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Installation Reference(V100 02)

OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written
consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Trademarks and Permissions
and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.
The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the
customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the
purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information,
and recommendations in this document are provided “AS IS” without warranties, guarantees or representations
of any kind, either express or implied.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the
preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but the statements, information, and
recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
About This Document
About This Document
This document provides the guidelines for the general installation operations for the installation
personnel. This document also describes the relevant regulations that need to be observed for
routing and bundling cables and using engineering labels.
Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Product Name
OptiX RTN 950
Intended Audience
The intended audiences of this document are hardware installation engineers.
This document is organized as follows.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
1 General
Describes certain general operations of installing the OptiX RTN
2 Regulations on
Routing and
Bundling Cables
Describes the regulations that need to be observed for routing and
bundling cables.
3 Engineering
Labels for Indoor
Describes the regulations that need to be observed for using indoor
engineering labels.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
About This Document
4 Engineering
Labels for Outdoor
IF Cables
Describes the regulations that need to be observed for using outdoor
engineering labels.
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk,
which if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level
of risk, which if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation,
which if not avoided, could result in
equipment damage, data loss, performance
degradation, or unexpected results.
Indicates a tip that may help you solve a
problem or save time.
Provides additional information to emphasize
or supplement important points of the main
General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Times New Roman
Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.
Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in
boldface. For example, log in as user root.
Book titles are in italics.
Courier New
Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
About This Document
GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles are in
boldface. For example, click OK.
Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For
example, choose File > Create > Folder.
Mouse Operation
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.
Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without
moving the pointer.
Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain
Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.
Updates in Issue 02(2009-06-30)
Second release.
Added how to terminate the TNC Connectors of IF cable and how to test the Connectivity of
the IF Cable.
Updates in Issue 01(2009-04-30)
Initial release.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
About This Document...................................................................................................................iii
1 General Installation Guidelines..............................................................................................1-1
1.1 Unpacking the Equipment...............................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Checking the Equipment........................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Unpacking Crates...................................................................................................................................1-3
1.1.3 Unpacking Cartons.................................................................................................................................1-6
1.1.4 Unpacking Boards..................................................................................................................................1-7
1.2 Terminating the IF Cable with Connectors.....................................................................................................1-8
1.2.1 Terminating the Type-N Connectors......................................................................................................1-8
1.2.2 Terminating the TNC Connectors........................................................................................................1-11
1.3 Testing the Connectivity of the IF Cable......................................................................................................1-13
1.4 Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors..............................................................................................................1-14
2 Regulations on Routing and Bundling Cables.....................................................................2-1
2.1 Regulations for Routing and Bundling the Indoor Cable................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Cabling...................................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Bundling.................................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Bundling Fiber Jumpers.........................................................................................................................2-3
2.2 Routing and Bundling the IF Cable.................................................................................................................2-4
3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables...................................................................................3-1
3.1 Introduction to Labels.....................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 Labels for Power Cables........................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.2 Labels for Signal Cables........................................................................................................................3-3
3.2 Preparing Labels..............................................................................................................................................3-3
3.2.1 Printing Labels.......................................................................................................................................3-3
3.2.2 Writing Labels........................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3 Affixing Labels...............................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Affixing a Label to a Power Cable.........................................................................................................3-5
3.3.2 Affixing a Label to a Signal Cable.........................................................................................................3-6
3.4 Common Engineering Labels..........................................................................................................................3-7
3.4.1 Engineering Labels for Cabinet Power Cables.......................................................................................3-8
3.4.2 Engineering Labels for Optical Fibers...................................................................................................3-9
3.4.3 Engineering Labels for Trunk Cables..................................................................................................3-11
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
3.4.4 Engineering Labels for IF Jumpers......................................................................................................3-13
3.4.5 Engineering Labels for Network Cables..............................................................................................3-14
3.4.6 Engineering Labels for External Alarm Cables...................................................................................3-15
4 Engineering Labels for Outdoor IF Cables...........................................................................4-1
4.1 Engineering Labels for IF Cables....................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Binding the Labels for IF Cables....................................................................................................................4-3
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
Figure 1-1 Straightening the tongue.....................................................................................................................1-4
Figure 1-2 Removing the cover ...........................................................................................................................1-5
Figure 1-3 Removing the surrounded wooden boards......................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-4 Unpacking the carton..........................................................................................................................1-6
Figure 1-5 Unpacking the boards.........................................................................................................................1-7
Figure 1-6 Stripping back the cable sheath and the insulating layer....................................................................1-9
Figure 1-7 Fitting the lock nut and clamp 1.........................................................................................................1-9
Figure 1-8 Fitting clamp 2....................................................................................................................................1-9
Figure 1-9 Stripping back the insulating layer...................................................................................................1-10
Figure 1-10 Fitting the connector.......................................................................................................................1-10
Figure 1-11 Fastening the connector..................................................................................................................1-10
