door and
frame. Also referred to as a continuous hinge.
positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heater: A type of heater that provides self-regulating temperature
control resulting from the thermal-resistive properties of the ceramic materials used for the heating elements.
supplier: Refers to the transformer manufacturer when the control cabinet has been ordered by the transformer
manufacturer, or refers to the control cabinet manufacturer when the control cabinet has been ordered directly
from the control cabinet manufacturer by the user.
switchboard wire: A flexible, stranded, tin-coated wire, with a cross-linked polyethylene insulation and jacket
user: The organization, or representative of the organization, who specifies and orders the purchase of the
transformer and/or control cabinet and will own and operate the transformer and/or control cabinet when it is
received and placed in service. As used in the introductory sections before the Contents, the term refers to the
user of this standard.
wire raceway: A channel, with or without a cover, designed to contain and route wires and cables adjacent to
terminal blocks and other devices.
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
American Wire Gauge
current transformer
Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (German Institute for Standardization)
fluorinated ethylene propylene
ground fault interrupter
machine tool wire
original equipment manufacturer
oil directed air forced
oil forced air forced
oil natural air forced
oil natural air natural
switchboard wire
cross-linked polyethylene
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IEEE Std C57.148-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
4. Cabinet-ordering specifications
This standard includes requirements that are intended to provide a basic, standard design. This standard
also provides options on many aspects of the design and construction. Additionally, the user may specify
and require other options. A sample ordering form is included in Annex B to provide a convenient and
complete method of communicating the purchaser’s selection of standard design, standard options or users’
options for all aspects of the control cabinet.
5. Standard cabinet construction
5.1 General
The following standard cabinet construction requirements shall apply to all control cabinets covered under
this standard.
Note that references herein to the National Electric Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70®) are not intended to include
the complete NEC as a normative reference. All references to the NEC in this standard are specific to the
topic covered in the clauses containing the references only, and any other NEC requirements not referenced
in this document do not apply to control cabinets covered under this standard.
5.2 Cabinet-housing criteria
Unless specified otherwise, the complete cabinet shall be constructed for outdoor use to meet or exceed the
NEMA 3R designation as detailed in NEMA 250.
For special application environments such as corrosive or chemical atmospheres, marine or explosion proof
requirements, the appropriate NEMA or IEC designations shall be specified by the user. The NEMA Type
performance requirements are defined in NEMA 250 “Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts
Maximum)”. The IEC designations are defined in IEC 60529 “Degrees of Protection Provided by
Enclosures (IP)”.
Cabinets with gross weight greater than 20 kg (44.1 lb) shall have provisions for lifting and a sufficient
number of external tabs for the purpose of bolting to the transformer. Additional external brackets for
mounting gauges shall be specified by the transformer manufacturer or user.
Cabinet mounting provisions must meet the specified requirements of the user or supplier, respectively,
depending on who orders the cabinet from the manufacturer. One such requirement is the ability to
accommodate vibration suppressors or similar mounting hardware. Unless specified otherwise by the user
or supplier, the control cabinet designer should design the cabinet to be mounted on the transformer with
not less than a 200 mm (7.9 in) air space between the back of the cabinet and the transformer tank wall.
5.3 Cabinet dimensions
Cabinet height and depth shall be such that all switches, circuit breakers, fuses, device display panels, and all
similar components that require operation, adjustment, or inspection during normal operation can be
comfortably reached by a person of average height (approximately 1.7 m, or 5 ft 7 in) when standing at the
plane of the door. The mounted location of the control cabinet should be determined by the supplier based
on user specifications, transformer foundation design, shipping limitations, and other considerations. Unless
otherwise specified by the user, the bottom of the control cabinet shall not be less than 0.5 m (19.7 in) above
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IEEE Std C57.148-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
the location where a worker, standing in front of the control cabinet on the ground or on a work platform
when the transformer is set on its foundation, and shall not be below the base of the transformer. Unless
specified otherwise by the user, the control cabinet designer shall assume that the elevation of the location
where a technician would stand in front of the control cabinet in order to work in the cabinet shall be the
same elevation as the base of the transformer.
5.4 Cabinet construction materials
Cabinets, doors, and hardware shall be of sturdy construction, and capable of operation under usual service
conditions for transformers as specified in IEEE Std C57.12.00 for the expected life of the transformer,
without bending or warping.
Unless specified otherwise by the user, all cabinets shall be constructed of cold-rolled carbon steel with the
minimum sheet metal thickness, based on the overall outside cabinet dimensions with doors closed, as
shown in Table 1.
Table 1 —Sheet metal thickness requirements
Minimum sheet metal thickness
Not greater than
762 mm (30 in), and
Not greater than
762 mm (30 in)
1.51 mm (0.0598 in or 16 gauge)
Greater than 762 mm (30 in) but
not greater than
1524 mm (60 in), or
Greater than 762 mm (30 in) but
not greater than
1219 mm (48 in)
1.90 mm (0.0747 in or 14 gauge)
Greater than
1524 mm (60 in), or
Greater than
1219 mm (48 in)
2.67 mm (0.105 in or 12 gauge)
Note that the minimum sheet metal thickness shall apply if either the length or the height, or both length
and height, fall within the dimensional range for that sheet metal thickness. For example, a cabinet with a
length of 700 mm and a height of 700 mm would require a minimum 1.51 mm sheet metal thickness. A
cabinet with a length of 700 mm and a height of 800 mm would require a minimum 1.9 mm sheet metal
thickness (see Table 1).
For special environmental applications where carbon steel cabinets are not suitable, either the
environmental conditions or other materials, such as stainless steel, aluminum, polymeric, or special
coatings, must be specified by the user.
5.5 Compartment styles and welding
Unless specified otherwise by the user or chosen by the control cabinet designer, cabinets shall have a
single compartment with one or two doors. If user specifications require isolated cabinet sections, or if the
control cabinet designer chooses to provide isolated sections, cabinets may be constructed with internal
compartments separated by steel barriers, with doors for each compartment. All external metal joints and
seams shall be fully welded to prevent trapped water and corrosion. Intermittent welds on internal metal
joints are acceptable, provided the metal surface preparation and finish coatings protect exposed metal from
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IEEE Std C57.148-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
5.6 Rain sheds
The cabinet shall be constructed to minimize the ingress of water from the cabinet top when the doors are
opened. Acceptable solutions include a sloped cabinet top or shield above the cabinet top to shed rainwater
away from the doors toward the back of the cabinet, or a water guard or barrier fitted to the front edge of the
cover or doorways.
