PULMONARY REHABILITATION/ CHEST PHYSICAL THERAPY References : • • • • • Caroline Kisner Jackson Tan Brompton Hospital Chest Physioterapy Somers MF, 2010. Spinal Cord Injury Functional Rehabilitation. 3rd edition Garrett B, Shatzer H, Bach JR. 2009. In Sisto SA, Druin E, Sliwinski MM (Eds). Spinal Cord Injuries Management and Rehabilitation. Normal Value in Healthy Young Adult TV (Tidal Volume) IRV (Inspiratory Reserve Volume) ERV (Expiratory Reserve Volume) 500 ml 3000 ml 1000 ml RV (Residual Volume) 1500 ml IC (Inspiratory Capacity) = 3500ml TV + IRV FRC (Functional Residual ERV + RV Capacity) = 2500ml VC (Vital Capacity) = 4500ml TLC (Total Lung Capacity) = 6000 ml TV + IRV + ERV TV + IRV + ERV + RV PULMONARY REHABILITATION / CHEST PHYSICAL THERAPY I. Secret Removal 1. Secretion Mobilization a. b. c. 2. Airways Clearance a. b. c. d. 3. Postural Drainage Manual Tech (Percussion/Clapping, Shaking, Vibration, use vibrator) Adjuvant (Nebul w/ bronchodilator/normal saline, humidifier, mucolytic, enough hydration) Cough Maneuver/Effective Cough Huffing Suctioning Mechanical Insufflation-Exufflation (MIE) Strengthening muscle (inspiration & abdominal) III. Relaxation Technique 1. 2. 3. Breathing Control Relaxation Position Cognitive Relaxation II. Breathing Exc/Controlled Breathing Technique (CBT) 1. CBT to improve Pulmo Func Test (PFT) Parameter a. Diaphragm Breathing b. Segmental breathing/chest expansion exc c. Incentive spirometer (triflowmeter) d. Glosopharyngeal breathing 2. CBT to reduce dyspnea & work of breathing a. Breathing control b. Pursed lip breathing (PLB) c. Pacing activity 3. Muscle ventilation strength & endurance exc 4. Chest Mobilization IV. Abdominal Muscle Strengthening & Support V. General Reconditioning Program/Aerobic Exc VI. Energy Conservation Tech VII. Give Adequate Ventilation I.1. Secret Mobilization Technique 1. a. Postural Drainage • Use gravity-assisted positions to improve mobilization of secretions from individual lung lobes & segments. • Affected lung segment is positioned upper most for drainage as well as oxygenation. • Can be done in modified position if px cant tolerate the position. • Time : after awakening in the morning, prior sleeping. Don’t do after or before meal Kontraindikasi Postural Darinage : • • • • • • Kondisi kardiovaskular yang tidak stabil Tension pneumothorax yang tidak teratasi Emboli paru Efusi pleura berat Cedera vertebra yang tidak stabil Post operasi bedah saraf dengan kontraindikasi peningkatan tekanan intrakranial • Kondisi orthopedi atau patah tulang yang membatasi posisi • Hemoptisis akut 1. b. Percussion/Clapping, Shaking, Vibration Kontraindikasi : • • • • • • • • • • • TB aktif Hemoptisis Emfisema subkutan Pasien dengan anestesia spinal Pasien dengan skin graft atau flap pada thoraks Kondisi kulit lainnya seperti luka bakar, luka terbuka, dan infeksi Osteoporosis lanjut Kanker dengan metastasis tulang Patah tulang kosta Kondisi yang rentan terjadi pendarahan Nyeri dada akut saat dilakukan intervensi ini 1.b Manual Technique • Percussion/Clapping - Applied throughout entire respiratory cycle by cupped the hand or using finger tips in small infants for 1-5 minutes rhythmically - Should performed over the clothes or towel - Mechanical energy is transmitted through the chest wall to the airway & loosen the mucus. - For px w/ bronchospasm slower rate (60 beat/minute) is more relaxing • Shaking • Vibration - There is little or no pressure to the thorax, may be used when percussion/shaking is contraindicated. - Should performed during expiratory phase of breathing. - Can be done by hand or use vibrator. I.2 Airway Clearance Technique a. Cough Maneuver/Effective Cough a.1 Effective cough/Controlled cough • Deep breath hold breath several second (to closed glottis) contract abdominal muscles open glottis & expel the air rapidly 2-3 times while contracting abdomen & lean slighty forward • Then rest & control breathing repeating effective cough a.2 Tracheal stimulation cough • Quick inward & downward pressure on trachea (above the suprasternal notch) to elicit cough reflex. a.3 Active-assisted cough • Manual-assisted • Self-assisted Manual-assisted Cough Heimlich-assisted cough atau abdominal trust assist Costophrenic-assisted cough Anterior chest compression Long-sit Self-assisted Self-assisted Cough Prone-on-elbows Self-assisted Self-assist in Quadruped Short-sit Self-assisted 2.b Huffing • Same with effective cough but glottis remain open. • Deep breath immediately expel the air while contracting abdomen & saying “Haaa” 2.c Suctioning : 2.d MIE : • Preoksigenasi Gunakan ukuran kateter & tekanan sesuai, suction ≤ 10dtk • Oksigenasi kembali sebelum mengulang. • Memasukkan tekanan (+) ke airway slm 12 dtk eksuflasi/tekanan (-) slm 2-3 dtk. • Dilakukan 4-5 x dng jeda. Example Secret Removal Program : 1. Nebulizer w/ bronchodilator/normal saline or Humidification w/ normal saline. 