INSTALLATION MANUAL INERT-SIEX 200-300 IG-541 INERT GASES at 200 and 300 bar UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 1/192 INDEX References to other manuals of the system .................................................................................. 5 1. Distribution piping and fittings ........................................................................................ 8 1.2 Pipe joints (Fittings) ......................................................................................................... 8 1.3 Reducers ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.4 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Threads ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.6 Installation........................................................................................................................ 9 1.7 Approximate diameters .................................................................................................... 9 1.8 Electrical clearances......................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Installation instructions .................................................................................................. 12 2.2 Positioning the installed nozzle...................................................................................... 13 3. Installing cylinder fixing brackets.................................................................................. 14 3.1 Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder........................................................................ 14 3.2 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank......................................................................... 16 3.3 Brackets for a double row cylinder bank ....................................................................... 19 3.4 Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder anchored to the floor ..................................... 21 3.5 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank anchored to the floor without weighing device.. ..................................................................................................................................... 22 3.6 Brackets for a double row cylinder bank anchored to the floor without weighing device ..................................................................................................................................... 23 3.7 Brackets for a single cylinder with continuous weighing (modular) ............................. 25 3.8 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing .............................. 26 3.9 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing .............................. 29 4. Installing the container, cylinder or bottle. .................................................................... 31 4.1 Handling of the container, cylinder or bottle ................................................................. 31 4.2 Installation of a single cylinder (modular cylinder) ....................................................... 33 4.3 Installation of cylinders in a single row cylinder bank .................................................. 34 4.4 Installation of cylinders in a double row cylinder bank ................................................. 35 4.5 Installation of single cylinder with weighing device ..................................................... 38 4.6 Installation of single row cylinder bank with weighing device ..................................... 39 4.7 Installation of double row cylinder bank with weighing device .................................... 40 5. Installing the manifold and manifold brackets............................................................... 41 5.1 Installing the manifold for single and double row cylinder banks................................. 41 5.2 Installing the manifold for single and double row cylinder banks with weighing device . ..................................................................................................................................... 42 6. Installing main / reserve check valves (Models 227VALAN40-23L / 227VALAN50125L / 227VALAN-80L) ............................................................................................... 43 7. Installing selector valves ................................................................................................ 47 7.1 Connection of the selector valve of (3/4” to 2”) to the manifold or pipe....................... 47 7.2 Connection of the selector valve of (2 1/2” to 4”) to the manifold or pipe.................... 50 7.3 Connection of the selector valve to the pipe .................................................................. 53 7.4 Connection of the pneumatic release line for the activation of the selector valve......... 55 7.4.1 Actuation by means of selector valve ............................................................................ 55 Installation non-return valve in line (VALAN-WFR8 / WFR8-316) ............................ 59 7.4.2 Actuation by mean of nitrogen cartridge (pilot)............................................................. 61 7.5 Operating scheme for the selector valves....................................................................... 62 7.5.1 With selector cabinet...................................................................................................... 62 7.5.2 With pilot cartridge ........................................................................................................ 63 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 2/192 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8.1 7.8.2 7.8.3 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.8.1 8.8.2 9. 9.1 10. 10.1 11. 11.1 12. 13. 13.1 14. 15. 16. Conduction of the release line........................................................................................ 65 Positioning of the selector valve .................................................................................... 66 Operating instructions .................................................................................................... 66 Operating in stand-by without gas flow ......................................................................... 66 Operating with gas flow in open position ...................................................................... 67 Operating with gas flow in closed position.................................................................... 67 Installing the weighing device SIEX-WD...................................................................... 68 Brackets and cylinders ................................................................................................... 69 Continuous weighing device kit (mechanical part)........................................................ 70 Location of the discharge manifold................................................................................ 73 Adjustment of the weighing device (mechanical part)................................................... 73 Continuous weighing device kit (electrical part) ........................................................... 74 Connection of the actuator heads of the pilot bottle (electrical, manual, etc.)............... 75 Positioning the weighing device once installed ............................................................. 77 Operating instructions .................................................................................................... 78 Regular operation ........................................................................................................... 78 Operation due to loss of load.......................................................................................... 78 Installing discharge hoses............................................................................................... 79 Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) .................................................................... 79 Installing Wall bypasser adaptor (POADPM xx)........................................................... 82 Cylinder bank ................................................................................................................. 84 Installing flexible activation hoses................................................................................. 86 Installing of the bleed valve in the release line (POVV8).............................................. 89 Installing the 6x4 mm cooper tube (POLATCU)........................................................... 90 Installing the pilot bottle (for banks of more than 9 cylinders)...................................... 93 Installing Suttle valve (VALAN-62).............................................................................. 96 Installing the pilot cartridge (100M0,08UFA / 100M0,18UFA) ................................... 98 Installing the remote release pneumatic line ................................................................ 100 Installation remote release manual pull station without tension (TK-DMS / TK-DMS2) and pulley elbows (TK-CP).......................................................................................... 102 17. Installing the pulley-elbows (TK-CP) .......................................................................... 107 18. Installing the pressure switch (POINPRE) and discharge indicator (POID) ............... 108 18.1 Installing the pressure switch on the discharge manifold (cylinder bank)................... 108 18.1.1 Installing the pressure switch (POINPRE) on modular cylinder systems.................... 110 18.2 Installing the discharge indicator (POID) on the discharge manifold (cylinder bank) 114 19. Installing actuator heads............................................................................................... 116 19.1 Installing 227DM manual actuator head ...................................................................... 118 19.2 Installing 227DMS manual actuator head.................................................................... 121 19.3 Installing 227DMR manual actuator head ................................................................... 123 19.4 Installing 227CNM pneumatic-manual actuator head ................................................. 124 19.5 Installing 227CMC cable-operated manual release head............................................. 126 19.6 Installing the manual actuator head and with protective box 227CMCC .................... 128 19.7 Installing thermal-manual actuator head KCTM / KCTM-R / KCTM-C .................... 130 19.8 Installing thermic pneumatic-mechanical detector SIEX-NTD-C008 / SIEX-NTD-C018 ................................................................................................................................... 133 19.9 Installing 227CN / 227CNTK pneumatic actuator head .............................................. 136 19.10 Installing the 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR / 227SOLC125 / 227SOLCR125 re-assembled electrical actuator head................................................. 138 20. Installing the pneumatic trip (POSX-NAU) or with protection box (POSX-NAUC).. 144 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 3/192 21. Installing the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C / TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B / TK-COMPLEX-C / TK-COMPLEX-C. MECHANICAL CONTROL UNIT ........................................................................................................ 148 21.1 Mechanical control unit TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C ......... 148 21.2 Installing the TK-DPDT microswitch for TK-SIMPLEX / -B .................................... 154 21.3 Installing the TK-DPDT microswitch for TK-COMPLEX / -B /-C ............................ 156 21.4 Mechanical control unit TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B / TK-COMPLEX-C ... 157 22. Installing remote manual pull station with tension (TK-DMC / TK-DMC2) .............. 163 23. Installing the Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TE)..................................... 167 24. Installing the Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TEC).................................. 170 25. Installing mechanical detection kits TK-KIT-T-F / TK-KIT-T-B / TK-KIT-C-F / TKKIT-C-B / TK-KIT-A-F / TK-KIT-A-B ...................................................................... 171 26. Installing or replacement the pressure gauge ............................................................... 173 27. Installing or replacement the pressure switch .............................................................. 177 28. Installing the warning signs.......................................................................................... 182 ANNEX A: MSDS IG-100……………………………..………………………………….....183 ANNEX B: MSDS IG-01……………………………..…………………………..………......186 ANNEX C: MSDS CO2………………...……………..……………………….…………......189 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 4/192 References to other manuals of the system -Design manual. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DESIGN DISTRIBUTION PIPING AND FITTINGS NOZZLE SELECTION SUMMARY OF THE STEPS TO FOLLOW TO CALCULATE A IG-541 SYSTEM SOTWARE DISCHARGE CALCULATION INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE -System components manual. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. IG-541 gas container Container stickers Container valves Pressure switch for container valve Manual actuator 227DMS Manual actuator head Pneumatic actuator head 227CNM Pneumatic-manual actuator head Re-assembled electrical actuator head (24 VDC) Re-assembled electrical actuator head (24 VCD) Re-assembled electrical actuator head (125 VAC) Pneumatic trip Thermal-manual actuator head Cable-operated manual actuator head and with protective box 227CMC / 227CMCC Remote manual pull station without tension (TK-DMS) Remote manual pull station without tension to build in (TK-DMS2) Inox steel cable (KWR-50) Inox steel cable (KWR-100) End of line (TK-FL) End of line (TK-FL2) Double micro-switch (TK-DPDT) Mechanical control unit Mechanical detection kits Fusible link (KFTxxx) Thermo bulb (KBTXXXX) Remote manual pull station with tension (TK-DMC / TK-DMC2) Elbow pulley type compression (TK-CP) Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TE) Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TEC) Pressure switch (POINPRE) Discharge indicator model POID Weighing device (SIEX-WD) Fixing brackets (modular, single and double row) Fixing brackets anchored to the floor without weighing device Fixing brackets with weighing device Manifold fixing bracket in manifold cylinders (in simple or double row) Manifold fixing bracket in manifold cylinders for weighing device in manifold cylinders. Flexible discharge hose Elbow adapters (systems to 200 bar) Wall bypass adaptor (POADPM xx) UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 5/192 41. Flexible activation hoses 42. Cooper pipe 6x4 mm (POLATCU) (systems to 200 bar) 43. Check Valves 44. Check valve main – reserve (Models 227VALAN-40-23L / 227VALAN-50-125L / 227VALAN-80L) 45. Calibrated pressure reducer (ARESxx) 46. Non-return valve in line (VALAN-WFR8 / WFR8-316) 47. Suttle valve (VALAN-62) 48. Pilot bottle (banks of 6 or more cylinders or systems with selector valves) 100MxxxUFx-x 49. Pilot Cartridge (Model 100M008UFA and 100M018UFA) 50. Discharge nozzle (Model FEDRxxxxx) 51. Selector valves (SVD 52. Disable device valve (SVAxxx / SVAxxSH) 53. Three ways isolated valve (SVA6-3W) 54. Bleed valve (POVV8) 55. Discharge manifold for cilindres batteries 56. Diaphragm valve (CVAD15) 57. Manifold pressure relief valve (VREC / VREC-O) 58. Odorizer (D15 / D20) 59. Warnning sign (model POSEÑALES) 60. Combinations to container valves ANNEX 1: IG-541 Cylinders fill pressures and lengths ANNEX 2: Pilot cylinders lengths -Operating manual. 1. 2. 3. 4. GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURE OPERATION AFTER A FIRE REFILLING THE CYLINDERS -Maintenance manual. 1. Introduction 2. Maintenance procedures 3. Inspection programme 4. Service and maintenance (by specialised personnel) 5. Hydrostatic pressure test of the cylinder 6. Service 7. Removing a single cylinder from a modular system 8. Nitrogen pilot bottle service and maintenance ANNEX A. Guide for inspection of system after installation ANNEX B. Refilling procedure ANNEX C. List of replacement parts UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 6/192 INSTALLATION MANUAL This manual contains installation instructions for components described in the System Component Manual for INERT-SIEX200-300 fixed extinguishing systems using inert gases (IG-541). Before installation, the list of material in the System Design Manual should be consulted to ensure all the necessary components are available. This manual does not cover the detection and control elements associated with the extinguishing system. NOTE: SIEX-HC fixed extinguishing systems manufactured by SIEX, containing IG-541 extinguishing agent, are custom designed for a specific application. If the components described here are assembled with another manufacturer’s components, or are used for another application not described in this manual, the component operation will not be correct. In this case, SIEX does not guarantee nor will be responsible for improper use or application of the product. Any non-approved use or application and/or any non-approved modification of the product or its operation may result in serious accidents and/or personal injury. SIEX is not responsible for any non-approved use or application. The equipment must not be subjected to adverse mechanical or chemical atmospheric conditions or other damage which might affect the operational capability of the equipment. The equipment must be installed in accordance with NFPA-2001 (current edition), ISO-14520 or UNE-EN 15004 standards, and approved by the authority having jurisdiction. CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT INERT-SIEX541 200-300 CYLINDERS AND CYLINDER VALVE ASSEMBLIES MUST BE INSTALLED AND COMMISSIONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY CAUSE THE CYLINDERS DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSONS HANDLING THEM AND DAMAGE TO THE SURROUNDING AREA. THIS MANUAL IS ONLY FOR PHYSICAL INSTALLATION AND MUST BE USED IN CONJUCTION WITH THE COMPONENT MANUAL TO ENSURE THAT THE APPROPIATE RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ARE MET. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 7/192 1. Distribution piping and fittings This section refers to design by computer calculations or pre-engineered systems with pipework. Examine the planned configuration to ensure that the pipework and nozzles do not interfere with objects in the hazard area, and make any necessary changes before proceeding with the installation. The pipework and fittings must comply with the limitations detailed below: ATTENTION The calculation program for the clean agent has been investigated and validated for the types of fittings, types of pipe and pipe inside diameters included in this manual. 1.1 Piping All the installed piping must be in accordance with the latest requirements included in NFPA-2001, ISO14520 or UNE-EN 15004. They must be made of non-combustible material, and have physical and chemical characteristics that guarantee their integrity under the stresses to which they will be subjected. For the wall thickness calculation we must take into account that they have to withstand a pressure equal to that of the extinguishing gas when stored at 50ºC. Acceptable piping includes galvanised or black steel to pipe Standard DIN and ANSI B31.1. The types of pipe that must not be used are cast iron, steel pipes to ASTM A-120 specifications and all non-metallic pipes. Seamless steel pipe of grade ASTM A-106 B is recommended. 1.2 Pipe joints (Fittings) The mode of joining the pipes must be by jeans of threaded fitting (BSP or NPT) or welded fittings, or with high pressure bridles. The high pressure bridles must be a minimum of 3000 lbs rated. The cast iron fittings must be a minimum of 3000 lbs rated. Use threaded accessories of 3000 lbs according to regulation ANSI B1.20.1. or ISO 7-1 Use soldered accessories of 3000 lbs according to regulation ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 1.3 Reducers All reductions in the pipe size must be made using reducing fittings such as concentric reducers. Double elbow reducers are not acceptable. The system installation drawings (calculation software) must be taken as a reference for sizes and lengths of pipes. The maximum pipe diameters and lengths indicated in this manual must be adhered to. 1.4 Cleaning All pipe sections must be fitted and assembled with the appropriate sealants, e.g. Teflon tape or paste (in the case of threaded pipe). All rough edges and residual oils must be removed afterwards. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 8/192 1.5 Threads It is recommended that Teflon tape be used, applied only to the male threads of the pipe. When Teflon paste is used, impregnate at least one turn of the male thread and one of the female thread. The threads of all the pipes and fittings must be properly sealed. When 3000 lb fittings with NPT threads are used, ensure that the pipes also have NPT threads. 1.6 Installation All piping must be installed in line with industry best practice. The pipework must be secured with supports that allow for its expansion and contraction. Supports must be located between elbows that are 600 mm apart (see figure A). Supports must be fitted 300 mm from any discharge nozzle (see figure B). Supports must be secured to structures capable of supporting the pipework. Figure A 1.7 Figure B Approximate diameters Pipes with a nominal diameter of less than 10 mm must not be used, except for specific applications. Pipe sections that may be subjected to static pressure (closed sections) must be protected by a relief valve (burst disc valve piped to atmosphere). 1.8 Electrical clearances Where electrical conductors are present, the minimum distances stipulated in the High Voltage Regulations must be observed (ANSI C2, NFPA 70 or 29CFR 1910, Subpart S). Should it not be possible to comply with these distances, approved insulators must be fitted to the pipes. It is recommended that the system pipework be earthed in order to discharge any static electricity generated during the discharge of the extinguishing agent (IG-541). UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 9/192 2. INSTALLING DISCHARGE NOZZLES, WITH A CALIBRATED ORIFICE FEDR type discharge nozzles for INERT-SIEX200-300 fixed extinguishing systems using inert gases (IG-541) are used to discharge the extinguishing agent within the protected area and in systems for total flooding hazard protection (not used in local application systems). The extinguishing agent (IG-541) is dispersed within the protected area by discharge nozzles, to ensure a proper dispersion of the extinguishing agent within the protected area. The discharge nozzles are screwed into the discharge piping (DIN 2440, schedule 40, 80 or 160) in a vertical position, and can be 360º and 180º, with threads from 3/8” BSP to 2” BSP for inert gases. In all cases the transverse nozzle diameter decreases in the direction of the flow, to avoid obstruction of the nozzle by dry ice. Normally, when it is necessary to discharge a different amount of gas through each nozzle, a calibrated orifice plate must be fitted in each one. The calibrated orifice is located inside the discharge nozzles in order to control exactly the amount of gas to be discharged. As its name indicates, it is a circular plate with a central orifice calibrated according to the hydraulic calculations (calculation software), and its size depends on the amount of gas to be discharged through each nozzle. The diameter of the central calibrated orifice is marked on the lower flat part of the nozzle. Its size is expressed in millimetres to one decimal place (for example, 12.2 mm) (see Figure below), and corresponds to a value in the calibrated orifice tables for inert gases. Mark on the lower flat part of the nozzle with the diameter of the central calibrated orifice (is expressed in millimetres to one decimal place). xx.x Calibrated orifice according to hydraulic calculations. 