5.7 Fixed back and side panels
To minimize the number of penetrations through the cabinet shell, controls components shall not be mounted
directly to the inner surfaces of the cabinet. Components shall be mounted on rigid steel panels with a
thickness not less than the cabinet material thickness that are attached to and spaced a minimum of 12 mm (0.5
in) from the inner side or back walls of the cabinet. Openings and holes in the fixed panels shall be suitable for
the secure mounting of components such as relays, components, terminals, and DIN rail.
5.8 Swing panels
If additional panel surface is needed for mounting controls components, or if components need to be mounted
on a panel inside the cabinet, swing panels may be used. Swing panels are flat steel panels vertically hinged
and attached to the inside walls of the cabinet. With the external door of the cabinet open, the swing panel,
complete with its mounted components, shall be capable of being opened through the main door opening to
allow access to the fixed panels inside the cabinet. Swing panels shall have latching mechanisms to secure the
panel in the closed position. Swing panels shall be capable of being opened a minimum of 90 degrees and be
equipped with a mechanism to secure the panel in the open position. All exposed energized terminals rated for
a potential Vac > 150 V or Vdc > 48 V on the back side of swing panel shall be fully protected with a removable,
fire-retardant, transparent shield, or other means, to minimize the risk of accidental contact.
5.9 Doors, hardware, and gaskets
Cabinets shall be equipped with vertically hinged doors consisting of two or more hinges, or a piano hinge, and
be capable of opening a minimum of 90 degrees. If the hinges are mild steel, all exposed edges shall be
completely welded to the door and cabinet to provide a full-weather seal.
The doors shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant handled latching mechanisms that secure the door to the
cabinet at two or more points. A combination of a handle and door clamps may be used for small control
cabinets. The handles or doors shall be suitable to be locked with a padlock fitting the dimensions listed in
Figure 1. Unless specified otherwise, door handles shall not be equipped with integral key locks.
Figure 1 —Minimum padlock dimensions
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Each door shall be equipped with a mechanism to secure the door at a minimum 90 degree open position.
The inner surface of one door shall be equipped with one or more sufficiently sized and constructed pockets to
hold the transformer manuals and other documents. Unless approved by the user, pockets for the manuals and
other documents shall be constructed with the same material as the cabinet, but the material thickness of the
pocket may be thinner, provided it is sufficient to support the manual and documents.
Doors shall have a gasket system that meets NEMA 250 requirements. The gasket material shall be durable,
suitable for the in-service environment, and replaceable.
Viewing windows, if provided in doors, shall meet the requirements of the cabinet’s NEMA designation.
All external bolting hardware shall be stainless steel or nonferrous metal.
5.10 Ventilation and drains
Each cabinet compartment shall be equipped with at least one ventilator. The ventilator shall be located near
the top of the cabinet wall or on the cabinet door. Additional ventilators may be required to maintain the
temperature range in 5.22. The bottom of the cabinet shall have a 12 mm (0.5 in) minimum diameter drain hole
located at the lowest level of the cabinet bottom in the event that water enters the cabinet. Ventilators and
drains shall be screened to prevent intrusion by insects.
5.11 Location of conduit entry points
Conduits for leads from the transformer components shall only enter through the sides of the control cabinet.
The cabinet design shall have sufficient space at the lead entry points and not interfere with the side panels.
Conduit fittings shall be rated NEMA Type 4.
5.12 Bottom plate for cable entrance
Each compartment of the cabinet that will have external cables connected to substation circuits shall have an
opening in the compartment bottom. The opening size shall be suitable to accommodate incoming control
cable conduits, or as per dimensions specified by the user. This opening shall be covered with a plate that is
gasketed and bolted to the underside of the cabinet. The plate may be constructed with the same material as the
cabinet or with aluminum. If aluminum plate is used, it should be approximately 3 mm (0.12 in) thick. The
plate facilitates the cutting of openings for the substation conduits during site installation. The cabinet design
shall allow sufficient space above the bottom plate to facilitate the routing of the external cables to the terminal
5.13 Grounding of panels and doors
Fixed panels, swing panels, and doors shall be intentionally grounded to the cabinet body with a flexible
ground strap.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
5.14 Finish coatings
Painting is not required for specialty cabinets made from stainless steel, aluminum, or polymer unless specified
by the user.
Cabinets made from carbon steel require painting. The metal surfaces shall be suitably prepared for painting by
shot blasting or chemical etching processes. The paint process shall be epoxy paint, silicone-alkyd paint, or
powder coat. The same paint and process as used for the transformer may also be selected. The combined
primer and finish coat dry-film thickness shall be minimum 0.127 mm (0.005 in or 5 mils). Unless specified
otherwise, the exterior color shall be ANSI 70 gray, as specified in ANSI Z55.1, and the interior color shall be
white or gray.
5.15 External cabinet grounding and grounding terminals
Each cabinet or cabinet section that is connected to another section by bolts or screws shall be equipped with
one or more external NEMA-standard two-hole ground pads welded to the bottom or lower side of the cabinet
or, alternately, with a 12 mm or ½-in threaded stainless-steel stud welded to the cabinet wall with stainlesssteel fastener hardware. This requirement is to ensure a continuous low-impedance electrical path from each
device ground point or terminal to the external ground pad for any ground current.
The cabinet grounding pad(s) shall consist of a copper-faced steel pad or a stainless-steel pad without copper
facing, 50.8 mm × 88.9 mm (2 in × 3½ in), with two holes horizontally spaced on 44.5-mm (1¾ in) centers and
drilled and tapped for ½ in -13 Unified National Coarse (UNC) thread, as defined in ANSI B1.1. Minimum
thickness of the copper facing shall be 0.4 mm (0.016 in). Minimum threaded depth of the holes shall be 12.7
mm (½ in). Thread protection for the ground pad shall be provided.
5.16 General cabinet layout
In general, one-door and two-door cabinets shall be organized in an orderly and logical manner to minimize
the risk of wiring errors. All secondary wiring for any current transformer shall be connected to the same
terminal block and not divided among multiple terminal blocks. Stacks of DIN rail terminals shall be equipped
with dividers or installed with spaces between terminals for each current transformer and connected in the
same manner.
