Enigma Code Cracking The year is 1943 and the axis and allied powers are deep into conflict during World War II. The Enigma machine is the key to obtaining information from the enemy. You must decipher the messages in order to save the lives of your soldiers. Good luck! Part 1: 1. You will be put into different groups. Each group will be assigned an axis or allied power. Circle your assigned country below: Axis Powers Allied Powers Germany Britain Italy Canada Japan Russia United States 2. Go to the website below and find the enigma machine. You will need to click on the rotor wheels at the top to choose the settings for your machine to start. Down at the bottom you can choose the letters for your plugboard. Please only choose two sets of letters for simplicity. Practice typing to see how the machine works before you begin. Try typing the letters back and switching the paper to “DECIPHER” before you begin. https://www.101computing.net/enigma-machine-emulator/ 3. In your group you will need to make a detailed but solvable message that includes: A clear and concise message A place in the school (with details on how to get there, if necessary) An individual object to take a picture of when they arrive Any other details necessary to find the object BE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK YOUR MESSAGE THAT IT IS CORRECT BEFORE YOU SUBMIT IT Provide the details necessary to solve your message: Reflector used Rotor number Ring Setting Ring Starting Position The Plug Board Letters (only pick 2 sets of letters) **Remember, this is a secret code. You will likely want to take a few minutes to scout out an area, object, and talk about what you will write in your message. You don’t want other countries to hear your message or see you, so be secretive** Part 2: 1. Once you have created your country’s message, you will give your teacher a copy of the encrypted and decrypted versions of the text. This is best done by copying the text into a Word Doc and printing it out. Have one page with the encrypted message and details for solving the message, which you will give to the other groups, and a separate page with the decrypted message and solving details that you will give to your teacher. 2. Your teacher will then provide a copy of each country’s encrypted code and the details to solve the code. You will need to use the enigma machine from the website to solve every other country’s code. 3. The first group to solve all the codes and obtain the correct information from the messages wins the war.