LONDON PUBLISHED BY Constable and Company Ltd. J0.J2 Orange Street W.C.2 © 1963 Engineering Equipment Users Association PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY J'. W. ARROWSMITH LTD., BRISTOL I THE ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT USERS ASSOCIATION The Engineering Equipment Users Association is an association of industrial users of engineering equipment, materials and stores. It was founded in 1949 by a number of large companies who realised the important role that would be played in the future by standardisation and simplification of engineering products, and by the free exchange of technical information on engineering matters. The principal objects of E.E.U.A. are to assist its members to promote a common policy for the standardisation of engineering materials, equipment and stores, through the British Standards Institution or otherwise; to foster the preparation and adoption of national standards for such products, and to collate and summarise information in order to give guidance on their nature and use. Membership is restricted to companies and other bodies who are predominantly users rather than manufacturers of engineering products. The work of the Association is entirely complementary to that of the B.S.I. with whom close liaison and collaboration are always maintained; it does not duplicate the activity of that Institution in any way. Everything possible is done to enlist the early support of manufacturing interests in standardisation work which E.E.U.A. considers should be promoted in the national interest. This particular handbook was prepared by a Panel drawn from member organisations interested in the problems of agitator selection and design for various duties, and was first issued to members in 1957. The Council of E.E.U.A. decided that this was a case where the results of the Panel's work ought to be made known outside the Association; consequently the handbook has been reviewed, amended where necessary, and published for general sale. The Council hopes that it will prove a useful guide to all responsible for the selection and use of agitator equipment, and will welcome any information on the results obtained by following the recommendations given. This Handbook was prepared by E.E.U.A. Panel M/16, Agitating and Mixing Equipment, which was constituted from representatives of the ~ollowing E.E.U.A. organisations: Courtaulds Limited. Distillers Company Limited. Dunlop Rubber Company Limited. Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. Monsanto Chemicals Limited. Unilever Limited. ! l t AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN (E.E.U.A. Handbook No. 9. Revised 1962) CONTENTS Page l FOREWORD I SECTION ONE-SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS 3 SECTION Two-RECOMMENDATIONS ON PLANT 5 (a) Types and General Features (i) Mixing or Agitation Vessels (ii) Impeller Diameters and Clearances (iii) Vessel Fittings (including Baffles) SECTION THREE-GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS 12 l (a) Factors Influencing Agitation (b) (c) Selection of Impeller Type and Speed (i) General Considerations (ii) Basis of Impeller Selection (iii) Impeller Type and Speed "Scaling-up" from Given Data \./"" SECTION. FOUR-CHOICE OF DRIVE '"l • 9 9 9 12 13 13 15 16 19 22 (a) General 22 (b) Type of Gearbox 22 (c) Mounting the Drive 22 vii I 8 10 ' i 6 Sizes, Proportions and Speeds (i) Mixing Vessels (ii) Impellers (Paddles, Turbines and Anchors) (iii) Baffles (b) ,.r 5 5 Page 23 SECTION FIVE-POWER ASSESSMENT (a) Factors Affecting Power Consumption 23 (b) Methods of Computing Power Consumption (i) Power Absorbed by the Impeller (ii) Power Absorbed by Baffles and Vessel Fittings (iii) Transmission and Gland Losses (iv) HP of Driving Motor 23 25 26 27 (c) Tables Giving Horse-Power Requirements of Impellers (Tables 4 to 23) 28 45 SECTION Six-MECHANICAL DESIGN OF AGITATORS 45 45 46 (a) Materials of Construction (i) The Impeller (ii) The Vessel (b) 24 47 47 47 Type of Service (i) Continuity of Operation (ii) Possibility of Modification (iii) Stepwise Processes (iv) Corrosive Service 47 48 (c) The Design ·of Shafts and Bearings (see also Appendix D) (i) Assumptions Made (ii) Application of the Assumptions Made 48 48 49 (d) Glands, Bushes, and Bearings Inside Vessels 50 (e) Drive and Bearing Arrangements (see also Section Four) 52 APPENDIX A-RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONS FOR VERTICAL CYLINDRICAL VESSELS, BAFFLES, AND IMPELLERS 54 (a) Proposed Standard Diameters for Vertical Cylindrical Vessels 54 (b) Recommended Baffle Dimensions 55 (c) Recommended Dimensions for: (i) Paddle Impellers (ii) Turbine Impellers (iii) Anchor Impellers viii 56 57 58 I ' . Page APPENDIX B-ASSESSMENT OF THE POWER LOST IN STUFFING 59 BOXES APPENDIX C-FORMULAE FOR HEAT TRANSFER IN AGITATION 61 VESSELS I t f 1 l l • APPENDIX D-THEORY AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE DESIGN OF IMPELLERS, SHAFTS, AND BEARINGS 64 (a) General Requirements Relating to Design of Impeller Shaft 64 (b) Calculations for Shaft Diameter 64 (c) Gear Selection when an Impeller is Supported by the Gear Output Shaft (or Bearing Load Calculations) 67 (d) Calculation of Critical Speeds 69 (e) Calculation of Deflections 71 (/) Design of I111peller Blades 72 (g) Stresses in Shafts and Bearings where a Subsidiary Bearing is Fitted (i) Bearing Loads (ii) Bending Moments (iii) Critical Speeds 73 73 74 74 (h) Suggested Working Stresses for Shaft Materials 74 (i) Worked Examples 75 APPENDIX E-A NOTE ON SOURCES OF INFORMATION' WITH SOME LITERATURE REFERENCES 81 (a) Brief Guide to the References Cited 81 (b) Derivation of Individual Sections of this Handbook 83 (c) Some Literature References 86 , I ix f t FOREWORD ' This E.E.U.A. Handbook has been prepared to give some guidance to those responsible for the selection or design of agitation or mixing equipment for various duties. j At present many types of mixers with widely differing character- istics are used industrially, even for similar or identical applications; performances and costs vary correspondingly. Examination of published data and the experience of member firms strongly suggests that such variety is unnecessary, except perhaps for certain highly specialised processes. Many design methods have been evolved for predicting power requirements and mixing characteristics. Some methods seem reasonably satisfactory in that the resulting designs prove to be effective and economical over a limited range of conditions and for a few specific types of mixers. Because of these limitations, however, the results obtained cannot readily be woven into a single reliable theory, and there are many agitation problems which cannot be solved without further investigation or even specific research. Nevertheless, it is believed that the majority of agitation problems can be tackled by methods or recommendations given in this Handbook, though it is not claimed that they will always prove the most suitable or give the best reusults. Much of the information given in this Handbook is derived from experience within the E.E.U.A. Some, however, has of necessity been taken from the published technical literature briefly discussed in Appendix E. It is considered that the proper use of the Handbook will help to solve or clarify some outstanding problems and will also contribute to a fuller understanding or a later review of the subject. 4 • I SECTION ONE-SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (a) SCOPE This E.E.U.A. Handbook gives guidance on the selection and design of agitation equipment for liquid media in vertical cylindrical vessels or tanks with impellers on vertical shafts. While the use of other impellers is briefly discussed, the recommendations given are based on the use of paddle, turbine and anchor-type impellers in vessels having "standardised" diameters ranging from 2 ft 3 in. to 15 ft. Within these limitations the Handbook will help to solve agitation design problems involving liquids with liquids, solids or gases over a mixture viscosity range of l ·Oto 1 million cp., and specific gravity range of 0·6 to 1.4. The information given is believed to be the best available at the time of publication; much of the data referred to, however, has not yet been checked against results obtained in practice, and special care should be taken when using the Handbook for the design of agitators where the agitation requirements are or may be critical. Recommendations regarding the use of the marine type propeller have been omitted, not because this type of impeller is considered unsuitable or inefficient, but because of the difficulty of specifying its shape, on which its performance so largely depends. (b) DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Handbook the following definitions are employed: Agitator: The total assembly of impeller, impeller shaft and drive; including any gland, bearing, etc., used in conjunction with these. Impeller: J The actual element which imparts movement to the liquid. Impeller Types (see also Table 1 in Section Three-page 14) Anchor: An impeller which is profiled to sweep the wall of the containing vessel with a small clearance. Paddle: An impeller having four or fewer blades, which is not a propeller. Plate: A paddle impeller having a blade depth greater than the blade radius. f 3 4 .A.GIT.ATOR SELECTION .AN°~~GN Propeller: An impeller imparting essentially an axial thrust to the liquid, and whose pitch does not vary with radius. Turbine: An impeller with more than four blades, all on the same boss. Baffie: ': t :: ' An element fixed inside the vessel to impede swirl- 1ng. Draught Tube: A tubular fitting which is arranged to direct the liquid flow produced by the impelfur:Gland, stuffing box, mechanical seal: Devices to prevent the passage . of liquid or gas through the :point of entry of a shaft into a vessel. Filling Ratio: (Vertical cylindrical tanks only): . Liquid Depth The rat10 of: Vesse1 D'1amet er (See Section Two (b) (i), page 9). The continuous rotation of liquid about a fixed axis. Vortex: A depression in the surface of a liquid produced by swirling. I• r .-. , j { SECTION TWO-RECOMMENDATIONS ON PLANT (a) TYPES AND GENERAL FEATURES (i) Mixin~ or A~itation Vessels Vertical cylindrical vessels or tanks with dished bottoms are usually chosen for fluid mixing operations (4),* and in this section of the Handbook the recommendations made relate to vertical cylindrical vessels with flat, dished or shallow coned bottoms. Some generalisations are also made, however, concerning vessels of other shapes, such as horizontal cylindrical tanks, and rectangular tanks of various proportions. The following factors are significant when considering vertical cylindrical vessels: 1. Ratio of Liquid Depth to Tank Diameter (filling ratio) The value of this ratio, termed the filling ratio, is normally between 0·5 an~ l ·5 (16), and a value approximately equal to l ·O is recommended for most purposes. When dispersing gas in a liquid, however, a filling ratio of about 2·0 is recommended in order to maintain a sufficiently long period of contact between the gas and the liquid. In this connection it should be noted that for the same agjtating effect, the power consumption per unit volume increases as the filling ratio departs from unity. 2. Shape of the Bottom of the Vessel The importance of this factor increases as the filling ratio is reduced. Other things being equal, vessels with dished, bottoms , tend to be most economical in power consumption. Flat-bottomed and coned-bottomed vessels have the disadvantage of low agitation efficiency in the corners formed between the walls and the bottom, as well as in the apex of the cone in the case of coned bottoms. This is particularly significant wheri mixing involves the suspension of heavy solids in a liquid. In such cases, fillets should be inserted in the corners between the bottoms and t~walls of flat-bottomed or coned-bottomed tanks (4). 3. Roughness of Vessel Walls A rough-walled vessel consumes more power in agitation than a smooth-walled vessel because of increase in local turbulence at • Throughout this Handbook the numbers given in parentheses refer to the corresponding literature references listed in Appendix E-A Note on Sources of Information with Some Literature References. 5 6 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN the wall. If mass flow rather than turbulence is the primary objective of the agitator then local increase in turbulence is of litt' .e value; if, however, an increase in turbulence is definitely required, it is best achieved by inserting baffles. (See Section Two {b) (iii).) Hence vessel surfaces should be as smooth as possible. For similar reasons structural features should not project inside the vessel more than necessary. 4. Vessel or Tank (dimensions) In general, vessel proportions should accord with the values of the filling ratio mentioned above. If, however, it is necessary to use long vessels, then one impeller should be installed for each vessel width or diameter of length. I l Details of vessel sizes are discussed in Section Two (b) and a table of recommended dimensions is given in Appendix A-Recommended Dimensions for Vertical Cylindrical Vessels, Baffles, and Impellers. l_- (ii) Impeller Diameters and Clearances Essentially most agitating operations can be effected with most types of impeller. An unsuitable impeller for a particular service or duty may, however, involve an unnecessarily high power consumption and/or be slow to achieve the required result. I r -, " I I L Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Any impeller which rotates on the axis of a vertical cylindrical unbaffied tank produces a flow pattern which is essentially a swirl with a central vortex (4). (See Fig. 1.) Superimposed on this is a second flow pattern, depending on the impeller shape, and this is shown in Fig. 2 for a downthrusting axial-flow impeller such as a propeller, and in Fig. 3 for a turbine. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANT 7 Many impeller shapes have been used for industrial agitation work. In view of the complexity of these applications and the limited knowledge of the subject, it is considered unwise to recommend more than a few basic types. The recommendations given below therefore relate only to: Paddles, · Turbines, and Anchors. _/,, Recommendations concerning plate impellers, inclined paddl~s, and swept-back turbines, etc., are not given as it is considered that too little is known about their applications. This unfortunately also applies to impellers of the marine propeller type. That type of impeller is widely used, especially for the agitation of thin liquids, and some data have been published on_ such applications. Marine propeller shapes and contours vary so widely however that reliable generalisations cannot be made. Some general considerations regarding the three types of ~mpeller dealt with in this Handbook (paddle, turbine and anchor'"types) are set out below: .. 1. Clearance between the Impeller and the Bottom of the V e.!sel For pad.die -and turbine impellers it is recommended that the ratio of the bottom clearance to the vessel diameter should be between O·l and 0·4 for a filling ratio of l ·O. This condition becomes of greater importance as the filling ratio is reduced and is of special significance for filling ratios below 0·8 (16). For an anchor impeller the clearance between the vessel and the impeller is largely ·determined by mechanical considerations; a clearance of between 1 in. or l½ in. is recommended. 2. Impeller Diameter With paddle impellers, somewhat similar effects can be achieved by a large diameter paddle rotating slowly, or by a smaller diameter paddle rotating more rapidly. It is considered good practice, however, for the diameter of the paddle to be greater than, or equal to, one-half of the vessel diameter. j " The turbine is essentially a moderate-speed impeller and consequently has a smaller diameter than a paddle-type impeller in a vessel of similar size. It is recommended that tlie turbine diameter should not exceed one-half of the tank diameter. The diameter of an anchor is, of course, equal to the tank diameter less twice the clearance between the anchor and the tank. 2 I I , I 8 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN Further details regarding impeller sizes, etc., are given in subsection Two (b) and in the tables in Appendix A. ;\ (iii) Vessel Fittin~s (including Ba.ffies) \. I As already indicated (see item 3 of Section Two (a) (i)), if mass flow is more important than turbulence for the application under consideration, then agitation should take place in a smooth-walled, unbaffled vessel. In many cases, however, turbulence is a primary requisite, and to promote this it is often necessary to insert baffles in the vessel. Other process considerations such as heat transfer and temperature measurement may require the insertion of fittings such as temperature control coils, thermowells, and dip pipes, etc. Such fittings distort the flow pattern and hence also function as baffles. Published work on agitation in tanks containing baffles makes use of the concept of "fully baffled" condition. This is defined as the condition when any further increase in baffling causes no significant increase in power consumption (53); this condition may be considered as a state where the liquid swirl in the tank has become negligibly small and when nearly all the power input to the impeller shaft goes to the production of turbulence (53). This "fully baffled" state may be achieved with four vertical baffles mounted radially on the vessel wall, each equal in width to one-tenth of the vessel diameter. It is often convenient to mount baffles with a small clearance between their outside edge and the vessel wall; this reduces any tendency for solid deposits to form in the corners between the wall and the baffles, and also facilitates cleaning of the vessel. "streamlined-baffles" (i.e. baffles with smooth surfaces and rounded edges) may be used to achieve these two objectives. Where heat transfer coils have to be inserted and baffled conditions are also required, it is sometimes necessary to mount the baffles on the inside of the coils ; otherwise there is a tendency for a closepitched coil to function as an apparent wall (57). For such cases, baffle widths each equal to O·08 of the vessel diameter suffice. It is considered good practice to open out a coil in the horizontal plane through the agitator so as to facilitate or increase the flow of liquid to the space between the coil and the vessel wall. This arrangement also reduces the erosion tendency caused by solid particles in the liquid impinging on the coil (which tendency is greatest in or near this plane). 1 Further details relating to baffles and vessel fittings are given in Section Two (b) (iii) on page 10 and in the tables in Appendix A. