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Computer Science Resume - Aneeq Hassan

‡HassanA01 ¯HassanA01
aneeq.hassan@mail.utoronto.ca Ó(647)-741-8500
University of Toronto
HBSc Computer Science Specialist (PEY Co-op) - 3.22 / 4.0 CGPA
Sept 2019 - April 2024
Python, Java, C, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, R, Assembly, Unix, Linux, OOP
Software & Tools:
Bootstrap, Git, UML, CRC, Agile/Scrum, GDB, Valgrind, JUnit, JavaFX,
Pytest, PyGame, Eclipse, VS-Code, PyCharm, Logisim, MARS, TDD/BDD
Problem Solving, Self-driven, Organized, Collaboration, Time Management
Relevant Coursework:
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Computational Theory
- Multi-variable Calculus
- Software Tools and System Programming
- Dynamic Programming
- Software Design
- Statistics
- Linear Algebra
- Computer Organization
Teaching Assistant - University of Toronto
Jan 2022 - Apr 2022
• Educated over 300 students in Python Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, OOP, analyzing efficiency
of programs in an active learning environment
Full-Stack Web Development Course - Udemy
Dec 2021 - June 2022
• Engaged in an active-learning environment while applying the latest tools and tech used at large tech-companies
• Developed numerous projects using HTML/CSS, JavaScript to name a couple which are visible on GitHub
• Languages & Tools: Bootstrap, JavaScript, MERN Stack, Unix, REST API, SQL, Firebase, jQuery, HTML/CSS
Battle-Code 2022 AI Hackathon UofT
Python, JSON
• As a team lead, worked alongside 2 individuals to develop an AI strategy in a 2-D game, Capture-The-Flag
• Implemented strategy such that troops execute the most suitable move each turn by analyzing the game board and
reinforcing the most suitable Unit to a specific location using path-finding algorithms
• Incorporated OOP, data structures, and heuristics to develop clean code, determine actions for each Unit
• Earned Top-3 placement out of 50 contestants and won 100$ Amazon Gift Card and RGB Desk Pad
The Three Musketeers Game
Java, JavaFX, JUnit
• As a team lead, worked alongside 4 individuals to develop a 2D board game in Java with use of JavaFX, JUnit
• Created weekly product backlogs which recorded updates on finished/unfinished tasks
• Communicated with members through weekly Sprints via GitHub where each member updated their progress
• Created UML diagrams to visualize the structure of the project and communicate design patterns to teammates
• Concepts include: Design Patterns, A.I., GUI, Object-Oriented-Principles, Unit-testing, Agile/Scrum Methodology
MyShell Terminal
• Developed a user-interactive prototype of the terminal.
• Performs common terminal/Bash instructions and commands such as variables, cd, ls, cat, echo, to name a few
• Incorporated the use of GDB and Valgrind to debug and locate memory leaks
• Concepts include: Pipes, Signals, Data Structures, Network Support, Memory Allocation, Files, Sockets
BMP Image Compressor/Decompressor
Python, Pytest, BMP Images
• Developed an UI using Python which compresses and decompresses BMP images with use of data structures
• Compression involved statistics and a loss-level which determined amount of data loss in the compressed file
• Implemented using quad-trees, math, and Object-Oriented-Principles