ILLNESS POLICY We are committed to preventing the spread of infectious illnesses through the implementation, monitoring and maintaining of simple strategies such as, effective handwashing and cleaning procedures, and an understanding and knowledge of children’s health. To ensure our environments are safe, clean and hygienic the Nominated Supervisor (NS) or Persons in Day to Day Charge (PIDTDC) reserves the right to exclude a person of a suspected illness from the centre to prevent the spread of infection to other children and educators and to allow the child/educator time to rest, recover and be treated for the illness. Excluding ill children, educators and staff is an effective way to limit the spread of infection in the centre (p.13 NHMRC) Children may not remain at the centre if they: • • • • • • Have a temperature over 38.5°C and child appears unwell Have had more than two episodes of diarrhoea and / or vomiting within the day / 24hour period Are unable to actively participate in learning experiences Require dedicated one–to–one attention have an unexplained rash that impacts the health and wellbeing of themselves and others Have any of the suspected illnesses listed below Should a child become ill during the day, educators will need to be vigilant and responsive to any symptoms of illness especially in young children who are unable to indicate they are unwell. Families will be asked to collect their child within 1 hour (or as soon as practical) of the call or arrange for an authorised nominee to collect. If there is no one able to collect the child within this time the child’s condition will be monitored and if worsens an ambulance will be called. In an emergency when the parent or emergency contact person is uncontactable, the child’s temperature reaches 38.50C or higher and after attempts to cool down the child fails. If the parent has signed the paracetamol permission in the Terms and Conditions of the child’s enrolment form, the Nominated Supervisor can administer one dose of Paracetamol in the appropriate dose only. The Nominated Supervisor will check that permission has been signed in the terms and conditions prior to giving the one dose of Paracetamol. NATIONAL VERSION 1.0 (REVIEW DATE: AUGUST 2018) 1|Page HEALTH AND SAFETY Symptoms indicating a suspected illness may include (but are not limited to): • Behaviour that is unusual for the individual child, such as child who is normally active and who suddenly becomes lethargic or drowsy; • High temperature of 38.5oC or more • Poor circulation • Loose bowels; • Discharge from the eye or ear; • Red or purple rash; • Poor urine output; • Headaches; • Sensitivity to light; • Difficulty in breathing; • Difficulty in swallowing or complaining of a sore throat; • Persistent, prolonged or severe coughing; • Faeces which is grey, pale or contains blood; • Vomiting; • Loss of appetite/ poor feeding; • Skin that displays rashes, blisters, spots, crusty or weeping sores; • Dark urine; • Stiff neck or other muscular and joint pain; • Continuous scratching of scalp or skin; • Drowsiness; • Pain; The NS or PIDTDC has a duty of care to the centre, children and adults and therefore has ultimate responsibility for deciding if a child is well enough to be at and/or return to the Centre. The NS or PIDTDC are guided by professional documents as a reference for their decisions making including Staying Healthy in Child Care (5th ed) and State based Health Departments. Children returning to the Centre after illness: • • • • May return if they have not had an episode of vomiting/ diarrhoea for a minimum of 24 hours Suspected symptoms have lessened, and child appears to be themselves Child has not had Panadol / Nurofen before arrival The Nominated supervisor (NS) or Persons in Day to Day Charge (PIDTDC) can request family to obtain Medical Certificate to confirm that the child is well enough to return (this is at the Nominated Supervisor or person in day to day charge discretion) Young children are susceptible to the risk of infectious diseases. It is imperative that educators and children implement infection control measures to minimise cross infection. Reporting to the Public Health Unit and/ or Regulatory Authority Nominated supervisor or person in day to day charge (PIDTDC) must contact the local Public Health Unit to: • Seek advice or advise in managing health issues • Resolve any difference of opinion • Report vaccine preventable disease or notifiable disease. • Report an outbreak of gastroenteritis. An outbreak is defined as two or more cases of vomiting and/ or diarrhoea occurring among children and/ or educators within 48 hours of each other. The Regulatory Authority must be notified where they believe an illness or emergency meets the definition of serious incident or it poses a significant risk to the health, safety and wellbeing to children. Before reporting consideration is to be given to the severity and scope of the matter; impact and risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of the child or children; number of children involved. LINKS TO THE NATIONAL LAW AND REGULATIONS NATIONAL VERSION 1.0 (REVIEW DATE: AUGUST 2018) HEALTH AND SAFETY Section 165 Offence to in adequately supervise children Section 167 Offence relating to protection children