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Fabric Cutting Department in Garments Industry Report

Fabric Cutting Department in Garments Industry
Course Tittle: Garments Manufacturing Management
Course Code: IE3001
Submitted to
Hafsana Yasmin
Lecture of Uttara university
Department of Fashion Design & Technology
Submitted by
Name: Hriday Pal
ID: 2191401056
Batch: 20th
Semester: 9th
Submission Date: 06 January,2022.
The report is the outcome of the extension of advice,
suggestion & knowledge sharing of a number of people
without it would remain incomplete.
At the very beginning, I express our deepest thanks &
appreciation to our honorable lecturer, my research guide
Hafsana Yasmin, Lecturer. Department of Fashion Design
& Technology, Uttara University, for giving me his valuable
time, guideline & advice for this preparation of the report.
His suggestions & comments have greatly influenced me to
prepare this report successfully.
Lastly, I like to give my special thanks & greeting to my
family for giving me good advice, support, suggestion &
they also try to inspire me in some cases. Thanks to all
people related to this course, from the core of my heart.
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Fabric Cutting Department
Aim of Cutting Room
Responsibility, Duties & Goal of Cutting
Department in Garment Industry
Process Flow Chart of Fabric Cutting
Methods of Fabric Cutting
Different Types of Machines in Cutting
The readymade garments industry acts as a catalyst for the development of Bangladesh. The
"Made in Bangladesh" tag has also brought glory for the country, making it a prestigious brand
across the globe. Bangladesh, which was once termed by cynics a "bottomless basket" has now
become a "basket full of wonders." The country with its limited resources has been maintaining
6% annual average GDP growth rate and has brought about remarkable social and human
After the independence in 1971, Bangladesh was one of poorest countries in the world. No
major industries were developed in Bangladesh, when it was known as East Pakistan, due to
discriminatory attitude and policies of the government of the then West Pakistan. So,
rebuilding the war-ravaged country with limited resources appeared to be the biggest
The industry that has been making crucial contribution to rebuilding the country and its
economy is none other than the readymade garment (RMG) industry which is now the single
biggest export earner for Bangladesh. The sector accounts for 83% of total export earnings of
the country.
The apparel industry of Bangladesh started its journey in the 1980s and has come to the
position it is in today. The late Nurool-Quader Khan was the pioneer of the readymade garment
industry in Bangladesh. He had a vision of how to transform the country. In 1978, he sent 130
trainees to South Korea where they learned how to produce readymade garments.
However, the post-MFA era is another story of success. Proving all the predictions wrong, we
conquered the post-MFA challenges. Now the apparel industry is Bangladesh's biggest export
earner with value of over $27.9 billion of exports in 2019-20 financial year.
Fabric Cutting Department
Fabric cutting is a common scenario in apparel industry where garments are produced in mass
scale to hit the delivery date. In apparel industry cutting is a process where fabric is being cut
into components. Sewing quality and productivity mostly depend upon the performance
of cutting section. Garments cutting is a risky job where a tiny mistake will bring a lot of
panics. Accuracy of cutting is of supreme importance; inaccurate cutting not only causes holdups in production but also mean the costly re-cutting of components. Cutting room is
considered as feeding point in apparel industry. Each person in cutting room has to play a
significant role to make sure supply flow continuously.
The department of any garment industry, where several layers of fabric are cut together by
pattern for the production of the garment, is called cutting department. Cutting department has
special importance in garment manufacturing, it is not possible to make garment in abundance
without cutting department. The fabric is first cut using the first pattern to make any garment.
To make complete the garment, the fabric is cut into several pats, then these cut parts are sent
to the sewing department for stitching, where the whole garment is made by adding these parts.
The cutting department has a huge contribution in the garment industry. The first step in the
garment manufacturing process is cutting after the buyer has confirmed the order, this cutting
done in bulk is possible only by the cutting department. The cutting department receives this
order from the production manager. It the fabric is not cut properly according to the design; it
ruins the entire order. In other words, the cutting department is the fundamental foundation of
any garment industry.
Aim of Cutting room
The main object of cutting room is:
To secure nonstop supply flow of garment piece to sewing floor.
Follow the plan sheet efficiently to support production team.
To cut garment parts economically.
To cut garment parts accurately.
Importance of Cutting room.