To the extent practical within the available cabinet dimensions, current transformer terminal blocks should be
arranged with all current transformers for each phase in a common row or column. Current transformer
terminal blocks shall also be grouped by location and function and arranged within each group by stacking
Cooling control, alarm, and trip-circuit terminal blocks that provide the user’s connections shall be arranged in
a vertical or rectangular configuration similar to the general layout examples shown in Figure A.3.
Terminal block and test-switch locations shall provide adequate room between groups of columns of terminal
blocks for orderly wire routing, troubleshooting, and any user’s cable routing and connections.
The user or supplier may provide a standard layout design that meets these requirements, or the cabinet layout
may be organized with the locations and minimum dimensions as shown on Figure A.1, Figure A.2, and Figure
A.3. Cabinet areas in the figures are approximate and can be expanded or contracted to accommodate the
terminals and devices in any particular cabinet. Terminals and devices may be added or deleted as required.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
5.17 Internal ground connections and ground bus
5.17.1 General
The cabinet section shall be equipped with one or more internal NEMA-standard two-hole ground pads, with
the same specifications as the external grounding pad described in 5.15, or stainless-steel studs welded to the
cabinet wall with stainless-steel fastener hardware in each cabinet section equipped with a ground bus, to
provide positive electrical connection to the ground bus bar. If a ground pad is used, it shall be copper-faced
steel or stainless steel without copper facing. Thread protection shall be provided for the ground pad. If a
stainless-steel stud is used, it shall be free of paint or any other coating that changes the electrical properties of
the stainless steel.
5.17.2 Design
The ground bus shall be a tin-plated copper bar at least 25 mm high and 6 mm thick with adequate length to
accommodate the required terminals. Each separate section of the cabinet containing circuits or electrical
equipment shall be equipped with one, or more if required, ground bus bar. The bus shall be solidly connected
to a ground pad or stud inside the cabinet, either directly or with uninsulated copper cable or copper cable
insulated with transparent dielectric material. If a ground cable is required, it shall be at least 21.1 mm2 (AWG
4) or a conductor with equivalent cross-sectional area. The ground bus shall be drilled and tapped with a #1032 female thread for connection of circuit grounds, including accessories external to the cabinet.
5.17.3 Mounting
The ground bus shall be mounted within 150 mm (5.9 in) of the bottom of the cabinet on, or adjacent to, the
back panel.
5.18 Lights and ac power outlet
Each cabinet shall be equipped with an internal incandescent or compact fluorescent light fixture with a
minimum rating of 60 W for incandescent lights or 800 lumens for all other types. The light fixture shall
accommodate a standard 26 mm, E26 base lightbulb. The light shall be controlled by a switch on the door for
that section of the cabinet that automatically turns the light on when the door is opened and off when the door
is closed.
The cabinet may be ordered with an optional dual GFI 110–120 V single-phase power outlet. The ground
connection for the GFI outlet shall be completely isolated from the ground bus in the cabinet and shall be
connected only to a separate ground location to protect from inadvertent relay operations. The outlet shall be
located in an accessible location inside the cabinet or outside using a weather-proof enclosure.
5.19 Wiring
Wires that terminate on screw or stud connectors shall be terminated with crimped, ring-type lugs with not
more than two wires connected to any terminal screw or stud. Lug collars may be bare or insulated. Terminals
on components that do not accommodate any type of lug may require bare wire connections. Wires shall be
continuous between lugs without splices.
The standard wiring between terminals or devices inside the control cabinet, other than heaters, shall be
stranded, single conductor, copper, 600 V wire with strand count not less than Class C. The wire shall be SIS
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
type or ETFE/FEP or MTW type if a higher operating temperature range or oil resistance is desired. All
insulated ground wires shall be stranded, single conductor copper with green-colored insulation except the
connections between the internal ground busses and cabinet ground terminals, as described in 5.17.2.
All wire sizes shall be selected in accordance with the NEC and with the following minimum wire sizes:
All ground wires from terminals or devices connecting to the ground bus inside the cabinet shall be
3.31 mm2 (AWG 12) minimum.
All current transformer circuit wiring shall be 3.31 mm2 (AWG 12) minimum.
All other circuit wiring, with the exception of low-voltage signal conductors, shall be 2.08 mm2 (AWG
14) minimum. These requirements do not apply to internal component wiring for devices inside the
cabinet such as meters, annunciators, or other similar equipment, but the cabinet designer must ensure
that such devices are adequately rated for expected service conditions.
5.20 Circuit protection
5.20.1 General
Circuit breakers shall be used to protect all ac power circuits. Fuses may be used to protect dc circuits when
the maximum current is limited to 5 A or less, or if fuses are recommended by the original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) to protect their devices. All other dc circuits shall be protected by dc circuit breakers. All
fuses and fuse holders shall have a voltage rating equal to or greater than the dc source voltage.
Alternating current power circuit breakers shall be single-phase or three-phase, as required. Direct current
breakers shall be single-pole type. All circuit breakers shall have a voltage rating equal to or greater than the
supply voltage. Plug-in circuit breakers may not be used.
Unless specified otherwise, breakers shall be magnetic or thermal/magnetic type. Thermal/magnetic-type
breakers shall properly perform their intended short-circuit overcurrent and overload protection functions
under the ambient temperature range of the cabinet when the transformer is in-service. If ambient temperatures
in the control cabinet exceed the rated temperature range for a thermal/magnetic breaker, the breaker must be
derated in accordance with the breaker manufacturer’s instructions. If, after derating, the breaker cannot
provide overcurrent and overload protection coordination to the circuit over the entire ambient temperature
range of the control cabinet, a magnetic-type breaker with separate overload protection may be required.
Branch circuits shall be designed in accordance with the NEC so that a fault in any branch circuit will result in
the de-energization of only the faulted branch circuit. All branch circuits shall be protected by a main circuit
5.20.2 Mounting and orientation
Circuit breakers mounted directly to a panel shall be oriented vertically with the input on the top and the output
on the bottom. DIN rail–type circuit breakers shall also be mounted vertically, with input on top and output on
the bottom, with the DIN rails oriented horizontally. Fuses shall be installed in fuse holders and the fuse
holders shall be mounted on a panel in a location with free and clear access when all doors are open.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
5.21 Contactors
5.21.1 General
Contactors shall be single-phase or three-phase 600 V closed-face type to match the standard or specified
supply voltage.
5.21.2 Mounting
Contactors shall be mounted on the back panel or on a swing panel.
