Uploaded by Cathy Jones

ESL Plural Nouns Lesson Plan for German Speakers

Language Acquisition III--Day Two--Homework
1. Student level: Level Two
2. Native language: German
3. Grade: Grade 5
4. Cultural/educational background: student attended school regularly in Germany.
English limited to television exposure. No writing in English.
5. Multiple day lesson/ may take more or less than 3 days depending on students
Since I am new to teaching ESL and my background is not English or Reading, I will
probably beg, borrow, or steal most of my lesson plans and then add a “Cathy” touch.
Most of this lesson plan I found online and then I tweaked it.
I would start the class by walking around the room picking up things and saying their name.
I would pick up 1 pencil and say “pencil” then I would pick up a handful of pencils and say
“pencils”. I would do this several times with different objects around the room and get the
students to do a choral response with me.
Then I would write down the objective of the day on the board. “___________________”
And then show them the following picture or handout depending on what technology I had
available. Write in “one apple”, “one flower, “two apples”, “three flowers” (you have to be
careful that they don’t associate a number value with plural.
Let the students know that there are multiple rules to write a plural word. But today we are
only going to learn 3 rules.
I would show the students the following slide/picture. I would say the plural word, write the
plural word and have them write the plural word on their own paper.
After thoroughly explaining, adding the -s to make it plural. I would introduce the next
I would end the day by having the students do practice. I like these two worksheets
depending on the level of the students.
I would do a similar presentation with ….
- baby
- knife
DAY 3 I love this idea of a game/review (Stolen from another place)
Snowball darts: Plurals
Students have to convert nouns to their plural form to earn a throw of the snowball and a
chance to win points for their team.
Draw a circular target on the whiteboard with several concentric layers of different score
values. Crush a blank piece of paper into a snowball shape. For each turn, give the student
a noun that they must spell in its plural form. If they get it correct, they can throw a
snowball at the board. Keep the scores on the board. You can play as an individual or
team game. Use the list below to get you started.
1. fish
2. lunch
3. bus
4. dress
5. box
6. beach
7. baby
8. glass
9. shelf
10. fox
11. cat
12. apple
13. candy
Also, answer the following questions on spelling:
1. Your student tells you in her language, there is no such thing as a "plural" and she is
having a difficult time understanding what a Plural is. How will you explain this?
Plural is more than one. I would show pictures of single objects and pictures with more
than one item. I would repeatedly ask/say whether the picture would be considered
I’m sure of another way to explain plural other than repeated examples.