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CVE Message Testing: Focus Group Report

102-B, Nawab Town Raiwind Road Lahore. Ph.+92-42-35313038-9
Objective of the FGDs:
The main objectives of the FGDs are:
To evaluate CVE messages on the themes of Government support to National Action plan and
interfaith harmony/equal citizenship are communicative and clear.
To assess positive CVE messages (Government support to NAP & interfaith harmony) will
contribute spreading positive narratives that will promote peace in our country.
In order to have in-depth views of participants on CVE messages, two Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)
carried out in Lahore. To grasp the actual point of view of participants’ brief questionnaire developed for
moderators. The responses of participants recorded in audio-recorders and facilitation team took notes.
Two FGDs held with separately male & female groups, where 10 male and 10 females belonging to different
faiths, backgrounds, professions and age groups participated. The reason behind identification of diverse
groups was to collect opinion on CVE messages from various segments of the society.
The methodology of the FGD based on the following pillars:
1. FGDs carried out through prescribed questions, already prepared for FGD (questions were
developed to record the responses of participants, which included open ended and close ended
questions to collect qualitative information)
2. Ensure representation of diverse people belonging to different professions, faiths and backgrounds
in each FGD.
Discussion methodology:
Total 20 participants (10 males & 10 females) invited to participate in two FGDs for CVE message testing.
In each FGD, facilitator shared the copies of CVE messages (Government support to National Action Plan &
interfaith harmony/equal citizenship) Urdu format with participants to get their opinion & feedback about
messages. Later questions asked by the facilitator about each CVE message and through open discussion
participants shared their views and feedback about each message.
Focus Group Discussions:
The focus Group discussions held on 19 July 2017 separately with male and female participants. In first
FGD 10 males (5 Muslims & 5 Christians) participated, among them by profession the group comprised of
2 councilors, 2 social activists, 1 religious leader, 2 students, 2 government employees and 1 private
Similarly, in second FGD 10 females (5 Muslims & 5 Christians) took part in the discussion, among them
occupation wise the group comprised of 4 students, 2 midwives, 2 teachers, 1 homemaker and 1 private
employee. In each FGD, through discussion participants gave feedback, their opinion regarding CVE
messages openly. CVE messages and questions broke healthy discussion among participants; during the
FGDs, there is observation that participants differ on some CVE messages, which ultimately pave way to
health discourse. Following are the key responses from the participants of both FGDs.
Messages to support National Action Plan
Participants shared that four messages are good source of information, which would defiantly raise
awareness among people to play their role to support National Action Plan. These messages would increase
sense of responsibility among masses to help law enforcement agencies to combat violent extremism in
Pakistan. It was also shared during the discussion that these pieces of information should be reached out
to everyone so people can play their role to bring peace in country. According to their views, messages
government support to National Action Plan are inclusive, well communicative and no need to change or
alteration in these messages.
Regarding first message participants shared that message contains comprehensive and important
information. It is responsibility of everyone to inform government agencies, if they observe any suspicious
person or activity in their communities, they must inform law enforcement agencies through calling on
1717. These kind of small but effective actions will defiantly protect our society from tragedies of terrorism.
There must be awareness among people about helpline and this message would surely help to raise
awareness that people can call 1717 for any suspicious activity in their surroundings. It was also observed
while having discussion that group was not aware of any help line government established to counter
terrorism. All of the participants of FGDs shared that this message will play important role to raise
awareness among people and will support National Action Plan. Through this small piece of information,
peace would prevail in our country.
About second message, participants of both FGDs responded that message specifically focused those
people in society who are involved with the business of renting vehicles. They were of the view that
message is clear and well-formed and need not any modification or amendment. While discussion upon
second message, it was shared by the participants that there should be an obligation on every person who
is involved in rental business that S/he should have complete details of that person who is going to have
vehicle on rent from their companies. This initiative is important step to bring peace in society. It was also
shared by the participants that if people who are involved in renting business, will have complete record of
renter for example National Identity card or other details would certainly bar terrorists to do harmful
activities in the society. Most of the participants were of the view that message regarding renting vehicles
would surely raise awareness among people who are involved in renting business. It was discussed by the
participants that message is important and will surly play important role to bring peace in our country.
Regarding third CVE message, which also focus the area of renting out houses to strangers, was discussed
in detail in FGDs. Participants considered this message very important, in their view owners, rent their
houses without any validation or verification for small personal interest, which causes trouble in society. In
their point of view this message will raise awareness among people especially owner of houses not only to
validate before renting out houses but also they will understand that it is mandatory to register the details
of renter in police station. Through this precautionary step, there will be less space for terrorists to stay in
rented houses and cause trouble in society. Participants also shared that specific message is directly
supporting national action plan and raise awareness among people to play their due role to bring peace in
the country. According to all participants of the FGDs, third message is informative, clear and essential to
bring peace in country.
