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Troy Movie Questions Worksheet: Character Analysis

A tragedy is when something really horrible happens to a person, usually someone who doesn’t deserve
it or is flawed (a good person who is misled by a bad influence; a caring family man who loses his family;
There are several tragic figures in Troy: Prince Hector of Troy (Eric Bana), Achilles (Brad Pitt), King Priam
(Peter O’Toole), and even Agamemnon (Brian Cox).
As you watch the movie, follow the stories of Achilles and Prince Hector. For each character, tell me:
a. What is their main role in the movie?
b. What types of decisions do they make that grow their character?
c. What happens to them in the end?
d. Why is this a tragic event?
Use the chart to help you organize your thoughts for parts A and B. You can then use it to answer parts C
and D. If you discuss the tragedies of Priam or Agamemnon as well (you can be more general about this),
you will get extra credit for this assignment.
Who are they?
What adjectives
describe them?
(Think family,
reasons for
doing what they
do, etc.)
What are some
major decisions/
actions taken
during the
What happens
to them in the
end? How does
their story
depict a
-Hector sees Helen on the boat and
decides to continue to Troy rather than
turn around and go back to Sparta.
1. How is King Agamemnon characterized in this movie? Who provides the maximum possible contrast
to him?
2. How is Achilles characterized in this movie? What is the driving force behind his actions?
3. What liberties have the screenwriters taken with the storyline? (as you know it; see readings)
4. What roles are there for women in this movie? What is the motivation for their actions?
5. What role do Greeks gods and goddesses have in this film?
6. What according to the film is the nature of war?
7. Compare and contrast the character of Hector with the character of Achilles.
Discussion Questions
1. How does the character of Achilles change from the beginning of the story to the end? In which key
scenes do we see evidence of this change?
2. Agamemnon and Achilles both want honor, but not the same kind of honor. How can we characterize
the differences in what they want?
3. How do the stories of Hector and Achilles reflect the concept of Greek tragedy?
4. Who do you think are the good guys? The bad guys?