5.21.3 Orientation
Contactors mounted directly to a panel shall be oriented vertically with the input on the top and the output on
the bottom. DIN-rail−type contactors shall also be mounted vertically, with input on top and output on the
bottom, with the DIN rails oriented horizontally.
5.22 Heaters
5.22.1 General
Unless specified otherwise, the control cabinet shall be provided with one or more ac-powered heaters per
cabinet section to prevent condensation. If resistive-type heaters are used, they shall be controlled with a
thermostat. If PTC-type heaters are provided, the thermostat may not be required. Unless specified otherwise,
the heaters shall be sized to maintain a 0 °C minimum, 40 °C maximum cabinet temperature over the specified
operating conditions ambient temperature range. All components in the cabinet shall be sufficiently rated to
operate within the same rated temperature range as the cabinet. Heaters shall be wired with high temperature
wire suitable to withstand up to 150 °C.
5.22.2 Mounting
The heaters should be mounted on the bottom of the cabinet or lowest part of the back panel or side walls,
placed away from the doors and cable entrance plate and wiring, and covered with protective guards to
minimize the risk of damage or injury to components, cables, or personnel from accidental touch.
5.22.3 Orientation
Heaters shall be oriented so the wiring is not located above the heating surface.
5.23 AC power and cooling control circuits
Unless alternate circuit designs are specified, the ac power, auxiliary power, and cooling control circuits shall
be configured as shown in the appropriate cooling control schematic drawings in Annex A.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
The cooling control drawings in Annex A are intended to show how various options shall be connected
within the circuits. All of the options that are shown in the drawings are shown for ONAN/ONAF/ONAF
or ONAN/OFAF/OFAF cooling, but shall also be connected as shown when specified for OFAF/OFAF or
ODAF/ODAF cooling designs.
Other optional devices within the cooling control circuit that are specified but not listed in this Standard
shall be connected as specified by the user, or if not specified, as designed by the control cabinet designer.
Lights and heaters are shown on the cooling control drawings connected to one common circuit breaker. If
desired by the control cabinet designer or specified by the user separate circuit breakers may be provided
for the heaters and lights.
6. Numbering and labeling system
6.1 Device numbers
Devices shall be numbered on drawings and wire markers in accordance with IEEE Std C37.2.
6.2 Current transformer numbering
Current transformers (CTs) shall be numbered in accordance with the conventions specified below.
In general, the current transformer numbering system shall provide a clear identification of the type,
general location, winding, phase, and position of each current transformer whose secondary wiring is
terminated in the control cabinet. The current transformer numbering system shall be consistent with the
numbering used to identify current transformers on the transformer nameplate and/or current transformer
The following numbering system is recommended if an alternate numbering system that meets these
requirements is not specified by the user or in standard use by the supplier.
General designation = (General location)(Type)-(Winding)(Phase)-(Position)
(General location) =
Blank or no designation for internal bushing current transformers
I, for internal CTs that are not bushing mounted
XX, for all external CTs
(Type) =
CT, for relay and metering functions
WCT, for winding temperature gauge functions
XCT, for LTC control or other load sensing functions
(Winding) =
H, to indicate the HV windings
X, to indicate the XV windings
Y, to indicate the YV windings
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
(Phase) =
1, to indicate phase #1
2, to indicate phase #2
3, to indicate phase #3
0, to indicate the neutral position
Note that an autotransformer neutral position is designated H0X0.
(CT position) = 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., with 1 being the innermost CT of each designation, and the highest number
being the outermost CT. The innermost CT is defined as the CT in a group of CTs that is located closest to the
transformer winding. The outermost CT is defined as the CT that is located farthest from the winding. If only
one CT is located on a bushing or in an internal interwinding location, it shall be numbered as 1. Internal, not
bushing-mounted CTs shall also include the letter P before the position number to indicate that the CT is
located on the polarity end of a winding or the letter N before the position number to indicate that the CT is
located on the nonpolarity end of a winding. For example, P1, P2 or N1, N2, N3, etc.
See Figure A.11 for several examples of this numbering system.
6.3 Terminal block, device, and terminal labels
Terminal blocks shall all be labeled with the appropriate designations, using a plate or tag permanently
attached to the back or side panels above or adjacent to each vertically mounted terminal block or to the left of
each horizontally mounted terminal block.
Devices located inside the control cabinet shall be labeled with the appropriate designation, listed in 6.4, 6.5,
and 6.6, using a plate or tag permanently attached above, below, or adjacent to, the device where the view of
the plate or tag will not be obstructed by wiring or components.
6.4 Current transformer circuit terminal block, terminal, test switch, and secondary
wiring numbers
The following numbering systems for terminal blocks, terminals, component, and wires shall be used on all
drawings, nameplates, terminal block labels, and wire markers unless an alternate numbering system is
specified by the user.
In general, each current transformer terminal block or set of DIN rail-mounted current transformer terminals,
terminals, and test switch shall be numbered with the same current transformer designations, as described in
6.2 for the current transformer connected to that terminal block or set of DIN rail-mounted terminals, terminal,
or test switch.
The following numbering system is recommended if an alternate numbering system that meets these
requirements is not specified by the user or in standard use by the supplier.
Current transformer terminal block terminals shall be numbered with the terminal block number plus the
terminal number, or:
CT-(Winding)(Phase)-(CT position)-(Terminal Number)
Or, if the CT is used for winding temperature, it shall be numbered as follows:
WTCT-(Winding)(Phase)-(CT position)-(Terminal Number)
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
(Winding), (Phase), and (CT position) are defined above
(Terminal Number) = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 with terminal number 1 located at the top of
vertical terminal blocks or the left of horizontal terminal blocks
For example, the terminal block for the innermost CT on the X2 bushing would be numbered CT-X2-1.
The top terminal on this terminal block would be numbered CT-X2-1-1.
Current transformer wiring terminal blocks shall be located and connected as shown in Figure A.9. The CT
circuits with sliding link terminals shall be connected as shown in Figure A.10.
Current transformer test switches and test-switch terminals, when supplied, shall be numbered as follows:
TS-(X)-(Terminal Number)
(X) = 1, 2, 3, etc.
(Terminal Number) = 1, 2, 3, etc., or in agreement with the terminal numbers identified by the testswitch manufacturer and marked on the test switch
Unless specified otherwise by the user, all current transformers connected to vertically mounted terminal
blocks or test switches shall be connected with the polarity wires connected above the nonpolarity wires.
Unless specified otherwise, if horizontally mounted terminal blocks or test switches are provided, the
polarity wires shall be connected to the left of the nonpolarity wires.