Figure 1-12 Stripping back the cable sheath and the insulating layer................................................................1-11
Figure 1-13 Fitting the lock nut and clamp 1.....................................................................................................1-12
Figure 1-14 Fitting clamp 2................................................................................................................................1-12
Figure 1-15 Stripping back the insulating layer.................................................................................................1-12
Figure 1-16 Fitting the connector.......................................................................................................................1-13
Figure 1-17 Fastening the connector..................................................................................................................1-13
Figure 1-18 Testing cable connectivity..............................................................................................................1-14
Figure 1-19 Waterproof insulation tape.............................................................................................................1-15
Figure 1-20 PVC tape.........................................................................................................................................1-15
Figure 1-21 Wrapping a layer of PVC tape........................................................................................................1-16
Figure 1-22 Wrapping three layers of waterproof insulation tape.....................................................................1-17
Figure 1-23 Wrapping three layers of PVC tape over the waterproof insulation tape.......................................1-17
Figure 1-24 Appearance of waterproofed outdoor connector............................................................................1-18
Figure 2-1 Bundling cables.................................................................................................................................. 2-3
Figure 3-1 Label for power cables........................................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-2 Label for signal cables........................................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3-3 Writing direction of the label..............................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3-4 Appearance of labels affixed on power cables...................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-5 Affixing labels to signal cables.......................................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-6 Appearance of labels affixed on signal cables....................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-7 Example of the label on a power cable...............................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-8 Example of the label on a fiber that connects two pieces of equipment...........................................3-10
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
Figure 3-9 Example of the label on a fiber that connects the equipment and the ODF.....................................3-10
Figure 3-10 Example of the label on a trunk cable that connects two pieces of equipment..............................3-12
Figure 3-11 Example of the label on a trunk cable that connects the equipment and the DDF.........................3-12
Figure 3-12 Example of the label on an IF jumper............................................................................................3-13
Figure 3-13 Example of the label on a network cable........................................................................................3-14
Figure 3-14 Example of the label on an external alarm cable............................................................................3-15
Figure 4-1 Example of the label on the IF cable..................................................................................................4-2
Figure 4-2 Appearance of the label after it is bound with the IF cable................................................................4-3
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
Table 3-1 Information on the label affixed to the power cable............................................................................ 3-8
Table 3-2 Information on the label affixed to the fiber that connects two pieces of equipment..........................3-9
Table 3-3 Information on the label affixed to the fiber that connects the equipment and the ODF.....................3-9
Table 3-4 Information on the label affixed to the trunk cable that connects two pieces of equipment..............3-11
Table 3-5 Information on the label affixed to the trunk cable that connects the equipment and the DDF........3-11
Table 3-6 Information on the label affixed to the IF jumper..............................................................................3-13
Table 3-7 Information on the label affixed to the network cable.......................................................................3-14
Table 3-8 Information on the label affixed to the external alarm cable.............................................................3-15
Table 4-1 Information on the label bound to the IF cable....................................................................................4-2
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
General Installation Guidelines
About This Chapter
This chapter describes in detail the general operations of installing the OptiX RTN equipment.
1.1 Unpacking the Equipment
After the project starts, the project supervisor should unpack and inspect the equipment in the
presence of the customer.
1.2 Terminating the IF Cable with Connectors
The IF cables may be terminated with the type-N connectors or TNC connectors.
1.3 Testing the Connectivity of the IF Cable
During the procedures of routing or bundling cables, and installing connectors, the circuit in a
cable may become open or broken. Hence, you need to test the connectivity of the cables after
the preceding procedures are completed.
1.4 Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors
All the outdoor IF cable connectors and the grounding clips must be completely waterproofed.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
1.1 Unpacking the Equipment
After the project starts, the project supervisor should unpack and inspect the equipment in the
presence of the customer.
In the case of a non-turnkey project, the customer and the project supervisor should be present
during the unpacking process. If one party unpacks the equipment when the other party is not
present, the party who performs the unpacking should take responsibility for any error.
In the case of a turnkey project, the project supervisor and the order management engineer shall
unpack, inspect and hand over the equipment, and sign to confirm the delivery. The procedures
for unpacking and inspecting the equipment, and for reporting equipment problems are the same
as those for a non-turnkey project, except that the customer does not need to sign the relevant
documents. After qualified initial acceptance, the equipment should be handed over to the
The following section describes how to unpack, inspect and hand over the equipment for a nonturnkey project.
1.1.1 Checking the Equipment
Check the packing list of the delivered equipment at the site. Before unpacking, the project
supervisor should check the cargoes against the packing list in the presence of the customer.
1.1.2 Unpacking Crates
This section describes how to unpack crates.
1.1.3 Unpacking Cartons
This section describes how to unpack the carton that packs boards and the procedure is provided
as an example.
1.1.4 Unpacking Boards
Generally, the boards are not delivered separately, and are installed in the chassis before delivery.
If they are placed in a carton for shipment, they should be unpacked for inspection. The method
for unpacking boards is different from the method for unpacking other articles. When you unpack
boards, you should take antistatic measures.
1.1.1 Checking the Equipment
Check the packing list of the delivered equipment at the site. Before unpacking, the project
supervisor should check the cargoes against the packing list in the presence of the customer.
The equipment must be delivered to the site.
The project supervisor and the customer must be present at the site.
Step 1 Print the packing list according to the electronic ship order.
Step 2 Check if the number of packing boxes and the delivery destination correspond to the information
in the packing list.
Step 3 Check the outer cover of the box. If you identify any of the following cases, stop unpacking
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
The outer package is severely damaged.
There is water leakage on the outside packaging box.
There is rust or water on the equipment.
1 General Installation Guidelines
Find the damage causes and report the situation to the local representative office of Huawei.
To protect the equipment and to determine the cause of the problems, place the unpacked
equipment indoor in a proper storage area and take photos of the site storage environment, and
the rusted or corroded equipment/packing boxes/packaging materials. Keep these photos safely
and store the packing boxes and packaging materials.
Step 4 Open the crates or cartons.
It is recommended that you open another packing box only after you complete the inspection of the equipment
in a box.
Step 5 Check if the equipment inside the packing box corresponds to the items listed in the packing
Check for the following items:
Check whether the number and type of articles correspond to the packing list.
Check whether the items and their inner packaging are damaged.
Check whether the cabinet, NM computer, and other equipment have all the required
components. Check whether the components are damaged.
Step 6 Place the items that have been inspected, according to their categories.
After the inspection, if no problem is found, both parties should sign the Packing List. The
equipment is then handed over to the customer.
