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General Science MCQs: Practice Questions

General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
Protected: General science MCQs 1
1. Which is the Cleanest form of energy?
Ans: Wind Energy
2. If no atmosphere, then what would the colour of sky?
Ans: Black
3. Which is the purest form of Carbon?
Ans: Diamond
4. Highest source of air pollution in the World is?
Ans: Industries
5. Highest thermal conductor is
Ans: Copper
6. Heating up of earth after sunset is due to
Ans: Greenhouse effect
7. Which represents absolute zero temperature
Ans: Zero Kelvin
8. Potato is a
Ans: Stem
9. Which hormone controls the glucose in our body?
Ans: Insulin
10. Which causes contaminated water?
Ans: Typhoid
1. The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals is–
(a) Carbon
(b) Silicon
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Aluminium
Answer: b
2. The metal that is present in Photo Films is–
(a) Mercury
(b) Platinum
(c) Magnesium
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
(d) Silver
Answer: d
3. Which of the following is in liquid form at room temperature?
(a) Cerium
(b) Sodium
(c) Francium
(d) Lithium
Answer: c
Note:- The only liquid elements at standard temperature and pressure are bromine (Br)and mercury
(Hg). Although, elements caesium (Cs), rubidium (Rb), Francium (Fr) and Gallium (Ga) become
liquid at or just above room temperature.
4. The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called–
(a) Osmosis
(b) Desiccation
(c) Efflorescence
(d) Deliquescene
Answer: d
5. Which of the following elements is non-radioactive?
(a) Uranium
(b) Thorium
(c) Plutonium
(d) Zirconium
Answer: d
6. Brass gets discolored in air due to the presence of which gas in air–
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Oxygen
(c) Hydrogen Sulphide
(d) Nitrogen
Answer: c
7. The fastest acting enzyme in the biological kingdom is–
(a) lipase
(b) amylase
(c) carboxypeptidase
(d) carbonic anhydrase
Answer: d
8. Lightening cause rainfall because–
(a) It cause combination of oxygen and nitrogen
(b) Some of the gas molecules become bigger
(c) It activate H2O molecule
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
(d) Photo-electricity reaction starts
Answer: c
9. Polythene is industrially prepared the polymerisation of–
(a) methane
(b) styrene
(c) acetylene
(d) ethylene
Answer: d
10. Nitrification means–
(a) Liquifaction of nitrogen
(b) Convert the atmospheric nitrogen to effective nitrogen compound.
(c) Production of nitrogen from air
(d) Conversion of nitrogen to nitric acid.
Answer: b
11. When a magnet is suspended freely it always aligns itself in which direction?
(a) North
(b) N-S
(c) N-W
(d). N-E
Answer: b
1. Ozone hole refers to
A. hole in ozone layer
B. decrease in the ozone layer in troposphere
C. decrease in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere
D. increase in the thickness of ozone layer in troposphere
2. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from
A. chlorophyll
B. atmosphere
C. light
D. soil
3. Most highly intelligent mammals are
A. whales
B. dolphins
C. elephants
D. kangaroos
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
4. Photosynthesis takes place faster in
A. yellow light
B. white light
C. red light
D. darkness
5. Pyorrhea is a disease of the
A. nose
B. gums
C. heart
D. lungs
6. Potato is a modified form (outgrowth) of
A. root
B. stem
C. fruit
D. leaf
7. Plants developing in dry conditions are
A. xerophytes
B. mesophytes
C. lithophytes
D. hydrophytes
8. Normal adult human male has
A. 10 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood
B. 14 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood
C. 18 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood
D. 24 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood
9. Photosynthesis is a process
A. reductive and exergonic
B. reductive and catabolic
C. reductive, endergonic and catabolic
D. reductive, endergonic and anabolic
10. Radish is a
A. bulb
B. conn
C. modified root
D. tuber
11. Most common disease of poultry in India is
A. fowl pox
B. tick fever
C. ranikhet
D. coryza
12. Mumps is a disease caused
A. fungus
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
B. bacterium
C. virus
D. None of these
13. Pulses are a good source of
A. carbohydrates
B. fats
C. proteins
D. vitamins
14. Oxygen in our blood is transported a protein named
A. haemoglobin
B. keratin
C. collagen
D. myoglobin
15. Mutation is
A. a factor responsible for plant growth
B. a change which affects the offspring of F2 generation only
C. a change that is inherited
D. a change which affects the parents
Answer: 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b. 9-d, 10-c,11-c, 12-c ,13-c, 14-a, 15-c
1. Which type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire?
A. Powder type
B. Liquid type
C. Soda acid type
D. Foam type
Answer: Option A
2. Metal tea pots have wooden handles because
a. it prevents electric shock
b. of hygiene factor
c. because wood is a bad conductor of heat
d. it provide better grip
Ans: c
3. Which among the following controls blood pressure?
a. Thyroid
b. Parathyroid
c. Adrenal
d. Thymous
Ans: c
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
4. The oxygen in photosynthesis is released from:
a. CO2
b. Chlorophyll
c. H2O
d. Both CO2 and H2O
Ans: c
5. Which bacteria is helpful in making curd from milk?
a. Mycobacterium
b. StaphlioCoccus
c. Yeast
d. Lactobacillus
Ans: D
6. Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor?
A. Thorium
B. Graphite
C. Radium
D. Ordinary water
Answer: Option B
7. The largest organ of the human body is
a. Skin
b. Liver
c. Stomach
d. Intestines
Ans: A
8. Athlete’s foot is caused
a. Virus
b. protozoa
c. Bacteria
d. Fungi
Ans: D
9. Scurvy is caused deficiency of which vitamin?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D
Answer: C
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
10. Which Instrument is used for measuring the amount of water in milk?
a. Bolometer
b. anemometer
c. Lactometer
d. Hygrometer
Answer: C
11. The nucleus consists of
a. neutrons
b. protons
c. neutrons and protons
d. electrons and neutrons
12. In isotope
a. Number of electrons = Number of protons
b. They have different chemical properties
c. They have different atomic number
d. They have different mass number
13. Which of the following rays are emitted during radioactivity?
a. Alpha-rays
b. Beta-rays
c. Gamma-rays
d. All of the above
14. The International system of units (SI) of radioactivity activity is
a. Becquerel
b. Curie
c. Fermi
d. Moles
15. Study of tumor is called?
a. Agrostology
b. Oncology
c. Hepatology
d. Nephrology
Ans: b
16. Bauxite is the ore of
a. Iron
b. Calcium
General science MCQs 1 - GKmojo
c. Nickel
d. Aluminum
Ans: D
17. In which layer ozone is present?
a. Troposphere
b. Mesosphere
c. Stratosphere
d. Thermosphere
Ans: C
18. Which of the following wave has the higher frequency?
a. Infrared
b. Ultraviolet
c. X-rays
d. Gamma Rays
Ans: d
19. Which of the following is an inert gas?
A. O
B. K
C. Na
D. Ar
Ans: d
20. Which of the drug is used for insensitivity to pain?
a. Anesthetics
b. Antiflatulent
c. Diuretics
d. Laxative
Ans: A