Current transformer secondary wiring shall be numbered X1, X2, X3, for example, in accordance with
IEEE Std C57.13™.10 The complete CT secondary wire number shall be the current transformer number
plus the secondary wiring number, or:
(Winding)(Phase)-(CT position)-(secondary wire number)
6.5 Control, alarm, and trip-circuit terminal blocks and terminal numbers
Circuits shall be provided in the control cabinet for all standard accessories with electrical circuitry as listed
in IEEE Std C57.12.10 and all additional electrical accessories provided with the transformer.
The following numbering system is recommended if an alternate numbering system that meets these
requirements is not specified by the user or in standard use by the supplier.
Control, alarm, and trip-circuit wiring terminal blocks shall be labeled TB-(X),where X represents either X
= A, B, C, D, etc. or X = 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. If the A, B, C system is used and more than 26 terminal blocks are
required, the next three blocks after TB-(Z) should be labeled TB-(AA), TB-(AB), and TB-(AC), and
subsequent terminal blocks should follow the same pattern. Terminals should be designated in order from
left to right then down to the next rows of terminal blocks as illustrated on Figure A.3. Additional control,
trip, and alarm circuit terminals that are required by the control cabinet design shall be grouped with those
shown on the drawing and numbered in a consistent order following those terminals TB-A through TB-F as
shown on Figure A.3.
IEEE Std C57.13, IEEE Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Device terminals shall be numbered in accordance with the following system:
(Device Number)-(Device Terminal Number)
(Device Number) = the device number in accordance with IEEE Std C37.2
(Device Terminal Number) = agreement with the terminal numbers identified by the device manufacturer
and as marked on the device. If a device contains terminal strips or blocks, the device’s terminal
strip or block designation shall be included with the device terminal number
Ground and ground bus terminals shall all commonly be designated as GND.
6.6 Wire markers
Unless specified otherwise by the user, each wire terminating from a device on the transformer or in the
control cabinet, or from another terminal in the control cabinet, or from another cabinet on the transformer
shall be numbered and labeled in accordance with the following system:
(Remote End Terminal Number) (< or >) (Local End Terminal Number)
(Remote End Terminal Number) = the terminal block or device number and terminal or device terminal
number at the opposite end of the terminated wire
(< or >) = the direction toward the opposite end of the terminated wire or toward the remote end
terminal. On vertically mounted terminal block terminals, for example, this will be < on all wires
terminated on the left side of the terminal and > on all wires terminated on the right side of the
terminal. This will also be > on all wires connected to device terminals at the device end of the
(Local End Terminal Number) = the terminal block or device number and terminal or device terminal
number at the location where the wire is terminated adjacent to the wire marker.
Device 26
26-A3 > TB-B-3
26-A2 > TB-B-2
26-A1 > TB-B-1
TB-B-1 > 26-A1
TB-B-2 > 26-A2
TB-B-3 > 26-A3
TB-A-1 > TB-B-1
TB-A-1 < TB-B-1
TB-A-2 > TB-B-2
TB-A-2 < TB-B-2
Figure 2 —Wire markers
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
6.7 Wiring diagrams
The user must specify which type of wiring diagram is required from the cabinet manufacturer if the user
requires any type other than the manufacturer’s standard diagrams. The choice of wiring terminal destination
tables, schematic drawings, point-to-point wiring drawings, or other systems may be provided.
7. Cabinet construction options
7.1 General
The following optional cabinet construction requirements shall be specified using the Sample Ordering Form
in Annex B or an equivalent form.
7.1.1 Option A: NEMA or IEC performance requirements
If not specified, cabinets shall meet or exceed the performance requirements of NEMA 3R for outdoor use
with natural ventilation. Other NEMA or IEC designations may be specified for indoor locations or service in
corrosive or combustible dust environments.
Note that standard layouts and spacings in this document may not be practical with some NEMA-Type
cabinets for special environments and, in these cases, the supplier shall discuss the issues with the user and the
user and supplier may agree on other acceptable designs.
NEMA-Type performance requirements are defined in NEMA 250.
7.2 Option B: Sheet metal thickness
If not specified, the control cabinet shall be constructed of sheet metal in accordance with the thickness
requirements listed in 5.4 and 5.2. Other metal thicknesses, including 3.0 mm (0.118 in) (or 11 gauge), may be
specified by dimension or gauge number.
7.3 Option C: AC power and dc relay voltages
If not specified, the control cabinet shall be designed for a 120 V single-phase supply voltage for cooling,
lights, heaters, and similar loads. Other single-phase, three-phase, or other ac supply voltages may be
If not specified, the control cabinet shall be designed for a 125 V relay and alarm dc voltage. Other dc voltages
for alarm, trip, and component power may be specified.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
7.4 Option D: Terminals, terminal blocks, wire raceways, and wire bundling
7.4.1 General
Unless specified otherwise, control cabinets shall be supplied with standard wiring terminal blocks, standard
current transformer terminal blocks when the transformer is equipped with one or more current transformers
and with power terminal blocks when forced air and/or forced oil cooling are provided.
Control cabinets may be specified with optional sliding link terminal blocks for wiring and/or current
transformer circuits. Control cabinets may be specified with optional test switches for current transformer
7.4.2 Standard terminal blocks
Standard terminal blocks shall be surface mount or DIN rail mount–type and constructed in one piece with self
extinguishing material in groups of 6, 10, or 12, as required, with fixed terminals. The terminals shall be
continuously rated for not less than 600 V ac, with a sufficient continuous amperage rating for all attached
circuits under maximum current conditions, such as locked rotor current. Terminals shall be furnished with
washerless binding screws or studs designed for attaching ring lug crimped wires with wire sizes as small as
1.3 mm2 (AWG 16) to as large as 5.3 mm2 (AWG 10). Screw or stud size shall be not less than 5 mm, M5 as
listed in ISO 262 (the equivalent ANSI nonmetric screw or stud size is #10). The #10-size terminals shall be
7.4.3 Standard current transformer terminal blocks
Standard current transformer terminal blocks shall be of the same general construction as standard terminal
blocks and equipped with a shorting bar that permits each terminal to be shorted (or connected) to the others
when a set screw is inserted.
