Operations: - Role of Operations Management o Strategic Role of Operations Management Cost Leadership Businesses aim to have the lowest costs or to be the Cost leadership strategies include o Efficient production o Reduced overhead costs o Low costs of goods o Economies of scale o Outsourcing o Investment in technology Economies of Scale Cost advantages that can be created as a result of an increase in scale of business operations Product differentiation o most price-competitive in their market, generally this is achieved through: o Basic products with fewer features, or lower quality o Small profit-margins, higher volumes of sales o Example: Kmart or Aldi Distinguishing products from your competitors. Product differentiation may allow a business to command a higher price and build brand loyalty. A differentiated product can command a higher premium price. Price Differentiation strategies include: o High Quality o Brand image o Technology o Fast Delivery times o Customised Products Goods and/or Services in Different Industries Types of Goods can include: Customised goods (Vary according to customer’s needs) Perishable goods (Goods with a use-by date, short lead times, quick effective distribution, may need cold storage or packaging) Non-perishable goods (Goods without a use-by date, e.g., Technology, paper etc) Intermediate goods (Processed more than once e.g., wood, metal etc) Types of Services can include: Self-service (e.g. Self checkout at supermarket) Standardised (e.g., Burger at a fast food establishment) Customised (e.g., Personal house cleaning service) Examples of Industries: o Standardised goods (Mass Produced, Uniform Quality) Manufacturing Industry: o Outputs are tangible o Can be stored o Productivity is easily measurable o Capital intensive Service Industry: o Intangible o Labour intensive o High customer interaction o Easy to modify and customise o Productivity is hard to measure. Interdependence with Other Key Business Functions Interdependence: A mutual dependence that the key functions have with one another.