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANT ,, .f 9 (b) SIZES, PROPORTIONS AND SPEEDS (i) Mixing Vessels For the purposes of making the calculations and preparing the power tables given later in this Handbook, eight vessels, designated as Tl to TS in Appendix A, have been chosen. Their diameters have. been selected from those given in a Draft British Standard (98). The vessels vary in nominal capacity from 50 to 16,000 gallons and are of the vertical cylindrical type with flat, dished or coned bottoms. In all cases the capacity is based on a filling ratio approximately equal to unity~ It should be noted that in the case of flat and coried bottoms the liquid depth is measured along the straight side of the vessel, but for the dished bottoms, to the centre of the dish: Hence for a given filling ratio, dished bottoms result in slightly smaller capacities, and coned bottoms in slightly larger capacities than those of vessels of the same diameter with flat bottoms. Further details of the vessel dimensions and capacities selected are given in Appendix A. (ii) Impellers (Paddles, Turbines and Anchors) I. Paddles For the purposes of this Handbook a set of 8 paddle diameters has been selected for use in the vessels mentioned in preceding sub-section. The corresponding paddles are coded AI to AS in Appendix A (see Table 28). The paddle blades therein specified are of the flat radial type, and are set in the plane through the shaft. -All shafts arc assumed to be centrally disposed and vertical. • ' The diameters of shafts and hubs, and the thicknesses of the impeller blades have little effect on the agitation efficiency or power requirements and may the refore be determined by the strength and rigidity needed for the service. Ribs may be fitted to stiffen the blades if necessary, although in such cases some effect on the flow characteristics may result. The paddles recommended are suitable for use with or without baffles without change in their dimensions. Paddle speeds may vary from 10 to 500 rev/min according to the size of the tank and the vigour of the agitation required. In practice mechanical difficulties arise in the construction of agitators to operate faster than 100 rev/min in vessels 6-ft diameter or over. In most circumstances a paddle tip speed of 700 ft/min may be considered reasonable. Furt_!ier details relating to paddles are also given in Appendix A. 10 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN 2. Turbines A set of 6 turbines has similarly been selected for use in the vessels mentioned in Section Two (b) (i); they are coded Bl to B6 in Appendix A (see Table 29), and remarks similar to those for paddles also apply. Turbines may run at 30 to 5~0 rev/min according to their dimensions and the vigour of agitation required. In most circumstances a tip speed of 700 ft/min may be considered reasonable. Further details relating to these recommended turbines, are also given in Appendix A. 3. Anchors A set of six anchors has similarly been accepted for use in the vessels specified in Section Two (b) (i). These anchors are coded Cl to C6 in Appendix A (see Table 30), as they are shaped to follow the profile of the vessel bottom, their individual shapes will 'differ for flat, dished, and coned-bottomed vessels. The cross section of an anchor arm is rectangular (with rounded edges if constructed of cast iron or enamelled iron), but if required, the arms may be tapered in thickness and width; internal bracing may also be inserted to increase mechanical strength. ,, Anchors are not recommended for vessels of diameters greater than 9 ft. Neither should they operate at speeds greater than l 60 rev/min in vessels of 6-ft diameter or larger; liquid depth should be between 0·7 and 2·0 times the vessel diameter. Apart fron1 the limitations just mentioned, anchors should operate at speeds from 5 to 300 rev/min according to the di~ensions and the vigour of agitation required. In most cases, however, the tip speed of the agitator will be considerably less than that of the paddle in a tank of corresponding dianieter. Further details concerning these recommended anchors are also given in Appendix A. (iii) Baffles Appropriate sets of baffles have likewise been selected for use in the vessels specified in Section Two (b) (i). The baffles are flat, vertical and radial, and· may be mounted in contact with the tank wall or at a small distance from it. They should extend at least to the surface of the liquid but may have a small clearance from the bottom of the vessel. I l I •r . /, RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANT 11 The thickness of the baffles as well as the method of supporting them should accord with mechJ1,nical requirements of design. Care should be taken, however, to see th.a~ any strengthening ribs, etc., do not significantly alter the desired flow °pattern. t Further details of these recommended baffles are also given in Appendix A. Notes on the power absorbed by baffles and vessel fittings are given in Section Five (b) (ii), on page 25. __ , SECTION THREE-GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS The factors and considerations which help to determine the most suitable and economical type of impeller for a given duty are often interrelated and mutually dependent and in this Handbook are dealt with under three main headings (a}, (b) and (c) as set out below: (a) FACTORS INFLUENCING AGITATION In all applications of agitation the primary effects are concerned with one or more of the following physical processes: Mass transfer at an interface. Heat transfer at an interface. Dispersion of solids, liquids or gases. It should be understood that agitation does not directly affect chemical reaction ; the rate of chemical reaction taking place can be influenced by the agitation only if the reaction itself is controlled by one or more of the abov-e primary effects. The factors which influence the rate and degree of mixing as well as the efficiency may, however, be classified as follows: Characteristics concerned with the rotating impeller, e.g its shape, speed, dimensions and position in the vessel. · Physical properties of the materials concerned, e.g. their densities, viscosities and physical states. Shape and dimensions of the containing vessel and of any fittings which may be immersed in the fluid. Although agitation is concerned with obtaining the primary effects mentioned above, it is not easy to specify the exact circumstances needed to achieve them efficiently. This is because the physical properties of the materials being processed are themselves the main factors which determine the choice of impeller and because these properties vary widely. As mentioned in Section Two, the application of any of the common types of impeller to a given problem will provide a partial solution. For equipment of low cost and power consumption, efficiency is often of secondary importance provided the required effect is produced. In this case, choice of the best impeller is not critical. There is, moreover, little published information concerning the selection of agitators for economical operation, nor has much been publishedr egarding research work directed towards this end.· 12 i r. GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS 13 This section of the Handbook therefore provides only some immediate answers to the simpler problems. Those which are likely to require much power or equipment, or to be specially difficult or critical for any reason, should be investigated on an appropriate experimental scale. The "scaling-up" of such experimental work is discussed later. Heat transfer is probably the only effect which has been experimentally closely related to agitation sufficiently well to enable results to be accurately forecast, and a summary of the relevant formulae is given in Appendix C. (b) SELECTION OF IMPELLER TYPE AND SPEED (i) General Considerations The general considerations or factors which should first be taken into account or noted before proceeding to select a given type of impeller and its speed for a specific duty are summarised under the following four sub-headings, 1, 2, 3,· and 4. 1. Types of Impeller Table 1 on page 14 lists those impellers in common use and briefly describes the situations or conditions under which they are commonly found to be most suitable. 2. Bajftes i '.' Baffies have the effect of reducing mass fl.ow and increasing turbulence. The formation of a vortex is prevented, as circumferential fl.ow is almost completely suppressed. They are useful where the application requires high turbulence and power, and for their ability to produce high power absorption with relatively low speeds of rotation. 3. Speeds of Rotation ; . The tip speeds of all impellers will be found to be much the same for the same agitating effects, except in the case of propellers (where the speed is much higher) and anchors (where it is slightly lower). Consequently for a given effect, smaller agitators need to run at higher speeds; if small agitators are desired the effects of higher speeds on erosion, bearing wear, gland difficulties, vibration and allied effects must be tolerated. 4. Impeller Size and Number of Impellers ., For the same vessel a "large" agitator operating at "low speed" produces relatively more mass fl.ow and less turbulence than a smaller but geometrically similar agitator which operates at "high speed" and transmits the same power. 14 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 1. Impellers in Common Use and their Main Characteristics 1 2 8 Impeller Description Characteristics Flat paddle Single flat blade (two arms) usually about f of vessei diameter long. Usually large low-speed agitators, but capable of producing high intensities of agitation, especially when baffled. Cheap to make, and suitable for construction in timber, plastics, etc ...., ./ , Turbine Flat disc with blades attached to periphery. Similar effects are produced with the same nuniber of blades attached directly to a boss (often called multi-blade paddle). Usually about t diameter of vessel (overall). Generally moderately fast running agitators. Particularly suitable for high intensities of agitation and high power inputs. Somewhat more expensive · to fabricate than a simple paddle. Very versatile. Recommended for applications where gas dispersion combined with intense agitation ts required. Propeller Marine type propellers, usually less than ¼ of vessel diameter overall. Wide variety in form possible, from paddles with . twisted arms to properly formed marine propellers~No standardisation of pitch or number of blades between manufacturers. Usually snall high-speed. agitators. Cheap to make, but limited to duties where agitation ls not very intense, and unsuitable for high viscosities. Much used'for relatively small-scale blending operations . Propeller and draft tubes Propeller fitted below, or just inside the lower end of a cylinder of slightly larger diameter than the propeller.,.. Baflles may be fitted in the draft tube. Top of tube may be just above or below standing liquor level, and may be castellated. Applications similar to those of simple propellers, but more positive turnover of liquid and its passage through the impeller is ensured; this is of advantage in wetting out some solids and mixing some immiscible liquids. By suitable location of the topj eve! of the draft tube, a pouring action which will drown floating solids can be achieved. Anchor Agitator following closely the contour of the vessel. A large low-speed agitator, useful where the wall film must be disturbed (e.g. heat transfer to viscous liquids from a jacket), or where build-up of solids on the walls ls'Ukely (as in crystalllslng). At low speeds has a very gentle action and will prevent caking in the bottom of vessels without vigorous agitation elsewhere. Wldeley used in enamelled equipment. Plate .11- square or rectangular plate bisected by the shaft on which it is mounted. Diameter q/!ually ¼-½ that of vessel. Similar applications .tq those of flat paddles, but allows more clearance for heating coils, fittings, etc., in the vessel. Where the depth of the plate is large relative to the liauor depth, vertical movement of the liquor is less than with a paddle of equivalent power. Gate An assembly of horizontal and vertical bars, sometimes with diagonal bracing, of length approaching the vessel 'diameter, and depth about ½-¾ of overall length. A large, low-speed agitator, of simllar applications to those of anchors, but allows more clearance for fittings and coils in the vessel. Is suitable for fabrication in wood, and can be made in larger sizes than an anchor. It has not the close sweeping effect of an anchor on the vessel walls and base. Vaned disc A circular disc, usually !-¼ of vessel ' diameter with radial vanes, ¼-~ of diso diameter deep on its underside. A small or moderately sized high-speed agitator; limited usually to gas dispersion work. The gas ls fed under the centre of the disc. It is an effective agitator with or without gas flow, but can be "loaded" if·· excessive gas flow is applied, when its agitating effect falls abruptly. The power consumption without gas flow will be much higher than when- gas is on, and drives should be adequate to cover the gasless condition. !'itched paddles and turbines !'addles or turbines with blades twisted to deflect flow upwards or downwards. Similar applcatilons to those of plain paddles and turbines, but larger vertical flow is produced. Power consumption drops with increasing twist, but relatively slightly unless the cant exceeds 45 degrees from the vertical. GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS 15 Vessels having a large ratio of height (or length) to diameter are not recommended, but where used should in general have one impeller for each vessel diameter of depth (or length). See also Section Two (a) (i), page 5. f (ii) Basis of Impeller Selection Table 2 on page 16 classifies various agitation operations and the conditions required in the liquid to achieve them. The table is based upon the conception that all agitators impart kinetic energy to the liquid in the form either of general mass flow or of turbulence. Different mixing problems require different proportions of these two forms of. kinetic energy as well as different general levels of intensity. The question of the power input per unit volume has also to be considered. ' 1. I General consideration of most mixing problems suggests, however, that an approximate estimate can be made of the input power required, and of the ratio of mass flow to turbulence. Table 2 has been compiled on this basis, and enables levels of mass flow, turbulence and power, and direction...of mass flow for a given operation to be established. It is realised that certain mixing processes involving very high viscosity liquids are carried out successfully at very low Reynolds numbers at which turbulence can hardly occur. In these processes the required action often results from high shear forces close to the impeller and Table 2 should not be used for viscosities above 100,000 cp. In using Table 2 it should be noted that: 1. Power levels required increase with viscosity of liquid for the ,same mixing effect. Viscosities above 100,000 cp often need very high powers, above 20 hp per 1,000 gals. 2. In general it is better to use larger impellers at lower speeds as viscosity increases. 3. In agitating immiscible liquids initially in two layers the impeller must be near the interface. 4. Gases to be dispersed in liquids by mechanical agitation must be fed from underneath the centre of the impeller. 5. The terms "light", "medium", and "heavy", as applied to suspended solids, should take into account particle size as well as density. 6. Solids to be suspended are assumed not to float. If the solids float, an impeller which produces a deep vortex should be used. 16 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 2. Characteristics Required for Specific Operations This table should be considered in conjunction with the preceding text and the following definitions of the term "Power". "Low" indicates powers of less than 1 hp/1000 gal. "Moderate" indicates powers of the order of 3 hp/1000 gal. "High" indicates powers of the order of 10 hp/1000 gal. "Very high" indicates powers greater than 20 hp/1000 gal. 2 1 I 3 4 Power Quantity Turbulence Circumferential Circumferential, little vertical Large Large Low Low Moderate Moderate or High Constant tlp speed (for constant heat transfer coefficient) 6 6 Mass flow Duty Direction .. Heat transfer to jacket .. Heat transfer to coil (F r heat transfer calculations-see Appendix C) Recommended Basis for Scale-up Suspend light solids Suspend medium solids Suspend heavy solids .. .. .. Vertical Vertical Vertical Small Moderate Large Low Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate or High Constant tip speed Blend miscible liquids: (a) thin . . .. .. Ver tical, little circumferential Vertical, little circumferential Vertical, little circumferential Small Moderate Low Constant tip speed Small Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate or High Vertical Moderate High Vertical Vertical Moderate Small High High Moderate or High High High Constant power per unit volume Vertical Large High .. Vertical Vertical Large Moderate High to V. High High High Constant power per unit volume .. Vertical Large (b) medium .. (c) viscous .. .. .. Mix immiscible liquids: (a) thin . . .. (b) medium (c) viscous .. .. • Emulsify liquid mixtures: (a} thin . . .. (b) medium (c) viscous .. .. Disperse gases in liquids .. .. .. ; .. .. I High I V. High V. High High or V. High I Mix pastes .. .. .. Disperse agglomerated solids Cosnant I power per unit volume I Vertical and circumferential Moderate Moderate V. High Constant power per unit volume Vertical and circumferential Large Moderate or High Moderate or High Constant power per unit volume ., (iii) Impeller Type and Speed Having selected the required. conditions from Table 2, Table 3 (on page 17) can then be used to relate these to impellers and speeds· for a 6-ft diameter vessel (1000-gal vessel). Table 3 itself gives the speeds recommended for an impeller in a 6-ft diameter vessel for given levels of mass flow and turbulence; from the requirements of the duty, the impeller speed appropriate to this vessel size can therefore be determined. (In many cases it will be found that the required level of one effect cannot be obtained without exceeding the required level of the other, and in this case the speed appropriate to the more difficult agitation should be selected.) ... 1· 17 GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS Having found the impeller speed required for the 6-ft diameter vessel, that required in the vessel size under consideration can be obtained by scaling up or down on the basis given for the particular operation (see Table 2, col. 6). TABLE 3. Choice of Impeller Speed for a Six-Foot Diameter Vessel The figures represent impeller speeds in rev/min for liquid of a viscosity of 1 cp and a density of 10 lb/gal. Factors for other viscosities are given on page 18. ,.,. 1 2 3 4 Direction of flow Baffles Impeller TurbuJenee 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 Mass flow Small Moderate I Vertical Yes PaddleA5 (Flat paddle, 4-ft dia) Moderate High Very high 25 Turbine B4 (2-ft dia) Moderate High Very high 50 Propeller (Dia = Pitch = 1 ft) 70 80 )20 110 140 180 180 230 High 550 700 Propeller and draft tube (Dia = Pitch = 1 ft) High 550 700 Plate (Dia = Height Moderate High Very high 30 65 85 110 (Dia = 2-ft vanes, 12 off, 1-in deep) Moderate High Very high 70 Propeller (Dia = Pitch Low Moderate 300 = 3 ft) = 1 ft) 110 150 No Paddle A5 (Flat paddle, 4-ft dia) Low Moderate 25 Turbine B4 (2-ft dia) Low Moderate 50 Low Moderate 30 Anchor C5 (See Table 22) Low Moderate 15 Gate (Dia = 4 ft 6 in Depth= 3 ft) Low Moderate 20 Plate (Dia = Height Circumferential 180 240 110 --- 450 700 1200 450 700 1200 60 100 120 200 75 120 170 55 80 70 100 No Propeller and draft tube Low Moderate (Dia = Pitch = 1 ft) Vertical and circumferential Very Large 55 ! Vaned disc Vertical, and a little circumferential Large = 8 ft) 150 25 · No Note on Limiting Viscosities The various impellers referred to in Table 3 should not be used below: Flat paddle Turbine Propener Plate .. Vaned disc Anchor Gate 35 40 with viscosities exceeding those listed 1 X 10 8 2x 10 5 3 X 10 3 5x 10 5 5X 10 3 7 xl0 5 1 X 10 5 cp cp cp cp cp cp cp 18 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN If, for example, the operation should be scaled on constant tip speed, then. the required speed can be calculated from that for the 6-ft diameter vessel (being in inverse ratio to the diameter); the power required for the appropriate diameter and speed can then be taken from the power tables given at the end of Section FivePower Assessment-see Tables 4-23, pages 28-44. If, on the other hand, the basis for scale-up is to be constant power input per unit volume, then the power for the chosen type of impeller in a 6-ft diameter vessel at the speedJfound from Table 3, can be obtained from the appropriate Power Table (i.e. for paddle A5, turbine B4, or anchor C5; see pages 32, 39, and 44). Dividing this by 1000 (the nominal capacity in gallons of the 6-ft diameter tank; see Appendix A, page 54) gives the power input per unit volume. This input, multiplied by the volume in gallons of the desired vessel gives the design impeller power. The impeller speed which will absorb this power may be deduced from the "power table" (see Tables 4-23) appropriate to the desired vessel size and impeller. In the simpler agitation problems it may be economically desirable to use impellers of less than the optimum diameter for agitation to save material (see Section Two (a) (ii), Item 2 on page 7). Change to a smaller diameter should be accompanied by an increase in speed at least sufficient to maintain the tip speed at the level which the diameter and speed of rotation given in Table 3 implies. Even then the smaller agitator may not produce the desired effect, and the optimum impeller size should be retained in any critical applications or where high intensities of agitation are required. In general the speeds given in Table 3 should be increased by some 25 per cent for viscosities of the order of 5 x 103cp and 50 per cent for viscosities above 5 x 104cp. Impeller speeds also should not exceed about 600 rev/min for _viscosities of 5 x I03cp or 300 rev/min for viscosities of 5 x I0 4cp. Whilst the increases suggested above will not in general give the same mass flow and turbulence in the viscous liquid, equal effect can usually be achieved in viscous liquids with a lower level of mass flow and turbulence due to the high shear forces close to the impeller. The increases of speed suggested are considered to be a reasonable guide for many cases, but much greater increases will sometimes be necessary. There are certain practical limitations regarding impellers which should not be overlooked: I. It is difficult to construct anchors to operate at high speeds (greater than about 60 rev/min in a 6-ft diameter vessel, i.e. a tip speed of about 1000 ft/min), or to make anchors for vessels exceeding 9-ft diameter. t GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS 19 2. Gate-type impellers are not usually desirable for mixing vessels of less than 6-ft diameter. The extra complication compared with an anchor or paddle is not worth while. 