7.4.4 Power terminal blocks
Power terminal blocks shall be in groups of three for single-phase supply voltage and in groups of four for
three-phase power supplies. They shall be rated at 600 V and 100 A or 2.0 times the auxiliary power voltage
and 2.0 times the maximum total auxiliary power load current. Power terminal blocks shall be located on the
lower back wall approximately 300 mm (11.8 in) above the cable entrance plate on the cabinet bottom so that
power cables can enter the cabinet and connect to the terminals without requiring sharp bending. Power
terminal blocks shall be equipped with protective covers to minimize the risk of accidental user contact with
the energized terminals.
If the control cabinet is supplied with an automatic transfer switch, or provisions for an automatic transfer
switch, two sets of power terminal blocks are required. The power terminal blocks shall be separated by not
less than 150 mm (5.9 in) to accommodate the routing of the normal and emergency power cables in two
separate conduits into the bottom cable entrance plate of the control cabinet.
7.4.5 Optional sliding link terminal blocks
Sliding link terminal blocks, when ordered, shall be of the same general construction as standard terminal
blocks, with the exception that each terminal can be opened or closed by means of a securing screw that can be
loosened and slid into the open or closed position then tightened to remain securely in place.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
7.4.6 Optional current transformer test-switch blocks
Current transformer test-switch blocks, if ordered, shall be equipped with a knife switch for each test
terminal which, when opened, permits a test plug to be inserted between the circuit terminals without
opening the CT circuit. The test-switch terminal block can be supplied to provide one or two test terminal
switches for each CT. If only one test switch is provided, it shall be on the wire connecting to the polarity
terminal of the CT. If test switches are located on a swing panel, with the test terminals located on the
outside of the swing panel, the CT circuits can be grouped at the discretion of the control cabinet designer,
provided all terminals are designated with engraved or printed plates as described in 7.4.7 and each twowire pair for each CT is terminated adjacent to each other and on one test-switch terminal block. Mounting
All terminal blocks, other than power terminal blocks, can be either mounted directly to the back panel of
the cabinet, onto the inside of a swing panel, or mounted on DIN rails. Orientation
Standard terminal blocks and standard current transformer terminal blocks shall be oriented with the
terminals stacked in a vertical group, with the two sides of each terminal located on the left and right.
Power terminal blocks shall be oriented with the terminals stacked in a horizontal group with the two sides
of each terminal located on the top and bottom.
7.4.7 Terminal block designations
Unless specified otherwise by the purchaser, terminal blocks shall be designated with the alphanumeric
identifiers listed in Clause 6. Terminal designations shall be labeled using engraved or printed 25 mm × 25
mm (1 in × 1 in) (minimum) plates. Plates may be plastic or phenolic or, if specified by the user, stainless
steel. Plates constructed of plastic or phenolic material shall be white with black letters or black with white
letters. Stainless-steel plates shall be bare metal or painted white with black letters. Terminal designations on terminal blocks
Unless specified otherwise by the purchaser, terminals on terminal blocks shall be designated as 1, 2, 3, etc.
on the terminal block and with the terminal block designation followed by a dash ( - ) and numbered from
top to bottom or left to right on drawings or wire markers. For example, the top terminal on a vertically
oriented terminal block, Terminal Block TB-B, shall be designated as TB-B-1 on drawings and wire
7.4.8 Wire bundling and optional wire raceways
Optional wire raceways shall be provided when specified or if preferred by the cabinet manufacturer. If
raceways are not provided, all wiring shall be secured into orderly groups of bundles with cable ties or
similar materials that will not damage the wiring and will facilitate component replacement or
disconnection, if needed. If wires are grouped into bundles for routing within the cabinet, all such bundles
shall be subjected to the following requirements.
Wire bundles may not contain more than one type of the following circuits in any bundle and all bundles
shall be sufficiently isolated so that undesired voltages or currents are not induced in other bundles:
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Current transformer secondary current circuits
AC power circuits
DC relay and low-voltage signal circuits
Bushing potential device secondary circuits
Wire bundles that route wiring to a door or swing panel shall have sufficient slack and protective covering to
prevent damage to any of the wires from rubbing against the cabinet or panel when the door or swing panel is
opened or closed.
7.5 Option E: Cooling control switches
7.5.1 General
When the transformer is equipped with any type of forced cooling, the cooling circuit shall be equipped with
cooling control switches to facilitate maintenance and testing.
Switches shall be sufficiently rated for the required control voltage and maximum continuous and short time
current required for all components on the circuit being switched.
7.5.2 Auto/Off/Manual switch
The Auto/Off/Manual switch allows the operator to switch the cooling control from either automatic operation
or manual operation, or to switch all cooling off. In automatic operation, cooling operation is switched on or
off by oil and/or winding temperature gauges. In manual operation, cooling is switched on or off by the
Auto/Off/Manual switch. This switch may be eliminated if the transformer is equipped with an electronic
temperature gauge/cooling controller that can perform the same functions.
7.5.3 Lead stage selector switch
The lead stage selector switch allows the operator to switch the order of temperature controlled cooling group
operation. This switch can be eliminated when the transformer is equipped with an electronic temperature
gauge/cooling controller that can be programmed to perform the same functions as the switch.
7.5.4 Optional manual stage selector switch
The manual stage selector switch is optional and permits the operator to switch on cooling stage 1, cooling
stage 2, or cooling stages 1 and 2 combined. This switch may be eliminated if the transformer is equipped with
an electronic temperature gauge/cooling controller that can perform the same functions. Mounting and orientation
All switches shall be located side-by-side, with the faceplates and control handles facing outward.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
7.6 Option F: Annunciator
7.6.1 General
Annunciators are not required unless specified. If an annunciator is specified, all annunciator alarm points shall
be capable of being connected to either seal in the alarms or to close the alarm contacts when the alarm signal
is present. The annunciator shall also be equipped with a light or other visual method for each alarm and a test
switch to test the indication and alarm contacts and one form-C dry contact outputs. All lights or displays shall
be sufficiently bright to be visible in full sun when lit. The annunciator make and model may be specified by
the buyer or, otherwise, the control cabinet manufacturer may supply an annunciator supplied by an OEM or
design and construct the annunciator circuit as an integral part of the control cabinet.
7.6.2 Ordering with the annunciator table and checklist
The following data shall be specified by the buyer on the annunciator table and checklist (see B.2), or another
equivalent form:
Position of each alarm light or annunciator indication on the annunciator display
Name of each alarm point
Seal-in function of each alarm
Color of each alarm light if individual indicator lights are used
If a window is required in the control cabinet door
7.7 Option G: Automatic transfer switch
7.7.1 General
If the manufacturer, make, or model number of the automatic transfer switch is not specified, the control
cabinet designer may design or supply an automatic transfer switch with voltage and current ratings suitable
for the control cabinet circuit.