Cutting room is one of the essential parts of the garment industry where has a lot of options to
increase profit margin. Let’s discuss some of them to guess the importance of the efficient
management of the cutting room to increase productivity in garment manufacturing process.
As we know cutting room is the feeding point of the garment industry. Thus, cutting chief has
to communicate with higher management and planning team frequently to follow the plan
sheet every day to start a large number of garments cutting at a time. Early step of cutting guy
will enhance productivity that will secure further processes of garment manufacturing.
Efficient and well-planned operations in cutting room will minimize errors and hassles to
reduce production costs that will expedite workflow to all further processes. Combined steps
of planning and cutting team can make sure the utilization of the available resources.
As we know in garments manufacturing business fabric cost is about 70% of the total garment
cost. So, any small step to reduce wastage or saving of the fabric will have a huge effect on
the profit margins of the orders. Cutting room can control the utilization of fabric through
proper monitoring of spreading and cutting techniques.
Any single negligence in cutting process will bring a worse situation of the quality standards
of all further processes. So modern equipment and expertise should engage in cutting processes
to reduce extra costs and hassles.
Responsibility & Duties of Cutting Department in Garment Industry
As we know cutting section performs a great role in any apparel industry. When the unrolled
fabric is going to cut to make fashionable wearer, this is the most decisive part of all the
operations in the cutting room because once the fabric has been cut, very little can be done
to rectify if a serious mistake happens. So, workers of cutting room should obey the following
duties and responsibilities strictly to accomplish their task smoothly.
➢ Have to check all cutting tools physically before start working to know their efficiency.
➢ Cutting department always has to follow factory planning department’s instruction. So,
every day they should analyze production planning report and emphasize on their
➢ Have to count number of layers with layer paper carefully before start cutting.
➢ Some fabric yarn construction and context are smooth, but some are stiff or slippery. Have
to understand fabric nature by hand feeling to erase shrinkage or other hassles.
➢ Should collect approved sample which style is going to cut to protect any fabric item or
garment’s part missing.
➢ Analyze approved sample and cutting marker to erase consumption shortage.
➢ The marker should be checked very well before spreading.
➢ Have to compare marker piece with layer paper.
➢ Have to check carefully on the fabric width and marker paper.
➢ Have to check fabric roll with color detail sheet carefully.
➢ Before insert to the spreading machine talk about the problems with supervisor or concern
person if require.
➢ Remember if any mistakes happen during working hour, cutting-team has to liable that
negligence. So, beware and check every step physically.
➢ End of the day evaluates daily performance and has to fix tomorrow’s goal.
✓ After cutting each machine should be clean well.
✓ Cutter should be alert so that not to fall any dirt on the floor during cutting.
✓ Cut panel numbering and bundling have to finish carefully and dispatch quickly.
✓ Sometimes they have to replace sewing reject, printing reject or re-cut short
✓ If any mistakes happen during cutting, please notice it to the supervisor at once.
✓ Remember everybody should work efficiently and finish their task perfectly to
expedite production.
Factories cannot be run and production output may not be smooth if cutting department not
performs well because cutting department is feeding point of any apparel industry. So,
production authority always emphasizes cutting departments need and should provide them
modern equipment and introduce them update techniques so that they can perform well.
The Goal of the Cutting Department
The goal of the cutting is to separate the sections of the fabric as replicas of the pattern in the
marker line. In order to achieve this goal, other criteria must be met:
Precision of cut.
Clean edges.
Unscorched, uncorked edges.
Support of lay.
Consistent cutting edges.
Process Flow Chart of Fabric Cutting Department
Pattern Received from Pattern Department
Cutting Ratio Received from the Merchandiser
Fabric Received from The Store
Relaxation of Fabric
Cut Order Planning
Fabric Spreading
Planning And Making Markers
Fabrics Cutting
Inspection Component
Numbering of Garment Plies (Parts)
Shorting Embroidery or Printing Parts
Sent To the Sewing Department
Re-Cutting Panels
Pattern Received from Pattern Department: At first, they have to receive different
sizes of patterns for each style of garments from the pattern department.
Garments Cutting Ratio Received from the Merchandiser: The cutting ratio for
each style garment should be received from the merchandiser.
Take Fabric from The Fabric Store: The cutting department receives the order form
the production manager to cut the fabric. After receiving the order, the cutting in charge sends
the fabric requirement, and receive the fabric from fabric store.
