Uploaded by Sarah Kerr Chapa

Kingdom Characteristics Reference Sheet

Kingdom Characteristics
Prokaryotic-cells with NO nucleus & NO membranebound organelles (ex. all Bacteria)
Eukaryotic -cells WITH a nucleus & WITH membranebound organelles (ex. Plants, animals, fungi, protists)
Autotroph- PRODUCERS of their own food through
photosynthesis/chemosynthesis (e. Plants, green algae,
chemosynthetic bacteria)
Heterotroph - CONSUMER of food (ex. Animals,
Unicellular - single-celled organism (ex. protistsamoebas, paramecium, bacterium)
Multicellular - multicellular organism (ex. Plants,
animals, mushrooms)
Sexual - male & female exchange/combine genetic
material (ex. Flowering plants, mammals)
Asexual - identical genetic material copies made by
one organism. Makes “clones”. (ex. bacterium)
Motile- able to move from one location to another (ex.
animals, protists)
Non-motile- stationary, “planted in one spot”, unable to
move from one location to another on their own (ex.
Tree, mushroom)