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MB of The People vs OJ Simpson American Crime Story Episode 1 (Revised)

The People vs OJ Simpson American Crime Story
Episode 1 Questions
1. How did Detective Mark know where OJ lived? He knew where OJ lived because he was there
before due to a family dispute.
2. What was suspected to be found on OJ’s car? The blood of his second wife’s blood or the blood of
a man.
3. What did all 3 detectives stop and see in OJ’s backyard?
4. What seemed to be OJ’s reaction when he heard that his ex wife Nicole had died? O.J. Simpson
seemed deeply upset when police told him of his ex-wife's death, but he never asked how,
where or when she had been killed
5. . What was found under the air conditioner at OJ’s house? They found gloves underneath the air
conditioner and they were black leather gloves.
6. What were the detectives doing at Simpson’s house? They were trying to find OJ or they were
trying to find more clues or evidence.
7. Who were the two victims, from the crime scene, that the district attorney (lawyers) were talking about?
The two victims they were talking about were his ex-wife and this male who was an actor and a
8. . What did the one cameraman happen to catch when he moved into the brush along OJ’s property? He
caught them all walking and then the police officers handcuffed him. And then talk about him
going to headquarters for questioning of the case. He also catches that OJ is one fo the
suspects for the case
9. Johnnie Cochran makes this argument with Chris: “Money is___the only way to get justice__”
10. After hearing the tapes, Marcia Cross said, “God, the system __________”
11. Why was Marcia so upset with the tape recordings that she heard? (It was the recordings of the police
questioning OJ). She was so mad because the LAPD could have stopped this by answering the
calls from before. She said he got away with beating her and he won't get away with killing her.
She was upset because OJ wasn't giving a straight answer
12. Why didn’t the police question OJ very well? Because he was a superstar
13. Why did Robert Kardashian join the team of lawyers? He joined the team of lawyers because he
wanted to join OJ’s defense team. Shapiro also told him to renew his license because OJ was
always there for Rob and Rob wanted to do anything to help
14. What did Robert Shapiro ask OJ in private? And what was OJ’s answer?
15. The district attorneys were questioning a few people. What were their responses?
16. What were the results of the lie detector test? The results of the lie detector test was that he scored
a -24 which means it is the worst you can do on a lie detector test.
17. What was OJ’s emotional state when he was meeting with the lawyers about his results of the lie
detector test?
18. Why were the police able to arrest OJ? The police were able to arrest OJ because the DNA came
in and it matched OJ and the blood on his car was his wifes and the glove had the victim's
blood and OJ’s DNA.
19. What did Shapiro negotiate with the police? He negotiated to bring him in himself and negotiated
the time to 11 so he would have time with OJ
20. What was OJ’s reaction when Shapiro told him he was going to be getting arrested?
21. Why did Shapiro hire doctors to check out OJ before being arrested? He hired the doctors to see if
anything happened and to see if he was mentally ill so that they could plead insanity
22. What did Mr. Calon say during grand jury hearings? He wanted to remain silent
23. What was OJ writing before he was suppose to turn himself in? His will and notes to his family and
24. What happened when the police showed up at Kardashian’s house to arrest OJ? OJ put a gun up to
his head to kill himself and he wrote his will and notes to all of his family and kid
25. Based off of this episode alone, do you think OJ is guilty or not? Explain with details/evidence
supporting your answer in one or more paragraphs.
Based on this episode, and the fact that I've watched this film before, yes I think OJ is guilty. The
evidence is all found at his house, there's his blood found with the two victims' blood. Now, OJ is
famous and he can get the best lawyers to help him with his case and buy his way out of it. The whole
him putting a gun up to his head was just an act to play off as he was insane and mentally not well.