Relaxation of Fabric: Knitted fabric takes longer to relaxation then woven fabric. So, after
getting the fabric from the fabric store, the cutting department first opens the fabric rolls, and
then spreads the fabric on the table and leaves it to relax overnight. As a result, the fabric is
fully rested.
Cut Order Planning: The cutting master first plan to cut any order. This planning takes
into account the cutting master, garment design, numbers of pattern, pattern components, types
of fabric, fabric print, fabric design, embroidery, fabric spreading length and thickness and
machine available for cutting etc. there is no mistake in cutting and the fabric wastage should
be minimized in cutting.
Fabric Spreading: It is very necessary to spread the fabric properly for cutting. There are
large tables in the cutting department to spread the fabric. Several fabric layers are spread on
these tables for mass production. The length of fabric spread on the table is kept as per
requirement and the number of layers of fabric to be spread is determined according to the
cutting machine or cutting order.
Planning and Making Markers: After fabric spreading, the cutting master
systematically spreads the pattern on the topmost surface of the fabric. First the large parts of
the pattern are spread, and later the smaller parts are spread. Now these stretched patterns are
traced over the fabric with the help of chalk and after marking all the parts of these pattern is
Fabrics Cutting: All the layers are cut together by a cutting machine after marking by paper
pattern. Several types of cutting machines such as: straight knife cutting machine, round knife
cutting machine, band knife cutting machine, Die cutting machine, notcher machine,
computerize cutting machine etc. are used to cut these layers of fabric.
Shorting: After cutting the fabric, all these parts should not be mixed together. For this,
different size and colour are shorted.
Inspection Component: After shorting, the cutting quality and standard of all these cut
components are inspected and if any type of defect is seen in any component, then the defective
parts are either replaced of removed.
Bundling: After shorting the cut fabric parts or components, the cut parts are made into
separate bundles of size wise and colour wise. So that it does not mix with other parts, colour
or size.
Numbering of Garment Plies (Parts): After the bundle is created, the numbering on
the layers starts. After bundling all the separated parts, stickers are numbered on each layer of
the bundle. And now all these bundles are placed on the inventory table before sending them
to the next operation.
Shorting Embroidery or Printing Parts: Now in these finished bundles, according to
the order requirement, the panels of the garment on which painting or embroideries are to b
done, the size vise is taken apart and then these parts are sent for printing or embroidery. After
embroidery or printing, all these are re-examined by the cutting department.
Send to Sewing Department: Now after the investigation, all these bundles are sent to
the sewing department together. Cutting fabric parts have to be sent into the next process
(where required) like printing, Embroidery, sewing, etc.
Re-Cutting Panels: Whatever panel of garment is found to be defective in the bundle is
re-cut. After receiving these bundles by the sewing department, the parts in which the defect
is found are replaced by cutting of the cutting department.
Methods of Fabric Cutting
Various types of cutting machine are used in apparel production. From many years hand
operated scissor is used for cutting fabric. But after industrialization hand scissors are not
appropriate for bulk layer cutting. Then started semi-automatic fabric cutting machine. For
increasing productivity in cutting room computerized fully automatic cutting machine have
to use.
According to the working process, the cutting machine may be classified in three categories.
Such asManual Cutting Machine.
Semi- Automatic Cutting Machine.
Fully Automatic / Computerized Cutting Machine.
Manual Cutting Machine
Hand Operated Scissor.
Semi-Automatic Cutting Machine
Straight knife of Cutting Machine.
Round Knife Cutting Machine.
Band Knife Cutting Machine.
Die Cutting Machine.
Notcher Machine.
Drill Machine.
Advantage of Manual Cutting Method
Easy process of cutting.
Educated man power is not required.
Low-cost knife is enough here to cut the fabric.
Low maintenance cost.
Disadvantage of Manual Cutting Method
Slow process.
Not suitable for large scale production.
Cutting speed cannot be controlled.
Intensity of accident is very high.
Higher labor cost than computerized cutting method.
In modern garments manufacturing industry, computerized cutting method becomes so much
popular in day by day due its higher production and less time-consuming efficiency. Here all
programmers are loaded into the computer and the computer performs all the activities which
are loaded.
Fully Automatic / Computerized Cutting Machine
Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine.
Laser Cutting Machine.
Water Jet Cutting Machine.
Rib Cutting Machine.
Air jet Cutting Machine.
Ultrasonic Cutting Machine.