If an automatic transfer switch is specified, the control cabinet shall be designed to be supplied with dual ac
power supply terminals to provide auxiliary power to the transformer from two sources, a normal and an
alternate supply.
7.7.2 Ratings
The automatic transfer switch shall be rated for the specified operating voltage and with a continuous current
rating greater than the maximum current with all devices on and all motors running, and shall also be
sufficiently rated for an inrush current greater than the maximum inrush current with all devices on and all
motors starting, as permitted by the control circuit.
If an automatic transfer switch is specified, voltage and current ratings must also be specified by the user, but
the current ratings shall be verified by the control cabinet designer, and if the specified current ratings are
insufficient, the buyer shall be advised and a suitable alternative selected. If the automatic transfer switch is
specified by manufacturer and model number, the control cabinet designer must also verify that the ratings are
sufficient and advise the user if the ratings are not adequate. If the automatic transfer switch is not specified by
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
manufacturer or model number, the control cabinet designer may supply an automatic transfer switch supplied
by an OEM or design and construct the automatic transfer switch circuit as an integral part of the control
7.7.3 Operation
The automatic transfer switch shall switch to the alternate supply after a short time delay upon loss of the
normal supply and shall revert to the normal supply whenever it is available and after a short time delay. The
automatic transfer switch shall be equipped with alarm contacts for loss of power for both the normal and the
alternate power supplies.
7.7.4 Voltage surge arresters
Unless specified otherwise, the automatic transfer switch is not required to be furnished with voltage surge
7.7.5 Mounting
The automatic transfer switch shall be mounted on the back or side panel and separated from the other
7.7.6 Orientation
The orientation of the automatic transfer switch shall be in accordance with the automatic transfer switch
component or manufacturer’s requirements.
7.8 Option H: Dead-front cabinet design
If specified to provide an optional dead-front design, control cabinets will be constructed with all energized
terminals enclosed inside the cabinet behind one or more secondary panel doors inside the exterior cabinet
door(s). The secondary panel doors may be equipped with switch handles, pushbuttons, indicating lights, or
other types of indicating targets or semaphores, meters, or displays, provided all such devices have no
energized terminals or parts exposed on the outside of the secondary panel door(s). Dead-front design
secondary panel doors shall extend from top to bottom and side to side inside the cabinet and effectively block
access to all parts and components behind the panels. All such panels shall be equipped with provisions for
padlocking the doors closed, using a padlock as large as that described in 5.9.
7.9 Option I: Visible air gap
7.9.1 General
If not specified, a switch or device to provide a visible air gap in the ac or dc circuits shall not be required.
If the requirement for one or more visible air gaps in the ac or dc circuits are specified, a knife switch, or
similar device shall be provided to perform this function. The switch or device shall be located in an area
where it can be easily accessed while standing on the ground at the front of the cabinet and shall be shielded by
a protective cover to minimize the risk of accidental contact. The cover shall be designed to fit over the switch
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
to cover and secure it in both the open and closed positions. The switch handle shall be on the de-energized
half of the open switch.
If the requirement is specified, the user shall specify the number of switches or devices and the locations where
a switch or device shall be located. If only one switch or device is specified, the circuit shall be equipped with
one knife switch or device located in the circuit to energize or de-energize all devices and circuits in the
control cabinet fed by the power source, except those terminals where the external cable is terminated and the
wiring between those terminals and the switch or device. If multiple switches or devices are specified, the user
must specify which circuits are to be equipped with a switch or device.
The switch or device shall be rated for 600 V and not less than 125% of the maximum continuous or
momentary current, and shall be two-pole for dc or single-phase ac circuits, and three-pole for three-phase ac
circuits unless specified otherwise by the user.
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Annex A
Figure A.1—CT terminal arrangement and user’s wiring locations
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Figure A.2—CT terminal arrangement and user’s wiring locations with
optional test switches
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Figure A.3—Cooling control, alarm, and trip-circuit terminals general layout
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Figure A.4—Standard cooling control schematic ONAN/ONAF/ONAF
or ONAN/OFAF/OFAF cooling
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Figure A.5—Standard cooling control schematic OFAF/OFAF or ODAF/ODAF cooling
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
AC Power Supply
Pumps and/or fans
Stage 1
Pumps and/or fans
Stage 2
AC power supply circuit and components can be single-phase or
three-phase, as required. Dotted line indicates a third phase. The
control power circuit should be single-phase.
Control Power Transformer (CPT) and circuit breaker on power
supply side of CPT may not be required if the AC supply voltage can
supply the required control voltage.
User’s lockout contact and wiring should be provided by the user, if
required, to shut down all cooling in the event of a transformer trip.
The control circuitry should be delivered with the jumper installed
and the jumper must be removed by the user if the lockout is used.
The Supplier should set device 26 so contact 26-2 closes at a higher
temperature than 26-1 and set device 49 so contact 49-2 closes at a
higher temperature than 49-1. The contact actuation temperatures
should be determined by the Supplier or User.
Figure A.6—Cooling control schematic with optional manual stage selector switch
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
AC Power Supply
Pumps and/or fans
Stage 1
Pumps and/or fans
Stage 2
AC power supply circuit and components can be single-phase or
three-phase, as required. Dotted line indicates a third phase. The
control power circuit shall be single-phase.
Control Power Transformer (CPT) and circuit breaker on power
supply side of CPT may not be required if the AC supply voltage can
supply the required control voltage.
User’s lockout contact and wiring should be provided by the user, if
required, to shut down all cooling in the event of a transformer trip.
The control circuitry should be delivered with the jumper installed
and the jumper must be removed by the user if the lockout is used.
The electronic oil and winding temperature controller 49/26E should
provide not less than two output contacts, for switching cooling on
and off at two different temperature levels, plus the required alarm
contacts. The controller may combine the oil and winding
temperatures together on 2 common contacts, as shown on this
drawing, or provide 4 separate contacts, 2 for oil temperature and 2
for winding temperature. The controller should be capable of
alternating the lower temperature and higher temperature output
contacts on a programmed interval to provide the same function as
the 43C switch. If this function is not available, the 43C switch shall
be added to the circuit.