3. Propellers and other high-speed impellers should not be used in high viscosity liquids for general agitation, since their effect rapidly falls with distance from the impeller. (c) "SCALING-UP" FROM GIVEN DATA The method of "scaling-up" put forward in this sub-section assumes that the same liquid is used in the small and the large scale vessels, and that the vessels and impellers are geometrically similar. This is a reasonable assumption because if a small or an experimental mixer has been found satisfactory and a larger mixer has to be designed, then the "scaling-up" process is normally carried out on a basis of geometrical similarity. Typical bases used for scaling-up purposes are: (I) Allowing the Reynolds number to increase proportionally with the linear dimensions. (2) Keeping the agitator tip speed constant. (3) Maintaining a constant power input per unit volume. ' . - The Froude number is ignored for the moment (see below), as it is assumed that no appreciable vortex is formed. Other dimensionless numbers referring to special cases, e.g. mixing of thixotropic fluids, are also ign9red for the sake of simplicity. Scaling-up at a constant Reynolds* number is incorrect for reasons given later in this subsection. Let N = The speed of rotation of the-impeller L = The length of the typical dimension . p = The fluid density µ, = The fluid viscosity g = Acceleration due to gravity Re = The Reynolds number= ( N~2p)* r Fr - The Froude number - ( Ng2L) • Reynolds number in this connection is not the same as Reynolds number for flow in pipelines. It is however a term which shows similar characteristics-that is, a sharp change in the gradient of the curve of power input/ Re at a specific value of Re for most agitator systems similar to the change in the pressure drop/Re curve for fluid flow in pipes where flow changes from strea,mlined to turbulent. 20 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN Hence basis (1) implies that (NL 2 ) oc L (i.e. implies that NL = constant) and basis (2) implies that (NL) = basis (1). constant, as for According to Biiche (Refs. 15 and 16), basis (3) implies that: For laminar fl.ow, N = constant. For "transition" fl.ow, N(L 6 111 ) _:_ constant. For turbulent fl.ow, N(L 2 13 ) = constant. (Biiche's relations apply to plate-type impellers. Other types of impeller will give slightly different relationships.) It can be directly deduced from the above (since power per unit volume is usually proportional to (L 2N 3 ) for turbulent fl.ow, and -to N2 for laminar fl.ow) that if the Reynolds number is proportional to L, i.e. to constant tip speed, then the power per unit volume is: 1 proportional to - L for turbulent fl.ow. and 1 proportional to - L2 for laminar flow. From these relationships it follows that if scaling-up is carried out on the assumption of constant Reynolds number then power per unit volume is proportional to 1/L4 for both laminar and_ turbulent fl.ow. Hence a result is obtained which indicates that less total power is required on the large scale than the small scale. This is obviously ridiculous, and the basis of a constant Reynolds number cannot therefore be valid. The question therefore arises as to which basis to use for scaling-up. In practice many scaling-up problems are tackled on the basis of constant tip speed, and, from the above, it will be noted that the power input per unit volume will be much smaller for the larger scale. This indicates that the "degree of agitation" is less on the larger scale. In some problems it is found that this does not matter,'particularly if longer mixing times _are allowed for the larger scale as is often the case. - For a constant heat transfer coefficient Chilton, Dr~w and Jebens (19) recommend that constant tip speed (i.e. Re oc L), fs the best basis for scaling-up. It should be noted, however, that-since the ratio of heat transfer area to volume will be less favourable on the large scale (if geometrically identical) the time cycle will have to be adjusted accordingly. On general grounds, however, it would seem reasonable to assume that equal power per unit volume is a basis for a true scale-up for ! j ,: GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF IMPELLER TYPES AND SPEEDS . 21 many applications. This basis is recommended by Biiche, although some other authors (notably Rushton) disagree. If this basis is accepted, however, it must be assumed that the same type of agitation, i.e. the same ratio of energy in the form of mass flow to energy in the form of turbulence, prevails on the larger scale. With geometrically similar equipment this seems a reasonable assumption. If the power per unit volume is to be maintained constant, then the speed of rotation of the agitator necessary to provide this power can be taken from the power tables given in Section Five. It is considered, however, that no general choice can be made between the above two bases of,.., scaling-up (i.e. .. between 2 and 3), and that each type of duty should be dealt with individually. The duties have, however, been divided between these two methods (see Table 2, column-6) on the following general principles: ,,. (1) Where the duty demands a similar flow pattern, with similar velocities, constant tip speed is recommended. (2) Where the duty requires vigorous liquid movement ·(e.g. in the suspension of heavy solids), constant power per unit volume is recommended. All agitation problems, however, must necessarily be a combination· of these two cases, but some will fall fairly definitely into one group or the other. If the category cannot be clearly decided, it is safer to use the basis of constant power per unit volume. It ·should be noted that scaling-up is more certain in the case of baffled mixers since the Froude number can then be ignored, there being no vortex problem. It is impossible to scale-up on the basis of either constant tip speed or constant power per unit volume and at the same time keep the Froude number constant if the same liquid is used in both scales. In an unbaffied system therefore different vortex conditions will normally occur on the two scales. With gentle agitation at low impeller speeds, there is no vortex problem and the Froude number can be ignored even in unbaffied systems. SECTION FOUR-CHOICE OF DRIVE (see also Section Six (e)) (a) GENERAL All impellers should be independently driven by a standard electric motor of the vertically or horizontally mounted type. As speed reduction will be necessary in almost all the cases covered by this Handbook dir~ct drive will not be possible. A V -rope drive from the motor to the gearbox is recommended to enabl~ standara gearbox ratios to be used, a:r:id to give some degree of flexibility in impeller speeds after installation. For impellers opera~ing at high speeds the required speed reduction required may be obtained by a V-rope drive alone. (b) TYPE OF GEARBOX In most cases it will be found that the best arrangement is to use a gearbox of the right-angle drive type carrying bearings to accommodate the bending and thrust loads of the impeller shaft, the latter being rigidly attached to the output shaft of the gearbox. This arrangement is quite suitable for use with a shaft passing through a stuffing box designed for low pressure duties, or where a "steady" bearing is fitted · inside the vessel. · '" For installations with long impeller shafts, or where the load is such that bearings are required on the shaft, or where deep stuffing boxes have to be used (e.g. as in autoclaves) it is generally preferable to fit bearings on the shaft immediately above the stuffing box and a steady bearing inside the vessel below the stuffing box. In· such cases the impeller would be connected to the gearbox bya flexible coupling. ~ e size of the gearbox should be at least equivalent t~ the hp of the motor being used, a 24-hour rating being specified. In computing the hp rating of the required motor (see Section Five '(b) (iv)) a 20 per cent power loss through -the drive, based on the maximum rated input power of the gearbox, should be allowed. (c) MOUNTING THE -DRIVE -•·'. Where the agitator shaft passes through a stuffing box or a seal, the drive should be mounted on a rigid stool fixed to the top of the vessel to minimise differential movement. Where this is not practicable, as in the case of plastic vessels, care should be taken to see that the drive mounting is rigidly fixed in relation to the vessel. The driving motor itself should be mounted on slide rails so that adjustments can be made to the V-rope drive when this is used. Some right-angle drive gearboxes are fitted with a hinged-motor mounting on top for this purpose. Jockey pulleys are not recommended. 22 SECTION FIVE-POWER ASSESSMENT (a) FACTORS AFFECTING POWER CONSUMPTION The power required for agitation should be considered and calculated from two standpoints: (1) That needed from the installed driving motor (e.g. to cover start-up conditions and peak loads). (2) That required under normal operating conditions. The first mentioned may be affected by factors which apply only during starting or during unusual operating conditions, as may be caused for example by the presence of cold lubricant in the gearbox, the possibility of solid settling out, or the presence of wash-water in a vessel designed for the mixing of light solvents. Allowance for such factors as well as for other additional loads with which the driving motor may have to cope during "start-up" periods can seldom be estimated accurately. The calculated power needed during "start-up" should therefore be augmented by some empirical amount to ensure that the resultant design is capable of dealing with the heaviest loads likely to occur in practice. The total power required under normal running conditions may be considered as the sum of the following three items :The power taken by the impeller itself. Transmission and gland losses. Losses in the driving motor. The first two of these should be determined separately; methods of so doing and of estimating the power required from the driving motor during normal operating conditions are described below. (The losses in the driving motor must, of course, be taken into account when estimating the total power with which it must be supplied-see Section Five (b) (iv) on page 27.) (b) METHODS OF COMPUTING POWER CONSUMPTION For the purposes of this Handbook it is assumed that the following are known, or can be readily determined: Size and shape of vessel. Nature of the fittings (if any) in the vessel. Type, size and speed of the impeller. Density and viscosity of the liquid. Knowledge of these factors enables the power required by the impeller to be computed, and from that the power lost in transmission. The total power needed under normal operating conditions can thus be obtained. 3 23 24 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN (i) Power Absorbed by the Impeller The power required by the impeller itself may be deduced from the hp figures in Tables 4 to 23 of Section Five (c) beginning on page 28. These Tables give for both "fully baffled" and "unbafiled" conditions, the hp required by paddle, turbine, and anchor-type impellers operating at various speeds in liquids of given densities and viscosities in vessels corresponding broadly to those recommended in Section Two (b) and in Appendix A. The hp values given were computed after examining the methods of calculating power consumption described in the relevant literature referred to in Ap~ndix E. As indicated in the Foreword to this Handbook, it is not claimed that the values in the Tables will always produce the best or even give satisfactory results. The figures need checking against known cases, and until work on such lines has been done they cannot be regarded as more than provisional. In the present state of knowledge, however, they are as reliable as can reasonably be expected. / , To determine the power absorbed by the impeller proceed as follows: (1) Select the Table for the required impeller type and size (Tables 4-23). (2) Read off the hp figure for the relevant speed, liquid density and viscosity, after converting where necessary into the uni.ts shown in the tables (i.e. rpm, lb/gal, and centipoises). Use that part of the table corresponding to "fully baffled" or "unbafiled" conditions, whichever may apply. If there is doubt about the baffling effects of coils, dip pipes, etc., use· the "fully baffled" condition as this will ensure a safe design (see Section Five (b) (ii) page 25). (3) If two phases are present (e.g. oil and water) use a density value corresponding to the arithmetic mean (68). (4) It should be noted that the viscosity of a mixture to be stirred may vary between wide li1pits. For example, an emulsion of water in kerosene is much ·thinner than one of kerosine in water. In the absence of reliable data for such cases, use the geometric mean(µ) value of the two viscosities (68), i.e.: µ = µ1Xµ2Y where µ = Viscosity of liquid mixture , µ1 1i = Viscosity of component 1 = Viscosity of component 2 x = Volume fraction of component 1 y = Volume fraction of component 2 µ, 2 25 POWER ASSESSMENT In many cases some interpolation will be necessary to calculate the power. All the variables, other than impeller type and size may be interpolated graphically. For density, the relationship is arithmetical; for all other factors, logarithmic paper must be used. The intervals in the tables are sufficiently small for a straight line relationship to be assumed, although this may not be the case over wider ranges. If several factors are to be interpolated they may be applied consecutively. The range of the Tables will generally render extrapolation unnecessary. (ii) Power Absorbed by Baffles and Vessel Fittings The tables of computed hp in Section Five (c) to which reference has already been made give figures for both "unbaflled" and" fully baflled" conditions, The use of the figures for "fully baflled" conditions will of course ensure a "safe" design, but it may be quite unnecessary to use them especially when it is known that the baflling effects will be small. It has therefore been thought worth while to include in this Handbook some remarks concerning the power absorbed by baflles and vessel fittings. Ei Published information (see Appendix sugges~s that allowances for tank baflles and fittings are best made by adding to the power required for "unbaflled'' conditions, a percentage of the difference between the power needed for "fully baflled" and "unbaflled" condi~ tions. The percentage to be added will naturally increase with the number and the size of ~he baflles and fittings under consideration, as well as with the intensity of agitation. It is difficult to be precise over this matter, but the following notes and recommendations are made for the specific cases set out below: I. D-ip P-ipes and Thermo Wells, etc. Assuming that the power required by the impeller has been computed for both the "unbaflled" and "fully baflled" conditions, then about 10 to 20 per cent of the differen-0e between these two power figures should be added to the "unbaflled" figures to allow . for the effects of a narrow dip pipe or thermo well .. For a wide dip pipe or thermo well, a percentage of 20 to 40 is recommended. These percentages, however, are recommended on the assumption that the fittings are close to the tank wall. As fittings are moved further from the tank wall towards the centre of the vessel, the power absorbed by the fittings becomes progressively less until a condition is reached where fittings close to the shaft make no appreciable difference to the power consumption. This may not be the case however where fittings are placed very close to the 26 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN impeller, in which instance some increase in power above that absorbed by a fitting near the tank wall is to be expected. Fittings should not in general be placed so close to the impeller as to have this effect, since the beating as each blade of the impeller passes the fitting creates very high stresses and may lead to the fracture of dip pipes and thermo wells. From the standpoint of computing the power absorbed by a number of fittings, the use of 2, 3, or even 4 spaced uniformly around the perimeter of the vessel may be taken as the arithmetical sum of their individual effects; less power is absorbed however if the fittings are close together. 2. Coils The extra power absorbed by the inclusion of coils in a mixing tank will naturally vary with the type and size of coil (see Appendix E). Coil supports also exercise baffling effects, which in some cases may be greater than those due to the coils themselves. It is almost impossible to give any percentage power consumption figure to cover the many different sizes and arrangements of coils and supports which may occur in practice. In the absence of reliable information it can only be reiterated that from the standpoint of adequate design it will be wise to assume "fully baffled" conditions when it is known that coils are to be used. Some information on coils is given in literature references 4 and 16. (iii) Transmission and Gland Losses Having computed the hp required by the impeller under normal operating conditions, the next step is to estimate the value of the corresponding transmission and gland losses. The hp rating of an electric motor for driving the impeller can then be assessed, making due allowance for the output required during normal conditions and during the start-up periods or periods of heavy duty referred to in Section Five (a). Notes on the estimation of gland losses and drive losses are given below. 1. Gland Loss I The power loss in glands seems to vary from less than a half hp for the smaller impeller shafts, up to 5 hp for the larger. No reliable method for calculating this loss can be given, and it is therefore usual to estimate a value based on experience. One method of calculating this loss is given in Appendix B; it seems to produce reasonable results, and is therefore suggested where no relevant experience is available. As a very rough approximation, . however, the gland loss may be taken as 10 per cent of the agitator power consumption, or 0·5 hp, whichever is the greater. THE POV/Ef-GAS CORPORA TlO? ~TO. - \ l l 254-D, on. ~u'2¥· ANNIE BESAi~T WORLI, BOMBAY - 25 DU. POWER ASSESSMENT 2. Drive Losses The efficiency of a V-belt drive is approximately 97 per cent, and where no gearbox is used 5 per cent of the hp required by the agitator should be allowed for the loss in the drive. The power loss in a gearbox is a function of the rated hp capacity of that gearbox; operation at low loads causes a considerable drop in efficiency due to lower working temperatures. It is therefore usual to allow 20 per cent of the maximum input rating as the gearbox and V-rope drive loss. It should be noted that gearbox standardisation carried out for example to reduce the number of varieties in a given organisation or factory may involve the use of a gearbox of higher rating than is strictly necessary. In such cases the power lost in the gearbox may be high. (iv) HP of Driving Motor For normal operating conditions the required hp output of an electric motor installed to drive the agitator is obtained by adding: hp required by the impeller to the hp lost. in the glaD:ds and the drive. - In practice a motor with the next higher standard hp rating should be selected; reference should be made to·the relevant British Standards such as BS. 229 (Flameproof enclosure of electrical apparatus), B.S. 2048 (Dimensions of fractional horse power motors),* B.S. 2960 (Dimensions of 3-phase electric motors, Parts I and 2) and B.S. 2613 (Electrical performance of rotating electrical machinery) and any associated amendments or revisions. As previously stressed in Section Five (a), due allowance must also be made for the possible occurrence of extra heavy loads during start-up periods or during some stage of the process. Such loads may necessitate the installation of a motor of higher rated _hp than · that deduced from the "normal operating conditions", and, as pre- viously stated, some empirical allowance may have to be made. Neither should the possible occurrence of high ambient temperatures, corrosive fumes or inflammable vapours be overlooked when deciding upon the type of motor and associated switching and wiring. Losses in the motor at various loads can be determined from output efficiency curves, about which the manufacturer should be consulted if necessary. (As previously indicated these losses will be needed for estimating the total power a.bsorbed under various running conditions.) * B.S. 2048 may lapse and be superseded by B.S. 2960 as from 1963. r- 28 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN (c) TABLES GIVING THE HORSE-POWER REQUIREMENTS OF IMPELLERS (TABLES 4-23) The tables (4-23) given in this sub-section of the Handbook give the computed hp requirements of p~ddle, turbine and anchor-type impellers rotating in vessels of specified diameters under "unbaffied" and "fully baffled" conditions. As previously n1entioned, these hp requirements were computed after examining various methods of calculating or estimating power consumption; it is considered that they are the most reliable that can TABLE 4. Paddle Type Impeller Al (Vessel Diameter 2 ft 3 in.) \ '\ 2 1 4 3 8 9 10 11 103 104 10• lQ8 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 0·013 0·013 0·013 0·13 0·13 0·13 1·3 1·3 1·8 0·05 0·05 0·05 0·5 0·6 0·5 6 6 6 \ 7 'I Viscosity centipoises Tip speed ft/min Speed rev/min 6 5 \I 102 10 1 Density lb/gal 80 141 6 10 14 60 282 6 10 14 I i UNBAFFLED 240 480 II I <0·01 <0·01 0·01 I ; 120 <0·01 <0·01 0·01 '1 564 I i 1128 2256 6 10 14 Ii ! 