During the inspection, if some equipment is stated undelivered in the packing list, directly report
the situation to the order management engineer of the local office of Huawei and sign the Packing
List. If there are insufficient or excess supplies of the equipment, or if the equipment is found
to be damaged, both parties should sign the Unpacking Memo and the Packing List. The project
supervisor has to fill in the Equipment Problem Report and send it to the order management
engineer of the local office of Huawei. The supervisor should also safely store the equipment
that has a problem (including the outer and inner packages), for verification.
1.1.2 Unpacking Crates
This section describes how to unpack crates.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
The crate must not be wet or severely damaged.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
The crate must be moved to the installation site.
Tools, Equipment, and Materials
The crate should be positioned properly and should not be placed in an inverted manner.
Otherwise, this can cause fatal damage to the equipment.
When you transport or handle the equipment, spare parts, or components, make sure that they
do not collide with other objects, doors, walls, or shelves.
When you transport, handle, and install the equipment, do not handle the uncoated metal
surface of equipment parts or components with sweaty or dirty gloves.
Step 1 Insert one end of the spanner into the hold of the tongue on the cover. Turn the spanner to
straighten the tongue.
Figure 1-1 Straightening the tongue
Steel edge
Tongue Spanner
Step 2 Refer to Step 1 to straighten all the tongues on the cover.
Step 3 Remove the cover.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-2 Removing the cover
Step 4 Straighten all the tongues that join the wooden boards around the crate, and remove the wooden
Figure 1-3 Removing the surrounded wooden boards
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Step 5 Take out the objects.
1.1.3 Unpacking Cartons
This section describes how to unpack the carton that packs boards and the procedure is provided
as an example.
The carton must not be wet or severely damaged.
Tools and Equipment
Diagonal pliers
Paper knife
ESD gloves
Step 1 Optional: Cut the strap with diagonal pliers.
Step 2 Use a paper knife to split the tape along the seam between the cover and the body of the box.
Step 3 Take out the board box from the carton.
Figure 1-4 Unpacking the carton
adhesive tape
Foam plate
Label on the
card box
Foam plate
Card box
Carton label
Step 4 Unpack the boards.
In the case of devices, such as the ODU that needs to be raised onto a platform, check the types of the
devices against the label on the carton and the packing list. It is recommended that you unpack the devices
after raising them onto the platform to prevent the devices from being damaged during the raising.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
1.1.4 Unpacking Boards
Generally, the boards are not delivered separately, and are installed in the chassis before delivery.
If they are placed in a carton for shipment, they should be unpacked for inspection. The method
for unpacking boards is different from the method for unpacking other articles. When you unpack
boards, you should take antistatic measures.
The board package must not be damaged.
Tools, Equipment, and Materials
ESD gloves
Electronic circuits and components are extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge. When
handling circuit boards, make sure that you wear a securely grounded ESD wrist strap, and
only hold the edge of the boards during operation.
If the board has been moved from a cold and dry place to a warm and damp place, wait for
a minimum of 30 minutes before unpacking. Otherwise, the moisture that condenses on the
board surface can damage the components.
The boards are packed in a plastic bag and an ESD bag. Keep the bags properly. They can
be used later for storing the boards or packing the damaged boards to be returned for repair.
Each ESD-preventive bag contains a small bag of desiccant, which should not be discarded.
Step 1 Wear an ESD wrist strap.
Step 2 Open the board box and take out the boards.
Figure 1-5 Unpacking the boards
ESD bag
Card box
Step 3 Check whether the board is physically damaged.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Step 4 If no problem is detected during inspection, place the board back into the box and move the box
to the place specified by the customer.
If you are going to install the board immediately after unpacking it, place the board on an
antistatic surface to discharge the static electricity.
If you are going to install the board at a later time, pack the board using the original materials
and place them in a cool dry place without direct sunshine or strong electromagnetic
1.2 Terminating the IF Cable with Connectors
The IF cables may be terminated with the type-N connectors or TNC connectors.
1.2.1 Terminating the Type-N Connectors
Both ends of the RG-8U or 1/2–inch IF cable need to be terminated with type-N connectors. An
IF jumper is required to connect the RG-8U or 1/2–inch IF cable to the IF board.
1.2.2 Terminating the TNC Connectors
One end of the 5D IF cable needs to be terminated with a type-N connector and is connected to
the ODU or lightning arrester. The other end of the 5D IF cable needs to be terminated with a
TNC connector and is connected directly to the IF cable .
1.2.1 Terminating the Type-N Connectors
Both ends of the RG-8U or 1/2–inch IF cable need to be terminated with type-N connectors. An
IF jumper is required to connect the RG-8U or 1/2–inch IF cable to the IF board.
Tools, Equipment, and Materials
Electric knife
Installation parts and accessories of the type-N connector
IF cable
This procedure is provided only as an example. Always follow the proper instructions packed
with the connector.
Step 1 Use an electric knife to strip back the 16 mm cable sheath.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-6 Stripping back the cable sheath and the insulating layer
During the operation, ensure that the core wire of the cable is not damaged.
If the length of the stripped sheath is more than 16 mm, cut the cable wire in Step 4.
Step 2 Fit the lock nut and clamp 1 on the cable.
Figure 1-7 Fitting the lock nut and clamp 1
Step 3 Fit clamp 2.
Fold back the braided shield to cover clamp 1.
Tidy the braided shield and use clamp 2 to bind the braided shield.
Cut the redundant part of the shielding layer.
Figure 1-8 Fitting clamp 2
Step 4 Use the electric knife to strip back the dielectric insulating layer in front of clamp 2.
During the operation, the exposed cable wire should be 6 mm long.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-9 Stripping back the insulating layer
If the length of the stripped sheath in Step 1 is more than 16 mm, cut the cable wire to expose only a length of
6 mm.
Step 5 Use a file to taper the edge of the core wire about 0.5 mm to make the top in an arc shape, and
clean out the metal filings.
Step 6 Fit the connector.
Figure 1-10 Fitting the connector
Step 7 Connect the connector and the lock nut. Use a wrench to tighten the connection.
