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Think Piece Paper Outline
The purpose of the Think Piece Paper is to explore both sides of current political issues and then
provide your opinion and policy recommendations based on your research. Because it is not a
persuasive paper, you do not need a thesis. You do, however, need accurate information and a clear
structure to show that you understand the position of both sides and where you stand. You may use
the following template to outline your paper or develop your own. Your outline must be
uploaded as a PDF to Canvas by the start of class (11am) on Monday, February 28.
The first paragraph of your paper should introduce your topic and what the purpose of the paper is.
It should include a “hook” to engage your reader. Hooks can include an imaginary situation, a
rhetorical question, a real-life example, or a quotation, etc.
Do not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc.) in the introduction or the main body.
The main body of the paper consists of two sections. The first presents the arguments from one side
of the political issue. Generally, you want at least three arguments, with supporting facts,
information, and/or examples. A good rule of thumb is to present the strongest argument first, the
weakest second, and conclude with the next strongest argument. Cite your sources! Be sure to use
transitional statements (such as despite, nevertheless, yet, however and although). Do not address
the merits of the arguments, focus on stating factual information as presented by this side. Do not
include your opinion in this section.
The second section presents the arguments from the other side of the political issue. It follows all of
the conventions of the first section.
The final paragraph should provide a balanced summary of the arguments from both sides. Follow
this with your opinion and policy recommendations. Your opinion should acknowledge the
arguments made by both sides and why you find one side more persuasive. Your policy
recommendations are things you would like the government to do (or not do) based on your
opinion on the topic.
Your bibliography must follow a standard format. I prefer Chicago Manual Author-Date format, but
if you are more comfortable with a different format (MLA, APA, Turabian, etc.), feel free to use it.
Every source you cite in the body of your paper should also be listed in your bibliography. You are
required a minimum of three sources for each side of the issue (for a minimum total of six sources),
but more are always welcome. For the outline, you do not need the bibliography, but I list it here so
you don’t forget it when you write your rough and final draft.
On the second page is a template for your outline. You do not need to use this template or follow this exact format. It
is simply a tool you may choose to use. However, you MUST upload an outline of your paper, regardless of whether or
not you use this template.
Think Piece Paper Outline Template
a. Topic:
b. Purpose:
c. Hook:
Main Body
a. Side one:
i. Argument 1:
1. Supporting information:
2. Supporting information:
3. Supporting information:
a. Sources:
ii. Argument 2:
1. Supporting information:
2. Supporting information:
3. Supporting information:
a. Sources:
iii. Argument 3:
1. Supporting information:
2. Supporting information:
3. Supporting information:
a. Sources:
b. Side two:
i. Argument 1:
1. Supporting information:
2. Supporting information:
3. Supporting information:
a. Sources:
ii. Argument 2:
1. Supporting information:
2. Supporting information:
3. Supporting information:
a. Sources:
iii. Argument 3:
1. Supporting information:
2. Supporting information:
3. Supporting information:
a. Sources:
a. Summary of arguments:
b. Opinion
i. Supporting information:
ii. Supporting information:
iii. Supporting information:
c. Policy recommendations: