Frayer Model Name _______________________________________ Life Date ______________________ Definition: Characteristics: Life Examples: Non-Examples: ©Science Island Frayer Model Teacher’s Guide Life Instruc(ons for Students: Think about the word “life”. What does “life” mean? Use your own words to define it and describe it as much as you can. Fill in the 4 boxes below as you’re thinking. There are no wrong answers for this ac(vity, so have fun with it! Definition: Helpful Hints: • Use your own words • Don’t use related words such as “life”, “alive”, or “living” • How would you explain it to a young child? Characteristics: Helpful Hints: • List some characteris(cs of life or living things • Characteris(cs are features, quali(es, or dis(nguishing aOributes Life Examples: Helpful Hints: • List as many examples of life or living things as you can think of • Try to list a variety of examples Non-Examples: Helpful Hints: • List things that seem like “life” but aren’t • Choose non-examples that are similar or related in some way Closure: Go through each box, one-at-a-(me, asking volunteers to share what they wrote. Try not to correct their answers too much, but focus on the best ones and write those on the board. Encourage other students to add to or change what they wrote as you progress through each each sec(on. ©Science Island