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Random Topic Ideas: Discussion & Writing Prompts

Random Topic Ideas -- List 2
What are the benefits of “Learning
by Doing?”
What important relationships do you
have in your life because of 4-H?
Discuss your most memorable 4-H
Explain what “I pledge my head to
clearer thinking” means to you.
Explain what “I pledge my heart to
greater loyalty” means to you.
Explain what “I pledge my hands to
larger service” means to you.
Explain what “I pledge my health to Explain what “For my community, my
better living” means to you.
country, and my world” means to
Discuss the most memorable event
Who is your hero and why?
of your life.
If you could visit anywhere in the
world, where would it be?
If you could describe yourself by a
color, what color would you be and
What is the secret to true happiness?
If you had someone famous visit
your home, who would it be and
what would the visit be like?
One issue facing our society today
My biggest concern for the future
List what you feel are the most
valuable qualities in a person and
explain why.
Explain your choice: hot dog or
Who is your favorite author and
If I were an author, I would write
If I could describe my personality as
a piece of fruit, which fruit would I
Explain the saying, “Real wealth is
never measured in money or
Random Topic Ideas -- List 3
Explain or discuss the saying,
“Conservation is survival.”
Explain or discuss the saying, “Real
love is not the stuff of pop songs.”
Explain or discuss the logic behind
If I were an animal I'd be a...
the statement, “Junk food’s
popularity relies on marketing.”
Discuss and explain the statement, Discuss the statement, “The world is
“To err is human. To forgive is
a smaller place these days.”
Discuss the statement, “The more we
When I grow up...
communicate, the less we really
Discuss why or why not, goals are
The most important lesson I’ve
good for you.
learned in life so far is...
Discuss the statement, “Intelligence
is not enough.”
If I ruled the world...
Do you agree that color affects the
way people feel? Why or why not?
Explain how ill health begins in the
Why do you think team sports build How is laughter the best medicine?
strong individuals?
Explain what you think the phrase,
“Fools and their money are easily
Do you agree with the statement:
parted,” means.
“Discipline is not a dirty word?”
Explain what the adage, “Beauty is
Is “Children learn what they live
always in the eye of the beholder”
with,” a valid statement? Why or
means to you.
why not?
Do you agree with the statement,
What characteristics make an ideal
“Poverty is a state of mind?” Why or
hero and why?
why not?
Random Topic Ideas -- List 4
What and who is an average person?
In what situation is lying a good
Do you agree or disagree with this
statement: “Being young is overrated.” Why or why not?
Does money “Make the world go
What human quality do we need
more of and why?
Who has been the most influential
person in your life and why?
Share your thoughts on this
Summer is the best and worst of
statement: “How we look is
times. Why or why not?
unimportant. It's who we are on the
Do you inside
agree that
with counts.”
the statement:
Explain and discuss how talking to
“The media controls how and what someone and talking with someone
we think?” Why or why not?
are two different activities.
Explain and discuss what “Real
learning doesn't occur in a
What would you rather be - wise or
classroom,” means.
Do you agree with this statement?
“True wisdom comes from
How is a sense of humor essential in
experience?” Explain why or why
Do you think uniforms stifle
Explain why uniforms do or do not
stifle individuality.
Explain why manners matter.
Children should not watch television.
Art is essential to life. Explain.
Peace is possible. Explain.
What moral issue best defines you?
What is the biggest effect of the
Random Topic Ideas -- List 5
Describe your worst experience.
Discuss the most memorable event in
your life.
Is knowledge more important than
Is a glass half full or half empty?
Explain your choice.
Why are humans so fascinated with
understanding the universe?
Does technology live up to its
Name some ghosts you would like to What would you say are three keys
meet and explain why.
to a happy life?
Do you agree with the statement,
“You are what you eat?”
Do you agree with the statement,
“Professional athletes are overpaid?”
Which is better, dogs or cats, and
How would you describe to someone
the ways to become a millionaire?
What is the importance of
Which is better, real or fake
Christmas trees, and why?
What is your opinion on curfews and
Tell us about the worst/best book
you ever read.
What is your all-time favorite movie
and why?
Tell us about your first memory.
Do you agree that the best things in
life are free?
What do you think the statement,
“Clothes make the man/woman,”
What do you think about the idea of Tell us about your favorite sound and
“good versus evil?”
why it is your favorite.
Random Topic Ideas -- List 6
Do you think exams are/are not good
forms of assessment?
Do you think it is important to
meditate? Why or why not?
What are you grateful for and why?
Who is your favorite relative and
What is your favorite holiday and
The greatest gift we can give others
If I were invisible for a day, I
If you knew you could not fail, what
would you do?
Who is the most successful person
you know and why?
Do you think good grades matter?
Explain why or why not.
If you were a tree, what tree would
you be, and why?
If you were elected president, what
would be the first thing you would
If you could have any animal as a
pet, what would it be and why?
If you could have any super power,
what would it be and why?