Plasma Torch Cutting Machine.
Advantage of Computerized Cutting Method
Very much effective cutting by computer-controlled system.
Very fast cutting operation.
Suitable for large scale production.
Cutting speed can be controlled.
Intensity of accident is very low.
No need any marker.
Fabrics can be cut 7-8 times higher than manual cutting method.
Low labor cost.
Disadvantage of Computerized Cutting Method
Higher maintenance cost.
Skilled and educated manpower is required.
So much expensive machine.
If correct disc is not loaded in the computer, then error will be indicated.
Different Types of Machines in Cutting Department
Manual Cutting Machine
Hand Operated Scissor
We can understand scissor as a manual cutting machine. Scissor only used when cutting
only single or double plies. Almost every type of cloth is cut by scissor. But it takes huge
time for fabric cutting. So, it is not used in bulk production.
Semi-Automatic Cutting Machine
Straight Knife of Cutting Machine
Straight knife cutting machine is the most popular and versatile cutting machine. It is widely
used in clothing industry. Because its production speed is very high. Higher lay of height
can be cut very easily. Besides, knife is comparatively cheap and can be transferred from
one place to another easily.
Features of Straight Knife Cutting Machine
Features of Straight Knife Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
The knife is driven by using electric power.
Straight edge is mostly used in the straight knife.
Here, blade stroke varies from 2.5 to 4.5 cm.
During cutting, the grinding wheel helps to sharpen the cutting knife.
Blade edge: straight edge, wave edge, saw edge, serrated edge.
This type of knife can cut heavy fabric i.e., canvas and denim fabric.
Advantages of Straight Knife Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Straight Knife Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
This type of cutting machine is used in the readymade garments sector in more than 99%
of cutting cases.
It can be easily transferred from one place to another.
Straight knives cutting m/c is comparatively cheaper than others.
A higher layer of fabric can be cut easily by using straight knifes cutting m/c.
Automatic grinding.
Excellent efficiency in cutting high curve lines than the round knife.
By using these types of machines, round corners can be cut more precisely than even
round knife cutting m/c.
Fabric can be cut from any angle by using straight knifes cutting machine.
Production speed is very good by using these types of cutting machines as up to 10 heights
can be cut at a time.
It was also suitable for straight line and curve line.
Here, garment or apparel or clothing components can directly be separated
from fabric lays.
Disadvantages of Straight Knife Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Straight Knifes Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
High risk of damages because of the higher speed of the cutting machine.
In the case of straight knives cutting m/c, sometimes deflecting may occur due to the
weight of the motor.
After a definite period, the knife needed to replace.
Knife deflection is at high risk here when the layer height is too high.
The faulty knife can damage the fabric layer.
The operator is at high risk here for physical damage.
Round Knife Cutting Machine
Round knife cutting machine is called because its cutter is round in shape. It is also popular
cutting machine. This machine is small in size, flexible & used for small production. Round
knife is widely used for cutting the big parts of the garments pattern.
Features of Round Knife Cutting Machine
Features of Round Knife Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
Some key elements of round knife fabric cutting machines are base plate, electric motor,
circular blade, etc.
The band knife blade is circular.
Band knife blade diameter ranges from 6 to 20cm.
This type of blade is driven by electric power.
Advantage of Round Knife Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Round Knife Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Suitable for cutting single ply as well as multilayer (say 20-30layers).
Easy to handle & operate.
Suitable for small scale cutting.
Suitable for gentle curve line cutting.
To cut the larger part of the garments.
With a same R.P.M. its efficiency is 10 times greater than the straight knife.
Disadvantage of Round Knife Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Round Knifes Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
Very low R.P.M. & knife height.
Manual grinder is used.
Low productivity since few numbers of lay can be cut.
Difficult to cut small components & high curve line.
Not suitable for large production.
Lubrication is manually done.
Band Knife Cutting Machine
Band knife cutting machine is look like a wood cutter machine. This cutting machine
works automatically according to the height of the relevant material. Band knife cutting
machines have been recognized around the world for many years for its high -quality
Features of Band Knife Cutting Machine
Features of Band Knife Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
This type of knife consists of a series of three or more pulleys that are powered by an
electric motor.
The band knife blade is normally narrower than the straight knife.
Here, the cutting knife is endless in shape and also flexible.
It is one kind of sawmill cutter.
Advantages of Band Knife Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Band Knife Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Fabrics are cut more accurately and perfectly.