0·041 0·06 0·04 0·06 ,... r. Ar, r.r. ~ 6 10 14 0·3 0·5 6 2·4 n., U"I U"Vtl' 0·3 0·5 "·" VI 10 4 2·4 4 14 6 6 <0·01 0·01 0·02 i I I 0·06 0·09 n v· 1 O .J...., 0·4 0·7 0·9 0·013 0·02 0·03 i --~·-- 0·09 I 0·2 0·14 0·2 {\ 1 Q 0·3 v· ~v 0·7 1·0 1·3 2·1 2·1 2·1 l·O 1·5 2·0 3 6 6 0·013 0·013 0·013 0·13 0·13 0·18 1·8 1·3 1·3 0·03 0·05 0·07 0·05 0·05 0·05 0·5 0·5 0·6 6 0·2 0·4 0·5 0·2 0·4 0·5 0·2 0·4 0·6 2·1 2·1 2·1 1·8 3 4 80 141 6 10 14 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 60 282 6 10 14 0·03 0·05 0·07 0·08 0·06 0·07 0·03 0·05 0·07 FULLY BAFFLED 120 564 6 10 14 0·2 0·4 0·5 0·2 0·4 0·5 1·8 s 1·8 s 1·8 1128 6 10 14 1·8 240 4 4 4 4 s s .Absence of a decimal point in thiB Table indicates a whole number 6 6 29 POWER .ASSESSMENT be put forward in the prese;nt state of knowledge, but they need checking against practical experience and against results obtained by the use of this Handbook. , The figures given represent the total hp absorbed by impellers operating ,in vessels with a filling ratio of 1-;Q,-the dimensions of_the vessels and ,impellers being those specified in Appendix A; they relate to the text \ lin Section Five (b) from pages 23-27. TABLE 5. Paddle Type Impeller A2 (Vessel Diameter 3 ft 3 in.) 1 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10a 10s 104 10s 10e 0·01 0·013 0·018 0·03 0·03 0·03 0·8 0·3 0·3 n 18 13 18 Viscosity centi• poises Density lb/gal 80 60 UNBAFFLED 120 240 204 409 818 1635 6 10 14 14 0·03 0·04 0·06 0·03 0·04 0·06 0·04 0·06 0·08 0·06 0·10 0·12 0·18 0·14 0·19 1·3 1·3 1·8 6 10 14 0·2 0·4 0·5 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 0·45 0·6 0·45 0·7 0·9 0·7 1·0 1·3 6·5 5·5 6 10 14 1·7 3 4 1·7 3 4 2 3 4 3 5 6 10 6 480 3270 10 14 60 204 409 FULLY BAFFLED 818 6 14 22 30 0·02 0·08 0·05 0·02 0·03 0·05 0·035 0·035 0·05 0·3 0·3 0·3 8 8 6 10 14 0·16 0·3 0·4 0·16 0·8 0·4 0·16 0·3 0·4 0·16 0·3 0·4 0·16 0·3 0·4 1·3 1·3 1·3 13 13 1·2 2 3 1·2 2 3 1·2 2 3 1·2 2 3 1·2 2 3 5·5 5·5 5·5 10 6 1635 5 7 9 0·02 0·03 0·05 14 240 5·5 0·02 0·03 0·05 6 120 18 22 30 8 10 14 6 80 13 22 80 8 10 14 10 17 25 10 17 25 10 17 25 10 17 25 10 17 25 .Absence of a decimal poim in thit TabZ, indicates a whole number 8 18 30 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 6. Paddle Type Impeller A3 (Vessel Diameter 4 ft) 1 2 Speed rev/min 4 3 Tip speed ft/min 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 101 lQS 104. 1Q5 10 8 0·016 0·02 0·08 0·02 0·04 0·05 0·07 0·07 0·07 0·7 0·7 0·7 6·6 6·6 6·6 2·5 2·5 2·5 25 25 25 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 80 262 6 10 14 60 503 6 10 14 0·08 0·13 0·18 0·08 0·18 0·18 0·11 0·17 , 0·25 0·17 0·25. 0·4 0·3 0·4 0·5 120 1005 6 10 14 0·6 1·0 1·4 0·6 1·0 1·4 0·8 1·2 1·6 1·2 1·8 1·8 8 4 6 10 14 6 8·6 12 5 8·5 12 5·5 8·5 12 8·5 13 17 UNBAFFLED 240 I I FULLY BAFFLED 30 2010 252 2·5 13 20 25 1 6 10 14 0·06 0·10 0·14 0·06 0·10 0·14 0·06 0·10 0·14 0·06 0·10 0·14 0·07 0·10 0·14 0·65 0·65 0·65 2·5 2·6 2·6 60 503 6 10 14 0·45 0·8 1·1 0·45 0·8 1·1 0·45 0·8 1·1 0·45 0·8 1·1 0·45 0·8 1·1 8·5 6 8·5 8·6 6 8·6 8·5 6 8·5 3·5 1005 6 10 14 3·6 120 6 6 8·5 8·5 I 11 11 11 6·6 6'6 6·5 25 25 26 I ! ,; 11 11 11 ,, I Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. I 31 POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 7. Paddle Type Impeller A4 (Vessel Diameter 4 ft 9 in.) 'i I 'I 1 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min '1 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 101 103 mt 105 108 0·04 - 0·04 0·04 0·4 0·4 0·4 4 4 4 IViscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 6 149 15 10 14 6 30 i 298 10 14 .! 0·035 0·06 0·08 0·035 0·06 0·08 0·055 0·08 0·11 0·08 0·12 0·16 0·16 0·19 0·25 1·6 1·6 1·6 16 16 16 0·25 0·45 0·65 0·25 0·45 0·65 0·4 0·6 0·75 0·6 0·9 0·85 1·3 1·7 6·5 6·5 6·5 65 65 65 2 3·5 5 2 3·5 5 2·5 4 5·5 4 6 8 I 6 UNBAFFLED 595 60 10 14 6 1190 120 10 14 6 2380 240 10 14 17 30 40 17 30 40 20 30 40 l·l 149 10 14 6 30 298 10 14 FULLY BAFFLED 6 595 60 10 14 ,. I , 6 120 1190 10 14 25 25 25 30 45 55 6 15 6 9 12 0·04 0·04 0·04 0·4 0·4 0·4 4 4 4 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 1·6 1·6 1·6 16 16 16 1·6 2·5 4 1·0 2·5 4 1·6 2·5 1·6 2·5 4 4 1·6 2·5 4 6·5 6·5 6·5 65 65 65 13 13 13 22 30 22 80 22 30 13 22 30 13 22 30 Absence o~ a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 25 25 30 I 32 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 8. Paddle Type Impeller A5 (Vessel Diameter 6 ft) 1 3 2 Tip speed ft/min Speed rev/min UNBAFFLED 4 6 7 8 9 1 10 10 2 10 9 104 l 10 11 10 5 1Q6 0·06 0·06 0·07 0·6 0·6 0·6 6 6 6 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 15 189 6 10 14 30 378 6 10 14 0·08 0·13 0·18 0·08 0,13 0·18 0·11 0·16 0·2 0·16 0·25 0·35 0·25 0·4 0·5 2·5 2·5 2·5 25 25 25 6 755 10 0·6 l·0 1·4 0·6 1·0 1·4 0·75 1·2 1·5 1·2 1·8 2·5 1·7 2·5 3·5 9 60 9 90 90 90 5 8 5 8 5·5 8 11 11 40 65 90 40 65 90 14 120 6 10 14 1510 240 6 10 3020 14 I I I 15 I I 189 . I -- 11 8 12 16 12 20 25 40 65 90 60 90 110 90 130 170 6 10 14 --- 9 35 35 40 0·06 0·06 0·08 0·6 0·6 0·6 6 6 6 . 25 25 25 30 878 6 10 14 0·45 0·75 l·l 0·45 0·75 1·1 0·45 0·75 l·l 0·45 0·75 l·l 0·45 0·75 l·l 2·5 2·5 2·5 755 6 10 14 3·5 6 ' 8·5 3·5 6 8·5 8·5 6 8·5 3·5 6 8·5 3·5 6 8·5 9 60; 120 1510 FULLY BAFFLED .- • 5 6 10 14 30 50 70 30 50 70 80 50 70 30 50 70 30 60 70 Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 9 9 35 60 70 90 90 90 I i 33 - POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 9. Paddle Type Impeller A6 (Vessel Diameter 8 ft 6 in.) 1 3 2 l 4 ~jv~ooUy 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 102 10s 104 lQ5 106 centipoises Speed rev/min speed ft/min Density lb/gal 133 6 10 14 15 267 6 10 14 30 535 10 7½ I ~ 0·04 0·04 0·04 0·4 0·4 0·4 4 4 4 0·17 0·25 0·35 1·6 1·6 1·6 16 16 1·2 1·9 2·5 6·5 6·5 · 6·5 65 65 16 UNBAFFLED 6 14 6 60 1070 10 14 6 0·4 0·7 1·0 0·4 0·7 1·0 0·55 0·8 3·5 5·5 8 3·5 5·5 8 4 6 8 30 50 65 25 45 65 25 45 65 120 2140 10 14 7½ 133 10 14 0·3 0·3 267 10 0·55 0·55 14 0·75 0·75 6 2·5 2·5 4 6 l·l 0·8 1·2 1·6 11 9 13 18 25 25 30 40 60 80 60 95 120 100 140 190 6 9 6 I 6 15 FULLY BAFFLED 30 60 535 1070 10 4 14 6 6 20 35' 60 10 14 6 120 2140 10 14 160 300 400 I 250 250 250 0·041 0·04 0·055 0·4 0·4 0·4 4 4 4 0·3 0·55 0·75 0·3 0·55 0·75 0·3 0·55 0·75 1·6 1·6 1·6 16 16 16 2·5 2·5 4 6 2·5 4 6 6·5 6·5 6·5 65 65 65 4 6 20 35 50 20 35 60 20 35 60 20 35 60 25 35 50 160 800 400 160 300 400 160 300 400 160 300 400 160 300 400 Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number J 5~ 250 250 250 .fi 34 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 10. Paddle Type Impeller A7 (Vessel Diameter 12 ft 3 in.) .j 1 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min 4 5 192 1 Density 10 102 1540 120 3080 10 0·65 0·95 1·2 2·5 4·6 6 6 10 14 20 85 50 6 170 300 400 10 14 2·5 4·5 6 3· 5 7 4·5 7 9 192 10 14 FULLY BAFFLED 6 30 770 10 14 60 1549 I 11 1 6 10 14 10e 2 3·5 4·5 0·13 0·2 0·25 1·2 1·2 1·2 12 12 12 0·95 1·4 1·9 5 5 5 60 50 60 19 19 19 190 190 190 750 750 750 6·5 10, 13 50 45 70 95 75 110 140 170 800 400 170 300 400 200 350 450 350 500 650 600 750 1000 14 385 1Q5 80 45 60 10 6 15 104 25 85 50 20 85 6 7½ 10 I / 6 10 14 60 lQ3 6 10 6 770 30 9 I 14 UNBAFFLED 8 14 385 15 7 · Viscosity centipoises lb/gal 7½ 6 2 ' 3·5 4·5 2 3·5 4·5 2 8·5 4·5 16 25 35 16 25 85 16 25 35 25 35 130 200 800 130 200 800 130 200 300 130 200 300 16 0·14 0·25 0·35 1·2 1·2 1·2 12 12 12 2 8·5 4·5 5 5 5 50 50 50 16.,, 25 35 19 25 35 190 190 190 130 200 800 750 750 750 130 200 300 Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. I 35 POWER ASS ESSMENT TABLE 11. Paddle Type Impeller AS (Vessel Diameter 15 ft) 1 2 8 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min I r 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 102 103 104 1Q5 lQB Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 6 7t 286 10 14 6 471 15 10 14 0·9 1·5 2 0·9 1·5 2 1·0 1·5 2 1·6 2·5 8 0·85 0·5 0·65 2 2 2 20 20 20 2·5 8·5 8·5 8·5 8·5 85 85 5 85 UNBAFFLED 6 80 941 10 14 6 1882 60 10 14 7! 60 95 180 16 17 20 17 ' 25 85 85 40 50 850 850 850 60 95 180 80 120 160 120 180 250 180 250 850 1400 1400 1400 2 2 2 20 20 20 11 5·5 5·5 5·5 471 10 9 i) 9 14 12 12 12 6 40 70 100 40 70 100 40 70 100 40 70 100 850 550 800 850 550 800 850 550 800 850 550 800 941 10 14 6 60 60 95 180 7·5 12 6 10 14 FULLY BAFFLED 80 7 12 16 286 6 15 7 12 16 1882 10 14 0·4 0·65 0·9 5·5 9 12 5·5 9 12 8·5 85 9 12 85 85 40 70 100 40 70 100 850 850 850 850 550 800 850 550 800 1400 1400 1400 .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 36 AGITATOR SELECTION AN:0 DESIGN TABLE 12. Turbine Type Impeller Bl (Vessel Diameter 2 ft 3 in. to 4 ft) 1 2 3 Tip speed ft/min Speed rev/min ;' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10 2 103 104 105 10e 0·017 0·025 0·035 0·05 0·055 0·065 0·5 0·5 5 5 5 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 120 283 425 180 UNBA.FFLED 6 10 14 0·5 6 10 14 0·02 0·03 0·04 0·02 0·04 0·035 0·06 0·045 0·075 0·055 0·085 0·12 0·11 0·14 0·16 1·1 l·l l·l 11 11 11 240 566 6 10 14 0·04 0·065 0·09 0·045 0·085 0·07 0·12 0·10 0·14 0·12 0·2 0·3 0·2 0·25 0·35 1·8 1·8 1·8 18 18 18 860 849 6 10 14 0·12 0·2 0·25 0·13 0·2 0·3 0·25 0·3 0·4. 0·4 0·65 0·85 0·6 0·8 1·1 4 4 4 40 40 40 1132 6 10 14 0·25 0·45 0·6 0·3 0·45 0·65 0·45 0·6 0·8 0·9 1·4 7·5 7·5 1·7 1·2 1'8 2·5 75 480 7·5 75 0·025 0·04 0·06 0·025 0·025 0·04 0·04 0·06 0·06 0·025 0·04 0·06 0·05 0·05 0·06 0·5 5 5 5 0·085 0·14 0·2 0·085 0·085 0·14 0·14 0·2 0·2 0.085 0·14 0·2 0·11 0·14 0·16 1·1 l·l 1·1 11 11 11 10 14 0·2 0·35 0·45 0·2 0·35 0·45 0·2 0·35 0·45 0·2 0·35 0·45 0·2 0·35 0·45 1·8 1·8 1·8 18 18 18 120 l 6 283 10 14 6 180 425 10 14 FULLY BAFFLED <0·01 <0·01 0·016 0·01 0·01 0·02 0·014 0·015 0·03 6 0·5 0·5 75 240 566 360 849 6 10 14 0·7 1·1 1·6 0·7 1·1 1·6 0·7 1·1 1·6 0·7 1·1 1·6 0·7 l·l 1·6 4 4 4 40 40 40 480 1132 6 10 14 1·6 2·5 4 1·6 2·5 4 1·6 2·5 4 1·6 2·5 4 1·6 2·5 4 7·5 7·5 75 75 75 .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 7·5 I 37 POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 13. Turbine Type Impeller Bl (Vessel Diameter 2 ft 3 in. to 6 ft) j' 2 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10 2 10s 104 105 10s 0·01 0·017 0·025 0·012 0·02 0·025 0·025 0·035 0·045 0·025 0·045 0·06 0·065 0·08 0·09 0·6 0·6 0·6 6 6 6 0·025 0·04 0·055 0·05 0·075 0·085 0·06 0·10 0·14 0·12 0·16 0·19 1·1 1·1 14 0·025 0·04 0·055 l·l 11 11 11 4 Viscosity centipoises Speed rev/min speed ft/min Density lb/gal 6 90 283 IO 14 6 120 UNBAFFLED 377 180 565 6 10 14 0·075 0·12 0·16 0·08 0·13 0·17 0·14 0·19 0·25 0·2 0·35 0·55 0·35 0·45 0·55 2·5 2·5 2·5 25 25 25 753 6 10 14 0·16 0·25 0·35 0·17 0·3 0·4 0·8 0·35 0·5 0·5 0·85 l·l 0·65 240 4·5 4·5 4·5 45 45 45 l·0 1·3 1180 6 10 14 0·5 0·8 1·1 0·5 0·85 1·2 0·7 1·1 1·4 1·6 2·5 8 2 3 4 90 283 6 10 14 0·045 0·075 0·045 0·075 0·ll 0·ll 0·045 0·075 0·11 0·045 0·075 0·11 0·065 0·08 0·11 0·6 0·6 0·6 6 6 6 10 10 100 100 100 0·11 0·18 0·25 0·11 0·18 0·25 0·11 0·18 0·25 0·11 0·18 0·25 0·12 0·18 0·25 11 377 6 10 14 l·l 120 1·1 l·l 11 11 180 565 6 10 14 0·85 0·6 0·85 0·35 0·6 0·85 0·35 0·6 0·85 0·85 0·6 0·85 0·35 0·6 0·85 2·5 2·5 2·5 25 25 25 240 753 6 10 14 0·85 1·4 2 0·85 1·4 2 0·85 1·4 2 0·85 1·4 2 0·85 1·4 2 4·5 4·5 4·5 45 45 45 360 1180 6 10 14 8 5 6·5 8 5 6·5 8 5 6·5 8 5 6·5 8 5 6·5 .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. l1 10 860 / FULLY BAFFLED IO 10 10 10 100 100 100 38 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 14. Turbine Type Impeller B3 (Vessel Diameter 3 ft 3 in. to 8 ft 6 in. 1 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min ' 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 102 10s 104 10s 10e 6 10 14 0·026 0·04 0·066 0·03 0·046 0·06 0·066 0·076 0·086 0·06 0·10 0·13 0·11 0·14 0·17 0·9 0·9 0·9 9 9 6 10 14 0·076 0·13 0·17 0·086 0·13 0·18 0·14 0·18 0·25 0·2 0·4 0·55 0·3 0·4 0·56 2 2 2 20 20 20 6 10 14 0·17 0·3 0·4 0·18 0·3 0·4 0·3 0·4 0·5 0·45 0·9 1·1 0·6 0·9 1·2 4 4 4 40 40 40 rJ 0·5 0·85 1·1 0·55 0·9 1·2 0·76 1·1 1·5 1·7 2·5 3 1-ll 8·5 8·5 8·5 85 85 85 ' 1·1 1·8 2·5 1·2 2 2·5 1·5 2·5 3 3·5 5 6 4 6·5 9 0·10 0·17 0·26 0·10 0·17 0·26 0·10 0·17 0·26 0·10 0·17 0·26 0·11 0·17 0·26 0·9 0·9 0·9 0·35 0·55 0·8 0·35 0·55 0·8 0·35 0·55 0·8 0·35 0·55 0·8 0·35 0·55 0·8 2 2 20 20 20 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 283 60 424 90 UNB.A.FFLED 120 666 6 180 849 10 14 240 1130 10 14 60 283 10 6 6 14 6 90 424 10 14 FULLY BAFFLED 3 4 15 15 15 2 9 150 150 150 9 9 9 120 566 10 14 0·8 1·4 1·9 0·8 1·4 1·9 0·8 1·4 1·9 0·8 1·4 1·9 0·8 1·4 1·9 4 4 4 40 40 40 180 849 6 10 14 2·5 4·6 6·5 2·5 4·6 6·5 2·5 4·6 6·5 2·6 4·6 6·5 2·5 4·5 6·5 8·5 8·5 8·5 85 85 85 1130 6 10 14 6·5 240 6·5 11 15 6 - 6·5 11 11 15 15 6·5 6·5 11 11 15 15 Absence of a decimal in this Table ind-icates a whole number. 15 15 17 150 150 150 :·I 39 POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 15. Turbine Type ImpellerB 4 (Vessel Diameter 4 ft to 12 ft 3 in.) l 1 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10a 10s 104 10' me Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal UNB.A.FFLED 45 283 6 10 14 0·055 0·09 0·13 0·06 0·10 0·13 0·11 0·14 0·18 0·13 0·2 0·4 0·2 0·25 0·35 1·5 1·5 1·5 15 15 15 6 60 377 10 14 0·13 0·2 0·3 0·13 0·2 0·3 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·3 0·65 0·85 0·4 0·6 0·8 2·5 2·5 2·5 25 25 25 90 565 6 10 14 0·4 0·6 0·85 0·4 0·65 0·9 0·55 0·85 1·1 1·2 1·8 2·5 1·2 1·9 2·5 6 6 6 60 60 60 120 753 .6 10 14 0·85 1·3 1·8 0·9 1·5 2 1·2 1·8 2·5 2·5 3·5 4·5 3 4·5 5·5 11 11 12 110 110 110 6 10 14 2·5 4 5·5 2·5 4·5 6 3·5 5 7 25 25 30 250 250 250 180 1130 7 9 10 14 12 19 ' 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 0·2 0·35 0·5 14 0·5 0·85 1·2 0·5 0·85 1·2 0·5 0·85 1·2 6 10 14 1·8 3 4 1·8 3 4 1·8 8 4 6 10 4 7 14 6 6 45 283 10 14 0·2 0·35 0·5 1·5 1·5 1·5 15 15 15 0·5 0·85 1·2 0·5 0·85 1·2 2·5 2·5 2·5 25 25 25 1·8 3 4 1·8 8 6 6 6 60 60 60 . .- 6 60 377 FULLY BAFFLED 90 120 180 565 753 1130 10 10 14 10 4 7 10 14 25 35 14 25 85 4 4 7 10 11 10 4 7 10 11 12 110 110 110 14 25 35 14 25 35 14 25 25 85 250 250 250 4 7 25 35 Absence of a decimal point in this Table indfrates a whole number. 4 40 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 16. Turbine Type Impeller B5 (Vessel Dia.meter 6 ft to 15 ft) I 1 2 8 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min ! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10• 108 104 10 5 108 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal UNB.AFFLED 80 288 6 10 14 0·18 0·8 0·4 0·19 0·3 0·4 0·8 0·4 0·55 0·4 0·9 l·l 0·5 0·7 1·0 8 8 8 80 30 80 424 6 10 14 0·55 0·85 1·2 0·55 0·05 1·3 0·75 1·2 1·5 l'7 45 2·5 3 1·5 2·5 8 7 7 7 70 70 70 60 566 6 10 14 1·2 1•9 2·5 1·3 2 8 1·6 2·5 3·5 3·5 5 6·6 8·5 5·5 7 12 12 14 120 120 120 8'.6 6 8 4 6·6 9 4·6 7 9·6 9·6 14 17 80 848 6 10 14 11 90 17 25 so 40 260 260 250 6 7·6 13 18 8·5 14 20 l!) 25 40 65 50 65 76 600 600 500 8 8 8 30 30 120 1130 10 14 30 283 6 10 0·65 l·l 1·5 0·65 l·l 1·5 0·65 l·l 15 0·65 l·l 1·6 2 3·5 6 2 10 14 6 10 14 5·5 9 12 6 FULLY BAFFLED 424 60 666 25 35 0·65 l·l 1·5 14 45 10 15 20 6 90 848 10 14 120 1130 10 14 6 2 3·5 2 2 7 3·5 5 8·5 3·5 7 5 5 5 7 70 70 70 6·5 6·5 6·5 6·6 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 120 120 120 18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40 18 30 40 30 30 40 250 250 250 40 70 100 40 70 100 40 70 100 40 70 100 40 70 100 50 70 100 500 600 600 ..Absence of a decimal point in thiB Tabw indicateB a whow number. I r so 41 POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 17. Turbine Type Impeller B6 (Vessel Diameter 8 ft 6 in. to 15 ft) I 1 3 2 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min 30 377 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10a 10 9 10' 105 10e 2 Viscosity centi• poises Density lb/gal 14 0·7 1·1 1·6 0·75 1·2 1·7 1·0 1·5 2 3 4 3 3 4 6 8·5 11 6 9 13 16 18 20 160 160 160 13 6 10 7 7·5 8 70 70 70 45 565 6 10 14 2 3.5 5 2·5 4 5·5 3 4·5 6 60 754 6 10 14 4·5 7·5 11 5 8·5 12 6 9·5 13 12 17 20 20 30 30 85 40 800 300 300 6 10 14 14 25 85 16 25 35 18 25 40 30 45 50 45 70 120 80 100 130 650 650 650 UNB.A.FFLED 90 1130 30 877 45 565 6 FULLY B.A.FFI;ED 60 754 10 14 8 4·5 6·5 3 4·5 6·5 3 4·5 6·5 3 4·5 6·5 3 4·5 6·5 6 10 9·5 16 9·5 16 14 20 20 9·5 16 20 9·5 16 20 9·5 16 20 16 18 20 100 100 100 6 20 35 50 20 35 50 20 35 60 20 35 50 20 35 50 80 85 50 800 300 800 75 180 180 75 130 180 75 130 180 75 130 180 75 130 180 80 130 180 650 650 650 10 14 6 90 1130 10 14 .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 7 7·5 8 70 70 70 42 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 18. Anchor Type Impeller Cl (Vessel Diameter 2 ft 3 in.) 2 1 3 Speed rev/min 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 102 10a 104 lQ5 10• 6 10 14 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 <0·01 0·01 0·05 0·05 0·05 0·09 0·14 0·19 6 10 14 0·02 0·03 0·04 0·02 0·04 0·05 0·035 0·045 0·06 0·09 0·12 0·13 0·13 0·19 0·25 0·45 0·45 0·5 8 2 2·5 2·5 4 Viscosity centipoises Ti~ speed ft/min Density lb/gal 18 118 I 64 UNBAFFLED 354 108 708 6 10 14 0·15 0·25 0·35 0'.18 0·3' 0·4 0·2 0·35 0·46 0·5 0·7 0·75 0·85 1·2 1·6 162 1062 6 10 14 0·6 0·85 l·l 0·6 1·0 1·3 0·7 1·1 1·5 1·4 1·8 2·6 2·5 4 5 216 1416 6 10 14 1·2 1·9 2·5 1·4 2 8 1·6 2·6 3·5 3 4 5 ' ✓ 2 4 Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. TABLE 19. Anchor Type Impeller Cl . (Vessel Diameter 3 ft 3 in.) \ l 1 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min i - -I ' Viscosity i 5 6 1 10 7 116 9 10 11 108 104 10 5 10 8 0·01 0·01 0·02 0·01 0·02 0·02 0·05 0·07 0·08 0·18 0·35 0·36 4 5·5 6 centipoises 10 2 Density lb/gal 12 8 I I 6 10 14 ·. 349 6 10 14 0·04 0·07. 0·09 0·05 0·08 0·11 0·06 0·09 0·12 0·16 0·2 0·25 0·25 0·35 0·45 0·7 0·75 0·85 72 698 6 10 14 0·3 0·5 0·7 0·4 0·6 0·8 0·4 0·7 0·9 0·85 l·l 1·5 1·6 2·5 3 3 4 5·5 108 1048 6 10 14 1·0 1·8 2·5 1·2 1·9 2·5 1·4 2·5 3 2·5 3·5 4·5 5 7·5 10 8·5 13 17 144 1396 6 10 14 2·5 4 5·5 3 4·5 6 3 5 7 5 7·5 9·5 36 UNBAFFLED Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. I l 41 POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 17. Turbine Type Impeller B6 (Vessel Diameter 8 ft 6 in. to 15 ft) I 1 2 8 Speed rev/min 80 45 Tip speed ft/min 877 565 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10 2 108 10' 105 10 5 8 8 4 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 14 0·7 1·1 1·6 0·75 1·2 1·7 1·0 1·5 2 2 8 4 6 10 14 2 8·5 5 2·5 4 5·5 8 4·5 6 6 8·5 6 10 7 7·5 8 11 6 9 18 18 20 16 70 70 70 160 160 160 UNBAFFLED 60 754 6 10 14 4·5 7·5 11 5 8·5 12 6 9·5 13 12 17 20 13 20 80 35 40 300 :Svv 300 90 1130 6 10 14 14 25 35 16 25 85 18 25 40 80 45 50 45 70 120 80 100 130 650 650 650 80 377 6 10 14 3 4·5 6·5 3 4·5 6·5 3 4·5 6·5 565 6 10 9·5 16 20 9·5 16 20 14 20 35 50 6 10 14 75 130 180 45 14 FULLY BAFFLED 60 90 754 1130 6 10 30 3 4·5 6·5 8 4·5 6·5 9·5 16 20 9·5 16 20 9·5 16 20 16 18 20 100 100 100 20 85 60 20 35 60 20 85 50 20 35 50 30 35 60 300 300 300 75 130 180 75 130 180 75 180 180 75 180 180 80 130 180 650 650 650 --- .