1 NOZZLE 2 CALIBRATED ORIFICE df022ci1.dwg The calibrated orifices must always be fitted into every nozzle that are connected to cylinders or banks of cylinders that have more than one nozzle to protect one or several hazard areas. The calibrated orifices are supplied from the factory assembled in the corresponding nozzles, which are marked with the diameter of the calibrated orifice. The discharge nozzles, with a calibrated orifice, are connected directly to the discharge pipe: UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 10/192 CAUTION TO AVOID UNNECESSARY RISKS IT IS ADVISABLE TO INSTALL THE DISCHARGE NOZZLES BEFORE ASSEMBLING THE CYLINDERS OR CYLINDER BANKS. OTHERWISE, ENSURE THAT THE RELEASE AND ACTUATION ELEMENTS ARE DISCONNECTED OR NOT IN USE. 1 CYLINDER 2 DISCHARGE PIPE 3 NOZZLE df001ci3.dwg UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 11/192 2.1 Installation instructions To install the nozzles, with or without a calibrated orifice, the instructions below must be followed: 1. Take the installation drawings and study the positioning of the nozzles in the hazard area. Check that there are no light objects or items that are susceptible to move during the gas discharge. 2. Check that the number and size of nozzles supplied agrees with the approved installation plans. If they are to be fitted with calibrated orifices, check that they are suitable for the nozzles in which they are to be fitted. 3. Check that the pipe rises and drops where the nozzles are to be screwed in are at the correct distance and in optimum condition. 4. Check that the bottom surfaces of the pipe rises and drops are totally flat and perpendicular to their axes. The threaded length of the pipe must be greater than that of the nozzle (see figure below). The threaded length of the pipe must be greater than that of the nozzle 3 3 Surfaces of the pipe rises and drops are totally flat and perpendicular to their axes 2 1 Nozzle 2 Calibrated orifice 3 PIpe 2 1 1 df022ci2.dwg 5. Apply Teflon tape to the male thread of the pipe drop where the nozzle is to be fitted. 6. Hold the nozzle by hand and fit the calibrated orifice in its seat (if one is to be fitted). Check that the diameter of the central calibrated orifice is marked on the lower flat part of the nozzle. 7. Screw in the nozzle (with its orifice if appropriate) with a fixed width spanner on the pipe drop or pap. Tighten fully until the pipe drops touch the calibrated orifices, so that they are completely screwed in and the plate is firmly fixed. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 12/192 2.2 Positioning the installed nozzle The usual position of the installed nozzle is vertical, as shown in Figure below. When positioning the nozzle in the discharge pipe, the assembly steps above must be followed, while ensuring that it is free of any obstacles which could impede the proper discharge of the extinguishing agent. CEILING 0.1 MAX ON OFF 7.1 MAX As shown in Figure below, it must be remembered that the two types of nozzle, 360º and 180º, can be fitted at a maximum of 0.1 m below the ceiling (or the highest protected point when the nozzles are stacked). 180º nozzles can be located between a maximum of 0.1 m and a minimum of 50 mm from the wall, special attention must be paid to the fitting of the 180º nozzle, that it is in the correct position for its effective operation, with the orifices facing out and not towards the wall, as shown the figure. 180° 360° A: 174,24 m2 180° 360° A: 174,24 m2 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 13/192 3. Installing cylinder fixing brackets 3.1 Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder Safety cap of valve outlet. CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE EITHER THE PROTECTIVE VALVE CAP OR THE OUTLET SAFETY PLUG. The brackets assemblies for a modular cylinder comprise a nut, a bolt, a washer, two straps, a rear channel, and two decorative end pieces. To ensure the container or cylinder is securely attached, it is recommended that two fixing brackets per bottle be used, for all 40.2 litre cylinders and above. 1 Back carril 3 Fixing nuts and bolts Each strap has a slot for insertion in the rear channel, to allow the cylinder to be correctly aligned. The assembly channel is designed to be fixed to a rigid surface with the cylinder supported on the floor. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 14/192 To install the modular cylinder bracket, follow the instructions below: 1. Place the modular cylinder’s rear wall channel at the heights A and B above the floor and mark on the wall the centre of the holes to be drilled. Safety cap in valve outlet 2. Drill two holes at the marks on the surface where the rear channel is to be secured and bolt the channel to the wall. 3. Ensure that the cylinder has its valve protective cap and outlet safety plug in place. 4. Place the cylinder (still with its valve protective cap and outlet safety plug in place) in the centre of the channel and against it. 5. Put the cylinder straps in the channel using their slots, and encircling the cylinder. The straps must be offered up in a horizontal position, until reaching the slots, and then rotated 90º until vertical, in such a way as the slots in the straps engage in the channel, as shown in Figure 18. 6. Tighten the straps with the bolt, nut and washer until the cylinder is properly secured. 7. At this point, the protective valve cap can be removed and the cylinder orientated so that the valve pressure gauge is facing forward and can be read. To be able to orientate the cylinder, the straps have to be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. 8. Do not remove the outlet safety plug until indicated in the corresponding chapter of this manual. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 15/192 3.2 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE EITHER THE PROTECTIVE VALVE CAP OR THE OUTLET SAFETY PLUG. The bracket assemblies for cylinders in single row banks consist of: two rear channels, straps, bolts, nuts, washers and decorative end pieces, as shown in the figure. 10 9 8 1 7 6 5 2 3 4 Bracket positions for single row banks. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 16/192 Nº 1 2 3 4/5 6 7 8 9 10 Denomination Manifold square Manifold system cylinder channel Washer flat Ex. screw Cylinder clamp Autoblocking nut Screw Manifold clamp Nut To install single row cylinder bank brackets, follow the instructions below: 1. Position the rear channels of the cylinder bank up to the wall and mark the centre of the holes to be drilled. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 17/192 2. Drill holes at the marks on the surface where the rear channels are to be secured and bolt the channels to the wall. It is recommended to make an anchoring hole for each two cylinders and always at the ends of the channel. 3. The wall on which the bracket is to be fixed (when necessary) must be perpendicular to the floor and sufficiently robust to support the cylinder during discharge. If the bank is to be anchored to a partition wall, plates must be fitted so that the bracket can be secured to the back face of the partition wall as shown below. 1 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 5 3 Partition Support pad Nut Bracket Anchor bolt 4. Ensure that all the cylinders in the bank have their valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs in place. 5. Position the cylinders (without removing the valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs) against the channel and aligned with reference to the manifold check valves and the discharge hose. The bolt that supports the channel for the first cylinder channel must be located 50 mm from the end of the channel. 6. If the manifold is not installed, measure the distance between the axes of two of the check valves. This is the distance that must be left between the symmetrical axes of each cylinder. (see figure). VALAN-20A WP 360 BAR DN 20 N - XXXX UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-20A WP 360 BAR DN 20 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-20A WP 360 BAR DN 20 N - XXXX “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 P O S I T I O N F L O W 18/192 7. Fit the clamps in the channel by sliding them along the slots so that they hold the cylinders across their whole diameters. For this, the straps must be positioned horizontally, until reaching the slots, and then rotated 90º until vertical, in such a way that the slots in the strap engage in the channel. 8. Tighten the straps with the bolts, nuts and washers until the cylinders are properly secured. 9. At this point, the protective valve caps can be removed and the cylinders correctly oriented. To facilitate this, the straps should be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. 10. Do not remove the outlet safety plugs until indicated in the corresponding chapter of this manual. 3.3 Brackets for a double row cylinder bank CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE EITHER THE PROTECTIVE VALVE CAP OR THE OUTLET SAFETY PLUG. The bracket assemblies for cylinders in double row banks consist of: two front and two rear channels, straps, bolts, nuts, washers, threaded rod, connecting nuts, wide washers and decorative end pieces. The manifold fixing consists of two vertical channels with two perpendicular horizontal ones, complete with straps, bolts, etc., as shown in the figure. 6 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 19/192 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Denomination Manifold square Manifold system cylinder channel Washer flat Ex. screw Nut lane unistrut Threaded rod Ex. screw Autoblocking nut Cylinder clamp Ex nut Washer Screw Manifold clamp Unistrut channel nut For the assembly of the brackets of the cylinders in manifold system in double row, follow the next guidelines: 1. Position the rear channels of the cylinder bank up to the wall, at the suitable height above the floor, and mark the centre of the holes to be drilled. 2. Make hole with 10 mm of diameter in the quoted marks, in the surface where the rear channels will be fixed and screw the channels to the wall. It is advisable to make a hole of anchorage for each two cylinders and always in the end of the channels. 3. Ensure that all the cylinders in the bank have their valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs in place. 4. Position the cylinders (without removing the valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs) against the channel and aligned with reference to the manifold check valves and the discharge hose. The bolt that supports the channel for the first cylinder channel must be located 50 mm from the end of the channel. 5. If the manifold is not installed, measure the distance from axis to axis of their retain valves. That will be the distance to be leaven between the symmetrical axis from cylinder to cylinder (see figure). 6. Once the cylinders are in place, place the threaded rod between them and at the ends of the channel, together with their channel linkage nuts. To do this, the nuts must be inserted in a horizontal position and then turned clockwise 90º to a vertical position, so that the slots in the nuts engage in the channel. 7. Once the cylinders are placed, put between them and the ends of the channel, the threaded rod with the join nuts to the channel. For this reason, it is necessary to introduce the nuts in horizontal position and then turn to the right 90º to their vertical position, so that the notches fit onto the channel. 8. Place the two front channels making them to pass by the threaded rods across their holes. 9. Insert the quoted join (point 8) with the respective nut and washer of wide wing. 10. Assemble the second row of cylinders as mentioned in the points from 4 to 7 of the previous guideline “Brackets for cylinders in manifold system in single row”. 11. At this point, the protective valve caps can be removed and the cylinders orientated so that the valve pressure gauges are facing forwards and can be read. To orientate the rear cylinders, the threaded rods must be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. To orientate the front cylinders, the straps must be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. 12. Do not remove the outlet safety plugs until indicated in the corresponding chapter of this manual. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 20/192 3.4 Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder anchored to the floor 1 2 13 12 11 10 9 6 8 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Vertical side lane Modular cylinder channel 2 Holes square Horizontal side lane Ex. screw Washer flat washer Ex. screw 2 Holes billet Unistrut channel nut Ex. screw Cylinder clamp Ex. Autoblocking nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 21/192 3.5 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank anchored to the floor without weighing device Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Top horizontal side lane 2 Holes square Horizontal side lane Manifold system cylinder channel 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane Ex. screw Washer flat washer Ex. screw 2 Holes billet Unistrut channel nut Ex. screw Ex. Autoblocking nut Cylinder clamp Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 22/192 3.6 Brackets for a double row cylinder bank anchored to the floor without weighing device Type 1 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Top horizontal side lane Square Top horizontal side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Threaded rod Unistrut channel nut Lower horizontal side lane 2 Holes square Front vertical side lane Ex. screw Washer flat Ex. screw Ex. Autoblocking nut Cylinder clamp Ex. nut washer Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 23/192 Type 2 7 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Top horizontal side lane Square Top horizontal side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Threaded rod Unistrut channel nut Lower horizontal side lane 2 Holes square Front vertical side lane Ex. screw Washer flat Ex. screw Ex. Autoblocking nut Cylinder clamp Ex. nut washer Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 24/192 3.7 Brackets for a single cylinder with continuous weighing (modular) This fixing system has a horizontal frame in the top part of the brackets, designed to anchor the individual weighing systems on which the charged cylinders rest. This type of fixing is like a cage enclosing the cylinders, anchored either to the wall or the floor, or both. 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 7 9 8 Fixing brackets for modular cylinders Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Rear vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane Ex. screw Washer flat 2 Holes Billet Ex nut Washer Unistrut channel nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 25/192 3.8 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing Type 1 for cylinders with volumes not exceeding 80 litres 18 17 16 1 2 3 15 4 14 5 13 12 6 7 10 9 8 Bracket for single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Rear vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane Washer Ex nut Ex. screw Washer flat 3 Holes billet 2 Holes Billet Unistrut channel nut Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 26/192 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Channels of the bracket Front channel Rear channel Threaded rods Plate with 2 holes Plate with 3 holes Frame of weighing Manifold clamps “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 27/192 Type 2 for cylinders with volumes exceeding 80 litres 20 19 18 1 2 3 4 11 7 8 9 10 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Rear vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane 3 Holes Billet Ex. screw Washer flat 2 Holes Billet Unistrut channel nut Ex nut Washer Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 28/192 3.9 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing Type 2 for cylinders with volumes not exceeding 80 litres 19 18 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 15 14 13 7 8 11 10 9 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Rear vertical side lane Central vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane Washer Ex nut Ex. screw Washer flat 3 Holes billet 2 Holes Billet Unistrut channel nut Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 29/192 Type 2 for cylinders with volumes exceeding 80 litres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Framework Top bracket line Top horizontal side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Rear vertical side lane Central vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Lower bracket lane Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane 3 Holes Billet Ex. screw Washer flat 2 Holes Billet Unistrut channel nut Ex nut Washer Screw Manifold clamp Nut “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 30/192 4. Installing the container, cylinder or bottle. 4.1 Handling of the container, cylinder or bottle CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN THE CYLINDERS DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, LEADING TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE PROPERTY. From the factory, all cylinders assembled with valves are protected with caps and protective plugs for transport, which must not be removed until the cylinders have been securely fixed to their fixing brackets (keep the protective caps for future use). All cylinders are sent from the factory assembled with a protective flange, with its corresponding cylinder valve, RGS-MAM-12-3/12-2/12-2C or 11-2, together with the cylinder stickers marked with CE, UL listed and/or FM approved, PI, ISO, UN, DOT (whichever applies) and cylinder instructions, with the valve outlet safety plug in place, and with the protective cap screwed into the flange. WARNING: THE DISCHARGE OF CLEAN AGENT SYSTEMS TO EXTINGUISH A FIRE CAN RESULT IN A POTENTIAL HAZARD TO PERSONNEL FROM THE NATURAL FORM OF THE CLEAN AGENT OR FROM THE PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION THAT RESULT FROM EXPOSURE OF THE AGENT TO THE FIRE OR HOT SURFACES. UNNECESSARY EXPOSURE OF PERSONNEL EITHER TO THE NATURAL AGENT OR TO THE PRODUCTS OF DECOMPOSTION SHALL BE AVOIDED. RECYCLING PROTECTS THE ENVIRONMENT DO NOT DISPOSE DISCHARGE ONLY IN CASE OF FIRE. IF CONTAINER CONTENTS MUST BE REMOVED FOR SERVICE, MAINTENANCE OR DISMANTILING OF THE CLEAN AGENT SYSTME – PRIOR TO REMOVAL, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL INSTALLER OR MANUFACTURER FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND RECLAIMING OR RECYCLING CLEAN AGENT. SYSTEM UNIT SHALL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY´S SIGNIFICANT NEW ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM. The cylinder valve itself comes equipped with a pressure gauge, the burst disc and its end cap, the valve outlet safety plug in the actuation port, and those corresponding to the pilot port and pressure switch connection, if these components are not connected. The cylinders must be located in an area protected from extreme temperatures and accessible for service and maintenance. The cylinder must be firmly secured to a wall. CAUTION DO NOT REMOVE THE CYLINDER PROTECTIVE CAPS UNTIL IT IS FIXED IN ITS BRACKETS, THE CYLINDER MUST ONLY BE MOVED WITH ITS VALVE PROTECTIVE CAP IN PLACE UNTIL IN ITS FINAL POSITION. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 31/192 OFF ON 227 DM xxxxx Nº 24V A 0,60 xx (DC) 227SOLP LOTE Nº No. LOT EN 83 7-1 bar K L. 1.6 TPED Notifié E Organisme d body/ 1999/36/C entos VERITAS do/Notifie O rga de TPED protección Notifié Organisme de pro tección device ado/N tific BUREAU ro tura+Eleme d isc+Protections ( 0062) de +Disco Bursting No smo O rgani Cylind Nº E body/ 1999/36/C ntos otified VERITAS s device ti fica BUREAU No rotura+Elem disc+Protection mo (0062) de sting +Disco lvula er+Valve+Bur nis Cilindro+Vá Cilind Serie Number Serial linder+Valve+ ro+Válvula Cy Serie mb er N º Nu Serial - 006 2 2 - 006 CADA SEIS (6) MESE S. CADA AL MENOS NDROS CILI LOS DE PE SO Y EL EL CILINDRO: TROS PRODUCTO. OEN QUE AL DEL MÁNOME HASTA CONTENID LOS EN AL MANU TAPONES E.) F ABRICA) SIÓN CON PRODUCTO ACUDIR SERVICIO. PRE DESDE LA DE TRANSPORT S DEL CILINDROS EL 46ºC. SISTEMA, ODICA MANUAL50ºC. N SUS DEL PARA DE VÁLVULA A AL (SUMINISTRO P ERI TO 0ºC ACCIDENTALE TODOS LA EXCEDER INICIAL FORMA ACUDIR DE INSTALACIÓ APROPIADO DA ORIGEN ABRIRÁ DE LA SCARGAS EN AR DE Y MANTENIMIENDE MEDIOURA PUEACCIÓN UBICACIÓN ALMACENAJE: UN PROB INFORMACIÓN SU HERRAJES)FIJADO EVITAR A DE DE SUMINISTRA ESTA ANTES COM MÁS SIDO UTILIZACIÓN QUE . (A SUS (UTILIZARTEMPERAT S PARA SIEX HAYA LA PARA NO TEMPERATUR CILINDROS EL DISEÑO, DONDE PUESTO PROTECTORAS QUE Ó MOVERLO. LOS SEGURIDAD. ADVERTENCIA FUERTEMENTE PARA HASTA DE CILINDRO, CON LUGARES JO GIRARLO DEL SUJETO EN TE EN Y CAPERUZAS SIGUIENTES PARA SOL Ó CILINDRODESCARGA. M ANE FIJADOS ESTÉ TO. LAS DE DEL VÁLVULA EL QUE TAPONES LA CILINDRO BAJO L DE ADECUADAMEN SER LOS NO ESTEN SEGUIR TUBERÍA DEL A NO A LA VÁLVULA V ÁLVULAS. A LA Y MANTENIMIEN QUITAR DE VÁLVULA CILINDROS MANUA E, NT O ASEGURADOS 1-NO S CILINDROS LOS DISPARO LA LO CTORES ACTIVACIÓN VILENTAMENT ESTÉN DEL SISTEMA. Y CONECTADOTO SI LAS NUNCA DE DE NO P ROTE UTILIZAR FUNCIONAMIE CONTENIDO DE SUJECIÓN LA PALANCA 2-NUNCA TUBERÍAS FRECUENCIA ALMACENAR CILINDROS SU DE INSTRUMENTO NCIONAMIENINSTALACIÓN, LOS RED 3-NO AC TIVAR MAYOR Y FU QUE A LA NINGÚN HERRAJES OBSTRUIDOS. CON 4-NO DISEÑO, , DE HASTA RADA Y DESCARGARÁ A LOS ESTÉN COLOCAR SIEX NO LLENADO. O INCLUSO ASEGU IN STALACIÓN DE 5-NO QUE TE DE ACTIVACIÓN ESTÁ PESO DE TEMPERATURA DE AL MANUAL FUERTEMENTE MPROBAR SU MENSUALMEN CO 5 % DE A AJUSTES ACUDIR DESCARGA UCCIONES DE MECANISMO TR PARA DE UN INS DEBIDO INSTALAR, MÁS NINGÚNCON EXIÓN DE PECCIONADOS INS EXAMINADOS PRESIÓN, FIJACIÓN. Y LA ANTES DE SER SI PIERDEN SU CONECTAR N SER NO HERRAJES DEBERÁ SI BAJA HERRAJES DEBERÍANRGADOS REQUIEREN. LOS C.) LLENADO. LOS LO RECA DE DE USORESSER CARGADOS CILINDROS ORDEN: ANCIAS DIF RE NORMAL LOS ,EXPLOSOR,ET LOS SER EL CILINDRO DEBERÍAN CIRCUST Y SIGUIENTE PRESIÓN EL DEBERÁNLA QUITARCON CILINDRO LO TUBOS DE PILOTO,BOBINA CILINDROS DE DEL 10% LOS CILINDROS UN ANTES DE ACTUACIÓN LOS SOLENOIDE, DE SERVICIO MÁS EN DE SIGUIENTES (VALVULA O PASOS MECANISMOS TRIC NE UMÁTICO. DESCARGA. RETIRADA LOS LOS DE NEUMÁTICO. ELÉC SEGUIR MANUALDISPARO Ó TUBOS 1-QUITAR ACTUADOE DE a) ACTUADOR LATIGUILLOS ULA. b) VÁLV LOS LATIGUILLOS IN DUSTRIAL Nº6 c) A LA ONO N TIJA MO RUZA POLIG 2-RETIRAR DE VILLALONQUEJAR CA PE DAD BURGOS LA ERIN 01 08 (6) MESES. CILINDROS I E X 090 11 7 28 11 12 .: 94 2 8 947 TEL FAX.: LOS S I C/M SEIS AL MENOS DE PESO Y EL EL CILINDRO: EN PRODUCTO. QUE DEL MÁNOMETROS HASTA LOS O CONTENIDO EN ) AL MANUAL TAPONES F ABRICA) SIÓN CON ACUDIR L PRODUCT DESDE PRE SERVICIO. LA DE S DE TRANSPORTE. CILINDROS EL 46ºC. SISTEMA, N SUS MANUAL 50ºC. DEL PARA DE (SUMINISTRO AL 0ºC A PERIODICA TO ACCIDENTALE TODOS LA VÁLVULA INICIAL EXCEDER FORMA ACUDIR DE INSTALACIÓ GAS APROPIADO ABRIRÁ ORIGEN DE LA EN DESCAR Y MANTENIMIENDE MEDIO A