Suitable for cutting the small parts of garments accurately.
It is easy to cut the fabrics in any angles or in angular shapes.
Due to the facility of using template, accurate and consistent cuttings are much easier.
Less risky of accident than straight knife or round knife.
Disadvantages of Band Knife Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Band Knifes Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
As fabric blocks are required, the fabric wastage is higher.
As the machine remains static and the cutting job is through moving the fabric block,
the work load is higher.
This method is not suitable for cutting comparatively the bigger parts of the garments.
Die Cutting Machine
Die cutting machine involves pressing a rigid blade through the lay of fabric. It is useful
where small motifs with particular shape and pattern are needed for cutting. Die cutting
is most useful to cut sharp and small parts. Mainly two types of die cuttings are available
in market namely, Clickers and Presses .
Features of Die Cutting Machine
Features of Die Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
Pressers and clickers are mainly two types of die cuttings are available.
To cut sharp and small parts it is mostly used in the apparel industry.
Important parts of these fabric cutting machines are blade, motor, ram head, etc.
Die is made by metallic strip.
Advantages of Die Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Die Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Very much suitable for accurately cutting the small parts of a garments.
Suitable for cutting in any shape or in any angle.
Can be cut comparatively in a lesser time.
This method is the best for the knitted fabrics.
Disadvantages of Die Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Die Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
As blocks of fabric lay is required, there happens much fabric wastage.
Labor cost is high.
Frequent changing of styles is inconvenient because for making new die both time and
money are required in bigger amount.
Inconvenient to cut the big parts of the garments.
Notcher Cutting Machine
It is a special type of cutting machine & use in special case. Useful to cut small notch to the
fabric. It is most useful to make consistency in notching. This cannot be used in thermoplastic
fibers or certain unlined garments.
Features of Notcher Cutting Machine
Features of Nocher Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
It is a special type of cutting machine.
It is used in special cases.
The notch can be made in V-shape or U-shape.
It is used to cut a notch in the edge of some important components.
Advantages of Notcher Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Nocher Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
It is an exceptional type of cutting machine & role inwards exceptional case.
Useful to cutting modest notch to the fabric.
It is well-nigh useful to brand consistency inwards notching.
Disadvantages of Notcher Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Notcher Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
Only role to brand notch to the fabric.
Thermoplastic fiber can’t cut past times this machine.
The role of machine is limited.
Drill Cutting Machine
Sometimes it is needed to mark on the end of components of dresses especially for
the position of pockets, darts and similar features, a hole is often drill through all the plies
of fabric in the lay. This machine is also used for marking on the middle of the components
of dresses. It can make the hole permanently for a long.
Features of Drill Cutting Machine
Features of Drill Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
The main components of these fabric cutting machines are motor, base plate, drill, and
spirit level.
In a hypodermic drill, some color is sprayed along with the hole. So that it can easy to
find the market place.
In the case of tightly woven fabric, the drill is permanent for a long to make the hole.
Advantages of Drill Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Drill Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Increase tool life.
Higher cutting speeds and power required.
Reduce post-process heat treatments.
Better workpiece quality.
Disadvantages of Drill Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Drill Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
Costs related to fluid purchase, storage, maintenance, waste fluid disposal.
As time passes it can cause workpiece and machine tool damages due to a bad
Environmental impact.
Worker health hazards.
Fully Automatic / Computerized Cutting Machine
Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine
This cutting machine provides the most accurate possible cutting at high speed. It is
suitable for large scale production. Marker is not necessary to put over the fabric lays
during cutting. This technology has the advantage of being highly accurate and fast, but
does cost considerably more than other cutting techniques.
Features of Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine
Features of Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
The computer-controlled knife cutting method provides the most accurate possible
cutting at high speed.
Here, the cutting knife is very hard and oval-shaped.
During cutting, the marker is not needed to put over the fabric lay.
A cutting blade is made of stainless steel.
The sharpness of the knife is also high here.
This type of fabric cutting machine followed the CAD (computer-aided design) system.
The cutting knife itself moves according to the direction of the computer program.
Advantages of Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine have mentioned in the
Very fast fabric cutting.
Very accurate cutting.
Cutting speed could be varied.
Cutting knife could be rotated and moved at any angle.
Suitable for large scale production.
Can be connected with computerized marker making.
Fabric is compressed by vacuum facilitates cutting.
Cutting defect is negligible.