from harm and hazards Regulation 168 – Education and care services must have policies and procedures Regulation 77 Health, hygiene and safe food practices Regulation 85 Incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures Regulation 86 Notification to parents of incident, injury, trauma and illness Regulation 87 Incident, injury, trauma and illness record Regulation 88 Infectious disease Regulation 89 First aid kits Regulation 90 Medical conditions policy Regulation 91 Medical conditions policy to be provided to parents Regulation 92 Medication record Regulation 93 Administration of medication Regulation 94 Exception to authorisation requirement – anaphylaxis or asthma emergency Regulation 95 Procedure for administration of medication Regulation 96 Self-administration of medication 2|Page LINKS TO THE NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD Standard/ Elements Concept Descriptor 1.2 Practice Educators facilitate and extend each child’s learning and development 1.2.1 Intentional Teaching Educators are deliberate, purposeful, and thoughtful in their decisions and actions 2.1 Health Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted 2.1.2 Health practices and procedures Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are promoted and implemented 2.2 Safety Each child is protected 2.2.1 Supervision At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard 5.2 Relationships between children Each child is supported to build and maintain sensitive and responsive relationships 5.2.1 Collaborative learning Children are supported to collaborate, learn from and help each other 6.1 Supportive relationships with families Engagement with the service Respectful relationships with families are developed and maintained and families are supported in their parenting role 7.1 Governance Governance supports the operation of a quality Guardian Centre 7.1.2 Management Systems Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service 7.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and understood, and support effective decision-making and operation of the centre 6.1.1 Families are supported from enrolment to be involved in the service and contribute to service decisions Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 Education and Care Services National Regulations 2018 Guide to the National Quality Framework 2018 Staying Healthy in Childcare; Preventing Infectious diseases in Child Care (5th Ed.) Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council (2012) NATIONAL VERSION 1.0 (REVIEW DATE: AUGUST 2018) 3|Page HEALTH AND SAFETY REFERENCES ILLNESS PROCEDURE Who? APPROVED PROVIDER (GUARDIAN EARLY LEARNING GROUP) WILL: How? • • • • • • • NOMINATED SUPERVISORS WILL: • • In the absence of NS, the person in day to day charge WILL: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NATIONAL VERSION 1.0 (REVIEW DATE: AUGUST 2018) 4|Page HEALTH AND SAFETY • Ensure that the premises are kept clean, hygienic and in good repair. Ensure that completed medication records are kept until the end of 3 years after the child’s last attendance Ensure the illness records are kept and stored securely until the child is 25 years old Ensure that there is a minimum of one educator with a current approved first aid qualification (including CPR, emergency asthma and anaphylaxis training) on the premises at all times. Ensure that children’s enrolment forms provide authorisation for the person in day to day charge to seek emergency medical treatment by a medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service. Ensure that reports and documents are reviewed in line with and reviews and changes to National Law and Regulation Operations Managers may report to the Regulatory Authority where they believe an illness or emergency meets the definition of serious incident or it poses a significant risk to the health, safety and wellbeing to children. Before reporting consideration is to be given to the severity and scope of the matter; impact and risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of the child or children; number of children involved. Ensure all new families know: - where to access this policy - the exclusion periods and procedures - importance of effective handwashing Notify parents/emergency contacts immediately after an onset of an illness and continue to keep family updated of their progress Notify other person/s as authorised on the child’s enrolment form when the parent/ guardians are not contactable. In an emergency when the parent or emergency contact person is uncontactable, the child’s temperature reaches 38.50C or higher and after attempts to cool down the child fails. If the parent has signed the paracetamol permission in the Terms and Conditions of the child’s enrolment form, the Nominated Supervisor can administer one dose of Paracetamol in the appropriate dose only. Will check that permission has been signed in the terms and conditions prior to giving the one dose of Paracetamol Consult with their Operations Manager to determine whether an illness or medical emergency requires notification to either families, the Public Health Unit and the Regulatory Authority. Maintain all enrolment and other medical records in a confidential manner. Be aware of individual