Use a wrench to rotate the lock nut and another wrench to position the body of the connector.
The recommended torque is 15±2 N•m.
Figure 1-11 Fastening the connector
Keeping standing
Rotating to tighten
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
After making the connectors, use the multimeter to check the cable circuit. Use the cables only
after you have ensured that there is no short circuit or open circuit in the cables.
1.2.2 Terminating the TNC Connectors
One end of the 5D IF cable needs to be terminated with a type-N connector and is connected to
the ODU or lightning arrester. The other end of the 5D IF cable needs to be terminated with a
TNC connector and is connected directly to the IF cable .
Tools, Equipment, and Materials
Electric knife
Installation parts and accessories of the type-N connector
IF cable
This procedure is provided only as an example. Always follow the proper instructions packed
with the connector.
Step 1 Use an electric knife to strip back the 16 mm cable sheath.
Figure 1-12 Stripping back the cable sheath and the insulating layer
During the operation, ensure that the core wire of the cable is not damaged.
If the length of the stripped sheath is more than 16 mm, cut the cable wire in Step 4.
Step 2 Fit the lock nut and clamp 1 on the cable.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-13 Fitting the lock nut and clamp 1
Step 3 Fit clamp 2.
Fold back the braided shield to cover clamp 1.
Tidy the braided shield and use clamp 2 to bind the braided shield.
Cut the redundant part of the shielding layer.
Figure 1-14 Fitting clamp 2
Step 4 Use the electric knife to strip back the dielectric insulating layer in front of clamp 2.
During the operation, the exposed cable wire should be 6 mm long.
Figure 1-15 Stripping back the insulating layer
If the length of the stripped sheath in Step 1 is more than 16 mm, cut the cable wire to expose only a length of
6 mm.
Step 5 Use a file to taper the edge of the core wire about 0.5 mm to make the top in an arc shape, and
clean out the metal filings.
Step 6 Fit the connector.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-16 Fitting the connector
Step 7 Connect the connector and the lock nut. Use a wrench to tighten the connection.
Use a wrench to rotate the lock nut and another wrench to position the body of the connector.
The recommended torque is 15±2 N•m.
Figure 1-17 Fastening the connector
After making the connectors, use the multimeter to check the cable circuit. Use the cables only
after you have ensured that there is no short circuit or open circuit in the cables.
1.3 Testing the Connectivity of the IF Cable
During the procedures of routing or bundling cables, and installing connectors, the circuit in a
cable may become open or broken. Hence, you need to test the connectivity of the cables after
the preceding procedures are completed.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
The connectors for the IF cables must be made.
Tools, Equipment, and Materials
Short-circuiting line
Step 1 At one end of the IF cable, use a short-circuiting line to short-circuit the internal and external
conductors, and then use a multimeter to test the resistance. The resistance should be 0 ohms.
Figure 1-18 Testing cable connectivity
Step 2 Remove the short-circuiting line, and use a multimeter to test the resistance between the internal
conductor and the external conductor.
The resistance should be infinite.
Step 3 Connect one end of the IF cable to the ODU, and connect the other end to the IDU.
1.4 Waterproofing Outdoor Connectors
All the outdoor IF cable connectors and the grounding clips must be completely waterproofed.
The outdoor connector or the grounding clip must be installed.
Tools, Equipment, and Materials
Waterproof insulation tape
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-19 Waterproof insulation tape
PVC tape
Figure 1-20 PVC tape
To facilitate the removal of tapes, first wrap a layer of PVC tape and then wrap the waterproof
insulation tape over the first layer.
Step 1 Clean the connector or the grounding clip.
Step 2 Optional: Wrap a layer of PVC tape on the IF connector or the grounding clip.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Stick one end of the tape to the IF cable 2 cm away from the connector or the grounding
clip, The sticky side should face inwards.
Stretch the tape until it is 3/4 as wide as its original size. Stretch the tape in this manner
when performing the following steps.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
1 General Installation Guidelines
Wrap the cable spirally towards the connector or the grounding clip at a point that is 2 cm
away from the connector or the grounding clip to the other side. Make sure that the
overlapping area of the adjacent tape layers is 1/2 of the stretched width.
Figure 1-21 Wrapping a layer of PVC tape
Step 3 Wrap the waterproof insulation tape.
If a layer of PVC tape has been applied, ensure that the waterproof insulation tape is wrapped
over the PVC tape.
Uncoil the waterproof insulation tape.
Stick one end of the tape to the IF cable 2 to 5 cm away from the connector or the grounding
clip. The sticky side should face inwards.
Stretch the tape until it is 3/4–1/2 as wide as its original size. Stretch the tape in this manner
when performing the following steps.
Wrap the cable spirally towards the connector or the grounding clip at a point that is 2 to
5 cm away from the connector or the grounding clip. Make sure that the overlapping area
of the adjacent tape layers is 1/2 of the stretched width.
When the tape reaches a point that is 2 to 5 cm away from the connector or the grounding
clip on the other side, reverse the wrapping direction so that the tape reaches the starting
When the tape reaches the starting point, reverse the wrapping direction so that the tape
reaches the other ending point, there are three layers of waterproof insulation tape.
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1 General Installation Guidelines
Figure 1-22 Wrapping three layers of waterproof insulation tape
Step 4 After wrapping, squeeze the tape until it sticks to the cable. This ensures that there is no air
between the layers of tape.
Step 5 Similarly, wrap three layers of PVC tape over the waterproof insulation tape.
During the wrapping, maintain the stretched length such that the width of the PVC tape is 3/4
of the original size.
Figure 1-23 Wrapping three layers of PVC tape over the waterproof insulation tape
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1 General Installation Guidelines
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Step 6 After waterproof processing, use the outdoor bundling strap to bind the PVC tape tightly at the
positions 1 cm away from the wrapping edges at both ends, to prevent aging and falling off of
the PVC tape.
