The PEEL method How to write paragraphs The PEEL Writing Method The PEEL writing method is a simple and easy to memorize method of paragraph writing. • Proven • Provides structure • Makes writing faster, clearer, and more concise What is 'PEEL'? P E E L Point Evidence Explain Link Peel - Point Make your point Topic sentence Introduce the topic Tell the reader what the paragraph is about What is the 'point' you are trying to make? Make your point What are you trying to prove? Is it related to the topic at hand? Topic sentence WRITE YOUR TOPIC SENTENCE BE BRIEF AND CONCISE INTRODUCE YOUR IDEA pEel – Evidence/Examples PROVE IT SUPPORT YOUR POINT WITH EVIDENCE AND EXAMPLES Evidence/Example FACTS STATISTICS RESEARCH FINDINGS QUOTES FROM A CREDIBLE AUTHORITY OR A PRIMARY TEXT. peEl - Explain Show your understanding Explain more detail How and why your evidence supports your point Intepret the evidence for the reader Note In some circumstances it may make more sense to switch Explain and Examples/Evidence. It is okay to be flexible with these two. peeL - Link Conclude Reinforce Last sentence Reinforce your point and/or Link Link your writing to the next paragraph Overview - PEEL • Point – The first sentence introduces the idea or thing you will discuss. This will be your topic sentence. • Example – The next part should introduce and incorporate an example, or piece of evidence – that supports your point • Explanation – Then explain why the piece of evidence supports your point • Link – This is a sentence that connects your paragraph with a wider argument, such as a complete essay. The linking sentence will often explain why you think the piece of evidence is important. Example Q. Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos?