Uploaded by Vienna Tan


Republic of the Philippines
Grade 8 - English
Entertainment Speech
Needs Improvement (15)
The speaker failed to introduce the
speech. Or the introduction was not
useful in indicating what the speech
was about.
Fair (20)
The speaker introduced the speech,
but some details were unclear. The
introduction lacked an attention
getter and/or a preview of main
Good (25)
The speaker introduced the speech
adequately, including an attention
getter and a preview of the main
points of the speech.
Body /Content
The speech was difficult to follow
due to a lack of organization. Little
detail was given to support the
main points.
The speaker delivered adequate
information about the topic. The
speech lacked organization and/or
detail to the extent that some main
points were unclear.
The speaker used logical order and
relevant details to deliver his or her
information. Adequate transitions
were used.
The speaker ended the speech
abruptly without a conclusion. Or
the speaker did not restate the
thesis & main points of the speech.
The speaker concluded the speech
by adequately summarizing the
main points.
Presentation contains several
major grammar/usage errors;
sentences are long, incomplete or
contain excessive jargon or slang
The speaker somewhat restated
the thesis & main points but not
clearly. Or the speaker concluded
the speech in a disorganized
Presentation may contain some
grammar or sentence errors;
sentences may contain jargon or
slang or are too long or hard to
Presentation has no serious
grammar errors; sentences are
mostly jargon or slang-free,
complete, and understandable
Excellent (30)
The speaker introduced the speech
well, including an attention getter
and a preview of main points of the
speech. The speaker was
enthusiastic about the topic and
brought the audience into the
Logical, coherent organization and
relevant information helped convey
the speaker's message clearly.
Detail and word choice were
appropriate to the purpose.
Smooth transitions were used.
The speaker quickly summarized
the main points, referred to the
introduction to bring the speech full
circle, and left the audience with a
lasting impression!
Presentation contains no grammar
errors; sentences are free of jargon
or slang, complete, and easy to
What is an Entertainment Speech?
In broad terms, an entertainment speech is a speech designed to captivate an audience’s attention and regale or amuse them while delivering a message. Like more traditional
informative or persuasive speeches, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the manner of speaking used in an entertaining speech is typically different.
Entertaining speeches are often delivered on special occasions (e.g., a toast at a wedding, an acceptance speech at an awards banquet, a motivational speech at a conference),
which is why they are sometimes referred to as special-occasion speeches. However, they can also be given on more mundane occasions, where their purpose is primarily to
amuse audience members or arouse them emotionally in some way. Remember, when we use the word “entertain,” we are referring not just to humor but also to drama. The
goal of an entertaining speech is to stir an audience’s emotions.
Entertainment Speech
1. Introduction – Must be an attention getter and a preview of main points of the speech.
2. Body/Content - Logical, coherent organization and relevant information helped convey the speaker's message clearly. Detail and word choice were appropriate to the purpose. Smooth
transitions were used.
3. Conclusion - Should summarize the main points, refer to the introduction to bring the speech full circle, and leave the audience with a lasting impression!
Note: Choose your most comfortable theme!
Words: a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words
Video: 3 to 5 minutes
Video – Whole Body / Formal Attire