Uploaded by Cindy Baldosa

Research Questionnaire Guide

PHINMA Cagayan De Oro College
Graduate School
ENG 058 Methods of Research
Professor : Dr. Estrella Ferenal
First Semester, SY 2020-2021
Group Members :
Cindy Baldusa
Desiree A. Barroso
Rhea Batutay
Mia Bala
Topic: Tools of Research - Questionnaire
A. What is a questionnaire ?
A questionnaire is a systematic compilation of questions that are submitted to a sampling of
population from which the information is required. It consists of a series of questions or statements to
which individuals are asked to respond to questions. It is considered to be the most flexible tools and
possesses a unique advantage over others in collecting both qualitative and quantitative information.
B. Qualities of a good questionnaire
A good questionnaire shall observe the following:
1. The language of the question must be concise, clear and can be understood.
2. Sequence of the questions should make sense that the respondents is motivated to answer
all the questions. Non-sensitive questions should be kept at the beginning.
3. Questions should be so worded that the go of the respondents is not injured in any way.
4. The length of the questions and statements must consider the respondent’s comprehension.
5. Amount of writing required on the questionnaire should be kept to the minimum.
C. Types of Questions
Formal standardized questionnaires are used when the researcher is looking to test and quantify
hypotheses and the data is to be analyzed statistically. There are two types of this format; the openchoice answers-ended format questions and the closed format questions.
Open-format questions or open-ended questions give the respondents the opportunity to
express their opinions in a free-flowing manner. Qualitative questions fall under this category.
Close format questions are questions in which the respondents are restricted to choose among
any of the given multiple.
D. Development of a questionnaire
Part 1. Designing the Questionnaire
This process include 1) Identify the goal of the questionnaire; 2) Choose the question
type based on the research design and methodology ; 3) Develop draft questions; 4) Restrict the
length of the questionnaire; 5) Identify the target demographic; 6) Decide on how the
questionnaire will be distributed ; and 7) Ensure data privacy of the respondents.
Part 2. Writing the Questionnaire
This process include 1) Introduction of the researcher and his/ her credentials; 2)
Explanation of the purpose of the questionnaire; 3) Develop the questionnaire for try-out ; 4)
Design the measurement scale and scoring 5) Ensure the confidentiality of the data that will be
gathered; and 5) Ensure the validity of the questionnaire.
Part 3. Distributing the Questionnaire
This part include 1) Piloting or try-out of the questionnaire to ensure reliability of the
questions; 2) Finalization of the questionnaire based on the try-out ; 3)Dissemination of the
questionnaire and 4) gathering or retrieval of the questionnaires.
References :
Kabir, S. M (2016) Preparing Questionnaire. htps://www.researhgate.net/publications/325846892
Diem, K.J. A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Effective Questionnaires and Survey procedures for
Survey and Evaluation .http://fs.cahnrs.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/A-Step-By-StepGuide-to-Developing-Effective-Questionnaires.pdf