PUEDA UBICACIÓN ACCIÓN ALMACENAJE: UN SU FIJADO INFORMACIÓN DE EVITAR ESTA SUS HERRAJES) ANTES COMPROBAR S DE SUMINISTRA MÁS SIDO UTILIZACIÓN (A (UTILIZARTEMPERATUR S PARA SIEX O QUE LA PARA HAYA NO T EMPERATURA CILINDROS EL DISEÑO, DONDE PUEST EMENTE. PROTECTORA QUE Ó MOVERLO. LOS SEGURIDAD. ADVERTENCIA FUERTHASTA PARA DE CILINDRO, CON LUGARES EN GIRARLO DEL SUJETO EN TE Y CAPERUZAS PARA SOL Ó M ANEJO LAS SIGUIENTES ES FIJADOS ESTÉ L CILINDRODESCARGA. TO. DE DE EL QUE TAPON LA VÁLVULA CILINDRO BAJO DE ADECUADAMEN SER LOS NO ESTEN SEGUIR TUBERÍA DEL DOS A NO A LA VÁLVULA VÁLVULAS. A LA Y MANTENIMIEN QUITAR DE VÁLVULA CILINDROS MANUAL E, NT O ASEGURA 1-NO CILINDROSS LOS LA DISPARO LOS ACTIVACIÓN DE ESTÉN DEL SISTEMA. VILENTAMENT Y CONECTADOTO SI LAS DE UTILIZAR NUNCA NO FUNCIONAMIE PROTECTORE NCIA ERÍAS CONTENIDO DE SUJECIÓN LA PALANCA 2-NUNCA TUB FRECUE ALMACENAR CILINDROS SU DE NCIONAMIENINS TALACIÓN, INSTRUMENTO LOS RE D 3-NO ACTIVAR FU MAYOR QUE A LA NY NINGÚN HERRAJES OBSTRUIDOS. CON 4-NO DISEÑO, , DE HASTA Y DESCARGARÁ A LOS ESTÉN SIEX COLOCAR ASEGURADA TE O INCLUSO QUE NO DE LLENADO. INSTALACIÓ 5-NO DE ACTIVACIÓN ESTÁ PESO DE TEMPERATURA DE FUERTEMENTE AL MANUAL SU DE MENSUALMEN COMPROBAR ACUDIR AJUSTES DESCARGA 5% UCCIONES DE MECANISMO TR PARA DE UN BIDO A INS DE INSTALAR, NINGÚNCONEXIÓN N MÁS DE PECCIONADOS INS EXAMINADOS F IJACIÓN. Y LA ANTES DE SER SI PIERDESU PRESIÓN, CONECTAR N SER NO BAJA HERRAJES DEBERÁ HERRAJES DEBERÍANRGADOS SI LLENADO. REQUIEREN. LOS C.) LOS LO RECA DE DE CILINDROS ORDEN: ANCIAS DIFUSORESSER RECARGADOS LOS NORMAL ,EXPLOSOR,ET Y LOS DEBERÍAN SER EL CILINDRO CIRCUST SIGUIENTE PRESIÓN EL TUBOS LA QUITARCON CILINDRO LO CILINDROS DEBERÁN DE PILOTO,BOBINA DE DEL 10% LO S UN CILINDROS ANTES DE ACTUACIÓN LOS SOLENOIDE, DE SERVICIO MÁS EN DE SIGUIENTES NISMOS (VALVULA PASOS MECA UMÁTICO. DESCARGA. NE NEUMÁTICO. RETIRADA LOS LOS DE ELÉCTRICOSEGUIR MANUAL DISPARO ÓTUBOS 1-QUITAR ACTUADOE DE a) ACTUADOR LATIGUILLOS b) VÁLVULA. LOS LATIGUILLOS INDUSTRIAL Nº6 c) A LA TIJA TIRAR S E X POLIGONO DE MON VILLALONQUEJAR DAD BURGOS 08 11 28 12 947 28 11 TEL.: 947 FAX.: C /MERIN 09001 3-PONER 2-RE CAPERUZA LA 3-PONER ci005ci1.dwg No cover or external operating device should be removed at this stage. EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 EN 837-1 bar EN 837-1 KL. 1.6 bar KL. 1.6 Tapón de seguridad de la salida de la válvula EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 Valve protective cap and output safety plug UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 32/192 4.2 Installation of a single cylinder (modular cylinder) The most common case of system with a single cylinder (modular cylinder) it the one which is shown in the figure, it has an electrical and manual actuator. Once the horizontal frames are placed on the wall, the cylinder should be straightened in the central part affixed by means of two upper and lower clamps, and, finally, the screw and nut should be placed through the hole of those clamps with an strong tighten which will affix the cylinder in its right position. Step 2 Step 1 ON OFF POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Ate nción : Antes d e roscar e l actu ador e léctrico al puerto d Warning : Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 33/192 4.3 Installation of cylinders in a single row cylinder bank The cylinder bank in simple row cylinder bank, each one can have or not pilot bottle, it depends on the number of cylinders of the battery. From 2 to 9 cylinders the system does not need pilot bottle and from 10 cylinders the system requires a pilot bottle. The procedure for affixing the cylinders to the frames of the bracket is the same as explained in chapter 4.2. VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Atención : Antes de ro scar e l actuador e léctrico al puerto d Warning : Before threading t he electrical act uator to the activ 24V (DC) 0,66 A P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W Nº POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 227SOLC N - XXXX “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 34/192 4.4 Installation of cylinders in a double row cylinder bank The cylinder bank in double row cylinder can have or must pilot bottle, it depends on the number of cylinders of the battery. From 2 to 9 cylinders the system does not need pilot bottle and from 10 cylinders the system requires a pilot bottle. The first row of cylinders will be located between both horizontal frames of the channel, and between them a threaded rod will be placed perpendicularly to those frames and other two ones which close the cylinders affixing their position and getting ready the installation of the second row of cylinders. The positioning of the second row of cylinders will be in front of the first row and leaned against the second row of horizontal frames of the bracket and affixing them by means the two lower and upper clamps. Finally, the screw and nut should be placed through the hole of those clamps with a strong tighten which will affix the cylinder in its right position. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 35/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 36/192 PO SITIO N 1: STA PO SITIO N 2: A CT P OSI CIO N 2 : AC A tención : An tes de roscar el actuad or e lé ctrico al puer to d W ar ning : Befo re thr ead ing ht e electrical actuato r to the activ 24V (DC) 0,66 A VAL AN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-1 5CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot . L ot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VAL AN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. L ot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 24 0 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. L ot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 24 0 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. L ot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N V ALAN-15CO WP 2 40 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N V ALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. L ot No. Nº P OSI CION 1 : SIN UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 227SOLC P O F S L I O T W I O N “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 37/192 4.5 Installation of single cylinder with weighing device This case is similar to the previous one, but in this case it has a continuous weighing device and it has a manual and electrical actuator. Once the assembly has been completed, the cylinder will be placed inside and hanged of the weighing device by means of its threaded rod. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 38/192 4.6 Installation of single row cylinder bank with weighing device We should follow the same procedure as explained in chapter 4.5 but taking into account that we have several cylinders. ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU - 0786 VdS A / TARE / TARE - 0786 VdS - 0786 VdS - 0786 VdS O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20 ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 39/192 4.7 Installation of double row cylinder bank with weighing device We should follow the same procedure as explained in chapter 4.5 but, in this case, the first row should be placed inside the bracket hanging the cylinders of the weighing device and then the second row following the same procedure. Before placing the second row of cylinders, we should make sure that the first row of cylinders has been installed correctly since any modification would be more difficult if the second row has been installed. Remember that this bracket is one of the most complicated when we have to complete the installation of the cylinders inside of it. ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS N O INFLAMMABLE SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 40/192 5. Installing the manifold and manifold brackets 5.1 Installing the manifold for single and double row cylinder banks These consist of two channels that form a 90º angle. The channel that is against the wall is the wall fixing and the one that supports the manifold is the manifold fixing. 1.- Manifold fixing clamps 2.- Manifold fixing channel 3.- Wall fixing channel Manifold Manifold To install the discharge manifold and its brackets, follow the instructions below: 1. Fit the wall bracket channel at the correct height using suitable safety bolts. Before carrying out this operation the correct height of the manifold must be calculated. The joint between the two channels can be made using a 90º solid bracket bolted to the channels, to allow the manifold support channel to be moved vertically to its correct position. 2. Fit the other channel (the manifold support) forming a 90º angle with the rear channel using the corresponding steel bracket. Lightly tighten the solid bracket bolts without over-tightening. The manifold support channel can be slid in the wall channel until it is in the ideal position. 3. Place the manifold clamps or straps in the channel. 4. Place the manifold between the clamps and gently tighten. Due to the form of the channel, the manifold can be slid along it until it is in its ideal position. 5. Finally, when the manifold is installed in the correct position, fully tighten the solid bracket, and the strap nut and bolt. 1.- Manifold 2 - Check valve 3.- Manifold fixing band 4.- Manifold fixing channel UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 41/192 5.2 Installing the manifold for single and double row cylinder banks with weighing device Manifold Manifold Manifold 1 2 3 1.- Manifold fixing clamps 2.- Manifold fixing channel 3.- Cylinder bank supporting channel UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 42/192 6. Installing main / reserve check valves (Models 227VALAN40-23L / 227VALAN50-125L / 227VALAN-80L) These valves are installed in the discharge pipe, threaded in vertical position using a threaded coupling Female-Female in the lower part, and the outlet pipe is directly threaded to the upper part of the body of the check valve. To install the main/reserve check valves models 227VALAN40-23L / 227VALAN50-125L, follow the instructions below: 1. Define in which point of the piping it is required to be installed, and cut the pipe and thread it depending on the check valve to install. 2. In the lower part of the pipe thread an adapter coupling with Female-Female thread applying liquid or tape Teflón. In this coupling will be installed the main/reserve check valve. Tuberia / Pipe Roscar / Thread Manguito H-H / Female-Female coupling Roscar / Thread Tuberia a bateria de cilindros / Pipe to manifold cilynders 3. Thread the main/reserve check valve with a torque on the flat sides indicated on the figure above. Female-Female coupling VALAN-40-23L WP 137 BAR DN 40 Nº LOTE x xx LOT No. VALAN-40-23L WP 137 BAR DN 40 Tightening Wrench Flats Nº LOTE x xx LOT No. Pipe to manifold cilynders Pipe to manifold cilynders UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 227VALAN-40-23L / 227VALAN-50-125L “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 43/192 4. Finally, thread the outlet pipe to the main/reserve check valve applying liquid or tape Teflon previously on the male thread of the pipe and then tighten it, with the help of a pipe wrench, the pipe in the main/reserve check valve preventing the turn of this pipe by means of the flat sides shown on the previous figure. Pipe VALAN-40-23L WP 137 BAR DN 40 VALAN-40-23L WP 137 BAR DN 40 Nº LOTE x xx LOT No. Nº LOTE x xx LOT No. Pipe to manifold cilynders VALAN 40L/50L POS ICION 1 : SIN POSIT ION 1: STA POS ICION 2 : AC POSIT ION 2: ACT Aten ción: Ante s de ros ca r el actu ado r eléctrico al puerto d Warning : Befo re threading the electrical actuator to the activ Sec manifold UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Nº Nº LOTE x xx LOT No. 24V (DC) 0,66 A VALAN-40-23L DN 40 Nº LOTE x xx LOT No. 227SOLC POS ICION 1 : SIN POSIT ION 1: STA POS ICION 2 : AC POSIT ION 2: ACT VALAN-40-23L DN 40 Nº 24V (DC) 0,66 A 227SOLC Aten ción: Ante s de ros ca r el actu ado r eléctrico al puerto d Warning : Befo re threading the electrical actuator to the activ Main-reserve check valve Main manifold “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 44/192 To install the main/reserve check valves models 227VALAN80L, follow the instructions below: 1. Define in which point of the piping it is required to be installed, do a male 3” BSP to the pipe for the inlet to the main/reserve check valve. Thread 2. Apply liquid or tape Teflon on the male thread of the pipe. Thread Pipe to manifold cilynders 3. Proceed to thread the main/reserve check valve. Because of its great size, place the valve by hand above the threaded valve turning it in order to get the join, and finalize the threading by means of a wrench on the flats sided shown on the previous figure. Check valve VALAN-80L Tightening Wrench Flats Pipe to manifold cilynders UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 45/192 4. Connect the threaded pipe with grooved or threaded outlet in the outlet of the check valve. Before that, insert in the bottom of its female thread, the o-ring which produces the watertight seal. Check valve VALAN-80L Pipe to manifold cilynders 5. Finally do the union among the pipe of the outlet of the check valve and the distribution pipe using the high pressure grooved or threaded fitting. VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 F L O W POSITION 1: STA P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W Main manifold Sec manifold UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 POSITION 2: ACT N - XXXX POSICI ON 1 : SIN P O S I T I O N POSICION 2 : AC N - X XXX Warning: Before threading the el ectrical act uator to the activ VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 A tención: A ntes de rosc ar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d F L O W 24V (DC) 0,66 A P O S I T I O N Nº N - XXXX 227SOLC VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 46/192 7. Installing selector valves The equipment must not be subjected to adverse mechanical or chemical atmospheric conditions or other damage which might affect the operational capability of the equipment. The equipment must be installed in accordance with NFPA-2001 (current edition), ISO-14520 or UNE-EN-15004 standards, and approved by the authority having jurisdiction. CAUTION BEFORE ASSEMBLING THE SELECTOR VALVES MAKE SURE THAT THE RELEASE AND ACTUATION DEVICES ARE DISCONNECTED OR OUT OF ORDER, AS WELL AS THE RELEASE HOSES OF THE CYLINDER BANK. 7.1 Connection of the selector valve of (3/4” to 2”) to the manifold or pipe The selector valves are connected directly to the discharge manifold or attached to this manifold in a separate manifold, in the following way: Union by means of threaded or welded union nuts. - Step #1, straighten correctly the valve with the outlet of the manifold. - Step #2, lean the valve against the outlet and thread manually the revolving nut included in the valve against the counter nut of the manifold. VÁLVULA DIRECCIONAL O N PE C D SE LO CILN35 PN 200 bar Nº -Sxxx xx/JJ - 0786 VdS SELECTOR VALVE Selector valve 3/4" = SVD20 or SVD20SH 1" = SVD25 or SVD20SH 1 1/4" = SVD32 or SVD20SH 1 1/2" = SVD40 or SVD20SH 2" = SVD50 or SVD20SH Rosca de la tubería / Thread pipe BSP or NPT BSP or NPT BSP or NPT BSP or NPT BSP or NPT Union nut threaded to the manifold and the selector valve UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 47/192 N PE O C D SE LO CILN35 PN 200 bar Nº -Sxx xxx/JJ - 0786 VdS Step #3, finally orientate the selector valve according to the requirements of the installation and thread it with a large adjustable spanner applying a great torque in order to get a right adjustment. Union by means of threaded or welded flanges Step #1, straighten correctly the valve with the outlet of the manifold - Step#2, lean the valve against the outlet counterflange of the manifold. Selector valve g L:\Lo x 09-20 uevo gos\S IEX_n s_08- 06\sie baja N PE O L:\Logos\SIEX_nuev C LO SE os_08-09-2006\siex300.jpg D CILN35 PN 200 bar Nº -Sxxx xx/JJ - 0786 VdS - Union flange to manifold and selector valve UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 48/192 - Step #3, straighten the selector valve in order to fit all the holes of the flange and counterflange of the manifold choosing the right position according to the requirements of the installation. Step #4, insert the sealing joint between the flange and counter flange. Step #5, insert all the screws through the holes of the flange – counter flange and tighten it in star (0º-180º-90º-240º…) configuration in order to get a right adjustment and free of stress. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 49/192 7.2 Connection of the selector valve of (2 1/2” to 4”) to the manifold or pipe Union by means of threaded or welded union nuts. Step #1, straighten correctly the valve with the outlet of the manifold. - Step #2, lean the valve against the outlet and thread manually the revolving nut included in the valve against the counter nut of the manifold. Selector valve VÁLVULA DIRECCIONAL SELECTOR VALVE Rosca de la tubería / Thread pipe 2 ½” = SVD65 3" = SVD80 4" = SVD100 NPT NPT NPT PE O N D SE O CL CILN35 PN 200 Nº -Sxx bar xxx/JJ - 0786 VdS - Union nut threaded to the manifold and selector valve O PE N C SED LO CILN35 PN 200 Nº -Sxxxbar xx/JJ - 0786 VdS Step #3, finally orientate the selector valve according to the requirements of the installation and thread it with a large adjustable spanner applying a great torque in order to get a right adjustment. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 50/192 Union by means of threaded or welded flanges These selector valves have a great size and weight, and, therefore, they require a gentle handle in order to avoid hits which could render them useless. Step #1, straighten correctly the valve with the outlet of the manifold. - Step #2, lean the selector valve against the outlet counterflange existing in the manifold. N PE O LO C D SE CILN35 PN 200 Nº -Sxx bar xxx/J J - 0786 VdS - Selector valve SELECTOR VALVE 2 1/2" = SVD65 3" = SVD80 4" = SVD100 Pipe thread BSP BSP BSP Union flange to manifold and selector valve - Step #3, straighten the selector valve in order to fit all the holes of the flange and counterflange of the manifold choosing the right position according to the requirements of the installation. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 51/192 Step #4, insert the sealing joint between the flange and counter flange. O N PE SE LO C D CILN3 5 PN 20 0 Nº -Sx bar xxxx/J J - 0786 VdS Step #5, insert all the screws through the holes of the flange – counter flange and tighten it in star (0º-180º-90º-240º…) configuration in order to get a right adjustment and free of stress. Union screws and nuts UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 52/192 7.3 Connection of the selector valve to the pipe This stage of the installation will be developed by the costumer and he should take into account the high pressure fittings needed for this connection. Depending on the type of outlet of the selector valve, there are 3 types of unions: threaded nut, welded nut and flange. - Case A: Union by means of threaded nut. Step #1, loose the counter nut joined to the outlet of the selector valve. Step #2, apply tape or liquid Teflon to the NPT thread of the distribution pipe. Step #3, thread the counter nut to this pipe with the suitable tool. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 VdS - 0786 VdS - 0786 - 0786 VdS Step #4, thread the counter nut again to the selector valve. “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 53/192 -Case B: Union by jeans of welded nut. Step #1, loose the counter nut joined to the outlet of the selector valve. Step #2, insert this part in the pipe until making contact and weld it to the distribution pipe. - VdS - 0786 VdS - 0786 - 0786 VdS Step #3, thread the counter nut again to the selector valve. Case C: Union by jeans of flange. Remark: the selector valve is supplied only with outlet flange. Step #1, place in the distribution pipe a flange like the one installed in the selector valve and weld it to the distribution pipe. Step #2, straighten it taking into account the holes of the existing flange and joint it by means of the corresponding affixing screws and nuts. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 VdS - 0786 VdS - 0786 - 0786 VdS Union screws and nuts “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 54/192 7.4 Connection of the pneumatic release line for the activation of the selector valve 7.4.1 Actuation by means of selector valve The pneumatic release line includes the connection between the selector cabinet to the selector valves and to the cylinder bank. VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 F L O W N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN 837-1 bar K L. 1.6 - 0062 COM PRESS ED GAS N O INF LA MMABLE SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD ST ING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SI ON DE RUPT URE DU DI SQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPER ATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -2 0ºC TO 5 0ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 Connect the supplied copper tube to the selector cabinet using the connectors installed in this cabinet. To do that, unscrew the nut, remove the cutting ring and insert these ones in the copper tube and then screw them to the connector again. Bicone nut Bicone Copper tube connector 6x4 mm ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx Selector Cabinet UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 55/192 Connect the tube from the selector manifold to the pneumatic inlet of the actuator piston of the selector valve, to do that, unscrew the nut, remove the cutting ring and insert them in the copper tube and then screw them again to the inlet. Bicone nut Cutting ring Elbow for inlet of 6x4 mm copper tube There are 2 options for the connection among selector valves: The first option is a connection in series, in this option the selector valves are connected among them and, in case of activation of one of them, it will cause the release of all the cylinders and for this reason we would proceed in the following way. Connect the two selector valves between them using a flexible hose in the pneumatic outlet of the actuator piston and in the valve #2, connect to the pneumatic outlet a copper tube, to do that unscrew the nut, remove the cutting ring and insert those items in the copper pipe and then screw them again to the inlet adapter. 