Figure 1-24 Appearance of waterproofed outdoor connector
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2 Regulations on Routing and Bundling Cables
Regulations on Routing and Bundling
About This Chapter
Routing and bundling cables according to the specified regulations is an important factor to
ensure reliable transmission of signals.
2.1 Regulations for Routing and Bundling the Indoor Cable
In actual situations, you must strictly observe the regulations when routing and bundling the
indoor cable.
2.2 Routing and Bundling the IF Cable
In actual situations, you must strictly observe the regulations when routing and bundling the IF
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2 Regulations on Routing and Bundling Cables
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2.1 Regulations for Routing and Bundling the Indoor Cable
In actual situations, you must strictly observe the regulations when routing and bundling the
indoor cable.
2.1.1 Cabling
When routing cables, ensure that signals are transmitted reliably, and also ensure that future
maintenance is easy.
2.1.2 Bundling
Cables must be tightly bundled. The bundled cables should be neatly arranged.
2.1.3 Bundling Fiber Jumpers
Use a special binding strap to bundle fiber jumpers.
2.1.1 Cabling
When routing cables, ensure that signals are transmitted reliably, and also ensure that future
maintenance is easy.
The cabling requirements are as follows:
Signal cables should be routed separately from power cables, fiber jumpers, and jumpers.
The specifications and cross-sectional area of the cable, and the route and position for the
cabling should be designed beforehand. All the cables should be arranged neatly.
Cable turns should be smooth. The bending radius of cable turns should be larger than 60
mm, and the bending radius of fiber turns should be larger than 40 mm.
There should be no damage to the insulating layer of the conducting wire.
Cables that are routed along the wiring frame must be bundled.
They should be bundled closely with appropriate tightness. The spacing between cable ties
should be even.
Cables in troughs do not need to be bundled. They should be placed neatly and in a straight
manner without any crossover. The cables should not protrude from the trough. The cables
should be bundled with cable ties at the inlets, outlets, and at the turns of the trough.
IDU cables should be routed along the left and the right to facilitate operations, and should
not cover the board indicators.
In other words, the cables of the boards in the left slots should be routed to the left of the
cabinet and those in the right slots should be routed to the right of the cabinet.
Leave enough slack when connecting cables to the IDU to facilitate insertion and removal
of the boards and the fan box. If the IDU is equipped with a fan box, the cables of the IDU
have enough slack so that they can be routed away from the front of the fan box.
2.1.2 Bundling
Cables must be tightly bundled. The bundled cables should be neatly arranged.
The bundling requirements are as follows:
Do not bind the power cable with other types of cables.
The cables should be bundled neatly.
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2 Regulations on Routing and Bundling Cables
Use cable ties of different specifications according to actual circumstances.
Do not connect two or more cable ties and use them as one to bundle cables in case the
tightness is reduced.
After the cable ties are fixed, the extra part of the cable ties should be trimmed such that
no burrs exist.
The spacing between the cable ties should be even and should be three or four times the
diameter of the bundle.
When making turns for bundled cables, ensure that the bending radius is as large as possible
so that the cable cores do not break.
Figure 2-1 Bundling cables
3-4 φ
1. No cable tie at turns
2. Cable tie 3. Burr 4. Trimmed √: Correct bundling
×: Wrong bundling
2.1.3 Bundling Fiber Jumpers
Use a special binding strap to bundle fiber jumpers.
Observe the following requirements when bundling fiber jumpers:
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Arrange fiber jumpers tidily into a bundle before bundling them.
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2 Regulations on Routing and Bundling Cables
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Ensure that the mat side, and not the hook side, of the binding strap is in contact with the
fiber jumpers.
Bundle fiber jumpers with appropriate tightness. Do not bind them too tightly.
The spacing between two binding straps should not exceed 40 cm.
Do not bundle too many fiber jumpers together.
In the case of the 2 mm fiber jumpers, a maximum of 100 pieces can be bound together. In
the case of the 3 mm fiber jumpers, a maximum of 60 pieces can be bound together. If there
are a large number of fiber jumpers, bind them into several bundles.
2.2 Routing and Bundling the IF Cable
In actual situations, you must strictly observe the regulations when routing and bundling the IF
The routing requirements are as follows:
The IF cable should be routed from top downwards and should be bound at the time of
The specifications and cross-sectional area of the cable, and the route and position for the
cabling should be decided beforehand. The cable should be arranged neatly without any
overlapping or crossover.
The IF cable should be curved for waterproof consideration under the ODU and before
entering the IDU room.
The bending radius of the IF cable should be larger than 30 cm.
The bundling requirements are as follows:
The IF cable routed along the wiring frame must be bundled. It should be closely bundled
with appropriate tightness. The spacing between the cable ties for outdoor use (the cable
ties for outdoor use are in black) should be even.
The IF cable should be bound by using the cable ties for outdoor use every one meter.
The cable ties for outdoor use should face the same direction. There should be a slack of 3
mm to 5 mm before cutting the cable ties.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
About This Chapter
Engineering labels for indoor cables should be filled and affixed based on this specification,
unless the customer requires otherwise.
3.1 Introduction to Labels
There are two types of engineering labels, labels for power cables and labels for signal cables.
3.2 Preparing Labels
The content of the labels can be printed or written on the labels. It is recommended that the labels
be printed for the sake of better readability and a proper layout.
3.3 Affixing Labels
The procedure for affixing a label to a power cable is different from that for affixing a label to
a signal cable.
3.4 Common Engineering Labels
Common engineering labels include labels for the cabinet power cable, the optical fiber, the
trunk cable, the IF jumper, the network cable, and the external alarm cable. For other unspecified
labels, handle them according to the onsite requirements.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.1 Introduction to Labels
There are two types of engineering labels, labels for power cables and labels for signal cables.
