Handover Protocol for Edwards Educational Item/s Date: ___________ Educational Item/s description: Number of educational item/s: Provision of the above-mentioned educational item/s is solely for the purpose of a genuine educational function to be carried out by the healthcare professionals of the accepting healthcare organisation and is of benefit to patients. Provided educational item/s shall not be given by the accepting healthcare organization to its healthcare professionals, in any case, for their personal use. Accordingly, the undersigned parties have signed this protocol in two copies: Accepting organization: Name: ___________ Represented by: ___________ Based in: ___________ Edwards representative: Name: ___________ Address: ___________ THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES, LLC. IT MUST NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTIES WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES, LLC. DOC-0000010 Rev: D