CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this project is submitted by to the IP department, INDIRA GANDHI MEMORIAL SCHOOL ,DUM DUM was carried out by her under the guidance and supervision s upervision of Mr. AVINASH SINGH during academic session 2012-2013. Date: (Chemistry teacher) External Examiner:- Internal Examiner:- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to MR.AVINASH SINGH,INDIRA GANDHI MEMORIAL SCHOOL for her encouragement and for all the facilities that he provided for this project work. I sincerely appreciate this magnanimity taking me into his fold for which I shall remain indebted to him. I extend my hearty thanks to MR. AVINASH SINGH, IP Teacher who guided me to do this project successful completion of thus project. I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude for his invaluable guidance, constant encouragement, constructive comments, sympathetic attitude and immense motivation which has sustained my effort at all stages of this project work. DECLARATION I do hereby declare that this project work has been originally carried under the guidance and supervision of MR. AVINASH SINGH, INDIRA GANDHI MEMORRIAL SCHOOL, DUM DUM CONTENTS: Find out average of three different number. Discount calculation on any purchase using if condition. Calculation of percentage of marks on any three subjects. Temperature conversion from oC to oF. Find the sum of all number within a given range using for loop. Print first ten odd and even number using for loop. Find the factorial of a given number. Left alignment of *. Find the LCM of two given number. Sum of all even and odd numbers from 1-50. An application to reverse the string. An aplication that changes the first letter of word in upper case. An application that counts the occurrence of char “s”. Display grade record to marks. Sum of all even and odd numbers from 1-50. Display greater numger among three numbers. Find the square and cube of a number. Find the day of a week. Find the hcf of two given number. JAVA GUI PRAGGMAMS with codes & JFrames 1. Find out average of three different number. Ans. The code is 2. Discount calculation on any purchase using if condition. Ans. 1 3. Calculation of percentage of marks on any three subjects. Ans. The code is: o o 4. Temperature conversion from C to F. Ans. The code is 2 5. Find the sum of all number within a given range using for loop. Ans. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=55 6. Print first ten odd and even number using for loop. Ans. int i; for (i=1;i<20;i+=2) { system.out,.print(i+""); } 7. Find the factorial of a given number. Ans. 3 8. Left alignment of *. Ans. * * * * * * * * * * 9. Find the LCM of two given number. Ans. 4 10. Find the hcf of two given number. Ans. 11. Find the day of a week. Ans. 5 12. Find the square and cube of a number. Ans . 13. Display greater numger among three numbers. Ans. 6 14. Sum of all even and odd numbers from 1-50. Ans. 15. Display grade record to marks. Ans. 7 16. An application that counts the occurrence of char “s”. Ans. 17. An aplication that changes the first letter of word in upper case. Ans. 8 18. An application to reverse the string. Ans. 9 19. Sum of all even and odd numbers from 1-50. Ans. 10