children’s medical conditions, allergies and immunisation status and use this knowledge when attending/responding to any illness Ensure educators understand the requirements for checking and accepting medication from families – see Procedure for collecting and administering medication to a child Ensure that an illness form is completed and recorded on the illness register Ask family to sign completed illness form and offer a copy for their records Discuss centre’s expectations about the child’s return and note this on Illness form to ensure this expectation is clearly outlined Contact family, by phone, at the end of the day to check on child’s wellbeing and continue contact with family until child returns Ensure that the Person in Day to Day Charge (PIDTDC) who holds a current first aid certificate to administer medication with a second qualified educator to witness this Review the cause of any illness and take appropriate actions to minimise the spread or the cause if possible. Ensure that regulatory responsibilities are met in relation to any illness or medical emergency. Forward a copy of illness form to their Operations Manager, (if illness is deemed reportable to the Regulatory Authority to be lodged within 24 hours) Ensure educators are consistently following Guardian’s handwashing and cleaning procedures Ensure educators are always following the nappy change procedures Call an ambulance immediately if a child displays any of the following symptoms: o o o o o o o EDUCATORS AND STAFF WILL: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Notify the nominated supervisor or person in day to day charge (PIDTDC) of any reportable illness or potential medical emergency as soon as practical Record details of illness on the Illness form as soon as is practicable but not later than 24 hours after the occurrence. Seek further medical attention for a child if required. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of illness. Be aware of individual children’s medical conditions, allergies and immunisation status and use this knowledge when attending/responding to any illness. Respond to children showing signs of illness and begin monitoring the symptoms of the child and record on the illness form. Contact the child’s authorised person to inform them of the illness signs, to request the collection of the child. In response to a child registering a high temperature, follow the: - Fact Sheet – Steps to manage a high temperature procedure - Collecting and administering medication procedure, and - complete the illness record. Ensure the PIDTDC will administer the medication to children and witnessed by qualified educators Ensure medication is only be given by educators who have a current first aid certificate Ensure effective handwashing and hygiene practices are followed for both children and adult Ensure a cleaning schedule of all equipment, resources and materials is maintained. When a number of illnesses are present in a short space of time, ensure the centre has additional cleaning strategies to minimise the spread of germs Complete the Whereabouts of medication form when all medications (including Centre’s Epi pen, asthma reliever medication, individual children’s medication etc) is taken from its storage location. in an emergency this form does not need to be completed when taking medication, only when returned. This is to ensure that medication is tracked, and medication is stored in correct location. Be informed of policies and procedures upon enrolment with regards to first aid, illness whilst at the centre, and exclusion practices, including immunisation status and illnesses at the centre. Collect their child from the centre within 1 hour (or soon as practical) of the call or arrange for an authorised nominee to collect Adhere to the recommended minimum exclusion periods Inform the centre of their child’s requirements, and provide all current and relevant paperwork to the centre, such as immunisation status, health plans, allergies, medical management plans etc. Update medical action plans in consultation with a medical practitioner each calendar year Collaborate and consult in the development and review process of their child’s risk minimisation and communication plans every 6 months Ensure medication is on the centre’s premises at all times your child is in attendance Notify the centre of any changes to their child’s health requirements Be notified of any illness or possible symptoms of an illness, and a copy of the illness form will be provided. Receive access to this policy and notification of its existence. NATIONAL VERSION 1.0 (REVIEW DATE: AUGUST 2018) 5|Page HEALTH AND SAFETY FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WILL: a temperature of more than 39.5°C, where attempts to reduce the child’s temperature have been unsuccessful, and paracetamol given to child has not reduced the temperature and child’s condition appears to be worsening If child is less than 3 months old and has a fever above 38.50C and temperature attempts have not reduce The child has difficulty breathing and the child becomes floppy and unresponsive the child loses consciousness the child has seizure/convulsions the child complains of a stiff neck, headache, and sensitivity to light or possible broken bone