1/4" check valve Cutting ring Flexible hose FH-6PO #2 #1 Bicone nut 1/4" check valve Inlet adapter for 6x4 mm copper pipe UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 56/192 The second option would be independent, in this option the selector valves are released independently on the cylinders of the battery, isolating their actuation, for this reason we would proceed in the following way. Connect the copper tube to the pneumatic outlet of the actuator piston of all the selector valves, for that, unscrew the nut, remove the cutting ring and insert those items in the copper pipe and then screw them again to the inlet adapter. Inlet adapter for 6x4 mm copper tube Cutting ring #2 #1 Bicone nut 1/4" check valve To finalize with the installation of the pneumatic release line, connect the copper tube to the cylinder bank. As described above, there are 2 options, in series in order to release all the cylinders of the battery, or independently, selecting a different number of cylinders for each selector valve. In order to do the connection in series, connect the copper tube to the inlet of the pneumatic head of the first cylinder of the battery, to do that, unscrew the nut, remove the cutting ring and insert these items in the copper tube, and then screw them again to the inlet adapter and to the tee of the pneumatic actuator. In this case, all the pneumatic actuators of the cylinder bank will be connected among them by means of release hoses. VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W Copper tube adaptor POA8CU Bicone Bicone nut UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 57/192 For the isolating connection connect the copper tube to the inlet of the pneumatic actuator of the first cylinder of the battery in the same way like in the previous case and then, using the selector kit, isolate the release of different cylinders for the following selector valves of the release line, to do that proceed according to the following scheme. Flow direction VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALAN-WFR8 AISI 303 SELECTOR KIT FOR SELECTOR VALVES Connection to copper tube 6x4 mm (POA8CU) 227CN pnumatic actuator VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALAN-WFR8 AISI 303 Connection to flexible hose FH-6PO, FH-7PO, DH 10, DH 10 I, DH 11, DH 11 I VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 F L O W N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W Connection to selector valve which release 2 cylinders Connection to selector valve which actuated all the cylinders Cylinder bank UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 58/192 Installation non-return valve in line (VALAN-WFR8 / WFR8-316) These valves are used in some pneumatically activated systems. They are normally fitted between the discharge hoses and the cylinder bank. Their correct position is shown in the system installation drawings. In equipment with directional valves, their function is to direct the flow of pneumatic actuation pressure towards the points needed to actuate the appropriate number of cylinders. 1º 2º 3º VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALAN-WFR8 AISI 303 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 59/192 Connection of non-return valve in line with discharge hose. Connection of non-return valve in line with copper tube. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 60/192 7.4.2 Actuation by mean of nitrogen cartridge (pilot) With the activation of the selector valves by jeans of pilot cartridge, the actuation is more simple, and it is reduced in the connection of the cylinders of the battery. In this case the use of the selector cabinet is not needed. A signal from the control panel will be enough for the actuation of the selector valve and the cylinder bank. ON OF ON F OFF POSI CIO N 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSI CIO N 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 POS ICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POS ICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Atención : An tes de rosc ar el actua do r e léctrico a l puerto d Warning : B efo re thread in g the electrical actuator to the activ P O S I T I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 F L O W N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N POSI CI ON 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Aten ción : An tes d e ros car el ac tuado r el éctrico al puertod Warni ng : Befo re t hreadi ng t he elect rical actuator tot he acti v Warni ng : Bef ore t hread ing the el ect rical actuator to the activ F L O W Nº 24V (DC) 0,66 A 227SOLC N - XXXX POSI CI ON 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA Aten ción : An tes d e ros car el ac tuado r el éctrico al puertod Connect the cartridge or cartridges to the piston inlet of the selector valve tightening it with a spanner and doing a leak tight closing by means of a metal-to-plastic washer between the pilot cartridge and the ¼” BSP female inlet of the piston. OFF ON OFF ON POSICION POSITION 1 : SIN 1: STA Atención POSICION Warning: : Antes de roscar POSITION 2 : Before AC threading el actuador 2: ACT the electricaleléctrico al actuator puerto d to the activ Atención POSICION POSITION 1 : SIN 1: STA UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 CALIBRATED PRESSURE LIMITER ARESXX - DN=65 DIAMETER = 94 mm Nº XXXX CALIBRATED PRESSURE LIMITER ARESXX - DN=65 DIAMETER = 94 mm Nº XXXX O N PE O N PE C LO D SE LO C D SE POSICION Warning : Antes de roscar : Before POSITION 2 : AC threading el actuador 2: ACT the electricaleléctrico al actuator puerto d to the activ 61/192 7.5 Operating scheme for the selector valves 7.5.1 With selector cabinet VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº EN 837-1 bar KL . 1.6 - 0062 COMPRESSE D GAS NO INFL AMMABL E SSION DE CHAR GE A 20ºC STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE R UPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ FILL / CHARGE #1 SUR IZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARE / TARE AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE WORKING TEMPER ATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC ACTUATION OF THE RELEASE VALVE #1 #3 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX #2 227DM N º LOTE LOT No. 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº EN 837-1 bar KL . 1.6 - 0062 COMPRES SE D GAS NO INFL AMMABLE S SION DE CHARGE A 20ºC STING PRESSUR E OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ F ILL / CHARGE #1 S URIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARE / TARE AL WEIGHT / P OIDS TOTAL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMP ÉRATURE DE F ONC TIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC ACTUATION OF THE RELEASE VALVE #2 #3 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 #2 62/192 V ALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 24 0 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL-A 2 4V (DC) 0 ,60 A Nº E N 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COM PR ESSED GAS NO INF LAMMABLE SSION DE CHARGE A 2 0ºC STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTU RE DU DISQ UE DE SÉCURITÉ FILL / CHARGE #1 SURIZED W HIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARE / TARE AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC T O 5 0ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC ACTUATION OF THE RELEASE VALVE #3 #3 #2 7.5.2 With pilot cartridge POSITI ON 1: STA POSITION 1 : STA POSITION 2 : ACT Warning: Befor e thr eading the electrical actuator to the activ A tención : Antes d e ro scar el ac tu ador eléctrico al puerto d POSITIO N 1: STA P OS ITIO N 2: ACT A tención : A nt es de roscar e l actu ad or eléctricoal puertod War ning: Befo re th readin g t he electri cal actuator to ht e activ Warn ing : Befor e thr ead ing th e elect ri cal actuator tothe activ Nº 24V (DC) 0,66 A 227SOLC P OS ITI ON 2: ACT A tención : A nt es de roscar el ac tuador eléctricoal puerto d #2 #1 ACTUATION THE SELECTOR VALVE # 1 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 63/192 POSI TIO N 1: STA POSITION 1 : STA POSITION 2 : ACT Warning: Befor e thr eading the electrical actuator to the activ A tención : Antes d e ro scar el ac tu ador eléctrico al puerto d PO SI TIO N 1 :STA PO SI TIO N 2 :A CT Ae t nción : A ntes d e roscar el actuador e é l ct ric o al puerto d Warn ing : Befor e thr ead ing the el ect rical actuator to the activ Warning : B ef ore thr eadi ng the el ect rical actuatorto the activ Nº 24V (DC) 0,66 A 227SOLC P OSI TIO N 2: ACT A tención : Ant es de roscar el actu ad or elé ct rico al puertod #2 #1 ACTUATION THE SELECTOR VALVE # 2 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 64/192 7.6 Conduction of the release line In the conduction of the release line a 6x4 mm copper tube and a flexible hose are mainly used as shown in the following figures. 6x4 mm Copper tube VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 V ALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX V ALVU LA ANTIRRETORNO C HECK VALVE V ALAN -WFR8 AIS I 303 Release hose FH-6PO, FH-7PO, DH 10, DH 10 I, DH 11, DH 11 I 6x4 mm copper tube SYSTEM WITH HAZARDS OF DIFFERENT SIZES 1/4" G release hose VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR D N 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALA N-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALA N-15CO WP 240 BAR D N 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX Release hose FH-6PO, FH-7PO, DH 10, DH 10 I, DH 11, DH 11 I 6x4 mm copper tube. SYSTEM WITH HAZARDS WITH THE SAME SIZE UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 65/192 7.7 Positioning of the selector valve The usual position of the selector valve once it is assembled is the vertical position as shown in the figure, but it can be inclined or horizontal. When this valve is positioned in the installation, take into account, the displacement or the stroke of its pneumatic cylinder during the opening and closing of the valve. That stroke must be free of obstacles which avoid the right opening and closing of the selector valve. INVERSED POSITION INCLINED POSITION HORIZONTAL POSITION C PN ILN 14 3 5 0 ba r USUAL POSITION CILN35 PN 140 bar CILN35 PN 140 bar 7.8 Operating instructions The operative procedure of the selector valve is very simple. Three states or operative stages can be defined: 7.8.1 Operating in stand-by without gas flow In this stage the valve stays closed without activation in its pneumatic cylinder. CLOSED POSITION UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 66/192 7.8.2 Operating with gas flow in open position When the gas (N2) from the pilot bottle reaches the pneumatic cylinder, which is opened allowing the gas to flow through its outlet and releasing the cylinder bank, flowing the gas stored in the cylinders to the discharge manifold. When the pneumatic cylinder is opened, it opens simultaneously the valve of the selector valve allowing the extinguishing agent from the cylinder bank to flow through the discharge nozzles. The valve of the selector valve is opened at the same moment when the pneumatic cylinder is actuated, by means of the closing lever, and this actuation takes place just before the release of the cylinder bank, therefore the valve is opened when there is not gas inside it, in this way, when the gas begin to flow through the pipe, from the cylinder bank, to the discharge nozzle because the valve is completely open. The valve stay in this open position until the vale is resettled manually by means of its lever and the valve changes to closed position. OUTLET INLET CYLINDER BANK DISCHARGE NOZZLES OPEN POSITION 7.8.3 Operating with gas flow in closed position In this case it is assumed that the pneumatic cylinder is not open and therefore the valve is closed. The gas is retained in the valve and it is not allowed to flow through the discharge nozzles. CLOSED POSITION UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 67/192 8. Installing the weighing device SIEX-WD The mechanical weighing devices are attached directly to the cylinder by means of its flange as explained below: 8 7 9 2 P O F L O S I T W I O N P O L I O T I O N W Lot No. I O N Lot No. 10 6 11 2 227DM 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº 227SOL-A Nº LOTE LOT No. 24V (DC) 0,60 A 1 P O F S F S L I O T W Lot No. EN 837-1 bar 5 K L. 1.6 12 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fastening frame for weighing device Weighing device Cylinder bank Container valve Electrical discharge head 227SOL/227SOLC/227SOLC125 Manual discharge head 227DM Discharge manifold Pressure switch Check valve Discharge hose Pneumatic discharge head 227CN/227CNTK Release hose 3 To install the continuous weighing device the next procedure should followed: CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT SIEX-HC CYLINDERS WITH WEIGHING DEVICE (SIEX-WD) AND CYLINDER VALVE ASSEMBLIES MUST BE INSTALLED AND COMMISSIONEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTENTS OF THIS CHAPTER. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONSMAY CAUSE THE CYLINDERS DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSONS HANDLING THEM AND DAMAGE TO THE SURROUNDING AREA. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 68/192 8.1 Brackets and cylinders Assemble the cylinders type cage described in chapter 3.8. before assembling the transverse channel, place the cylinders (always with their protective cap). CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE THE PROTECTIVE CAP NOR THE SAFETY CAP OF ITS OUTLET Safety cap in the valve outlet Install and affix the frame for the weighing over the side brackets. Make sure that it is correctly centred just in the centre of the cage. Place the front transverse brackets to close the system. The cylinders will be totally rounded by their brackets. Remove the protective caps of the container valves, make sure that all have their protective cap threaded in the valve outlet. For inert gases, orientate the cylinders in a such way that their outlet would be at 45º with respect to the imaginary line drawn by the axis of the cylinders and parallel to the transverse brackets (upper view). The pressure gauge will be orientated 45º with respect to the perpendicular to the wall. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 69/192 8.2 Continuous weighing device kit (mechanical part) For the cylinders (inert gases), the supporting flange is factory supplied threaded in the cylinder. Therefore just assemble the flange to the protective threaded rods of the valve. CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE YET THE OUTLET SAFETY CAP Safety cap in the valve outlet Step #1, Locate the weighing device below the bracket, unscrew one of the two nuts that has the upper threaded rod and insert this threaded rod in the hole of the upper horizontal bracket. Step #2, Use this upper nut of the threaded rod, fix it provisionally inside the bracket with the proper wrench. Step #1 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 Step #2 70/192 Step #3, Insert two nuts, in each threaded rods located in the lower part of the weighing device. Following, put next to the cylinder these two threaded rods, and insert them into the holes of the cylinder bridle. Step #4, Screw the two nuts to the lower side of the threaded rods, fixing in this way the weighing device to the cylinder. Step #3 Step #4 Step #5, By means of the proper fixed spanner, fix the nuts to the threaded rods. Step #6, Finally, proceed to elevate the cylinder from the floor between 1 to 3 cm, by means of threading the upper nut of the threaded rod of the weighing device with the proper fixed spanner, to conclude with the tightening of the lower nut. Step #5 Step #6 Aprox 1 to 3 cm UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 71/192 Join the weighing kit to the frame by means of its threaded rod for hanging the cylinder. Make the rod to cross the relevant hole of the frame and screw its nut with washer. Rise the cylinder at least 15 mm by means the thread of the nut in the rod for hanging the cylinder. Use a fixed spanner and apply force for making the nut turning in the rod in order to rise the cylinder. Make sure that all the weighing devices they are parallel to the side brackets and with the weight pointing to the front side. 1 Supporting frame of the weighing device 2 Weigh device 4 Threaded rod for hanging the cylinder 5 Weighing bracket 6 Supporting flange 7 Switch for electrical signal 8 Threaded rod for the protection of the valve 9 Cylinder UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 72/192 8.3 Location of the discharge manifold Locate the discharge manifold close to the frame over the frame type window (between the frame and the wall) and affix it with the corresponding clamps. 8.4 Adjustment of the weighing device (mechanical part) After installation, the weights will be in ON position, because all the kits are factory calibrated as indicated in the technical specifications. Weighing device come with a matching numbered mark with each of the cylinders in order to prevent installation in different cylinders FILLED CYLINDER ON POSITION EMPTY CYLINDER OFF POSITION Make sure that the system operates correctly as intended. Exert a light force upwards in the flange with the hand, the weight will change to OFF position. In this way we could check the sensitivity of our weighing device. To change this sensitivity, please, contact SIEX. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 73/192 8.5 Continuous weighing device kit (electrical part) If the sending of a signal to the fire control panel is required, remove the covers of all the switches (XCK-T2121-P16 or 3SE5 242-0HE10) and wire up in series or in parallel to the fire control panel. Each switch has two contacts, one normally open and one normally closed, depending on the type of connection which is needed one type of the other will be used. Flexible conduit for cable connection Switches (XCK-T2121-P16 or 3SE5 242-0HE10 L :\ Lo gos \SIEX.b mp L :\ Lo gos\ SIEX.b mp P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx P O F S L I O T W I O N Nº Lot. Lot No. VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227CN xxxxx 227CN xxxxx Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx L:\Lo gos\ SIEX_nue vos_ 08- 09- 2006 \siex baja r es.j pg Nº LOTE LOT No. Flexible conduit for cable connection NO Connections NC Connections UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 74/192 Switch NC or NO FA 24V wire up in series Switch NC or NO FA 24V wire up in parallel 8.6 Connection of the actuator heads of the pilot bottle (electrical, manual, etc.) Once the weighing device kit is installed and calibrated, assemble the components for the actuation of the pilot container valve or pilot bottle (electrical discharge head, manual discharge head, etc.). ON OFF 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 75/192 24V (DC) 0,60 A 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS Nº xx 227SOL-A UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 - 0786 VdS “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 76/192 8.7 Positioning the weighing device once installed The usual position of the weighing device once installed, is in vertical position as shown in the figure. When it is positioned in the installation take into account the displacement or stroke of the threaded rod for the adjustment of the weighing and the weigh from the ON position to the OFF position due to the detection of a net lose of charge. That stroke must be free of obstacles which avoid the right opening and closing of the selector valve. 227CN WP 137 bar 24V (DC) 0,60 A 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar 227CN WP 137 bar Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx - 0786 VdS xxxxx xxxxx - 0786 VdS Nº xx 227SOL-A Nº LOTE LOT No. - 0786 VdS 227CN WP 137 bar UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 77/192 8.8 Operating instructions The operative procedure of the mechanical weighing device is very simple. Two states or operative stages can be defined: 8.8.1 Regular operation In this stage, the mechanical weighing device is operative, the force exerted by the cylinder filled with extinguishing agent (inert gas) is greater than the force exerted by the weight located in the threaded rod for the adjustment. Therefore, the system will stay in ON position, with the threaded rod for adjustment and the weight in horizontal position. (See figure below). It is important to indicate that the weight of the cylinder filled with the extinguishing agent is predetermined and the weighing device is factory calibrated to operate correctly. Nevertheless it can be adjusted in situ moving up or down the weigh through the rod for the adjustment. FILLED CYLINDER ON POSITION 8.8.2 Operation due to loss of load When the weight of the cylinder goes down (between 0% and 5% of the net load) due to a leakage or discharge, the force exerted by the cylinder would be lesser than the force exerted by the weight, therefore the system will change to OFF position, that is, with the threaded rod for adjustment and the weight down, and in that position, an alarm signal will be sent to the fire control panel (see figure). CYLINDER WITHOUT LOAD OFF POSITION pe019ci6.dwg UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 78/192 9. Installing discharge hoses 9.1 Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) The discharge hose must first be screwed into the discharge pipe, and then to the cylinder valve, in that order. CAUTION THE FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSE OR VALVE OUTLET ADAPTOR IN THE CASE OF SINGLE (MODULAR) CYLINDERS MUST BE CONNECTED TO DISCHARGE PIPING BEFORE BEING SCREWED ONTO THE CYLINDER VALVE. 1 Cylinder 2 Protective flange 3 Valve RGS-MAM-11-2 / 12-2 / 12-2C 4 Flexible hose 1/2" 5 Adapters POAD15MH 6 Pipe 7 Elbow adapters 541CO21,7 / POAD15CO 8 Elbow adapter 541CO20 9 Discharge hose 3/4" 10 Adapter POAD20MH 11 Cylinder valve RGS-MAM-12-3 3 2 3 6 6 6 5 10 10 4 9 9 11 7 11 8 1 To install the discharge hose in to a modular cylinder system, follow the instructions below for the container valves RGS-MAM-12-3/12-2/12-2C/11-2: 1. First screw the adaptor POAD15MH or POAD20MH onto the discharge pipe. The male thread of the nipple must have a conical seating to ensure that it seals with the swivel nut on the ½” or 3/4" discharge hose. The female thread of the nipple must be a standard pipe thread with a flat seating. To connect the adaptor or nipple to the discharge pipe, use Teflon tape on the male thread of the pipe. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 79/192 2. Thread the dischage hose (1/2” or ¾”) by one of its end to the adapter, mentioned in the previous point. To do this, screw the female swivel nuts of the hose onto the male thread of the nipple. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the nipple. Fully tighten these connections with a non-adjustable or adjustable spanner to avoid leaks. 3. Remove the cylinder valve protective caps, having first ensured that the cylinder is properly secured to the wall by its brackets. Do not remove the outlet safety plug from the valve yet. 4. Place the cylinder in position, with the valve outlet facing the discharge hose that is already connected to the discharge pipe, and secure it with its straps and bracket. In this operation, sometimes it is necessary to slightly slacken off the cylinder straps to be able to correctly orientate the valve outlet. Take care to re-tighten the straps so that the cylinder is properly secured to the wall by its brackets. Remember that the discharge hose has to be screwed in to the discharge pipe before being screwed into the valve output, as stated in point 2. 5. Remove the safety plugs from the cylinder valve output ports. Check that the bracket straps are properly tightened. 6. Screw the other end of the flexible or rigid discharge hose, into the outlet port of the cylinder valve (RGS-MAM-12-3/12-2/12-2C/11-2). To do this, screw the hose’s female swivel nut onto the male thread of the valve. Do not use Teflon, glue or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone of the hose and the female cone of the valve outlet in the case of valves RGS-MAM-12-3, and via a copper washer in the case of valves RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C. Tighten this connection fully with a spanner to avoid leaks. 