3.1.1 Labels for Power Cables
The label for power cables is rectangular with round corners.
3.1.2 Labels for Signal Cables
The label for signal cables is L-shaped with fixed dimensions.
3.1.1 Labels for Power Cables
The label for power cables is rectangular with round corners.
There is a dividing line on the label. In the upper left corner, there is a mark "TO:". The mark
is used to identify the opposite end of the cable to which the label is affixed.
The label is affixed to the identification plate on the cable tie that binds the cable.
Figure 3-1 Label for power cables
Cable tie
Dividing line on the label
Unit: mm
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.1.2 Labels for Signal Cables
The label for signal cables is L-shaped with fixed dimensions.
The short dividing lines on the label specify the position of a cable more clearly. For example,
there is one dotted line that helps in folding the label. In the lower right corner, there is a mark
"TO:". The mark is used to identify the opposite end of the cable to which the label is affixed.
Figure 3-2 Label for signal cables
Dotted line
Dividing line
Dividing line
Dotted line
Unit: mm
3.2 Preparing Labels
The content of the labels can be printed or written on the labels. It is recommended that the labels
be printed for the sake of better readability and a proper layout.
3.2.1 Printing Labels
The labels can be printed by using a laser printer and a label template.
3.2.2 Writing Labels
Use the black oiliness markers that are delivered together with the equipment to write on the
3.2.1 Printing Labels
The labels can be printed by using a laser printer and a label template.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
The requirements are as follows:
Use a laser printer.
Use the label template.
To download a template, do as follows:
Download the template from http://support.huawei.com. The directory of the template
is Engineering Service > Engineering Quality > Quality Standard and Template.
Request for the template from the Huawei local office.
When you modify the information on the template, do not modify the settings of centered
characters, direction, fonts, and others.
When there are too many characters to be filled in, zoom out the characters.
Before printing a label, try printing an ordinary blank paper (both sides should be blank)
by covering it on the page of the label paper.
Feed in the labels one after another by hand. The label paper is made of a material different
from that of the ordinary blank paper.
If the warning "One or more margins are set outside the printable area of the page" appears
before printing, click Ignore to continue the printing.
3.2.2 Writing Labels
Use the black oiliness markers that are delivered together with the equipment to write on the
The requirements for writing on the labels are as follows:
Use a black oiliness marker to write on a label.
The handwritten font should be similar to the standard typeface, so that it is clear and legible.
Write characters in proper size depending on the number of digits and letters.
The writing direction of the label is as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-3 Writing direction of the label
1 A01 2
A 06
1 B02 1
5 05
3.3 Affixing Labels
The procedure for affixing a label to a power cable is different from that for affixing a label to
a signal cable.
3.3.1 Affixing a Label to a Power Cable
The label for the power cable is affixed to the identification plate on the cable tie that binds the
power cable.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.3.2 Affixing a Label to a Signal Cable
The label for the signal cable is directly affixed to the signal cable.
3.3.1 Affixing a Label to a Power Cable
The label for the power cable is affixed to the identification plate on the cable tie that binds the
power cable.
The power cable must be bundled.
The label content must be filled in.
Step 1 Remove a label from the paper. Affix it to the rectangular flute on only one side of the
identification plate on the cable tie.
Step 2 Determine the position of the cable tie.
Generally, bind the cable tie 2 cm away from the connector. To avoid bending the cable or
making the installation of other cables inconvenient, you can bind the cable tie to other places.
Step 3 Use the cable tie to bind the cable.
After the bundling, all the identification plates should face right or upwards and all the labels
should face outwards.
Figure 3-4 Appearance of labels affixed on power cables
1-The identification plate is on top
of the cable in horizontal cabling
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2-The identification plate is at the right
side of the cable in vertical cabling
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.3.2 Affixing a Label to a Signal Cable
The label for the signal cable is directly affixed to the signal cable.
The signal cable must be installed.
The label content must be filled in.
Step 1 Determine the position of the label.
Generally, affix the label 2 cm away from the connector. To avoid bending the cable or making
the installation of other cables inconvenient, you can affix the label to other places.
Step 2 Remove a label from the paper.
Step 3 Affix the label to the cable.
After the bundling, all the labels should face right or upwards.
Figure 3-5 Affixing labels to signal cables
Stick side
1 B02 1
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
A 06
Figure 3-6 Appearance of labels affixed on signal cables
A 06
A01 2
A01 2
3.4 Common Engineering Labels
Common engineering labels include labels for the cabinet power cable, the optical fiber, the
trunk cable, the IF jumper, the network cable, and the external alarm cable. For other unspecified
labels, handle them according to the onsite requirements.
3.4.1 Engineering Labels for Cabinet Power Cables
These labels are affixed to the power cable, the grounding cable (BGND), and the protection
grounding cable (PGND) of a cabinet. Affix the labels to both ends of the cable.
3.4.2 Engineering Labels for Optical Fibers
There are two types of labels for optical fibers. One type is used for the optical fiber that connects
two pieces of equipment. The other type is used for the optical fiber that connects the equipment
and the ODF. The labels of both types of optical fibers should be affixed to both ends of a fiber.
3.4.3 Engineering Labels for Trunk Cables
There are two types of labels for trunk cables. One type is used for the trunk cable that connects
two pieces of equipment. The other type is used for the trunk cable that connects the equipment
and the DDF. The labels of both types should be affixed to both ends of a trunk cable.
3.4.4 Engineering Labels for IF Jumpers
These labels are affixed to the IF jumpers that are connected to the IF boards. Affix the labels
to both ends of the jumpers.
3.4.5 Engineering Labels for Network Cables
These labels are affixed to the Ethernet cables that are connected to the network ports of boards.
Affix the labels to both ends of the cables.