2. Set the patient in postural drainage position. 3. Do clapping/shaking/vibration 1-5 minutes. 4. Pause for relaxation or breathing control. 5. Cough maneuvers/huffing, 1-2 times followed by breathing control. 6. Repeat the procedure until lung lobe/segment clear. 7. With active treatment an area usually cleared in 10-20 minutes. 8. Treatment shouldn’t exceed 45-60 minutes. 9. May required 2-4 times a day. 10. If px can’t do voluntary cough, airway clearance can be done by suctioning or use MIE II. Breathing Exc/Controlled Breathing Technique (CBT) II.1 CBT to improve Pulmo Func Test (PFT) Parameter a. Diaphragm Breathing/Deep breathing • Start in semireclining/semifowler position & flex hip-knee. • Inhale slowly & deeply through nose, abdomen rise & upper chest quite, hold 3 second exhale slowly through mouth. • If difficult, start w/ exhale with depressed the abdomen or stimulate diaphragm by press epigastrium cranially before inspiration. • Do 3-4 times rest (prevent hyperventilation) • Practice in variety positions (sitting, standing, during activity) b. Segmental breathing/chest expansion exc • Px inspire against light resistance in specific lung segments & release it to allow full inspiration or give resistance in the end of inspiration. • Do 3-4 times rest (prevent hyperventilation) c. Incentive spirometer (triflowmeter) • Inhale slowly through mouth piece, hold 3’, exhale passively (balls give visual feedback) d. Glosopharyngeal breathing d. Glosopharyngeal Breathing • Diberikan pd Px dng kelemahan berat otot ventilasi. • Cara : • Mengumpulkan udara di dalam mulut • Menutup bibir • Mendorong udara dng otot lidah & faring (meneguk) secara cepat bbrp kali. • Px yg sudah mahir dpt bernafas 8-9x/menit, @ nafas perlu 12-15 tegukan. • Memerlukan kemampuan spesialisasi tinggi (terapis handal). II.2. CBT to reduce dyspnea & work of breathing a. Breathing control • Same with diaphragm breathing, but just to stimulate diaphragm breathing pattern, px doesn’t need to hold breath. b. Pursed lip breathing (PLB) • Purpose : Keep airways open to prevent air trapping by creating back-pressure in the airways. • Avoid : forceful expiration increase turbulence airways restrict bronchiole • Technique : inhale slowly several second through nose exhale slowly 4-6’ through lips. Abdomen should relax c. Pacing-activity • Stop activity (walking, stair climbing, etc) when feel dyspnea, do relaxation positon (forward bent position) & pursed lips breathing until dyspnea subside, continue the activity. II.3. Muscle ventilation strength & endurance a. Latihan nafas dalam (penguatan diafragma) • Memberikan tahanan pd epigastrium saat nafas dalam. • Dilakukan pada posisi yg berbeda-beda. • Dengan alat : meniup balon atau incentive inspirometer b. Latihan penguatan otot trunk & AGA. c. Latihan aerobik d. Latihan kontrol eksentrik ekspirasi • Inspirasi maksimal Menghitung / mengucapkan “ah”/“oh” • Memberikan vibrasi / tahanan dada saat ekspirasi. II.4. Chest Mobilization Peregangan pasif • Inspirasi : bahu abd-flx, scapula add, trunk ext • Ekspirasi : sebaliknya Latihan nafas dalam Mobilisasi sendi (manipulasi manual) : menggerakkan kosta ke inferior-superior III. Relaxation Technique 1. Breathing Control Relaxation a. One breathing technique • Diaphragm breathing w/ saying “one” every exhalation b. Eye-movement breathing technique Lean forward position correlate with length tension of diaphragm & make viscera drop forward so diaphragm move easily • Diaphragm breathing w/ looking up eyebrows while inhalation, hold 2’, looking down while exhalation. 2. Relaxation Position (supine is uncomfort for dyspnea px) • • • • • High-side lying Sitting lean-forward on a pillow Sitting lean-forward w/ elbow on knee Standing lean-forward support hand on table Standing on wall and lean-foward 3. Progressive muscle relaxation exc • Systematically learning to tense muscle groups for 10’ followed by active relaxation for 10-15’ 4. Cognitive Relaxation IV.Abdominal Muscle Strengthening & Support V. General Reconditioning Program/Aerobic Exc VI.Energy Conservation Technique VII.Adequate ventilation a. Ventilator Program penyapihan ventilator menggunakan pendekatan progressive ventilator-free breathing ventilator dilepaskan dalam durasi tertentu, durasi & frekuensi kemudian ditingkatkan bertahap. b. Intermittent abdominal pressure ventilator (IAPV) Memberikan tekanan eksternal abdomen secara intermitten, dng menggunakan sabuk / korset abdomen c. Stimulator nervus phrenikus (Elektroda & receiver diimplantasikan dng operasi)