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Low Carbon City Webinar Survey

Survey questions
1. Name and last name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. City
5. Profession
6. Are you an entrepreneur?  other questions
7. You have attended a webinar with low carbon city (LCC), how would you rate the
 Inspiring to take action
 Educative
 Neutral
 Not interesting
8. Why did you attend the webinar of LCC?
9. What have you learned from this webinar?
10. What have you done differently for the environment after the webinar?
11. Do you separate your waste?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Never
12. What type of plastics do you re-use?
13. What type of plastics do you not re-use and why?
14. When I walk in the city, I throw my waste in the trash bins.
 Always
 Sometimes
 Never
15. After the webinar, I am more motivated to travel more often by public transport,
bike or foot instead of using my car.
 True
 False
16. The webinar has inspired me to spread more awareness among people
 True
 False
17. Has the webinar motivated you to participate in climate change projects?
 Yes, please answer 17
 no
18. Can you tell us in what type of projects you have participated?
19. What would you see differently in your city?