Upon asking for their feedback about the fourth message which emphasizes to restrict hateful speeches &
material distribution in society. All of the participants of FGDs considered most important one in their views,
while discussion, it was shared that our society is full of those people who did not tolerate neither people
of other religions nor other sects. Hateful speeches and material played important role in dividing the
society and provided space to grow violent extremism. According to most of the participants, to bring
sustainable peace in our country, we have to brave enough to stop those elements who spread hatred in
society. They reflected, fourth message is important and should be aired for raising awareness among
masses to play role to stop those element who causes trouble in society on the name of religion or sect.
participants considered this message essential, communicative and supporting national action plan.
Messages to supporting interfaith harmony & equal citizenship
Participants of both FGDs considered all shared messages are well communicative, precise and full of
important information. Most of the participants were of the view that through these messages, awareness
about equal citizenship and interfaith harmony would prevail in society, which they considered very
important and relevant in current scenario. To counter the violent extremism, there is dare need of
peaceful narrative and messages of interfaith harmony and equal citizenship is good effort to promote
peaceful narratives among masses. While giving feedback on six messages of interfaith harmony & equal
citizenship, some participants shared that these messages would help to bring up sense of equality in
marginalized religious and sect based minorities. Through this narrative, people will realize that despite the
differences of faiths, sects, gender and cultural backgrounds, constitution of Pakistan ensures equal rights
to its all citizens.
While discussion upon first message, participants shared message is clear, communicative and promote
equality among all citizens of Pakistan. In addition, this message will bring a sense of unity against
extremism, terrorism and sectarian violence. Most of the participants were of the view that this message
should reach out to everyone in the society.
A health discussion broke out on the second message, which emphasizes Muslims & non-Muslims have
equal rights in Pakistan and two colors of national flag (green & white) signify that statement. While
discussion, one of the participant shared non-Muslims neither have equal status in Pakistan nor does law
of the country treats minorities as equal. Other participants shared that constitution guarantees quality
however; in practice, hardly we see equal status of religious minorities in our country. Most of the
participants of the both FGDs believed that this message would help to realize equality among all citizens
of Pakistan.
Third CVE message deals with equal citizenship, message gives reference to Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s famous
speech (11 August 1947) in which he said, “Every person who will be residing in Pakistan will be an equal
citizen despite his religion”. Regarding this message, participants of FGDs, considered important and were
of the view that most of Pakistanis are not aware of this speech, though this message equal citizenship will
be promoted among citizens of Pakistan.
Fourth message also promotes equal citizenship with reference to constitution of Pakistan, which
guarantees that citizens of Pakistan are free to celebrate/practice their religious ceremonies. Most of the
participants were of the view; this message is important and it will promote the sense of equalities among
religious minorities of Pakistan.
While having discussion on fifth CVE message, which highlights shared cultural heritage of Pakistan and
emphases to be proud of diverse culture and languages of Pakistan. Participants of FGDs shared, diversity
is good source of promoting peace. Last message that went under discussion was bout respect of all sects,
faiths to establish peace in Pakistan. All of the participants believed that this message would raise
awareness among people to respect all religions and sects in Pakistan.
Both FGDs provided opportunity to get feedback on CVE messages from diverse group of people. Through
discussion, it appears that CVE messages (Government support to National Action Plan & interfaith
harmony/equal citizenship) are good source of information and will raise awareness among people to play
their role to support National Action Plan as well as promote equal citizenship and interfaith harmony.
Messages to support National action plan would increase sense of responsibility among masses to help
government to combat violent extremism in Pakistan.
The feedback of participants reveals that messages are inclusive, well communicative and should be aired
without any change or alteration. Moreover, these messages will be effective to raise awareness and
encourage people to take action against violent extremism. Similarly, messages of interfaith harmony &
equal citizenship would help to bring sense of equality in marginalized religious and sect based minorities.
once these messages will reach out masses, an awareness about equal citizenship and interfaith harmony
would prevail in society, which is considered very important and relevant in current scenario of Pakistan.
To counter the violent extremism, these CVE messages would bring peaceful narrative of interfaith
harmony and equal citizenship.
Annexure (1) Messages to support National Action Plan
Annexure (2) Message of Interfaith harmony & equal citizenship
Annexure (3) First FGD with 10 Male Participants (19th July 2017)
Annexure (4) Second FGD with 10 Female Participants (19th July 2017)
Annexure (5) Attendance sheets of FGDs held on 19 July 2017 at IRC office