7. When elbow adapters model POAD15CO, 541CO21.7 or 541CO20 are used in the container valve outlet, do not use or glue, or any other type or threat sealant, since the seal is made between the male come on the adapter model 541CO21.7 or 541CO20 and the female come of the valve in the case of the valve RGS-MAM-12-3, and by means of the valves RGS-MAM-122/12-2C/11-2. Fully tighten these connections with a non-adjustable or adjustable spanner to avoid leaks. Elbow adapter POAD15CO UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 80/192 Elbow adapter 541CO21 y 541CO20 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 81/192 10. Installing Wall bypasser adaptor (POADPM xx) Pipe Pipe Adaptor Nozzle FEDR Wall bypasser adaptor Roof Metalplastic Joint Nozzle FEDR 1º Step 2º Step 3º Step 4º Step Drill the hole of Ø22mm in the ceiling Put the wall bypasser adaptor into the hole and thread the fixed nut Put the metalplastic joint into the wall bypasser adaptor and thread it the nozzle Thread the discharge pipe to the wall bypasser adaptor UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 82/192 Its function is to facilitate the connection between the hose and the nozzle in terms of passage through a wall or sheet metal wall. Connection to discharge pipe Connection to nozzle FEDR Wall Connection thread to discharge pipe and Connection thread to the nozzle POADPM10 POADPM15 POADPM20 POADPM25 3/8” BSP Male 1/2" BSP Male 3/4” BSP Male 1” BSP Male Wall bypasser adaptor Pipe FEDR10 Nozzle Calibrated pressure limiter FH-15CO Flexible hose ELECTRICAL CABINET UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 Modular cylinder 83/192 10.1 Cylinder bank The discharge hoses must be screwed first to the manifold check valves and then to the cylinder valves. CAUTION THE FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSES OR VALVE OUTLET ADAPTORS IN THE CASE OF CYLINDER BANK SYSTEMS MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE MANIFOLD CHECK VALVES BEFORE BEING SCREWED ONTO THE CYLINDER VALVES. 6 5 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA Atención : Antes de ro scar el a ctuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning : Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nº 227SOLC 24V (DC) 0,66 A 4 3 2 1 Cylinder Protective flange Container valve Discharge hose Check valve Discharge manifold To install the discharge hoses in a cylinder bank system, follow the instructions below: 1. The check valves come ready assembled from the factory in the discharge manifold and so do not require any manipulation. 2. Screw the corresponding discharge hoses through one of their ends to the check valves in the manifold. To do this, screw the swivel nuts of the hoses to the male threads of the check valves. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the check valve. Fully tighten these connections with a non-adjustable or adjustable spanner to avoid leaks. 3. Remove the cylinder valve protective caps, having first ensured that the cylinder is properly secured to the wall by its brackets. Do not remove the outlet safety plug from the valve yet. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 84/192 4. Position the cylinders, with the valve outputs facing the discharge hoses, which are already screwed onto the manifold, and secure them with their straps and brackets. In this operation, it is sometimes necessary to slightly slacken off the cylinder straps to be able to correctly orientate the valve outlets. Take care to re-tighten the straps so that the cylinders are properly secured to the wall by their brackets. Remember that the discharge hoses must be screwed onto the manifold before being screwed into the valve outputs, as stated in point 2. 5. Check that the bracket straps are properly tightened. Remove the safety plugs from the cylinder valve output ports. POSITION 2: ACT Warning : Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 24V (DC) 0,66 A VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX Nº POSITION 1: STA UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 227SOLC 6. Screw the other end of the flexible discharge hoses into the outlet ports of the cylinder valve. To do this, screw the female swivel nuts of the hoses onto the male thread of the valve outlets. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the valve outlet in the case of the container valve RGS-MAM-12-3 by means of flat seating with copper washer for the container valve RGSMAM-11-2, 12-2 and 12-2C. Tighten these connections fully with a spanner to avoid leaks. “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 85/192 11. Installing flexible activation hoses These are used as a conduit to pneumatically actuate or release the extinguisher gas cylinder valves. Their serial connections allow the gas, from the cylinder or pilot bottle, to flow through them and to actuate the various pneumatic heads of the auxiliary valves. They are linked together by pneumatic heads with a tee or elbow. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING ON THE FLEXIBLE HOSES, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (PILOT CYLINDER), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRIC OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD FITTED. 4 3 2 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cylinder Valve RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C/12-3 Pneumatic discharge head Male tee Flexible release hose Male elbow 1 To install the flexible release hoses, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this is connected to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Check that the pneumatic release heads are correctly orientated as indicated in the figure. If not, loosen the swivel nut and re-position them in the correct position. Tighten the pneumatic release heads with the hand. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 86/192 3. By means of a fixed spanner, tight the ends of the flexible activation hoses to the pneumatic actuators of the container valves, from the last to the first in case a pilot cylinder is used, from the last to the second in case of a master-slave configuration, without using Teflon nor any other type of sealant, since they are sealed by a metal-to-metal bicone. To avoid possible accidental discharges of the cylinder banks, it is recommended to leave the end of the first hose, which has to be connected to the pilot cylinder, loose (not screwed in) at this time. When the system is completely finished and correctly installed, this hose will be the last to be connected. 4º 3º 2º 1º 3º 2º 1º 4º 4 7 3 5 2 1 8 1 2 3 4 5 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 6 9 Cylinder Valve RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C/12-3 Male tee placed in the pneumatic discharge head Flexible release hose Valve outlet 6 7 8 9 Pressure gauge Pilot port Electrical discharge head Manual discharge head “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 87/192 4. The other end of the hose is screwed to the tee or elbow (in a bank of two cylinders) of the pneumatic release head, in the same way as described above, without using Teflon or any type of sealant, since they are sealed by a metal-to-metal bicone. 5. Repeat this operation successively until arriving at the last pneumatic release head which will have an elbow. 6. Once all the release hoses are installed, fully tighten, with a non-adjustable spanner, all the threaded joints between the hoses and the tees or elbows of the pneumatic release heads, to achieve a gas-tight seal. 7. In banks of more than 9 cylinders follow the same instructions, with the exception that the first cylinder will be a pilot bottle. In this case, the first hose will be screwed to the adaptor that is located on the outlet of the pilot bottle valve. The following steps are the same as for a bank of fewer than 10 cylinders. Ensure, before screwing in the first hose, that the pilot bottle outlet does not have a small leak (easily checked with soapy water). 6º 7º 8. Re-check that all the swivel nuts of the pneumatic release heads are tight. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 88/192 2 7 9 4 3 1 8 5 6 1 Cylinder 2 Valve RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C/12-3 3 Male tee placed in the male tee in the pneumatic discharge head 4 Release flexible hose 5 Valve outlet 7 9 6 7 8 9 Pressure gauge Valve RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 Electrical discharge head Manual discharge head 8 11.1 Installing of the bleed valve in the release line (POVV8) The bleed valve will be installed in the end of the release line in cylinder banks with at least 9 cylinders. It will be threaded in the 227TE of the last pneumatic discharge head 227CN/227CNTK as explained below. Ensure that the cylinder is securely attached. Check that the outlet of the container valve it is connected to the discharge hose and it is connected to the manifold or discharge pipe. If a pilot bottle or pilot cartridge would be associated to the system, loose their discharge heads. Thread the vent valve with the hand in the free thread of the 227TE, make sure that the o-ring is placed in order to ensure the airtight, finally apply a light tighten with a non-adjustable spanner. Push-button for venting Bleed valve 1/4" G POVV8 Release flexible hose 1/4" G Tee model 227TE O-ring or metal-plastic joint UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Pneumatic discharge head 227CN / 227CNTK “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 89/192 12. Installing the 6x4 mm cooper tube (POLATCU) These are used as a conduit to pneumatically actuate or release the extinguishing agent cylinder valves, although its use is similar to a flexible release hose, this tube is used to reach longer distances. Their serial connections allow the gas, from the cylinder or pilot bottle, to flow through them and to actuate the various pneumatic heads of the auxiliary valves o the selector valves from the selector cabinet. The installation of the copper tube is very easy due to the facility of bending and cutting. The installation of the copper tube always is done in the same way with the help of the POA8CU adaptor, that uses a bicone ring that assure the seal. OF F 6 ON W 21,7 W 21,7 to COPPER TUBE ADAPTER Model POA21CU Pilot bottle Teflon washer Connection to pilot bottle Metaloplastic joint 6x4 mm copper tube POLATCU ADAPTER 1/4"G to 6x4 mm copper tube Model POA8CU Connection to pneumatic actuator UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 90/192 Interconnection between selector cabinet and selector valves UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 91/192 Connection to thermic pneumatic-mechanical detector SIEX-NTD-C008 / SIEX-NTD-C018 Connection to shuttle valve UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 92/192 13. Installing the pilot bottle (for banks of more than 9 cylinders) This consists of a 2, 6,7 or 13,4 litre cylinder, a protective flange and a RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve. The RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve has a electrical discharge head, together with a manual discharge head, in addition to the corresponding pressure gauge. The pilot bottle is commonly installed close to the cylinder bank, close to the upper frame and at a distance shorter than 1000 mm. The fixing is done by means of a bracket for modular cylinder. CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MIGHT RESULT IN THE PILOT BOTTLE DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, LEADING TO SERIOUS DAMAGE OR INJURY TO THE SURROUNDING AREA OR TO THE PERSON HANDLING IT. ON F OF 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 93/192 Aprox. 500 mm VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W ON OFF EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 Pilot bottle installation To install the pilot bottle, follow the instructions below: 1. First install the pilot bottle fixing bracket as indicated in chapter 3.1 of this manual (Installing cylinder fixing brackets). Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder. Before starting, carefully calculate its position, so that the distance from the pilot bottle to the first cylinder is correct and the first flexible release hose is not too short (it should be 500, but there is the option of 1000 mm). Adjust the RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve output so that it faces the pneumatic discharge heads of the cylinders which are to be actuated. 2. Check with soapy water that the output valve is not leaking. To do this, remove its protective or safety plug. Keep the plug for later use. 3. Connect the electrical and manual discharge heads, ensuring that they are reset (as indicated section 18 of this manual). 4. Carefully remove the safety plug, gradually to make sure there is no leak, and screw adapter POA218 or POA21CU to the ¼” to the valve outlet, placing a copper washer inside the female thread of the adaptor. Firmly tighten this joint with a 30 mm non-adjustable spanner. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 94/192 20x8 mm teflon washer Adapter POA21CU 6x4 mm copper tube Pilot bottle Flexible hose FH-6PO / FH-7PO / DH-10 / DH-10I / DH-11 / DH-11I Adapter POA218 Teflon washer 20x8 mm 5. Finally, manually connect the flexible release hose to the tee of the first pneumatic discharge head of the cylinder bank. In case of flexible hose, do not use Teflon or any other type of sealant, since it is sealed with a metal-to-metal bicone. 1 2 3 4 Cylinder Valve RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C/12-3 Pneumatich discharge head 227CN ó 227CNTK Flexible hose FH-6PO / FH-7PO DH-10 / DH-10I / DH-11 / DH-11I 5 227TE or 227CO 5 6x4 mm Copper pipe POLATCU UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 95/192 Operational test with the charged pilot bottle (installed) There are two ways to perform this test, during maintenance or operation. In both cases adaptor must be removed from the valve outlet and the safety plug inserted in its place. Detach and unscrew resettable electrical discharge head and manual discharge head from their position in valve actuation port. Holding the discharge head by hand (still not screwed into the valve), visually check that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1. Carry out a true functional test with power from the fire panel. When the head is energised, the actuation pin will move to POSITION 2. Manually reset the electrical release head. To do this, apply force to the actuation pin with a sharp instrument (e.g. a punch) until the actuation pin goes to POSITION 1. To check that the resetting has been done properly, give the head a light sharp tap on a hard surface, and then check that the actuation pin is still in POSITION 1 Remark: It is very important not to misplace the resetting screw for future resets. 13.1 Installing Suttle valve (VALAN-62) The two ways check valve VALAN-62 for extinguishing systems with INERT Gases IG-541, has the function of the union of two cylinders or pilot bottles. It is used in systems, which because operation requirements, need 2 pilot bottles (One of them is usually opened only manually). 2 2 1 "Tee" of 1/4" BSP (227TE) 2 O-ring or metal-plastic washer 3 Non-return valve in line VALAN-WFR8 / WFR8-316 3 1 3 Suttle valve UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 96/192 VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALAN-WFR8 AISI 303 AISI 303 AISI 303 AISI 303 Adaptor POA8CU VALAN-WFR8 VALAN-WFR8 VALAN-WFR8 Adaptor POA8CU VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE Step #1, Unscrew the nuts which has the bicone ring of the POA8CU adaptor of the three inlets of the shuttle valve. Connect the copper pipe. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 VALAN-WFR8 VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE AISI 303 AISI 303 Cupper pipe 6x4 mm POLATCU VALAN-WFR8 VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALAN-WFR8 AISI 303 AISI 303 VALAN-WFR8 VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE VALVULA ANTIRRETORNO CHECK VALVE Step #2, Insert the nut and the bicone ring, which are being extracted from the POA8CU adaptor, into the copper pipe that are being cutted previously to the desired length and proceed to fix the copper pipe to the shuttle valve by means of tightening the nut with a fixed spanner. “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 97/192 Step #3, Finally connect the ends of the copper pipe to the source of nitrogen and to the battery system. 14. Installing the pilot cartridge (100M0,08UFA / 100M0,18UFA) Pilot cartridge is compound by 0.08 or 0.18 L cartridge, valve RGS-MAM-03 has a electrical discharge head, together with a manual discharge head, in addition to the corresponding pressure gauge. Installation is usually adjacent to the cylinder bank, near the upper frame or fixed to this at a distance less than 1000 mm. The fastening is two clamps together with screw and nut. Proceed to insert the cartridge into the bracket and tighten using the clamps, then screw the trigger hose or copper tube and finally place discharge heads making sure they are properly rearmed. O-ring Pilot cartridge 100M0,08UFA / 100M0,18UFA 3º 2º 24V (DC) 0,60 A 227SOL-A F OF ON Nº xx Manual push button 227DMS Manual discharge head Electrical discharge head 227SOLR / 227SOLCR / 227SOLCR125 Bracket 1º UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 98/192 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 P O S I T I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 F L O W N - XXXX P O S I T I O N F L O W POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC Warning : Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ ON OFF Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d SIEX FH6PO XXXXX VdS WP190 BAR N - XXXX Pilot cartridge installation in cylinder bank P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. L ot No. P O F S L I O T W I O N VALAN-15CO WP 240 bar DN 15 xxxx Nº Lot. Lot No. ON OFF 227DM 227CN WP 137 bar N - xxxxx Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 100 EN 837-1 50 150 VdS SIEX FH6PO XXXXX WP190 BAR VdS G 307002 0 bar 200 KL. 1.6 Pilot cartridge installation in cylinder bank with continuous weighing UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 99/192 15. Installing the remote release pneumatic line The remote pneumatic release line may be used in cylinder banks or in modular cylinders. The remote release will be carried out by a pilot bottle (with electric and manual release) and a line of pneumatic pipe that carries the pressurised gas to actuate all the pneumatic discharge heads of the cylinders Limitations about distances have been established in the manual of System Components, section 36. EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 To install the remote release pneumatic line, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinders are properly secured by their brackets. Check that the valve outlets are screwed to the discharge hoses and these, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Install the pilot bottle with or without a cabinet, in the ideal position for remote operation. For the installation follow the steps described in section 12 of this manual. Do not connect the pilot valve output valve yet and check that the pressure gauge reads the correct pressure. 3. Install the release pneumatic line and ensure that the fitting of the pneumatic pipes is firm, not subject to knocks, and free from harsh atmospheres and extreme temperatures. 4. Once the pipes are installed (pneumatic line), perform a gas-tightness test at 150 bar. To do this, remove all pneumatic heads from valves, plug one end of the pipe and pressurise it with nitrogen up to 150 bar from the other end. 5. Connect the end of the pipe that goes to the first pneumatic discharge head If 4x6 copper pipe is used, a POA8CU copper pipe adaptor must be fitted, with a ¼” metal-to-plastic washer. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 100/192 Metaloplastic joint 6x4 mm copper tube POLATCU ADAPTER 1/4"G to 6x4 mm copper tube Model POA8CU 6. Connect the other end of the pneumatic line to the pilot bottle. Use the steps described in section 12 of this manual. a. Pilot bottle with RGS-MAM-11-4 and 12-4 valve: In this case, the pneumatic line must be connected to the W21.8x1/14” male thread of the pilot bottle output valve. If 4x6 copper pipe is used, screw a W21.8x1/14” female to 1/4" BSP male adaptor into the pilot bottle output valve, fitting a 12x18x1.4 copper washer into the W21.8x1/14” female thread of the adaptor. Then wrap Teflon tape to the ¼” BSP male thread of the adaptor and screw another adapter – a ¼” BSP female to copper tube with a conical seat, to the male thread. Next, screw the copper tube with its bicone to the adaptor, without using Teflon or any other type of sealant, as it is a metal-to-metal bicone seal. ADAPTER W 21,7 to 6x4 mm copper tube POA21CU W 21,7 OFF 6 ON 6x4 mm copper tube POLATCU Pilot bottle Teflon washer UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 101/192 16. Installation remote release manual pull station without tension (TK-DMS / TK-DMS2) and pulley elbows (TK-CP) This is used for modular cylinders or cylinders in banks to manually actuate the extinguishing system remotely by acting on the cylinder or pilot bottle. The manual handle is linked by a steel cable in a pipe (protective pipework) to the manual discharge head of the cylinder or pilot bottle. The cable is mounted inside a steel pipe with pulley elbows for changes of direction. To install the remote release pneumatic line, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder or cylinders are properly secured by their brackets. Check that the valve outlets are screwed to the discharge hoses and these, in turn, to the manifold. 2. Calculate the length of steel cable necessary to reach the remote manual release handle from the cylinder or cylinder bank. Always add 10% to the estimate in case of unforeseen problems that might arise during the installation. 3. Remove the detachable cover and handle in order to fit the pull station body to the wall or structure where it is to be located. Use the four fitting holes with appropriate screws and plugs. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 102/192 Paso 1: Quitar la tapa y la anilla con su tirador. Ponemos el adaptador en cualquiera de los agujeros centrales de los laterales. Amarramos la caja metálica a la pared con unos tirafondos de M6 con sus respectivos tacos. Paso 2: Desde el cabezal de disparo manual por cable, con codos polea para los cambios de dirección y protegido con tubo, sacamos el cable hasta este disparo manual. Dejamos suficiente cable para realizar la instalación. Step 1: Remove the cover and the ring together with the handle. Put the adaptor in any central hole of the sides. Attach the metalic box to the wall with M6 coachscrews with their own wall plugs. Step 2: From the cable-operated manual discharge head, by means of pulley elbows for the change of direction and protected by the pipe, to this manual actuator TIRADOR MANUAL SIN TENSION TK-DMS MANUAL HANDLE WITHOUT TENSION TK-DMS EN CASO DE INCENDIO IN CASE OF FIRE TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA PULL HANDLE HARD Paso 3: Pasamos el cable por el centro de la tapa y metemos el extremo del cable en el tirador. Apretamos los tornillos allen transversales para aprisionar el cable. Step 3: Put the cable through the center of the cover and introduce the end of the cable through the handle. Thread the transverse Allen screws in order to trap the cable. