Uploaded by Nyki Bacolong

Missionary Response Activity: COVID-19 Scenarios

Bacolong, Nyki A.
BSED-Science 3rd yr.
Missionary Response
If you were one of the 70 disciples sent by Jesus for a mission today in the Philippines who are
now suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic, state what you can do as loving Christians in the
following situations in this present crisis. Enumerate two doable and concrete actions that you
will do in each of the given situations. (25 points)
1. a stranded stranger in the city
Before heading towards doing any Christian duties to any stranger, is to analyze them and
confirm that no harm will come to you. It is a practical reason to insure oneself before helping
others, thus we may perform our Christian duties safely especially in times like this.
The first action to take is to observe, analyze and even sometimes ask what situation the
person is in order to fully aid the person. Necessary information is needed to ensure that we
help the person the right way and not star bothering the stranger. Simple genuine actions like
giving alms, food, clothes or providing temporary shelter (if can) are huge lift from their
situation. If not a direct approach due to some circumstances, then prayer is the most humble
yet most powerful force one can give to any person. To pray for a blessing for the sake of
another person is above all the greatest Christian love.
2. A classmate whose parents separated
Before heading towards doing any Christian duties to any person, specifically to a classmate
who’s parents separated. It is a practical reason to ask first if the person needs help as personal
space is an important factor for the individual to recover.
If given to the permission to meddle or comment on a classmate’s problem. Then the
immediate action to do is comfort them and listen. Listen first and never give an advise unless
ask by the person (this is psychology 101). Listening clearly and truthfully to a classmate’s
problem is the first and most important part in trying to help a person. Another is checking on
them occasionally to ensure that they have someone to turn to if they need support. Support in
any manner possible to provide that is accepted, and not bothersome irritating support that
only damages the person even more.
3. an elementary neighbor who cannot cope with distance learning
Before heading towards doing any Christian duties to any person, specifically to an elementary
neighbor who cannot cope with distance learning. It is necessary to check our own safety so we
may perform our Christian duties safely.
For safety and health reasons, instead of doing a face-to-face review, providing materials that
can aid the child is also helpful. Materials like books and other reference materials that provide
educational facts. Old books or any book in posset ion that can be donated to the child to help
him, especially if they don’t have any internet connection. Another way is giving or suggesting
videos, audios or any visual aid for the child. Even if they don’t have any access to the internet
we can do it selves by downloading it and giving it to the neighbor. A way of sharing ones
fortune and blessings in life.
4. a self-proclaimed agnostic
I can personally answer this I have an agnostic friend, who happens to be my classmate. This
person is quite determined to stay agnostic, so the most viable thing I could do without being a
push over to him and still remain as friends is to slowly introduce Christianity into his life. Doing
it in disguise of course is very effective like suggesting movies or any series that has Christian
related settings, like the “The Two Popes”, “The Borgias” and/or the “Constantine”. Another is a
bit more direct and open, by inserting in the conversation between you two about being an
agnostic and being a person with faith. A slow conversation, that’s not encouraging him to
convert but to open up to the idea of faith. That way no matter how little we were able to share
the word of God.
5. Fake news all around the internet
It is the duty of every future teacher’s to protect the facts from false information or false
revisions. Simply by tagging the post on facebook and providing the true facts will justify the
matter and help other people not fall for the trap. Another simple solution is reporting such
information after investigating the matter to proper authorities when needed and if not just
report it to the site owner or page creator