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 7 7·5 8 70 70 70 43 POWER ASSESSMENT TABLE 20. Anchor Type Impeller C3 (Vessel Diameter 4 ft) I 3 2 1 ---::-1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10a 103 104 lQ5 10 5 0·01 0·02 0·03 0·08 0·08 0·085 0·25 0·35 0·45 5 6·5 6·5 Vi,oosity centi- , poises speed ft/min Speed rev/min 4 Density lb/gal _ 9 108 6 10 14 27 325 6 10 14 6 54 UNBAFFLED 650 81 . 10 14 6 10 •. 14 975 "r '. • 108 6 1300 10 14 0·05 0·08 0·11 0·06 0·10 0·13 0·075 0·11 0·15 0·19 0·25 0·3 0·3 0·4 0·55 0·75 0·85 0·4 0·65 0·9 0·45 0·75 0·95 0·5 0·8 1·2 l·0 1·4 1·7 2 3 3·5 5 6·5 1·3 3 1·5 2·5 3 1·7 2·5 4 3 4 5·5 3 5 7 3·5 6·5 7·5 4 6·5 9 6·5 2 9 11 4 l·0 6 10 9 1:(' 1§... 14 20 25 25 35 45 25 30 30 20 .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. TABLE 21. Anchor Type Impeller C4 (Vessel Diameter 4 ft 9 in.) I l I 2 3 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min i I 4 _--o 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10 2 10 8 104- 1Q5 1Q6 Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 6 8 113 10 14 339 48 72 96 678 1018 1356 0·11 0·35 0·5 0·65 7 8·5 8·5 0·09 0·15 0·2 0·11 0·17 0·25 0·25 0·35· 0·4 0·45 0·65 0·8 1·0 1·2 1·4 0·7 1·5 0·8. 1·3 1·8 . 1·4 2. 2·5 3 4·5 5·5 5 7·5 14 0·6 1·0 1·4 6 10 14 2 3·5 4·6 2·5 8·5 6 2·5 4·6 6 4 6 . 7·5 6 10 5 10 14 UNBAFFLED 0·1 0·l 0·08 0·13 0·18 6 24 0·02 0·03 0·04 6 10 14 7·5 11 l·l 6 8 12 6 10 14 6 13 16 10 9 15 14 18 25 30 20 30 40 35 60 65 .Ab,ence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. 25 35 40 I 44 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN TABLE 22. Anchor Type Impeller C5 (Vessel Diameter 6 ft) 1 3 2 Speed rev/min Tip speed ft/min I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 10 10 2 103 10' 10 5 10 6 0·03 0·04 0·055 0·12 0·13 0·13 0·45 0·7 0·9 1·1 1·5 1·9· Viscosity centipoises Density lb/gal 6 108 6 10 14 18 325 6 10 14 0·11 0·18 0·25 0·13 0·2 0·3 0·15 0·25 0·35 0·3 0·4 0·55 0·6 0·85 1·1 36 650 6 10 14 0·9 1·4 2 1·0 1·5 2 1·1 1·8 2·5 1·9 3 3·5 4 6 8 6 8·5 10 12 19 25 20 30 40 13 18 20 30 40 50 50 70 90 UNBAFFLED 8·5 11 14 9 9·5 10·5 40 45 45 ~ 54 975 6 10 14 72 1300 6 10 14 3 5 6·5 7 11 15 3 5 7 4 6 8·5 7 12 17 8·5 14 20 .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. TABLE 23. Anchor Type Impeller C6 (Vessel Diameter 8 ft~ 6' in.) 1 2 Speed rev/min 3 4 Tip !Viscosity centij poises speed ft/min Density 5 6 7 1 10 10 2 8 9 10 11 103 104 10 5 10e lb/gal UNBAFFLED 5 130 6 10 14 15 389 6 10 14 0·4 0·65 0·9 0·45 0·7 0·9 0·5 0·8 1·2 3 6 7·5 4 6·6 9 0·25 0·25 0·3 -30 777 6 10 14 3 5 7 46 1165 6 10 14 10 16 20 11 18 25 60 1554 6 10 14 25 40 50 25 40 60 0·85 1·3 1·6 1·8 s 3·5 3 4·5 5 1·5 2 2·5 20 20 20 6 8 10 19 25 20 30 40 90 95 95 13 20 30 18 25 35 40 60 75 65 100 120 200 220 250 30 50 70 35 55 75 85 130 170 150 200 280 13 I .Absence of a decimal point in this Table indicates a whole number. SECTION SIX-MECHANICAL DESIGN OF AGITATORS f I ! I This Section is divided into five sub-sections thus: (a) Materials of Construction. (b) Type of Service (and its influence on agitator selection and design). . (c) The Design of Shafts and Bearings. (d) Glands, Gland Bushe'"s and Bearings Inside Vessels. (e) Drive and Bearing, Arrangements. (a) MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Points to be considered in the use of various constructional materials for the impeller, and the agitating vessel or tank itself may be summarised as follows : (i) The Impeller Whilst almost any type of agitator can be fabricated in high strength metals, there are certain materials which limit the type of agitator which can be ·used: 1. Wood Wood is useful only for relatively large low speed agitators. Wooden agitators are difficult to balance and tend not to remain in balance due to warping and absorption of moisture. Complicated shapes cannot readily be fabricated and the wooden components used must be heavy, since glued or bolted connections are unlikely to resist the conditions under which wood is a chosen material of construction. Simple paddles or gates can be satisfactorily made, however. Surface softening which would be tolerable in a wooden vat is frequently not acceptable in wooden agitators, as erosion is likely to be serious. Moreover, the end grain of the wood must be exposed; this facilitates penetration into the timber and so helps to cause early failure. I \ ' Wood is successfully used, however, in many aqueous processes where no suitable metals are available, or where exposed metal cannot be allowed (e.g. in azo colour vats and vessels or effluent treatment tanks) or where the size of the equipment is large and the cost of other materials would be excessive (e.g. copperas dissolving). 2. Lead and Lead-Covered Loose-lead covered impellers, or impellers fabricated from solid · 45 46 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN lead are suitable only for low speeds, and are largely restricted therefore to low power/unit volume applications. Creep of the lead under centrifugal force can produce rapid failure, and erosion from suspended solids can be extensive. The weight of lead-covered impellers is also a difficulty, since it tends to produce low critical speeds. Homogeneous lead covering is of wider application, but here agairi erosion or creep can cause rapid failure. The effect of any unbalance due to uneven erosion or creep should also be considered, especially for impellers intended to operate at relatively high speeds. ) 1 I 3. Enamel or Glass-Covered Enamelled cast-iron, or enamelled mild-steel impellers can be made in a variety of forms, but the outer contours must be smoothly rounded, and, if the enamel is to be sound, there should be no large changes of section or masses of metal. Generally the simpler the shape the better, and the enamellers should be consulted before design is finalised. While relatively high-speed impellers are made in enamelled construction, they must be such that no vibration or high stress is set up during operation; otherwise the enamel will flake off. Enamelled impellers cannot be balanced after completion; some warping usually occurs in the enamelling process and their design cannot therefore rely on fine limits to ensure stability. A completed enamelled impeller and shaft must be in one piece and must be capable of being inserted through the manhole pro-' vided in the cover of a "closed" vessel; alternatively the vessel mav ., be fitted with a removable cover . 4. Rubber or Ebonite Covered Provided the design ·of the impeller is suitable for applying rubber or ebonite covering, little trouble or difficulty is likely to occur with the larger rubber-covered typ~s. In smaller sizes the rounding off of external outlines may affect impeller performance .. Rubber-covered impellers can ·be assembled in the vessel and the assembly joints covered on site; this practice, however, is likely to cause trouble in maintenance, and in general such agitators should be inserted through the manhole in one piece or used in vessels with removable covers. Soft rubber coverings offer high resistance to erosion. (ii) The Vessel One of the main features to be considered in the design of the agitator tank or vessel is the possibility of providing bearings in the ) 1 l MECHANICAL DESIGN OF AGITATORS r\ 1 47 vessel itself. It is difficult to provide satisfactory bearing arrangements in any lined vessel without leaving weak spots for the attack of corrosion, even though suitable materials are available for fabricating the bearing brackets which have to be fixed through the tank lining. For this reason tiled or enamelled vessels should be fitted with impellers which do not need bottom bearings, and it is preferable to avoid bottom bearings in rubber or lead-lined vessels. Consideration should also be given to the possible effects of erosion by liquor from the impeller impinging on lead or tile linings. (b) TYPE OF SERVICE Impeller selection should take into account the following points concerning the type of service for which the unit is required: (i) Continuity of Operation Slow speed types of agitator are more suited to continuous operation than high speed ·types; they are likely to have longer life between overhauls, but involve a greater first cost. (ii) Possibility of Modification Unless the process is well established and such that the agitator can be defined firmly with little possibility of later modifications, it is desirable to arrange for changes of power and speed to be made relatively simple in vessels where agitation is believed to be critical •. Auxiliary vessels in a process plant (e.g. blendling and storage tanks, solution preparation, effluent treatment, filter feed vessels) can often be fitted with agitators and forgotten. On the other hand agitators fitted to vessels where critical operations performed are likely to be subjected to experimental alterations should be arranged so that changes can be readily made. (iii) Stepwise Processes t Mixing vessels are often used for several stages ·of a process. For example, a solution may be made up, a further solution be run in and a reaction occur, the batch be cooled whilst the product precipitates, and the product be maintained in suspension whilst the vessel is emptied to a filter press., The agitation suitable for the dissolving and the reaction would probably be unsuitable for the precipitation and excessive for maintaining the suspension. Simple agitators with a range of speeds should be considered for such applications, and it should be borne in mind that the power and -torque characteristics of a "change pole" electric motor are such that if the motor is capable of driving 48 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN the impeller at its highest speed, it will also provide adequate power at the lower speeds, provided there is no large change in the viscosity of the liquor. (iv) Corrosive Service In lined vessels it is often both practicable and economical to use special alloys for impellers and shafts under conditions where enamel or rubLer or other lining is the most economical lining material for the vessel itself. This possibility should always be investigated where high intensity agitation is required in lined vessels, since covered agitators at high speeds are likely to be troublesome (see Section Six (a) (i)). (c) THE DESIGN OF SHAFTS AND BEARINGS (see also Appendix D) The design of an impeller shaft is based on certain reasonable assumptions which are set out and applied as indicated in the following sub-sections: (i) - Assumptions Made · The stresses resisted by agitator shafts are considerably greater than the design torque would indicate, particularly when high powers per unit volume are being used. Loads are to some extent alternating, since agitators tend to rotate in the centre of rotation of the m~in mass of liquor in the vessel, and this centre rotates round the vessel centre. Furthermore, during start-up periods the shaft must handle · the peak motor torque (less the small amount absorbed in accelerating the drive gears and pulleys); there is also the possibility of the impeller being checked when material is added to vessels by tipping bags or other containers. During starting with the conventional types of electric motor, the shafts must therefore be capable of resisting about 2½ x full load rated motor torque, and during steady running, some rather illdefined variable torque depending largely on the power absorbed, which it is assume<:! is closely related to motor power·. It is desirable that impellers should run steadily in any state· of loading of the vessel from empty to full, and, except for small units this means they must run at least 30 per cent slower than the first critical speed. Small agitators can run above the "first critical", as they accelerate through the dangerous range very rapidly. (Dynamic balancing can reduce the 30 per cent margin to 15 per cent.) Shaft design must therefore be based on some assumed relation between the stresses occurring under normal operating conditions and those capable of being induced by the maximum driving power available. · \ i 1· 4 :; ~ ...; ,_'\...- 49 MECHANICAL DESIGN OF AGITATORS A method of design which has proved successful in practice is to make the shaft sufficiently strong to withstand (without exceeding the yield stress of the material) the stresses which would be set up if an agitator blade were jammed at a point 75 per cent of its length from the shaft. This method assumes two levels of applied torque as set out in Table 24. . Assumed Applied Shaft Torque TABLE 24. Ratio of: T orque D eveI ope d m · Shaft by Motor at its · Rate d Load I 2 For Low-Speed Impellers well clear of vessel walls and in vessels where no solids are charged or precipitated. (So called "light duty''.) For High-Speed Impellers and High Power per Unit Volume, for impellers which pass close to the vessel wall or baffles, where solids may settle out or may be charged from containers. (So called "severe duty".) 1·5 2·5 Shafts designed in accordance with col. (I) will not fail even if the motor is overloaded to a point where the motor overload protection cuts off the power supply, nor are they likely to fail under fatigue stresses if speed is under about 60 rev/min. Shafts designed to col. (2) will not fail if the agitator suddenly jams and the motor stalls before the overload protection op~rates, nor are they likely to fail by fatigue unless made of materials not commonly used in this type of work (e.g. certain high strength steel alloys). l If corrosion, particula1ly of the type which leads to cracking or pitting, is expected in the vessel, higher safety factors than those indicated in Table 24 should be used, as the highly stressed portions of impeller shafts are somewhat susceptible to failure by corrosion cracking and fatigue combined (stainl~ss steel is more susceptible to this than ·mild steel). (ii). Application of the Assumptions Made The method of applying these principles to agitators without bottom bearings is indicated in the Appendix D. Shafts with bottom bearings are very similarly designed, but the mathematics involved for these cases are adequately treated in most mechanical engineering text books. (Refs. 2 and' 26.) Ir 1 The calculations i:q. Appendix D also give values of bearing loads and of the loads produced in the support structure by the agitator. Once the shaft size has been calculated, the detailed design and fabrication of agitators offers few unusual problems; it should be borne in mind that whilst quite rough work will serve at low speeds and powers, toleranc~s on straightness of shafts, symmetry of the f 1 50 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN impeller itself, and general accuracy need to be progressively tightened as speeds and powers increase. It is probably worthwhile statically balancing shaft and impeller assemblies over say 8-ft long operating at over 100 rev/min and dynamically balancing really large high·-speed impellers (say over 12-ft long operating at 150 rev/min). Dynamically balanced impellers can operate smoothly n1uch nearer their critical speeds than unbalanced ones. (If covered impellers are to be balanced extra thickness of lead or rubber should be applied near the tips of the blades, to be carved off as necessary to achieve a balance.) I j ' (d) GLANDS, BUSHES AND BEARINGS INSIDE VESSELS No particular features need be introduced in agitator glands beyond what would be expected from the service conditions in which they are to be used. Design features which should be examined are: Ease of access f 9r removal of packing and repacking. Provision of lantern rings, where necessary for the operating conditions, dimensioned so that the ring will not operate as a bearing. Sufficient clearance in the assembly to enable the gland to be centred on the shaft, or alternatively the provision of the necessary spigots or other locating devices to ensure that the gland is central on the shaft. In high temperature service the gland should rise from (as opposed to projecting into) the vessel for ease of cooling. Provided the impeller shaft is robust, and its bearings sufficiently ~!g!lUl ..Jly -~ --.-~~;i n~,;i A....-.r.,,r,h +,-,. +l--.o 0+11-f'firirr hr.v hf'n-rinrr hll<;!h lllUUlllJVU, cti.lJ.U .lJ.'Ci<l>J. p,J'-"""~, is unnecessary in the pressure range up to 300 lb/in 2 working, even with shafts with no bottom bearing. · Ll ...-.An- C,J..J.VUC)J..1. \JV \/J...1.V l,:1\/U. .L.L.J..J..l.6 !\ iv rvvVII.L..a..a...-o ,...... ............, ....... ! l I l When shafts may deflect or where a particularly high standard of performance is demanded from the gland, a bush in the base of the stuffing box is desirable, with provision for lubrication. Various clearances are used for these bushes, but a free running fit (to B.S. 1916, Limits and fits for engineering) seems to perform reasonably well. Corrosion of gland and bush and the shaft near the gland is usually slight, probably because of the protection offered by the grease us~d as lubricant. Consequently, for low pressures or occasional pressure only, cast iron or plastic impregnated asbestos or cotton bushes running on bare mild steel are very often satisfactory even under conditions where lead,-enamel or rubber are demanded for the rest of the vessel Thus it has become conventional for the lead, rubber or enamel covering of agitator shafts to be stopped just below the bearing bush leaving unprotected steel in the gland and bearing. For really severe duties, however, it is possible to shoulder the shafts, stopping the covering on the l• 51 MECHANIC.AL DESIGN OF AGITATORS shoulder and pulling down a wearing sleeve of resistant material to joint on the shoulder and run through the gland. Sleeves have been used in Hastelloy, Langalloy or Stelcalloy, high silicon iron, phosphor bronze, plastic impregnated asbestos or cotton, amongst other materials. The question of bearings which must run unlubricated inside a vessel, and bearings at the stuffing box where lubrication is not fully effective due to the action of solvents or high temperatures is difficult and no fully successful solution can be suggested. Further difficulty arises because agitators are sometimes run with the vessel empty and a bearing which relies on the vessel contents for lubrication may then fail rapidly. Internal bearings are, however, sometimes unavoidable. Qne palliative with low-speed shafts is to use a combination of materials which will not seize, and a large clearance. TABLE 25. Some Combinations of Bush and Bearing Materials for Bearings Inside Vessels I 2 3 Bush Material Shaft Material Remarks Cast iron. Cast iron. Mild steel. Stainless steel. Phenol formaldehyde. Impregnated asbestos. Cast iron. Mild steel. Stainless steel. Phosphor bronze. Mild steel. Stainless steel. Porous bronze impregnated Stainless steel. with ~.T.F.E. (Fluon). (Chromium plated and ground.) Free running, fit. Carbon (as a bush or as plugs in 'a cast iron bush). Mild steel. Stainless "'teel. Small clearances are essential as a large clearance causes disintegration. Rubber. Mild steel. Excellent if always kept submerged. Lignum vitae. Mild steel. Stainless steel. Hardwoods. Mild steel. Useful in wet conditions. Stainless steel. Mild steel. Useful so long as impregnation remains. I Oil-impregnated bronze. porous In choosing materials for these bearings it should be remembered that under rubbing conditions, materials which rely on a surface film . / 52 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN to resist corrosion may fail rapidly (e.g. mild steel in concentrated sulphuric acid). The combinations shown in Table 25 have been used with some success. There is a considerable scope for the application of mechanical seals in place of the glands on agitated vessels. There appears to be no difficulty in applying seals to agitator shafts if sufficient care is taken to achieve and maintain correct alignment and rigidity in the shaft. The makers of the seals should be ccn.sulted regarding permissible misalignment and "run out". ' (e) DRIVE AND BEARING ARRANGEMENTS (see also Section Four) Unit drives from individual electric motors are generally accepted as the best method of driving agitators. Their disadvantages of "single speed" and tendency to stall under heavy loads are recognised, but no alternatives are available with fewer drawbacks. Variable speeds can be achieved by special motors or by variable speed gears of many types, though as indicated in Section Six (b) (iii) on page 47 a change-pole motor with speeds in ratios of 1 : 2 : 3 or 1 : 2 : 4 is often more suitable. Where stalling is a serious problem, torque limiting clutches offer short-term protection, as do torque-limiting couplings of either the electric or hydraulic types, especially where overloads are likely to persist. Generally -agitator motors up to 20 hp will start quite easily with "direct on" switching, and at higher powers "high starting torque" motors can be used. Where starting loads are exceptionaJly high (e.g. the rousing of heavy sediment) clutches should be introduced in the drives. Pneumatic motors have been used for small agitators where stiffening of the batch would stall an electric motor; the speed of these machines varies with the stiffness of the batch, and there seems to be no reason why hydraulic or steam motors should not be applied to larger agitators on a similar basis. Overspeed protection may be necessary with steam or air drive. . The loads transmitted to the bearings by the shaft, as well as the weight of whatever other items are attached to it must be carried by the bearing support structure; these loads are live and to some extent alternating. Support structures should thus be "stressed" on this basis and designed generously to ensure adequate rigidity and the maintenance of shaft alignment in the gland where one is fitted. Probably the most economical method of supporting an impeller and.shaft is to couple the shaft rigidly to the shaft of the gearbox and let the reduction gear bearings take the loads. This arrangement offers MECHANICAL DESIGN OF AGITATORS 53 no problem with small impellers; with the larger types conventional reduction gears are mostly made so that adequate capacity bearings and higher tensile steel shafts can be fitted with no basic alteration to the gear unit. The loads to be carried, as well as the power and speed, should be specified to the gear manufacturer. i: \! l t ~' In order to ensure alignment when a gland is used, the shaft bearing ~ housing whether part of the gearbox or a separate assembly, should be \ spigotted into a branch or support on the vessel cover, The branch or \ support can then be machined at the same time as the facing which is (\ to carry the gland. Couplings between the gear output and impeller shafts can be of any conventional design. For corrosive service couplings between drive and impeller shafts are much better arranged outside the vessel, even though this entails longer shafts and may necessitate the use of bearings below the coupling or in the stuffing box. · C The drive arrangements most commonly used fo~ impellers which operate well below the driving motor speed comprises a worm-reduction gearbox mounted on the vessel, directly driven by a flange-mounted motor, or through V-belts from a motor attached to the gearbox. A V-belt connection offers advantages in that it provides a very simple method of adjusting the impeller speed to match process requirements or the available power. Small changes of speed can make appreciable changes in motor load, since over small ranges the power absorbed by an impeller varies as the cube of the speed. Gearboxes are relatively expensive, and absorb considerable power especially if a unit larger than is really necessary is installed. Vertically mounted motors driving the impeller Ahaft through a V-belt should be considered for speeds above about 120 rev/min, this being about the lowest speed which can be satisfactorily obtained in a single V-belt reduction step from a '750 rev/min motor. Bearings outside the vessel are nearly always of the ball or roller type in modern designs. There seems to be no reason, however, why plain bearings should not be equally satisfactory for the slower shaft speeds, although somewhat more difficult to instal. Grease lubrication is normal and protection against entry of condensation, dust or fumes from the vessel should be provided. From the mechanical standpoint, greasing is probably necessary only at long intervals; in practice more frequent regular greasing is desirable in order to flush out any contaminants which may creep into the bearings. i' ! I \I APPENDIX A-RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONS FOR VERTICAL CYLINDRICAL VESSELS, BAFFLES, AND IMPELLERS \ \ In this Appendix are given the leading dimensions which have been accepted as "standard" in this Handbook for: (a) Vertical Cylindrical Type Vessels, (b) Baffles, (c) Paddle, Turbine, and Anchor-Type Impellers. I. I, \:' (a) PROPOSED STANDARD DIAMETERS FOR VERTICAL CYLINDRICAL VESSELS \ (These diameters are in accordance with those given in Ref. 98) RADIUS NOT LESS THAN 'T' - - l LI' ~ H H H \ --1â– --T----•1 ,____________ T _ : ] ANGLE NOT LESS Fm. 5. Fm. 4. THAN 140° FIG. 6. TABLE26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 TS ft in ft in ft in ft in ft in 3 3 4 0 4 9 ft in 6 0 ft in 2 3 Nominal capacity, gal• 50 150 300 500 1000 3000 9000 16000 Actual capacity, gal• 66 168 314 525 1059 3010 9010 16540 1 Vessel No. .. .. Diameter, T .. .. 8 6 12 a ft • Capacities are calculated for a liquid height H equal to T, and a bottom. 54 in 15 0 '· 55 APPENDIX A Under all conditions the liquid height (H) should lie between the limits of 0·57! and 2T. Dished bottoms may be fitted, the main radius being not less than T; a small corner ("knuckle") radius may be used. The overall height is unchanged by dishing the bottom; the capacity of the tank is reduced by some 4 per cent. Conical bottoms may be fitted, the wall being inclined at not less than 70° to the vertical (i.e. the cone angle is 140°). The overall height and the capacity are increased by about 18 per cent and 6 per cent respectively. (b) RECOMMENDED BAFFLE DIMENSIONS :,- - .... 7J - - r-_,.... r ~~ f_-1 l..- _, ,_ - .J I 1 I 1 - I ;-~ r------1 r-------1 '-- - -- -- _,_J.._ - _____ _, I I r-~,- - - - - - - - - ~ I T 1 ,,_____ _ _ _ T - - - - - FIG. 7. FIG. 8. TABLE 27 1 2 Vessel Tl T I I ft in 2 3 4 5 T2 T3 T4 ft in 3 3 ft in 4 0 ft in 4 9 J 2¾ 4 4! IX ! I l½ 2 3 f3 I T J 5 3 = Tank diameter. = Baffle width. 1 5¾ --2 3½ • IX f3 6 7 8 9 T5 T6 T7 TS ft in 6 0 ft in 8 6 ft in 3 ft in 15 0 12 1 0 I 0 7¼ 10½ 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 = Wall clearance. = Bottom clearance. 56 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN Four baffles are fitted for tanks Tl-T6; six baffles are used for the two largest tanks, T7 and TS. • (X Baffles are flat, vertical, radial and mounted not more than a distance from the vessel wall. Baffles should extend at least to the surface of the liquid; they may have a clearance from the bottom of not more than {3. The clearances (X and f3 are decided by the requirements of the application (subject to the limits given); they are mainly useful for keeping the tank surfaces free of solids. (c) RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONS FOR PADDLE, TURBINE AND ANCHOR-TYPE IMPELLERS (i) Paddle Impellers ,.. - l t w r-1 i I I I 17 D C l 11 ,,,, T i '.t FIG. 9. I I~ I ' TABLE 28 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Code Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 AS ft in 6 0 ft in 8 6 12 ft in 3 15 0 0 5 8 8 2 10 0 5 7 10 1 0 2 4½ 2 11 ft in ft in T 2 3 3 3 ft in 4 0 ft in 4 9 ' D 1 6 2 2 2 8 3 w 2 2½ 3¼ a 5¼ 7½ 9¼ 2 ,\ 4 3¾ 1 ·2 11 1 7¾ , T D = Tank diameter. = Paddle diameter. W 0 ft in = Paddle width. = Bottom clearance. r 57 APPENDIX A Paddle blades are flat, radial and straight; they lie in a plane through the shaft. • Shafts are central and vertical. Sizes of shafts and hubs and thickness of impeller blades are determined by the strength and rigidity required; they have little effect on agitation or power requirements. Ribs, etc., for stiffening blades may be fitted; due account should be taken of their effect on the flow characteristics. The liquid depth should lie between the limits O·5 T and 2 T. (ii) Turbine Impellers - r r-, w L / 0 .Fm. 10. TABLE29 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Code Bl B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 ft in 9 ft in ft in I 6 ft in ft in ft in D 2 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 L 2¼ 3 4½ 6 9 W· If; 2½ 3½ 4! 7¼ B 6 D L I 6 = Impeller diameter. = Blade length. 6 8 W B I 12 0 9½ 12 = Blade width. = Number of blades. Instead of a disc being used as indicated in Fig. 10, the impeller blades may be attached directly to the hub. For notes regarding thickness of blades, etc., see preceding notes on "Paddle Impellers". .. - AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN 58 (iii) Anchor Impellers ----- T ----~ FIG. 11. TABLE 30 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 Code Cl 02 03 I 04 05 06 T ft in 2 3 ft in 3 3 ft in 4 0 ft in 4 9 ft in, 6 0 D 2 I 3 10, I , I I 3 I' ft in 8 6."' I 4 6 5 9 8 3 w 2 3 4 4t [> 7 0 I I 1 I½ l½ l½· T D = Tank diameter. = Anchor diameter. W 0 = Width of blades. = Clearance (walls and bottom). Cross-section of the anchor arms is rectangular, probably with rounded edges when of cast iron or enamelled iron. Arms may be tapered in thickness and in width W, in which case W should be taken at the mean value. Internal bracing may be added for additional mechanical strength. Where dished bottoms are used the clearance O is maintained constant, the anchor following the contours of the vessel. Anchors are not recommended above 9-ft diameter. The depth of liquid should lie in the range 0·7 T to l ·5 T. For_ notes on shaft diameter, etc., see preceding notes on "Paddle Impellers" on page 57. APPENDIX B-ASSESSMENT OF THE POWER LOST IN STUFFING BOXES (See Note in in Section (b) of Appendix E regarding derivation of these calculations) Various methods of calculating the power loss in stuffing boxes have been suggested from time to time; most possess difficulties due to absence of data concerning friction factors and the pressure exerted by the packing on the rotating shaft. The following method assumes that a stuffing box is merely a bushing with means for adjusting the clearance between bushing and shaft. In other words, the packing is assumed to be plastic, so that pressure on the gland causes it to deform and so reduce the clearance between packing and shaft. The packing will not actually touch the shaft unless too much pressure is exerted on the gland, and the clearance will fill with either grease from the packing or with the sealing liquid. Under these conditions the power lost in the stuffing box will be a function cf the viscous drag in the liquid between shaft and packing. If too much pressure is applied to the gland, the film of sealing liquid or grease will be broken, and seizing will occur causing high power losses, the evolution of.much heat, and scoring of the shaft. The axial flow of a liquid or gas through the clearance between a shaft and packing can be estimated in cubic inches per minute as follows (59): q= Where q = and c = d = p = l = µ = 0· l 08( 1000c )3dp µl Axial flow (in3/min) Radial clearance (in.) Dif;tmeter of shaft (in.) Pressure drop across stuffing box (lb/in 2 ) Length of the packed section (in.) Viscosity of liquid in centipoises (cp). The leakage rate which can be tolerated is usually known or can be fixed, and is often about 0·006 in3/min, equivalent to two drops per minute. The permissible clearance (c) for this rate of leakage (q) will thus be given by: C - 3 /( A/ µql ) 1·08 x l0Bpd The viscous drag in the fluid between the rotating shaft and the packing is given by: . <· µVS F=---2·16 X 59 105cg 60 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN where F = Force (lb) µ, = Viscosity of sealing liquid in centipoises (cp) V = Peripheral shaft speed (in./sec) S = Surface area of the shaft covered by the packing (in 2) c = Radial clearance (as above) g = 32·2 ft/sec. Now S = 1r ld (in2) and V = Hence F = 1rnd in.fsec for a shaft rotating at (n) rev/min. 60 µ,1r 2 nl · lb. 1·29 x 107cg The horsepower required to rotate the shaft under these conditions is given by: hp= Fx , 1rnd . 60 X 550 X 12 µ, 1r2nd2 l 1rnd 1·29 X 107cg 60 X 550 X 12 - -----x----- - µ,1r3n2d3 l 5·14 l012cg Substituting for (c): n2 a / µ,2dl0l2p hp=---✓ 1·12xl010 'rhP. nppli~at,inn nf q t,hiR form11 l~. t.n n pnrtfo11 far ~Sl.RP. iR Rhnwn in thP. following example. What is the power lost in a 7-in. long stuffing box of an impeller shaft 3-in. dia., rotating at 180 rev/min, assuming that the pressure in the vessel is 800 lb/in 2, that the packing is sealed with an oil of 1000 centipoise viscosity, and that a leakage rate of 0·006 in3/min may be tolerated1 · The hp needed to rotate the shaft under these conditions will be given by: (180) 2 3 /(1000)2(3)10(7)2(800) hp=---✓ l · 12 X 1010 = 2·1. (0·006) APPENDIX C-FORMULAE FOR HEAT TRANSFER IN AGITATION VESSELS (Note.-Self-consistent units are assumed throughout this Appendix-see also Notes in Section (b) of Appendix E) Heat transfer i~ related to agitation by the following formula: hd _ ( n D2p)0·67, ( Opµ --Y-x-~'- ('lf,) µ, A )z ( )0·14 µ = = ,\ = Y and Z = where h d n D p µ, µ,c Op Heat transfer coefficient, surface to bulk of liquid Outside diameter of the tubes in the coil Thermal·conductivity of the liquid Constants relating to geometrical arrangements, values of which are given in Tables 31 and 32 = Impeller speed""' = Impeller diameter = Liquid density = Viscosity* = Viscosity at the temperature of the coil surface* = Specific heat of liquid. !' In general for a given speed and diameter the type of impeller has little effect on the heat transfer (Kraussald (49)) even for types as widely different as paddles and propellers; anchors, however, may be an exception to this. The figures for the constant Y put forward by Chilton, Drew and Jebens (19) and by Oldshue and Gretton (66) relate to vessels which are geometrically generally similar to those recommended in Section 2. For vessels of those proportions, values of Y equal to 0·87 for coils, and equal to 0·36 for jackets therefore seem appropriate for unbaffied conditions-except in the case of anchors. According to Oldshue and Gretton (66} baffling or the use of heavy coil support structures can reduce the heat transfer coefficient by a factor as high as 10. The values of Yin Table 31 as put forward by Pratt (69) do not in general agree with the others given for unbaffied conditions. * 1 cp = 2·42 lb/ft h. 61 TABLE 31. Values of the Constant Yin Formulae for Heat Transfer in Agitation Vessels 1 2 3 Type of impeller Type of mixing vessel Baffled or unbaffled 6 4 5 Transfer surface VALUE OF Y (See Note below) 7 0:, ~ AUTHORITY Paddle Paddle Anchor Propeller Turbine Wide variety of paddles and plates ditto Two turbines on one shaft Two turbines on one shaft Turbine Wide variety of types ditto Unbaffled Helical coil 0·87 Unbaffled Jacket 0·36 Unbaffled ,Jacket 0·55 Unbaffled Jacket 0·54 Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Baffled Helical coil Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Unbaffled Vertical cylindrical (dished bottom) Vertical cylindrical (dished bottom) Vertical cylindrical (hemispherical bottom) - 34 ( dg dp Vertical square (flat bottom) Unbafflecl Vertical cylindrical (dished bottom) Vertical cylindrical (dished bottom) Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Unbaffled Tubes act as Vertical tubes as baffles Vertical cylindrical idtto Unbaffled ditto 39 (du dp Unbaffled - -,c~ __ ....., ~-· ------ ---:- W) De D Helical coil Helical coil Jacket ( (fr r·33 X(;lr·2 0·87 0·36 ' dp Brown, Scott and Toyne Oldshue, Gretton 13 66 Pratt 69 19 13 > Q Pratt 69 Cummings and West Cummings and West Dunlap and Rushton 21 = Overall height of coil. = Diameter of coil. ~ > 8 0 C 0·40 0•09 19 D2T 1·01 .Tacket Chilton, Drew and Jebens Chilton, Drew and Jebens Brown, Scott and Toyne D2T 25 Helical coil NOTE-Regarding Column 5: D = Impeller tip diameter. T = Vessel diameter (or length of side for square-shaped vessels). d = Outside diameter of the tubes in the temperature control coils. d11 = Gap between coil turns ( = coil pitch, less d). ---.---,..-- r·l ( r· 0 r·8x { ·25 x ( d3 r·l 8 r· X(wr· X d3r·l Reference in Appendix E x Td 0·17 (D T Helical coil 5 Name(s) 21 ttj t'1 ttj 23 Kraussold I Kraussold ~ U). I 49 49 De W = Width of stirrer (impeller) blade (or sum of widths where several paddles are on the same shaft). B 1 = Number of baffles involved. 0 8 H 0 z ~ t:::1 t:::1 ttj U). H Q z ~=:::.--:=---=----~ --- ---==--====--~..._.;_..:..........,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-..i.,,_____ __ ~ ""d t.":l TABLE 32. Values of the Constant Zin Formulae for Heat Transfer in Agitation Vessels I 2 4 3 6 5 7 - 8 Type of impeller . Baffled or unbaffled Transfer surface VALUE OF z 0 Reference in Appendix E Oldshue and Gretton 66 Pratt 69 0;25 Brown, Scott and Toyne 13 Helical coil and Jacket 0·33 (but the values for higher viscosities will correlate well on a value of 0·25) Chilton, Drew and Jebens 19 Turbine Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Baffled Helical coils 0·37 Wide ranges of paddles, anchors and plates Circular and square (flat bottom) Unbaffled Helical coils 0·33 (but the values will correlate well on a value of O· 28) Anchors and propeller Vertical cylindrical (hemispherical bottom) Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Unbaffled Jacket Unbaffled Paddles Name(s) t::1 ~ AUTHORITY Type of mixing vessel z ~ Turbines Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Unbaffled Helical coil and Jacket 0·33 Cummings and West 21 Turbine Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Vertical tubes act as Baffles Vertical tubes 0·33 Dunlap and Rushton 23 Wide range of types Vertical cylindrical (flat bottom) Unbaffied Helical coil and Jacket 0·33 Kraussold 49 Remarks Correlation of other investigators' results included NOTE-The values of Z given-in-this table fall between 0·25 ariiro-37 tnclusive, and it is suggested that the acceptanceoTZequal to 0.33 in all cases except anchors will not lead to serious errors. 0) ~ APPENDIX D-THEORY AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE DESIGN OF IMPELLERS, SHAFTS, AND BEARINGS (See Notes in Section (b) of Appendix E concerning the derivation of these calculationB) (a) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO DESIGN OF IMPELLER SHAFT The general requirements relating to an impeller shaft and associated blading may be set out as follows: (1) The shaft should be sufficiently strong to resist: For Severe Duty: 2½ times the rated motor torque without the yield stress of the when an impeller material being exceeded (or 0·2 per cent blade is jammed at proof stress); 75 per cent of its or maximum radius, For Light Duty: l½ times the rated motor measured from the torque without the yield stress of the centre of the shaft. material being exceeded (or 0·2 per cent proof stress) ; J(2) The shaft should resist 2½ times the motor rated torque as pure torque. v-(3) The shaft should~ run within 30 per cent of its first (lower) critical speed, or within 15 per cent of that speed if dynamically balanced. ---{4) Neither should the shaft deflect to an extent as to cause fouling of the vessel wall or fittings when jammed as i~jl). (5) The impeller blades should not fail in the jammed condition set out in (1). The relevant design calculations given in this Appendix assume that the shaft is carried entirely by two bearings with sufficient flexibility to have the effect of simple supports. These could be the bearings of the associated reduction gear, the agitator 'b~ing attached to _the gear output shaft by a rigid coupling. · All stresses in these calculations are expressed in terms of apparent simple tensile stress. I (b) CALCULATIONS FOR SHAFT DIAMETER (See Fig. 12) Assume that the following are known: Nominal hp of_g.riving motor Agitator speed (rev /14in) Overall dia of agitator (ft.)· Length of agitator below bottom bearing !ft). See Fig. 12. ,A,' v1 .. 64 =n =Dor 2r = l APPENDIX D Distance between centre lines of the two bearings referred to in (a) (ft) =S Yield stress of shaft material in terms of apparent simple tensile stress (ton/in 2 ) = fy Safe working stress in terms of apparent simple tensile stress (ton/in 2 ) = fs '"'-'-PP.,_;;;.., ...................... ,. I s ...__............. ·······················+ . I f' '' ' ----·--•---t-++--·--·---·_j_ ,. FIG. 12. ••j and that it is required to find the diameter of the impeller shaft needed to sustain the loads developed if the agitator becomes jammed by one or more impeller blades and that the driving motor is capable of developing l½ or 2½ times the normal full load torque . As indicated under (a) (1), it is assumed that the point of jamming is at 0·75 of the maximum agitator radius from the axis of the impeller shaft, as this point corresponds approximately to the centre of pressure on a blade rotating through a liquid. If there is reason to believe that the agitator may be jammed at a point closer to the axis (e.g. in a paste mixer the charge might be dumped from a paste bogy near to the agitator shaft), then this fraction of the radius may be suitably decrease~. It is, however, unwise to increase it. ·~.