Uploaded by Naomi Burns

Unfair Labour Practices: Course Material

March 14, Sudden Plant Closings
Unit: Unfair Labour Practices
 What are unfair labour practices meant to safeguard?
 Have the protections in the Labour Code been effective?
 What is the relationship between commercial freedoms and the constitutionally protected
freedom of association?
 City Buick Pontiac (Montréal) Inc. c. Roy, (1981) (TT);
 International Brotherhood of Teamsters et al, “Violations of NAALC Labor Principles and
Obligations in the Case of the St-Hubert McDonald’s Restaurant,” Submission under the North
American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) (1998) US NAO 9803 - peruse
 United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 503 v. Wal - Mart Canada Corp., 2014 SCC 45.