The 49/26E contacts are shown as normally closed to indicate failsafe operation. When the electronic temperature controller is
energized and operating normally, the contacts should be open for
temperatures below the set points and closed for temperatures
above the set points. When the device is de-energized, however, the
contacts close .
Figure A.7—Cooling control schematic with electronic oil and winding temperature relay and
optional manual stage selector switch ONAN/ONAF/ONAF or ONAN/OFAF/OFAF cooling
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IEEE Std C57.148-2011
IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
AC Power Supply
Dashed line shown for
3-phase power supply
Pumps and/or fans
Stage 1
Pumps and/or fans
Stage 2
A fail-safe cooling control circuit should be considered when the user
cannot respond to a loss of control power alarm within an acceptable
time, or for transformers with oil pumps and without a natural oil flow
(ON..) rating.
AC power supply circuit and components can be single-phase or
three-phase, as specified by the user. Dotted line indicates a third
phase. The control power circuit shall be single-phase.
Control Power Transformer (CPT) and circuit breaker on power
supply side of CPT may not be required if the AC supply voltage can
supply the required control voltage.
The Supplier should set device 26 so contact 26-2 closes at a higher
temperature than 26-1 and set device 49 so contact 49-2 closes at a
higher temperature than 49-1. The contact actuation temperatures
should be determined by the Supplier or User.
The 52ST circuit breaker is supplied with a shunt trip coil for remote
tripping. User’s lockout contact and wiring should be provided by the
user, if required, to trip 52ST and shut down all cooling in the event
of a transformer trip. The user should also provide the voltage to the
lockout contact for activating the circuit breaker’s shunt trip.
4-27-1 and 4-27-2 contactors have normally closed contacts that
close when control power voltage is off and the contactor coils are
This fail-safe circuit can be provided with an electronic oil and
winding temperature controller as shown on the COOLING
SELECTOR SWITCH drawing. The 49 and 26 contacts must be
normally closed to provide fail-safe operation.
Figure A.8—Cooling control schematic with optional fail-safe cooling control
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
NOTE: In general, fixed terminal CT
terminal blocks must have the bottom
terminal connected to the ground bus and
an unused terminal between any two CT’s
when multiple CT’s are connected to a
terminal block. The examples in this
drawing assume similar CT’s connected
on each terminal block but 5-terminal and
3-terminal or 2-terminal CT’s may all be
connected to a common terminal block
provided these conditions are met.
5 terminal CT configuration on 6 or 12 terminal terminal block
NOTE: This drawing shows all wiring from the current
transformers connected on the left side of the terminal
block and User’s connections on the right side, but
CT and customer- side wiring shall be connected as
shown in the CT Terminal Arrangement and User’s
Wiring Locations drawing.
3 terminal CT configuration on 6, 10 or 12 terminal terminal block
2 terminal CT configuration on 12,
10 or 6 terminal terminal block
Figure A.9—CT circuits terminal layout and wiring standard terminals
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Figure A.10—CT circuits terminal layout and wiring sliding link terminals option
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Figure A.11—CT numbering examples
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
Annex B
B.1 Sample ordering form
B.1.1 General user-specified options
Are optional mounting brackets required for gauges or other devices?
(Refer to 5.2.)
Are limiting dimensions specified for the control cabinet? (Refer to
Are nonstandard materials required for the cabinet construction?
(Refer to 5.4.)
Are nonstandard door handles required? (Refer to 5.9.)
Are bottom plate dimensions specified? (Refer to 5.12.)
Is a nonstandard painting or paint color specified? (Refer to 5.14.)
Are GFI outlets specified? (Refer to 5.18.)
Are nonstandard circuit breakers specified? (Refer to 5.20.)
Are nonstandard cabinet vents specified? (Refer to 5.22.)
Are nonstandard heater temperature ranges or ambient temperature
ranges specified? (Refer to 5.22.1.)
Are nonstandard user-specified circuit designs required? (Refer to
5.18, 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22.)
Are nonstandard optional control circuit components required?
(Refer to 5.23.)
Are nonstandard CT wiring circuit or terminal block configurations
required? (Refer to 6.4.)
Are separate circuit breakers for heaters and lights required? (Refer
to 5.23.)
Is a user-specified type of wiring diagram required? (Refer to 6.4.)
Are user-defined terminal block designations required? (Refer to
Are user-defined terminal designations required? (Refer to
Are wire raceways required? (Refer to 7.4.8.)
Are there other nonstandard requirements? (Specify.)
Specify or Comments
B.1.2 Option A: Cabinet construction
Specify or Comments
Standard: NEMA 3R
Other (Specify.)
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
B.1.3 Option B: Sheet-metal thickness
Standard: per 5.4
Other: 3.0 mm (0.118 in or 11 gauge)
Other (Specify.)
Specify or Comments
Specify or Comments
Specify or Comments
Specify or Comments
B.1.4 Option C: AC power supply and dc relay voltages
AC Standard: 120 V ac, single phase
AC Other (Specify.)
DC Standard: 125 V dc
DC Other (Specify.)
B.1.5 Option D: Terminal blocks
User-specified optional wiring terminals required? (Specify.)
Are user-specified optional CT wiring terminals required? (Specify.)
Are user-specified or approved alternate CT wiring terminal spacing
required? (Specify.)
Are user-specified optional test switches required? (Specify.)
B.1.6 Option E: Cooling control switches
Do not include the standard Auto/Off/Manual switch.
Do not include the standard manual stage selector switch.
Supply optional lead stage selector switch?
B.1.7 Option F: Annunciator
Supply optional annunciator?
Specify or Comments
(Attach the annunciator table and
checklist, B.2, if equipped.)
B.1.8 Option G: Automatic transfer switch
Supply optional automatic transfer switch?
Are user-specified voltage and current ratings provided?
Are user-specified manufacturer and model required?
Supply optional lightning arresters?
Are user-specified arrester ratings required?
Specify or Comments
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IEEE Standard for Control Cabinets for Power Transformers
B.1.9 Option H: Dead-front design
Supply optional dead-front design?
Specify or Comments
Specify or Comments
B.1.10 Option I: Visible air gap
Supply optional single switch on ac power supply circuit?
Supply optional single switch on dc circuit?
Supply optional multiple switches? (Specify locations.)
B.2 Annunciator table and checklist
Annunciator manufacturer
Model number
Number of alarm points
Supply voltage
Window required in cabinet door (Y/N)? If Yes, specify
size and location.
Alarm Name
Light Color (if required)
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