· --·: ,I. If Tc is the maximuirt:~oii.tinuous rated torque on~~~;~ 33000 X 12 X p -=-=~" Then Ti; = . ),: ·1 1(1) -21rn x 2240 ~ 2.S ·if f · If Tm is the torque to be resisted under jammed conditiono, Then Tm = 2·5__;1c or 1·5 Teton in. =·7 c,. :::>.J~ _£_> 7 •'1--\, es-Y- . , L itz.,. 2-./ ·n 66 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN This torque Tm is to be resisted by a force Fm tons acting at a radius of 0·75r from the axis of the impeller shaft, and hence, The greatest bending moment Mm to be resisted by the impeller shaft occurs immediately below the bottom bearing, and Mm = Fmlton in.· Using the maximum elastic shear strain energy theory the bending moment (M em) equivalent to the combination of Tm and Mt!m is given by: Under these conditions the stress (fy) in the impeller shaft is then given by fy (3) where dt = diameter of the shaft (in.) The theoretical diameter of the shaft can thus be calculated from expression (3), and a diameter (din.) of some commercially available size of bar, close to dt can then be selected. Having determined a shaft diameter in the manner just o-gtlined, it is then necessary to check that the shaft will not be stressed above its safe working stress Us) by the torque developed as the driving motor accelerates through its peak torque during starting. This start-up torque is here coh-sidered as a pure torque load, and· is seriously large only with agitators having an unusually large ratio of radius to shaft length. If (fq) represents the maximum shear stress developed in the impeller shaft during start-up = Then fq 16 x 2·5 · T.J, ton/in 2 • 1rd3 (4) Again using the maximum elastic shear strain energy theory, the maximum permissible value offq is equal to fs• ~ . Therefore fr 16 x 2·5 {: .__ 1rd3 .. Te ton/in2 ,, (4a) If this condition is not met, then a shaft diameter greater than -d · must be selected. J ( 67 APPENDIX D (c) GEAR SELECTION WHEN AN IMPELLER IS SUP- PORTED BY THE GEAR OUTPUT SHAFT (or Bearing Load Calculations) First calculate the value of an equivalent bending moment (say MEM) at which the selected diameter of shaft will yield: i . . ?Td3Jv . (5) Thus MEM = --ton 1n. 32 Then determine the bending moment (MM) which in combination with the maximum torque (Tm) produces the equivalent bending moment (MEM), thus: --=-.,,,-----=----=___,,,. MM= y (MEM) 2 -0·75(Tm) 2 ton in. · (6) This value of bending moment represents the maximum shock moment which the gear shaft should withstand. The output shafts of nearly all gear units will withstand a shock bending moment of 2·5 times their rated continuous bending moment. A gear is therefore required which will withstand a continuous bending moment of: MM --ton in. 2·5 The gear unit can then be selected from the maker's data on the basis of hp output, speed, and a maximum continuous bending moment · equal to the above value . • A check should then be made to ensure that the bearings will not be overloaded by the side thrusts imposed: Load developed by shock bending moment on:l-S S) tons (l+ S) tons ~ottom bea:ring = Fm S . Top bearing = Fm ( i (7) / (8) These loads are respectively equivalent to continuous loads on the top and bottom bearings as under : l-S) Fm (2·5S l- s) Fm ( - or I·5S (l+ S) . s) .- and Fm ·- ton1/'J.., ii,(for severe duty 2·5S (z and Fm -+- ton itjor light_ duty . I·5S T." (but see Notes I, 2, 3 and 4 at the end of this sub-section). If the impeller is carried. by the gear unit, these total loads should not exceed that available on t¼e gear bearings for withstanding continii1ms external loads. When: bearings are being provided for the· ( / . i / 68 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN agitator separately, the relevant one of these two loads should be taken as the working side thrust for selection purposes. It is inherent in the design of almost all gears and bearings that if the bearings will withstand this level of continuous load, then they are capable of withstanding 2½ times that load under shock conditions: In order to reduce expense with costly materials, or to reduce weight and increase the critical speed, it is sometimes convenient to use hollow shafts. Using suffixes (i) and (o) to denote internal and external dimensions, the formulae previously given and referenced as (3), (4) and (5), respectively, become: 32 Mem do = ----ton/in2 4 4 1r Is Mem = (do -dt (9) ) 16 X 2 ·5 Tc do · 4 1r (do -dt 4 ) 1r (do 4 -dt4 )fv . ton/1n2 . = -----tonm. 32do (10) (11) It should be remembered that if a shaft is hollow only over the lower section of its length (where bending moments are small), then the hollow section should still be capable of transmitting a torque of 2·5 Tc ton in. without a stress of Fa ton/in 2 being exceeded. Notes Regarding Above Calculations (I) It may be found that the value of the shaft diameter (d) selected is sufficiently larger than the required diameter as to make a larger size of gear nec~sary. If so, a portion of the shaft immediately below the coupling should be turned down to (d') in diameter, and the smaller gear used. (2) If the gear shaft and bearings are likely to be overloaded whilst the torque is well within the rated output of the gear, it may be advisable to fit a subsidiary bearing plate beneath the coupling in preference to the use of a larger size of gear. The calculations involved are outlined in sub-section (g) of this Appendix. In vessels where a bearing bush is used in the gland, such bush may be regarded as a subsidiary bearing; where this is done, however, care should be taken to ensure that the impeller shaft below the coupling will not withstand a shock bending moment c::y ) greater than that on the gear shaft, as otherwise wear on the neck b_ush may damage the gear. (3) The calculations in this suH;-sP,ction assume that short output shaft gears are used. I(-4lie •coupling is more than a few inches /" ·l !I 69 APPENDIX D ·below the lower bearing of the gear, then the shaft should be designed to reach its yield point below the coupling before the applied loads attain values which stress the gear shaft above its CTaximum shock bending moment at the lower bearing. (4) If very heavy agitators are used, the end thrust on the bearings may become a serious factor, and should be quoted when ordering gear units or included as a further load in selecting bearings. (d) CALCULATION OF CRITICAL SPEEDS The method of calculation given in this sub-section has been developed from that given in Ref. 70. Having selected the impeller shaft diameter (d) as explained in the previous sections of this Appendix it is necessary to ensure that the agitator speed is not within ± 30 per cent of the critical speed of the· shaft as the agitator is unlikely to· run steadily within that range. The following calculations consider transverse and not torsional vibration conditions, as the latter very rarely occur with impeller shafts: Lets = Distance between centre lines of shaft bearings (in.) l = Length of overhung portion (in.) .l TJ =- s n 8 = Critical speed of shaft alone (rev/min) K1 = A constant depending upon the value of the ratio TJ, which can be obtained from Fig. ...., 13 I = Moment of inertia of shaft about an aixs through its centre of cross-section (in4 ) Ws = Weight of shaft (lb/in.) E = Youngs Modulus of the shaft material (lb/in 2 ). Then the critical speed of the shaft itself is given by: ET J ns = K1 .. . (12) ~w 4 rev/min 81' . Considering the agitator as a whole: Let 8a = l\Iaximum deflection (in.) . Wa = Weight of impeller (lb) n1 = Critical speed of light shaft with impeller (rev/min) nc = Critical speed of the whole impeller system (rev/min) ·I 8a and n1 - Wal 2 (l+ S). Ill. ·3EJ 188 _rev/min. \f(8a) I ,_i;~.. __. ., i J I I -,,.,., ,._ -. - " ..... I ,. .:.,: / ,,,:j ' ~'--- ·t- ---·· 70 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN and nc may therefore be calculated from the relationship: I I I nc2 n1 n8 - = -2+ -2 (13) 700 ,- WHEN 77--..00 600 . l ~ 1/ V ~ .. K ,___...650 !~'!CRITICAL SPEED. i II 400 ' I 300 200 100 ~· 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 II 12 FIG. 13. Curve showing relationship between 71 and the constant K 1 (see item (d) of Appendix D) · · The critical speed of any couplin6• or other concentrated weight should also be determined and allowed for if necessary. 71 APPENDIX D Thus if: n2 = Critical speed of a coupling or concentrated weight and l2 = and w, = Then S, Hencen2 - on a light shaft (rev/min) Distance of coupling or concentrated weight from centre line of bearing (in.) Weight of coupling (lb). Wc"2 2(l2+S) 3El 188 y.(8c) I.e. 1i2 188 = ------ (14) J[w.z.:~+8)] The critical speed of the whole system may therefore be found from the relationship: I nl· 1 1 1 n1 ns n2 -=-+ -2+ -2 2 The critical range of speed will lie within the range (nc ± 0·3nc)If the calculated critical speed range overlaps the operating speed the most helpful modifications available are usually to reduce the weight of th~ agitator blades, and replace solid by hollow shafts. If further alterations are still necessary a subsidiary bearing plate can be used or the agitation modified. Minor alterations to impeller dimensions sufficient to avoid critical speeds can be made on the basis of constant power by keeping the value (r5 x n3) constant. (e) CALCULATION OF DEFLECTIONS If a paddle becomes jammed, the agitator will tend to turn about th~ point of jamming, thus causing the shaft to deflect. The stiffness of the shaft (which is governed by the diameter) will determine its deflection and so the possible rotation of the paddle about its jamming point. Consider the shaft as a cantilever which tends to deflect below the lower bearing. Then, using the nomenclature previously defined, the force causing the shaft to deflect is Pm, tons. . For a cantilever the shaft deflection s, is given by: Pml3 3EJ S=-- (16) 6 / 72 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGJII' Fig. 14. From the diagram in Fig. 14: (fr) B. -=-78 :. X = -3 . lll. . .f • Relating this deflection to the diameter of the shaft, 448 Pml3 X=-X-9 -rrd4~ (17) t Having determined this deflection an inspectton of the relevant drawings will then help to ascertain whether the paddle is likely to foul the walls of the vessel when the agitator becomes jammed. (f) DESIGN OF IMPELLER BLADES The bending moment at the root of the impeller blades should be checked by considering the blades as cantilevers. The force to be resisted is a bending moment of Tm ton in., i.e. the force to be resisted under shock bending conditions. Owing to the tendency for blades to vibrate, the maximum stress developed in the material by these loads should not exceed fy ton/in2 • Shear stress is negligibly smal1 in all normal shapes of impeller hlade. I ) 73 APPENDIX D (g) STRESSES IN SHAFTS AND BEARINGS WHERE A SUBSIDIARY BEARING IS FITTED The shaft is considered as a beam loaded at one end simply supported at the three bearings, K, L, and M, and withstanding a side thrust at N as indicated in Fig. 15. F a b ----------------- ______________ c ------------ ---------------- K L M N FIG. 15. (i} Bearin~ Loads By Macaulay's Method* (Ref. 17): d2y EI dx 2 :. Ely = R1x+R2lx-al+R3 lx-(a+b)I R1x3 R2lx-al 3 R31x-(a+b)l3 = --+---+-----+A1x+B1 6 6 When x = O; y = 0, Whenx = a; y :. 0 (18) 6 and hence B 1 = 0. = 0.., R1a3 = - - + A1a, and hence A1 = 6 6 ~ Whenx ' = (a+b); y = 0 R1(a+b) 3 R 2b3 +--+A1(a+b) 6 6 R1(a+b) 3 R2b3 R1a2 (a+b) :. 0 = :. 0 =---+------6 6 6 Also -Fe = R 1(a+b)+R 2b. :. -Fcb2 = R 1b2(a+b)+R2b3 (19) (20) Multiplying equation (19) by 6, and subtracting equation (20) from the result: Fcb 2 = R1(a+b) 8 -R1b2 (a+b)-R 1a2 (a+b) = R1(a+b){(a+b) 2-b2 -a2} = 2R1ab(a+b) * In this method, expressions written as [x-a] become zero when xis less than a. 6* 74 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN R1 - Feb (21) 2a(a+ b) Similarly: R2b - -Fe-R1(a+b) R2 - R2 - · -Fe(2a+b) 2ab R3 = F-R1-R2 = Fbe -Fe-2a Fe Fe b 2a ---- (22) and: = F- Fbe 2a(a+b) Fe Fe +-+b 2a . I Fe Fe (23) =F+-+ b 2(a+b) (ii) Bending Moments The greatest bending moment is developed at the point M (Fig. 15). It can be determined as set out below and combined with stresses due to torsion by the method previously used for shafts without subsidiary bearings. The bending moment at the bottom bearing of the gear (i.e. in the gear output shaft) should be checked against the gear capacity. Bending Moment at M = Fe ton in. Bending Moment at L = R 1a ton in. R3 (iii) Critical Speeds These should be calcnlated as previously explained~ but considering a total shaft length of (b +e) carried in bearings L and JJf.. (h) SUGGESTED WORKING STRESSES FOR SHAFT MATERIALS The v~lues of stresses suggested in this Section of the Appendix are for normal temperatures, and should be reduced for operation at higher temperatures. Where steel shafts have failed after fairly long periods of service by bending without being jammed or otherwise mechanically abused, blind replacement by higher tensile strength material will not necessarily always give a better result. The higher tensile steels may fatigue under the conditions of alternating load to which impeller shafts are subjected. A check calculation of the stresses developed should be made by the methods set out in this Appendix, using a permitted stress for fy, which bears some relation to the yield stress of the selected material and its resistance to fatigue. No practical information is available on I t l j t I 75 APPENDIX D such relationship, but the figures given in Table 34 as used by a gear manufacturer may provide some guide. TABLE 33; Suggested Working Stresses for Shaft Materials (tons/in2) 1 2 3 4 Material Yield stress or 0·2 % proof strt:)ss Safe working stress Young's modulus (fy) Us) (E) Mild steel . . .. .. .. 18/8 chrome-nickel steel with or without additions . . .. Monel metal Hot rolled .. .. Fully annealed . . . . .. .. Cast iron .. .. 6 14 8 --- 12,500 6 4 11,500 11,500 3* 6,500 14 '9 .. .. . 17 . - 7·5* 13,500 - • .As cast iron has neither a yield nor a proof stress, these values are based on an uUimate tensile strength of 12 ton/in2 for grey cast iron to B.S. 1452. Grey Iron Castings-grade 12 TABLE 34. Showing Suggested Relationships between Ultimate Tensile Strength, etc., and the Permitted Stress f y• - 1 2 3 4 5 Steel U.T.S. ton/in2 Yield ton/in 2 Value equiv. to fs ton/in 2 Value equiv. to fv ton/in 2 Nickel-chrome B.S. 970, * En 24 50-60 38-48 10·6 25·8 Normalised 0·4 per cent C to ... B.S. 970, * En 8 .. 35 17. 6·6 16·5 ' • B.S. 970, Wrought Steels in the form of Bars, Billets and Forgings, up to 6-in. Ruling Section,for .Automobile and General Engineering Purposes. En series. · (i) WORKED EXAMPLES The following calculations relate to the agitation in two imaginary vessels, A and B. The leading dimensions given below in Table 35 have been selected so that the calculations for vessel A is a straightforward example, that for vessel B illustrates a more difficult case. TABLE 35. Features of the two "Imaginary" Vessels 1 l ' i Vessel depth . . .. . . . . .. Paddle length (2r) . . .. . . . . Paddle speed (n) .. .. .. .. Horse power (hp) .. .. . . .... Paddle blade depth . . .. . . . ... Normafheight of bottom gear bearing above vessel cover .. . . .. .. Length of agitator shaft below bottom gear bearing (L) .. . . .. .. 2 3 Vessel A Vessel B 7 ft 6 ft 8 in. 22 rev/min 15 9 in. 5 ft 6 in . 4 ft 0 in . 40 rev/min 15 9 in . Approx. 2 ft Approx. 2 ft Say 78 in. Say 78 in. - 76 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN 1. Calculation of Shaft Diameters Vessel B Vessel A From eq. (1) Tc · Tm Fm - 33,000 X 12 X 15 27T X 22 X 33,000 X 12 X 15 21r X 40 2,240 X = 19·2 ton in. 10·5 ton in. = 2·5xl9·2 2 X 10·5 = 48 ton in. 26·4ton in. 48 - ---0·75 X 40 = 1·6tons :. Mm = 1·6x 78 = 125 ton in. 2,240 26·4 0·75 X 24 1·47 tons 1·47x78 115ton in. · From eq. (2) Mem = y[(l25) 2 +0·75 (48)2] = 121 ·5 ton in. y[(l 15)2 + 0·75(26·4)2] 117 Fron1 Table 33, fy for mild steel = 17 ton/in2 32 X 121·5 · From eq. (3), 17,= - - 1rd~ = 4·29 in. · de . d 4·5 in. 17 ton/in2 117 X 32 1rd: 4· 12 in. 4·25 in. =--- 2. Check for Continuous Working Stress Vessel A From eq. (4), Jq - Vessel B 16 X 48 16 X 26·4 1r (4·5) 3 . 7T = 2·68 ton/in2 (4·25)3 l ·76 ton/in2 which values are well below the maximum permissible continuous working shear stress. 77 APPENDIX D 3. Gear Selection Vessel A From eq. (5) MEM Vessel B 1r( 4·5)317 n (4·25)317 32 32 = 152·5 ton in. 127 ·5 ton in. = v[(l52·5) 2 - o-75(48) 2 = 146·5 ton in. vr(121•5)2 _ o-75(26·4)2J - From eq. (6) MM MM · - - = 58·5 ton in. 125·5 ton in. 50·2 ton in. 2·5 A gear unit has now to be selected on the basis of 15 hp, an agitator speed of 22 rev/min, and a maximum continuous heh.ding moment of 58·o ton in. for Vessel A and 15 hp, 40 rev/min, and 50·.2 toa in. fo~· Vessel B. · A study of a gear data sheet shows that a 12-in. gear will be satisfactory for Vessel A, provided that the bearings are not overloaded. For Vessel B, a 10-in. gear has the necessary power capacity but the maximum allowable continuous B.M. is, only 42 ton in. Consideration will have to be given therefore to the use of a subsidiary bearing plate. From this point, the calculations will proceed separately. VESSEL A Check on, Gear Bearing Loads Wheelshaft bearing span for a 12-in. gear = 12·75 in. From eq. (8): (78 + 12·75) Shock load on bottom bearing = l ·6 - - - 12·75 ==. 11 ·4 tons 11·4 · Equivalent continuous load = - 2·5 = 4·55tons From gear data sheet, the margin on bearings available for withstanding continuous external load lies between 7 · l and 7 ·42 tons. Also f!OID .the same sheet, the margin on bearing for external end thrust load lies between 5·31 and 5·12 tons which is sufficient for the agitator weight. Hence the bearing loads are satisfactory. ., , 78 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN·· Design of Impeller Blades The bending moment to be resisted by the root of the blade is Tm, i.e. 48 ton in. Now fy for mild steel is 17 ton/in 2 (Table 33}. If tis the blade thickness (in.) then: 48 17=-- • In practice, 1 ·5 in would be rather thick; use instead a ½-in. thick plate with stiffening ribs on each side, say ½-in. by 2¼-in. section at the boss, tapering to nil at the end of the paddle arm. _ · t - l ·37 in., say l ·5 in. Critical Speed For the shaft : 78 'YJ 12·75 = 6·1 From Fig. 13: K1 = 600 .7t{4·5)4 I = --- = Ws = 4·51 lb/in. E = :. Crit. speed n 8 20·6 in. 64 f 13,500 ton/in2 = 600 J[ 13,500 · 20·6 X 2,240] X 4·51 X (78)4 , from eq. (12) :. n 8 = 1,155 rev/min For the agitator, Wa = 300 lb 188 :. n1 - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=rev/min J[ 30q(78) 2 (78 + 12·75) 3 X 13,500 :. n1 since X ] 20·6 X 2,240 = 630 rev/min 1 1 nc = 554 rev/min 1 - = - - -2+ - nc2 (1,155) (630)2 This critical speed of 554 rev /min is very high, so that an agitator running at 22 rev/min is well outside the critical range. 