No possibility of blade deflection.
Blade sharpening is attached.
Possibility of accident is lower.
No need of marker.
Lower labor cost.
6 to 8 times faster cutting.
Disadvantages of Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Computer Controlled Knife Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below
Initial investment cost is very high.
Maintenance cost is also very high.
Skilled operator is needed.
Laser Beam Cutting Machine
In laser cutting machine, the fabric is cut by a ray of light in a very fine spot by using a
laser. Laser cutting processing depends on its precise processing, faster, simple operation,
high degree of automation has been widely used in the leather and apparel industry. The
cutting head is controlled by a computer.
Features of Laser Beam Cutting Machine
Features of Laser Beam Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
In the case of laser beam fabric cutting machines, the cutting head is controlled by a
Here, the fabric is cut at a speed of 13m per minute.
In the case of this cutting process, the fabric is cut by a ray of light in a very fine spot
using a laser.
When the ray falls on a material, it generates heat on the material, and the cutting
process is done by vaporization.
The radius of the spot of light is 0.25 mm which is highly powerful.
Advantages of Laser Beam Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Laser Beam Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Laser cutting machines are highly efficient and design replicas are the exact copies of
each other.
It requires and consumes less amount of energy to cut sheets of all types of materials.
In comparison with the traditional scissors, laser cutting machines take less time to cut
large sheets and the outcome is extremely accurate.
The entire process is monitored by the computer programs which reduce the amount of
work and workload.
Much human intervention is not required except for maintenance and observation. No
danger of accidents or injuries.
Very flexible, can be used to cut almost all types of materials.
Precise cuts can be obtained within short time.
Disadvantages of Laser Beam Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Laser Beam Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
Energy consumption is not fix. It is depended on the piece or amount that you want to
cut. Sometimes it might consume a lot of energy.
Human involvement is not much but humans come in the contact with laser beams
sometimes for repairs or inspection.
Production rate may differ depending on the type of the material and the thickness of
the sheet.
Every metal cannot be cut in the laser machine, for example, copper and aluminum.
Improper settings of laser machine can cause burns.
Expensive when compared with other techniques of cutting sheets.
Water Jet Cutting Machine
Water jet cutting machine is an industrial tool capable of cutting fabric lay by using a very
high-pressure jet of water. A very fine water-jet is passed through a nozzle at a very high
speed to cut the fabric lay. The pressure of water is 60,000 pounds per square inch. The
high-pressure jet acts as a solid tool when it encounters the material to be cut, tearing the
fibers on impact.
Features of Water Jet Cutting Machine
Features of Water Jet Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
In water jet cutter, water or mixture of water is used to cut fabric which is controlled
by computer.
Special software is used to cut fabric.
A very high velocity (60,000 lB/ Square Inch) and small diameter steam of water is
created by a water jet intensifier pump.
The high-pressure jet acts as a solid tool and sharp knife which can easily cut the
fabrics, lathers and plastic materials.
As the jet penetrates successive plies in a spread, the momentum decreases and cutting
ability is reduced. So, the lower lays of fabric cutting will be wide and less effective.
The jet of water and loose fibers normally caught and drains away by a catcher when
cut the fabric. It is in the bottom of the fabric lays and moves with the same speed and
the same direction of water jet.
To improve the cutting speed, it is needed to adjust the pressure and radius of the jet.
Advantages of Water Jet Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Water Jet Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Most effective to cut hard materials such as leather and plastic.
Sound of cutting is less.
Excess heat is not produced.
Higher cutting speed.
The table is not cut as catcher is used.
Since there is no solid knife so, no sharpening is required.
Disadvantages of Water Jet Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Water Jet Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
There is a danger of wet edges.
Water spot may occur on fabric.
High costly.
Hard water causes rusting. So, water must be filtered and de-ionized before use.
As in the lower lay, water jet spreads out and then cut is wider and rough at the bottom
of the spread.
Not suitable for high lay of fabric.
The sound of jet needs to control.
Plasma Torch Cutting Machine
Plasma cutting was originally developed to satisfy our demand for high quality cutting. It
is used for cutting stainless steel and aluminum. But it can also be used to cut textile
material. In this system, fabrics are cut by a thin through the nozzle which is made by
Argon gas.
Features of Plasma Torch Cutting Machine
Features of Plasma Torch Cutting Machine have point out in the below:
By using these fabric cutting machines, one or more fabric plies can be cut.
