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Presentación compañero de estudio

1) Name: Joseph
2) Age: 20
3) Gender: Male
4) From: Perú
5) Language(s) you speak: Spanish, Basic English but I was able to communicate well using google translate
6) Education level: University
7) Major/field: Mechatronics Engineering
8) Timezone: GMT-5 9) Average days/week you study: 6 days/week
10) Average hours/day you study: 6-8 hours/day (could be distributed)
11) I usually start studying at (local time): 10 a.m. GMT-5 12) I usually stop studying at (local time): 11 p.m. GMT-5 13) What intervals do you usually use when studying? Choose from:
Else: 40 minutes work, 15 minutes break, 15 minutes keep calm or we can coordinate that there is no problem
14) How would you like to study together and keep eachother accountable?: I would like to study talking in the breaks about our objectives, strategies, and what we study, you can learn by sharing what you try to learn. By chit-chatting via voice chat every now-and-then (in breaks)
15) Why are you seeking a study buddy? Because I am looking to improve the feeling of learning since in virtuality, it was not possible to share what you are learning day by day and I only keep it to myself.
16) What would you like to achieve in the long term by having a study buddy?: Being able to share what you learn with another person and make homework more enjoyable.
17) How long (in the long-term) are you planning to study with your study partner? (a couple days, weeks, months?): Depending on what we decide, seeing how we are fellow students, I could study up to a month, or more depending.
18) [optional] Anything specific you're looking for in your study partner?: Be respectful, in the same way I will do my part to listen to you.
19) Anything else you'd like to add?: To the person who is reading, just say that I hope that our studies are pleasant, and become a better part of the day, if there is something you want to talk about or suggest an idea about me, I am open to your opinions and listen to you maturely.
UTC +1 Esta adelantado 6 horas Cuando sean las 6 a.m. en su pais seran las 12 p.m.
GMT -6 Esta retrasado una hora cuando sean las 8 p.m. en Perú ahi seran las 7 p.m.
Mañana estudiare con yani de 8 p.m. a 1 a.m.
Name: Yani
Age: 23
Gender: Female
From: U.S
Language(s) you speak: English + Spanish
Education level: University
Major/field: Biology
Timezone: GMT-6
Average days/week you study: usually mon - fri
Average hours/day you study: ~5-8hrs (evening/night)
I usually start studying at (local time): 7pm
I usually stop studying at (local time): ~12-2am What intervals do you usually use when studying? Choose from:
2. 50 minute work, 10 minute break, repeat (pomodoro technique)
3. No interval, I take a break whenever I feel like it 4. Else: 60/10 or 90/20
How would you like to study together and keep each other accountable? Choose from (can choose multiple): 2. By sharing our cams (showing that you're studying)
3. By posting session/day goals and asking each other how we did
Why are you seeking a study buddy?:
- To have an accountability partner and to have company while studying.
What would you like to achieve in the long term by having a study buddy?:
- A consistent study schedule and getting more work done. How long (in the long-term) are you planning to study with your study partner?:
- A couple months, maybe even more if we get along well.
Anything specific you're looking for in your study partner?:
- Someone consistent, friendly, who wants to better themselves, Anything else you'd like to add?:
- I am currently not in university but am self learning Korean, self development, and researching potential career fields (medical field). I am going back to university in the summer (May) after I know what specific career I want to do. Feel free to send me a DM to see if we match.
1) Do we study 5 hours today until 12 a.m. GMT-6?
- Yes, thats fine with me.
2) In which interval would you like to start?
- I don't mind. I think 50 - 10 works best for me since it completes the hour.
3) Si, no me molesta usar las camaras.
4) 4) Sobre los objetivos
¿Preferirias que lo compartieramos y al final hagamos preguntemos sobre como nos fue?
yani ₍ᐢ⸝⸝ ̫ ⸝⸝ᐢ₎✧‧ — hoy a las 20:20
Si, eso estaria bien.
5) Sobre los dias de estudio, si es que nos va bien y somos buenos compañeros no hay problema para mi en continuar otros dias
¿Que opinas?
yani ₍ᐢ⸝⸝ ̫ ⸝⸝ᐢ₎✧‧ — hoy a las 20:22
Claro, si nos va bien y nuestros dias se alinean, estaria bueno seguir de compañeros
6) ¿Sobre tu compañero de estudio que esperarias?
Te comento quiero volverme mas disciplinado, como con la puntualidad y los objetivos y no te preocupes si tienes alguna sugerencia la tomare en cuenta
yani ₍ᐢ⸝⸝ ̫ ⸝⸝ᐢ₎✧‧ — hoy a las 20:29
Alguien que sea disciplinado y responsable. Si no puede estar presente un dia, que avise con tiempo o que avise por lo menos. Quisiera alguien que sea estricto con ellos mismos o que quieran ser para aprender de ellos que yo tambien quiero ser asi. Honestamente, soy nueva al estilo de vida que es estudiar constantemente para crecer como persona. Entonces no sere perfecta pero intentare lo mejor que puedo. No espero mucho de mi compañero pero quisiera que los dos crecieramos juntos.
7)Genial compañera, comprendo y lo tendre en cuenta, intentare hacer lo mejor posible
Me presento compañero soy Joseph, tengo 20 años me puedes decir asi o compañero no hay problema, estudio ingenieria mecatronica en Perú, voy en el 4to año de la carrera, y actualmente estoy repasando mis materias desde las mas basicas hasta las recientes
Mis objetivos durante estos dias:
- Hacer repasos y profundizar en cursos que ya lleve pero utilizando anki para esto ya llevo 2 semanas con ese programa
Por ahora solo es repasar las tarjetas anki, leer y hacer las tarjetas asi hasta el 21 de marzo cuando vuelva a clases
¿Como controlariamos el tiempo? Puedo yo poner mi cronometro y avisarte cuando se cumpla ¿tienes alguna idea?
En el server de Study Together, cuando entras a un vc, puedes agregar un cronometro con descanso
-Mis objetivos durante estos dias:
- Estudiar Coreano y tomar cursos de autodesarrollo.
No estoy en la universidad en este momento, me tome un descanso este año pero volveré el siguiente semestre.
Me llamo Yani, soy de los Estados Unidos, tengo 23 años y estudio Biologia para luego entrar a la escuela de Medicina.
Me faltan 2 años de estudio para luego entrar a la escuela de medicina.
yani ₍ᐢ⸝⸝ ̫ ⸝⸝ᐢ₎✧‧ — hoy a las 20:44
Para hoy, estudiare Coreano tomare apuntes de los libros Atomic Habits y Deep Work.