79 APPENDIX D Shaft Deflection If x is the deflection of the end of -the -....paddle ----- remote from the point of jamming, then from equation (17): X l ·6(78)3 = -448 X _ _ ______,_ __ 9, 1r(4·5) 4 (13,500) = 2·16 in: Using the above calculated deflection of 2·16 in., the agitator can be. drawn in its deflected position to show whether or not the paddle is likely to foul the vessel wall or other fittings (see Fig. 16). POINT OF JAMMING. Fm.16. Position of agitator at maximum deflection VESSELB In the case of a 10-in. gear, the wheelshaft bearing span is ll ·375 in. Assume in this example that the subsidiary bearing can be accommodated 15 in. below the bottom gear bearing. Using the previous notation: a = ll ·375 in. b = 15 in. C = 63 in. (a+b) = 26·375 in. F = l ·47 tons. Then from eqs. (21), (22} and (24:), respectively: 1·47x63xl5 R1 - - - - - - - - = 2·32 tons 2 X 11·375 f X 26·375' R2 - 1·47x63)-( 1·47x63) = ----(- -15- 2x11·375 R3 - l ·4 7 X 63) ( l ·4 7 X 63 ) 1·47+ ( - - - + - - - - = 9·39tons 15 .2 X 26·375 - 10·24 tons • \ \ 80 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN Equivalent continuous loads ..... ~: 10·24 On bottom gear bearing, - - = 4· l ton 2·5 On subsidiary bearing, 9·39 2·5 - 3·75 ton · Max. bending moment at bottom gear bearing - 2·32 x 11·375 = 26·4ton in. ·• Max. bending moment at subsidiary bearing - 1·47 x 63 = 92·5 ton in. The shaft diameter has now to be recalculated on the basis of a maximum bending moment of 92·5 ton in. instead of 115 ton in. as previously, combined with a maximum torque of 26·4 ton in. The calculation proceeds exactly as before and gives 2dt = 3 ·96 in. :. d = 4 in. 26·4 Continuous bending moment at bottom gear bearing= - - = 10· 5 ton in. 2½ Load on bottom bearing = 4 · l ton. Both these are well within the maximum permissible values for a 10-in. gear. The thrust loads are also satisfactory. A suitable subsidiary bearing to take a continuous journal load of 3·75 tons can be selected from any of the manufacturer's tables. The calculations for paddle design, critical speed and deflection are similar to those shown for Vessel A. i• APPENDIX E-A NOTE ON SOURCES OF INFORMATION, WITH SOME LITERATURE REFERENCES In compiling a Handbook of this nature, the data used must necessarily be drawn from a large number of sources, and a given item of information cannot always be allocated to a single source. For example, in many cases the available technical literature suggests only how a particular problem may be tackled, so that practical experience has to be applied in an attempt to solve it. It is considered however that comments on the principal sources of information consulted will enable adequate technical criticism of the Handbook to be raised, and that without such comments further investigation on specific aspects of agitating problems will be hampered. A list of the literature references found useful (many of which are referred to in the text) is therefore included at the end of this Appendix, which also includes a short guide to the references cited as well as a section indicating how the individual Sections of this Handbook have been built up from the information and literature references available. A few copies of a classified bibliography of some 400 papers published up to 1953 is also available and may be borrowed on application to the E.E.U.A. offices. (a) BRIEF GUIDE TO THE REFERENCES CITED Many papers in the available literature deal to some degree at least with several subjects, and the classic work of Btiche (16) could logically be placed under each of the following headings. Against each of these headings are given the number(s) of the appropriate literature reference(s) which deal in some manner with the suhject(s) covered by the heading. Reference to these papers should be made for more detailed information than may be given in the relevant Section of this Handbook. (i) Literature Surveys and Bibliographies (29, 71-74, 76-78, 80, 81 and 83) Reference 29 reviews the subject up to 1945; the remainder are annual surveys by J. H. Rushton, which are still being issued. (ii) General Discussions (3, 4, 6, 16, 29, 64, 68, 82 and 86) Useful generalisations will be found in (4, 16, 29, 64, 68 and 86); algebraic errors invalidate some of the reasoning in (64). Emulsions are covered by (6). 81 t 82 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN (iii) Theory and Efficiency of Agitation (1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 22, 48, 57, 61, 62 and 86) Mathematical definitions of agitation efficiency are given in ( 1 and 22); theory and data on mixing rate are the subjects of (43, 48 and 61). Some useful ideas on fl.ow patterns are presented in (51, 62 and 84). (iv) Practical Considerations and Applications (5, 14, ·1s, 28, 51, 52 and 62) Suggestions for selecting impellers for specific applications are given in (18, 28, 51 and 62). Practical hints for installation and operation are given in (5, 14 and 52); the last mentioned dealing only with turbines. (v) Scale-up (57, 75 and 79) These three papers are useful but scarcely adequate; they discuss the inherent difficulties, rather than usable methods of extrapolation. (vi) Agitators in Series (9-12 and 58) The classical paper by MacMullin and Weber (58) is rather long, but presents a practical design method; chemical reactions in a series of agitation vessels are also covered. (vii) Power Consumption From the wide range of papers-on this subject a selection has been made Bond classified as follows: General: (15, 16, 28, 45, 47, 50, 60, 61, 68, 84 and 86). Propellers: (87). Paddles: (89-94). Turbines: (20, 25, 33, 41, 55 and 61 ). Baffles, etc.: (4 and 53). The papers found most useful for assessment of power were (16, 47 and 84); it should be noted that parts of two columns have been transposed in the main table of (84). Useful summaries of several papers are given in (50, 60, 68 and 86). (viii) Heat Transfer General surveys of available data are presented in (49 and 68). Heat transfer coefficients for jacketed vessels with agitators will be found in (13, 19, 21 and 56); helical coils are dealt with in (13, 19, 21, 46, 66 and 69). An unusual arrangement in which vertical tubes are used as baffles at the tank wall is the subject of (23 and 85). Heat transfer in the "Votator" is covered in (46). ~ I ! ' I -I I 83 APPENDIX E (ix) Suspension of Solids (89-94) The group of six papers in the cfo,ssical work of A. McLaren White and his collaborators. More recent papers indicate that the power consumptions recorded are rather high; probably due to the use of rough wooden tanks. (x) Solution and Crystallisation (30-32, 34-38, 40, 44, 54 and 56) The majority of these papers is the work of A. W. Hixson and various co-workers, who measured power requirements and mass transfer rates, mainly for the dissolution of tablets of organic acid in dilute alkaline solutions. (xi) Miscellaneous I. Gas dispersion (20, 25, 39 and 55). This is a small selection from the rather wide range of literature on the subject. · 2. Liquid-liquid extraction (42 and 67). 3. Mixing with liquid jets (24}. 4. Mixing with air-lifts (27). (b) DERIVATION OF INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS OF THIS HANDBOOK The following notes briefly indicate the sources of information which have been used to prepare the various Sections of this Handbook. As before, the figures in parentheses refer to the literature references given at the end of this Appendix. Section Two Papers (4, 16, 51, 53 and 68} are referred to in the text; other data are available in (32, 48, 61 and 62). The more important points raised (e.g. vessel shape) represent general practice; those factors (such as bottom clearance) regarding which opinions differ are less critical to the operation. Section Three (a) The subject matter covered in this sub-section is treated in a number of references. Suggested papers for general considerations are the reviews of mixing literature now published annually in Ind. and Eng. Chem. (29, 71-74, 76-78, 80, 81 and 83), and the appropriate sections of (16, _64 and 68). Section Three (b) This Section suggests a way of regarding the problem which is implicit in much experimental work (e.g. 29-44 and 82). A similar approach is given in (52). That particular paper, however, is aimed at emphasising the versatility of the turbine or multiblade paddle, rather than specifying the best impeller for a particular application. 84 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN Section Three (c) The initial assumption that geometrical similarity and changes in speed represent a basis for scaling-up seems to be generally accepted by a number of authorities (e.g. Biiche, Hixson and Rushton). There is no published information which fully proves or disproves this assumption. · Section Three (d) The tables in this section are based on n1embers' experience, and the published descriptions of impellers used for particular operations. Section Four This section is based entirely on current practice. Section Five (b) (i) The power tables given in this section were calculated as follows: A. Paddles: the data and methods of Biiche (16, 47) were used where applicable. As the range of conditions considered was much wider than that of the original, various assumptions were required: (1) For unbaffled conditions Biiche's power factor c was assumed to vary smoothly over the range given in ( 16); at higher viscosities c was taken as proportional to viscosity (cf. 68 and 84); at lower viscosities c was assumed constant (16, 47, 68 and 84). (2) Under baffled conditions a factor was applied to the above figures (4 7). B. The tables for turbines were calculated directly from the data -- -- L - Vl. -C D,rnh~A.,,.. ,,f r,] {!;Lj_ \ ana IrU.llllUli:;1,ti J._\,UDHliV.LJ., wv. , ~ ~ , . c. The tables for anchor agitators (detailed in Section Five (c)) were calculated from (16), with modifications and extensions as indicated by the operating experiences of member firms (e.g. ( 16) does not deal with highly viscous liquids). The methods of taking means for two-phase liquids will be found in (68). l C,1/ Section Five (b) (ii) Most of the allowances for baffles and vessel fittings given were taken from Biiche (16); further information is available in (4, 53 and 84). Section Five (b) (iii) Much of the data given on transmission and gland losses is based on conventional practice and is verified by member firms' experience. Section Five (c) See remarks under Section Five (b) (i) above. ! ! APPENDIX E 85 Section Five (a) and (b) The information in these Sections represents the common e,xperience of those who have to design mechanical devices in exotic materials. Section Five (c) The design procedure set out in this Section is based on "a method which has been found successful in practice", and outlines common engineering experience and its application to impeller shafts in particular. Section Six (d} and (e) The information and recommendations given are based on n1ember firms' experience and standard engineering practice. Appendix A A British Standard on process vessels is in course of preparation, but has not yet been issued. Accordingly, the tank diameters chosen have been taken from the Draft Standard {98), but may require subsequent revision. The tank shapes, etc., found most economical for mixing are not given in (98), and dimensions based on common experience have therefore been taken. The dimensions of other plant referred to represent current practice. Appendix B This assessment of the power lost in stuffing boxes is theoretical; (59) is the appropriate reference. i ll I I I Appendix 0 Eight references relating to heat transfer are given in the text. Further information is given on jackets (68), vertical pipes (85), and the "Votator" (46); great reliance is not placed in the general methods given in (56). The accuracy of the methods of Chilton, et al. (19) on the large scale has been proved by at least one member firm. The validity of results where the heat transfer was measured overall, and the liquor side calculated by estimating the coefficient for the heating or cooling medium from standard formulae, is considered doubtful; calculation methods for heat transfer in curved pipes are known to be unreliable. Those papers in which wall temperatures were actually measured by thermocouples buried in the metal are believed to be more reliable. Appendix D The design calculations given in this Appendix are straightforward engineering calculations based on {63 and 68), and are sufficiently elaborated to bring out all the points which experience has shown it necessary to consider. The choice of the maximum elastic strain energy theorem as the basis of combining the stresses is debatable; 86 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN it is, however, generally accepted as one of the more suitable of the available formulae for handling combined stresses of this type. Stress values similar to those given in the tables of suggested permitted stress have been found reliable under a wide range of conditions FOR IMPELLER SHAFTS DESIGNED BY THIS METHOD OF CALCULATION. Obviously, if impeller shafts were to be designed to withstand design stresses of the magnitude commonly used when considering alternating loads, a method of calculation with a much lower inherent factor of safety would need to be used. (c) SOME LITERATURE REFERENCES Beaudry, J. P. Ohem. Eng., 1948, 55, (7), II2-3. Bevan, T. "Theory of Machines," Longmans Green & Co. Ltd., 1950. Bissell, E. S. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1944, 36, 497-8. Bissell, E. S., Hesse, H. C., Everett, H.J. and Rushton, J. H. Ohem. Eng. Progress, 1947,43, 649-58. . 5. Boutros, R. D. Ohem. Eng. Progress, 1952, 48, 2ll -9. 6. Brothman, A. Ohem. Met. Eng., 1939, 46, 263-5. 7. Brothman, A., and Kaplan, H. Ohem. Met. Eng., 1939, 46, 633-6. 8. Brothman, A., and Kaplan, H. Natl. Paint Bull., 1939, (Oct.), 3, 18-21. 9. Brothman, A., Weber, A. P., and Barish, E. Z. Ohem. Met. Eng., 1943, 50, (7), 111-4. 10. Brothman, A., Weber, A. P., and Barish, E. Z. Ohem. Met. Eng., 1943, 50, (8), 107-10 and (9), II3-6. II. Brothman, A., Wollan, G. N., and Feldman, S. M. Ohem. Met. Eng., 1945, 52, (4), 102-6. 12. Brothman, A., Wollan, G. N., and Feldman, S. M. Ohem. Met. Eng., 1945, 52,( 5), 126-31. 13. Brown, R. W., Scott, R., and Toyne, C. Trans. Inst. Ohem. Engs., 1947, 25, 181-8. 14. Brumagin, I. S. Ohem. Met Eng., 1946, 53, (4), II0-4. 15. Btiche, W. Z. Ver. deut. Ing. (V.D.I.), 1937, 81, (37), 1065-9. 16. Btiche, W. I.G., Ludwigshafen Report "Agitation Research Review of Existing Information." Board of Trade Microfilm B.I.O.S./D.O.C.S./2714/2466. 17. Case, J. "The Strength of Materials," London; Edward Arnold & Co., 2nd ed. 1932, p. 226. 18. Chaddock, R. E. Ohem. Eng., 1946, 55, (II), 151-3. 19. Chilton, T. H., Drew, F. B. and Jebens, R.H. Ind. Eng. Ohem. 1944, 36, 510-6. 20. Cooper, C. M., Fernstrom, G. A., and Miller, S. A. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1944, 36, 504-9. 21. Cummings, G. H., and West, A. S. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1950, 42, 2303-13. 22. Danckwerts, P. V. Chem. Eng. Sci., 1953, 2, 1-13. 23. Dunlap, I. R., and Rushton, J. H. Ohem. Eng. Progress Symposium Series No. 5, 1953, 49, 137-51. 24. Fossett, H., and Prosser, L. E. J. Inst. Mech. Eng., 1949, 160, (2), 224,240 and 245. 25. Foust, H. C., Mack, D. E., and Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1944, 36, 517-22. 26. Hartog, J. P. DEN. "Mechanical Vibrations," 3rd ed. 1947. 27. Heiser, H. W. Ohem. Eng., 1948, 55, (1), 135. 28. Helmbold, P.A. Ohim. et Ind., 1950, 64, 147-59. 29. Hixson, A. W. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1944, 36, 488-96. 30. Hixson, A. W., and Baum, S. J. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1941, 33, 478-85. 31. Hixson, A. W., and Baum, S. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1941, 33, 1433-9. 32. Hixson, A. W., and Baum, S. J. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1942, 34, 120-5. 33. Hixson, A. W., and Baum, S. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1942, 34, 194-208. 34. Hixson, A. W., and Baum, S. J. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1944, 36, 528-31. 35. Hixson, A. W., and Crowell, J. H. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1931, 23, 923-31. 36. Hixson, A. W., and Crowell, J. H. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1931, 23, 1003-9. 37. Hixson, A. W., and Crowell, J. H. Ind. Eng. Ohem., 1931, 23, II60-9. 38. Hixson, A. W., Drew, T. B., and Knox, K. L. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1954, 50, 592-6. I. 2. 3. 4. APPENDIX E 87 Hixson, A. W., and Gaden, E. L. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1950, 42, 1792-1801. Hixson, A. W., and Knox, K. L. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1951, 43, 2144-51. Hixson, A. W., and Luedeke, V. D. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1937, 29, 927-33. Hixson, A. W., and Smith, M. I. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1949, 41, 973-8. Hixson, A. W., and Tenney, A.H. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engs., 1935, 31, 113-27. Hixson, A. W., and Wilkens, G. A. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1933, 25, 1196-1203. Hooker, T. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1948, 44, 833. Houlton, H. G. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1944, 36, 522-8. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Memo. on Ref. 16; circulated to E.E.U.A., Panel P(M)/16 in Dec. 1953. 48. Kramers, H., Baars, G. M., and Knoll, W. H. Chem. Eng. Sci., 1953, 2, 35-42. 49. Kraussold, H. Chem. Ing. Tech., 1951, 23, 177-83. 50. Krevelen, D. W. van, and Huiskamp, J. Ingenieur, 1949, 61, Ch. 6-12 and 15-22. 51. Lyons, E. J. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1948, 44, 341-6. 52. Lyons, E. J., and Parker, N. H. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1954, 50, 629-32. 53. Mack, D. E., and Kroll, A. E. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1948, 44, 189-93. 54. Mack, D. E., and Marriner, R. E. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1949, 45, 545-52. 55. Mack, D. E., and Uhl, V. W. Chem. Eng., 1947, 54, (9), 119-21. 56. Mack, D. E., and Ubl, V. W. Chem. Eng., 1947, 54, (10), 115-6. 57. MacLean, G., and Lyons, E. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1938, 30, 489-92. 58. MacMullin, R. B., and Weber, M. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1935, 31, 409-58. 59. Marks L. S. (ed.). "Mechanical Engineers' Handbook," London; McGraw-Hill Book Co., 4th ed. 1941. 60. Martin, J. J. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1946, 42, 777-81. 61. Miller, S. A., and Mann, C. A. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1944, 40, 709-45. 62. Miller, F. D., and Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1944, 36, 499-503. 63. Morley, A. "Strength of Materials," London; Longmans, Green & Co., 9th ed. 1940, p. 330. 64. Newitt, D. H., Shipp, G. C., and Black, C. R. Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1951, 29, 278-89. 65. Olney, R. B., and Carlson, G. J. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1947, 43, 473-80. 66. Oldshue, J. Y., and Gratton, A. T. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1954, 50, 615-21. 67. Oldshue, J. Y., and Rushton, J. H. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1952, 48, 297-306. 68. Perry, J. H. (ed.). "Chemical Engineers' Handbook," London; McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3rd ed. 1950. 69. Pratt, N. H. Trans. Inst. Chem. Engs., 1947; 25, 163-80. 70. Prescott, J. "Applied Elasticity." 71. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1946, 38, 12-13. 72. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1947, 39, 30-1. 73. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1948, 40, 49-50. 74. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1949, 41, 61-4. 75. Rushton, J. H. Proc. Natl. Conj. Ind. Hydraulics, Illinois, 1949, p. 119. 76. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1950, 42, 74-6. 77. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1951, 43, 111-4. 78. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1952, 44, 88-91. 79. Rushton, J. H. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1952, 48, 33-8 and 95-102. 80. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1953, 45, 93-5. 81. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1954, 46, 133-7. 82. Rushton, J. H. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1954, 50, 587-9. 83. Rushton, J. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1955, 47, 582-5. 84. Rushton, J. H., Costich, E. W., and Everett, H. J. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1950, 46, 395-404 and 467-76. 85. Rushton, J. H., Lichtmann, R. S., and Mahoney, L. H. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1948, 40, 1082-7. 86. Rushton, J. H., and Oldshue, J. Y. Chem. Eng. Progress, 1953, 49, 161-8 and 267-75. 87. Stoops, C. E., and Lovell, C. L. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1943, 35, 845-50. 88. Valentine, K. S., and MacLean, G. (See 68.) 89. White, A. McL., and Brenner, E. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 1934, 30, 585-96. 90. White, A. McL., Brenner, E., Phillips, G. A., and Morrison, M. S. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 1934, 30, 570-84. 91. White, A. McL., and Sumerford, S. D. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1933, 25, 1025-7. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 88 AGITATOR SELECTION AND DESIGN 92. White, A. McL., and Sumerford, S. D. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1934, 26, 82-3. 93. White, A. McL., and Sumerford, S. D. Chem. Met. Eng., 1936, 43, 370-1. 94. White, A. McL., Sumerford, S. D., Bryant, E. 0., and Lukens, B. E. Ind. Eng. Chem., 1932, 24, 1160-2. 95. B.S. 1916, Limits and fits for engineering. 96. B.S. 970: 1947, Wrought steels for use up to 6-in. ruling section for automobile and general engineering purposes. 97. B.S. 1452: 1948, Grey iron castings. 98. Draft B.S., for Sizes of Process Vessels, issued to industry for comment in 1950 as CM(CHE)2961; under discussion (1962) as D62/1488 in B.S.l Committee CHE/8. 99. B.S. 229, Flameproof enclosure of electrical apparatus. 100. B.S. 2048, Dimensions of fractional horse power motors. * 101. B.S. 2083, Dimensions of 3-phase electric motors totally-enclosed fan-cooled. 102. B.S. 2613, The electrical performances of rotating electrical machinery. * 103. B.S. 2960, Dimensions of 3-phase electric motors (Parts 1 and 2). * B.S. 2083 may lapse and be superseded by B.S. 2960 as from 1960.