3.4.6 Engineering Labels for External Alarm Cables
These labels are affixed to the external alarm cable that connects the power distribution cabinet
(the first cabinet of each row used for power distribution). Affix the label to the end of the cable
on the side of the power distribution cabinet.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.4.1 Engineering Labels for Cabinet Power Cables
These labels are affixed to the power cable, the grounding cable (BGND), and the protection
grounding cable (PGND) of a cabinet. Affix the labels to both ends of the cable.
Label Content
Table 3-1 Information on the label affixed to the power cable
MN(BC) - -48V1
On the side of the loaded cabinet, MN
identifies the row number and column
number of the power distribution equipment.
BC identifies the row number and column
number of the –48 V connector (if there is no
row number or column number, or the
connector can be identified without them, BC
can be omitted). Write BC under MN. BGND
and PGND have no row number or column
number for identification.
On the side of the power distribution cabinet,
only MN is used to identify the cabinet.
MN(BC) - -48V2
The previous table lists the cable content of two –48 V power supplies. The label contents are similar for other
DC voltages.
Figure 3-7 Example of the label on a power cable
Label on the loaded cabinet side
Label on the power distribution cabinet side
On the side of the loaded cabinet, the label marked with "A01/B08-–48V2" on the cable indicates
that the cable supplies –48 V2 power. This cable comes from the eighth connector in the second
row of the -48 V bus bar in the cabinet in row A and column 1 in the equipment room."
On the side of the power distribution cabinet, the label marked with "B03-–48V2" on the cable
indicates that the cable supplies –48 V2 power. This cable comes from the loaded cabinet in row
B and column 03 in the equipment room.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.4.2 Engineering Labels for Optical Fibers
There are two types of labels for optical fibers. One type is used for the optical fiber that connects
two pieces of equipment. The other type is used for the optical fiber that connects the equipment
and the ODF. The labels of both types of optical fibers should be affixed to both ends of a fiber.
Label Content
Table 3-2 Information on the label affixed to the fiber that connects two pieces of equipment
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet, from A to Z
N: column number of a cabinet, from 01
to 99
B: subrack number
Numbered from bottom upwards with
two digits
C: physical slot number
Numbered with two digits
D: optical port number
Numbered from top downwards and
from left to right with two digits
R: optical receiving port
T: optical transmitting port
MN: cabinet number
B: subrack number
C: physical slot number
D: optical port number
The abbreviations have the same
meanings as given earlier. When the
local equipment and the opposite
equipment are not in the same equipment
room, MN can be the name of the
equipment room.
R: optical receiving port
T: optical transmitting port
Table 3-3 Information on the label affixed to the fiber that connects the equipment and the ODF
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet, from A to Z
N: column number of a cabinet, from 01
to 99
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
B: subrack number
Numbered from bottom upwards with
two digits
C: physical slot number
Numbered with two digits
D: optical port number
Numbered from top downwards and
from left to right with two digits
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
R: optical receiving port
T: optical transmitting port
MN: row number and column
number of the ODF
M: row number of the ODF, from A to Z
B: row number of the terminal
Numbered with two digits
N: column number of the ODF, from 01
to 99
C: column number of the
R: optical receiving port
T: optical transmitting port
Figure 3-8 Example of the label on a fiber that connects two pieces of equipment
A01 01 05 05 R
G01 01 01 01 T
"A01-01-05-05-R" indicates that the local end of the fiber is connected to the optical receiving
port 05 in slot 5 of subrack 01 in the cabinet in row A and column 01 in the equipment room.
"G01-01-01-01-T" indicates that the opposite end of the fiber is connected to the optical
transmitting port 01 in slot 01 of subrack 01 in the cabinet in row G and column 01 in the
equipment room.
Figure 3-9 Example of the label on a fiber that connects the equipment and the ODF
ODF G01 01 01 R
A01 01 05 05 R
"ODF-G01-01-01-R" indicates that the local end of the fiber is connected to the optical receiving
terminal in row 01 and column 01 of the ODF in row G and column 01 in the equipment room.
"A01-01-05-05-R" indicates that the opposite end of the fiber is connected to the optical
receiving port 5 in slot 05 and subrack 01 in the cabinet in row A and column 01 in the equipment
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.4.3 Engineering Labels for Trunk Cables
There are two types of labels for trunk cables. One type is used for the trunk cable that connects
two pieces of equipment. The other type is used for the trunk cable that connects the equipment
and the DDF. The labels of both types should be affixed to both ends of a trunk cable.
Label Content
Table 3-4 Information on the label affixed to the trunk cable that connects two pieces of
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet, from A to Z
N: column number of a cabinet, from 01 to 99
B: subrack number
Numbered from bottom upwards with two digits
C: physical slot number
Numbered with two digits
D: cable number
Numbered from top downwards and from left to
right with two digits
R: receiving port
T: transmitting port
MN: cabinet number
B: subrack number
C: physical slot number
The abbreviations have the same meaning as
given earlier. When the local equipment and the
opposite equipment are not in the same equipment
room, MN can be the name of the equipment
D: cable number
R: receiving port
T: transmitting port
Table 3-5 Information on the label affixed to the trunk cable that connects the equipment and
the DDF
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet, from A to Z
N: column number of a cabinet, from 01 to 99
B: subrack number
Numbered from bottom upwards with two digits
C: physical slot number
Numbered with two digits
D: cable number
Numbered from top downwards and from left to
right with two digits
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
R: receiving port
T: transmitting port
MN: row number and
column number of the DDF
M: row number of the DDF, from A to Z
B: row number of the
Numbered with two digits
C: column number of the
D: direction A or B
A: indicating that the DDF terminals are
connected to the optical transmission equipment
R: receiving port
T: transmitting port
N: column number of the DDF, from 01 to 99
B: indicating that the DDF terminals are
connected to the switching equipment
Figure 3-10 Example of the label on a trunk cable that connects two pieces of equipment
G01 01 05 12 T
D02 01 01 01 R
"G01-01-05-12-T" indicates that the local end of the trunk cable is connected to the transmitting
terminal of trunk cable 12 in slot 05 of subrack 01 in the cabinet in row G and column 01 in the
equipment room.