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Paso 4: Instalamos la tapa en la caja por medio de los dos tornillos. Metemos el tirador en el agujero y alineamos los agujeros transversales para meter en hilo de cobre. Unimos los extremos del hilo de cobre mediante un plomo que luego prensaremos. Step 4: Put the cover on the box by means of the two screws. Introduce the handle into the hole and line up the transverse holes to put it into copper thread. Join both ends of the copper thread by means of a linge which will be pressed. “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 103/192 Syste m RG s ms RG 4. Continue with the cable and pipe installation until arriving at the manual discharge head of the bottle. Use pulley elbows for changes in direction. Sy s te sm POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención : Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 24V (DC) 0,66 A Nº 227SOLC 24V (DC) 0,66 A syS Nº XXXX/XX Nº 227SOLC POSICION 1 : SIN TIRADOR MANUAL SIN TENSION TK-DMS MANUAL HANDLE WITHOUT TENSION TK-DMS yS ets et GR 227CMCC sm Warning : Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ MANUAL ACTUATOR HEAD BY CABLE WITH PROTECTION BOX GR Atención : Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d CABEZAL DE DISPARO MANUAL POR CABLE CON CAJA DE PROTECCIÓN EN CASO DE INCENDIO IN CASE OF FIRE TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA PULL HANDLE HARD TIRADOR MANUAL SIN TENSION TK-DMS MANUAL HANDLE WITHOUT TENSION TK-DMS EN CASO DE INCENDIO IN CASE OF FIRE TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA PULL HANDLE HARD 1.- 227CMC cable operated manual actuator 2.- Steel cable. 3.- Protective pipe. 4.- TKCP pulley elbow. 5.- Cable-operated manual release head without tension TK-DMS. 6.- Cable-operated manual actuator head with protective box 227CMCC. Installing the remote release manual station TK-DMS with the release head 227CMC and 227CMCC RG ms S y s te RG ms Syste s m RG Syste RG S yste RG RG s m ms RG ms ms Syst e S y s te RG s m MECHANICAL CONTROL CABINET S y s te ms RG CENTRAL DE CONTROL MECÁNICA Syste ms RG This remote release manual station can actuate on the cable-operated manual release head 227CMC, 227CMCC and the mechanical control unit TK-SIMPLEX or TK-COMPLEX. S y s te Syst e TK-SIMPLEX PARA ACTIVAR MANUALMENTE: TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA TO ACTIVATE MANUALLY: PULL PIN HARD SIN ACTIVAR / STAND BY ACTIVADO / ACTIVATED TIRADOR MANUAL SIN TENSION TK-DMS MANUAL HANDLE WITHOUT TENSION TK-DMS EN CASO DE INCENDIO IN CASE OF FIRE TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA PULL HANDLE HARD 1.- Mechanical control unit TK-SIMPLEX o TK-COMPLEX 2.- Steel cable. 3.- Pulley elbow TK-CP. 4.- Bearing of pulley elbow 5.- Protective pipe. 6.- Cable-operated manual release head without tension TK-DMS. Installing the remote release manual station TK-DMS on mechanical control unit UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 104/192 5. Once all the cable and protective pipe installation is completed, remove the safety catch of the manual pull station and check that the cable slides within the pipe. This test is carried by placing one person at each end of the cable, in order to be able to slide it in both directions. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 105/192 6. Link the last section of cable to the manual discharge head with an end-of-line device. Before tensing the cable leave a small amount of slack so that the head lever is not under pressure. 7. Remove the safety ring from the manual discharge head. CAUTION TO LEAVE THE SYSTEM READY FOR OPERATION, DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE THE SAFETY RING FROM THE CABLE-OPERATED MANUAL RELEASE HEAD. IF THIS OPERATION IS NOT CARRIED OUT, THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE OPERATIVE. 8. Check that the remote manual pull station has its safety catch in position with its corresponding seal. The cable is installed inside a steel pipe, using pulley elbows which allow the changes in direction required by the obstacles and elevation changes which are needed to be avoided to reach the remote manual pull station without tension to build in TK-DMS2. This model is in the pladur wall, the cable cames out through the back side of the box. Installing the remote release manual station TK-DMS2 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 106/192 17. Installing the pulley-elbows (TK-CP) 1. Installation of elbows depends on the place where it should be located to change the cable direction. Each elbow is able to change an angle of 90º and it must be fixed by two M6 screws or by means of clamps in the inlet and outlet of the pulley-elbow. Installation must be done according to its restrictions. Clamp RG ms RG s Syst e S y s te 90 m ° s RG RG S y s te m Syste ms Clamp 2. Pipe to cover the steel cable must be installed through the holes made in the elbow and fixed using the locking screw. Screw for fixing to the tube Stainless steel cable Protection pipe Pulley elbow TK-CP s m RG S y s te Syste RG ms ms RG Syste ms RG Bolting orifice for fixing S y s te NO UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 107/192 18. Installing the pressure switch (POINPRE) and discharge indicator (POID) 18.1 Installing the pressure switch on the discharge manifold (cylinder bank) The pressure switch is actuated by the pressure of the extinguishing agent at the moment of discharge. As it is actuated, an electrical signal is transmitted which can be used to signal to the fire panel that the system has discharged. It has two contacts, one NC (normally closed) and the other NO (normally open) which change state when the switch is actuated, and either can be used depending on the requirements of each installation. It also incorporates a lever that must be reset after each discharge for the device to work again. Once actuated, the resetting is done manually, by pulling the ball outwards. Normally the switch is installed on the discharge manifold of cylinder bank systems, in the female socket welded on to the manifold. It may also be installed in the pilot port of the cylinder valve, in modular (single) cylinder systems, through a flexible release hose, and a suitable reducer. To install the latching pressure switch in the discharge manifold, follow the instructions below: UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 108/192 4 3 1 3 2 POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX Nº 24V (DC) 0,66 A 227SOLC 2 1 2 3 4 Manifold Threaded socket Pressure switch Discharge pipe 1. Ensure that the discharge manifold is properly secured to its brackets and that the actuation devices of the cylinder banks (electrical and manual release heads) are removed or out of service. 2. Disconnect the release hose screwed to the cylinder or pilot bottle to prevent accidental discharge of the cylinder banks. 3. Before fitting the pressure switch, check that it operates properly by pressing with a screwdriver or punch into the pressure sampling point orifice. On carrying out this operation, the actuation pin (part on which the pressure is exerted) must be latched and the reset knob will move to the ON position. To unblock it, pull the knob or ball of the resetting device outwards, the actuation pin returns to its original position and the reset knob goes to the OFF position. If, during the test, the pressure switch does not operate correctly, send it to SIEX for further testing. 4. Hold the pressure switch by hand, and wrap Teflon tape around the BSP male connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 5. Screw it into the female socket on the upper part of the manifold - the socket that is welded to the manifold. Use a non-adjustable spanner placing the flat faces on the body of the switch. Tighten it until all the threads have been screwed in. 6. Detach the electrical connection cover, by removing its two screws, in order to make the switch electrical connection to the cable from the fire panel. It has two contacts inside, one normally closed and the other normally open; either may be used depending on the installation requirements (see diagram) UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 109/192 18.1.1 Installing the pressure switch (POINPRE) on modular cylinder systems To install the latching pressure switch in modular cylinder systems, follow the instructions below: CAUTION BEFORE FITTING THE PRESSURE SWITCH, ENSURE THAT THE CYLINDER VALVE, IS NOT CONNECTED TO EITHER THE ELECTRIC OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD. 4 4 3 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 Cylinder Valve Flexible hose Pressure switch Male elbow 5 M4x20 Fixing screws 1 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured to its brackets and that the actuation devices of the cylinder banks (electrical and manual release head) are removed or out of service. 2. Install the 227CO in the valve pilot port. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 110/192 3. Before fitting the pressure switch, check that it operates properly by pushing a screwdriver or punch into the pressure port. When carrying out this operation, the actuation pin (part on which the pressure is exerted) must be latched and the reset knob will move to the ON position. To unblock it, pull the knob or ball of the resetting device outwards. The actuation pin returns to its original position and the reset knob goes to the OFF position. If, during the test, the pressure switch does not operate correctly, send it to SIEX for further testing. 4. Hold the pressure switch by hand, and wrap Teflon tape around the male connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 5. Screw pressure switch from male BSP pressure sampling point to flexible hose. Teflon paste may also be used (on the male thread of the switch and the female of the reducer). 6. Position and screw the pressure switch to the wall. Check that the joint is secure and sound. CAUTION THE FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE PRESSURE SWITCH BEFORE BEING SCREWED ONTO THE ELBOW ON THE CYLINDER VALVE PILOT PORT. 7. Screw the other end of the flexible release hose to the 227CO elbow of the cylinder valve. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the elbow. Tighten these connections fully with a spanner to avoid leaks. 8. Fully re-tighten the two swivel union nuts on the hose with a spanner to achieve a gas-tight seal. 9. To make the electrical wiring connection between the switch and the fire panel, take away the electrical connection cover by removing its two screws. It has two contacts inside, one normally closed and the other normally open; either may be used depending on the installation requirements (See sketch). UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 111/192 Remove the cover of the electrical system box. Remove the electrical unit from the housing without disconnecting the wiring. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 112/192 Press on the lower switch until the upper terminals are shortcircuited by the connecting rod. Check that the control panel receives the corresponding alarm signal. Replace the electrical unit of the switch in the housing and rest the pressure switch by pulling on the built-in ball. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 113/192 18.2 Installing the discharge indicator (POID) on the discharge manifold (cylinder bank) The discharge indicator is actuated by the pressure of the extinguishing agent at the moment of discharge. Includes one button or ball that can be rearmed after discharge in order to the new actuation of the device. Once is activated, the re-arm is manual, throwing the ball outside. OFF POSITION ON POSITION Normally the discharge indicator is installed on the discharge manifold of cylinder bank systems, in the female socket welded on to the manifold. It may also be installed in the pilot port of the cylinder valve, in modular (single) cylinder systems, through a flexible release hose, and a suitable reducer. To install the latching discharge indicator in the discharge manifold, follow the instructions below: 4 3 1 3 2 POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuad or eléctrico al puerto d Warning : Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 24V (DC) 0,66 A VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 VALAN-15CO WP 240 BAR DN 15 N - XXXX N - XXXX N - XXXX Nº 227SOLC 2 1 2 3 4 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Manifold Threaded socket Discharge indicator Discharge pipe “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 114/192 7. Ensure that the discharge manifold is properly secured to its brackets and that the actuation devices of the cylinder banks (electrical and manual release heads) are removed or out of service. 8. Disconnect the release hose screwed to the cylinder or pilot bottle to prevent accidental discharge of the cylinder banks. 9. Before fitting the discharge indicator, check that it operates properly by pressing with a screwdriver or punch into the pressure sampling point orifice. On carrying out this operation, the actuation pin (part on which the pressure is exerted) must be latched and the reset knob will move to the ON position. To unblock it, pull the knob or ball of the resetting device outwards, the actuation pin returns to its original position and the reset knob goes to the OFF position. If, during the test, the discharge indicator does not operate correctly, send it to SIEX for further testing. 10. Hold the discharge indicator by hand, and wrap Teflon tape around the BSP male connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 11. Screw it into the female socket on the upper part of the manifold - the socket that is welded to the manifold. Use a non-adjustable spanner placing the flat faces on the body of the discharge indicator. Tighten it until all the threads have been screwed in. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 115/192 19. Installing actuator heads 227CMCC ON F OF 227DM 227DMR 227CMC 227DMS 227CNM 227CMCC TKCM TK-SIMPLEX or TK-COMPLEX POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA OF POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d F ON POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227SOLC 227SOLC125 Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº 227SOL 227CMC - 0786 227DM VdS 227CN 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx 227CNTK 227CNM RGS-MAM-11-4 RGS-MAM-12-4 227CMCC ON OF F 227DM 227DMR 227CMC 227DMS 227CNM TKCM-R TK-SIMPLEX-B or TK-COMPLEX-B POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº 227SOLR - 0786 227DMR VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 116/192 TKCM 227CN 227CNTK 227CMCC 227CMCC TKCM TK-SIMPLEX or TK-COMPLEX ON OF F 227CMC 227DM 227CN 227CNTK 227DM 227CNM 227CMCC 227CMC OFF ON 227DM 227DMR xxV (DC) x,xx A 227SOL Nº xx - 0786 VdS POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227CNM 227CMC 227SOL RGS-MAM-12-2 RGS-MAM-11-2 POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº VdS Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d - 0786 Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ OFF ON RGS-MAM-12-2C 227CNM 227SOLC 227SOLC125 227DMS 227CMCC TKCM TK-SIMPLEX or TK-COMPLEX ON OFF 227CMC 227DM 227CN 227CNTK 227CNM RGS-MAM-12-3 Actuators heads diagram Remark: to actuate the valve RGS-MAM-12-3 (system at 300 bar) electrically, the installation of the pilot bottle or pilot cartridge that actuates pneumatically this valve will be needed. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 117/192 19.1 Installing 227DM manual actuator head CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE MANUAL ACTUATOR HEAD ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). WITH THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IN POSITION 2, SCREWING ON THE MANUAL ACTUATOR HEAD WOULD CAUSE THE SUDDEN AND VIOLENT DISCHARGE OF THE EXTINGUISHING GAS IN THE CYLINDER, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. ACTIVATED Level 227DM Safety ring POSITION 1: STAND-BY POSITION 2: ACTIVATED 2 1- 2- Reassembled electrical actuator head 227SOL/ 227SOLR/ 227SOLC/ 227SOLCR/ 227SOLC125 /227SOLCR125 Manual actuator 227DM With holes 1 To install the manual actuator head 227DM, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Holding the manual release head by hand, visually check that the actuation pin is in POSITION UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 118/192 3. Remove the plastic safety plug from the valve actuation port and screw in, in its place, the swivel nut of the manual discharge head. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; just finger-tighten as far as possible. Remember that the link between the discharge head and the valve is made by a swivel nut mechanism that allows the head to be turned through 360º to the desired position. 4. If screwing it directly to the electrical release head, follow the same principles of point 3 above. 5. Check that the safety ring and its seal are in perfect condition and are properly fitted to the head. Do not remove the safety ring except if the discharge head is to be operated manually. 6. To remove the manual release head from the valve, gently loosen the swivel nut by hand, and always with the safety ring in place, as a precaution, so that the release head cannot be accidently operated. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the manual release head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets. 227DM POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227SOLC 227SOLC125 Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº 227SOL - 0786 227DM 227DM 227DMR VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 227SOLR VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring RGS-MAM-11-4 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 RGS-MAM-12-4 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-03 119/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA 227DM - 0786 VdS 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Nº xx xxV (DC) x,xx A 227SOL VdS - 0786 POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227DM 227DM 227SOL 227SOLC 227SOLC125 RGS-MAM-12-2C “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-12-2 RGS-MAM-11-2 227DM RGS-MAM-12-3 120/192 19.2 Installing 227DMS manual actuator head CAUTION THIS ACTUATOR HEAD ONLY CAN BE INSTALLED ON THE ACUTATION PORT OF THE ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOL125 / 227SOL220 / 227SOLR125 / 227SOLR220 / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR / 227SOLC125 / 227SOLC220 / 227SOLCR125 / 227SOLCR220 2 1 1- Re-assembled electrical actuator head 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR / 227SOLC125 / 227SOLCR125 2- Manual actuator head 227DMS To install the manual actuator head 227DMS, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe 2. Holding the manual release head by hand, visually check that the security pin and seal is correct and on the actuator. Do not remove the safety ring except if the discharge head is to be operated manually. 3. Remove the plastic safety plug from the valve actuation port and screw in, in its place, the swivel nut of the manual discharge head. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; just finger-tighten as far as possible. 4. If screwing it directly to the electrical release head, follow the same principles of point 3 above. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 121/192 5. To remove the manual release head from the valve, gently loosen the swivel nut by hand, and always with the safety ring in place, as a precaution, so that the release head cannot be accidently operated. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the manual release head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets 227DMS POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227SOLC 227SOLC125 Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº 227SOL 227DMS - 0786 VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº 227SOLR - 0786 VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring RGS-MAM-03 VdS xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx 227SOL - 0786 POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ RGS-MAM-12-4 Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d RGS-MAM-11-4 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 VdS POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227DMS 227SOL 227SOLC 227SOLC125 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-12-2C 122/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN L:\Logos\SIEX_nuevos_08-09-2006\siex baja res.jpg 227DMR - 0786 L:\Logos\SIEX_nuevos_08-09-2006\siex baja res.jpg VdS 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx 227SOL VdS - 0786 L:\Logos\SIEX_nuevos_08-09-2006\siex baja res.jpg L:\Logos\SIEX_nuevos_08-09-2006\siex baja res.jpg POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 19.3 Installing 227DMR manual actuator head To install the manual discharge head 227DMR, follow the same instructions from point 1 to 3 section 18.1. STAND BY ACTIVATED Level 227DMR Safety ring POSITION 1: STAND-BY POSITION 2: ACTIVATED 2 1- 2- 227SOLC 227SOLC125 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 Reassembled electrical actuator head 227SOL/ 227SOLR/ 227SOLC/ 227SOLCR/ 227SOLC125 /227SOLCR125 Manual actuator 227DMR Without holes 1 227SOL L:\Logos\SIEX_nuevos_08-09-2006 \siex baja res.jpg RGS-MAM-12-2C 123/192 19.4 Installing 227CNM pneumatic-manual actuator head To install the pneumatic-manual actuator head 227CNM, follow the same instructions from point 1 to 3 of section 18.1. ON OFF 227CNM ON OFF POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLC 227SOLC125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 227SOL VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A 227CNM Nº xx POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 227SOLR VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring RGS-MAM-11-4 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 RGS-MAM-12-4 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-03 124/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT - 0786 VdS 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ ON 227CNM Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d F OF Nº xx xxV (DC) x,xx A 227SOL VdS - 0786 Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA F OF ON 227CNM F OF ON 227CNM 227SOL 227SOLC 227SOLC125 RGS-MAM-12-2C “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-12-2 RGS-MAM-11-2 F OF ON 227CNM RGS-MAM-12-3 125/192 19.5 Installing 227CMC cable-operated manual release head To install the manual actuator head 227CMC, follow the instructions from point 1 to 3 in chapter 18.1 and continue in the following way. 1. Pass the stainless steel cable through the hole in the lever of the discharge head and screw in the retaining bolt until it is firmly secured. Check, by tugging on the cable, always with the safety ring in place, that the cable is properly secured and not loose. 2. Once the cable is located inside the protective pipe and tied to the manual cable operating handle, which is positioned at a distance depending on the installation, check that the cable is tight and that it is properly installed. 3. At this point, remove the seal and the safety ring from the discharge head so that the system can operate correctly, and the valve can be actuated manually and remotely from a cable pull. 4. To remove the cable-operated manual discharge head, first replace the safety ring, as a precaution, so that the discharge head cannot actuate accidentally, and then gently loosen the swivel nut by hand or with a non-adjustable spanner. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury to the person involved. Diameter 1.5mm Stainless steel Level 227 CMC Revolving nut 227CN POSITION 1 : STAND BY POSITION 2 : ACTIVATION UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 126/192 227CMC POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227SOLC 227SOLC125 - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº 227CMC 227CMC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS - 0786 227SOL VdS 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 VdS 227SOLR 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring RGS-MAM-11-4 RGS-MAM-03 RGS-MAM-12-4 227CMC xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx VdS 227SOL - 0786 POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227CMC 227SOL RGS-MAM-11-2 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 2 : AC RGS-MAM-12-2 VdS POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227CMC Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d RGS-MAM-12-2C 227SOLC 227SOLC125 227CMC RGS-MAM-12-3 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 127/192 19.6 Installing the manual actuator head and with protective box 227CMCC To install the manual actuator head 227CMCC, follow the instructions from point 1 to 3 in chapter 18.1 and continue in the following way. 1 Pass the stainless steel cable through the hole in the lever of the discharge head and screw in the captive screw until it is firmly secured. Check, by tugging on the cable, always with the safety seal in place, that the cable is properly secured and not loose. 2 Once the cable is located inside the protective pipe and tied to the cable-operated manual handle, which is positioned at a distance depending on the installation, check that the cable is tight and that it is properly installed. 3 At this point, remove the safety seal and the ring from the cable-operated discharge head to get the system operative and the valve could be activated manually and remotely from the pull station. 4 To remove the cable-operated manual discharge head, first remove the cover of the head and check that the safety seal is properly fitted to the head, and then gently loosen the swivel nut by hand or with a non-adjustable spanner. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury to the person involved. Diameter 1.5mm stainless steel cable Level 227 CMC Revolving nut 227CN POSITION 1 : STAND BY POSITION 2 : ACTIVATION UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 128/192 227CMCC 227CMCC 227CMCC POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLC 227SOLC125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 VdS 227SOL 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 VdS - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 VdS 227SOLR 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring RGS-MAM-11-4 RGS-MAM-12-4 RGS-MAM-03 227CMCC xxV (DC) x,xx A 227SOL Nº xx - 0786 VdS POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227CMCC 227SOL 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº POSITION 2: ACT RGS-MAM-11-2 - 0786 POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN RGS-MAM-12-2 VdS Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227CMCC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ RGS-MAM-12-2C 227SOLC 227SOLC125 227CMCC RGS-MAM-12-3 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 129/192 19.7 Installing thermal-manual actuator head KCTM / KCTM-R / KCTM-C To install the thermal-manual actuator head KCTM / KCTM-R / KCTM-C, follow the instructions from point 1 to 3 in chapter 18.1 and continue in the following way. 1. At every moment the safety pin for manual activation shall be installed in its position, maintained the KCTM / KCTM-R / KCTM-C correctly rearmed, verifying that the activation pointer is in rearmed position. TKCM / TKCM-C TKCM-R / TKCM-C O-ring RGS-MAM-11-4 RGS-MAM-12-4 TKCM / TKCM-C TKCM / TKCM-C TKCM / TKCM-C RGS-MAM-12-2C UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 RGS-MAM-12-2 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-11-2 RGS-MAM-12-3 130/192 KCTM-R + O-ring RGS-MAM-03 KCTM-R ATTENTION Without holes + O-ring RGS-MAM-03 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Joint Rest of the container valves “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 131/192 RGS-MAM-12-1C RGS-MAM-12-4 RGS-MAM-12-1 RGS-MAM-11-1 RGS-MAM-11-4 1 4 2 3 Nº 1 2 3 4 Denomination Nozzle Thermal manual actuator head Container valve Calibrated pressure limiter Type FEDRxx KCTM RGS-MAM-12-4 ARESxx 1 4 5 3 2 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Nozzle Container valve Thermal manual actuator head Pulley elbow Calibrated pressure limiter Type FEDRxx RGS-MAM-12-4 KCTM TK-CP ARESxx “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 132/192 19.8 Installing thermic pneumatic-mechanical detector SIEX-NTDC008 / SIEX-NTD-C018 The KCTM-R actuator in combination with the pilot cartridge (100MxxxUFA) and inside of a protective box has the ability to activate the extinction pneumatically. It can be released thermally or manually, in both cases the activation of the extinguishing is pneumatically through the cartridge filled with nitrogen. When the system is activated, by means of thermal or pneumatic actuation, the gas contained in the pilot cartridge, flows through flexible or copper release hose to the pneumatic actuator(s) assembled in all the cylinders and they are actuated. 4 6 3 3 5 2 1 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Copper tube Ø6x4 mm Elbow + Adaptor 1/4" G F - Ø6x4 Thermal manual actuator head Metalic box Pressure gauge Pilot cartridge SIEX-NTD-C008 SIEX-NTD-C018 POLATCU 227CO + POA8CU KCTM 42Omm x 106mm 524mm x 106mm UF40I-xxxx 0,080 L 0,180 L “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 133/192 Step #1, Put the thermic pneumatic-mechanical detector SIEX-NTD-C008/C018 in its position in the ceiling and marks the holes of the brackets. Make the holes in the ceiling for the screws of the brackets (diameter of 10mm). Step #2, Insert the screws of the brackets inside the holes of the brackets and screw them in the holes of the ceiling. Take a look at the point 3 of this manual to make a good bracket installation. Step #3, Install the copper pipe at the outlet of the thermic pneumatic-mechanical detector SIEXNTD-C008/C018. Take a look at page 98 to see the correct installation of the POA8CU. Thermal pneumatic-mecanical detector Roof Copper tube Ø6x4 mm 5 4 6 3 7 2 1 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Modular cylinder Pneumatic-manual actuator head Discharge nozzle Copper tube Ø6x4 mm Suttle valve Thermal pneumatic-mecanical detector Calibrated pressure limiter Type 227CNM FEDRXX POLATCU VALAN-62 SIEX-NTD-Cxxx ARESXX “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 134/192 Limitations in the use of KCTM LIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM Capacity of the cartridge and filling pressure Maximum distance between detector and the extinguishing system Cartridge: 0,080 (litres) Pressure: 150 (bar) Cartridge: 0,180 (litres) Pressure: 150 (bar) 15 m 30 m 6 4 3 7 5 2 1 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Denomination Modular cylinder Discharge hose Discharge pipe Copper tube Ø6x4 mm Discharge nozzle Thermal pneumatic-mecanical detector Pneumatic-manual actuator head Calibrated pressure limiter Type POLATCU FEDRXX SIEX-NTD-Cxx 227CNM ARESXX 3 5 2 1 4 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Denomination Nozzle Discharge pipe Elbow 90º Cupper pipe Pneumatic-mechanical-thermal detector “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 Type FEDRxx POLATCU SIEX-NTD-Cxx 135/192 19.9 Installing 227CN / 227CNTK pneumatic actuator head To install the pneumatic actuator head 227CN / 227CNTK, follow the instructions from point 1 to 3 in chapter 18.1 and continue in the following way. 2. It is advisable, before definitively tightening the swivel nut with the hand, to orientate the pneumatic release head with its tee or elbow towards the release hose. Once orientated the definitive tightening can be done. For more information, read chapter 10 (Installation of flexible release hoses). 3. Connect the corresponding flexible release hose as indicated in chapter 10 (Installing the flexible release hoses). 4. To remove the pneumatic release head from the valve, gently loosen the swivel nut by hand or with the hand. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Tee or elbow connecting discharge hoses 227CN 227CNTK 227CN 227CNTK RGS-MAM-11-4 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 RGS-MAM-12-4 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 136/192 227CN 227CNTK 227CN 227CNTK RGS-MAM-12-2C RGS-MAM-12-2 RGS-MAM-11-2 227CN 227CNTK RGS-MAM-12-3 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 137/192 19.10 Installing the 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR / 227SOLC125 / 227SOLCR125 re-assembled electrical actuator head To install the 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR / 227SOLC125 / 227SOLCR125, reassembled electrical actuator head, follow the instructions below: 1. Remove the head’s electrical connector and connect it to the cable from the fire panel. As it has a polarity, respect the polarity as indicated below. 2. For the models 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR There are two diodes inside the switch. The one which is connected in parallel with the coil (D2) eliminates voltage spikes produced when disconnecting the equipment, thus preventing deterioration of the electronic components. The series diode (D1) protects the electromagnet, preventing it being damaged by inverse polarity voltages. Wrong polarisation of the power supply means the device will not work, so it is essential to respect the proper polarisation. 2.CONNECTING THE SWITCH: The terminal marked 1 corresponds to the positive of the DC power supply. The terminal marked 2 corresponds to the negative of the DC power supply. Circuit diagram 227SOL / 227SOLR / 227SOLC / 227SOLCR 1(+) D1 1 + - 2(-) 24 V (DC) Electroim n Electromagnet D2 1(+) 2(-) 2 3. For the models 227SOLC125 / 227SOLCR125. Inside the switch there is an electronic board to rectify the electrical signal from alternating current to direct current, it has a 4 diodes bridge and a varistor for the protection of the voltage peaks during the disconnection of the coil. The alternating current signal must be connected to terminals 1 and 2. Circuit diagram 227SOLC125 / 227SOLCR125 1(+) 1 2(-) D 1 Electromagnet 125 V (AC) 2 1 2 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 138/192 4. Once the electrical connection is made, re-connect the electrical connector to the release head. 5. Manually reset the electrical release head. To do this, apply force with the resetting screw, or failing that with a sharp instrument (e.g. a punch) until the actuation pin moves to POSITION 1. To check that the resetting has been carried out properly, give the head a light sharp tap on a hard surface, and then check that the actuation pin is still in POSITION 1. 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A POSITIONN 1 : NOT ACTIVATED POSITIONN 2 : ACTIVATED Nº xx 6. From this point the steps to follow are the same like in point 3 in chapter 18.1. 227SOL 227SOLC / 227SOLC125 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLC xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 139/192 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS 227SOLC 227SOLC125 - 0786 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 VdS 227SOL 227SOL xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx - 0786 VdS RGS-MAM-12-4 xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx 227SOL POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d RGS-MAM-11-4 - 0786 VdS 227SOLC xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 1 : SIN Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d 227SOL 227SOLC 227SOLC125 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 RGS-MAM-12-2C 140/192 RGS-MAM-12-2-C Obus 2 ATTENTION With holes Connection of actuator head 3/4” BSP Revolving nut 227CN 3/4" BSP Obus 1 CAUTION Never put over the actuation port electric-solenoid (Mod. 227 SOL) when valve core 2 is assembled in to the valve Pilot bottle RGS-MAM-11-4 / 12-4 Valve core 2 Valve core 1 RGS-MAM-12-2C Obus 2 ATTENTION With holes Connection of actuator head 3/4” BSP Revolving nut 227CN 3/4” BSP Obus 1 Pilot bottle RGS-MAM-11-4/12-4 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 141/192 227SOLR 227SOLCR / 227SOLCR125 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ 227SOLCR xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº 227SOLR xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx CAUTION THIS SOLENOID DISCHARGE HEAD ONLY CAN BE INSTALLED ON THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE RGS-MAM-03 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d POSICION 2 : AC Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ VdS 227SOLCR 227SOLCR125 - 0786 227SOLCR xxxV (xx) x,xx Amp Nº - 0786 VdS 227SOLR 227SOLR xxV (DC) x,xx A Nº xx O-ring RGS-MAM-03 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 142/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 143/192 20. Installing the pneumatic trip (POSX-NAU) or with protection box (POSX-NAUC) Proceed to affix firmly the pneumatic actuator by means of the suitable fastening screw. 1 Fastening screw 2 Pneumatic actuator 3 227CO or 227TE 4 Adapter POA8CU 5 Actuating knob 1 3 2 4 5 Insert the 6x4 mm copper tube by means of its adapter POA8CU applying the right torque to attach correctly the copper tube. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 144/192 4 1 2 3 1 227CO or 227TE 2 Adapter POA8CU 3 6x4 mm copper tube 4 Tape Teflon The actuation of this component is pneumatic with the inlet of pressure produced by the N2 or acting manually on the knob. To insert the ring in the right position, just pull the actuating ring to cause the retraction of the axis. 1 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 2 3 1 Ring or hook 2 Pneumatic actuator 3 Actuating knob “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 145/192 GAS OR LIQUID SHUT-OFF VALVE WINDOWS DAMPER VENTING DUCT UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 SLIDING DOOR “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 146/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 147/192 21. Installing the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C / TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B / TK-COMPLEX-C / TK-COMPLEXC. MECHANICAL CONTROL UNIT 21.1 Mechanical control unit TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TKSIMPLEX-C To install the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit, follow the instructions below: Connection to mechanical detection line Connection to manual actuator without tension TK-DMS Manual actuation Connection to actuation port of the valve 1. Visually confirm that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1 (pin withdrawn). 2. Remove the plastic safety plug from the cylinder valve actuation port and screw in the swivel nut of the TK-SIMPLEX mechanical control unit in its place. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; finger-tightening as far as possible is sufficient. The difference between both central units is that model (B) only is suitable for the actuation in the valve RGS-MAM-03 of the pilot cartridge. Safety ring CENTRAL DE CONTROL MECÁNICA MECHANICAL CONTROL CABINET TK-SIMPLEX PARA ACTIVAR MANUALMENTE: TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA TO ACTIVATE MANUALLY: PULL PIN HARD SIN ACTIVAR / STAND BY ACTIVADO / ACTIVATED 3 CENTRAL DE CONTROL MECÁNICA MECHANICAL CONTROL CABINET TK-SIMPLEX PARA ACTIVAR MANUALMENTE: TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA 2 TO ACTIVATE MANUALLY: PULL PIN HARD SIN ACTIVAR / STAND BY ACTIVADO / ACTIVATED 1 3 Swivel nut POSITION 1 : NOT ACTUATED POSITION 2 : ACTUATED 4 1 2 3 4 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Actuation pin Cylinder Cylinder valve RGS-MAM-11-2/11-4/12-4/12-2/12-2C/12-3 TK-SIMPLEX mechanical control unit N2 cartridge “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 148/192 Installing the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit on the cylinder valve Remember that the link between the head and the valve is made using a swivel nut mechanism, which enables the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit to be turned through 360° to the desired position. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE TK-SIMPLEX MECHANICAL CONTROL UNIT ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE CYLINDER VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). 3. To connect the mechanical detection system in the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TKSIMPLEX-C unit, firstly pass the nut and the compression ring for the mechanical unit connection fitting along the steel cable and the protective pipe. Then do the same with the body of the connection fitting. Next pass the steel cable through the orifice in the top of the mechanical control unit cabinet and through the nut. Screw this nut onto the body of the connection fitting with a non-adjustable spanner until it is fully tight. Finally, slide the progressive ring and its corresponding nut over the protective pipe for the steel cable and screw it onto the connection fitting until it is fully tight. 2 1 1 Steel cable 2 Ø18 mm protective pipe 3 Sprocket 3 Installing the steel cable in the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit 4. In order to set the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit, pass the steel cable to the orifice in the cylinder connected to the sprocket, passing it through it until it exits through the other orifice (the cable is secured when the sprocket is turned when setting the unit). UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 149/192 1 1 Steel cable 2 Sprocket 3 Slot 2 3 Tensioning the steel cable in the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit 5. Then tension the cable by turning the nut on the front of the unit anticlockwise, ensuring that the ratchet at all times prevents the sprocket from turning backwards. Continue turning this nut until the slot marked in the figure above is at the same height as the screws at its side. 1 2 3 Actuation pin Swivel nut POSITION 1 : NOT ACTUATED POSITION 2 : ACTUATED TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit 6. To install the manual discharge system, follow the instructions provided in the corresponding chapter of this manual and finally insert the cable into the TK-SIMPLEX / TKSIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit cabinet. Firstly, pass the steel cable through one of the end of line orifices. Then pass it through the orifice in the corresponding manual actuation (the lever which releases the ratchet) and finally pass it through the end of line again using the free orifice. Finally, tighten all the end-of-line Allen screws so that the cable is fully secured. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 150/192 2 1 3 1 Steel cable 2 End of line 3 Manual release Installing the steel cable from the TK-DMS remote manual wire pull 7. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the cylinder valve outlet is screwed to the discharge pipe. 8. Finally, remove the safety ring. 9. Lastly, place the cabinet cover on the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit. CENTRAL DE CONTROL MECÁNICA MECHANICAL CONTROL CABINET TK-SIMPLEX PARA ACTIVAR MANUALMENTE: TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA TO ACTIVATE MANUALLY: PULL PIN HARD SIN ACTIVAR / STAND BY ACTIVADO / ACTIVATED CENTRAL DE CONTROL MECÁNICA MECHANICAL CONTROL CABINET TK-SIMPLEX-B PARA ACTIVAR MANUALMENTE: TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA TO ACTIVATE MANUALLY: PULL PIN HARD SIN ACTIVAR / STAND BY ACTIVADO / ACTIVATED RGS-MAM-03 RGS-MAM-11-2/11-4/12-4/12-2/12-2C/12-3 Placing the cover on the body of the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 151/192 10. To remove the TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C mechanical control unit from the valve, firstly insert the safety pin, then gently loosen its swivel nut by hand. When carrying out this operation, the valve cover must not be turned, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the mechanical control unit without the cylinder being secured to the wall by its brackets. TK-SIMPLEX TK-SIMPLEX can be installed on all container valves unless the RGS-MAM-03. With holes TK-SIMPLEX-B TK-SIMPLEX-B only can be installed (with an o-ring) on the pilot cartridge, acting on the RGS-MAM-03 valve. Without holes TK-SIMPLEX-C TK-SIMPLEX-C can be installed on the RGS-MAM-03 valves (with an o-ring) and on the rest of the container valves (with a joint). Without holes + O-ring RGS-MAM-03 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Joint Rest of the container valves “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 152/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 153/192 21.2 Installing the TK-DPDT microswitch for TK-SIMPLEX / -B To install the TK-DPDT microswitch in the TK-SIMPLEX mechanical control unit, follow the instructions below: CAUTION BEFORE FITTING THE TK-DPDT MICROSWITCH, IN THE TK-SIMPLEX CONTROL UNIT ENSURE THAT NO VALVE IS SCREWED TO ITS 3/4" G SWIVEL NUT. 1. Remove the TK-SIMPLEX mechanical control unit from its cabinet by sliding it along the groove where it is located. To do this, unscrew the nuts on the cabinet base. Carry out this operation before making the connections for the mechanical detection system and the remote discharge line. 2 1 Front view Rear view 1 Mechanical control unit guide 2 Orifices for microswitch 2. Position the TK-DPDT pressure microswitch in its position in the back of the mechanical control unit by making its orifices coincide with those in the unit. Then fix the device in the control unit with an M3 screw with its corresponding nut. 4 3 NC 1 COM 2 4 NO 2 1 2 3 4 Mechanical control unit guide TK-DPDT microswitch M3 screw Stop for microswitch actuation 1 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 154/192 3. Then carry out the wiring from the TK-DPDT microswitch to the corresponding fire control panel. Follow the electrical diagram below for this. NC 1 COM 2 Black 4 Yellow NO Red Closed Black Open Yellow Common Red UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 155/192 21.3 Installing the TK-DPDT microswitch for TK-COMPLEX / -B /-C The installation of the micorswitches is done on the main plate of the mechanical control unit. By means of screws the two miscroswitches will be placed, proceed to verify its right operation and place the wires across the holes intended for that. NC 1 COM 2 4 NO TK-DPDT microswitch Wire gland UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 156/192 21.4 Mechanical control unit TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B / TKCOMPLEX-C The TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B / TK-COMPLEX-C Type 1 mechanical control unit has a flat actuation pin and connects to the upper actuation port of the cylinder valve. Its function is to mechanically actuate the cylinder valve on which it is fitted. The difference between both central units is that model (B) only is suitable for the actuation in the valve RGS-MAM-03 of the pilot cartridge. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE MECHANICAL CONTROL UNIT ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE CONTAINER VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). WITH THE ACTUATION PIN IN POSITION 2, SCREWING ON THE TK-COMPLEX MECHANICAL CONTROL UNIT WOULD CAUSE THE SUDDEN AND VIOLENT DISCHARGE OF THE EXTINGUISHING AGENT IN THE CYLINDER, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. To install the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the container valve outlet is screwed to the discharge pipe. 2. Manually reset the control unit by means of the resetting screw and lock the trigger, to do that tauten manually the two lines and insert the two blocking screws. Connection to mechanical detection line Connection to manual actuator without tension TK-DMS Manual actuation Connection to actuation port of the valve UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 157/192 Line without tension Line without tension Lock trigger Line with tension Line with tension 3. Visually confirm that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1 (pin withdrawn). Actuation pin Swivel nut POSITION 1 : NOT ACTUATED POSITION 2 : ACTUATED 4. Remove the plastic safety plug from the cylinder valve actuation port and screw in the swivel nut of the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit in its place. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; finger-tightening as far as possible is sufficient. Remember that the link between the head and the valve is made using a swivel nut mechanism, which enables the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit to be turned through 360° to the desired position. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 158/192 5 3 4 6 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cylinder Cylinder valve RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C/12-3 TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit N2 cartridge TK-COMPLEX-B mechanical control unit Cartridge valve RGS-MAM-03 5. To connect each of the two mechanical detection systems in the TK-COMPLEX unit, firstly pass the nut and the compression ring for the mechanical unit connection fitting along the steel cable and the protective pipe for each of the two mechanical detection systems. Then do the same with the body of the connection fitting. Next pass the steel cable through the orifice in the top of the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit cabinet and through the nut. For each of the two mechanical detection systems, screw this nut onto the body of the connection fitting with a non-adjustable spanner until it is fully tight. Finally, slide the progressive ring and its corresponding nut over the protective pipe for the steel cable and screw it onto the connection fitting until it is fully tight. 6. In order to set the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit, lead each of the steel cables to the orifice in the cylinder connected to each of the corresponding sprockets, passing the cables through them until they exit through the other orifice (the cable is secured when the sprocket is turned when setting the unit). 2 1 3 1 Steel cable 2 Ø18 mm Protective pipe 3 Sprocket 3 Tensioning the steel cable in the TK-COMPLEX Type 1 mechanical control unit UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 159/192 7. Then tension the cables by turning the nut on the front of the unit anticlockwise, ensuring that the ratchets at all times prevent the sprockets from turning backwards. Continue turning these nuts until the slot marked in the figure above is at the same height as the screws at its side. 8. To install the manual discharge system and the mechanical gas shut-off valve, follow the instructions provided in the corresponding chapter of this manual and finally insert the cable into the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit cabinet. Firstly the steel cable is passed through one of the end-of-line orifices, it then must be made to encircle the screw of the remote manual discharge devices and finally be passed through the end-of-line again using the orifice left free. Finally, tighten all the end-of-line Allen screws so that the cable is fully secured. 2 1 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 Steel cable Ø18 mm protective pipe Sprocket Manual discharge device screw Installing the steel cable from the manual pull handle and the mechanical gas shut-off valve. 9. Then remove the safety rings together with the plate. 10. Lastly, place the cabinet cover on the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit. SISTEMA DE EXTINCIÓN DE INCENDIOS FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM CENTRAL DE CONTROL MECÁNICA MECHANICAL CONTROL CABINET TKCOMPLEX PARA ACTIVAR MANUALMENTE: TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA TO ACTIVATE MANUALLY: PULL PIN HARD 3 2 1 Cylinder 2 Cylinder valve RGS-MAM-11-2/12-2/12-2C/12-3 3 TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit 1 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 160/192 Placing the cover on the body of the TK-COMPLEX Type 1 mechanical control unit 11. To remove the TK-COMPLEX mechanical control unit from the container valve, firstly insert the two safety rings together with the plate, gently loosening the swivel nut by hand. When carrying out this operation, the valve cover must not be turned, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the mechanical control unit without the cylinder being secured to the wall by its brackets. TK-COMPLEX TK-SIMPLEX can be installed on all container valves unless the RGS-MAM-03. With holes TK-COMPLEX-B TK-COMPLEX-B only can be installed (with an o-ring) on the pilot cartridge, acting on the RGS-MAM-03 valve. Without holes TK-COMPLEX-C TK-COMPLEX-C can be installed on the RGS-MAM-03 valves (with an o-ring) and on the rest of the container valves (with a joint). Without holes + O-ring RGS-MAM-03 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Joint Rest of the container valves “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 161/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 162/192 22. Installing remote manual pull station with tension (TK-DMC / TK-DMC2) It is made up of a TK-DMC / TK-DMC2 manual pull station, TK-CP pulley elbows, TK-TE pulley tees, steel cable and Ø18 mm protective steel pipe. The cable is mounted inside a steel pipe with pulley elbows for changes of direction. TK-DMC Steel cable KWR-50 Remote manual actuator with tension TK-DMC TK-DMC2 End of line TK-FL Steel cable KWR-50 Adaptor for tube diameter 18 (the TKFL is inside of it) Remote manual actuator with tension TK-DMC2 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 163/192 Limitation in the use of TK-DMC / TK-DMC2 TK-TEC TK-CP TK-CP TK-KIT-T-F TK-DMC TK-DMC2 TK-SIMPLEX Mechanical central control TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B/ TKSIMPLEX-C Maximum length of cable Maximum elbows pulley TK-CP Maximum tee pulley TK-TEC 62,775 m 42 units 1 units TK-TEC TK-CP TK-CP TK-KIT-T-F TK-DMC TK-COMPLEX Mechanical central control TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B/ TKCOMPLEX-C Maximum length of cable Maximum elbows pulley TK-CP Maximum tee pulley TK-TEC UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 TK-DMC2 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 62,775 m 42 units 1 units 164/192 To install the remote manual wire pull, follow the instructions below: 1. Install the TK-KIT mechanical detection kits as indicated in the corresponding section, with the sole change in point 6 of this section, as one of the cable ends will be anchored to the remote manual wire pull. 2. Remove the detachable cover and handle in order to fit the pull station body to the wall or structure where it is to be located. Use the four fitting holes with M6 screws and appropriate wall plugs. Manual actuator body M6 screw Fixing the TK-DMC manual pull station to the wall 3. Remove the left end-of-line from the adaptor for 18 mm pipe. Install the Ø18 mm protective pipe, with the TK-CP pulley elbows, from the detection line to the manual wire pull via the adaptor for 18 mm pipe. Pass the cable through the pipe to the box and out through the left adaptor for 18 mm pipe, passing it under the wire pull axis. Tie off the end-of-line to the cable. End of line Stainless steel cable Pulling stem Bearing Installing the steel cable in the TK-DMC manual wire pull station UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 165/192 4. Tension the steel cable from the mechanical control unit, following the instructions given in the chapter on installing the mechanical control unit. End of line Stainless steel cable Pulling stem Bearing Bearing TK-DMC2 TK-DMC Anchoring the steel cable to the handle and end-of-line of the TK-DMC / TK-DMC2 manual wire pull with tension 5. Fit the detachable cover in position with its fixing screws. TIRADOR MANUAL TENSIONADO TK-DMC2 TIRADOR MANUAL TENSIONADO TK-DMC MANUAL HANDLE TENSION TK-DMC2 MANUAL HANDLE TENSION TK-DMC EN CASO DE INCENDIO EN CASO DE INCENDIO IN CASE OF FIRE IN CASE OF FIRE Cover TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA PULL HANDLE HARD PULL HANDLE HARD Close the cover of the TK-DMC manual wire pull with tension UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 166/192 23. Installing the Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TE) To install the pulley tee TK-TE, follow the instructions below: Step #1, Remove out the front cover of the Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TE) by using a screwer, leaving the internal parts discovered. TE POLEA PARA DOBLE DISPARO MANNUAL TK-TE PULLEY TEE FOR DOUBLE MANUAL ACTUATOR TK-TE Step #2, By using a screwer, fix the Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TE) to the Wall with two screws in the back side. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 167/192 Step #3, Finally, install the cable internally following the next instructions: STEP 1: Remove the screws and the cover. Orientate the tee correctly STEP 2: Insert the steel cables from the remote cable pulls and from the and place it on the wall. Mark the two rear holes, drill, insert the wall mechanical control unit to the tee. The cable is protected by the Ø18 mm plugs, put the tee and thread the screw spikes, affixing the tee to the wall. pipe and pulley elbows will be used for the direction changes. TE POLEA PARA DOBLE DISPARO MANNUAL TK-TE PULLEY TEE FOR DOUBLE MANUAL ACTUATOR TK-TE STEP 3: Introduce the steel cable through the axial holes of the end of line and tighten the Allen screws. They should be placed according to the position given on the drawing. It is very important to leave the end of line as closer as possible to the adapter for the connection with the mechanical control unit (lower adapter). For that, likely is necessary to stretch the cable from the mechanical control unit. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 STEP 4: Check that all the installation is correctly done. -The cable which joins the tee with the mechanical control unit must be tense. -The end of line must be as closer as possible to the lower adapter. -The cables of the remote cable pulls would pass by the bearings and they will be in their housing of the end of line. After checking the installation, place the cover with their screws. “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 168/192 Nº Description 1 Container valve 2 Mechanical control cabinet 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adaptor Protection pipe Pulley elbow Pulley tee Manual actuator without tension Inox steel cable Fitted in the mechanical control unit TK-COMPLEX / TK-COMPLEX-B / TK-COMPLEX-C Maximum cable length 38,01 m Maximum number of pulley elbows TK-CP 36 pcs Maximum tee pulley TK-TE 1 units UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Type RGS-MAM-11/12 TK-SIMPLEX/ TK-SIMPLEX-B/ TKSIMPLEX-C/ TK-COMPLEX / TKCOMPLEX-B/ TK-COMPLEX-C TK-EMT TK-CP TK-TE TK-DMS KWR-50 Fitted in the mechanical control unit TK-SIMPLEX / TK-SIMPLEX-B / TK-SIMPLEX-C Maximum cable length 38,01 m Maximum number of pulley elbows TK-CP 36 pcs Maximum tee pulley TK-TE 1 units “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 169/192 24. Installing the Pulley tee for double manual actuator (TK-TEC) To install the tee pulley TK-TEC, follow the instructions below: Step 1: Introduce firstly the nut and then the ring in the Ø18 mm pipe. Repeat the same procedure in the three pipes to install. Step 2: Fully tighten all the nuts in the threads of the pulley tee. Check that the pipes are securely joined to the tee. Step 3: Unscrew the cover of the body of the pulley elbow. Introduce the cable, comming from the side inlet of the tee, through the two bearings to the remote pull wire with tension. The same cable would be introduced through the remote pull wire and taken out between both bearings. This end of the cable would be taken out through the other side outlet of the pulley elbow. TIRADOR MANUAL TENSIONADO TK-DMC MANUAL HANDLE TENSION TK-DMC EN CASO DE INCENDIO IN CASE OF FIRE TIRE FUERTE DE LA ANILLA PULL HANDLE HARD Between the manual handle tensioned and the pulley tee TK-TEC is not allowed to install the pulley elbow TK-CP and direction changes. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 Step 4: Check that the installation has been done correctly. Put the cover on its place and screw it with its screws. “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 170/192 25. Installing mechanical detection kits TK-KIT-T-F / TK-KIT-T-B / TK-KIT-C-F / TK-KIT-C-B / TK-KIT-A-F / TK-KIT-A-B Once the location of each of the TK-KIT fusible links has been selected, install the mechanical detectors by following the instructions below. 1. Mark and drill the necessary diameter holes on the surface in which the screws and nuts will be located. Make the holes considered necessary to be able to secure all the mechanical detection kits required to cover the whole risk area. 2. Place the bracket in the upper part of the enclosure so that the drilled holes made coincide with the orifices in the brackets. Then insert the suitable screw and nut with the corresponding washer and screw these items down. 3 3. Insert the EMT connector through the corresponding orifice in the fusible link, through the thread side and firmly screw down the corresponding nut. Fixing nut EMT connector 4. Connect the protective pipework for the steel cable to the EMT connector at its end. To do this, pass the nut along the steel pipe and then do the same with the progressive ring. Finally, insert the steel pipe into the EMT connector and tighten the nut with a spanner until it is fully home. 2 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 1 1 4 3 4 Nut Bracket or support for detector EMT connector Bicone ring Protective pipe 3 1 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 171/192 Assembling the Ø18 mm pipe to the ½” EMT connector 5. Install the steel cable so that it passes through all the detector brackets. It is important to start at the final detector by securing the cable to the end of line located in the bracket of the last TKKIT detector or in the TK-DMC manual wire pull with tension (leave a surplus of at least 15 cm). Then place the TK-KIT fusible links. 6. To make changes in direction, pass the steel cable around TK-CP pulley elbows. Once the steel cable has been passed around all the pulley elbows, install their respective covers, securing them with the corresponding screws. 7. Repeat this operation until the TK-SIMPLEX, TK-SIMPLEX-B or TK-COMPLEX, TK-COMPLEXB mechanical fire control unit is reached. TK-KIT mechanical detector UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 172/192 26. Installing or replacement the pressure gauge Assembled in the factory directly on the cylinder valve, it indicates at all times the pressure (in bar and psi) in the cylinder charged with extinguishing agent. CAUTION THE PRESSURE GAUGE IS ASSEMBLED IN THE FACTORY ON THE CYLINDER VALVE AND THEREFORE DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY FORM OF HANDLING HOWEVER, THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER ARE FOR OPERATIONAL AND GUIDANCE USE FOR POSSIBLE REPLACEMENTS DUE TO MALFUNCTION OR BREAKAGE. To install or replace a pressure gauge when the cylinder is charged with extinguishing agent, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. The pressure gauge may also be installed or replaced without the cylinder being connected to the discharge hose, in which case, do not remove (or put on) the valve outlet safety plug while the cylinder is being handled (secured, of course, to its bracket). CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE PRESSURE GAUGE, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (PILOT CYLINDER), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRICAL, MANUAL, PNEUMATIC OR ELECTRIC SQUIB RELEASE CONNECTED. 2. Holding the pressure gauge by hand, wrap Teflon tape around the 1/8” NPT connecting thread (18 turns approximately). Pressur gauge Give 18 turns of teflon tape on the thread UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 173/192 3. Take an Allen key of 2,5 mm. Allen key of 2,5 mm 4. Slowly remove the 1/8” NPT plug or broken pressure gauge from the port where the item is to be connected, and immediately after that, tight the choke screw with the allen key of 2,5mm by turning it clockwise until the leakage is reduced to the minimum. This screw is for regulating this small gas leak. It is advisable to reduce the fitting time to a minimum; otherwise a small quantity of gas will be lost. The estimated time to carry out this operation is 10 seconds. Turn to the left (Counterclockwise) Mild exit of pressure Loosen 1 2 1 Pressure gauge 2 Choke Screw 5. Remove out and clean the Teflon tape that can remain stocked in the thread of the pressure gauge port of the container valve. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 174/192 6. Right after, use the allen key wrench of 2,5mm and slightly loosen the choke screw to the left, counter clockwise, in order to increase softly the leakage flow. Bear in mind that this leakage shall exist (nevertheless, should be as small as possible) because when the pressure gauge will be installed, it has pressure. Turn to the left (Counterclockwise) Slightly Loosen Allen key of 2,5 mm 1 1 Choke screw 7. Following, thread as quickly as possible the new pressure gauge prepared with Teflon tape given in its thread, with the hand and just after finalize the installation with the fixed spanner of 14mm until it is tightened fixed and well oriented, check that there is no leakage in the union between valve and pressure gauge by using soapy water. If there is a leakage, repeat all the instructions until now. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 175/192 Turn to the right (Clockwise) Tighten 8. Check that the pressure gauge shows pressure on its dial. If it does not show the correct pressure, weigh the cylinder to check whether extinguishing gas has been lost. If it has, send the cylinder to SIEX to be recharged. 9. If the pressure gauge does not show any pressure on its gauge, repeat all the operations of this section, because the choke screw is probably too tight. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 176/192 27. Installing or replacement the pressure switch Assembled in the factory directly on the cylinder valve if it is a client requirement, it allows us to know if the cylinder is charged with the extinguishing agent. CAUTION THE PRESSURE SWITCH IS ASSEMBLED IN THE FACTORY ON THE CYLINDER VALVE AND THEREFORE DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY FORM OF HANDLING HOWEVER, THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER ARE FOR OPERATIONAL AND GUIDANCE USE FOR POSSIBLE REPLACEMENTS DUE TO MALFUNCTION OR BREAKAGE. To install or replace a pressure switch when the cylinder is charged with extinguishing agent, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. The pressure switch may also be installed or replaced without the cylinder being connected to the discharge hose, in which case, do not remove (or put on) the valve outlet safety plug while the cylinder is being handled (secured, of course, to its bracket). CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE PRESSURE SWITCH, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (PILOT CYLINDER), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRICAL, MANUAL, PNEUMATIC OR ELECTRIC SQUIB RELEASE CONNECTED. 2. Holding the pressure switch by hand, wrap Teflon tape around the 1/8” NPT connecting thread (18 turns approximately). Pressure switch Give 18 turns of Teflon tape on the thread UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 177/192 3. Take an Allen key of 2,5 mm. Allen key of 2,5 mm 4. Slowly remove the 1/8” NPT plug or broken pressure switch from the port where the item is to be connected, and immediately after that, tight the choke screw with the allen key of 2,5mm by turning it clockwise until the leakage is reduced to the minimum. This screw is for regulating this small gas leak. It is advisable to reduce the fitting time to a minimum; otherwise a small quantity of gas will be lost. The estimated time to carry out this operation is 10 seconds. Slightly exit of pressure Loosen Turn to the left Counterclockwise 1 2 1 Pressure switch 2 Choke screw UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 178/192 Turn to the right (Clockwise) Allen key of 2,5 mm 1 Outlet of pressure 1 Choke screw 5. Remove out and clean the Teflon tape that can remain stocked in the thread of the pressure switch port of the container valve. 6. Right after, use the allen key wrench of 2,5mm and slightly loosen the choke screw to the left, counter clockwise, in order to increase softly the leakage flow. Bear in mind that this leakage shall exist (nevertheless, should be as small as possible) because when the pressure switch will be installed, it has have pressure. Turn to the left (Counterclockwise) Slightly loosen Allen key of 2,5 mm 1 1 Choke screw UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 179/192 7. Following, thread as quickly as possible the new pressure switch prepared with Teflon tape given in its thread, with the hand and just after finalize the installation with the fixed spanner until it is tightened fixed, check that there is no leakage in the union between valve and pressure switch by using soapy water. If there is a leakage, repeat all the instructions until now. Tighten Turn to the right (Clockwise) 8. The pressure switch is set and adjusted in factory. Do not try to adjust it during the installation. If the pressure switch does not send any signal, repeat all the operations of this section, because the choke screw is probably too tight. 9. To make the electrical connection, there are two options, serial or parallel connection. (See schemes). UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 180/192 Pressure switch wire up in series FA 24V Pressure switch To fire control panel FA 24V wire up in parallel To fire control panel UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 181/192 28. Installing the warning signs There are two types of warning signs for INERT-SIEX541 gas fixed extinguishing systems. A sign at each entry door to the hazard area to indicate that it is a hazard area and a warning sign at each point where a manual release can be carried out. These signs are specific to the inert gas system used. Door sign: A warning note is required on all the entrance doors to the protected hazard area to advise personnel that they are entering a protected area. Place the sign on the door itself, in such a way that it is visible and it cannot fall off or be removed. Sign that shows a manual actuation can be carried out: A warning note is required to indicate that the system can be actuated manually, at each point where this is the case. The sign is fixed next to the manual actuation device in such as way that it is visible and cannot fall off or be removed. CAUTION WARNING SIGNS MUST BE PLACED VISIBLY ON ALL THE ENTRANCE DOORS TO THE HAZARD AREA AND AT ALL POINTS WHERE MANUAL ACTUATION IS POSSIBLE. UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 182/192 ANNEX A: MSDS IG-100 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 183/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 184/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 185/192 ANNEX B: MSDS IG-01 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 186/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 187/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 188/192 ANNEX C: MSDS CO2 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 189/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 190/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 191/192 UL-EX26559 FM-3046929 “UF-MI-IG-541” - 24-07-2014 192/192