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Detailed Lesson Plan in Electrical Installation and Maintenance
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts in preparing electrical
materials and tools using different forms in electrical installation and maintenance.
Performance Standard:
The learner independently performs accurate measurements and calculation based on
given tasks.
Learning Competency:
LO 1. Analyze signs and electrical symbols. TLE_IAEI7/8ID-0e-1
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. classify the different signs and electrical symbols;
2. perform the proper use of signs and electrical symbols in the workplace; and
3. appreciate the importance of signs and electrical symbols in real-life setting .
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Analyze Signs and Electrical Symbols
Reference: K to 12 EIM Learning Modules/ TLE_IAEI7/8ID-0e-1
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Projector, Manila paper/paper tarp, pentel
pen/marker, scotch tape, pictures, and envelop.
III. Procedures
Preliminary Activities
Checking of Attendance
The teacher will let the students guess the
pictures that correspond to the new topic and
clues are given.
Possible Answers:
1st picture: SIGNS
__________ _______
1st picture: INGSS
-Who can guess the first picture? Anyone from the
-How about the second picture?
-Yes, very good class!
-Sir, in the first picture is SIGNS.
-Sir the second picture is ELECTRICAL
-Now class, based from our activity, who can guess
what is our topic for today?
-Very good class! Our lesson for today is about -Sir our topic for today is about Signs and
Signs and Electrical Symbols. But before we Electrical Symbols.
proceed to our lesson let us consider first our
classroom rules.
Classroom Rules:
• Observe social distancing.
• Wear your facemask inside the
Listen and follow directions
- The teacher will ask the students to read the
classroom rules.
• Raise your right hand if you want
to answer and ask questions.
• Participate in every group
- The teacher will ask the students to read the
objectives of the lesson.
A. Activity
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the
learners should be able to:
1. classify the different signs and
electrical symbols;
2. illustrate the proper use of signs
and electrical symbols in the
workplace; and
3. appreciate the importance of signs
and electrical symbols in real-life setting .
Group Activity (3 groups)
Directions: Inside the box are electrical signs and
electrical symbols description. Select in the box the
examples of electrical signs and electrical symbols
description. Each group will be given a manila
paper and a marker. After you are done with the The students will do the activity in group
activity make a “Let’s Go Clap” for your group to be
recognized. The activity is up to 5 minutes only.
Possible Answers:
B. Analysis
1. Did you find the activity interesting class?
2. Did you find the activity challenging class?
3. Can you give at least 1 example of electrical sign
4. How about the electrical symbols description?
Give at least 2.
4. Is the following electrical signs and symbols
important in the workplace?
5. What are the difficulties you encountered in
classifying the electrical signs and symbols?
C. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss about the topic about signs
and electrical symbols.
-Yes sir, the activity was interesting.
-Yes sir, the activity was challenging.
-Sir, one example of electrical sign is
- Sir, switch and cell.
-Yes, sir. The following electrical signs
and symbols are very important in the
workplace as it helps to guide the
-Sir, the difficulties that our group
encountered during the activity was the
electrical signs and symbols we are not
familiar with.
A warning Icon in a picture symbol intended to
alert you, and/or to instruct you how to avoid a
potentially hazardous condition.
Electrical Symbols
Are small drawings or pictograms used to
represent various electrical devices in a diagram or
plan of electrical circuit
-What is electrical sign class?
-Sir, electrical signs are warning icon in a
form of picture symbol that is intended to
alert us, and/or to instruct us to be aware
of hazards in the workplace.
-Sir, electrical symbols are small drawings
used to represent various electrical
-Sir, for electrical sign is danger and for
electrical symbol is the conductor/wire.
-How about electrical symbols?
-What are the examples of electrical signs and
symbols class based on our discussion? Give at
least 1.
-Why it is important to know the signs and
-Sir, for us to be aware and it helps us to
be guided.
electrical symbols class?
-Is there any questions and clarification before we -None so far sir.
proceed to your activity class?
D. Application
Group Activity (3 groups)
Directions: Each group is assign to perform the
proper use electrical signs and symbols. After you
are done with the activity in your group make a
“D.O.N.E clap” for your group to be recognized. The
activity is up to 10 minutes only.
Group 1 Warning & Wires not connected
Direction: Your group will be given 10 minutes
preparation to perform the proper use of “warning”
sign and “wires not connected” symbol in a form of
role play.
Group 2 Caution & Push button
Direction: Your group will be given 10 minutes
preparation to perform the proper use of “caution”
sign and “push button” symbol in a form of
Group 3 Prohibition & Speaker
Direction: Your group will be given 10 minutes
preparation to perform the proper use of
“prohibition” sign and “speaker” symbol in a form
of chant.
The students will do the group activity
-Yes sir.
- Sir, the examples of electrical signs are
warning and danger.
- Sir, the examples of electrical symbols
The teacher will check the activity.
description are switch, fuse, and resistor.
- Sir, for us to be aware and
knowledgeable enough on what are the
signs and electrical symbols that we do
-Did you learn a lot from our topic today class?
-What are the examples of electrical signs? Give at not know.
-Yes sir. Especially to the electricians in
least 2.
-How about the electrical symbols description? which they will see and use it in the
Give at least 3.
-Why is there a need to classify the signs and
-Sir, there is a possibility that you expose
electrical symbols?
to any hazard in the workplace if you are
not familiar with the signs and electrical
- Do you think it is useful in our daily living? Why?
-Sir, we can apply the knowledge gained
in analysing signs and symbols in our day
to day living if we know already that the
- What do you think will happen if you do not know sign shows warning to the power tool
with a symbol only we can avoid a
the signs and electrical symbols in the workplace?
potentially hazardous condition.
- How can you apply the knowledge gained in
analysing the signs and electrical symbols?
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer from the choices
below. Write your answer in a ½ sheet of paper.
1. Which is an example of electrical sign?
2. Which is an example of electrical symbol?
3. A sign indicates that a person should observe extra awareness.
a. Prohibition
b. Warning
4. This symbol
c. Danger
d. Safety Alert
description is cell, how about this symbol
a. Ground
b. Battery
c. Terminal
d. Resistor
5. What will you do first if you see a sparking wire that is not connected and there is a sign that
indicates danger to it?
a. Call an electrician
b. Touch the live wire
c. Turn off the safety switch
d. Splash some water to the wire
Advance study the classification of electrical tools and equipment.
No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Practice Teacher
Checked by:
Teacher ll