"D02-01-01-01-R" indicates that the opposite end of the trunk cable is connected to the receiving
terminal of trunk cable 01 in slot 01 of subrack 01 in the cabinet in row D and column 02 in the
equipment room.
Figure 3-11 Example of the label on a trunk cable that connects the equipment and the DDF
A01 03 01 01 R
DDF G01 01 01 AR
"A01-03-01-01-R" indicates that the local end of the trunk cable is connected to the receiving
terminal of trunk cable 01 in slot 01 of subrack 03 of the cabinet in row A and column 01 in the
equipment room.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
"DDF-G01-01-01-AR" indicates that the opposite end of the trunk cable is connected to the
receiving terminal of direction A (connected to the optical transmission equipment) in row 01
and column 01 of the DDF in row G and column 01 in the equipment room.
3.4.4 Engineering Labels for IF Jumpers
These labels are affixed to the IF jumpers that are connected to the IF boards. Affix the labels
to both ends of the jumpers.
Label Content
Table 3-6 Information on the label affixed to the IF jumper
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet,
from A to Z
N: column number of a
cabinet, from 01 to 99
B: subrack number
Numbered from bottom
upwards with two digits
C: physical slot number
Numbered with two digits
D: IF port number
Always 01
MN: antenna number
M: antenna pole number,
from A to Z
N: Numbered from bottom
upwards with two digits
M/S: main/standby ODU
For the main ODU, fill "M";
for the standby ODU, fill "S".
Figure 3-12 Example of the label on an IF jumper
A01 02 05 01
A01 M
"A01-02-05-01" indicates that the local end of the IF jumper is connected to IF port 01 in slot
05 of subrack 02 in the cabinet in row A and column 01 in the equipment room.
"A01-M" indicates that the other end of the IF jumper is connected to the active ODU of the
first antenna on pole A.
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
3.4.5 Engineering Labels for Network Cables
These labels are affixed to the Ethernet cables that are connected to the network ports of boards.
Affix the labels to both ends of the cables.
Label Content
Table 3-7 Information on the label affixed to the network cable
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet,
from A to Z
N: column number of a
cabinet, from 01 to 99
B: subrack number
Numbered from bottom
upwards with two digits
C: physical slot number
Numbered with two digits
D: network port number
Numbered from top
downwards and from left to
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet,
from A to Z
N: column number of a
cabinet, from 01 to 99
Z: position number
Depending on the onsite
information, provide the
valid position number of the
equipment. If the cable is
connected to a router in a
cabinet, specify the cabinet
number, the subrack number,
and the network port number.
If the cable is connected to
the network management
computer, specify the
position of the computer.
Figure 3-13 Example of the label on a network cable
A01 03 10 05
B02 03 12
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3 Engineering Labels for Indoor Cables
"A01-03-10-05" indicates that the local end of the network cable is connected to network port
05 in slot 10 of subrack 03 in the cabinet in row A and column 01 in the equipment room.
"B02-03-12" indicates that the opposite end of the network cable is connected to network port
12 in subrack 03 in the cabinet in row B and column 02 in the equipment room. It is unnecessary
to specify the slot number.
3.4.6 Engineering Labels for External Alarm Cables
These labels are affixed to the external alarm cable that connects the power distribution cabinet
(the first cabinet of each row used for power distribution). Affix the label to the end of the cable
on the side of the power distribution cabinet.
Label Content
Table 3-8 Information on the label affixed to the external alarm cable
MN: cabinet number
M: row number of a cabinet,
from A to Z
N: column number of a
cabinet, from 01 to 99
Figure 3-14 Example of the label on an external alarm cable
"A01" indicates that the alarm cable connects the power distribution cabinet and the cabinet in
row A and column 01 in the equipment room.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
4 Engineering Labels for Outdoor IF Cables
Engineering Labels for Outdoor IF Cables
About This Chapter
Engineering labels for outdoor IF cables should be bound according to this specification, unless
the customer requires otherwise.
4.1 Engineering Labels for IF Cables
The engineering labels for IF cables are plastic tags and are bound by using cable ties. The label
content has been printed before delivery. Hence, there is no need to write or print the content on
4.2 Binding the Labels for IF Cables
The labels for IF cables should be bound with the IF cables by using the cable ties for outdoor
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
4 Engineering Labels for Outdoor IF Cables
4.1 Engineering Labels for IF Cables
The engineering labels for IF cables are plastic tags and are bound by using cable ties. The label
content has been printed before delivery. Hence, there is no need to write or print the content on
Introduction to the Label
One set of the labels for IF cables has 16 labels, as shown in Figure 4-1. Each set consists of
eight groups of labels. Each group indicates the IF cables to which the main ODU and standby
ODU of an antenna correspond. If an antenna is configured with only one ODU, use the main
label. The label content is as shown in Table 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Example of the label on the IF cable
Table 4-1 Information on the label bound to the IF cable
MAIN: IF cable of the main ODU
STD BY: IF cable of the standby ODU
N: antenna number, numbered from 1
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
OptiX RTN 950 Radio Transmission System
Installation Reference
4 Engineering Labels for Outdoor IF Cables
4.2 Binding the Labels for IF Cables
The labels for IF cables should be bound with the IF cables by using the cable ties for outdoor
The connectors for the IF cable must be prepared.
Step 1 Determine the place where the label for the IF cable is to be bound.
Generally, bind the label 20 cm away from the connector of the IF cable.
Step 2 Use outdoor cable ties to bind the label with the IF cable.
The label surface with letters should face outwards. All the cable ties should face the same
Figure 4-2 Appearance of the label after it is bound with the IF cable
Issue 02 (2009-6-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.