Here, fabrics are cut by a thin through the nozzle which is made by argon gas.
To cut a single ply of fabric it is most used.
Advantages of Plasma Torch Cutting Machine
Different advantages of Plasma Torch Cutting Machine have mentioned in the following:
Curves, odd shapes, and multiple intersecting cuts can all be drawn by a precise beam.
Plasma torches can be guided as precisely as you'd draw a line with a pencil, piloted by
either manual or computer-aided control.
Plasma cutters also cut quickly and efficiently. Plasma takes one-fourth of the time of
most similar techniques to make a clean break in a piece of workable metal. Fast process
times also minimise the risk of metal abrasion, cuts made in error, or distortion.
Plasma cutting is versatile and compatible with a wide range of materials. These include
copper, titanium, steel, iron, and alloys. Plasma cutting is also cost and energy-efficient,
offering a 1:2 ratio per cut over oxygen cutting.
Plasma equipment is considered to be better value for money, as well. Plasma torches are
low-maintenance, rarely requiring replacement.
Plasma cutting also relies on inert gases, making it much safer to use than oxygen-based
cutting. Oxy-fuel carries a significant risk of explosion or accidental ignition while in use
or storage. Conversely, plasma cutting gas is only converted into a superheated jet of
plasma while the torch is actually in use.
Disadvantages of Plasma Torch Cutting Machine
Disadvantages of Plasma Torch Cutting Machine have pointed out in the below:
Most plasma cutters aren't useful for thicker or denser metals. The fleeting nature of
plasma limits their range to a depth of about one inch. If you're looking to cut through
giant steel pillars or blocks you may have to fall back on traditional industrial sawing
or melting.
While it limits ambient heat, plasma cutting is noisy and generates excess fumes. Make
sure that all plasma cutting takes place in an open, ventilated workshop.
Plasma is also infamous for creating very bright flashes while the cutting is ongoing.
Make sure that all employees near the plasma cutter, or using it, are issued with safety
guidance and suitable eye protection.
While it's cheaper per cut than Oxy-fuel, plasma cutting can still incur significant costs.
Electrodes can be expensive to source and replace if the machine breaks down.
Likewise, you may have to pay for a specialist gas supplier. If you don't have specialist
equipment on site it can be very difficult to fabricate the plasma mix needed.
The RMG Industry is the flagship and a success story of Bangladesh in spite of' its ups and
downs. As in the early stages, from the beginning of the Third Millennium, the RMG exports
grew steadily.
According to Export Promotion Bureau (EPB),' during the first decade of the 21st century
when the whole world was worried about global recession, the country (Bangladesh) stood up
proudly as' the world's second largest apparel supplier, after China. Garment exports stood at
$17.91 billion in fiscal 2010-11, taking up almost 78% of the overall exports.
And at same time, leading position of Knitwear continued. Of the total apparel exports,
Knitwear accounted for $9.49 billion, while woven was $8.43 billion in fiscal 2010-11. During
the first decade of the Third Millennium 2001-2010, the average growth of the garment export
was more than 13% and that of Knitwear more than 15%.
This industry is the largest employer, employing 3 million men and women, mostly women.
If one adds the employment that occurs through backward and forward linkage industries, the
total employment would be around 6 million. Its contribution to GDP is estimated to be
between 7% and 8%.
The RMG industry is not only the driving force of the economy, the largest exporter and
foreign exchange earner of the country and largest employer; it has also played a major role in
changing the society. In addition to its economic contribution, the expansion of the RMG
industry has caused noticeable social changes by bringing more than 2.10 million women into
labor force.
The economic empowerment of these working girls/women has changed their status in the
family. The attractive opportunity of employment has changed the traditional patriarchal
hegemony of the fathers, brothers and husbands. Most working women/girls can now choose
when to get married or become mothers.
The number of early MARRIAGES is decreasing; so is the birth rate; and the working girls tend
to send their little brothers and sisters to school, as a result, the literacy rate is increasing. They
can participate in family decision-making.
Most importantly, the growth of RMG sector produced a group of entrepreneurs who have
created a strong private sector. Of these entrepreneurs, a sizeable number is female. A woman
entrepreneur established one of the oldest export-oriented garment factories, the Baishakhi
Garment as early as 1977. Many women hold top executive positions in RMG industry. In no
other industry empowerment of women is so visible and pervasive.