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Biologie 124 Tutorial 1: Water, pH & Bindingen

Tutoriaal 1 / Tutorial 1 [Hoofstuk 2 / Chapter 2 (Biology - The Dynamic Science, 5th edition)
NB: No memo will be provided for the tut questions. You have to answer them yourself, but ask
the tutors in the tutorial session NB: Geen memo sal vir die tut-vrae verskaf word nie. U moet hulle
op u eie antwoord, maar mag die tutors in die tutorial sessie vra indien u onseker is oor enige iets.
Vraag 1 / Question 1
Watter een van die twee bevat meer
waterstofbindings: Een liter water by
50°C of een liter water by 10°C? Gee
redes vir u antwoord.
Which one of the two contains more
hydrogen bonds: One liter of water at 50 °C
or one liter of water at 10 °C? Give reasons
for your answer.
Die digtheid van water bereik ’n
maksimum by 4°C. Hoekom is water se
digtheid minder by 2°C, en ys se digtheid
by 0°C selfs nog laer?
Water is at its densest at 4°C. Why is water
less dense at 2°C, and ice, at 0°C, even less
Gebruik ’n skets om te illustreer hoekom
ys minder dig is as water.
Use a sketch to explain why ice is less dense
than water.
Vraag 2 / Question 2
U het twee bekers. Die een bevat ’n
oplossing van 20 ml HCl by pH = 1.0. Die
ander bevat ‘n oplossing van 20 ml NaOH
by pH = 13. Wat is die [H+] en [OH-] van
elkeen van die oplossings onderskeidelik?
You have two beakers. One contains a
solution of 20 ml HCl at pH = 1.0. The other
contains a solution of 20 ml NaOH at pH =
13. What are the [H+] and [OH-] of each of
the solutions respectively?
Neem aan dat suurreën die pH van ’n
betrokke meer verlaag het na pH 4.0. Wat
is die hidroksied-ioon konsentrasie van
die meer?
Assume that acid rain has lowered the pH of
a particular lake to pH 4.0. What is the
hydroxide ion concentration of this lake?
Vraag 3 / Question 3
Identifiseer die bindings by 1-4 in die
volgende figuur.
Identify the bonds at 1-4 in the following
Bladsy / Page 1