Capitalism vs Socialism Sort The Match company made blankets for camping. The blankets became popular very quickly and sold out everywhere. The company decided that they would not longer make tents and only make the blankets because they could sell more blankets. This led to the company making more profits or money. Most people do not have a car to get places. The government would like to have their own transportation, or way to get around, because keeping up the public buses is very costly. Also, they can charge taxes and fees for each car bought. The government decides to start making cars and selling them for a cheap price so that most people can afford to buy one. A new video game system has come out on the market and everyone wants one. The Nintendo company cannot produce or make them fast enough for everyone to get one. The Sony company sees that Nintendo is not able to keep up with the demand and decides to create a game system that is almost exactly the same as Nintenedo’s. The Sony company is able to make their system faster and sells the system for $50 less. Shoes are made and sold for the least amount of profit (money). The goal of making the shoes is to be sure that everyone can have a pair, not to make the most money from them. Unfortunately, most of the shoes made are not of good quality and do not last for a long time but everyone is able to have some kind of shoes. The Apple company has recently seen less profit or money being made from their best selling product the iPhone. They decide to make a new phone that is a little larger, has more memory, and a few new features. They also decide to reduce (lessen) the price of their other iPhones on the market. This new phone creates excitement and everyone begins to purchase iPhones again. Everyone has the ability to go to college for free. The government decides where colleges are needed and has them built. As students in the society are old enough to go, they can decide which college they would like to attend and go there. The professors teach at the college for the government and there is not price to attend.