Search Health A-Z Live Well Mental health Care and support Coronavirus (COVID-19) G et th e latest advice ab o u t CQVID-19 Home > Health A to Z > Vitamins and minerals B vitamins and folic acid Vitamins and minerals — O vervie w — V itam in A B vitamins and folic acid — V itam in C — V itam in D V itam in E — V itam in K — Calcium Iodine — IrQn — O thers There are m any different types of vitamin B. This section has inform ation on: • th iam in (vitam in B1) • rib o flavin (vitam in B2) • niacin (vitam in B3) • p a n to th en ic acid • vitam in B6 • biotin (vitam in B7) • fo late and folic acid • vitam in B12 Thiam in (vitam in B1) Th ia m in , also kno w n as vitam in B1, helps: • th e body b reak dow n and release energy from food • keep th e nervous system healthy Good sources of thiamin Th iam in is found in m any types o f food. Good sources include: • peas • some fresh fruits (such as bananas and oranges) • nuts Pregnancy Q NHS services • w h o le g ra in breads • some fo rtified breakfast cereals • liver How much thiamin do I need? Th e am o unt o f th iam in adults (aged 19 to 64) need is: • 1 mg a day fo r men • 0.8m g a day fo r w om en You should be able to get all th e th iam in you need from y o u r daily diet. Th iam in canno t be stored in th e body, so you need it in y o u r diet every day. What happens if I take too much thiamin? Th ere's not enou gh evidence to k n o w w h a t th e effects m ig ht be o f ta kin g high doses o f th iam in supplem ents each day. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get all th e th iam in you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e supplem ents, do not ta k e too much as this m ig ht be harm ful. Takin g 100mg or less a day of th iam in supplem ents is u n likely to cause any harm . Riboflavin (vitam in B2) R ib o flavin, also kno w n as vitam in B2, helps: • keep skin, eyes and th e nervous system healthy • th e body release energ y from food Good sources of riboflavin Good sources o f rib o flavin include: • m ilk • eggs • fo rtified breakfast cereals • m ushroom s • plain y o g h u rt UV light can destroy rib o flavin , so ideally these foods should be kept out o f direct su nlight. How much riboflavin do I need? Th e am o unt o f rib o flavin ad ults (aged 19 to 64) need is ab out: • 1,3mg a day fo r men • 1,1mg a day fo r w om en You should be able to get all th e riboflavin you need from y o u r daily diet. R iboflavin can n o t be stored in the body, so you need it in yo u r diet every day. What happens if I take too much riboflavin? Th ere's not enou gh evidence to k n o w w h a t th e effects m ig ht be o f ta kin g high doses o f riboflavin supplem ents each day. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get all th e riboflavin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e supplem ents, do not ta k e too much as this m ig ht be harm ful. Takin g 40m g or less a day o f riboflavin supplem ents is u n likely to cause any harm . Niacin (vitam in B3) Niacin, also kno w n as vitam in B3, helps: • th e body release energ y from food • keep th e nervous system and skin h ealthy Good sources of niacin Th ere are 2 form s o f niacin: nicotinic acid and nicotinam id e. Both are fo und in food. Good sources o f niacin include: • m eat • fish • w h e a t flo u r • eggs How much niacin do I need? Th e am o unt o f niacin you need is ab out: • 16.5m g a day fo r men • 13.2mg a day fo r w om en You should be able to get all th e niacin you need from y o u r daily diet. Niacin canno t be stored in th e body, so you need it in yo u r diet every day. What happens if I take too much niacin? Takin g high doses o f nicotinic acid supplem ents can cause skin flushes. Takin g high doses fo r a long tim e could lead to liver dam ag e. Th ere's not enou gh evidence to k n o w w h a t th e effects m ig ht be o f ta kin g high daily doses o f nicotinam ide supplem ents. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get th e am o u n t o f niacin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e niacin supplem ents, do not ta k e too much as this m ight be harm ful. Takin g 17mg or less o f nicotinic acid supplem ents a day, or 500m g or less o f nicotinam ide supplem ents a day, is u n likely to cause any harm . P anto th enic acid Pantothenic acid has several functions, such as helping th e body to release energ y from food. Good sources of pantothenic acid Pantothenic acid is fo und in varying am ounts in alm ost all veg etab les, w h o le g rain foods and m eats, but good sources include: • chicken • b eef • liver and kidneys • eggs • m ushroom s • avocado B reakfast cereals are also a good source if th e y have been fortified w ith p anto thenic acid. How much pantothenic acid do I need? No am o u n t has been set in th e UK fo r h o w much p anto thenic acid you need. You should be able to get all th e p anto thenic acid you need from yo u r daily diet, as it's fo und in m any foods. Pantothenic acid canno t be stored in th e body, so you need it in yo u r diet every day. What happens if I take too much pantothenic acid? Th ere's not enou gh evidence to k n o w w h a t th e effects m ig ht be o f ta kin g high daily doses o f p anto thenic acid supplem ents. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get all th e p anto thenic acid you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e supplem ents, do not ta k e too much as this m ig ht be harm ful. Takin g 200m g or less a day of p anto thenic acid in supplem ents is u n likely to cause any harm . V itam in B6 V itam in B6, also kn o w n as p yridoxine, helps: • th e body to use and store energ y from protein and carbohydrates in food • th e body form haem o g lo b in, th e substance in red blood cells th a t carries oxygen around th e body Good sources of vitamin B6 V itam in B6 is fo und in a w id e variety o f foods, including: • pork • pou ltry, such as chicken or tu rk ey • some fish • peanuts • soya beans • w h e atg erm • oats • b ananas • m ilk • some fo rtified breakfast cereals How much vitamin B6 do I need? Th e am o unt o f vitam in B6 adults (aged 19 to 64) need is ab out: • 1,4mg a day fo r men • 1,2mg a day fo r w om en You should be able to get all th e vitam in B6 you need from yo u r daily diet. Th e bacteria th a t live n atu rally in yo u r bow el are also able to m ake vitam in B6. What happens if I take too much vitamin B6? W hen ta kin g a su pplem ent, it's im p ortant not to ta k e to o m uch. Takin g 200m g or m ore a day o f vitam in B6 [LK2] can lead to a loss of feeling in th e arm s and legs kno w n as periph eral n e u ro p a th y . This w ill usually im prove once you stop ta kin g th e supplem ents. But in a fe w cases w h e n people have ta k e n large am ounts o f vitam in B6, particularly fo r m ore th an a fe w m onths, th e effect can be p erm anen t. Th e effect o f ta kin g vitam in B6 at doses b etw een 10 and 200 mg is unclear. So th ere's not enou gh evidence to say how long these doses could be ta ke n fo r safely. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get th e vitam in B6 you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e vitam in B6 supplem ents, do n o tta k e too much as this could be harm ful. Do n o tta k e m ore th an 10mg o f vitam in B6 a day in supplem ents unless advised to by a doctor. Biotin (vitam in B7) Biotin is needed in very sm all am ounts to help th e body m ake fatty acids. Th e bacteria th a t live n atu rally in yo u r bow el are able to m ake biotin, so it's not clear if you need any ad d itio n al biotin from th e diet. Biotin is also fo und in a w id e rang e of foods, but only at very low levels. What happens if I take too much biotin? Th ere's not enou gh evidence to k n o w w h a t th e effects m ig ht be o f ta kin g high daily doses o f biotin supplem ents. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get all th e biotin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e biotin supplem ents, do not ta k e too much as this m ight be harm ful. Takin g 0.9m g or less a day o f biotin in supplem ents is u n likely to cause any harm . Folate and folic acid Folate is a B vitam in fo und in m any foods. Th e m anm ade form of fo late is called folic acid. Folate is also kno w n as folacin and vitam in B9. Folate helps: • th e body form healthy red blood cells • reduce th e risk o f birth defects called neural tu b e defects, such as spina b ifid a , in unborn babies A lack o f fo late could lead to fo la te deficiency a n a e m ia . Good sources of folate Folate is fo und in sm all am ounts in m any foods. Good sources include: • broccoli • brussels sprouts • leafy green veg etab les, such as cabb age, kale, spring greens and spinach • kid ney beans • liver (b ut avoid this d u rin g p reg nancy) • b reakfast cereals fo rtified w ith folic acid How much folate do I need? A dults need 200 m icrogram s o f fo late a day. A m icrogram is 1,000 tim es sm aller th an a m illigram (m g). Th e w ord m icrogram is som etim es w ritten w ith th e G reek sym bol μ fo llo w ed by th e letter g ^ g ). Th ere are no long-term stores in th e body, so you need to eat folateco ntaining foods fre q u e n tly. Most people should be able to get th e am o u n t o f fo late th e y need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you're pregnant or could get pregnant If yo u 're p reg n an t, trying fo r a baby, or could get preg nant, it's recom m ended th a t you ta k e a 400 m icrogram folic acid supplem ent daily until yo u 're 12 w e e ks p reg nant. Folic acid supplem ents need to be ta k e n before you get p reg n an t, so start ta kin g them before you stop using contraception or if th ere's a chance you m ig ht get preg nant. This is to help p reven t neural tu b e defects, such as spina bifida, in your baby. Some w o m en have an increased risk o f having a pregnancy affected by a neu ral tu b e defect and are advised to ta k e a hig her dose o f 5mg o f folic acid each day until th ey're 12 w e e ks p reg nant. This is im p ortant and u n likely to cause harm , as it's ta k e n on a short­ term basis, but sp eak to yo u r doctor first. G et m ore advice ab o ut vitam ins and m inerals d u rin g p reg n an cy, including w h o should ta k e a hig her dose of folic acid. What happens if I take too much folic acid? Takin g doses o f folic acid h ig h er th an 1mg can m ask th e sym ptom s of vitam in B12 deficiency, w hich can e ven tu a lly d am ag e th e nervous system if it's not spotted and treated . This is particularly a concern fo r older people because it becom es m ore difficult to absorb vitam in B12 as you get older. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? Th e D ep artm ent o f Health and Social Care recom m ends th a t folic acid supplem ents are ta k e n by all w o m en w h o are p reg n an t or could get p reg nant. W om en w h o canno t get p reg n an t and men should be able to get all th e fo late th e y need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If yo u 're ta kin g folic acid supplem ents, it's im p ortant not to ta k e too much as this could be harm ful. Takin g 1 mg or less a day o f folic acid supplem ents is u n likely to cause any harm . V itam in B12 V itam in B12 is involved in helping th e body: • m ake red blood cells and keeping th e nervous system h ealthy • release energ y from food • use folate A lack o f vitam in B12 could lead to vitam in B12 deficiency a n a e m ia . Good sources of vitamin B12 Good sources include: • m eat • fish • m ilk • cheese • eggs • some fo rtified breakfast cereals How much vitamin B12 do I need? A dults (aged 19 to 64) need ab o u t 1.5 m icrogram s a day o f vitam in B12. If you e a t m eat, fish or dairy foods, you should be able to get enough vitam in B12 from y o u r diet. But as vitam in B 12 is not found n atu rally in foods such as fru it, veg etab les and grains, veg ans m ay not get enou gh o f it. Read ab o u t th e veg an diet fo r nutrition inform ation and advice. What happens if I take too much vitamin B12? Th ere's not enou gh evidence to sh o w w h a t th e effects m ay be of ta kin g high doses o f vitam in B12 supplem ents each day. What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise? You should be able to get all th e vitam in B12 you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you ta k e vitam in B12 supplem ents, do not ta k e too much as this could be harm ful. Takin g 2mg or less a day o f vitam in B12 in supplem ents is un lik ely to cause any harm . 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